Stake Holder Analysis (Posco Steel)
Stake Holder Analysis (Posco Steel)
Stake Holder Analysis (Posco Steel)
Who are the people who will benefit from any given development activity? And whose interests might be harmed by it? Identifying the stakeholders, large and small, individual & organizational, for any given activity is essential if all the people who could have a bearing on its success or failure are to have their voices heard. All stakeholders need to have their opinions taken into account, even if some are to be set aside at a later date. Stakeholder Analysis allows managers to identify the interests of different groups and find ways of harnessing the support of those in favor or the activity, while managing the risks posed by stakeholders who are against it. It can also play a central role in identifying real development need and that may mean devising a different programme from the one you thought you were about to embark upon. Stakeholder Analysis should be an integral part of programme design, and appraisal. It is also a useful technique to use during reviews, missions and evaluations. Stakeholder analysis is a term used in conflict resolution, project management, and business administration to describe a process where all the individuals or groups that are likely to be affected by a proposed action are identified and then sorted according to how much they can affect the action and how much the action can affect them. This information is used to assess how the interests of those stakeholders should be addressed in a project plan, policy, program, or other action. Stakeholder analysis is a key part of Stakeholder management
Jagatsinghpur District of Orissa (10 km south of Paradip Port)
Plant Capacity:
The 12 MTPA integrated steelworks will be completed in three phases of 4 MTPA each. In Phase I, hot rolled coil (2.5MT) and slab (1.5 MT) will be produced. The construction for Phase I is scheduled to be completed by 2017-18.
Project objectives:
The objective of the project is to build one of the worlds most competitive steelworks with advanced technology and stable iron ore supply from captive mines, together with the economic development of Orissa
Target group:
The project target group comprises the population in the catchment areas of project, as the steel plant will improve the road communication and markets benefit everybody irrespective of income and profession. It is expected that small and marginal farmers, small traders and microentrepreneurs, landless people and poor women will be particularly benefited due the overall development of catchment area. It is estimated that the total project beneficiaries over the
project implementation period will reach about an estimated 48,000 direct and indirect jobs in the region. In addition, the construction phase will create about 467,000 man years of employment for the local population.
Project Partners
Several Stake holders can become partners in the project. For e.g Suppliers and Vendors who were supplying raw material to the company can become one of the partners in the project, along with the existing customer base can be one of the leading partners in the project. In this case Govt.of Odisha is one of the partners in implementing the project within the stipulated timeframe. Likewise, L&T and Hindustan Construction Company(HCC) can be the partners for developing the industry infrastructure of the project. Investors and the financial institutions can be the partner in the project.
Political Party NGO Prospect customer Professional Associations
SWOT Analysis
The exposure of information before formal announcement made Knowledge of local Lack of institutional Enhancement of Can influence situation Power Standard of local people Creating a very Lack of Technical living against friendly atmosphere Knowledge company to work Community Can create Can influence local Development roadblock in people executing the Help in implementing project CSR initiative
The ability to provide administrative support The ability provide infrastructure The ability to influence people The ability create a friendly policy and decision
The tendency to take populist decision The tendency to scramble to the pressure of NGOs and Opposition Resettlement and rehabilitation activities
Enhancing the Subsequent economical changes in state of art rules and regulations of Creating a government nurturing policies environment for Unnecessary industry roadblock in providing license and allocated resources
The project implementation got delayed due to delayed acquisition of the allocated land to the project; the situation could have been avoided by implementing a community development and awareness drive before going for actual acquisition of land. A more supportive atmosphere could have been created, if the company would have adopted a fair and transparent acquisition policy of their own rather than that of Government. Lack in Community trust building efforts as well as educating the stakeholders about the positive prospects of the project. This initiative could have played a vital role in successful acquisition of land as well as getting the community support for setting up the project. They could have taken a holistic approach in partnering with the local NGOs in ensuring the proper allotment of funds meant for development of local community centers, i.e. schools, hospitals and temples etc. They should have emphasized on imparting vocational training and skills building to the local community to enhance their standard of living and in turn enhance their own credibility among the local community.