Complete Stress-Strain Behavior of Ecological Ultra-High-Performance Cementitious Composite Under Uniaxial Compression
Complete Stress-Strain Behavior of Ecological Ultra-High-Performance Cementitious Composite Under Uniaxial Compression
Complete Stress-Strain Behavior of Ecological Ultra-High-Performance Cementitious Composite Under Uniaxial Compression
ratio, toughness, and fracture pattern, were systematically Density, porosity, and water absorption ratio index of the
discussed. Finally, a new model was developed for predicting coarse aggregate were tested according to ASTM C127.24
the complete stress-strain behavior of ECO-UHPCC. The compressive strength of the coarse aggregate was tested
according to GB/T14685-20025 of China. The test samples
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE were cylinders with a size of ϕ50 x 50 mm (1.97 x 1.97 in.).
The complete stress-strain relationships of ECO-UHPCC Three different steel fibers, including straight smooth
under uniaxial compression were systematically investi- steel fiber, hooked-end steel fiber, and dumbbell-shaped
gated. The results, including complete stress-strain behavior, steel fiber, were used in this study. These steel fibers have
compressive strength, elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, different diameters and lengths, but the same aspect ratio
toughness, and fracture pattern of ECO-UHPCC, were (l/d) of 70.
analyzed. An analytical model was developed for predicting
the complete stress-strain behavior of ECO-UHPCC under Mixture design
uniaxial compression. First, an ECO-UHPCC control mixture (CM) was
designed for comparing with the ECO-UHPCC containing
MATERIALS AND METHODS different coarse aggregates and steel fibers. The water-
Raw materials binder ratio and sand-binder ratio of the mixture were 0.16
Four types of cementitious materials were used in this and 1.0, respectively. For cementitious binder, 50% of port-
study: portland cement (PC) with a 28-day compressive land cement was replaced by ternary mineral admixtures
strength of 68.9 MPa (9.99 ksi), silica fume (SF), fly ash composited of 10% silica fume, 20% fly ash, and 20% slag.
(FA), and slag (SL). Natural river sand with the maximum A polycarboxylic type high-range water-reducing admixture
size of 3 mm (0.118 in.) was used to replace the ultra-fine (HRWRA) with water-reducing ratio of 40% was adopted
quartz sand, which is a necessary component of UHPCC to control workability. The dosage of HRWRA was kept at
reported by published literature.6,22 Three different types 2.5% weight of total binder. The mixture proportions of the
of coarse aggregate (CA) were used: crushed basalt, CM are shown in Table 1.
crushed granitic, and crushed iron ore. These aggregates Secondly, the AS-series and AT-series were designed based
were selected because they present significant differences on CM. The AS-series were used to study the effect of aggre-
in strength, surface texture, porosity and absorption, and gate size on the influence of mechanical properties. AS-10,
bond strength. The crushed basalt has an irregular shape AS-15, and AS-20 present the mixture containing coarse
and rough texture. The crushed granitic presents irregular aggregate with the maximum size of 10, 15, and 20 mm
shape, rough texture, and low absorption. The crushed iron (0.394, 0.591, and 0.787 in.), respectively. The AT-series was
ore has a rough surface texture and the highest density. The designed to investigate the aggregate type. AT-G, AT-B, and
same particle size distribution was adopted with a maximum AT-I present that the ECO-UHPCC contains granitic, basalt,
aggregate size of 10 mm (0.394 in.). The grading of coarse and iron ore coarse aggregate, respectively. The volume
aggregates satisfied the requirements of ASTM C33/C33M.23 fraction of coarse aggregate must remain a constant value
Elastic modulus
The elastic modulus of ECO-UHPCC with different
coarse aggregate is summarized in Table 2. As shown in
Table 2, the elastic modulus of CM, OM, AS-10, AS-15, and
Fig. 3—Effect of RI on compressive strength. (Note: 1 MPa = AS-20 are 27.4, 46.2, 46.9, 47.2, and 46.9 GPa (3973.89,
0.145 ksi.) 6700.51, 6802.03, 6845.54, and 6802.03 ksi), respectively.
Figure 1(a) also shows that the slope of the stress-strain curve
strength properties of steel fiber-reinforced ECO-UHPCC. of ECO-UHPCC with basalt coarse aggregate (OM, AS-10,
The general form of the proposed strength prediction model AS-15, AS-20) is much steeper than the ECO-UHPCC
is given by Eq. (7). without coarse aggregate (CM). It means that the addition
of coarse aggregate can significantly improve the elastic
fcf = fc + 3.61RI (7) modulus of ECO-UHPCC. The greater deformability
observed in ECO-UHPCC without coarse aggregate may
The compressive stress-strain curve of ECO-UHPCC reside in the much greater paste content typically present
with different types of steel fiber is shown in Fig. 1(d). The in ECO-UHPCC mixtures than that with coarse aggregate.
highest compressive strength is 126.4 MPa (18.33 ksi) for Because aggregates are much less deformable than hard-
the specimen with micro-straight smooth steel fiber (FT-S), ened paste, in a hardened composition with higher paste
and this is 4.1% and 7.3% higher than those of the specimens contents, the deformability is obviously higher. Therefore,
with hooked-end (FT-H) and dumbbell steel fiber (FT-D), coarse aggregate is more rigid than the cement paste and
respectively. This phenomenon may be attributed to the fact will deform less under the same applied stress. However, the
that the peak stress is associated with adhesive bond between stress-strain curve slope of the AS-10, AS-15, and AS-20 in
steel fiber and the ECO-UHPCC matrix. Although the fiber
fore, the A-value is related to the elastic modulus of the Weiwei Chen is a Graduate Student in the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Envi-
ronmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, China University
ECO-UHPCC. The descending part of the stress-strain curve of Mining and Technology. His research interests include characterization
is effected by the B- and C-values. and modeling of concrete microstructure.
The comparison of proposed model equations with exper-
Wenhua Zhang is an Associate Professor at Nanjing Forestry University,
imental results is shown in Fig. 5. Obviously, there is a good Nanjing, China. He received his PhD in material science from Southeast
correlation between the experimentally measured stress- University in 2012. His research interests include durability of high-
strain curves with the analytical curves. performance concrete.