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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-2 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Boundary Conditions
This chapter describes the basics for applying boundary conditions. Boundary conditions enable you to control the
characteristics of planes, faces, or interfaces between objects. Boundary conditions are important to understand and
are fundamental to the solution of Maxwells equations.
Why are they Important?
The wave equation that is solved by HFSS is derived from the differential form of Maxwells Equations. For these
expressions to be valid, it is assumed that the field vectors are single-valued, bounded, and have a continuous
distribution along with their derivatives. Along boundaries or sources, the fields are discontinuous and the derivatives
have no meaning. Therefore boundary conditions define the field behavior across discontinuous boundaries.
As a user of HFSS you should be aware of the field assumptions made by boundary conditions. Since boundary
conditions force a field behavior we want to be aware of the assumptions so we can determine if they are appropriate
for the simulation. Improper use of boundary conditions may lead to inconsistent results.
When used properly, boundary conditions can be successfully utilized to reduce the model complexity. In fact, HFSS
automatically uses boundary conditions to reduce the complexity of the model. When a 3D object is assigned a
conducting material, HFSS assigns a finite boundary condition to the conductor instead of solving for the fields inside of
the metal.
The model complexity usually is directly tied to the solution time and computer resources so it is a competitive
advantage to utilize them whenever possible.
Boundary Conditions
0 = V
= V
+ = V
= V

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-3 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Why are they critical?
Any current injected into a system must return to the source
Chooses path of least resistance
Chooses path of least inductance
A signal propagates between the signal trace and its reference plane
Reference plane is just as important as signal trace!
Why do I care?
Many real designs have nonideal return paths
These effects are only captured by full-wave simulators
Failure to maintain the correct return path will
Limit correlation to measurements
Mask or create design problems
Port and Boundary setup is the most common source of error in model setup
Excitations & Boundary Conditions
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-4 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Port2 Port3
No DC Return Path
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-5 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Port2 Port3
DC Return Path
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-6 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
AC and DC Return Path
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-7 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Common Boundary Conditions
There are three types of boundary conditions. The first two are largely the users responsibility to define them or ensure
that they are defined correctly. The material boundary conditions are transparent to the user.
Wave Ports (External)
Lumped Ports (Internal)
Surface Approximations
Symmetry Planes
Perfect Electric or Magnetic Surfaces
Radiation (absorbing) boundary surface
Perfectly matched layer (PML)
Strictly not boundary condition, but effectively behaves like one
Finite Element-Boundary Integral (FEBI)
Background or Outer Surface
Finite conductivity surface
Impedance surface
Layered impedance
Lumped RLC boundary
Master/slave (linked or periodic) boundaries
Screening impedance
Material Properties
Boundary between two dielectrics
Finite Conductivity of a conductor
Common Boundary Conditions
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-8 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
How the Background Affects a Structure
The background is a hidden region that is automatically defined by HFSS. The background surrounds the geometric
model and fills any space that is not occupied by an object. Any object surface that touches the background is
automatically defined to be a Perfect E boundary and given the boundary name outer. You can think of your structure
as being encased with a thin, perfect conductor.
If it is necessary, you can change a surface that is exposed to the background to have properties that are different from
To model losses in a surface, you can redefine the surface to be either a Finite Conductivity or Impedance
To model a surface to allow waves to radiate infinitely far into space, redefine the surface to be radiation
The background can affect how you make material assignments. For example, if you are modeling a simple air-filled
rectangular waveguide, you can create a single object in the shape of the waveguide and define it to have the
characteristics of air. The surface of the waveguide is automatically assumed to be a perfect conductor and given the
boundary condition outer, or you can change it to a lossy conductor.
Background or Outer Surface
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-9 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Boundary Condition Precedence
The order in which boundaries are assigned is important in HFSS. Latter assigned boundaries take precedence over
former assigned boundaries.
For example, if one face of an object is assigned to a Perfect E boundary, and a hole which lies in the same plane as
this surface is assigned a Prefect H boundary, then the Perfect H will override the Perfect E in the area of the hole, and
the E field will pass through the hole. If this operation were performed in the reverse order, then the Perfect E boundary
would cover the Perfect H boundary, and no field would penetrate.
Once boundaries have been assigned, they can be re-prioritized by selecting HFSS > Boundaries > Re-prioritize.
The order of the boundaries can be changed by clicking on a boundary and dragging it further up or down in the list.
NOTE: Ports will always take the highest precedence in an area of overlap
Boundary Condition Precedence
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-10 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Technical Definition of Boundary Conditions
Perfect E Perfect E is a perfect electrical conductor, also referred to as a perfect conductor. This type of boundary
forces the electric field (E-Field) perpendicular to the surface. There are also two automatic Perfect E assignments:
Any object surface that touches the background is automatically defined to be a Perfect E boundary and given the
boundary condition name outer.
Any object that is assigned the material pec (Perfect Electric Conductor) is automatically assigned the boundary
condition Perfect E to its surface and given the boundary condition name smetal.
Perfect H Perfect H is a perfect magnetic conductor. Forces E-Field tangential to the surface.
Natural for a Perfect H boundary that overlaps with a perfect E boundary, this reverts the selected area to its
original material, erasing the Perfect E boundary condition. It does not affect any material assignments. It can be
used, for example, to model a cut-out in a ground plane for a coax feed.
Technical Definitions
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-11 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Perfect E is perfect electrical conductor (PEC)
Forces E-field perpendicular to surface
Represents metal surfaces, ground planes, ideal cavity walls, etc.
Infinite ground plane option simulates effects of infinite ground plane in post-processing radiated fields
Perfect H is perfect magnetic conductor (PMC)
Forces H-field perpendicular to surface and E-field tangential
Does not exist in real world
Useful boundary constraint for electromagnetic models
Represents openings in metal surfaces, etc.
Perfect E and Perfect H Boundaries
Perfect E Boundary Perfect H Boundary
When you define a solid object as a
perf_conductor, a Perfect E boundary
condition is applied to its exterior surfaces.
E-field Parallel to surface
E-field Perpendicular to surface
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-12 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Surface Loss Modeling
Finite Conductivity A Finite Conductivity boundary enables you to define the surface of an object as a lossy
(imperfect) conductor. HFSS applies this boundary for lossy metal materials. To model a lossy surface, you provide
loss in Siemens/meter and permeability parameters. Loss is calculated as a function of frequency. It is only valid for
good conductors. Forces the tangential E-Field equal to Z
(n x H
). The surface impedance (Z
) is equal to,
(1+j)/(oo), where:
o is the skin depth, (2/(eo))
of the conductor being modeled, e is the frequency of the excitation wave, o is the
conductivity of the conductor, is the permeability of the conductor
Impedance a resistive surface that calculates the field behavior and losses using analytical formulas. Forces the
tangential E-Field equal to Z
(n x H
). The surface impedance is equal to R
+ jX
, where:
Rs is the resistance in ohms/square, Xs is the reactance in ohms/square
Layered Impedance Multiple thin layers in a structure can be modeled as an impedance surface. See the Online
Help for additional information on how to use the Layered Impedance boundary.
Lumped RLC a parallel combination of lumped resistor, inductor, and/or capacitor surface. The simulation is similar
to the Impedance boundary, but the software calculate the ohms/square using the user supplied R, L, C values.
Infinite Ground Plane Generally, the ground plane is treated as an infinite, Perfect E, Finite Conductivity, or
Impedance boundary condition. If radiation boundaries are used in a structure, the ground plane acts as a shield for far-
field energy, preventing waves from propagating past the ground plane. To simulate the effect of an infinite ground
plane, check the Infinite ground plane box when defining a Perfect E, Finite Conductivity, or Impedance boundary
NOTE: Enabling the Infinite Ground Plane approximation ONLY affects post-processed far-field radiation patterns.
It will not change the current flowing on the ground plane.
Technical Definitions
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-13 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Surface Loss Modeling
All methods utilize an equivalent surface impedance applied to the field as it travels across the surface
Model / Mesh Simplification
specified as O/sq
0.7mil Copper
500 in Nickel 500 in Gold
0.7mil Copper
500 in Nickel 500 in Gold
Finite Conductivity
Layered Impedance
Lumped RLC
Parallel RLC Circuit
t >> o
) ( tan tan
= H n Z E
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-14 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Conducting traces often modeled as 2D objects for electromagnetic simulations
More computationally efficient since fewer meshing surfaces required
Good approximation for many structures operating in skin depth regime
Trace Thickness Effects on Planar Antenna
Patch antenna modeled with
2D sheet
Patch antenna modeled with
3D object
Frequency response of both models
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-15 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Planar filters which use edge coupling to operate require 3D objects (finite thickness)
for modeling conducting traces
Applications whose performance depends upon closely-coupled traces
End-coupled, parallel-coupled, hairpin filters, etc.
Trace Thickness Effects on Planar Filter
Edge-coupled filter modeled with 2D sheets
Edge-coupled filter modeled with 3D objects
Frequency response of both models
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-16 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Radiating Boundary Conditions
Radiation boundaries, also referred to as absorbing boundaries, enable you to model a surface as electrically open:
waves can then radiate out of the structure and toward the radiation boundary. The system absorbs the wave at the
radiation boundary, essentially ballooning the boundary infinitely far away from the structure and into space. Radiation
boundaries may also be placed relatively close to a structure and can be arbitrarily shaped. This condition eliminates
the need for a spherical boundary. For structures that include radiation boundaries, calculated S-parameters include
the effects of radiation loss. When a radiation boundary is included in a structure, far-field calculations are performed
as part of the simulation.
Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs) are fictitious materials that fully absorb the electromagnetic fields acting upon
There are two types of PML applications: free space termination and reflection-free termination of guided
In free space termination, all PML objects must be included in a surface that radiates into free space equally
in every direction. PMLs can be superior to radiation boundaries in this case because PMLs enable radiation
surfaces to be located closer to radiating objects, reducing the problem domain. Any homogenous isotropic
material, including lossy materials such as ocean water, can surround the model.
In reflection-free termination of guided waves, the structure continues uniformly to infinity. The termination
surface of the structure radiates in the direction in which the wave is guided. Reflection-free PMLs are
superior to free space or radiation boundary terminations in this kind of application. Reflection-free PMLs are
also superior for simulating phased array antennas because the antenna radiates in a certain direction.
Finite Element Boundary Integral (FEBI) is an alternative to Radiation and PML boundaries for radiating designs.
The FEBI boundary is a hybrid FEM (Volume) and IE solver (Radiating Surface). FEBI is a reflection-less boundary
that can be applied to arbitrarily shaped volumes. Requires an HFSS-IE license.
Technical Definitions
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-17 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Mimics continued propagation beyond boundary plane
Absorption achieved via 2nd order radiation boundary
Absorbs best when incident energy flow is normal to surface
Distance from radiating structure
Place at least /4 from strongly radiating structure
Place at least /10 from weakly radiating structure
Must be concave to all incident fields from within modeled space
Radiation Boundary
Boundary is /4 away from
horn aperture in all directions
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-18 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Radiation Boundary:
Incidence Angle Dependency
Radiation boundary functions
well for incident angles less
than 25-30
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-19 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Example probe-fed circular patch
Varied distance between absorbing boundary condition (ABC) and antenna
/20, /10, /8, /4, /2, 3 /4,
Examined impact on return loss and gain
Impact of Distance to ABC
/4 and cases
within 13 MHz of
each other
0.2 dB
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-20 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
Fictitious lossy anisotropic material which fully absorbs electromagnetic fields
Two types of PML applications
PML objects accept free radiation if PML terminates free space
PML objects continue guided waves if PML terminates transmission line
Guidelines for assigning PML boundaries
Use PML setup wizard for most cases
Manually create a PML when base object is curved or inhomogeneous
Perfectly Matched Layer (PML)
1. DefinePMLThickness
2. SpecifyMinimumFrequency(FromSweep)
3. SpecifyMinimumDistancefromAntennato
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-21 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
PML Incidence Angle Dependency
PML functions well for
incident angles less than
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-22 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Example probe-fed circular patch
Varied distance between PML and antenna
/20, /10, /8, /4, /2, 3 /4
Examined impact on return loss and gain
Impact on Distance to PML
/8 and 3/4 cases
within 28 MHz of
each other (0.3%)
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-23 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Mesh truncation of infinite free space into a finite computational domain
Alternative to Radiation or PML
Hybrid solution of FEM and IE
IE solution on outer faces
FEM solution inside of volume
FE-BI Advantages
Arbitrary shaped boundary
Conformal and discontinuous to minimize solution volume
Reflection-less boundary condition
High accuracy for radiating and scattering problems
No theoretical minimum distance from radiator
Reduce simulation volume and simplify problem setup
Finite Element Boundary Integral
FEM Solution
in Volume
IE Solution
on Outer Surface
Fields at outer surface
Free space
(No Solution Volume)
Arbitrary shape
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-24 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
An extension of FEBI that supports a true mixed domain FEM and IE solution
Metal objects can be solved directly with an IE solution applied to surface
Removes need for air box to surround metal objects
Dielectric regions can be replaced with an IE Region on the boundary of uniform dielectric material
Solution inside of dielectric is solved using IE
IE Region
Surface current on
metal block
FEMOnlySolution HybridFEMIESolution
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-25 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Peak gain vs. Airbox sizing
ABC needs at least /4 spacing from antenna element to yield accurate far field results
PML and FE-BI accurately predicts gain, even as close as /30
Distance from Radiator
Distance From
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
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2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-26 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Technical Definition of Boundary Conditions (Continued)
Symmetry - represent perfect E or perfect H planes of symmetry. Symmetry boundaries enable you to model only part
of a structure, which reduces the size or complexity of your design, thereby shortening the solution time. Symmetry
boundaries, as opposed to a simple Perfect E or H plane, should be used when the plane cuts across a port. In this
instance, the port has a different amount of power, voltage, and current associated with it, and thus a different
impedance. To make a port with a symmetry plane look like a full-sized port, you must use the Impedance Multiplier in
the boundary wizard.
For a single Symmetry H boundary, the Impedance Multiplier is 0.5.
For a single Symmetry E boundary, the Impedance Multiplier is 2.
Other considerations for a Symmetry boundary condition:
A plane of symmetry must be exposed to the background.
A plane of symmetry must not cut through an object drawn in the 3D Modeler window.
A plane of symmetry must be defined on a planar surface.
Only three orthogonal symmetry planes can be defined in a problem
Technical Definitions
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-27 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Symmetry Planes
Allows for modeling portion of entire structure
For Driven Modal solutions
Two symmetry options are available
Use perfect E when electric field is perpendicular to symmetry plane
Use perfect H when electric field is tangential to symmetry plane
Involve further implications to boundary manager and fields post-processing
May need to specify impedance multiplier
Existence of symmetry boundary allows for near- and far-field calculation of entire structure
User Parameters
Impedance multiplier
Symmetry Plane
Conductive edges on
all four sides
Waveguide contains symmetric propagating
mode which could be modeled using half the
volume vertically or horizontally.
Perfect E Symmetry
Perfect H Symmetry
(left side)
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-28 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Impedance Multiplier
When symmetry is used, Zpi and impedance line-dependent Zpv and Zvi calculations will be incorrect since entire port
aperture is not represented
Impedance is halved for model with Perfect E symmetry plane
Impedance is doubled for model with Perfect H symmetry plane
Port impedance multiplier is renormalizing factor used to obtain correct impedance
Value applied to all ports
Global parameter set during assignment of any port
Symmetry Plane Impedance Multiplier
Rectangular WG
(No Symmetry)
Half Rectangular WG
(Perfect E Symmetry)
Impedance Multiplier = 2
Half Rectangular WG
(Perfect H Symmetry)
Impedance Multiplier = 0.5
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-29 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Perfect E Symmetry (top)
Perfect H Symmetry
(right side)
TE20 mode in full model
Properly represented
with Perfect E symmetry
Mode cannot occur
with Perfect H
Field Symmetry
Geometric symmetry does not necessarily imply field symmetry for higher-order modes
Symmetry boundaries can act as mode filters
Next higher propagating waveguide mode is not symmetric about vertical center plane of waveguide
Therefore one symmetry case is valid while the other is not
Use caution when using symmetry planes to assure that real behavior is not filtered out by boundary conditions
Symmetry Plane Mode Implications
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-30 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Technical Definition of Boundary Conditions (Continued)
Master / Slave - Master and slave boundaries enable you to model planes of periodicity where the E-field on one
surface matches the E-field on another to within a phase difference. They force the E-field at each point on the slave
boundary match the E-field to within a phase difference at each corresponding point on the master boundary. They are
useful for simulating devices such as infinite arrays. Some considerations for Master/Slave boundaries:
They can only be assigned to planar surfaces.
The geometry of the surface on one boundary must match the geometry on the surface of the other boundary.
Screening Impedance - Used to efficiently represent periodic screens or grids with impedance boundary condition
Technical Definitions
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-31 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Master/Slave Boundaries
Used to model unit cell of periodic structure
Also referred to as linked or periodic boundaries
Master and slave boundaries are always paired
Fields on master surface are mapped to slave surface with a phase shift
Phase shift specified either as absolute phase value or using scan angle
Master and slave surfaces must be identical in shape and size
Coordinate systems must be created to identify point-to-point
Master/slave pairing
UV coordinate systems
Phase shift method
Master/Slave Boundaries
Unit Cell Model of Waveguide Array
WG Port
Ground Plane
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 23, 2009
Inventory #002593
2011 ANSYS, Inc. 4-32 Release14.0 February 1, 2012
Screening Impedance
Used to efficiently represent periodic screens or grids with impedance boundary condition
Can be anisotropic (different values in x and y directions)
Can be frequency-dependent
Periodic grid characterized by unit cell
Dynamic link support to import impedance values from unit cell
Includes effects of polarization
Resistance and reactance (O/square)
Coordinate system if anisotropic
HFSS design for dynamic link
Screening Impedance Boundary



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