Abbé A. Michel The Last Things

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The Last Things

By Abb A. Michel
Translated by The Rev. B. V. Miller, D.D. LONDON AND EDINBURGH AND ! "O. T. LOUI , MO. B. HERDER #$%%& "O. #' ! #( OUTH BROAD)A* + GRA*, Censor Deputatus I,-ri,at.r + ANDREA /O E0H, O. .B. Archiep. S. Andre et Edimb, Edi,b.r1i die 2$ N3ve,bris #424.



I! ! !I !II




I. Death puts an end to the time of probation. 6#7 Teachin of the Sacred Scriptures! 627 of the Church. II. "sycholo y of the disembodied soul. 6#7 Desire of the last end the moti#e of all other desires! 627 $nstability of the %ill %ith re ard to the last end durin this life. &'( The %ill)s immutability in the ne*t life. III. Duration of the ne*t life. 6#7 Ae#iternity 627 As applied to 6a7 an els, 6b7 disembodied souls. In 3rder t3 .nderstand the "ath3li8 d38trine 83n8ernin1 ,an9s last end :e ,.st; <irst 83nsider three thin1s, na,ely, = the en%ing 3< the li<e 3< -r3bati3n by death> = the &s'(h)*)g' 3< the s3.l a<ter its se-arati3n <r3, the b3dy> = and the %+,ati)n :hi8h is the , 3< the s3.l9s li<e in the ne?t :3rld.


Man9s -re-arati3n <3r the < li<e d3es n3t e?tend bey3nd the end 3< this li<e> his < state 3< .nendin1 ha--iness 3r da,nati3n de-ends .-3n the iss.e 3< his earthly -il1ri,a1e. This is a :hi8h the "h.r8h has al:ays e?-li8itly and dire8tly ta.1ht. Tr.e, there ,ay be n3 s3le,n, 83n8iliar de<initi3n 3< it, yet it has al:ays been -rea8hed by the 5athers 3< the "h.r8h as a d31,a 3< <aith, :hile the 83ntrary d38trine that the < li<e ,ay ad,it 3< a <.rther trial, 3< a,end,ent and -enan8e, :as branded as heresy, and .nder the na,e 3< origenism 83nde,ned in the si?th 8ent.ry.

./0 This dogma is taught by the sacred writers

In the 12th (ha&te, )3 St- Matthe4 there is a des8ri-ti3n 3< the last @.d1,ent. It is des8ribed as bein1 83n8erned s3lely :ith :hat ,en have d3ne in this -resent li<e, and its 3.t83,e is the senten8e either 3< eternal re:ard 3r eternal -.nish,ent. As a, then, 3< this @.d1,ent there :ill <3ll3: a <i?ed state, either 3< ,isery 3r 3< ha--iness, de-endin1 :h3lly .-3n the endin1 3< this -resent li<e. The &a,a5*e )3 La6a,+s and the ri8h ,an 6L+7e /87 83nveys the sa,e less3n. )e are t3ld that they re8eived the re:ard d.e t3 the deeds d3ne in their earthly li<e, and that their -resent state all3:s 3< n3 8han1e. Abraha,9s :3rds e?-ress the sa,e; AAnd besides all this, bet:een .s and y3. there is <i?ed a 1reat 8ha3s> s3 that they :h3 :3.ld -ass <r3, hen8e t3 y3., 8ann3t, n3r <r3, then8e 83,e hitherB 6#C,2C7. And, :hen the ri8h ,an asDs Abraha, t3 send s3,e3ne t3 :arn his br3thers t3 d3 -enan8e, sin8e he <r3, his -la8e 3< t3r,ents 8an d3 n3thin1, he 3nly adds 83n<ir,ati3n 3< the sa,e tea8hin1. This d31,a, liDe:ise, 8learly <3r,s the basis 3< Ch,ist9s 4),%s :hen He :arns .s t3 breaD every atta8h,ent and 1ive .- every habit that ,ay be a 3< s8andal 6Matt. #E, E=4> MarD 4, F2=F(7> t3 deny 3.rselves and taDe .- 3.r 8r3ss 6L.De #F, 2(7> t3 :at8h and -ray in 83nstant e?-e8tati3n 3< the last day 6Matt. 2F, F2=FF7 in 3rder n3t t3 be taDen .na:ares in

As.r<eitin1 and dr.nDenness and the 8ares 3< this li<e,B :ith 83nseG.ent eternal l3ss 3< the s3.l 6L.De 2#, $F7. All this 8learly -res.--3ses that the ,3,ent 3< death is de8isive, and that hen8e<3rth ,erit and de,erit are aliDe i,-3ssible, and that ,an 8an n3 l3n1er re-ent 3< his sins 3r, 3n the 3ther hand, l3se the 1ra8e 3< G3d. Death, then, -.ts a de<inite end t3 3.r ti,e 3< -r3bati3n. St- Pa+* <.rther 83n<ir,s this :hen he says that, A:e ,.st all be ,ani<ested be<3re the @.d1,ent=seat 3< "hrist, that every3ne ,ay re8eive the -r3-er thin1s 3< the b3dy, a883rdin1 as he hath d3ne, :hether it be 133d 3r evilB 62 "3r. ', #%7. A883rdin1 t3 the 83nstant tea8hin1 3< the 8ri-t.res, 3.r < state de-ends .-3n the senten8e -assed at this trib.nal. B.t, as already seen, the @.d1,ent :ill be 83n8erned 3nly :ith :hat :e have d3ne d.rin1 this li<e, :ith the deeds a883,-lished d.rin1 the .ni3n 3< s3.l and b3dy. This <.nda,ental th3.1ht thr3:s li1ht .-3n ,any 3< the A-3stle9s :3rds; = +Behold, no% is the acceptable time! behold, no% is the day of sal#ation, 62 "3r. C, 27> = and a1ain, +Therefore, %hile %e ha#e time, let us %or- ood to all men, 6Gal. C, #%7> = and a1ain, +E*hort one another e#ery day, %hilst it is called, that none of you be hardened throu h the deceitfulness of sin, 6Heb. #$7. In this last te?t the ins-ired :riter barDs ba8D t3 the :3rds 3< the ninet'#3)+,th &sa*:; +Today, if you hear his #oice harden not your hearts, 6', E7, and a--lies the :3rd t3day t3 the :h3le ti,e 3< ,an9s li<e 3n earth. His ,eanin1 then is, +e*hort one another so lon as /od i#es you the 0day) of this life, and before the comin of ni ht, %hen it is impossible to labour for hea#en, to put off the hardenin arisin from sin, to turn from e#il to ood, and to earn the re%ard promised to the 1ust alone.)) )e <ind the sa,e tea8hin1 in St- J)hn9s G)s&e*, ', 2'=24. A883rdin1 t3 hi, the v3i8e 3< the 3n 3< G3d :ill be heard .-3n t:3 di<<erent 388asi3ns. Fi,st" %+,ing this *i3e; +The hour cometh and no% is %hen the dead shall hear the #oice of the Son of /od, 6'. 2'7. The re<eren8e here is t3 the dead, t3 th3se dead in sin. The 3n 3< G3d9s v3i8e shall be heard by the,, <3r their res.rre8ti3n, +and they that hear shall li#e, 6ibid.7. The 8all 83,es t3 ,any :h3 are dead, b.t is n3t heard, that is, ans:ered by all. The se()n% (a** 4i** ():e at the en% )3 the 4),*% 2 +The hour cometh &but this is not the hour that no% is( %herein all that are in the ra#es shall hear the #oice of the Son of /od, 6', 2E7. The re<eren8e, then, is t3 the -hysi8ally dead. B.t t3 :hat :ill they be 8alledH They :ill n3t be 8alled t3 an a,end,ent 3< li<e. There is n3 r33, here <3r the distin8ti3n bet:een th3se :h3 :ill and th3se :h3 :ill n3t ans:er t3 the 8all. All ,en, risin1 <r3, death, :ill ans:er the s.,,3ns t3 @.d1,ent. +And they that ha#e done ood thin s,, d.rin1 this ,3rtal li<e, Ashall 83,e <3rth .nt3 the res.rre8ti3n 3< li<e> b.t they that have d3ne evil, .nt3 the res.rre8ti3n 3< @.d1,entB 6', 247, :hi8h :ill seal their 83nde,nati3n.

.10 This dogma the Churchs official teaching

)e have ,enti3ned ab3ve the err3rs Dn3:n as O,igenis:, :hi8h :ere re@e8ted by the "h.r8h in the si?th 8ent.ry. O,igen hi,sel< :as 8ertainly res-3nsible <3r s3,e 3< the,. )e are b3.nd t3 ad,it, <3r e?a,-le, that, n3t 3nly in his De "rincipiis, b.t als3 in several 3ther :3rDs, the 1reat d38t3r 3< Ale?andria -3sitively ta.1ht that it is -3ssible <3r bein1s in the 3ther :3rld t3 be 83nverted <r3, evil t3 133d. He laid it d3:n as 8ertain that all bein1s :ill .nder13 a <inal rest3rati3n> this 83n8l.si3n be based .-3n the -rin8i-le 3< <ree:ill, :hi8h, he th3.1ht, ,.st ne8essarily inv3lve the -3:er 3< 8h33sin1 bet:een ,3ral 133d and evil. This .lti,ate rest3rati3n is 8alled by the3l31ians, apocatastasis.

Ori1en9s err3r in this ,atter is th.s des8ribed by 0Ire Ri8hard in the Dictionnaire de Tholo ie Catholi3ue 6art. Enfer(. AA883rdin1 t3 the A-3stle and the 0sal,ist everythin1 ,.st .lti,ately be br3.1ht ba8D t3 .nity, and all thin1s be s.b@e8ted t3 "hrist. As t3 the 3< this s.b@e8ti3n, I thinD, says Ori1en, that it is the sa,e s.b@e8ti3n as :e desire <3r 3.rselves, the sa,e as that -ra8ti8ed by the A-3stles and all the saints. N3:, in the be1innin1, all thin1s ,ade .- a -er<e8t .nity> then :as intr3d.8ed variety :ith s.ndry -er<e8ti3ns and de<e8ti3ns. In heaven :e see the di<<erent 3rders 3< an1els, :hile the de,3ns have s.<<ered an irre,ediable de<e8ti3n, irre,ediable, that is, as l3n1 as this :3rld lasts, b.t n3t abs3l.tely s3, as s3,e have .nderst33d. 53r ,ay it n3t be -3ssible <3r even the de,3ns, sin8e they are <ree, t3 be 83nverted in the <ar=3<< <.t.reH Mean:hile, all thin1s 388.-y their -r3-er -3siti3ns, :aitin1 .ntil, at vari3.s ti,es, and s3,e 3nly at the end 3< all ti,e, they shall be rest3red t3 their 3ri1inal state. . . . The basis 3< this apo-atastasis is the s.b@e8ti3n 3< all 8reat.res t3 "hristB 683l. 'E7. It is n3t <3r .s t3 enG.ire int3 h3: it :as that this tea8hin1 1ave n3 3<<en8e .ntil the <i<th 8ent.ry, and see,s n3t t3 have attra8ted the attenti3n 3< the "h.r8h. Then, h3:ever, it be1an t3 :3rD har, in the "h.r8h and t3 a<<e8t belie< in the eternity 3< hell. It :as den3.n8ed by StJe,):e. B.t It :as n3t .ntil the si?th 8ent.ry that, 3n the E:&e,), J+stinian9s -ers3nal initiative, Ori1enis, re8eived its death=bl3:. The i,-erial the3l31ian had dra:n .- an edi8t a1ainst the Ori1enist tea8hin1s, :hi8h :as a--r3ved by the C)+n(i* )3 C)nstantin)&*e, -resided 3ver by the -atriar8h Menas 6A.D. '$E 3r 'F$7.. The a8ts 3< this 83.n8il, :hi8h itsel< had n3 e8.,eni8al a.th3rity, :ere a<ter:ards sent t3 all the bish3-s and ar8hi,andrites, :h3 :ere reG.ired t3 si1n the anathe,as a1ainst Ori1en and his err3rs. The e,-er3r 3btained liDe:ise the a--r3bati3n the -atriar8hs 3< Ale?andria, Anti38h and /,, and 3< 03-e Vi1ili.s. AAnd s3,B :rites M1r. D.8hesne, Athe tea8hin1s 3< the ill.stri3.s Ale?andrian :ere 3<<i8ially 83nde,ned, :ith all the 8ivil san8ti3ns -r3-er t3 s.8h an a8tB 64e#ue des 5uestions histori3ues, #E$F, -. $4%7. The ninth anathe,a :as dire8ted a1ainst the denial 3< the eternity 3< the -ains 3< hell and a1ainst the -3ssibility 3< an a-3Datastasis 3r <inal rest3rati3n 3< the de,3ns and the :i8Ded in the ne?t :3rld. Death, then, -.ts a ter,, in the <.ll sense 3< the :3rd, t3 this li<e. N3: and here is the ti,e 3< -r3bati3n, the ti,e 3< str.11le, and 3< 8h3i8e bet:een 133d and evil. )ith death be1ins a state 3< i,,.tability either in 133d 3r in evil. Then -r3bati3n st3-s> the 8h3i8e :ill have been ,ade, and the ,3ral deter,inati3n 3< the s3.l at the ,3,ent 3< its se-arati3n <r3, the b3dy :ill -ersist <3r ever as the 8han1eless 8h3i8e 3< ,an9s <ree :ill.


)hy is this 8h3i8e .n8han1eableH )hen8e 83,es the abs3l.te i,-3ssibility 3< -assin1 <r3, 133d t3 evil, 3r <r3, evil t3 133dH These G.esti3ns, at <irst si1ht dis83n8ertin1, are easily s3lved :hen :e 83nsider the &s'(h)*)gi(a* &,)(esses -r3-er t3 dise,b3died

./0 The desire of the last end governs all other desires
The .lti,ate end is 3< itsel< the reas3n 3< all 3.r desires and all 3.r deliberate a8ts 3< :illin1 and seeDin1. 53r, by the very <a8t 3< 8h33sin1 s3,ethin1, s3,e 133d as 3.r <inal end, :e l33D .-3n it as desirable ab3ve all 3ther thin1s, sin8e :e l3ve, desire, seeD 3ther thin1s 3nly :ith a vie: t3 this hi1hest 133d. The l3ve, there<3re, :ith :hi8h :e re1ard the 3b@e8t 8h3sen as 3.r <inal end is 3< itsel< de<initive and irrev38able. 53r it 8ann3t be ,3di<ied e?8e-t 3n a883.nt 3< s3,e hi1her 133d, l3ved and s3.1ht :ith a still ,3re ardent l3ve. B.t this :3.ld be a <iat 83ntradi8ti3n, sin8e, by the very de<initi3n 3< the ter,, the <inal end is the hi1hest 133d and, there<3re, the l3ve 3< this end leaves n3 r33, <3r any 3ther 1reater l3ve.

.10 During this life the will is unstable with regard to its choice of the ultimate end
D.rin1 this li<e 3< -r3bati3n, h3:ever, :e e?-erien8e a ,.tability and instability 3< the :ill :ith re1ard n3t 3nly t3 the ,eans, 3r the i,,ediate 3b@e8ts, 3< desire, b.t als3 as re1ards the <inal end. O.r <reG.ent :eaDnesses, <ailin1s and sins bear :itness t3 this. L3ve 3< G3d 1ives -la8e t3 the l3ve 3< evil, that is, in reality, t3 sel<=l3ve. Then, the heart havin1 been t3.8hed by re,3rse, s3rr3: and re-entan8e, the :ill ,3ved, 3< 83.rse, and hel-ed by 1ra8e, re83vers itsel< t.rns sin8erely t3:ards G3d, and is 83nverted. The e?-lanati3n 3< this instability 3< the :ill :ith re1ard t3 the <inal end is t3 be <3.nd in the 83nditi3ns 3< 3.r -sy8h3l31i8al li<e here bel3:. )hile the s3.l is .nited :ith the b3dy, the intelli1en8e and :ill 8ann3t a8t :ith3.t the b3dy9s 83=3-erati3n> n3t, indeed, that the b3dy -r3vides any 3r1an 3< ,ind 3r :ill, b.t the :ill9s a8ti3n <3ll3:s that 3< the ,ind, :hi8h in its t.rn, is 8l3sely de-endent .-3n sense=-er8e-ti3n as a ne8essary 83nditi3n. Hen8e in the -sy8h3l31i8al 83nditi3ns 3< this li<e :e 8an 3nly l3ve 3.r last end .nder the <3r, in :hi8h it is -resented by the ,ind, :hile the ,ind 8ann3t <3r, an idea 3< the s.-re,e 133d e?8e-t by the :ay 3< abstra8ti3n <r3, sense=-er8e-ti3n. Th.s :e arrive at the idea 3< bonum in communi, 3r 133d in 1eneral, :hi8h is the ne8essary ,3tive 3< all 3.r :ishes and desires. Ob@e8tively, indeed, this ,3tive is identi8al :ith G3d, b.t this is by n3 ,eans al:ays the 8ase, s.b@e8tively. 53r there is n3thin1 ,3re 8han1e<.l and ,3re .nstable than the a8ts, i,-ressi3ns and -er8e-ti3ns 3< sense. There<3re as l3n1 as the -resent -sy8h3l31i8al 83nditi3ns 83ntin.e, it is al:ays -3ssible <3r .s t3 8han1e in 3.r esti,ate 3< the s.-re,e 133d and in 3.r 8h3i8e 3< the <inal end. in8e 3.r <ree:ill de-ends <3r its a8ti3n .-3n the senses in the ,anner stated, th.s -arti8i-atin1 in the instability :hi8h a883,-anies 83r-3real e?isten8e, and sin8e it al:ays de-ends .-3n the va1.e and 83n<.sed idea 3< 133d in 1eneral as its .lti,ate ,3tive, its <ield 3< -3ssible variety 3< 8h3i8e is al,3st b3.ndless. 53r the :ill t3 be <i?ed .-3n a deter,inate 8h3i8e :e sh3.ld need, says StTh):as &Summa contra /entes, bD. IV, 8h. 4'7;; AA s-e8ial dis-3siti3n 3< 3.r :hi8h :3.ld .s t3 :ill this 3r that as an 3b@e8t invested :ith the 8hara8ter 3< 3.r hi1hest ha--iness and 3.r last end.... B.t as l3n1 as the s3.l is .nited :ith the b3dy, 3.r dis-3siti3ns in this res-e8t are essentially 8han1eable. 3,eti,es 3.r desire 3< s3,ethin1 as 3.r last end arises <r3, 3.r bein1 ,3ved by a G.i8Dly -assin1 -assi3n, in :hi8h 8ase the desire is easily s.--ressed.. . . At 3ther ti,es a habit ,ay lead .s t3 desire s3,e tr.e 3r <alse 133d as 3.r end> and sin8e it is n3t easy t3 3ver83,e a habit, s.8h a desire is ,3re -ersistent . . . yet even s3, s.8h an dis-3siti3n ,ay, in the 83.rse 3< 3.r li<e, be 3ver83,e.B

.;0 In the next life the will is fixed in its adherence to the final end
In the ne?t li<e, h3:ever, thin1s are di<<erent. As s33n as the s3.l 13es <3rth <r3, the b3dy, its a8ti3n is s.b@e8t t3 the 83nditi3ns -r3-er t3 the li<e 3< bein1s. This a8ti3n is inde-endent 3< the 3-erati3n 3< the senses and -r38eeds by the :ay, n3t 3< abstra8ti3n, b.t 3< int.iti3n. bein1s d3 n3t Dn3: 133d in the abstra8t> they d3 n3t 8leave t3 the s.-re,e 133d thr3.1h the ,edi., 3< the transient and -erishable thin1s 3< earth> their 8h3i8e 3< their last end is n3t ,ade .nder the in<l.en8e 3< habits 3r -assi3ns. B.t in 3ne sin1le a8t 3< intelli1en8e and :ill, an a8t :hi8h at 3n8e e?ha.sts their -3:er 3< a8ti3n :ith re1ard t3 the last end, they 8leave t3 that 133d :hi8h they 83n8eive as their last end, and 8lin1 t3 it :ith3.t the -3ssibility 3< any < 8han1e. This 133d is a real, 83n8rete 3b@e8t, and the l3ve :hi8h ties the, t3 it be83,es the .n8han1eable <irst -rin8i-le 3< all their desires and 3< every ,3ve,ent 3< their :ills. .8h :as the -sy8h3l31y 3< the <irst deliberate a8t by :hi8h the an1els, in the be1innin1, 8h3se their last end and 8leaved, s3,e t3 G3d, and s3,e t3 the s.r-assin1 -er<e8ti3n 3< the,selves. By this a8t they entered int3 the state 3< attain,ent, and their 1l3ry 3r their <all :as .n8han1eably <i?ed.

It is the sa:e 4ith the h+:an s)+* a3te, %eath , and :ill be the sa,e a<ter the 1eneral res.rre8ti3n :hen the s3.l, th3.1h re=.nited t3 the b3dy, :ill be <ree <r3, all s.b@e8ti3n t3 it. In the ne?t li<e the s3.l :ill be delivered <r3,; Aall -3ssibility 3< 8han1e :ith re1ard t3 the 3b@e8t h3ldin1 the hi1hest -la8e in its a<<e8ti3ns and l3ved ab3ve all thin1s else. There, the l3ve 3< this 3b@e8t be83,es the i,,3vable -iv3t 3< the s3.l9s <ree:ill, and the 3b@e8t itsel< be83,es the <i?ed -3le, dra:in1 t3 itsel< <3r ever all the -3:ers 3< the s3.l9s :ill. Hen8e the -rin8i-le en.n8iated by t. /3hn 3< Da,as8.s, and a88e-ted as a the3l31i8al a?i3,; Death is <3r ,en :hat their <irst deliberate a8t :as <3r the an1elsB 6"ard. Bill3t, 6a "ro#idence de Dieu, AEt.des,B #42$, -. F%27. B.t, it ,ay be asDed, :hen the .nre-entant sinner9s s3.l leaves his b3dy, t3 :hat 3b@e8t 8an it 8leave as t3 its hi1hest 133dH Here a1ain Ca,%ina* Bi**)t 1ives .s the ans:er; AIn sayin1 that the l3st sinner9s s3.l, 3n leavin1 his b3dy, re,ains <i?ed <3r ever in that dis= -3siti3n 3< his :ill in :hi8h he :as at the ,3,ent 3< death, there 8an be n3 G.esti3n 3< any atta8h,ent t3 th3se thin1s :hi8h :ere the 3b@e8ts 3< his desires in this li<e> his a--etite <3r these thin1s, :hether they be the -leas.res 3< the <lesh, 3r the a883,-ani,ents 3< ri8hes, :hether they be the 3b@e8ts 3<, 3r avari8e, 3r h.,an -ride 3r 3< any 3ther -assi3n :hats3ever, has 13ne never t3 ret.rn. B.t :e re<er t3 :hat :as the ,3tive and 3< his atta8h,ent t3 sin> :e re<er t3 his atta8h,ent t3 that 3b@e8t :hi8h he l3ved ab3ve all 3ther thin1s, t3 the l3ve 3< :hi8h all the ,3ti3ns 3< his heart :ere s.b3rdinated, that 3b@e8t ar3.nd :hi8h t.rned, as .-3n their -iv3t, all the ,any and vari3.s ele8tive a8ts 3< his <ree:ill. This 3b@e8t is his e o, the l3st s3.l9s sel<> the e o set .- as the <inal end 3< e?isten8e> the sel< :hi8h ,.st be satis<ied even th3.1h G3d and His la:s and -re8e-ts be 83nte,ned> the sel< .s.r-in1 the -la8e 3< ,aster and l3rd :hi8h bel3n1s t3 Hi, al3ne :h3 8reated .s t3 -raise, h3n3.r and serve Hi,> the sel< :hi8h, a<ter death, is the 3nly ,3tive 3< a re,3rse liDe t3 that <elt by the i,-i3.s Anti38h.s :hen, ra8Ded by the a:<.l disease that :as Dillin1 hi,, he e?-ressed re1ret <3r the ,3nstr3.s e?8esses 3< his rei1n. )ell Dn3:n are St- A+g+stine9s :3rds &The City of /od, bD. #F, 8h. 2E7;; AT:3 l3ves have b.ilt t:3 8ities, the l3ve 3< sel< even t3 the 83nte,-t 3< G3d, and the l3ve 3< G3d even t3 the 83nte,-t 3< sel<. The <3r,er has b.ilt the 8ity 3< evil, 3< dis3rder, 3< 83n<.si3n, the in<ernal Babyl3n> the latter the 8ity 3< 3rder and 3< -ea8e, the eternal /,.B AThese are the t:3 s.-re,e l3ves> they are 3--3sed t3 3ne an3ther as 83ntraries, and all 3ther l3ves are s.b3rdinate t3 the,. These als3 are the t:3 <inal ends bet:een :hi8h :e ,.st ,aDe 3.r 8h3i8e :hile this li<e lasts. On the 3ne side is G3d, h3ldin1 in 3.r hearts a hi1her -la8e than 3.r very selves, and there<3re l3ved ab3ve all thin1s, virt.e9s last end> 3n the 3ther hand is sel<, raised even 3ver G3d9s head, the id3l 3< 3.r ad3rati3n, 3bedien8e and servi8e, the <inal end 3< vi8e and sin. T3 :hi8hever 3< these t:3 ends the s3.l is atta8hed at the ,3,ent 3< death, t3 that ,.st it re,ain b3.nd, by its 3:n and 3< ne8essity, <3r all eternity. And sin8e 3.r last end 13verns all 3.r a8ti3ns, sin8e all that is 133d 3r evil in the :ill de-ends .-3n it, the ne8essary is, <3r s3,e, an .n8han1eable <i?ati3n in evil and ,3ral dis3rder, and <3r 3thers an .n8han1eable stability in 133d and the bea.ty 3< 3rder, :ith the ha--iness arisin1 <r3, the i,-3ssibility 3< ever <allin1B 6l38. 8it. -. $4(7.


This state 3< stability in 133d 3r evil nat.rally s.11ests that, in the ne?t :3rld, ti,e d3es n3t e?ist, at any rate .nder the sa,e <3r, as :e Dn3: it in this li<e. And, in <a8t, :hen a ,an dies, d3 :e n3t say that he has be1.n his AeternityBH

./0 Aeviternity
The :3rd AeternityB is n3t e?a8t> it 3.1ht t3 be AaeviternityB 6<r3, the Latin ae#um, an a1e 3r d.rati3n7. Eternity, h3:ever, is -artially tr.e.

A in8e eternity,B says t. Th3,as &Sum. Theol., -ars. I, G. #%, art. '7, Ais the , 3< -er,anent e?isten8e, it <3ll3:s that the less -er,anent anythin1 is, the less eternal it is. N3: s3,e thin1s are s3 ,.table that their very bein1 is the s.b@e8t 3< 8han1e, 3r even 83nsists essentially in 8han1e. The , 3< s.8h bein1s is ti,e. Ti,e, there<3re, is the , 3< the ,3ve,ents 3< all 83rr.-tible thin1s. Other thin1s are less re,3te <r3, -er,anen8e 3< e?isten8e. They are neither essentially 8han1e in the,selves n3r s.b@e8t t3 8han1e. *et 3ver and ab3ve this -er,anent <3.ndati3n 3< their bein1, there ,ay be in the,, either 3r -3tentially, s3,e variati3n. 3 is it... :ith the an1els> their bein1 is 8han1eless, yet in the e?er8ise 3< their <reed3,, in the .se 3< their Dn3:led1e and a<<e8ti3ns, and in their relati3ns t3 -la8es, they are s.b@e8t t3 8han1e. B.t that e?isten8e :hi8h is , by eternity neither 8han1es n3r is in any :ay the s.b@e8t 3< 8han1e. There<3re, time 83nn3tes a Abe<3reB and an Aa<terB> ae#iternity in itsel< ad,its 3< neither, yet Abe<3reB and Aa<terB ,ay be its a88idental 83n83,itants> :hereas in eternitythere is neither Abe<3reB n3r Aa<ter,B n3r is it in any :ay 83,-atible :ith either.B The essential i,,.tability 3< a s-irit is a :ithin the rea8h 3< h.,an reas3n. in8e the 3< a s-irit is sheer -er<e8ti3n, .n,i?ed :ith any ele,ent 3< i,-er<e8ti3n, it 8ann3t -3ssibly .nder13 any s.bstantial 8han1e. It -3ssesses 83,-lete i,,.tability> in its e?isten8e there 8an be n3 s.88essi3n, n3 -ast 3r <> <r3, the ,3,ent 3< its 8reati3n by G3d its li<e is a 83ntin.3.s -resent, :hi8h ,ay ri1htly be 8alled eternal. Hen8e t. Th3,as d3es n3t hesitate t3 say that, Ain an an1el, i< :e 83nsider his e?isten8e abs3l.tely, there is n3 di<<eren8e bet:een the -ast and the < . . . )hen :e say 3< an an1el that he is, 3r has been, 3r :ill be, :e 1ive di<<erent ,eanin1s t3 these e?-ressi3ns :e 8ann3t 83n8eive the e?is ten8e 3< an1els :ith3.t 83,-arin1 it :ith di<<erent -arts 3< ti,eB 6l38. 8it. ad. $7. B.t, 3n the 3ther hand, <aith as :ell as reas3n tea8hes .s that this essential i,,.tability d3es n3t 1ive .s the <.ll , 3< the li<e 3< s-irits. A s-irit 8ann3t Dn3: everythin1 by a sin1le a8t 3< his intelli1en8e> he 8an re8eive <r3, G3d s.88essive ill.,inati3ns 3< his ,ind, and be entr.sted :ith di<<erent ,issi3ns, and s3 <3rth. "3n<inin1 3.rselves stri8tly t3 the tea8hin1s 3< revelati3n, :e Dn3: that it :as -3ssible <3r the an1els, des-ite the i,,.tability 3< their, <reely t3 1ive their adhesi3n t3 G3d 3r t3 sin, and th.s t3 enter int3 ha--iness 3r be thr3:n int3 hell. The 83ntenti3n bet:een t. Mi8hael and the an1eli8 +prince of the -in dom of the "ersians,, des8ribed by the -r3-het Danie* 6#%, #$=2%7, sh3:s that the an1els are 8a-able 3< s.88essive a8ts 3< the :ill. 3 liDe:ise the Ann.n8iati3n <3r,s a s-e8ial instant in the ar8han1el Gabriel9s li<e. Hen8e, al3n1side the s.bstantial i,,.tability 3< bein1s :e ,.st a8Dn3:led1e in the, the 83e?isten8e 3< a8ts :hi8h, bein1 distin8t 3ne <r3, an3ther, are there<3re s.88essive, th3.1h n3t :ith that continuous s.88essi3n that is the 8hara8teristi8 n3te 3< ti,e. 53r :hen it is a G.esti3n 3< -.rely a8ts :ith3.t any relati3n t3 ,aterial thin1s, their s.88essi3n 8ann3t be linDed t31ether in a real 83ntin.ity. Hen8e, the3l31ians seeDin1 a Latin :3rd t3 e?-ress this :ant 3< 83ntin.ity in a s.88essi3n 3< indivisible instants, have 8alled it tempus discretum, dis83ntin.3.s ti,e. )e ,ay, then, :ith t. Th3,as, de<ine aeviternity, the , 3< the li<e 3< dis8arnate s-irits, as the duration of a being which, substantially immutable, is, accidentally, sub ect to change!" Here a 8a.ti3n is ne8essary. )hen :e s-eaD 3< substantial i,,.tability in aeviternity, :e d3 n3t ,ean that the s.bstan8e 3nly 3< the s-irit, and n3t his 3-erati3ns, is 8han1eless. 53r, a<ter all, the 3< a bein1 is ,ade Dn3:n by its 3-erati3ns, and it :3.ld be hard t3 83n8eive a tied d3:n by the i,,.tability 3< its bein1 t3 an eternal -resent, :hile all its 3-erati3ns :ere s.b@e8t t3 8han1e 3r sh3:ed a s.88essi3n 3< real instants. It ,.st be .nderst33d, then, that a 3-erati3n 8an itsel< be .n8han1eable s.bstantially, and yet be s.b@e8t t3 a88idental variati3n.


Applications of the idea of Aeviternity

5irst 3< all let .s see h3: the idea 3< aeviternity a--lies t3 an1els :h3 are s-irits.

A883rdin1 t3 the -rin8i-les laid d3:n by t. Th3,as, it is 8lear that aeviternity is the , 3< the bein1 3< an1els, :hether 133d 3r bad. 53r as :e have seen, alth3.1h an an1el is in his s.bstan8e i,,.table, s3,e 3< his a8ti3ns ,ay be s.b@e8t t3 tr.e 8han1es. In hi,, there<3re, :e <ind veri<ied the de<initi3n 3< aeviternity, that is, s.bstantial i,,.tability a883,-anied by a88idental variability. B.t the 3ne .ni<3r, , 8ann3t be a--lied t3 all the 3-erati3ns 3< a s-irit. A 3,e 3< the,,B :rites the e,inent D3,ini8an the3l31ian, G3net, Aare , by -arti8i-ated eternity, 3thers by aeviternity, 3thers by dis83ntin.3.s ti,e, and 3thers, a1ain, by 83ntin.3.s ti,e. The 3-erati3ns 3< an1eli8 s-irits are ,any. In the <irst and hi1hest -la8e 83,es the beati<i8 visi3n> and ne?t is the a8t 3< sel<=Dn3:led1e and sel<=l3ve, then the a8t by :hi8h 3ther thin1s are Dn3:n and l3ved> <3.rthly and lastly there is the transitive a8ti3n by :hi8h an an1el, :hether .-3n G3d9s 83,,and 3r 3< his 3:n initiative, -r3d.8es l38al ,3ve,ents in 83r-3real thin1s 3r s3,e 3ther e<<e8t in the :3rld 3< visible 8reat.resB &De An elis, dis-. VI, art. #, N3. #7. )e ,ay :ith advanta1e <ill in the 3.tlines dra:n by the learned D3,ini8an. Fi,st*', then, the d.rati3nal , 3< the beati<i8 visi3n is -arti8i-ated eternity. in8e it 83nsists :h3lly in 3ne i,,.table a8t its d.rati3n 8ann3t be that 3< ti,e, <3r ti,e ,eans s.88essi3n and 8han1e. N3r is it G.ite a88.rate t3 say, :ith .areJ, that it is an aeviternal a8t, <3r in the int.itive visi3n 3< G3d, :ith all therein in8l.ded, :e <ind abs3l.te stability :ith n3 ele,ent 3< any 8han1e :hats3ever. And <.rther, sin8e this a8t 3< int.itive visi3n is a trans8endental a8t, e?8eedin1 the nat.ral 8a-a8ity 3< any, its 3nly -3ssible , 3< d.rati3n is eternity, n3t, indeed, the essential eternity 3< G3d, b.t :hat is 8alled -arti8i-ated eternity, 83nsistin1 in an everlastin1 An3:,B and derivin1 <r3, G3d as an e<<e8t <r3, its In the se()n% -la8e, an an1el9s sel<=Dn3:led1e, :ith its res.ltant sel<=l3ve, is -r3d.8ed by a sin1le a8t, in :hi8h there is n3 -3tentiality, and :hi8h, there<3re, 8an .nder13 n3 8han1e. An an1el9s Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< hi,sel< are al:ays ABein1 i,,aterial,B says t. Th3,as &Sum. Theol. I, G. 'C, art. 27, Ahe is al:ays the 3b@e8t 3< his intelli1en8e> s3 by his very he is al:ays in the a8t 3< Dn3:in1 and l3vin1 hi,sel<.B B.t t3 this nat.ral 831niti3n 3< hi,sel< ,.st be added 3ther 831niti3ns :hi8h, th3.1h 3< the sa,e 3rder, are n3t ne8essarily, s.8h as the Dn3:led1e 3< 3ther 8reated bein1s> these an an1el Dn3:s by ,eans 3< in<.sed ideas .-3n :hi8h he ,ay t.rn the li1ht 3< his ,ind, 3r n3t, as he :ill. 3 :e see that there is here a 83,binati3n 3< s.bstantial i,,.tability and a88idental 8han1e, the , 3< :hi8h is aeviternity. The nat.ral Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< G3d 6as distin8t <r3, the beati<i8 visi3n7 -3ssessed by an1els <3ll3: the sa,e la:s as their sel<=Dn3:led1e and l3ve. Bein1 ,ade in the liDeness 3< G3d, the an1el sees G3d ,irr3red in his 3:n, and l3vin1 hi,sel<, he is irresistibly dra:n t3 the 5irst " 3< all 133d and nat.rally l3ves Hi, ab3ve all. in8e, then, his sel<=Dn3:led1e and l3ve are al:ays, s3 als3 are his nat.ral Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< G3d> these there<3re <all .nder the , 3< the aeviternal. B.t, <.rther, the i,,.tability 3< these a8ts 3< 831niti3n and l3ve e?tends als3 t3 th3se a8ts by :hi8h a dis8arnate s-irit is 831niJant 3< and 8leaves t3 his last end. This end 3.1ht al:ays, as :e have seen, t3 be G3d. B.t s3,e 3< the an1els did n3t 8h33se Hi,. On bein1 raised t3 the s.-ernat.ral state a 8ertain n.,ber 3< the, re@e8ted G3d9s 1i<t, and ele8ted t3 l33D <3r the :h3le reas3n 3< their -er<e8ti3n and ha--iness :ithin the,selves. This a,3.nted t3 -.ttin1 the,selves in G3d9s -la8e as their s.-ernat.ral end, and the a8t 3< sel<= 83,-la8ent 831niti3n di8tatin1 their 8h3i8e, as :ell as the 8h3i8e itsel<, bel3n1s t3 that 8lass 3< irrev38able a8ti3ns that 8an 3nly be 8alled aeviternal. Thi,%*', the a8ts by :hi8h an an1el has Dn3:led1e 3< 3ther 8reat.res and l3ves the,, inas,.8h as they <3ll3: 3ne .-3n an3ther, either he eli8its the, as he :ills 3r they are 13verned by the 83.rse 3< events, 8ann3t be , by aeviternity. Their , ,.st be s3,e Dind 3< ti,e, 83ntin.3.s ti,e in the 8ase 3< 83ntin.3.s and -r3l3n1ed a8ti3ns, dis83ntin.3.s ti,e, ,ade .- 3< distin8t and dis83ntin.3.s instants, :hen it is a G.esti3n, as it nearly al:ays is, 3< se-arate a8ti3ns bet:een :hi8h there is n3 83ntin.3.s b3nd.

Fina**', :e 83,e t3 th3se a8ti3ns :hi8h are 8alled transitive, they are -r3d.8tive 3< a real e<<e8t e?ternal t3 the an1el :h3 is the a8tive These 8an be l33Ded at <r3, t:3 -3ints 3< vie:. )e ,ay 83nsider the, a8tively, that is, as they are -r3d.8ed in the an1el, 3r -assively, that is, <r3, the 8reat.re9s -3int 3< vie: in :hi8h the e<<e8t is -r3d.8ed. "3nsidered a8tively, these 3-erati3ns, as all 3ther an1eli8 a8ti3ns, are , by 83ntin.3.s ti,e i< they are 83ntin.3.s, 3r by dis83ntin.3.s ti,e i< they 83nsist 3< instants :ith3.t s.88essi3nal 83ntin.ity. B.t 83nsidered -assively, that is, in the e<<e8ts e?trinsi8ally -r3d.8ed, these an1eli8 a8ti3ns a<<e8t 3.r ,aterial :3rld, and are there<3re , by ourti,e. I say, our ti,e advisedly, :hen s-eaDin1 n3: 3< an1els9 a8ti3ns bein1 , by a -ind of time, :e :ere re<errin1 t3 a s-e8ies 3< d.rati3n :hi8h has 3nly an anal31y :ith ti,e -r3-erly s3=8alled, :hi8h is the , 3< the ,3ve,ents 3< ,aterial thin1s. t. Th3,as is 8are<.l t3 -.t .s 3n 3.r 1.ard, and th3.1h the reas3n he 1ives ,ay be<.l, the distin8ti3n ,.st be ,aintained. AThis Dind 3< ti,e 6the , 3< an1els9 3-erati3ns7 is n3t,B he says, Athe sa,e as that ti,e :hi8h is the , 3< the ,3ti3n 3< the heavens and 3< the d.rati3n 3< all 83r-3real thin1s, the 8han1es in :hi8h are the e<<e8t 3< the ,3ve,ent 3< the heavensB &Sum. Theol. I, G. '$, art. $7. The in<l.en8e 3< the heavenly b3dies .-3n terrestrial ,3ve,ent ,ay be le<t 3.t 3< 83nsiderati3n> it re,ains tr.e all the sa,e that the ,3ti3n 3< 83r-3real thin1s and the ,3ve,ents 3< an1els 8ann3t <all .nder 3ne and the sa,e , 3< d.rati3n, <3r, as t. Th3,as says, Atheir nat.res are di<<erentB 6ibid. ad. #7. All this ,ay see, abstra8t and di<< It :ill hel- the reader i< :e 1ive a 83n8rete a--li8ati3n 3< it. The devils in Hell have t3 s.<<er the t3r,ents 3< <ire. Hell=<ire ,ay be 8alled eternal, sin8e it :ill have n3 end, b.t its d.rati3n is , by the 83ntin.ity 3< its a8ti3n, and there<3re <alls .nder the 8ate13ry 3< ti,e, -r3-erly s3=8alled. B.t the s.<<erin1s 3< the s-irits s.b@e8t t3 the a8ti3n 3< this <ire, th3.1h 8easeless and endless, 8ann3t be , by the sa,e s3rt 3< ti,e. The d.rati3n 3< their s.<<erin1s is n3t ti,e -r3-erly s3=8alled, b.t s3,ethin1 anal313.s :ith it. )e have s3 sli1ht an .nderstandin1 3< the 3< an1els that this tea8hin1 is ne8essarily, yet it :ill hel- .s t3 .nderstand s3,e:hat better the 83nditi3n 3< h.,an in the ne?t li<e b3th be<3re and a<ter the res.rre8ti3n. Be<3re the res.rre8ti3n, ,en9s, bein1 se-arated <r3, their b3dies, are, -ra8ti8ally, s-irits, and are, there<3re, s.b@e8t t3 the sa,e , 3< d.rati3n as the an1els. There<3re, as their bein1 is .n8han1eable, their e?isten8e 83nsists in a -resent and is aeviternal. The beati<i8 visi3n 3< the blessed is , by -arti8i-ated eternity, their nat.ral sel<=Dn3:led1e and l3ve, and their irrev38able 8h3i8e 3< their last end by aeviternity, and their Dn3:led1e 3< thin1s e?ternal t3 the,selves by 83ntin.3.s 3r dis83ntin.3.s ti,e, as in the 8ase 3< the an1els. The res.rre8ti3n 3< the b3dy :ill brin1 ab3.t n3 8han1e in the d.rati3n 3< the lives 3< either the saved 3r the da,ned. Their b3dies :ill share in the s.bstantial i,,.tability 3< their Their sense -er8e-ti3ns :ill .nder13 n3 physical alterati3n, b.t :ill share in the -er,anen8e 3< their s.<<erin1 3r their bliss. Everythin1 :ill be, as it :ere, s-irit.alised. The re.ni3n 3< :ith their b3dies, and the -assin1 3< <r3, 0.r1at3ry int3 Heaven, :ill si,-ly 83nstit.te t:3 3< th3se instants :hi8h are the a883,-ani,ents, th3.1h n3t the ,, 3< aeviternity. In sh3rt, it all 83,es t3 this; the nearer that and risen b3dies a--r3a8h, by their de1ree 3< 1l3ry, t3 G3d9s i,,.tability, the ,3re 83,-letely :ill they be en83,-assed by the aeviternal. Aeviternity be1ins at death. B.t as the s3.l 83,es nearer t3 G3d, s3 the stability 3< its -er<e8ti3n 1r3:s. 3 in Hell there :ill be, t31ether :ith the essential aeviternity 3< li<e, an inter,inable d.rati3n 3< 83ntin.3.s instants 3< s.<<erin1 and an1.ish a<<li8tin1 b3th s3.l and b3dy. In 0.r1at3ry aeviternity :ill be a883,-anied by a si,ilar 83ntin.ity 3< s.<<erin1, :hi8h :ill, h3:ever, have an end, and :hen this end 83,es the aeviternity 3< the h3ly :ill be -er<e8ted and 8r3:ned :ith the eternity 3< the beati<i8 visi3n. B.t in all this there is inv3lved n3 s.bstantial 8han1e in the e?isten8e 3r in the nat.ral 3-erati3ns :hi8h are ,ea by aeviternity> the d3,ain 3< this , 3< d.rati3n ,ay be narr3:er 3r :ider in the s3.l and in the risen b3dy, b.t in all 8ases it 83nstit.tes a KKn3:99 in :hi8h th3se are s.bstantially i,,ersed :h3 have -assed int3 the ne?t :3rld.

It sh3.ld be 8lear that the <irst se8ti3n 3nly 3< this 8ha-ter is t3 be a88e-ted :ith the 8ertainty 3< <aith. The 3ther t:3 se8ti3ns set <3rth ,erely a rati3nal @.sti<i8ati3n 3< the <irst, and their val.e d3es n3t e?8eed that 3< the3l31i8al 3-ini3n. At the sa,e ti,e, the d31,a that death -.ts an end t3 the li<e 3< -r3bati3n is reas3n en3.1h <3r the re@e8ti3n 3< the <alse d38trine 3< re= in8arnati3n, s3 83,,3n t3=day in -irit.alist 8ir8les. This tea8hin1 is really the revival, in a sli1htly di<<erent <3r,, 3< the Ori1enist heresy 3< the apo-atastasis. It intr3d.8es s3,e s.bsidiary err3rs, es-e8ially in s3 <ar as it h3lds that ,an is ,ade .- 3< three ele,entsLa s3.l, an ethereal b3dy and a -hysi8al b3dy. At death, a883rdin1 t3 this syste,, the s3.l, Dee-in1 -3ssessi3n 3< the ethereal b3dy, be83,es a As-iritB> its d:ellin1=-la8e s-a8e, its li<e ha--iness <3r the 133d, an1.ish and s.<<erin1 <3r the :i8Ded. The .nha--y state 3< the latter is, h3:ever, transit3ry. The in<initely 133d G3d :ill n3t all3: the, t3 s.<<er <3r ever. He 3<<ers the, the -3ssibility 3< rehabilitati3n, the 8han8e 3< ,aDin1 133d the -ast, by ,eans 3< rein8arnati3n, that is t3 say, a ne: li<e 3n earth lived in a ne: .ni3n :ith a -hysi8al b3dy. )e 8ann3t stay t3 the details 3< this stran1e tea8hin1, 3r the ar1.,ents by :hi8h it is s.--3rted, and t3 sh3: their abs.rdity. It is en3.1h here t3 re8all the leadin1 idea 3< this 8ha-ter, that death is the end 3< li<e> t3 :ei1h :ell the <.ll ,eanin1 3< this :3rd, end, and t3 re,e,ber that this is a d31,a 3< <aith, in 3rder t3 that the rein8arnati3n 3< is a heresy as <.lly deservin1 3< 83nde,nati3n as :as Ori1enis,.


I- Death, though natural to man, is nevertheless the penalty of sin# ./0 $an, historically considered, was meant to be immortal% .10 Death, however, is natural to man philosophically considered! II- The moment of death coincides with the hour of udgment% ./0 The dogma of the particular udgment% .10 The hour of death# real and apparent death% .;0 Divine mercy at the hour of death! III- &sychological explanation of the udgment# ./0 'udgment a simple illumination of the mind% .10 The execution of the udgment and the psychology of the next life! There is n3 real interval 3< ti,e bet:een death and the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent. N3t 3nly is the s3.l @.d1ed at the very ,3,ent it leaves the b3dy, b.t the best -sy8h3l31i8al <3.ndati3n <3r an e?-lanati3n 3< the 3< the @.d1,ent see,s t3 be -r3vided by the very <a8t 3< the se-arati3n 3< s3.l and b3dy.


On the s.b@e8t 3< death the <a8ts 3< e?-erien8e see, t3 83ntradi8t Cath)*i( %)g:a. St- Pa+* lays d3:n that death is the :a1es 3< sin 6R3,. C, 2$7, yet it is ,an s nat.ral <ate. A si,-le distin8ti3n s3lves the di<<i8.lty> <r3, the hist3ri8al -3int 3< vie: death is the 0penalty of sin), b.t it is nat.ral t3 ,an :hen his is l33Ded at in the li1ht 3< -hil3s3-hy.

./0 (istorically ()nsi%e,e% :an 4as :a%e t) 5e i::),ta*

Under this as-e8t ,an ,.st be l33Ded at as he 8a,e <r3, G3d9s 8reative hands. B.t it is 3< divine and "ath3li8 <aith that G3d best3:ed .-3n the <irst ,an, in his state 3< inn38en8e, the -rivile1e 3< i,,3rtality. In the O*% Testa:ent :e read that +/od created man incorruptible, 6)isd3, 2; 2$7, that +/od made not death,, b.t that +by en#y of the de#il, death came into the %orld, 6ibid., #;#$> 2;2F7> and that +from the %oman came the be innin of sin, and by her %e all die, 6E88lesiasti8.s 2';$$7. St- Pa+* is e?-li8it, :hen he :rites> +7herefore, as by one man sin entered into this %orld, and by sin death, 6R3,. ';#27> and a1ain, +By a man came death, 6# "3r. #';2#7, and <inally, +The body indeed is dead because of sin, 6R3,. E;#%7. The gi3t )3 i::),ta*it' is -res.--3sed in G3d9s threat t3 Ada, 83n8ernin1 the <3rbidden <> +8or in %hat day soe#er thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death, 6Genesis 2;(7, :hi8h i,-lies that, i< Ada, and Eve had n3t eaten 3< this < they :3.ld n3t have died> :hi8h Eve sh3:s that she <.lly .nderstands by her ans:er t3 the te,-ter> +9f the fruit of the trees that are in paradise %e do eat, but of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of paradise, /od hath commanded us that %e should not eat, and that %e should not touch it, lest perhaps %e die, 6Gen. $;2=$7.

Hen8e, :hen the Pe*agians ta.1ht that, as death is ,an9s nat.ral <ate, Ada, als3 :3.ld have died, as all ,en die, even i< he had n3t sinned, the "h.r8h anathe,atiJed this tea8hin1 as 83ntrary t3 revelati3n. The si<teenth C)+n(i* )3 Ca,thage de8reed that, Ai< any3ne shall say that the <irst ,an, Ada,, :as 8reated ,3rtal, s3 that, :hether he sinned 3r n3t, he :3.ld have s.<<ered b3dily death, s3 that his s3.l :3.ld have le<t his b3dy, n3t as the -enalty 3< sin, b.t 3< nat.ral ne8essity, let hi, be anathe,aB 68an. #7. Later, the C)+n(i* )3 O,ange -r3,.l1ated the sa,e %)g:a )3 3aith> AThe <irst ,an, by dis3beyin1 G3d9s 83,,and,ent in -aradise, l3st at 3n8e san8tity and @.sti8e in :hi8h he had been established, and by his 3<<en8e and -revari8ati3n, in8.rred the divine an1er and indi1na= ti3n, and at the sa,e ti,e, death, :ith :hi8h G3d had already threatened hi,B 68an. 27. The C)+n(i* )3 T,ent, <inally, -.t the seal 3< its a.th3rity .-3n this tea8hin1, already re8eived by the :h3le "h.r8h 6 ess. V, 8an. I7. )ith re1ard t3 the s+&e,#a%%e% gi3t )3 i::),ta*it' best3:ed by G3d .-3n ,an at his 8reati3n, and s3 t3 say, i,-lanted in his, :e ,.st be 8are<.l n3t t3 83n<.se it :ith the i::),ta*it' :hi8h is essential t3 s-irits, :hether h.,an 3r an1els. St- A+g+stine &De /enesi ad 6itteram, bD. VI, 8h. 2'7 -.ts the distin8ti3n 8learly and 8ris-ly :hen he says that a s-irit 8ann3t die, :hereas the <irst ,an :as 8a-able 3< n3t dyin1> in 3ther :3rds, a s-irit is absolutely i,,3rtal, b.t Ada,9s i,,3rtality :as conditional. The first 83nditi3n 3< G3d9s 1i<t 3< i,,3rtality t3 ,an :as the ,3ral 3ne 3< a5stenti)n 3,): sin; +$n %hat day soe#er thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death, 6Gen. 2;#(7. B.t it is -r3bable that other and -hysi8al 83nditi3ns :ere als3 i,-3sed, es-e8ially the eatin1 3< the < 3< the tree 3< li<e 6Gen. $;227. It :as sin then that, bein1 a brea8h 3< the 83nditi3n i,-3sed by G3d, :as, in <a8t, the 3< death9s 83,in1 a,3n1 ,en, and %eath is 5)th the ()nse=+en(e an% the &ena*t' )3 sin-

.10 Man" philosophically ()nsi%e,e%" is nat+,a**' s+5>e(t t) %eath

By the philosophical 83nsiderati3n 3< ,an 3r h.,an :e ,ean that vie: 3< hi, :hi8h l33Ds si,-ly at the 83nstit.ent ele,ents 3< his bein1, and leaves aside the G.esti3n 3< his elevati3n t3 a hi1her 3rder 3< thin1s. N3: h.,an is 83,-3sed 3< an i,,3rtal s)+* and a -erishable 5)%' :hi8h, t31ether, <3r, )ne s+5stantia* 4h)*e. There<3re, by the very <a8t that the b3dy is perishable, its s.bstantial .ni3n :ith the s3.l ,.st s3,e day be br3Den, and ea8h 3< the t:3 ele,ents :ill then 13 its 3:n :ay. Death, then, is nat+,a* t) :an. A)e 8all that nat.ral :hi8h has its in the -rin8i-les 3< B.t the essential -rin8i-les 3< are <3r, and ,atter. The <3r,al -rin8i-le 3< ,an is his reas3nable s3.l, :hi8h is in itsel< i,,3rtal, and there<3re death is n3t nat.ral t3 ,an i< :e 83nsider his s.bstantial <3r, al3ne. B.t the ,aterial -rin8i-le 3< ,an is his b3dy, :hi8h, bein1 ,ade .3< diverse ele,ents, is, 3< ne8essity, 83rr.-tible> and s3, <r3, this -3int 3< vie:, death is nat.ral t3 ,anB 6 t. Th3,as, Sum. Theol. II=II. G. #FF, art #, ad #7. Ri1htly, then, did the "h.r8h 83nde,n the tea8hin1 3< Bai+s, that, Athe i,,3rtality 3< the <irst ,an :as n3t a 1rat.it3.s 1i<t, b.t his nat.ral 83nditi3nB 60r3-. (E7. N3ti8e sh3.ld be taDen 3< the -re8isi3n 3< t. Th3,as9s tea8hin1 in the -assa1e G.3ted. I< :e l33D at the innate ten%en(' )3 :an9s :ate,ia* &,in(i&*e , death is seen t3 be nat.ral t3 hi,. B.t 3n the 3ther hand, it %)es n)t a((),% :ith the e?i1en8ies 3< his <3r,al -rin8i-le, the immortal s3.l. Hen8e the state 3< se-arati3n, :hile n3t 83ntrary t3 the 3< the s3.l, is yet *ess nat+,a* t3 it. AOther thin1s bein1,B says t. Th3,as, the Astate 3< the s3.l is ,3re -er<e8t :hen in the b3dy than :hen se-arated <r3, it, it is -art 3< a :h3le, and every inte1ral -art 3< a ,aterial :h3le is relative t3 the :h3le. And alth3.1h in a :ay its liDeness t3 G3d is then

1reater, it is n3t s3 in reality. 53r -r3-erly s-eaDin1 a thin1 a--r3a8hes ,3st 8l3sely t3 G3d :hen it -3ssesses all thin1s ne8essary t3 its as 8reated by G3d, <3r then it ,3st nearly i,a1es the divine -er<e8ti3nB 6 .,. Theol. .--l. G. ('. art. #, ad F7. At the sa,e ti,e it :3.ld n)t be e?a8t t3 say that the state 3< the se-arate s3.l is unnatural or preternatural. )ith 1reater a88.ra8y :e ,ay :3rd it th.s; the state 3< se-arati3n 3< s3.l and b3dy, :hile n3t nat.ral t3 ,an, is yet n3t 83ntrary t3 the 3< his and sel<=s.bsistent s3.l. )hen t. Th3,as 8alls it a state contrary to nature &Contra /entes, bD. F, 8h. E2> Comp. Theol. I, 8h. #'27, he is l33Din1 at ,an <r3, the historical -3int 3< vie:, and 83n= siderin1 hi, as G3d intended hi, t3 be in Eden. )e ,.st bear these distin8ti3ns in ,ind :hen :e 83,e t3 treat 3< the 1eneral res.rre8ti3n at the end 3< the :3rld.


In the 83.rse 3< 3.r e?-3siti3n 3< this :e shall have 388asi3n t3 e?a,ine 8ertain 3-ini3ns ab3.t the ,ani<estati3ns 3< G3d9s ,er8y at the h3.r 3< death.

./0 The Dogma )3 the Pa,ti(+*a, J+%g:ent

It is a %)g:a )3 3aith that, as s33n as a ,an dies, his s3.l is @.d1ed as t3 all the 133d and evil he has d3ne d.rin1 his li<e 3n earth. This d31,a has never been de<ined, b.t :hen the "h.r8h, in the e?er8ise 3< her ordinary magisterium 3r tea8hin1 a.th3rity, de8lares that a is ,e?ea*e% 5' G)%, n3 ,3re is needed t3 ,aDe it an arti8le 3< <aith. The "h.r8h9s belie< in the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent :as already e?-li8it in StA+g+stine9s ti,e; A are @.d1ed, :rites this 1reat D38t3r 3< the "h.r8h, as s33n as they leave their b3dies, even be<3re they a--ear be<3re that 3ther trib.nal :here they :ill have a1ain t3 be @.d1ed t31ether :ith their reass.,ed b3dies and :hen8e they :ill -ass t3 t3r,ents 3r t3 1l3ry in the sa,e <lesh as they had lived 3n earthB &De Anima et e1us 9ri ine, 8h. F, n. E7. 3,e the3l31ians have th3.1ht t3 <ind e*plicit s(,i&t+,a* a.th3rity <3r the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent i,,ediately a<ter death. The 3i,st 3< the t:3 -rin8i-al te?ts alle1ed by the, is taDen <r3, the O*% Testa:ent; +$n the day of ood thin s be not unmindful of e#ils! and in the day of e#ils be not unmindful of ood thin s. 8or it is easy before /od in the day of death to re%ard e#ery one accordin to his %ays, 6E88lesiasti8.s ##;2(=2E7. Un<3rt.nately, h3:ever, verse 2E, :herein lies the stren1th 3< the ar1.,ent, is la8Din1 in the 3ri1inal Hebre:. The se83nd -assa1e is taDen <r3, the E&ist*e t) the He5,e4s, 4;2(; +$t is appointed unto men once to die, and, after this, the 1ud ment., Here, h3:ever, the best 83,,entat3rs a1ree that the re<eren8e is rather t3 the eneral @.d1,ent, and this inter-retati3n is indeed s.11ested by the ne?t verse, in :hi8h e?-li8it ,enti3n is ,ade 3< "hrist9s se83nd 83,in1. It see,s then :),e a((+,ate t3 say, :ith ,3st the3l31ians, that the e?isten8e 3< the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent is implicitly 83ntained in the e*plicitrevelati3n 3< the last @.d1,ent. /es.s "hrist, in his dis83.rses, and the ins-ired :riters -.t all the e,-hasis 3n the 1eneral @.d1,ent 3< the d3,inant r3le that "hrist hi,sel< :ill -lay in it. 3 G3d9s @.d1,ent 3< ,an is al:ays -r3-heti8ally re<erred t3 the last day t3 :hi8h the ,ani<estati3n 3< every ,an9s l3t is atta8hed, :hile the @.d1,ent 3< ea8h is in8l.ded in that 3< all ,anDind, then s3le,nly -r3,.l1ated. *et there are 8lear indi8ati3ns that every3ne9s a883.nt :ill be settled i,,ediately a<ter death and his <ate deter,ined be<3re the last day. It :ill be en3.1h t3 n3ti8e the ,3st si1ni<i8ant 3< these indi8ati3ns.

The &a,a5*e )3 the ,i(h :an an% La6a,+s sh3:s that the 83nditi3n 3< b3th is fi*ed for e#er> ,3re3ver the re<eren8e is <3r,ally t3 a 83nditi3n deter,ined before the 1eneral @.d1,ent, as is 8learly t3 be ded.8ed <r3, the ri8h ,an9s :3rds t3 LaJar.s. si1ni<i8ant are Ch,ist9s 4),%s t) the g))% thie3; +This day thou shalt be %ith me in paradise, 6L.De 2$;F$7. The :3rd paradise here ,eans Li,b3, :here, <r3, "hrist9s des8ent int3 Hell .ntil his As8ensi3n, the en@3yed the int.itive visi3n 3< G3d. St- Pa+* is even ,3re dire8t; = +Therefore ha#in al%ays confidence, -no%in that, %hile %e are in the body, %e are absent from the 6ord... but %e are confident and ha#e a ood %ill to be absent rather from the body, and to be present %ith the 6ord, 62 "3r. ';C=E7> = and a1ain, +8or /od hath not appointed us unto %rath, but unto the purchasin of sal#ation by our 6ord :esus Christ, %ho died for us! that, %hether %e %atch or sleep &that is, %hether durin life or after death( %e may li#e to ether %ith him, 6# Thess. ';4= #%7. In these -assa1es t. 0a.l says 8learly that the re8eive their heavenly re:ard immediately a<ter death, :ith3.t havin1 t3 a:ait the 1eneral @.d1,ent> their eternal destiny is there<3re already deter,ined. 5inal 83n<ir,ati3n 3< this 83n8l.si3n is t3 be <3.nd in St- J)hn9s 83ns3lin1 a883.nt 3< his a-38aly-ti8 visi3ns; +And $ heard a #oice from ;ea#en, sayin to me2 7rite2 Blessed are the dead %ho die in the 6ord. 8rom henceforth no%, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours, for their %or-s follo% them, 6A-38. #F;#$ and a1ain 62%;F7. He tells h3: he sa: seats, and the 3< the, that :ere beheaded <3r the testi,3ny 3< /es.s, livin1 and rei1nin1 :ith "hrist in the <irst res.rre8ti3n, that is d.rin1 the -eri3d -re8edin1 the 1eneral res.rre8ti3n, and he adds that in these blessed and h3ly 3nes the se83nd death, that is, Hell, hath n3 -3:er. All 3< :hi8h is an implicit asserti3n that, dire8tly a<ter death the s3.l is @.d1ed and its destiny de8ided. The ar1.,ent <r3, the t,a%iti)na* tea(hing )3 the Ch+,(h , :hi8h is ,3st e?-li8it <r3, the 3)+,th (ent+,' 3n:ards, need n3t detain .s. B.t :e ,ay n3ti8e 3ne -3int :hi8h sh3:s h3: s3lid is the <3.ndati3n 3n :hi8h the traditi3nal belie< rests. As :e have said, the es8hat3l31i8al -ers-e8tive 3< 3.r avi3.r9s dis83.rses and the Ne: Testa,ent tea8hin1 see,s t3 8arry <3r:ard all 3< G3d9s @.d1,ents 3< ,en t3 the last day. Hen8e, s):e )3 the Fathe,s, es-e8ially in the East, n3t -er8eivin1 the i,-li8it re<eren8es t3 a @.d1,ent nearer at hand, 83n8l.ded that the /.d1e9s senten8e de<initely <i?in1 every ,an9s destiny :3.ld n3t be delivered .ntil the last day. *et n3t:ithstandin1 this ,istaDen inter-retati3n, all 3r nearly all 3< the, ad,it that ,an9s eternal < is deter,ined in s3,e de1ree at %eath. As :e shall see :hen treatin1 3< 0.r1at3ry, the Eastern 5athers <3.nd a :ay 3< re83n8ilin1 these t:3 see,in1ly 83ntradi8t3ry asserti3ns> b.t the se83nd 3< the, is testi,3ny t3 the s3lidity 3< the basis 3< traditi3n 3n :hi8h rests the d31,a 3< the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent> <3r this is e*pressly tau hteven by th3se :h3, :e sh3.ld e?-e8t t3 deny it. It is -art 3< the 3<<i8ial tea8hin1 3< the Orth3d3? "h.r8h, as a--ears <r3, 0eter M31hila9s Confessio, -art I, G.esti3n C#. N3r, indeed, is it easy t3 i,a1ine the 3< the dead le<t in a state 3< 83,-lete uncertainty .ntil the last @.d1,ent. It :as de<ined by P)&e Bene%i(t XII, in the b.ll Benedictius Deus, A.D. #$$C, that the 3< the are re8eived immediately a<ter death int3 Heaven, :hile th3se 3< sinners 13 at 3n8e t3 Hell, :hi8h, 3< 83.rse, -res.--3ses an i,,ediate deter,inati3n 3< their state by @.d1,ent. Hen8e, there<3re, ea(h in%i?i%+a* :an" as s))n as this :),ta* *i3e ():es t) an en%" :+st a&&ea, 5e3),e G)%9s t,i5+na*" 4he,e his ete,na* %estin' 4i** 5e %e(i%e%-

.10 The h)+, )3 %eath@ real and apparent %eath

The :):ent )3 %eath is the :):ent )3 >+%g:ent . )e assert that the s3.l, 3n its se-arati3n <r3, the b3dy, is n3t De-t :aitin1 <3r even the brie<est -eri3d 3< ti,e, be<3re bein1 @.d1ed> and this asserti3n is 83n<ir,ed by the &s'(h)*)gi(a* e?-lanati3n 3< the 3< the @.d1,ent. B.t <irst 3< all, the G.esti3n arises; d3 :e Dn3: the instant 3< deathH )e Dn3: that :e shall die> :e d3 n3t Dn3: 4hen. B.t there is still an3ther +n(e,taint' 83nne8ted :ith the ,ystery 3< death. 53r ,3dern physiolo ists death is a -r38ess, and a distin8ti3n ,.st be ,ade bet:een apparent 3r relative, and absolute death. In the 8ase 3< s.dden death, 3r death <r3, an a88ident, it see,s t3 be -r3ved that this -r38ess 3< dyin1 13es 3n, even a<ter a ,an has dra:n his last breath> b.t in the 8ase 3< death <r3, illness, :e have 3nly ind.8ti3n and t3 1.ide .s. The 83ntin.an8e 3< latent li<e, a<ter s+%%en ), a((i%enta* death, is esti,ated, s3,eti,es, as a ,atter 3< se#eral hours> b.t a<ter death 8a.sed byi**ness, it is a1reed that latent li<e :ill 83ntin.e <3r 3nly a #ery short time, s3,e se83nds, a <e: ,in.tes -erha-s, 3r hal<=an=h3.r at the very 3.tside. )e have ,ade this -assin1 ,enti3n 3< this ,atter, :ith3.t 13in1 int3 any detailed de,3nstrati3n, it is n3:adays a ,.8h debated G.esti3n.

.;0 G)%9s mercy at the h)+, )3 %eath

It is a ()::)n the)*)gi(a* )&ini)n that sinners re8eive a s-e8ial 1ra8e <3r their 83nversi3n at the h3.r 3< death. At that ,3,ent, as .areJ tea8hes, 1ra8e is more than e#er necessary <3r salvati3n, and in thin1s abs3l.tely ne8essary <3r salvati3n, G3d d3es n3t <ail .s &De /ratia bD. IV, 8h. #%7. The -3ssibility, the -r3bability that latent li<e ,ay 83ntin.e a<ter the last breath has been dra:n, sh3:s h3: there is still a probable 8han8e 3< salvati3n, either by the ad,inistrati3n 3< the sa8ra,ents 3r 3ther:ise, <3r th3se str.8D d3:n by s.dden death, even th3.1h t3 all a--earan8es they ,ay n3t see, t3 be ready t3 13 be<3re G3d. :e 13 <.rther and ad,it that G3d9s ,er8y the sinner even in his last a13ny, even .nt3 that state 3< a--arent death :hen he see,s n3 l3n1er t3 bel3n1 t3 this :3rldH :e s.--3se that the "reat3r and Redee,er 3< ,en ,ani<ests hi,sel< t3 the sinner9s s3.l and asDs hi, <3r the last ti,e and 8learly t3 ,aDe his 8h3i8e bet:een G3d and sinH 3,e have th3.1ht that it ,ay be s3, s3,e have said that it is s3. )e d3 n3t deny that s.8h an a--eal, 388asi3nally and in e?tra3rdinary 8ir8.,stan8es, ,ay be ,ade> b.t it :3.ld, in 3.r 3-ini3n, be rash t3 all3: that s.8h a s-e8ial 1ra8e is 1iven t3 dyin1 sinners n3r,ally and .niversally.


./0 The >+%g:ent@ a si:&*e illumination )3 the :in%
The ,3de 3< 831niti3n -r3-er t3 the dise,b3died s3.l is the int+iti)n 3< ideas dire8tly in<.sed by G3d. e-arati3n <r3, the b3dy, then, is the reG.isite ()n%iti)n 3< this divine a8ti3n .-3n it, and the &a,ti(+*a, >+%g:ent is n)thing :),e than the i**+:inati)n )3 :an9s ()ns(ien(e . AAt the very ,3,ent :hen the s3.l leaves the b3dy, in an instant, in the t:inDlin1 3< an eye, the s8r3ll 3< a ,anMs 83ns8ien8e is .nr3lled beneath his 1aJe and he has Dn3:led1e 3< all the a8ti3ns 3< his li<e. His ,ind l33Ds .-3n his -ast li<e :hi8h is all lit .by a ray 3< li1ht <r3, G3d9s <a8e> that is t3 say that, by the 3-erati3n 3< G3d9s -3:er, the s3.l has a 8lear, visi3n 3< its :h3le s., 3< ,erit 3r de,erit. The divine @.d1e then -asses senten8e by in<.sin1 int3 the s3.l the Dn3:led1e 3< the re:ard it has earned, 3r the -.nish,ent it deserves, in ,.8h the sa,e :ay as the divine la:=1iver had i,-ressed the ,3ral la: .-3n this sa,e s3.l by 1ivin1 t3 it, at the a:aDenin1 3< 83ns8ien8e, a nat.ral Dn3:led1e 3< the <irst -rin8i-les 3< ,3ralityB 6Bill3t, De <o#issimis, -. '27.

A -.rely inte**e(t+a* *ight ,aDin1 Dn3:n t3 ,an at the end 3< his -r3bati3n, the a8ti3n 3< G3d his L3rd and /.d1e. An in<.si3n 3< the Dn3:led1e ne8essary <3r the ri1ht .nderstandin1 3< the a8ti3ns 3< his -ast li<e, and <3r the -r3,.l1ati3n and, as it :ere, a.t3,ati8 realiJati3n in the s3.l, 3< the verdi8t 3< @.sti8e> in these al3ne @.d1,ent 83nsists. )hat, then, is t3 be th3.1ht 3< th3se des8ri-tive a883.nts 3< the @.d1,ent, :hi8h the s3.l standin1 be<3re G3d, terri<ied by the si1ht 3< its evil deeds, 83,<3rted by an1els, t3r,ented by devilsH Evidently they are n3t t3 be taDen literally. G3d ,aDes Hi,sel< Dn3:n in a -.rely inte**e(t+a* 4a', n3r d3es the s3.l in @.d1,ent see Hi, Aface to face.B The s3.l9s t3r,ents, the dis8.ssi3n 3< its a8ti3ns, the -r3te8tin1 an1els, the re-r3a8hes 3< the devils, all these are ,erely symbolic e?-ressi3ns 3< belie< in the @.d1,ent <3r the instr.8ti3n 3< si,-le <3lD. The Bi5*e .ses still stran1er anthropomorphisms t3 des8ribe G3d9s dealin1s :ith 3.r <irst -arents, and s3 it :as nat.ral <3r the Fathe,s t3 ,aDe .se 3< the ,3st striDin1 and -i8t.resG.e des8ri-ti3ns <3r the saDe 3< hearers :h3, havin1 b.t little ed.8ati3n, :ere ,3re easily ,3ved by the thin1s 3< sense than by reas3nin1. The -i8t.res in the 8ata83,bs re-resentin1 heaven as a 3r 1arden, :ith the @.d1e seated and the s3.l sh3:n as a :3,an standin1 in the 3< -rayer, -aint the @.d1,ent in a ,anner <ar re,3ved <r3, reality. *et they symboli=e the It is the sa,e t33, :ith the des8ri-tive a883.nts 1iven by s3,e :riters. As sy,b3li8 re-resentati3ns they are -er<e8tly *egiti:ate> b.t :e ,.st be 8are<.l t3 taDe the, <3r :hat they are, sy,b3ls and n3 ,3re.

.10 The e<e(+ti)n )3 the sentence ()nsi%e,e% &s'(h)*)gi(a**'

)e have seen that the -iv3t 3< the dise,b3died s3.l9s :h3le -sy8h3l31i8al a8tivity is its +n(hangea5*e a%he,en(e t) its *ast en%. The @.d1,ent is n3 ,3re than the as(e,tain:ent an% ,egist,ati)n 3< the irre#ocable state 3< de8isi3n in :hi8h death <inds the s3.l. *et it is n3t ne8essary that this i::+ta5i*it' 3< the :ill sh3.ld rea8h its final sta e <r3, the very <irst, in every 8ase. The s)+*s in P+,gat),' have t3 s.<<er s3,e delay, d.rin1 :hi8h they 8leave t3 G3d unchan eably but indirectly, :ith ,ind and heart, .ntil they are 8r3:ned :ith the 1l3ry 3< the beati<i8 visi3n. )e ,.st als3 a--eal t3 Ps'(h)*)g' <3r an e?-lanati3n 3< h3:, a<ter bein1 @.d1ed, 8an go t) Hea?en" P+,gat),' ), He**. The di<<i8.lty arises <r3, the 83,,3nly re8eived the3l31i8al 3-ini3n that these are ,ea* &*a(es, <3r h3: 8an a -.rely spiritual s.bstan8e, s.8h as a dise,b3died s3.l, A13B t3 any -la8eH A883rdin1 t3 St- Th):as a s-irit is n3t 3< itsel< l38aliJed. An ange* by -r3d.8in1 s3,e e<<e8t .-3n a ,aterial 3b@e8t be83,es present in the -la8e 388.-ied by that 3b@e8t. B.t it d3es n3t see, -3ssible <3r the %ise:5)%ie% h+:an s)+* t3 be83,e l38aliJed in this :ay, sin8e ,3st -r3bably it 8an a8t .-3n thin1s e?ternal t3 itsel< 3nly :hen .nited t3 the b3dy. 03ssibly :e ,ay .nderstand this l38al -resen8e 3< the s3.l in Heaven, 0.r1at3ry 3r Hell as a s3rt 3< *)(a* %ete,:inati)n in the inte**e(t+a* ),%e, , in s3 <ar as the Dn3:led1e 3< 3b@e8ts by the s3.l is restri8ted t3 the thin1s 83ntained in the &*a(e t3 :hi8h G3d9s @.sti8e has assi1ned it, and t3 the events that ha--en therein. In this :ay the -la8e :3.ld be83,e the s3.l9s 3:n s-e8ial %4e**ing#&*a(e. These e?-lanati3ns, dra:n <r3, the <3.nt 3< Th):ist the)*)g', sh3: h3: ne8essary it is :h3lly t3 the i,a1inati3n i< :e :3.ld @.d1e s3.ndly the realities 3< the 3ther :3rld.


I- T,+ths )3 %i?ine an% (ath)*i( 3aith@ ./0 Re?e*ati)n )3 an ete,na* &+nish:entA .10 Ete,nit' in He** the &+nish:ent in st),e 3), sinne,s 4h) %ie i:&enitentA .;0 The t4) &ains )3 He**@ .a0 Pain )3 *)ssA .50 Pain )3 senseA .B0 These t,+ths a,e ta+ght 5' the a+th),it' )3 the Ch+,(hII- T,+ths the)*)gi(a**' (e,tain@ ./0 S+33e,ings &,)&),ti)na* t) the g,a?it' )3 sinsA .10 The &ains )3 He** ()nstantA thei, :itigati)n a((),%ing t)@ .a0 St- Th):as an% St- F,an(is %e Sa*esA .50 D+ns S()t+sA .(0 Th)se 4h) a%:it the +ti*it' )3 &,a'e,s 3), the %ea%A .%0 Th)se 4h) h)*% a &,)g,essi?e an% in%e3inite %i:in+ti)nIII- A t,+th ()::)n*' a((e&te%A the ,ea*it' )3 he**#3i,eA ./0 hat is :eantA .10 P,))3 3,):@ .a0 S(,i&t+,eA .50 T,a%iti)nA .(0 Tea(hing )3 the)*)giansThe 83n8l.din1 3bservati3n 3< the -re8edin1 8ha-ter ,.st 1.ide .s als3 in the e?-3siti3n 3< "ath3li8 belie< re1ardin1 Hell and its eternity. T3 this s.b@e8t :e :ill dev3te three 8ha-ters. = in the 3i,st :e shall e?-3.nd the tr.ths 3< d38trine> = in the se()n% :e shall 1ive a the3l31i8al e?-lanati3n 3< the,, = and in the thi,% :e shall treat the, <r3, the -3int 3< vie: 3< a-3l31eti8. As re1ards the tr.ths 3< d38trine, :e have -3inted 3.t else:here, &6)Enfer et la r> le de la 8oi, 0aris, #42#7 that the "h.r8h9s tea8hin1 3n Hell in8l.des th,ee Dinds 3< tr.ths, na,ely; = tr.ths 3< %i?ine an% Cath)*i( 3aith, t3 deny :hi8h inv3lves the sin 3< he,es'> = tr.ths the)*)gi(a**' (e,tain :hi8h 8ann3t be denied :ith3.t a 1rave sin 3< e,,),> = and a ()::)n*' a((e&te% t,+th :hi8h 8ann3t be denied :ith3.t a 1rave sin 3< te:e,it'.


E?-li8it divine revelati3n and the a.th3ritative tea8hin1 3< the "h.r8h 83,-rise the <3ll3:in1 -3ints; = Hell9s e<isten(e an% ete,nit'> = the %a:nati)n 3< sinners :h3 die +n,e&entant> = their s.b@e8ti3n t3 a t4)3)*% &+nish:ent , na,ely, the *)ss 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, and s3,e Dind 3< &)siti?e t),:ent 6-ain 3< the senses7.

./0 )ternal &+nish:ent a((),%ing t) Re?e*ati)n

The Ne4 Testa:ent 8learly tea8hes the d31,a 3< eternal -.nish,ent.

/- O+, Sa?i)+, Jes+s Ch,ist &,)(*ai:s this t,+thThe senten8e 3< the /.d1e at the last @.d1,ent, as re83rded by St- Matthe4 .12@;/# B80 ,aDes e?-ress ,enti3n 3< an eternal Hell; +Depart from me, you cursed, into e#erlastin fire, %hich %as prepared for the de#il and his an els, 6v. F#7, and +these shall o into e#erlastin punishment, 6v. FC7. In this te?t, :hi8h re8alls Daniel #2;2, the :3rd +e#erlastin ,, ,arDin1 the d.rati3n 3< the -.nish,ent in<li8ted, ,.st be taDen literally. It ,eans, n3t s3,e .nde<ined -eri3d 3< ti,e, b.t a d.rati3n :hi8h, th3.1h havin1 a be1innin1, :ill have n) en%- The /.d1e, in -assin1 senten8e, sets .- a -arallel bet:een the destiny 3< the ele8t and that 3< the da,ned> as the re:ard is t3 be eternal, s3 is the -.nish,ent t3 be. In 83,batin1 the .-h3lders 3< 9ri enism, St- A+g+stine re,arDed that, i< a ,3tive 3< ,is-la8ed tenderness leads t3 a li,itati3n 3< the <.ll ,eanin1 3< the senten8e 3< da,nati3n, l31i8 :ill 83,-el .s als3 t3 deny the eternity 3< the re:ard &Ad 9rosium, 8h. E7. M3re3ver, "hrist Hi,sel<, else:here in the G3s-els, s3 str3n1ly e,-hasiJes the eternity 3< Hell that n3 r33, is le<t <3r He indi8ates the t3r,ents 3< the da,ned by s.8h e?-ressi3ns as; = +the fire that is not e*tin uished,, and +the %orm that dieth not., It :3.ld n3t be easy t3 <ind anythin1 str3n1er 3r ,3re terri<yin1 even than His :arnin1 threat; = +$f thy hand scandalise thee, cut it off! it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than ha#in t%o hands to o into ;ell, into un3uenchable fire! %here their %orm dieth not, and the fire is not e*tin uished, 6MarD 4;F2=F$7. Th,i(e d3es He .tter this :arnin1> :here<3re s.8h insisten8e .-3n the .nendin1 -ains 3< Hell i< the reality <alls sh3rt 3< the threatH 1- The A&)st*es a,e as e<&*i(it as thei, Maste,# St- Pete, 6II 0eter 2;47 re8alls the -.nish,ent in<li8ted .-3n the rebel an1els> s3 liDe:ise shall the :i8Ded be 8hastised in the day 3< /.d1,ent. A883rdin1 t3 the literal ,eanin1 3< the GreeD :3rds he says that the are reserved t3 the end 3< the :3rld .nt3 a /.d1,ent, 4hi(h 4i** n)t &+t an en% t3 their t3r,ents, b.t :ill rather -.t a seal .-3n the, and 1ive the, &e,:anen(e. # St- J+%e threatens the :i8Ded, :h3 deny /es.s "hrist :ith ete,na* (hains an% %a,7ness, and t:i8e re-eats this threat 3< ete,na* &+nish:ent 6v. C=( ! #$7. = A883rdin1 t3 St- Pa+*, ete,na* &+nish:ent :ill be ,eted 3.t; N t3 the -erse8.t3rs 3< the "h.r8h 62 Thess. #;'=47> N and the l3ss 3< the Din1d3, 3< G3d :ill be the -.nish,ent 3< sinners 6# "3r. C;4> Gal. ';#4=2#> E-h. ';'7. The A-3stle -rea8hes als3 the e?isten8e 3< t:3 8a,-s <3rever irre83n8ilable 62 "3r. C;#F=#C7, 3< t4) ete,na* a*te,nati?es 6R3,. 2;2=#27, 3ne 3< :hi8h is @.d1,ent and ete,na* ,e&,)5ati)n 6Heb. C;2=(> 4;2(> #%;2(=$#7. = 5inally, St- J)hn in the A&)(a*'&se 3<ten re<ers t3 Hell and its t3r,ents, :hi8h he des8ribes in a ,aterial b.t i,-ressive <ashi3n. Hell is de-i8ted as an abyss 3< <ire, a <.rna8e 1ivin1 <3rth 8l3.ds 3< s.l-h.r3.s s,3De> and the everlastin1 d.rati3n 3< these -.nish,ents is e?-li8itly asserted> +And the smo-e of their torments shall ascend up for e#er and e#er, 6#F;##7, and they +shall be tormented day and ni ht, for e#er and e#er, 62%;#%7.


Ete,na* &+nish:ent the *)t )3 unrepentant sinners

A883rdin1 t3 the la: 3< G3d, sinne,s :h3 die in a state 3< +n3),gi?en :),ta* sin :ill be 83nde,ned t3 Hell 3),e?e,. In the -assa1e G.3ted n3: <r3, t. MarD9s 13s-el 6and in the -arallel te?t in t. Matthe:, #E;E=47 3.r L3rd :arns .s t3 be:are 3< s(an%a*s> i< hand, <33t 3r eye be an 388asi3n 3< sin, it ,.st be 8.t 3<< 3r -l.8Ded 3.t t3 save .s <r3, Hell. Is n3t this as ,.8h as sayin1 that every 1rave sin leads t3 HellH And n3t 3nly the sin that is 83,,itted 3.t:ardly, b.t als3 the hidden sin 3< %esi,e :ill be -.nished by /ehenna 6Matt. ';2E7.

The sins 8a-able 3< bein1 forgiven in the next life 6Matt. #2;$2> MarD. $;247 are n3t 1rave sins, b.t li1hter <a.lts that a &+,i3'ing 3i,e :ill :ash a:ay in 0.r1at3ry 6# "3r. $;##=#'7. On the 3ther hand, the :3rds 3< 3.r L3rd and /.d1e at the Last /.d1,ent 8ann3t be alle1ed as -r3vin1 that th3se al3ne :ill be da,ned :h3 d3 n3t -ra8tise 4),7s )3 :e,(' 6Matt. 2';F#7. As Ma*%)nat+s :ell sh3:s in his 83,,entary 3n these :3rds, 3.r avi3.r ,enti3ns the :3rDs 3< ,er8y si,-ly as e<a:&*es> and :hat is tr.e 3< 3ne sin is tr.e 3< all :ith3.t e?8e-ti3n. h3.ld there re,ain any 3n this -3int, t:3 G.3tati3ns <r3, St- Pa+* :3.ld e<<e8tively dissi-ate it. +?no% you not,, he :rites 6# "3r. C;4=#%7,+that the un1ust shall not possess the -in dom of /od@ Do not err! neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor hers %ith man-ind, nor thie#es, nor co#etous, nor drun-ards, nor railers, nor e*tortioners shall possess the -in dom of /od., This list 3< all s3rts 3< (,i:es an% %ea%*' sinssh3:s that n3 e?8e-ti3n is t3 be ,ade. )ritin1 t3 the Galatians 6';#4=2#7 he says the sa,e thin1 and 1ives a si:i*a, *ist, addin1 the ,3re 1eneral :arnin1; +9f the %hich $ foretell you ... that they %ho do such thin s shall not obtain the -in dom of /od., "ertainly, as l3n1 as li<e lasts, the sinner ,ay 3btain <r3, G3d9s ,er8y the <3r1iveness 3< his sins. B.t this is 1ranted 3nly t3 th3se :h3 %) &enan(e; +E*cept you do penance you shall all li-e%ise perish, 6L.De #$;'7. )henever, then, s-eaDs 3< 4),7s )3 5ene3i(en(e an% (ha,it' 6T3bias F;##> Daniel F;2F> # 0et. F;E> /a,es ';2%7 and 3< the 3),gi?eness )3 in>+,ies 6Matt. C;#2> #F=#'> L.De ##;F7 as ,eritin1 <r3, G3d the -ard3n 3< 3.r sins, :e ,.st al:ays .nderstand that sin(e,e ,e&entan(e is -re=s.--3sed as a ne8essary 83nditi3n, and 83nseG.ently, :hatever 133d :3rDs a ,an ,ay have d3ne, i< he dies :ith an .n<3r1iven ,3rtal sin 3n his s3.l, he :ill 13 t3 Hell.

.;0 The twofold &+nish:ent )3 He**

One <.rther is in8l.ded in the "ath3li8 d31,a 3< Hell, na,ely, the e?isten8e 3< a t4)3)*% &ena*t', Dn3:n as the &ain )3 *)ss" an% the &ain )3 sense. .a0 The &ain )3 *)ss" 4hi(h is the essentia* &ain )3 He**" ()nsists in the *)ss )3 the 5eati3i( ?isi)nThe revelati3n by G3d 3< this -.nish,ent is ne8essarily included in the revelati3n 3< an ete,na* Hell. B.t it is als3 ,enti3ned e*plicitly in the Ne: Testa,ent; +Depart from me you cursed, 6Matt. 2';F#7 is the senten8e that :ill by s-3Den by the /.d1e at the last day, and :hi8h :ill 8ast the :i8Ded int3 e?ile <ar <r3, Heaven. In 3.r L3rd9s -arables :herein He dra:s <3r His hearers the eternal -ers-e8tives 3< Heaven and Hell, He e?-resses this e<i*e 3,): G)% .nder ,any <3r,s. The ,aster 3< the :ill n3t all3: the 4),7e,s )3 ini=+it' t3 83,e in> :hile Abraha,, Isaa8 and /a83b and all the -r3-hets :ill be :el83,ed int3 the Din1d3, 3< G3d, sinners :ill be sh.t 3.t 6L.De #$;2(=2E> Matt. (;2$> 2';#27> bet:een the saved and the da,ned there is -.t a g,eat (ha)s s3 that n3ne 8an -ass <r3, Hell t3 Heaven, 3r <r3, Heaven t3 Hell 6L.De #C;2'7. The -ain 3< l3ss is indi8ated als3 by the exterior dar*ness" int3 :hi8h are 8ast the 1.ests :h3 are n3t 8l3thed :ith the ,arria1e 1ar,ent, that is, sinners bere<t 3< san8ti<yin1 1ra8e, and the .n-r3<itable servant :h3 is the ty-e 3< the .n<aith<.l "hristian 6Matt. 2';$%7, and, <inally, the 8hildren 3< the Din1d3,, the /e:s :h3, th3.1h the <irst t3 be 8alled, :ere, thr3.1h their blindness 3< heart, <3r ever 8ast 3.t 6Matt. E;#27. Ch,ist9s 4),%s a,e e(h)e% 5' the A&)st*es= )e have already n3ti8ed h3: St- Pa+* sh.ts 3.t <r3, the heavenly Din1d3, all s3rts 3< sinners. = The A&)(a*'&se liDe:ise bears :itness t3 the eternal se-arati3n 3< the da,ned <r3, G3d. All :h3se na,es are n3t :ritten in the B33D 3< Li<e :ill be delivered t3 da,nati3n, :hi8h is indeed a se()n% %eath 62;##> $;'> 2%;C, #2=#'> 2#;E, 2(7, entailin1 the l3ss 3< divine li<e, b.t n3t inv3lvin1 annihilati3n 62#;E, 2(> 22;?O7. On the 3ther hand Heaven is a -la8e 3< 1l3ri3.s bri1htness> +the lory of /od hath enli htened it, and the 6amb is the

lamp thereof,, b.t +there shall not enter in anythin defiled, or that %or-eth abomination or ma-eth a lie,, and +%ithout are do s and sorcerers, and unchaste, and murderers, and ser#ers of idols, and e#ery one that ma-eth and lo#eth a lie, 62#;2$, 2(> 22;#'7. .50 M)st )3 the s(,i&t+,a* ,e3e,en(es t) He** ()ntain an a**+si)n t) an)the, s),t )3 &+nish:entCh,ist an% the A&)st*es s-eaD 3< +un3uenchable fire, the na%in %orm, of torments and flames, of the bottomless pit %hence arises the smo-e of fire and brimstone, , et8. )e are n3t dealin1 here :ith the the3l31i8al G.esti3n 3< the 3< the -ains th.s indi8ated, b.t si,-ly :ish t3 -3int 3.t that, besides the l3ss 3< eternal ha--iness, Hell inv3lves the in<li8ti3n 3< s3,e &)siti?e &+nish:ent, :hi8h is traditi3nally Dn3:n as the &ain )3 sense. This na,e d3es n)tne8essarily ,ean that the -ain is <elt in the 3r1ans 3< sense, <3r the devils 6and ,en9s als3 .ntil the res.rre8ti3n7 have n3 sense <a8.lties, b.t yet s.<<er this -ain. 5r3, the %)g:ati( -3int 3< vie: then, this -ain is si,-ly a -3sitive -.nish,ent in<li8ted .-3n the da,ned by G3d, additi3nal t3 the -ain 3< l3ss, by ,eans 3< s):e inst,+:ent 8alled, in, 3i,e. 53r the ,3,ent :e say n3thin1 3< the 3< this instr.,ent> the 3nly thin1 that a--ertains st,i(t*' t) 3aith is the e?isten8e 3< s3,e -3sitive t3r,ent distinct <r3, the -ain 3< l3ss. Already in the O*% Testa:ent :e are 1iven a 8lear visi3n 3< the -ain 3< sense. The -r3-het Isaias 6CC;2F7 s-eaDs 3< +the fire that shall not be 3uenched,, and the -hrase is re-eated in the b33D 3< J+%ith, #C;2# 6"<r. E((*esiasti(+s (;#47. O+, B*esse% L),% b3rr3:s the e?-ressi3n <r3, Isaias in the -assa1e G.3ted ab3ve, :here = He tells .s that, i< the eye be an 388asi3n 3< sin it is better t3 -l.8D it 3.t, 3r i< hand 3r <33t s8andaliJe .s, it is better t3 8.t it 3<< than t3 13 int3 Hell :here the <ire is n3t e?tin1.ished. The -arable 3< the 838Dle ends :ith an all.si3n t3 He**#3i,e 6Matt. #$;F%= F27> = the ri8h ,an 8ries 3.t that he is t3r,ented in the 3*a:e 6L.De #C;2F7> = the /.d1e at the last day .tters the sa,e terri<yin1 senten8e; +Depart from me . . . into e#erlastin fire., )e <ind the sa,e tea8hin1 in the e-istles; St- J+%e 6';(, 2$7, St- Pete, 62 0et. $;(7, StJa:es 6$;C7, St- Pa+* 62 Thess. #;E> Heb. #%;2(7. The A&)(a*'&se, as :e have seen, is <.ll 3< realisti8 des8ri-ti3ns. It is tr.e that the ,eanin1 3< these revelati3ns is n3t s3 8lear and evident that the e?isten8e 3< a real <ire in Hell ,.st be held as a d31,a 3< <aith, b.t they leave .s in n3 :hatever as t3 the e?isten8e 3< s3,e -3sitive -.nish,ent distin8t <r3, the -ain 3< l3ss.

.B0 These th,ee t,+ths a,e ta+ght 5' the Ch+,(h9s infallible a+th),it'
/- )e have already seen that the "h.r8h al:ays ta.1ht as a %)g:a )3 3aith that death <inally <i?es ,anMs <ree ,3ral 8h3i8e 3< his last end, and that she, there<3re, re@e8ted the 83ntrary heresy 3< O,igenis:. B.t this %)g:a ne(essa,i*' in(*+%es that )3 the ete,nit' )3 He** , as a--ears <r3, the :3rdin1 3< /.stinian9s ninth anathe,a, a--r3ved and s.bs8ribed by 03-e Vi1ili.s and the :h3le e-is83-ate; +$f anyone shall say or thin- that the punishment of the de#ils and the %ic-ed %ill not be eternal, but that it %ill ha#e an end, and that then there %ill be an +apocatastasis, of the de#ils and the %ic-ed, let him be anathema., In the <a8e 3< this -.bli8 -r38la,ati3n 3< the "h.r8h9s tea8hin1, little n3ti8e need be taDen 3< s3,e 388asi3nal -assa1es, in ,eanin1 3r 3<<.l a.thenti8ity, taDen <r3, the :3rDs 3< t. A,br3se, t. Gre13ry 3< NaJianJ., and t. Gre13ry 3< Nyssa, es-e8ially as, in 3ther -la8es, these 5athers tea8h G.ite 8learly the d38trine held by the :h3le 3< "ath3li8 Traditi3n 1- On this se83nd -3int 3< "ath3li8 tea8hin1 the 3i3th (ent+,' sa: the rise 3< a s8h33l 3< th3.1ht :hi8h atte,-ted t) :itigate the traditi3nal d38trine.

A883rdin1 t3 these :riters, :h3 :ere ni8Dna,ed the misericordes ), :e,(i3+*, 3nly in<idels, .nbelievers and 3bstinate hereti8s :3.ld s.<<er in Hell <3r ever, :hile .nre-entant sinners :h3 :ere n.,bered a,3n1 the <aith<.l :3.ld be saved a<ter d3in1 -enan8e <3r a ti,e. It :3.ld see, that even St- Je,):e ad3-ted this 3-ini3n> b.t the a.thenti8 tea8hin1 3< the "h.r8h is n3t inv3lved in the err3ne3.s 3-ini3ns 3< any 5ather 3r D38t3r. The distin8ti3n bet:een .nbelievers and believers dra:n by these :riters has n3 @.sti<i8ati3n in and is 4ith)+t a+th),it' in "ath3li8 traditi3n. A1ainst this hereti8al aberrati3n St- A+g+stine :as the 1reat 8ha,-i3n 3< 3rth3d3?y and is the <aith<.l :itness 3< "ath3li8 th3.1ht. The "h.r8h9s tr.e d38trine has been ,3re than 3n8e a.th3ritatively -r38lai,ed> in the se()n% C)+n(i* )3 L')ns 6#2(F7 the 83n<essi3n 3< <aith s.b,itted t3 and s.bs8ribed by Mi(hae* Pa*e)*)g+s lays d3:n that; +the souls of those %ho die in a state of mortal sin, or in ori inal sin only, o do%n at once into ;ell, there to suffer di#erse pains., The C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e 6#F$47 re-eats this de8ree, addin1 3nly the :3rd +actual, t3 the -hrase +mortal sin., The adverb mox 6at 3n8e7 inserted in these t:3 de8rees, a--ears liDe:ise in the +Benedict us Deus, 3< Bene%i(t XII already G.3ted by .s :hen s-eaDin1 3< the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent. In this d38.,ent he de<ines that the +souls of those %ho die in a state of actual mortal sin o do%n immediately &mo*( after death into ;ell,, th.s 83nde,nin1 the 3-ini3n that @.d1,ent is de<erred, and at the sa,e ti,e -r38lai,in1 the "ath3li8 tea8hin1 3n the ,atter n3: .nder 83nsiderati3n. ;- Last*' the Ch+,(h has a*4a's 5e*ie?e% in a t4)3)*% &+nish:ent in He**Alth3.1h the tea8hin1 3< the G3s-els is, 3< itsel<, en3.1h t3 establish this as an arti8le 3< <aith, 3<<i8ial -r3n3.n8e,ents are n3t :antin1. Th.s 03-e Inn)(ent III in a letter t3 the Ar8hbish3- 3< Arles 6#2%#7, inserted in the third b33D 3< the Decretals, dra:s the distin8ti3n bet:een the de-rivati3n 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, :hi8h is the -enalty 3< 3ri1inal sin, and the t3r,ent 3< eternal Hell, :hi8h is the -.nish,ent 3< sin. M3re3ver, :henever in e88lesiasti8al d38.,ents ,enti3n is ,ade 3< the -ains, -.nish,ents and t3r,ents 3< Hell, this is eG.ivalent t3 an asserti3n 3< the t:3 -ains, 3< l3ss and 3< sense, <3r the latter is e?-li8itly indi8ated by the .se 3< s.8h ter,s, :hile the <3r,er is ne8essarily inv3lved in every -.nish,ent that is eternal.


A is said t3 be theologically certain :hen it is %e%+(e% 3,): a %)g:a )3 3aith 5' a &,)(ess )3 ,eas)ning- The th.s -r3d.8ed in the ,ind is n3t that 3< <aith, th3.1h dependent .-3n it, and the denial 3< s.8h a 83nstit.tes the sin, n3t 3< heresy, b.t )3 e,,),. )ith re<eren8e t3 Hell there are t4) 3< these the3l31i8ally 8ertain tr.ths t3 be 83nsidered; = 3i,st, the &,)&),ti)n bet:een the s.<<erin1s t3 be and the sins 83,,itted, = and se()n%*', the 3i<it' ), ()nstan(' 3< the essential s.<<erin1s 3< Hell.

./0 P,)&),ti)n 5et4een sins an% s+33e,ings

G)% 4i** ,en%e, t) e?e,' :an" g))% an% 5a%" a((),%ing t) his 4),7s3 de8lares St- Pa+* :ritin1 t3 the R3,ans, 2;C. The C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e 1ave an a.th3ri= tative inter-retati3n t3 this revealed, in s3 <ar as the blessed are 83n8erned, :hen it de8lared that +accordin to the di#ersity of their merits, some %ill see /od more perfectly than others., )ith re1ard t3 the s+33e,ings 3< the da,ned the "3.n8il de<ined n3thin1 as t3 their %i?e,sit', b.t by anal31y and ded.8ti3n :e are b3.nd t3 h3ld that they :ill be re1.lated by the sa,e standard 3< %ist,i5+ti?e >+sti(e. a8red, indeed, indi8ates this 8learly en3.1h; Matt. #%;#'> ##;2#=2F> L.De #%;#2= #'> #2;F(=FE> A-38. #E;C=(. This d38trine then, s3 <ar as the da,ned are 83n8erned, is n3t a

d31,a 3< <aith, sin8e it is n3t <3r,ally -r3-3sed by the "h.r8h9s tea8hin1 a.th3rity> b.t it is a88e-ted by all asthe)*)gi(a**' (e,tain, that is, in the3l31i8al lan1.a1e, &,)<i:ate t) 3aith.

.10 C)nstan(' )3 the &ains )3 He**

The ete,nit' )3 He** i:&*ies" as a %e%+(ti)n" that its s+33e,ings ,e:ain ()nstantThe the3ry 3< a pro ressi#e and indefinite miti ation 3< the s.<<erin1s 3< the da,ned ,.st be re@e8ted as g,a?e*' e,,)ne)+s. These t:3 asserti3ns need s3,e e?-lanati3n. .a0 The,e is a (e,tain :itigati)n )3 the &ains )3 He** that a Cath)*i( :a' a**)4Fi,st there is the s3=8alled :itigati)n ta.1ht by t. Th3,as AG.inas and t. 5ran8is 3< ales. St Th):as says; +$n the damnation of the lost, there is e#idence of mercy, not indeed by %ay of total rela*ation, but by %ay of partial alle#iation, in so far as the punishment is less than is deser#ed, 6 .,. The3l. Ia. G. 2#, art. F, ad. #7. A883rdin1 t3 St- F,an(is %e Sa*es; +these sufferin s are much less than the sins and crimes for %hich they are inflicted, 6Treatise 3< the L3ve 3< G3d, bD. IP, 8h. I7. t. Th3,as is 3< 3-ini3n that G3d :ill a883rd this alleviati3n 3< their t3r,ents t3 th3se es-e8ially :h3 d.rin1 li<e :ere the,selves ,er8i<.l t3 3thers 6 .--l. G. 44, art. ', ad. #7. .50 S):e the)*)gians, <3ll3:in1 D+ns S()t+s, h3ld that venial sins, and ,3rtal sins 3< :hi8h the 1.ilt has been <3r1iven, :ill n3t be -.nished in Hell <3rever, 3< the,selves they are n3t deservin1 3< eternal -.nish,ent. Hen8e a day :ill 83,e :hen, the te,-3ral -.nish,ent d.e t3 be .nder13ne <3r these sins havin1 been 83,-leted, the da,ned :ill e?-erien8e a miti ation 3< their s.<<erin1s, -r3-3rti3nate t3 the 1ravity 3< th3se sins <3r :hi8h they :ere 83nde,ned t3 s.<<er <3r a ti,e. H3:ever i:&,)5a5*e this 3-ini3n ,ay see, t3 be, it ,ay be held :ith3.t 3<<en8e t3 the <aith, <3r it d3es n3t i,-ly any ,iti1ati3n 3< the s.<<erin1s in<li8ted <3r th3se sins :hi8h, 3< the,selves, are deservin1 3< eternal -.nish,ent. .(0 A 3e4 ea,*' s(h)*asti( the)*)gians , :h3se 3-ini3ns t. Th3,as re83rds in the .--le,ent 3< his Summa Theolo ica, th3.1ht that the s.<<erin1s 3< the da,ned :ere alleviated by G3d 3n a883.nt 3< the -rayers 3< the <aith<.l. The 5asis 3< this the3ry is b.t #ery sli ht> 8ertain le1endary st3ries, 3< :hi8h the the3l31ian 8an taDe n3 a883.nt> s3,e -rayers inserted :ith3.t a.th3rity in 3ld ,issals .sed by s3,e l38al 8h.r8hes, a thin1 3< n3 d38trinal si1ni<i8an8e> the a.th3rity 3< the se83nd b33D 3< the Ma8habees, 6#2;F%7 :herein it is related h3: -rayers :ere 3<<ered even <3r th3se :h3 had been slain a<ter stealin1 the v3tive=3<<erin1s <r3, the id3ls 3< /a,nia 6:hi8h d3es n3t ne8essarily ,ean that they had died i,-enitent7, and lastly s3,e<.l -assa1es <r3, t. A.1.stine, t. /3hn "hrys3st3, and t. /3hn 3< Da,as8.s. 0rayer <3r the 3< the l3st is ()nt,a,' t) the &,a(ti(e 3< the R3,an "h.r8h and ()n%e:ne% 5' a** he, the)*)gians. In the .--le,ent 3< the Summa Theolo ica this the3ry 3< the e<<i8a8y 3< -rayer <3r the l3st is des8ribed as a +presumptuous and #ain opinion, %ithout any solid foundation, and moreo#er not acceptable to reason, 6G. (4, art. '7. eein1 that this the3ry -r3-3ses 3nly a restri8ted ,iti1ati3n, stri8tly li,ited t3 the li<e 3< the "h.r8h 3n earth, sin8e the alleviati3n 3< the s.<<erin1s 3< the l3st :3.ld 83,e t3 an end :ith the 8essati3n 3< the -rayers 3< the <aith<.l, this 83nde,nati3n 3< it ,ay see, severe. *et, in, the the),' is a ?e,' %ange,)+s )ne. It atta8Ds the very -rin8i-le 3< the s+5stantia* ina*te,a5i*it' 3< eternal -.nish,ent. It i,-lies as ad,issible, even th3.1h e?8e-ti3nal, the hy-3thesis that -rayer <3r s3,e -arti8.lar l3st s3.l ,i1ht be s3 ardent and s3 l3n1 s.stained as t3 3btain <r3, G3d Athe -r31ressive di,in.ti3nB and <inally Athe t3tal re,issi3nB 3< -.nish,ent. It leads, in <a8t, t3 the 83n8e-ti3n 3< a ,3re 3r less tolerable ;ell, an idea4h)**' +n7n)4n t3 "ath3li8 traditi3n and 3--3sed t3 the ,3st s3lidly established the3l31i8al -rin8i-les.

.%0 Ce,tain :)%e,n a+th),s, 0r3testants <3r the ,3st -art, have ad3-ted this the3ry .nder a ,3re e?trava1ant and, the3l31i8ally, ,3re err3ne3.s <3r,. A883rdin1 t3 the, the s.<<erin1s 3< the l3st ,ay .nder13 Aa -r31ressive di,in.ti3nB, a883rdin1 t3 a <i?ed and .niversal la:. T3 av3id the heresy 3< Ori1enis, they try t3 ,aDe 3.t that this di,in.ti3n, th3.1h 13in1 3n inde<initely, :ill never lead t3 the t3tal ab3liti3n 3< -.nish,ent, as, the3reti8ally, the divisi3n and s.bdivisi3n 3< a line ,ay 13 3n inde<initely :ith3.t ever leadin1 t3 the abs3l.te ne1ati3n 3< all G.antitative e?tensi3n. )ith3.t tr3.blin1 ab3.t the val.e 3< this 83,-aris3n, in :hi8h i:aginati)n -lays a 1reater -art than reas3n, and 83nsiderin1 3nly the reG.ire,ents 3< "ath3li8 d38trine, :e have n3 hesi = tati3n in end3rsin1 "ardinal Bill3t9s 83nde,nati3n 3< this the3ry as te:e,a,i)+s" s(an%a*)+s an% e,,)ne)+s. = Te:e,a,i)+s, sin8e it 13es a1ainst the d38trine 1enerally held and is ba8Ded by n3 133d a.th3rity> = s(an%a*)+s, sin8e it 3-ens 3.t an .n:3nted vie: 3< eternal -.nish,ent be83,in1 -r31ressively less severe .ntil it be83,es bearable, and th.s 1ives rein t3 3.r evil -assi3ns by :eaDenin1 3.r <ear 3< G3d9s @.d1,ent> = e,,)ne)+s, sin8e it -3sitively 83ntradi8ts a that is the3l31i8ally 8ertain. 53r it is a *)gi(a* %e%+(ti)n <r3, the d31,a 3< eternal li<e that the ,isery 3< the l3st 83rres-3nds :ith the 1l3ry 3< the blessed 6Matt. 2';FC7> the sa?e%, as re1ards the s.bstan8e 3< their ha--iness, are in a 83nditi3n that is 3i<e% an% +na*te,a5*e, as are the %a:ne% :ith re1ard t3 their ,isery. Other:ise the verdi8t 3< divine @.sti8e 4)+*% n)t 5e i,,e?)(a5*e, and eternity :3.ld n3t last <3rever. Besides, the &ain )3 *)ss, the de-rivati3n 3< the visi3n 3< G3d, :hi8h is the ,3st terrible 3< all the t3r,ents 3< Hell, a%:its )3 n) :itigati)n> either it si,-ly is, 3r is n3t. As <3r the -ain 3< sense, the s3le,n :3rds 3< Ch,ist are n3t t3 be 1ainsaid; A#ermis non moritur, i nis non e*tin uitur., In the h'&)thesis 3< indefinite miti ation, :hat be83,es 3< this A:3r,B :hi8h, th3.1h ne?e, %'ing, 1r3:s ever :eaDer, and 3< this <ire :hi8h, th3.1h never G.en8hed, is <3r ever l3sin1 its heatH )e need n3t 8ertain -assa1es <r3, the 5athers alle1ed by the .-h3lders 3< the the3ry 3< ,iti1ati3n, n3tably 0etavi.s and M. E,ery, in s.--3rt 3< a relative alleviati3n 3< the s.<<erin1s 3< the da,ned thr3.1h the -rayers 3< the "h.r8h. On this -3int :e re<er 3.r readers t3 3.r b33D,6)Enfer et la r> le de la foi, and t3 the arti8le Miti ation des peines in the Dictionnaire de Tholo ie Catholi3ue.


An 3-ini3n is said t3 be te:e,a,i)+s :hen, :ith3.t denyin1 3r 8astin1 .-3n a d31,a 3< <aith, :ith3.t even 83ntradi8tin1 a that is the3l31i8ally 8ertain, it ,e>e(ts 4ith)+t g))% ,eas)n" a %)(t,ine ()::)n*' ta+ght 5' the)*)gians :hi8h, th3.1h n3t revealed, at any rate :ith 8ertainty, yet 83n8erns the ,e*igi)+s 5e*ie3s ), &i)+s &,a(ti(es 3< the <aith<.l.

./0 The ,ea*it' )3 He**#3i,e

This is a ()::)n*' a((e&te% t,+th 4hi(h it 4)+*% 5e te:e,a,i)+s t) %)+5t ), %en'B.t 3i,st it ,.st be n3ted that t3 say that Hell=<ire is ,ea*, is G.ite a di<<erent thin1 <r3, sayin1 :hat it is. )hen :e say that it is real :e d3 n)t assert that it is a 83r-3real 3r ,aterial thin1 liDe 3.r earthly <ire. Even :hen hel-ed by revelati3n :e have 3nly an analo ical Dn3:led1e 3< 3ther:3rldly thin1s, sin8e 3.r 83n8e-ts 8an ri1htly e?-ress 3nly the -r3-er 3b@e8t 3< 3.r 831niti3n, that is the ,aterial thin1s 3< this :3rld. A priori then, it ,ay be said that Hell=<ire, havin1 an anal31y :ith 3.r earthly <ire, 5)th ,ese:5*es it an%

%i33e,s 3,): it> b.t h3: and t3 :hat de1ree :e 8ann3t say. O.r -resent G.esti3n, there<3re, d3es n3t 83n8ern the 3< Hell=<ire, b.t the si,-le <a8t 3< its 3b@e8tive reality. )e say, then, that the 3i,e )3 He** is a thing %istin(t 3,): the *)st s)+* itse*3 , 3r, :ith 1reater a88.ra8y, that it i,-lies the e?isten8e 3< an 3b@e8tive really distin8t <r3, the -ain 3< sense :hi8h is its e<<e8t, and in the in<li8ti3n 3< :hi8h it is the instr.,ent 3< divine @.sti8e. Underst33d in this sense, ,ea* 3i,e is )&&)se% t) :eta&h),i(a* 3i,e, as the 3b@e8tive 3< s.<<erin1 is 3--3sed t3 the ,erely s.b@e8tive <eelin1 3r a<<li8ti3n 3< the s3.l. .10 The)*)gi(a* &,))3 )3 the ,ea*it' )3 He**#3i,e This is %,a4n 3,): S(,i&t+,e" t,a%iti)n an% the +nani:)+s tea(hing )3 the)*)gians.a0 As :e have already seen, the S(,i&t+,es, in s-eaDin1 3< Hell, .se s.8h ter,s as Aeternal <ire, .nG.en8hable <ire, 1ehennaB 6the very :3rd re8alls the <ire De-t b.rnin1 in the valley 3< Ghinn3,7, Aa <.rna8e 3< <ire, t3r,entin1 <la,e, s,3De 3< their t3r,ents, a laDe 3< bri,st3ne and <ireB, et8. It see,s i,-3ssible t3 taDe these e?-ressi3ns 3ther:ise than in a ,ea*isti( sense. Any metaphorical inter-retati3n, :hi8h taDes the <ire t3 be ,erely the s3.l9s an1.ish 3r re,3rse, even +an e#er na%in paro*ysm of remorse,, d3es vi3len8e t3 the 3bvi3.s ,eanin1 3< the :3rds, es-e8ially :hen taDen t31ether and read in the li1ht 3< the belie<s that :ere .niversally held by the 83nte,-3raries 3< "hrist. The hy-3thesis 3< a real b.t si,-ly spiritual <ire, -.t <3r:ard by s3,e ,3dern the3l31ians, ,i1ht indeed be re83n8iled :ith the :3rds 3<, b.t is in itsel< a ()nt,a%i(ti)n, a <ire bein1 :eta&h'si(a**' in()n(ei?a5*e. .50 The t,a%iti)na* tea(hing )3 the Fathe,s" ta7en as a 4h)*e" &,)?i%es a 4eight' a,g+:entNearly al:ays they s-eaD 3< Hell=<ire in ter,s that even a88ent.ate the realis, 3< 53r the, it is a +hard and bitter, <ire, +cruel, un3uenchable, unbearable, in :hi8h the sinner :ill b.rn and be 8easelessly and <3rever. They liDen it t3 the <ire 3< this :3rld, 3r t3 the <ires Dindled by G3d <3r the destr.8ti3n 3< sinners. Min+ti+s Fe*i< an% Te,t+**ian 83,-are it :ith li1htnin1 and v3l8ani8 <ires. A883rdin1 t3 St- J)hn Ch,'s)st): an% St- A+g+stine the <ire that destr3yed 3d3, and G3,3rrah is an i,a1e 3< Hell. 5r3, the <i<th 8ent.ry :e <ind it des8ribed as +corporeal,, and by the ti,e 3< St- G,eg),' the G,eat its reality and ,ateriality :ere a88e-ted by all. It ,.st, h3:ever, be n3ted, that there :ere s3,e ()nt,a%i(t),' )&ini)ns, es-e8ially in the ea,*ie, 8ent.ries. O,igen, <3r e?a,-le, ,aintained de<initely a -.rely metaphorical <ire, and The)&h'*a(t+s <3ll3:ed hi,. B.t 8ertain -assa1es <r3, St- G,eg),' )3 N'ssa" !i(t), )3 Anti)(h" St- J)hn )3 Da:as(+s" La(tanti+s an% St- A:5,)se are either b.t<.lly in <av3.r 3< a ,eta-h3ri8al <ire 3r are 3rth3d3? :hen read in the li1ht 3< 3ther asserti3ns by the sa,e :riters. The the)*)gi(a* e<&*anati)n 3< the a8ti3n 3< Hell=<ire had n3t yet been :3rDed 3.t, and the -revailin1 83n8e-ti3n :as a very si,-le 3ne> the &ain )3 *)ss, bein1 :h3lly, :as re<erred t3 the s)+*, the -ain 3< sense :as attrib.ted t3 the 5)%'. Tr.e, the 5athers did n3t al:ays e?-ress the,selves s3 8learly, b.t that :as their .nderlyin1 idea, as is -r3ved by the <a8t that s3,eti,es they tea8h that even th3se 1.ilty 3< 3ri1inal sin al3ne :ill s.<<er -3sitive t3r,ents. 3,e 3< the, are e<&*i(it, as <3r e?a,-le, St- Meth)%i+s, :h3 thinDs that the s3.l, even be<3re the res.rre8ti3n, ,.st have s3,e Dind 3< a b3dy, <3r 3ther:ise Hell=<ire 83.ld n3t a<<li8t it> :hereas, St- G,eg),' )3 N'ssa de8lares that the h.,an s3.l, bein1, 8an never be t3r,ented by <ire. St- A+g+stin, s.,,in1 .- the di<<erent the3ries then 8.rrent 3n the s.b@e8t 3< the +%orm, and +fire,, <inds the di<<i8.lty t3 lie in e?-lainin1 the a8ti3n 3< ,aterial <ire .-3n bein1s. &The City of /od, bD. PP, 8h. 22> bD. PPI, 8h. 47. It :3.ld disa--ear, he thinDs, i< the hy-3thesis 3< thecorporeity 3< the de,3ns 83.ld be .-held, b.t, 1iven their s&i,it+a* nat+,e, :e are br3.1ht .- a1ainst a :'ste,'. The ()n(*+si)n t3 be dra:n <r3, this brie< e?a,inati3n 3< the Fathe,s9 tea(hing is that, :hen they are si,-ly settin1 <3rth the t,a%iti)na* belie< 3< the "h.r8h, they s-eaD, :ith3.t hesitati3n, 3< the 3i,e )3 He**, b.t :hen they try t3 e?-lain the a8ti3n 3< <ire .-3n bein1s, b3th th3.1ht and lan1.a1e betray .n8ertainty. Only a <e: 3< the, dealt dire8tly :ith this as-e8t 3< the -r3ble, 3< Hell=<ire, :hi8h :as t3 be the s.b@e8t 3< the3l31i8al dis8.ssi3n in later days, b.t it is -re8isely th3se <e:, a-art <r3, Ori1en and The3-hyla8t.s :h3 de<initely :ent astray, :h3se na,es are G.3ted as 3.r adversaries. .(0 B.t even :hen these err3rs and .n8ertainties are dis83.nted, it re,ains tr.e that the tea(hing )3 the Ch+,(h t3.8hin1 the ,ea*it' 3< Hell=<ire has .nder13ne a 8ertain -r31ress. T3day the :),a* +nani:it' )3 the)*)gians is a 3a(tThe the3ry 3< a metaphorical <ire has been alt31ether 1iven .-. In the si<teenth (ent+,', the D3,ini8an the3l31ian A,br3se "atharin.s, a s3,e:hat darin1 s-e8.lat3r in ,atters the3l31i8al, tried, .ns.88ess<.lly, t3 revive this the3ry. His 3-ini3n :as i,,ediately s.b@e8ted t3 se?e,e (,iti(is: and, by ,3st the3l31ians, re@e8ted as, at least te:e,a,i)+s, i< n3t err3ne3.s. It r.ns 83.nter, indeed, t3 the a.th3rity 3< all the 1reat the3l31ians and 3< all the3l31i8al s8h33ls. The ,ediaeval the3l31ians, es-e8ially, al:ays .nderstand the 8ri-t.ral :3rd i nis in a st,i(t*' ,ea*isti( 4a'. The -3ssibility 3< a metaphorical inter-retati3n is s3 re,3te <r3, their ,inds, that they rather -re<er t3 1ive a literal ,eanin1 t3 3ther :3rds, s.8h as i8e, :ater and the 1na:in1 :3r,, :hi8h are s3,eti,es 83.-led :ith <ire in the ins-ired des8ri-ti3ns 3< the t3r,ents 3< Hell. In the eighteenth an% nineteenth (ent+,ies a 8ertain n.,ber 3< Athe3l31iansB tried t3 reinstate the metaphorical inter-retati3n, b.t their the3l31i8al a.th3rity :as n3t hi1h en3.1h t3 :in <3r it a standin1 in the s8h33ls. 5inally, in /CDE, an e88lesiasti8al de8isi3n :as 1iven 3n this -3int, :hi8h, th3.1h -.rely dis8i-linary, indi8ates :hat is the 3nly a.th3riJed tea8hin1. A -arish -riest 3< the di38ese 3< Mant.a -.t the <3ll3:in1 8ase be<3re the Sa(,e% Penitentia,'; AA -enitent ,aDes Dn3:n t3 his 83n<ess3r that, in his 3-ini3n, the e?-ressi3n Kthe <ire 3< Hell9 is 3nly a ,eta-h3r <3r the intense s.<<erin1s 3< the da,ned, and asDs :hether -enitents ,ay be all3:ed t3 -ersist in this 3-ini3n and be abs3lved.B The ans:er :as that they :ere t3 be 8are<.lly instr.8ted, and i< they sh3:ed the,selves&e,tina(i)+s, :ere n)t t) 5e a5s)*?e%. This indi8ati3n, t31ether :ith the +nani:)+s ag,ee:ent )3 the g,eat the)*)gians, 3bli1es .s t3 that the reality 3< the <ire 3< Hell is, at least, a 83,,3nly a88e-ted, :hi8h ,ay n3t be denied :ith3.t 83,,ittin1 the g,a?e sin )3 te:e,it'.


I- The &ain )3 *)ssA ./0 Its nat+,eA .10 Its ine=+a*itiesII- The &ain )3 senseA ./0 hat the 3i,e )3 He** isA .10 H)4 it a(ts" .a0 +&)n the s)+*" .50 +&)n the 5)%'The -r3d.8ed in the h.,an ,ind by the a88e-tan8e 3< d31,ati8 and the3l31i8al tr.ths, 8ann3t satis<y its insatiable 8.ri3sity, al:ays sear8hin1 <3r the .lti,ate reas3ns 3< thin1s. U-3n the ,any -r3ble,s inv3lved in the d31,a 3< Hell 3.r reas3n 8an thr3: s3,e de1ree 3< li1ht> b.t in these ,atters, :hi8h are inte,esting an% int,ig+ing, :e are in the s-here 3< s&e(+*ati)n an% 3,ee%): )3 )&ini)n. )e have n3:, there<3re, t3 e?-3.nd :hat see, t3 be the 5est the)*)gi(a* e<&*anati)ns, <irstly 3< the -ain 3< l3ss, se83ndly, 3< the -ain 3< sense.


)e have t3 try t3 s3lve t:3 G.esti3ns; = 3i,st, :e have t3 e?-lain the e<a(t nat+,e 3< the -ain 3< l3ss> = se()n%*', :e have t3 sh3: h3: its intensit' (an ?a,' in di<<erent individ.als.


hat the &ain )3 *)ss is

It is easy t3 assert, and it is 83nstantly bein1 reiterated, that the -ain 3< l3ss is the :)st te,,i5*e 3< Hell9s t3r,ents, n3t 3nly it is, by the 3< thin1s, ete,na*, b.t als3, 83nsidered in itsel<, it the :)st int)*e,a5*e an% ine<&,essi5*e )3 s+33e,ings . B.t it is by n3 ,eans so easy t3 -r3ve this asserti3n. /- St- Th):as A=+inas, 3.r 1.ide, 3<ten e?-lains h3: the natural l3ve 3< G3d as the s.-re,e G33d, -ersists, b3th in the de,3ns and the l3st. 68<r. Sum. Theol. I, G. CF, and Compend. Theol. 8a-. #(F.7 As :e have already seen, in the intr3d.8t3ry 8ha-ter, dis8arnate s-irits, :h3 Dn3: and l3ve the,selves :ith a Dn3:led1e and l3ve that are s-3ntane3.s and ever, have liDe:ise an al:ays Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< G3d. And sin8e they Dn3: G3d as the .-re,e G33d, they l3ve Hi, even ,3re than they 8an l3ve the,selves. B.t this s-3ntane3.s and nat.ral i,-.lse 3< l3ve is an .ndeliberate a8t 3< the :ill. The reas3n 3< this s&)ntane)+s %esi,e 3< G3d lies in the <a8t that s-irits and dise,b3died a--rehend the .-re,e G33d, n3t by :ay 3< abstra8ti3n as :e d3 n3:, b.t as it :ere, in the ()n(,ete. 3, as :e, :hile 3n earth, 8ann3t l3ve 3r desire anythin1 e?8e-t in s3 <ar as it is seen t3 be 133d, the 3b@e8t 3< all l3ve and desire, the :ill 3< the dis8arnate s-irit is i,-elled, by -sy8h3l31i8al ne8essity, t3:ards the, 83n8rete .-re,e G33d.

In a :3rd, the l3ve 3< G3d, a.th3r and s3.r8e 3< all 133d, is the 3i,st an% ne(essa,' &,in(i&*e )3 a** *)?e an% %esi,e in the ne?t :3rld. This nat.ral and ne8essary l3ve is n3t e?tin1.ished in the l3st, b.t -ersists as the s-3ntane3.s a8ti3n 3< their> it is the ever a8tive ,3tive <3r8e 3< their :h3le -sy8h3l31i8al li<e in all that 83n8erns :illin1 and desirin1. Hen8e there arises in the l3st s3.l a 83n<li8t 3< 3--3site <3r8es. On the 3ne hand the s3.l is i,,esisti5*' i:&e**e%, by its nat.ral in8linati3ns, t3:ards ha--iness, and s3 by its s-3ntane3.s, .ndeliberate a8t, l3ves G3d as its hi1hest 133d> 3n the 3ther hand, its 3,ee an% %e*i5e,ate )5%+,a(' in e?i*, 8h3sen as its last end, <3r8es it t3 t.rn its ba8D 3n G3d, the 3nly s3.r8e 3< ha--iness, and the 3nly satis<a8ti3n 3< its intense desire 3< ha--iness. It ,.st n3t be <3r13tten that s-irits, s.8h as dise,b3died, have dire8t 831niti3n 3< the,selves by an a8t 3< -er<e8t int.iti3n. O:in1 t3 this -er<e8t and dire8t sel<=831niti3n they 83,-rehend in 3ne sin1le 1lan8e all their needs, their as-irati3ns, their destiny, the tr.e 3b@e8t 3< their, and als3 the ins.r,3.ntable 3bsta8les set .- by the,selves, :hi8h -revent the, <r3, satis<yin1 their h.n1er <3r ha--iness and <r3, attainin1 t3 tr.e <eli8ity. in8e the dise,b3died s3.l sees itsel< dire8tly in its 3:n essen8e, it Dn3:s and e?-erien8es all these thin1s :ith an inti:a(' that 13es t3 the 8entre 3< its bein1, and hen8e the -ain 3< l3ss -r3d.8es in the l3st an inte,i), ()nt,a%i(ti)n that t3rt.res and rends as.nder their in,3st li<e> they are i,-elled t3:ards G3d and are De-t <ar <r3, Hi,> they yearn <3r G3d and yet re-el Hi,. N3 ,3re terrible an1.ish 8an be i,a1ined than that the s3.l sh3.ld be at :ar :ith itsel< in the very a8t that sh3.ld brin1 it ha--iness> it is a rendin1 3< the s3.l, 3< :hi8h even the tearin1 3< the b3dy, li,b <r3, li,b, is b.t a <aint and <eeble i,a1e. 1- It is 8lear that this e?-lanati3n -res.--3ses that the da,ned have %e3inite 7n)4*e%ge )3 the ha&&iness that :3.ld have been theirs <r3, the -3ssessi3n 3< G3d as their supernatural end. t. Th3,as &De Malo, G. ', art. $7, ,aDes the sa,e -res.--3siti3n :hen he -r3ves that the l3ss 3< the beati<i8 visi3n 3< G3d :ill n3 s.<<erin1 t3 8hildren :h3 die +n5a&tise%; AThe 3< these 8hildren are n3t la8Din1 in s.8h nat.ral Dn3:led1e as is d.e t3 se-arated a883rdin1 t3 their, b.t they d3 n3t -3ssess s.-ernat.ral Dn3:led1e, :hi8h 83,es <r3, <aith. . . By its nat.ral Dn3:led1e the s3.l Dn3:s that it is 8reated <3r ha--iness, and that this lies in the -3ssessi3n 3< the s.-re,e 133d> b.t that this -er<e8t 133d, <3r :hi8h ,an is ,ade, is the 1l3ry 3< the saints, is s3,ethin1 that 8ann3t be Dn3:n nat.rally. . . . Hen8e the 3< these in<ants :ill n3t Dn3: that they are de-rived 3< s3 1reat a 133d, and 83nseG.ently :ill n3t s.<<er <r3, the de-rivati3n.B The %a:ne%, then 6a-art <r3, in<ants7 :ill have s.-ernat.ral Dn3:led1e 3< :hat 3.1ht t3 be, and :hat 3ther:ise :3.ld have been their tr.e ha--iness. Faith, there<3re, intervenes and 83,-letes the nat.ral, s-3ntane3.s ,3ve,ent 3< the :ill t3:ards G3d envisa1ed as the s.-re,e 133d. B.t, as :e shall see, the a8ti3n 3< <aith is in the s-e8.lative 3rder 3nly, :hile in the -ra8ti8al 3rder, the :ill -ersists in its adheren8e t3 an end()nt,a,' t3 its tr.e last end. The ill.,inati3n 3< <aith is the 3< g,a(e re8eived d.rin1 this li<e, :hi8h t3 s3,e is 1iven ,3re ab.ndantly, t3 3thers less 83-i3.sly> ,3re3ver it is n3t i,-3ssible that, at the very ,3,ent 3< death, G3d ,ay s-e8ially enli1hten the s3.l as t3 its tr.e ha--iness. Hen8e it 83,es ab3.t that they :h3, in this :3rld, :ere the ,3re hi1hly < by G3d9s ,er8y, :ill, in the ne?t, be ,3re deservin1 3< re-r3bati3n, and, as a 83nseG.en8e 3< their hi1her de1ree 3< Dn3:led1e, :ill have t3 a ,3re terrible an1.ish 3< s3.l. ;- Here the G.esti3n arises, h3: is it that the l3st s3.l, b3rne d3:n by s3 1reat a :ei1ht 3< s.<<erin1 and t3r,ent, d3es n3t retra8e its ste-s and choose ane% its last end, in a883rdan8e :ith the -er<e8t Dn3:led1e 3< it :hi8h it has n3: 1ainedH The <.nda,ental reas3n :e have 1iven already> the 8h3i8e 3< their last end by dis8arnate s-irits is %e3initi?e an% i,,e?)(a5*e. It -r38eeds, n3t <r3, a 83n@e8t.ral, b.t a 8ertain

Dn3:led1e, 8ertain and 83,-rehensive in :hat re1ards itsel< and its 3:n, and, 3< divine revelati3n, 8ertain :ith re1ard t3 s.-ernat.ral 3, 3n8e the l3st s3.l has ,ade its (h)i(e, it 8ann3t t.rn r3.nd and 8h33se the 3--3site. 53r the re@e8ti3n 3< its s.-ernat.ral end by the l3st s3.l res.lts, n3t <r3, any de<e8tive Dn3:led1e 3< the s.-ernat.ral as t,+e, b.t <r3, a de<e8tive 83nsiderati3n 3< it .nder the as-e8t 3< the Fg))%-G N3: i< it :ere -3ssible <3r the s.-ernat.ral t3 ,3ve the :ill t3 ,aDe a <resh 8h3i8e, it :3.ld be it 83.ld attra8t it as its s.-re,e 133d> b.t it is -re8isely .nder this as-e8t that the l3st s3.l sh.t its eyes .-3n its tr.e s.-ernat.ral end, and 8h3se t3 l33D 3nly .-3n its )4n nati?e e<(e**en(e> Dn3:in1 the s.-re,e 133d, it ?)*+nta,i*' 5*in%e% itse*3 t3 its s.-re,e desirability, and re<.sed at all 83sts t3 <3ll3: a<ter it; Aa#erterunt #oluntarie suum intellectum, non a consideratione #eri, sed ab inspectione boni in 3uantum est bonum, 3uia nolunt illud se3ui., 6 t. Th3,as,Comment. in Tract. de <ominibus Di#inis. bD. IV, le8t. #47. Hen8e thr3.1h3.t eternity the l3st s3.l9s ,3ral li<e is 13verned by this a8t :hereby it ,e>e(te% the s)?e,eign g))% as its *ast en%. And :e ,.st re,e,ber als3 that this a8t, -r38eedin1 <r3, the s3.l9s 8ertain, int.itive and 83,-rehensive Dn3:led1e 3< itsel<, ad,its 3< n) s+((essi)n )3 &hases, b.t is al:ays indivisible and sel<=identi8al, and 83nseG.ently +na*te,a5*e. 0l.n1ed in the t3r,ents 3< Hell the l3st are 83nde,ned t3 .nder13 a s.<<erin1 that, -r3bably, had never s.11ested itsel< t3 the, be<3re their da,nati3n> even nat.ral ha--iness is denied the,. They had h3-ed at least t3 <ind s3,e satis<a8ti3n in their 3:n nat.ral -3:ers and G.alities, b.t the 8r.el and bitter reality tea8hes the, that this is i:&)ssi5*e. B.t their ,isery (ann)t -r3d.8e in the, a 8han1e 3< :ill. Their :ills bein1 al:ays .nder the s:ay 3< the -ra8ti8al @.d1,ent they, had <3r,ed 3< their 3:n sel<=s.<<i8ien8y, t3 the e?8l.si3n 3< s.-ernat.ral, they ,.st <3r ever :ill, even in their s.<<erin1s, :hat they :illed <r3, the <irst ,3,ent 3< their rev3lt a1ainst G3d. T3 1ive .s s3,e idea 3< h3: this 8an be, t. Th3,as .ses the ill.strati3n 3< a (,i:ina* intent .-3n ,.rder, :h3 is <3r8ibly -revented <r3, 83,,ittin1 it. He is by his &)4e,*essness, yet &e,sists in his 8ri,inal desire. 3 als3 :ith the da,ned> they see n3: that their a8t 3< -r3.d inde-enden8e has br3.1ht the, ,isery instead 3< ha--iness> yet they 8lin1 t3 their -ride and inde-enden8e, :hi8h they val.e ab3ve all. Their 3nly re1ret is n3t t3 have <3.nd therein the ha--iness they had l33Ded t3 <ind> their ,isery 13ads the, t3 %es&ai,. B.t the' %) n)t 3ee* s),,)4 <3r the ,3ral evil 3< their sins, :hi8h :3.ld be the be1innin1 3< re-entan8e. The' 3ee* the :ise,' )3 thei, s+33e,ings an% ,e:),se <3r their sins as the 3< t3r,ents s3 terrible. Their :ills still 8lin1 t3 the ,3ral evil, and the 3nly e<<e8t 3< their -.nish= ,ent is the an1.ish 3< s3.l that it -r3d.8es, their 3nly re-entan8e that 3< the slave .nder the lash.

.10 Di33e,ent %eg,ees in the &ain )3 *)ssA883rdin1 t3 the Th):isti( the3l31y the reas3n <3r ine=+a*ities )3 s+33e,ing is t3 be <3.nd in the (a+se 3< the s.<<erin1, that is in the g,eate, ), *esse, g,a?it' )3 the sins <3r :hi8h the s.<<erin1 is in8.rred. He :h3 has ,3re 1riev3.sly sinned a1ainst G3d :ill in8.r a 1reater -enalty, and the -ain 3< l3ss :ill :ei1h .-3n hi, ,3re heavily. B.t h3: e?-lain that there 8an be de1rees in the -ain 3< l3ssH In s3 <ar as it is the %e&,i?ati)n )3 the sight )3 G)% it ad,its 3< n) %eg,ees, b.t isa5s)*+te an% in?a,ia5*e> b.t the intensity 3< the s.<<erin1 it is, in itsel< and intrinsi8ally, ?a,ia5*e a883rdin1 t3 the g,a?it' 3< the sins 83,,itted> the ,3re hein3.s the sins, the ,3re intense the s.<<erin1. B.t t3 say this is ,erely t3 sDi, the s.r<a8e 3< the di<<i8.lty> :e ,.st 13 deeper. )e 8ann3t d3 better than G.3te <r3, the :ell=Dn3:n Cursus Theolo icus by the Ca,:e*ites )3 Sa*a:an(a; A)e 8an .nderstand that the -ain 3< l3ss is in8reased in -r3-3rti3n t3 its, that is the sins 83,,itted> the ,3re n.,er3.s and 1riev3.s are the sins, the ,3re 1riev3.s and ,3re int3lerable :ill be the de-rivati3n 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, and vi8e versa.

Nevertheless :e d3 n3t assert that the 1reater ,ali8e 3< the sins is the <3r,al reas3n 3< the 1reater de1ree 3< s.<<erin1, <3r stri8tly s-eaDin1 the -.nish,ent is n3t in8reased it is in<li8ted <3r ,3re 1riev3.s sins. B.t :e say that the 1reater 1ravity 3< the sins and the in8reased de1ree 3< the -.nish,ent are s3 83rrelated that the de-rivati3n 3< the visi3n 3< G3d be83,es 3< itsel< the tr.e and intrinsi8 3< the 1reater s.<<erin1. H3: is this t3 be e?-lainedH H3:, indeed, is it -3ssible, sin8e :e are dealin1 :ith a -rivati3n :hi8h, by its very, i,-lies the t3tal l3ss 3< the 83ntrary -er<e8ti3nH T3 1et s3,e idea, it ,.st <irst be n3ted that he :h3 is de-rived 3< s3,e -er<e8ti3n is thereby re,3ved and s.ndered <r3, the state 3< -er<e8ti3n :hi8h 3ther:ise he :3.ld have attained. 3 it ,ay be said that a -rivati3n is 1reater a883rdin1 as there res.lts <r3, it a 1reater distan8e <r3, the 3--3site state 3< -er<e8ti3n. N3: this distan8e in8reases a883rdin1 t3 the in8reasin1 di<<i8.lty :hi8h, 3:in1 t3 the and n.,ber 3< intervenin1 3bsta8les, attends the attain,ent 3< the 83ntrary -er<e8ti3n. B.t it is -re8isely their sins that are the i,-edi,ents and 3bsta8les -reventin1 the da,ned <r3, attainin1 t3 the beati<i8 visi3n. Hen8e, the 1reater the n.,ber and 1ravity 3< the sins, the 1reater is the distan8e se-aratin1 the da,ned <r3, G3d, and the 1reater the l3ss 3< the visi3n 3< G3d. 3,e anal31y ,ay be <3.nd in the -rivati3ns :hi8h a<<li8t .s in this li<e, <3r e?a,-le, in e?ile <r3, h3,e and 83.ntry. 53r th3.1h banish,ent ,.st ne8essarily, and in every 8ase, sh.t a ,an 3.t alt31ether <r3, li<e in his 3:n 83.ntry, yet the ,3re distant his -la8e 3< banish,ent is, the harder t3 bear d3es his e?ile be83,e, his ret.rn h3,e is ,ade ,3re di<< i,ilarly, blindness, h3:ever it ,ay arise, is the t3tal de-rivati3n 3< si1ht . . . and yet it be83,es a ,.8h ,3re 1riev3.s a<<li8ti3n :hen there is n3 h3-e at all 3< a . . . And s3 it is that the l3ss 3< Heaven is a 1reater -.nish,ent and a 1reater ,isery <3r the sinner :h3 is de-rived 3< eternal ha--iness 3< ,any and very 1reat sins, than it is <3r hi, :h3 is da,ned <3r b.t a <e: and less 1riev3.s sins.B &De Airtus et "eccatis, dis-. PVIII, d.b. #7.


The t:3 -3ints t3 be here 83nsidered are; = the nat+,e )3 the 3i,e 3< Hell, and = its :)%e )3 a(ti)n.

./0 Nat+,e )3 He**#3i,e

As :e have said, the ,ea*it' 3< Hell=<ire 8ann3t be denied :ith3.t )33en(e t) the 3aith. B.t t3 say that it is ,ea* is alt31ether di<<erent <r3, sayin1 that it is )3 the sa:e nat+,e as the ,aterial <ire 3< earth. The s8h3lasti8 the3l31ians and s3,e ,3derns thinD that the,e is n) essentia* %i33e,en(e bet:een the t:3 Dinds 3< <ire, and their 3-ini3n is by n3 ,eans :ith3.t <3.ndati3n. M- B,assa( :rites; AIt has n3t been de<ined that the <ire 3< Hell is :ate,ia*. . . *et it ,.st n3t be <3r13tten that the :3rd <ire, 3r <la,e, is .sed t3 desi1nate it at least ei1ht ti,es in the G3s-els, and thirty ti,es in the Ne: Testa,ent as a :h3le. This :3.ld n3t be .nderstandable .nless the t3r,ent 3< <ire, the ,3st terrible :e Dn3:, had a 8l3se 83nne8ti3n :ith the t3r,ent 3< Hell, and :ere the best <itted t3 1ive .s an idea 3< its severityB &Manuel Bibli3ue,#4%E, t. III, -. '4%7. )hile 1rantin1 this n3ti3n 3< a 8l3se 83nne8ti3n, :e ,ay add that earthly <ire 3.1ht not, it see,s, t3 be taDen as a 83,-lete re-resentati3n 3< Hell=<ire. 53r, a883rdin1 t3 itsel<, there are st,i7ing %i33e,en(es bet:een the t:3;

the <ire 3< earth is -r3d.8ed by 8he,i8al a8ti3n, the <ire 3< Hell is Dindled by the an1er 3< G3d> = the 3ne 8ann3t t3.8h the s3.l e?8e-t by a8tin1 .-3n and thr3.1h the b3dy, the 3ther atta8Ds the s3.l dire8tly and i,,ediately> = the 3ne ,ay be G.en8hed, the 3ther 8an never be> = the 3ne 1ives li1ht, the 3ther 1l33, and darDness> = the 3ne b.rns and 83ns.,es, the 3ther b.rns b.t destr3ys n3t its vi8ti,s. )e thinD, there<3re, that b3th ,eas)n an% ,e?e*ati)n are better served by n3t assertin1 that the t:3 <ires have the sa,e s-e8i<i8 0r3vided that :e sa<e1.ard the ,ea*it' 3< Hell=<ire, there is n3 reas3n :hy :e sh3.ld n3t taDe even its as bein1 si,-ly ana*)g)+s :ith that 3< earthly <ire, and this 3-ini3n see,s liDely t3 be83,e ,3re and ,3re 83,,3n a,3n1 the3l31ians. It is n3t a ne: 3-ini3n> it :as -r3-3.nded e?-li8itly by La8tanti.s and t. /3hn 3< Da,as8.s. St- Th):as, de<endin1 the latter, says; AHe d3es n3t alt31ether deny that the <ire 3< Hell is ,aterial> he says it is n3t ,aterial in the sa,e :ay as 3.r <ire isB &Suppl. G. 4(, a.$7. The D3,ini8an, PH,e H+g)n, .ses al,3st the sa,e :3rds; AThis <ire is n3t ,eta-h3ri8al> it is real, b.t this is n3t t3 say ,aterial liDe 3.r <ireB &4ponses tholo i3ues, -. 2%'7. i,ilarly 0assa1lia; AIn a<<ir,in1 the reality 3< Hell=<ire, :e d3 n3t say that it is the sa,e as the <ire 3< earth.B )e a1ree then <.lly :ith 5r. H.rter &Theol. do mat. t. III, n3. (447 :hen he says that the <ire 3< Hell di<<ers <r3, that 3< earth b3th in its nat+,e and in its &,)&e,ties, natura et indole.

.10 The :)%e )3 a(ti)n )3 He**#3i,e

)e shall 83nsider; = 3i,st*', h3: Hell=<ire a8ts .-3n &+,e s&i,its an% %ise:5)%ie% s)+*s> = se()n%*', h3: it :ill a8t .-3n the 5)%ies )3 the %a:ne% a<ter the res.rre8ti3n. .a0 P+,e spirits an% %ise:5)%ie% soulsOn this -3int t4) -rin8i-al 8.rrents 3< 3-ini3n divide the the3l31i8al :3rld; #. the 3ne, 13in1 ba8D t3 St- A+g+stine, h3lds that the <ire 3< Hell e?erts 3nly a s+5>e(ti?e ), :),a* a8ti3n .-3n the s3.l> 2. the se83nd ad3-ted by St- Th):as, ,aintains that its a8ti3n is &h'si(a**' e<<e8tive. #. The 3),:e, 3-ini3n, then, denies that there is any real 83nta8t bet:een the <ire and the s3.l. The <ire is there b.t d3es n3t a8t dire8tly .-3n the s3.l. *et it the s3.l t3 s.<<er, either; = the s3.l is a:are 3< its -resen8e and its in@.ri3.s G.alities &Albertus Ma nus(! = 3r it <ears its atta8Ds &St. Bona#enture(! = 3r its ,ere -r3?i,ity t3 the s3.l is distaste<.l &E idius 4omanus(! = 3r a1ain the s3.l9s attenti3n is s3 :h3lly 83n8entrated .-3n the <ire that its liberty 3< th3.1ht is <ettered and its <reed3, sha8Dled, th.s 8a.sin1 it a8.test ,isery, and this either; o s.8h 83n8entrati3n 3< the attenti3n is nat.ral 6Ri8hard 3< Middlet3n, Biel, O8Dha,7, o 3r G3d by s3,e s-e8ial interventi3n i,-3ses this t3rt.rin1 i,,3bility 3< th3.1ht .-3n the s3.l 6 83t.s7. 1- St- Th):as ,e>e(ts a** these e<&*anati)nsHe :rites; AOthers say that, alth3.1h 83r-3real <ire 8ann3t b.rn the s3.l, yet the s3.l a--rehends it as in@.ri3.s and hen8e is a<<li8ted :ith -ain and <ear.. . b.t in that 8ase the s3.l :3.ld n3t s.<<er <r3, the <ire in reality, b.t 3nly in its s.b@e8tive a--rehensi3n, and alth3.1h a <alse i,a1inati3n ,ay real s.<<erin1, as t. A.1.stine -3ints 3.t, yet it 8ann3t be said that

the s.<<erin1 is 8a.sed by the thin1 i,a1ined, b.t by its i,a1e. Besides, this s3rt 3< s.<<erin1 :3.ld be ,3re .nliDe real s.<<erin1 than that 8a.sed by an i,a1inary visi3n, the latter is ins-ired by tr.e 83n8e-ts :ithin the s3.l, and the <3r,er by <alse ideas -r3d.8ed by the s3.l in err3r. Lastly it is n3t -r3bable that dise,b3died 3r de,3ns, :h3se a8.teness 3< intelle8t is 1reat, :3.ld thinD that 83r-3real <ire 83.ld really har, the,, i< it :ere, in <a8t, in8a-able 3< d3in1 s3B &Suppl. G. (%, art. $7. )e ,.st, there<3re, all3: that the s3.l, even :hen se-arated <r3, the b3dy, is atta8Ded %i,e(t*' an% &h'si(a**' by the <ire 3< Hell. I< the <ire, as the instr.,ent 3< divine @.sti8e, a8ts by the -3:er 3< G3d, and 8an a8t .-3n the s3.l, in the sa,e :ay as the sa8ra,ents -r3d.8e the e<<e8t 3< san8ti<i8ati3n in the s3.l, then it ,.st als3 have its 3:n &,)&e, an% nat+,a* e33e(t .-3n the s3.l. 53r every instr.,ent -er<3r,s a t4)3)*% a8ti3n; = <irst, its 3:n nat.ral a8ti3n 3< :hi8h it is the &,in(i&a*, and = se83ndly, its inst,+:enta* a8ti3n, 3< :hi8h the -r3-er a8ti3n is, as it :ere, the -re-arati3n. Th.s in ba-tis, the :ater ,.st <irst :ash the b3dy be<3re 8leansin1 the s3.l. B.t a ,aterial thin1 8ann3t a8t .-3n a s-irit, 3r it, 3r a<<li8t it in any :ay, .nless the s-irit be in s3,e :ay +nite% :ith it. N3:, there are t4) 4a's in :hi8h s-irit ,ay be @3ined :ith ,atter; = Fi,st, as its s+5stantia* -rin8i-le, s3 as t3 <3r, 3ne s.bstan8e, as the h.,an s3.l d3es :ith the b3dy> b.t 3< 83.rse, there 8an be n3 s.8h .ni3n bet:een a l3st s3.l and the <ire 3< Hell. = The se()n% :ay is by the a--li8ati3n 3< -3:er, as :hen a s-irit e?erts its -3:er t3 ,3ve s3,e -arti8.lar ,aterial thin1 and n3 3ther> it is then .nited :ith the thin1 ,3ved by it. B.t th3.1h it is nat.rally -3ssible <3r a b3dy t3 be the re8i-ient 3< the -3:er -.t <3rth by a a1ent, it is n3t nat.rally -3ssible <3r it t3 h3ld <ast this -3:er t3 itsel<, <3r the a1ent is al:ays nat.rally <ree t3 :ithdra: it <r3, 3ne thin1 and a--ly it t3 an3ther. Hell=<ire, then, besides its 3:n nat+,a* &)4e, 3< bein1 the re8i-ient 3< the <3r8e e?erted by the s-irits in Hell, has, as the instr.,ent 3< divine ven1ean8e, been end3:ed :ith an)the, &)4e,, that 3< h)*%ing 3ast an% g,i&&ing the s-irit9s ener1y, 3< <3r8in1 it t3 a8t, and, as it :ere, 8hainin1 it d3:n t3 this 3ne :3rD. In this :ay the <ire be83,es a t3r,ent t3 the s3.l, ,aDin1 i,-3ssible the e?er8ise 3< its <reed3,, -reventin1 it <r3, a8tin1 :here and as it :ills. This the3ry all3:s r33, <3r that inte**e(t+a* t),t+,e :hi8h is the 8entral -3int 3< 83t.s9s s3l.ti3n, b.t it is ,3re 83,-lete than his the3ry in s3 <ar as it 3<<ers as the -sy8h3l31i8al reas3n <3r the s.<<erin1s 3< the l3st, the hy-3thesis 3< the -hysi8al 8a-tivityL alli atioBof the s3.l by the <ire. It ,.st be n3ted that :e are n3t s-eaDin1 si,-ly 3< the i,-ris3n,ent 3< the s3.l in 3ne l38ality, :hi8h :3.ld be s3,ethin1 intrinsi8 t3 the s3.l9s a8ti3n, and :hi8h is all3:ed by all the3l31ians> t. Th3,as9s tea8hin1 13es dee-er than that, it inv3lves the <etterin1 3< the l3st s3.l9s <a8.lties by a -3:er :hi8h 1ri-s the, at the 8entre and -aralyses their a8tivity at the heart. Mysteri3.s indeed is this <ire 3< Hell :hi8h th.s en<3lds, -enetrates and t3r,ents even the -3:ers 3< the l3st. This is s3,ethin1 very di<<erent <r3, si,-le i,-ris3n,ent, :hi8h is b.t an e?ternal a<<li8ti3n, <3r by the <ire 3< Hell the da,ned are in the very heart and 8entre 3< their vital -3:ers. Hen8e the devils, even :hen )+tsi%e 3< Hell itsel<, (a,,' 4ith the: the -ain 3< <ire and s.<<er as as :hen i,-ris3ned in its de-ths. .50 A(ti)n +&)n the bodies )3 the %a:ne%The a8ti3n 3< Hell=<ire .-3n the b3dies 3< the da,ned, a3te, the ,es+,,e(ti)n, is, -erha-s, still ,3re 3< a ,ystery. #. On the 3ne hand :e have t3 ad,it that the 3i,e 5+,ns the 5)%' 4ith)+t ()ns+:ing it. 2. On the 3ther, :e have t3 e?-lain the in(),,+&ti5i*it' 5)th )3 the 3i,e an% the 5)%'. #. As re1ards the 3i,st &)int; the s8h3lasti8 the3l31ians 1ive n3 satis<a8t3ry e?-lanati3n. 3,e ,3derns try t3 s3lve the di<<i8.lty by e?8l.din1 all 8he,i8al alterati3n <r3, the a8ti3n 3< the <ire 3< Hell and li,itin1 it t3 ,erely -hysi83=,e8hani8al ,3ve,ent. )e re<er the reader t3

5r. T3.rnebiJe9s ,3n31ra-h 9pinions du 1our sur les peines d)outre.tombe :herein this hy-3thesis is 1iven <av3.rable 83nsiderati3n. )e shall 83ntent 3.rselves :ith 3bservin1 that Hell=<ire is the inst,+:ent )3 G)%9s &)4e,, and that its and G.alities ,.st nat.rally 83rres-3nd :ith the hi1h 3<<i8e <3r :hi8h it is ,ade. Its in(),,+&ti5i*it' is a 133d reas3n <3r n3t thinDin1 3< it as the sa,e as the <ire 3< this :3rld. 2. As <3r the se()n% &)int, t. Th3,as says that G3d :ill .se the <ire 3< Hell t3 -r3d.8e .-3n the b3dies 3< the l3st, n3t ,aterial, b.t =+asi#s&i,it+a* i:&,essi)nsL passiones animae. M3re3ver, a<ter the res.rre8ti3n, the b3dy :ill -3ssess an intrinsi8 -rin8i-le 3< in83rr.-tibility. Hen8e t. Th3,as9s s.11esti3n ,i1ht be 83,-leted by the ,3dern s8ienti<i8 hy-3thesis 3< a <ire a8tin1 s3lely by &h'si()#:e(hani(a* :)ti)n, :ith3.t any 8he,i8al 83,binati3ns :hen8e 83.ld arise alterati3n and 83rr.-ti3n. In this :ay the b3dies 3< the da,ned, De-t in .n8easin1 ,3ve,ent .nder the <ire9s a8ti3n, s.<<er a sensati3n aDin t3 that 3< b.rnin1, and yet are n3t 83ns.,ed. )hatever s3l.ti3n :e ad3-t, :e ,.st al:ays ,aDe all3:an8e <3r G)%9s inte,?enti)n, the 3< :hi8h el.des .s> and even i< the s8ienti<i8 e?-lanati3n 3< the a8ti3n 3< Hell=<ire is bey3nd 3.r rea8h, that is n3 reas3n <3r denyin1 the -3ssibility and the reality 3< this a8ti3n, 3< :hi8h divine revelati3n is the :itness.


IIIThe 4,)ng s),t )3 a&)*)geti(@ He** :a%e 5ea,a5*eT,+e Cath)*i( a&)*)geti(@ ./0 The t4)3)*% &ain )3 He** >+sti3ia5*eA .10 O5>e(ti)ns ans4e,e%@ .a0 He** an% G)%9s g))%nessA .50 He** an% %i?ine >+sti(eA .(0 He** an% G)%9s :e,('St- Th):as9s a<i):-



"ath3li8 the3l31ians in 1eneral, <a8ed :ith an .n3rth3d3? de<en8e 3< Hell :herein are t3 be <3.nd tra8es 3< the an8ient heresies 3< the Ori1enists and the A,er8i<.l,B <3.nd it n3t di<< t3 re83n8ile G3d9s 133dness, @.sti8e and ,er8y :ith Hell9s eternity. B.t the a-3l31eti8 -r3-3.nded by the Th3,ist the3l31ians see,s t3 rest .-3n the best and str3n1est <3.ndati3n.

The the3ries 3< Cni#ersalism and Conditionalism, held by s3,e P,)testants, :ill n3t detain .s. Uni?e,sa*ists believe that G3d9s ,er8y and "hrist9s rede,-tive bl33d :ill 13 3n :3rDin1 their e<<e8ts even in Hell, and that, s33ner 3r later, the da,ned :ill thereby be 83nverted and set <ree. C)n%iti)na*ists ad,it the i,-3ssibility 3< the .lti,ate 83nversi3n 3< the da,ned, b.t still deny eternal -.nish,ent. This is the 83nseG.en8e 3< their tea8hin1, a Dind 3< ():&,):ise 5et4een :ate,ia*is: an% &antheis:, 83n8ernin1 ,an9s, :hi8h they h3ld, is 83,-3sed 3< three ele,ents, b3dy, s3.l and s-irit. At death the s3.l -erishes :ith the b3dy> the s-irit, a hi1her -rin8i-le, s.rvives b.t, sin8e it is i,-ers3nal, tr.e -ers3nality and the 83ns8i3.sness are annihilated. )e -ass n3: t3 the 83nsiderati3n 3< s3,e e?a,-les 3< a 3a*se a&)*)geti( <3r :hi8h "ath3li8 :riters have been res-3nsible. 3,e, .nder the in<l.en8e 3< ei1hteenth 8ent.ry senti:enta*is:, 8arried the ,iti1ati3n 3< the t3r,ents 3< Hell s3 <ar as t3 ,aDe the li<e 3< the da,ned G.ite tolerable. The terri<yin1 e?-ressi3ns 3< the Sa(,e% S(,i&t+,es are, <3r these :riters, si,-le hyperbole the real ,eanin1 3< :hi8h :e ,.st try t3 dis83ver. M3re3ver the da,ned d3 n3t be83,e radi8ally evilLtheir a8ti3ns are n3t dev3id 3< all ,3ral 133dness, and <inally their re-r3bati3n is n3t s3 abs3l.te as is 83,,3nly s.--3sed, and their 83nditi3n in Hell is still -re<erable t3 annihilati3n. 5r. T3.rnebiJe th.s s.,s .- Mivart9s tea8hin1, :h3 in his ;appiness in ;ell, :as -erha-s the ,3st e?tre,e in his vie:s; AHell, as de-i8ted by Mivart, di<<ers b.t little <r3, that des8ribed by s3,e re8ent 0r3testant :riters. A883rdin1 t3 hi, the ti,e :ill 83,e :hen the t3r,ents 3< the da,ned :ill 8ease and they :ill n3 l3n1er hate G3d> their ,3ral 83nditi3n .nder13es a 1reat and i,-r3ve,ent> at last they rea8h a state 3< ha--iness, th3.1h, 3< 83.rse, i,,eas.r= ably in<eri3r t3 that 3< the saved. B.t their banish,ent <ar <r3, G3d n3 l3n1er 3--resses the,, either they are n3t 83ns8i3.s 3< :hat they have l3st, 3r their ab3de

and its s38iety <3r, an envir3n,ent s.ited t3 their 83nditi3n. 53r it is G.ite -3ssible, he says, that a 83,,3n and , sy,-athy relieves the :ei1ht 3< their 8hains, and that they -re<er the v.l1ar 8ir8le 3< a8ti3ns and desires in :hi8h they have <reely en8l3sed the,selves, t3 any hi1her ideal. In the detested d:ellin1=-la8e 3< the da,ned the s.<<erin1s, sy,b3liJed by <ire, are b.t sli1ht, and even the ,3st -erverse 3< its inhabitants are n3t :h3lly de-rived 3< The ,3st .nha--y s.<<er less than s3,e .n<3rt.nates in this :3rld, and de<initely -re<er their state 3< re-r3bati3n t3 annihilati3nB &9pinions. . . p. E=47. )e shall n3t 83nsider in detail the ar1.,ents :ith :hi8h the ,3dern Aa-3stles 3< ,er8yB try t3 b3lster .- their 3-ini3ns. It is en3.1h t3 re8all that a883rdin1 t3 the +nani:)+s tea(hing )3 the)*)gians, based .-3n ,e?e*ati)n itsel<, the s.<<erin1s 3< Hell are terrible. )e Dn3: that the &ain )3 *)ss :ill be indes8ribable t3 the s3.l, and :e Dn3: that the &ain )3 sense :ill n3t be si,-ly the i,-ris3n,ent, b.t the inner,3st bindin1 3< b3dy and s3.l :ith 8hains 3< <ire. Any substantial ,iti1ati3n 3< these t3r,ents is in83n8eivable. in83n8eivable is any moral oodness in the l3st, <3r the r33t 3< all ,3ral a8ti3n is s+5stantia**' &e,?e,te% by the .nalterable 3i<it' 3< their :ills in evil as their last end. N3r, lastly, is it t3 be 83n8eived that any a8t 3< theirs 83.ld brin1 the, tr.e en1oyment. Obstinately 8leavin1 t3 evil, the da,ned are n3t 3nly in a state 3< aversi3n <r3, G3d, their s.-ernat.ral end, b.t they are als3 in a state 3< &)siti?e a%he,en(e t3 an3ther and di<<erent end, :hi8h, -re8isely it is ,3ral evil, tends t3 the e?8l.si3n 3< G3d <r3, all their a8ti3ns and brin1s .-3n the, the a:<.l -ain 3< l3ss, :hi8h, as :e have seen, is ins.--3rtable it r3bs the, 3< the s3le 133d <3r :hi8h they :ere 8reated. Und3.btedly their 83nditi3n is n3t that 3< absolute e#il, <3r this :3.ld be n)thingness, b.t :hatever re,ains t3 the, 3< their nat.ral -3ssessi3ns, e?isten8e, intelli1en8e, Dn3:led1e, :ill, desires, :ill serve 3nly t) a%% t) thei, s+33e,ings. The -arable 3< the ri8h ,an b.ried in Hell -r3ves n3thin1 t3 the 83ntrary. Th3.1h he is re-resented as <eelin1 and s-eaDin1 as 3ne :h3 has learnt <r3, s.<<erin1 the 83nseG.en8es 3< his sins and :ishes t3 save th3se dear t3 hi, <r3, the sa,e <ate, :e ,.st n3t that in this he sh3:s .s the desires and -re388.-ati3ns really entertained by the da,ned. It is n3t s3, b.t si,-ly that /es.s, tea8hin1 in -arables, invests the 8hara8ters :ith the senti,ents best 8al8.lated t3 83nvey the less3n he :ishes his hearers t3 learn. It is s3,eti,es )5>e(te% that, i< the t3r,ents 3< the da,ned :ere s3 terrible, their s.<<erin1s :3.ld be s3 3ver:hel,in1 that all -3:er 3< a8ti3n :3.ld be destr3yed; they :3.ld be .nable t3 1ive their ,inds t3 3ther thin1s, the devils :3.ld n3t be able t3 te,-t ,en, and the l3st in8a-able 3< 1ivin1 a th3.1ht t3 th3se they had le<t 3n earth. St- Th):as dis-3ses 3< this di<<i8.lty in his arti8le 3n the s.<<erin1s 3< the de,3ns &Sum. Theol. I. G. (2, art. $7. The -ain by the %e?i*s is a real s.<<erin1, b.t di<<ers <r3, that by ,an, :h3 is 83,-3sed 3< s3.l and b3dy. It is n3t, in the tr.e sense 3< the :3rd apassio, 3r a33*i(ti)n, :hi8h 8an e?ist 3nly in a sensitive <a8.lty a8tin1 thr3.1h s3,e b3dily 3r1an. The s.<<erin1 :hi8h s3 abs3rbs the s.<<erer as t3 render hi, insensible t3 3ther <eelin1s and r3b hi, 3< the -3:er 3< a8ti3n is that :hi8h a8tin1 dire8tly .-3n his sensitive <a8.lties, thr3.1h the, a<<e8ts his hi1her <a8.lties, as, in the ,3ral 3rder, the i,-.lses 3< his l3:er a--etites ,ay e?ert an evil in<l.en8e .-3n the deter,inati3ns 3< his :ill. B.t this d3es not a--ly t3 a &+,e*' s&i,it+a* 5eing" ), t) the h+:an s)+* a3te, %eath . In the, &ain is n3thin1 b.t an a8t 3< the :ill, an e<<3rt 3< the :ill a1ainst everythin1 that th:arts their -erverse desires, a str.11le t3 3ver83,e the 3bsta8les in their :ay. ThinD <3r a ,3,ent :hat it is that the *)st, devils 3r ,en, in their -erversi3n desire. The r33t and essen8e 3< sin is nat.ralis,, the ne1ati3n 3< G3d as the a.th3r and the end 3< s.-ernat.ral li<e. The l3st, at the ,3,ent 3< their da,nati3n, :ill and intend this negati)n, they :ill it still and al:ays, :ith the <.llness 3< all their -3:ers. "3nseG.ently, alth3.1h atan and his <ell3:s s.<<er <r3, the <r.strati3n 3< their -erverted desires, they :3.ld s.<<er still ,3re i< they did n3t seeD the destr.8ti3n 3< G3d9s s.-re,e d3,ini3n 3ver 8reat.res destined <3r s.-ernat.ral 5ar, then, <r3, bein1 -revented by their s.<<erin1s <r3, atte,-tin1 the ,3ral 3< 3thers, the %e?i*s are rather i:&e**e% thereby t3 brin1 t3 this :3rD all the res3.r8es 3< their

ri8hly end3:ed nat.res. The sa,e -rin8i-les a--ly, :ith the ne8essary reservati3ns, t3 the s)+*s 3< the da,ned. The startin1=-3int 3< all this :r3n1 thinDin1 ab3.t Hell is the idea 3< a < li<e ,3delled 3n the lines 3< li<e 3n earth. The &s'(h)*)g' is :r3n1 and the :eta&h'si( als3> i,a1inati3n taDes the -la8e 3< reas3n. I< :e set .- a 83,-aris3n bet:een the s.<<erin1s 3< earth and 3< Hell :e are t3 13 astray> n3 s.8h 83,-aris3n :ill h3ld there is n3 real 83nne8ti3n bet:een the t:3 ter,s. In this li<e ,an9s :ill is al:ays 8han1eable, in the ne?t it is i::)?a5*' 3i<e% in 133d 3r evil. )hile this li<e lasts the sinner9s 83nversi3n is a*4a's &)ssi5*e> the :ill 3< the da,ned in Hell is radi8ally and irrev38ably -erverted. 5r3, this 3+n%a:enta* &e,?e,sit' arises the intensity 3< the s.<<erin1s, :hi8h are its ne8essary 83nseG.en8e and :hi8h all3: 3< n3 -3ssible alleviati3n. Th3se a-3l31ists :h3 e? the traditi3nal ideas 3< an1.ish and des-air <r3, their des8ri-ti3n 3< Hell, <ar <r3, servin1 the "ath3li8, r.n the risD 3< leadin1 the <aith<.l the,selves int3 err3r, and -avin1 the :ay t3 the sin 3< &,es+:&ti)n. 53r all eternity :ill it be tr.e that +it is a fearful thin to fall into the hands of the li#in /od, 6Hebr. #%;$#7, and n3 s.btleties 3< inter-retati3n, baseless as they are, and desi1ned 3nly t3 s3<ten the ri13.r 3< the, 8an -revail a1ainst the :3rds that /es.s s-3De 3< J+%as, :hi8h a--ly t3 all the da,ned in 1eneral and t3 ea8h and every 3ne 3< the,; +$t %ere better for him, if that man had not been born, 6Matt. 2C;2F7.


The ai, 3< the "ath3li8 a-3l31ist is t3 -r3ve; = the 3itness 3< a t:3<3ld eternal -.nish,ent, and = t3 re<.te 3b@e8ti3ns based 3n G)%9s g))%ness" >+sti(e an% :e,('.


It is fitting that ete,na* &+nish:ent sh)+*% 5e )3 a t4)3)*% 7in%

The sinner n3t 3nly t+,ns his 5a(7 )n G)%, his s.-ernat.ral end, b.t at the sa,e ti,e and by the sa,e a8t, atta(hes hi:se*3 t) s):e 3inite an% &e,isha5*e )5>e(t , :hi8h he -re<ers t3 G3d. In reality he (h))ses hi:se*3 as his *ast en% and 8ri,inally s.bstit.tes sel<=l3ve <3r l3ve 3< G3d. Hen8e :),ta* sin has t%o as-e8ts; it is a t.rnin1 a:ay <r3, G3d, and a t.rnin1 t3 a, the sel<. it is a t+,ning 3,): G)%, ,3rtal sin, i< -ersisted in .ntil death, entails the &ain )3 *)ss in the ne?t :3rld. That he :h3 :il<.lly t.rns his ba8D 3n G3d sh3.ld be -.nished by the l3ss 3< G3d, is s.rely eG.itable, and sin8e the deserti3n 3< G3d, inv3lved in ,3rtal sin, is 3< its very irre,ediable, the 83nseG.ent -ain 3< l3ss ,.st 83ntin.e <3r ever. Even in this li<e it :3.ld be abs3l.tely i,-3ssible <3r the sinner t3 re-air his < i< G3d did n3t hel- hi, :ith His 1ra8e. On the 3ther hand, sin8e ,3rtal sin is als3 the t+,ning t) a (,eate%" 3inite )5>e(t , 8h3sen by the sinner as his *ast en% in -la8e 3< G3d, the s.-re,e G3d and ,an9s 3nly tr.e end, it is ri1ht that it sh3.ld entail the -3sitive &ain )3 sense. There are t%o reas3ns <3r this -.nish,ent. In the3i,st -la8e it ,ay be ,aintained that, ,an bein1 :hat he is :ith his ,ind a5s),5e% in ,aterial thin1s, the <ar 3<< visi3n 3< the -ain 3< l3ss :3.ld be 3< n3 val.e as a deterrent <r3, sin> 3nly the 3ea, )3 s):e &)siti?e (hastise:ent , 3< :hi8h he 8an <3r, s3,e idea <r3, its ana*)g' :ith the s.<<erin1s 3< this :3rld, is 8a-able 3< ,aDin1 any i,-ressi3n 3n hi,. B.t the &,in(i&a* ,eas)n <3r the -ain 3< sense is the e?-edien8y 3< s):e &,)&),ti)n 5et4een (,i:e an% &+nish:ent . The sinner t.rns his ba8D 3n G3d t3 8leave t3 a, he taDes the l3ve 3< sel< as the <inal end 3< all his a8ti3ns> it is <ittin1, there<3re, as t. Th3,as says &Contra /entes III, 8. #FF7, that this ill=re1.lated l3ve <3r 8reat.res sh3.ld be -.nished :ith s3,e &)siti?e &+nish:ent th,)+gh the inst,+:enta*it' )3 s):e (,eate% agent.

B.t, it ,.st be 3bserved, the &ain )3 *)ss is 3< itsel< in3inite, b3th it :ill last <3r ever, and it is the l3ss 3< the in<inite G33d. The &ain )3 sense, 3n the 83ntrary, is 3< itsel< 3inite, the ,isdire8ted l3ve <3r :hi8h it is i,-3sed, is the essentially <inite a8t 3< a The reas3n <3r its ete,na* %+,ati)n is that it is the ne8essary a(():&ani:ent 3< the eternal -ain 3< l3ss> i< this 83.ld -3ssibly be re,itted by G3d, the <3r,er :3.ld at 3n8e 83,e t3 an end.

.10 S)*+ti)n )3 O5>e(ti)ns

.a0 G)%9s in3inite goodness an% the ete,nit' )3 He**O5>e(ti)n@ It is said that, even in the 8ase 3< the in83rri1ible, the divine 133dness ,.st 1rant s3,e alle#iation 3< their s.<<erin1s. G3d, in His in<inite 133dness, 8an never s.<<er even the 1.ilty t3 be t3r,ented <3rever. Ans4e,@ 0. Bernard says; AThis ar1.,ent ,erely -lays :ith abstra8ti3ns and t.rns t3-sy=t.rvy the tr.ths b3th 3< reas3n and revelati3n. G3d is n3t 3nly 133dness, in the s-e8ial sense 83,,3nly 1iven t3 this :3rd> He is @.sti8e and :isd3,> He is in<inite -er<e8ti3n. . . T3 is3late 3ne divine attrib.te and live t3 it the <.llest e<<e8t, t3 the e?8l.si3n 3< all His 3ther attrib.tes, is t3 r3b it 3< its divine 8hara8ter, its in<inite -er<e8ti3n, it is, in reality, identi8al :ith the 3ther attrib.tes, :hi8h are ne8essarily in8l.ded in it> it is an i,-li8it 83ntradi8ti3n, <3r the in<inite is, at 3ne and the sa,e ti,e, -3sited and deniedQ It is evident that it is n3t G3d9s 133dness, as s.8h, that in<li8ts -.nish,ent, and the ,3st -enetratin1 analysis 3< G3d9s ,er8y and l3ve :ill never e?tra8t <r3, these attrib.tes al3ne the idea 3< eternal -.nish,ent, 3r 3< any -.nish,ent at allB 6Dictionnaire Apolo ti3ue, art. Enfer, t. I, 83l. #$4$7. It is, in <a8t, .-3n >+sti(e, and @.sti8e al3ne, that san8ti3ns de-end and the -.nish,ent 3< vi3lati3ns 3< the la:, and by n3 analysis 3< the idea 3< @.sti8e 8an :e dis83ver the ele,ent 3< -ard3n, 3r the alleviati3n 3< -.nish,ent. 5.rther,3re, it is easy t3 t.rn this 3b@e8ti3n a1ainst the adversaries :h3 deny the eternity 3< Hell. 53r it is, indeed, G)%9s *)?e <3r ,en that 83nde,ns i,-enitent sinners t3 Hell. Is n3t the <ear 3< Hell 3ne 3< the ,3st e<<e8tive ,eans :e n3: have 3< -reservin1 3.r <r3, sinH This 83nsiderati3n al3ne is en3.1h t3 sh3: that G3d, )h3 :ishes all ,en t3 be saved, 1ives -r33< 3< His 1reat l3ve <3r the, by His 8reati3n 3< Hell, <3r it is an e<<i8a8i3.s, i< terrible, ,eans 3< ass.rin1 their salvati3n, sin8e it is s3 -3:er<.l a -reventive and 83rre8tive 3< the 3< h.,an <reed3,. And i<, n3t:ithstandin1, a 8ertain n.,ber 3< ,en are, in <a8t, da,ned, it is n3 less tr.e that, :ith re1ard t3 the ()::)n g))% 3< ,en, eternal -.nish,ent is an instit.ti3n :ell :3rthy 3< 3.r 83,,3n 5ather9s l3ve. St- Th):as says; AThere is n3 133d reas3n :hy, in a883rdan8e :ith the @.d1,ents 3< G3d s3,e ,en sh3.ld n3t be e?8l.ded <3r ever <r3, the s38iety 3< the 133d and -.nished eternally, in 3rder that ,en sh3.ld 1ive .- sinnin1 thr3.1h <ear 3< eternal -.nish,ent, and als3 that the s38iety 3< the 133d ,ay be -.ri<ied by the e?8l.si3n 3< the :i8Ded.B &Cont. /entes, III 8. ##F7. And :hat is tr.e in this li<e by reas3n 3< the sal.tary <ear ins-ired by Hell, is tr.e als3 in the ne?t by reas3n 3< the 3.tra1e s.<<ered by G3d9s in<inite l3ve <3r ,en. H3: 83.ld it be 3ther:iseH G3d has d3ne e?e,'thing <3r ,an9s eternal ha--iness> He has -re-ared and 3<<ered and 1iven a5+n%ant g,a(es> He has 1iven His 3nly 3n in sa8ri<i8e <3r ,an9s rede,-ti3n, and :hen ,an re@e8ts 83nte,-t.3.sly all these advan8es 3< divine l3ve, is he t3 be -.nished <3r b.t a s-an 3< yearsH This :3.ld be an t3 G3d9s :isd3,, <3r it :3.ld sh3: that all the -r33<s 3< G3d9s l3ve <3r ,an :ere -.r-3seless. The 83nte,-t 3< G3d9s in<inite l3ve 8an be aven1ed 3nly by a Hell :ith3.t end. PH,e M)nsa5,I says; AD3 a:ay :ith eternal -.nish,ent and that 1reat :3rD 3< divine l3ve, the Rede,-ti3n, be83,es :h3lly in83,-rehensible. In His l3ve and all His :3rDs 3< l3ve G3d is -r3<3.ndly :ise> b.t is it :isd3, <3r G3d t3 sa8ri<i8e His 3:n 3n t3 save .s <r3, a -.nish,ent that,

s33ner 3r later, ,.st iss.e in eternal ha--inessH Is it :isd3, <3r G3d t3 ins-ire the ,artyrs t3 s.<<er the ,3st <ri1ht<.l t3rt.res t3 1ain ha--iness :hi8h, :hatever ha--ens, they 8ann3t <inally l3seH Is it :isd3, t3 send <3rth the A-3stles t3 lab3.r even .nt3 death in 3rder t3 save the nati3ns <r3, i1n3ran8e and vi8e :hi8h 8ann3t r3b the, 3< eternal beatit.deH Is that :isd3,> is it n3t rather the e?trava1an8e 3< <3llyHB &E*position du do me, DCth "3n<.7. .50 He** an% G)%9s ustice/st O5>e(ti)n@ H3: 8an G3d -.nish .nendin1ly a sin, :hi8h is b.t the dis3rder 3< a ,3,entH Tr.e, the in@.ry d3ne t3 G3d ,.st be re-aired. B.t :here is the re-arati3n i< the -.nish,ent is .nendin1, i< it leaves the sinner .nre-entant and d3es n3t lead t3 his a,end,entH All -.nish,ent, i,-3sed in the na,e 3< @.sti8e, sh3.ld ne8essarily 83nd.8e t3 the a,eli3ra ti3n 3< the 1.ilty, b.t, i< the -.nish,ent is never t3 have an end, this be83,es i,-3ssible. Ans4e,@ )e ,.st <irst rid 3.rselves 3< an idea that is G.ite 3a*se. It is -er<e8tly tr.e that all -.nish,ent is de8reed and instit.ted :ith a vie: t3 3.r 83rre8ti3n, b.t n3thin1 8an be <arther <r3, the than the idea that a &ena*t' ,.st be in<li8ted <3r the sinner9s a,end,ent and that .nless this be e<<e8ted the -.nish,ent is 83ntrary t3 la: and @.sti8e. PH,e M)nsa5,I 3bserves; AIt :3.ld <3ll3: that 3nly :ell=intenti3ned 8ri,inals :h3 -r3,ise a,end,ent sh3.ld be -.nished, and that hardened in83rri1ibles sh3.ld 13 s83t=<ree> :hi8h is abs.rd. He :h3 d3es n3t intend t3 a,end his :ays ,.st s.<<er <3r his 83nte,-t 3< la: and 3rder and d.tyB &loc. cit.(. M3re3ver, eternal -.nish,ent, :hi8h d3es n3t lead t3 re-entan8e, is *egiti:ate an% ne(essa,' 3n a883.nt 3< the 1rave and dire8t vi3lati3n 3< G3d9s ri1hts inv3lved in ,3rtal sin. As PH,e Be,na,% :rites; AThe ri1hts 3< G3d are s.-re,e, b.t it is n3t en3.1h that they sh3.ld si,-ly be invi3late, it is ne8essary that his .ni,-aired s3verei1nty sh3.ld be 8learly evident. 3verei1n ri1hts that are n3t e<<e8tively en<3r8ed in the <.llness 3< their reality and t3 the <.ll ran1e 3< their ,3ral -3:er, :3.ld be la8Din1 in that -er<e8ti3n that ,.st 8hara8teriJe the ri1hts 3< G3d, :hi8h are essentially in<inite. G3d9s s3verei1nty, then, ,.st be a<<ir,ed and .-held a1ainst all rebelli3n, a1ainst every -retender :h3 :3.ld destr3y 3r i,-air it. This is an inevitable ne8essity, and the re-ressi3n 3< rebelli3n is n3thin1 b.t the en<3r8e,ent 3< la:, :hereby the ins.r1ent is -.t ba8D int3 his 3:n -la8e and ,ade t3 <eel, :illy=nilly, the -3:er 3< the s3verei1n :h3, he had re-.diated. Th.s are ,ani<ested G3d9s s3verei1nty, h3liness and @.sti8e> th.s is G3d 1l3ri<ied by the sinner hi,sel<, and re-arati3n ,ade <3r the vi3lati3n 3< the la:. There<3re in 83nde,nin1 .nre-entant sinners t3 eternal -.nish,ent G3d9s a8ti3n is in -er<e8t a883rd :ith his :isd3,.B &loc. cit. 83l. #$4C7 St- Th):as says; AG3d d3es n3t in<li8t -.nish,ent <3r its 3:n saDe, 3r he taDes in it> b.t he has an end in vie:, :hi8h is t3 establish 8reat.res a883rdin1 t3 that 3rder 3< thin1s :hi8h 83nstit.tes the :ell=bein1 3< the :h3le .niverse.B 6 loc. cit.7. 1n% O5>e(ti)n@ B.t, -ersists the 3b@e8t3r, there is no proportion bet:een the sin :hi8h, bein1 a h.,an a8t, ,.st be finite, and the infinite -enalty 3< eternal da,nati3n. Ans4e,@ Here a1ain there is a 83n<.si3n 3< th3.1ht. Ete,na* %a:nati)n is n)t an in3inite &ena*t'- In3inite an% +nen%ing a,e n)t s'n)n':)+s . In an in<inite -enalty, i< s.8h a thin1 :ere 83n8eivable, there 83.ld be n) %i33e,en(es )3 %eg,ee, s.8h as, a883rdin1 t3 "ath3li8 tea8hin1, ,aintainin1 a d.e -r3-3rti3n bet:een the s.<<erin1s 3< the l3st and the sins <3r :hi8h they s.<<er. It :as said ab3ve that the -ain 3< l3ss is in<inite, b3th by reas3n 3< its en%*essness and 3< the in3inite g))% that is l3st. And this state,ent <ar <r3, 83ntradi8tin1 :hat :e are n3: sayin1, in reality ()n3i,:s it. 53r it is -re8isely it is the l3ss 3< G3d, the in<inite 133d, that the -ain 3< l3ss is the sa:e 3), a** and ad,its 3< n3 de1rees. The di<<erin1 %eg,ees )3 s+33e,ing, 83rres-3ndin1 t3 the vari3.s %eg,ees )3 g+i*t, are 3n the side 3< the s.<<erers, in the varyin1 intensity 3< their an1.ish, ,isery and des-air. In this :ay 3nly d3es the -ain 3< l3ss ?a,' a883rdin1 t3 the n.,ber and the hein3.sness 3< the sins 3< :hi8h it is the 83nseG.en8e.

On the 3ther hand, the -ain 3< sense, as has been -3inted 3.t, in itsel< *i:ite% an% :eas+,e% a883rdin1 t3 the g,a?it' 3< the sins 83,,itted, has 3nly a -arti8i-ated endlessness, in s3 <ar as it is the a883,-ani,ent 3< the -ain 3< l3ss. It is <alse t3 ,aintain, :ith3.t 83nditi3ns and d.e e?-lanati3n, that there 8an be 3nly a finite and limited , 3< ,ali8e in sin, sin8e it is the a8t 3< an essentially <inite and li,ited On the 83ntrary, as all the3l31ians all3:, there is a (e,tain in3init' )3 :a*i(e in sin. St- Th):as says; AThe ,ali8e 3< ,3rtal sin is in a ,anner in<inite, it is an 3<<en8e a1ainst the in<inite ,a@esty 3< G3d. The hi1her the di1nity 3< hi, :h3 is 3<<ended, the 1reater is the 3<<en8e . . . in8e it is i,-3ssible that a ,an9s -.nish,ent sh3.ld be 3< in<inite intensity, it ,.st needs be that the -.nish,ent 3< sin sh3.ld be in<inite in its d.rati3nB 6III G. #, art. 2, ad. 2> Suppl. G. #%%, a. #7. A-art, h3:ever, <r3, all -3ssible the3l31i8al dis8.ssi3ns as t3 the in<inite 8hara8ter 3< the 3<<en8e a1ainst G3d, and even s.--3sin1 that it is n3t in itsel< in<inite, it still re,ains tr.e that G3d9s @.sti8e ,e=+i,es that the sinner shall be -.nished ete,na**'. The )33en(e is :eas+,e% 5' the %ignit' )3 the &e,s)n )33en%e% > b.t the val.e 3< the satis3a(ti)n ,ade 83rres-3nds :ith the di1nity 3< hi, :h3 3<<ers it. Hen8e, 3n any hy-3thesis, the satis<a8ti3n <3r sin 3<<ered t3 G3d by a ,ere 8rea 8an ne?e, e=+a* the in@.ry d3ne t3 His ,a@esty, G3d9s s.-re,e di1nity al:ays t3:erin1 hi1h ab3ve that 3< the ,3st -er<e8t and the h3liest 3< 8reat.res. I< this is tr.e 3< re-arati3n by :ay 3< satis<a8ti3n, a883rdin1 t3 ()::+tati?e >+sti(e, it is tr.e 3< ,e&a,ati)n by :ay 3< &+nish:ent, a883rdin1 t3 ?in%i(ti?e ), ,et,i5+ti?e >+sti(e. Any -.nish,ent s.<<ered by a, even i< 83ntin.in1 <3r all eternity and 3< the .t,3st -3ssible intensity, 8an ne?e, satis<y the de,ands 3< @.sti8e by ,aDin1 <.ll re-arati3n <3r the 3<<ered by sin t3 G3d9s in<inite ,a@esty. ;,% O5>e(ti)n@ Then there is the -3-.lar <3r, 3< the sa,e 3b@e8ti3n, :hi8h, h3:ever, :ill n3t detain .s l3n1. Is it <3r G3d t3 -.nish a ,3,ent9s <3r1et<.lness :ith an eternity 3< ,iseryH Ans4e,@ Tr.e, the :ate,ia* a(t 3< sinnin1, :hi8h ,ay be the 3< an instant9s 8.l-able <3r1et<.lness, and :hi8h is 3ver in a ,3,ent, is in itsel< b.t a tri<le <r3, the ,3ral -3int 3< vie:. )hat really ,atters and :hat ,aDes it :),a**' e?i* is the &e,?e,se 4i** :hen8e it -r38eeds. And it 8ann3t be denied that the :ill, by 3ne sin1le deliberate :),ta* sin, be83,es i,,e:e%ia5*' &e,?e,te%. As <ar as in hi, lies, he :h3 83,,its a ,3rtal sin t.rns his ba8D 3ina**' an% %e3inite*'.-3n his tr.e last end. This is a t)ta* an% ():&*ete destr.8ti3n 3< the -rin8i-le 3< 3rder, and the res.ltant dis3rder is, 3< itsel<, irre-arable. Cha,it' is the r33t 3< the s.-ernat.ral 3rder, :hi8h is vi3lated by sin, and 8harity bein1 t3tally destr3yed by ,3rtal sin, ,an 3< his 3:n e<<3rts is abs3l.tely .nable t3 ,aDe 133d the da,a1e. 53r this G3d9s interventi3n is ne8essary, and alth3.1h this is al:ays -3ssible :hile the -resent li<e lasts, it is n3t -3ssible a<ter death, :hen, as has been -r3ved, the sinner9s :ill re,ains <3r ever 3i<e% in its state 3< &e,?e,si)n. Hen8e, it is n3t tr.e that G3d -.nishes a ,3,ent9s :ay:ardness :ith an eternity 3< ,isery> he &+nishes ete,na**' an ete,na* &e,?e,si)n )3 :an9s 3,ee4i**.(0 Ete,na* &+nish:ent an% G)%9s mercyO5>e(ti)n@ B.t, it is .r1ed, the di<<i8.lty re,ains in all its <3r8e. "3.ld n3t G3d be ,er8i<.l t3 sinners in the ne?t :3rldH "3.ld n3t the l3st rehabilitate the,selves by a88e-tin1 their -.nish,ent in a 133d s-irit and by a ,3ral re<3r,ati3n 3< the :illH )3.ld G3d in s.8h a 8ase still :ithh3ld his 1ra8eH Ans4e,@ All this is really an i**+si)n )3 the i:aginati)n. Fi,st 3< all, seein1 that the sinner died i,-enitent, h3: d3 :e Dn3: that his s.<<erin1s in the ne?t li<e :ill lead hi, t3 re-entH

A*s), H3: d3 :e Dn3: that, ,.8h as he ,ay hate his -.nish,ent, he :ill als3 have s.8h an abh3rren8e <3r his sins, the 3< his -.nish,ent, as :ill brin1 hi, t3 s3rr3: and re-entan8eH Reg,et an% ,e&entan(e a,e t4) ?e,' %i33e,ent things , and the severest 8hastise,ent d3es n3t al:ays -r3d.8e re-entan8e. N3:, as :e have seen, t3 drea, 3< the rehabilitation 3< the da,ned by re-entan8e, even :ith the hel- 3< G3d9s 1ra8e, is t3 ,is83n8eive the 8hara8ter 3< the 83nditi3n 3<te,:ina* i::)5i*it' :hi8h ,an rea8hes at death. A883rdin1 t3 "ath3li8 tea8hin1, as set <3rth in 3.r <irst 8ha-ter, death -.ts ,an int3 a state 3< 83,-lete :),a* i::)5i*it'> all -3ssibility 3< ,erit 3r de,erit -asses <r3, hi,, and he 8an n3 l3n1er 8han1e his state 3< 1ra8e 3r 3< sin. As death <inds hi,, s3 :ill he stay thr3.1h3.t eternity. The the3l31i8al -r33<s 3< this have already been 1iven. N3: <r3, the a&)*)geti( -3int 3< vie:, :e -.t it si,-ly as a -3ssible hypothesis, and the ,ere <a8t 3< its -3ssibility renders in%e(isi?e the ar1.,ent dra:n <r3, G3d9s ,er8y. Und3.btedly the the3ry that G3d :3.ld be :illin1 t3 <3r1ive ,ay be valid, b.t i<, 3n a883.nt 3< the ,a%i(a* &e,?e,si)n 3< the h.,an :ill,3),gi?eness 5e i:&)ssi5*e, then G3d9s ,er8y 8an d3 n)thing t3 save the l3st. I< Ahavin1 rea8hed the end 3< the devel3-,ents 3< li<e 3n earth, the i,-enitent sinner9s <ree :ill is b3.nd, by the very <a8t 3< his i,-eniten8e, :ith 8hains str3n1er and ti1hter than th3se <3r1ed by the e?8esses 3< -assi3n, 3r <3lly, 3r ,adness in this li<e,B i< Aby the <inal re<.sal that sealed his <ate, he her,eti8ally 8l3sed his s3.l a1ainst the -enetrati3n 3< 1ra8eB 6 M)nsa5,I7, there is n3 l3n1er any -3ssibility, n3t 3nly ,3ral, b.t even -hysi8al, 3< his rehabilitati3n. AThe .nha--y ,an, says B)ss+et, is neither in the a8t n3r the habit, b.t in the state 3< sin> sin has be83,e in8arnate in hi,, ,an has be83,e sinB &Es3uisse d)un sermon pour l)ou#erture d)une retraite(.


I< :e are t3 1ive a <inal and e?ha.stive ans:er t3 the 3b@e8ti3n .nder 83nsiderati3n, :e ,.st, it see,s, 13 all the :ay :ith St- Th):as, ,aDin1 3.r 3:n his tea8hin1 in its entirety, as e?-3.nded in the <irst 8ha-ter 3< this v3l.,e. It is n3t en3.1h t3 say, in a883rd :ith all "ath3li8 the3l31ians, that the reas3n <3r the 3bd.ra8y 3< the l3st is t3 be l33Ded <3r in the :ithh3ldin1 <r3, the, 3< all 1ra8e, and )e ,.st 13 dee-er and a<<ir, that G)% ,e3+ses t) gi?e the: g,a(e, by the very nat+,e 3< their state, they are )5stinate*' ,))te% in e?i*, and hen8e in8a-able 3< a88e-tin1 it. This )5%+,a(' in evil is, there<3re, the, n3t the e<<e8t 3< G3d9s re<.sal t3 e?er8ise ,er8y t3:ards the da,ned. St- Th):as :rites; A)ith res-e8t t3 e?trinsi8 an1els are i,,3vably <i?ed, either in 133d 3r evil, 3n8e they have ,ade their <irst 8h3i8e, this -.ts an end t3 their state 3< -r3bati3n> hen8e it d3es n3t a883rd :ith the e?er8ise 3< divine :isd3, that <.rther 1ra8e sh3.ld be 1iven t3 the l3st an1els, t3 83nvert the, <r3, the evil 3< their <irst aversi3n <r3, G3d, in :hi8h they .n8han1eably -ersistB &De Malo, G. #C, art. '7. T3 e?-lain the :ithh3ldin1 3< all 1ra8e, the An1eli8 D38t3r a--eals, then, n3t t3 G3d9s :ill b.t t3 his is%):, sin8e the 3<<er 3< 1ra8e :3.ld be .seless t3 a :ill irrev38ably <i?ed in the 8h3i8e 3< evil. On a -revi3.s -a1e :e have set 3.t the &s'(h)*)gi(a* &,))3 )3 the i::)?a5i*it' in e?i* 3< the :ill 3< the l3st. )e have als3 -3inted 3.t that the a8t, by :hi8h the s3.l ,aDes de<inite and <inal 8h3i8e 3< its last end, is , by :hat is 8alled aeviternity. Hen8e the 8h3i8e and the l3ve 3< the last end is n3t 3nly &s'(h)*)gi(a**' +n(hangea5*e, b.t is als3 an ever -resent a8t, s3 that, h3:ever l3n1 the < ,ay be, the ti,e :ill never 83,e :hen it :ill be -3ssible <3r any3ne :h3 is da,ned t3 retra8t and a,end his 8h3i8e.

This is a &h'si(a* i:&)ssi5i*it' 3ver and ab3ve the -sy8h3l31i8al i,-3ssibility already e?-lained. The l3st :ill never a1ain have Athe ti,eB t3 start a<resh. Havin1 3n8e be1.n his eternity, the sinner, i,,3vably 8hained t3 evil, 8lin1s t3 it <3rever thr3.1h3.t the :h3le 3< his never endin1 -resent. This tea8hin1 3< t. Th3,as sh3:s .s Hell <r3, a -3int 3< vie: that is t33 3<ten neg*e(te%. It -.ts be<3re .s the very 3< thin1s and enables .s t3 see that the .lti,ate reas3n <3r eternal -.nish,ent is n3t t3 be l33Ded <3r in G3d, b.t in the l3st the,selves, in their 3bd.rate :ill and the i,-3ssibility 3< their disentan1lin1 the,selves <r3, the net 3< evil. This is the de8isive ans:er t3 all 3b@e8ti3ns <3.nded 3n G3d9s 133dness, @.sti8e and ,er8y. +/od is too ood to condemn me to ;ell,, is the 8ry re-eated in a h.ndred di<<erent <3r,s. *es, he is indeed t33 133d t3 83nde,n t3 Hell th3se :h3, he 8reated <3r Heaven, and <3r :h3se salvati3n, in his e?8eedin1 l3ve, he sent his 3:n 3n int3 the :3rld. B.t h3: is he t3 release <r3, Hell th3se :h3se e?isten8e and :ill are i,,.tably r33ted in the eternal An3:B 3< sinH t. Th3,as says a1ain; AThe -.nish,ent 3< the da,ned :3.ld n3t be eternal i< it :ere -3ssible t3 83nvert their :ill t3 133d. It :3.ld be t3 -.nish the, <3r ever 3n8e they be8a,e ,en 3< 133d :illB &Cont. /entes bD. IV 8h. 4$7. It is i,-3ssible t3 t.rn the 3< the da,ned 3n8e ,3re .nt3 133d. Let the ar1.,ent be :ell :ei1hed. The -.nish,ent 3< the l3st :ill be eternal, n3t si,-ly their :ills are in <a8t i,,3vably <i?ed in evil, b.t there is la8Din1 t3 the, even the -3ssibility 3< 83nver= si3n> their state is s.8h that it is ,3rally, -sy8h3l31i8ally and -hysi8ally i,-3ssible <3r the, t3 a88e-t the 1ra8e 3< 83nversi3n.

I- E,,),s ()n(e,ning P+,gat),'@ ./0 P,)testant %enia*sA .10 P)siti)n )3 the Easte,n O,th)%)<II- The Cath)*i( D)g:a )3 P+,gat),'@ ./0 In S(,i&t+,e@ .10 In Cath)*i( T,a%iti)nIII- S):e the)*)gi(a* =+esti)ns@ ./0 The Pains )3 P+,gat),'A is the,e a t4)#3)*% &+nish:ent as in He**A the nat+,e" intensit' an% %+,ati)n )3 the s+33e,ingsA .10 The >)'s )3 P+,gat),'It :as at a 83,-aratively *ate %ate that the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry :as de<ined. Until the thirteenth 8ent.ry the ),%ina,' magisterium of the "h.r8h :as held t3 be s.<<i8ient. B.t the ne8essity 3< de<initely settlin1 8ertain ,atters 3< d38trine 83ntested by the Easte,n the)*)gians ind.8ed P)&e G,eg),' X t3 reG.ire the ByJantine E,-er3r, Mi(hae* Pa*e)*)g+s, t3 s.bs8ribe t3 a 0r3<essi3n 3< 5aith :herein the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry :as 8learly set d3:n. Later 3n, in /B;C, :hen the C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e dre: .- the de8ree 3< .ni3n bet:een the Eastern and the R3,an "h.r8hes, this 0r3<essi3n 3< 5aith :as re=iss.ed in the ,3st s3le,n <3r, as a d31,ati8 and in<allible de<initi3n 3< the "h.r8h9s tea8hin1; AI< th3se :h3 are -enitent, de-art <r3, this li<e in the 8harity 3< G3d, be<3re they have ,ade satis<a8ti3n, by :3rthy <r.its 3< re-entan8e, <3r their sins 3< 83,,issi3n and 3,issi3n, their are 8leansed by -.r1at3rial s.<<erin1s a<ter death> and the s.<<ra1es 3< the livin1, t3 :it, the sa8ri<i8e 3< the Mass, -rayers, al,s=deeds and 3ther :3rDs 3< -iety, :hi8h the <aith<.l have been a88.st3,ed t3 3<<er <3r ea8h 3ther a883rdin1 t3 the established .sa1es 3< the "h.r8h, are -r3<itable t3 th3se de-arted <3r the relie< 3< their s.<<erin1s.B In the si<teenth (ent+,', 3:in1 t3 the denial 3< this d31,a by the P,)testants, the "h.r8h :as <3r8ed t3 s-eaD a1ain, and d.rin1 the 83.rse 3< the C)+n(i* )3 T,ent, t%o -r3n3.n8e,ents :ere ,ade. = The 3i,st :as d.rin1 the si?th sessi3n 6#$th /an.ary, #'F(7, :hen the <3ll3:in1 anathe,a :as la.n8hed; AI< any3ne shall say that, a<ter re8eivin1 the 1ra8e 3< @.sti<i8ati3n, every re-entant sinner s sin is s3 :h3lly <3r1iven and the debt 3< eternal -.nish,ent 83,-letely re,itted, that there re,ains n3 debt 3< te,-3ral -.nish,ent still t3 be -aid, either in this :3rld 3r in the ne?t in 0.r1at3ry, be<3re the 1ates 3< Heaven are 3-en t3 hi,, let hi, be anathe,aB 6"an. $%7. = Again in the t:enty=<i<th and last sessi3n the "3.n8il dre: .- a de8ree ab3.t 0.r1at3ry, in :hi8h, s.,,ariJin1 the tea8hin1 <3r,.lated at 5l3ren8e, it 83,,ands bish3-s and -riests t3 h3ld and tea8h this d38trine. They are en@3ined t3 av3id di<< and s.btle G.esti3ns, :hi8h are :ith3.t -r3<it t3 -iety> t3 abstain <r3, treatin1 3< ,atters .n8ertain and <alse, and t3 re<rain <r3, anythin1 that ,inisters t3 s.-erstiti3n and ,ere 8.ri3sity, 3r that betrays a 1reed <3r <ilthy l.8re. It is in this s-irit that :e shall here e?-3.nd; I. The -revalent e,,),s 83n8ernin1 0.r1at3ry> II. The )33i(ia* tea(hing 3< the "h.r8h, and


Ne8essary e<&*anati)ns -r3vided by a88redited The)*)g'.

The G.esti3n 3< &,a'e,s 3), the %ea%, :hi8h is ,3re <ittin1ly dealt :ith in the v3l.,e 3n The Communion of Saints, 4e sha** *ea?e asi%e.


= = P,)testants deny the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry> s3 als3, as <ar as their :3rds 13, d3 the G,ee7 O,th)%)<, :h3se tea8hin1 3n the s.b@e8t is s3,e:hat 83,-li8ated and n3t :h3lly <ree <r3, err3rs.

./0 The P,)testant %enia* )3 P+,gat),'

It :as 3nly little by little that L+the, ,ade Dn3:n his real vie:s as t3 the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry. At 3i,st :hile he -r3<essed t3 h3ld the d38trine, he ,ade it his b.siness t3 brin1 it int3 ridi8.le and 83nte,-t. He held that +"ur atory cannot be pro#ed by any te*t of the canonical Scriptures, 6-r3-3siti3n $(, 83nde,ned by Le3 P7, and that it :as the 03-e :h3 ,ade 3< 0.r1at3ry an arti8le 3< <aith. In #'2E he still all3:s -rayers <3r the dead, b.t l33Ds .-3n the, as :e,e e<te,na* &,a(ti(es :ith n3 de<inite 3b@e8t. B.t in /2;E :e <ind hi, ()n%e:ning, in the ,3st vi3lent lan1.a1e, the :h3le -rin8i-le 3< satis<a8ti3n <3r sin, th.s, in <a8t, dra:in1 the l31i8al 83n8l.si3n <r3, his d38trine 3< @.sti<i8ati3n. He :rites; +"ur atory is idolatry, a de#ilish phantom! it is the most ab1ect of thin s, #ermin, filth comin strai ht from the Mass, the dra on)s tail., There :as n3 beatin1 ab3.t the :ith Ca*?in, :h3 <r3, the be1innin1 8alled 0.r1at3ry +a fiction of Satan, and did his best t3 3verthr3: the traditi3nal belie< and -ra8ti8es. The ,eas)ns <3r denyin1 0.r1at3ry 1iven by 0r3testant the3l31ians are; = that there is n3thin1 ab3.t it in H3ly )rit, = that it :as .nDn3:n t3 the early "h.r8h, = and that thr3.1h the ,erits 3< /es.s "hrist 3.r sins are :h3lly <3r1iven and the -.nish,ent d.e <3r the, re,itted. 3,e ,3dern *i5e,a* P,)testants h3ld that the 3< the dead ,ay have t3 -ass thr3.1h a middle state :herein their -.ri<i8ati3n is 83,-leted and they .nder13 a -r38ess 3< devel3-,ent .ntil the day 3< @.d1,ent, b.t this is by n3 ,eans the sa,e thin1 as 0.r1at3ry :ith its -.ri<i8ati3n 3< the s3.l thr3.1h s+33e,ing an% e<&iati)n. Their the3ry is that the s3.l itsel< .ses its natural freedom <3r sel<=-.ri<i8ati3n <r3, evil and sel<=devel3-,ent in 133d.

.10 Tea(hing )3 the Easte,n O,th)%)< Ch+,(hes

This is ,.8h ,3re complicated and difficult t3 deter,ine, th3.1h M1r. 0etit has 1reatly <a8ilitated the tasD 3< the hist3rian 3< d31,a by the -.bli8ati3n, in the "atrolo ia 9rientalis, 3< ,any d38.,ents bearin1 .-3n the C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e and the G.esti3n 3< 0.r1at3ry. /- A((),%ing t) the G,ee7s the,e is n) P+,gat),'B.t :e ,.st n3te :ell 4hat the' :ean by the :3rd 0.r1at3ry. T3 their ,inds it -resents the t%o ideas 3< an inter,ediate &*a(e bet:een Heaven and Hell, and 3< a -.ri<yin1 3i,e a8tin1 .-3n the s3.l, and they deny the e?isten8e 3< b3th the -la8e and the <ire. They h3ld that there is no proof t3 be <3.nd in the 8ri-t.res 3r in the 5athers, and that the :h3le :ei1ht 3< theolo ical ar ument, 3< reas3n enli1htened by <aith, is a1ainst the d38trine. "3n<r3nted :ith the :ell=Dn3:n :3rds <r3, 2 Ma88abees, #2;FC, they ad,it that they -r3ve the .tility and e<<i8a8y 3< prayers for the dead, b.t n3t that they i,-ly a belie< in 0.r1at3ry. The <3r1iveness 3< sins in the ne?t li<e 6Matt. #2;$27 is n3t ne8essarily e<<e8ted by 8leansin1 fires, :hile the -arable 3< LaJar.s and the ri8h ,an 8learly sh3:s that bet:een Abraha,9s b3s3, and Hell there is n3 ,iddle -la8e, b.t 3nly a vast, i,-assable abyss.

The 3nly te?t in <av3.r 3< 0.r1at3ry in :hi8h 3i,e is ,enti3ned, is # "3rinthians $;##=#'@ the sinner, :h3se less 1riev3.s sins are sy,b3liJed by hay, :33d and st.bble, :ill be sa#ed, b.t as by <ire. B.t in reality, as St- J)hn Ch,'s)st): <3r e?a,-le, .nderstands the -assa1e, the hay, :33d and st.bble re-resent vi8es :hi8h are in8a-able 3< :ithstandin1 G3d9s sear8hin1 @.d1,ent> yet the sinner :ill be saved, that is, he :ill be -reserved, he :ill 83ntin.e t3 live, b.t in <ire, in the eternal <ire 3< Hell. N3r 8an any e?-li8it tea8hin1 be <3.nd in the Fathe,s. As a r.le they d3 n3 ,3re than a<<ir, that -rayer <3r the dead is useful and profitable, b.t that is n3t t3 a<<ir, 0.r1at3ry as .nderst33d in the R3,an "h.r8h. Th3se 3< the GreeD 5athers :h3 s-eaD 3< a cleansin fire are in<e8ted :ith Ori1en9s de-l3rable heresy, :hile a,3n1 the Latins it is either a ,ere personal opinion, as in the 8ase 3< St- G,eg),', :ith3.t any a.th3ritative tea8hin1 behind it, 3r else it is a :ay 3< e?-ressin1 that s3,e sins ,ay possibly be <3r1iven in the ne?t :3rld. 5.rther, they ar1.e, it is 83ntradi8t3ry t3 say, 3n the 3ne hand, that 83ntriti3n and re-entan8e 3btain <3r1iveness 3< sin <r3, G3d, and, 3n the 3ther, that a<ter the sin is <3r1iven there is still a %e5t 3< -.nish,ent t3 be -aid. Ba-tis, <3r1ives sin, and at the sa,e ti,e it :h3lly re,its the debt 3< -.nish,ent> :hy sh3.ld 0enan8e be less e<<i8a8i3.sH O< the ar1.,ents dire8tly atta8Din1 the +6atin, d38trine, :e need ,enti3n 3nly 3ne, :hi8h is ai,ed a1ainst the -3siti3n taDen .- by St- Th):as. Any hy-3thesis 3< a te,-3ral -.nish,ent in the ne?t :3rld is re<.ted by the immutability 3< the h.,an :ill a<ter death. 53r, as t. Th3,as says, thisimmo#ability 3< the l3st in their 8lin1in1 t3 evil is the reas3n :hy their -.nish,ent in Hell is eternal. Hen8e temporal punishment in the ne?t :3rld :3.ld ne8essarily i,-ly that the :ill is not yet de<initely deter,ined either t3:ards evil 3r 133d> and as this 8ann3t be 1ranted, the d38trine 3< 0.r1at3ry ,.st be re@e8ted. 1- Re831niJin1 that destr.8tive 8riti8is, is n3t en3.1h the GreeDs 3<<er their reconstruction" 3< the the3l31y 3< the < li<e. R.ite 83,,3nly they h3ld that the full re%ard or punishment is n3t ,eted 3.t t3 the dead i,,ediately a<ter death, b.t that it :ill be delayed +nti* the *ast >+%g:ent. The 3< the dead have <r3, the <irst a clear -no%led e 3< their 83nditi3n relative t3 the 8lai,s 3< G3d9s @.sti8e. B.t the >+st d3 n3t be1in at 3n8e t3 en@3y the ha--iness laid .- <3r the, as the re:ard 3< their 133d deeds, n3r are the 4i(7e% 8ast d3:n i,,ediately int3 the eternal t3r,ents 3< Hell. 5r3, the h3.r 3< death .ntil the day 3< @.d1,ent the 3< the dead are +detained, in 83nditi3ns s.itable t3 their ,3ral 133dness 3r :i8Dedness; the 1ust are in Heaven 3r else in the Aterrestrial -aradise,B their state is 3ne 3< ha--iness and they even en@3y the visi3n 3< G3d9s 1l3ry> sinners are already sh.t .- in Hell and sti<<er terrible an1.ish in a 83nditi3n 3< in83ns3lable ,isery, a:aitin1 the /.d1e9s <inal senten8e and the t3rt.res it :ill brin1 .-3n the,. B.t, at the sa,e ti,e, the >+st are not yet in -3ssessi3n 3< th3se thin1s +that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, t3 83n8eive 6# "3r. 2;47, n3r are the 4i(7e% yet -l.n1ed int3 eternal t3r,ents and .nG.en8hable <ire. All are in a state 3< e*pectancy a:aitin1 the de<inite senten8e t3 be delivered at the *ast >+%g:ent. Hen8e there is n3 r33, <3r an inte,:e%iate state, <3r any &+,i3i(ati)n 3< the s3.l 3ther than that 3< this li<e, <3r any te:&),a* &+nish:ent 5' 3i,e3< th3se :h3 in li<e have a8hieved b.t a ,3derate de1ree 3< virt.e. Anythin1 3< this s3rt see,s impossible, seein1 that the d.e -.nish,ent 3< the ,3st :i8Ded and -erverse 3< ,en, and even 3< the devils, is, as it :ere, suspended .ntil the end 3< the :3rld. ;- The e?-lanati3ns 3< these 1eneral -r3-3siti3ns 3<<ered by the GreeDs are 3< a ()n3+se% nat+,e, testi<yin1 t3 the %i33i(+*ties arisin1 <r3, their denial 3< the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry. All sinners, <3r e?a,-le, are n3t G3d9s ene,ies in the sa,e :ay and t3 the sa,e de1ree, and their i,-ris3n,ent in He** 8ann3t, there<3re, have the sa,e 83nseG.en8es and ,eanin1 <3r all. 3 :e <ind Ma,7 )3 E&hes+s e?-li8itly ad,ittin1, at the C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e, that s3,e leave this li<e in the <aith and l3ve 3< G3d, yet still soiled and burdened %ith sli ht faults or ra#er sins <3r :hi8h they have n3t yet d3ne -enan8e. And their -la8e, at least that 3<

the more uilty a,3n1 the,, is in He** .ntil s.8h ti,e as the prayers and sacrifices 3<<ered <3r the, shall have 3btained the <3r1iveness 3< their sins. Ca,%ina* Bessa,i)n :as even ,3re de<inite. Bet:een the 3< the e*e(t and th3se 3< the %a:ne% there is a class 3< :hat he 8alled medium souls, :h3 deserve neither Heaven n3r Hell <3r eternity, and :h3 ,.st suffer .ntil their sins are <3r1iven. In the ne?t :3rld they :ill have to do penance <3r sli1ht sins <3r :hi8h they did n3ne in this, and <3r ,3re seri3.s sins <3r :hi8h their -enan8e in this li<e :as inadeG.ate. The relati3n bet:een the s+33e,ings t3 be b3rne a<ter death, and the sins 3n a883.nt 3< :hi8h they are t3 be .nder13ne is 3ne 3< the ,3st obscure-3ints :ith Orth3d3? the3l31ians. *et n)ne )3 the: %en' these s+33e,ings. At the ()+n(i* )3 Fe,,a,a they :ere des8ribed at len1th by the 8his,ati8 the3l31ians -resent, :h3, :hile ,aintainin1 that they are in proportion to the sins, denied that they 83nsist in any &)siti?e t),:ent distin8t <r3, the s3.l, ,aintainin1 that they are n3thin1 ,3re than sorro%, remorse, shame, unhappiness arisin1 <r3, the darDness 3< the prison, <ear and .n8ertainty as t3 the <, the day 3< deliveran8e bein1 .nDn3:n, an?iety 8a.sed by the delay in a8hievin1 the beati<i8 visi3n 3< G3d. As <3r the :3rd F3i,e"G i< .sed at all, it ,.st be taDen in a :h3lly metaphorical sense, and the 5athers s-eaD rather 3< tears and roans than 3< <ire <r3, :hi8h the dead ,.st be delivered. This deli#erance is b3th G3d9s :3rD and, the < 3< 3.r -rayers and sa8ri<i8es. Belie< in the e<<i8a8y 3< -rayers and 3< the sa8ri<i8e 3< the Mass, 3<<ered t3 G3d <3r the ,e*ie3 3< the dead, is 3ne 3< the 8entral -3ints 3< Orth3d3? tea8hin1, and herein there is &e,3e(t ag,ee# :ent bet:een GreeDs and Latins> b.t in s-ite 3< this they -ersist in denyin1 that 0.r1at3ry is a :i%%*e &*a(e bet:een Heaven and Hell, and that 3i,e is the instr.,ent 3< the s.<<erin1s 3< th3se detained there. T) s+: +&@ at death all ,en are either 133d 3r bad, sinless 3r sin<.l, and there<3re destined <3r Heaven 3r Hell. B.t a,3n1 the sinners a distin8ti3n is t3 be ,ade bet:een t:3 8lasses, based, n3t .-3n the -la8e t3 :hi8h they are sent, b.t .-3n their moral condition. Th3se :h3 die in sin b.t :ith3.t des-airin1 3< G3d9s ,er8y, <3r, the 8lass 3< medium" souls, :h3, G3d, ,3ved by the -rayers and 133d :3rDs 3< the <aith<.l, :ill 3ne day deliver from ;ell and -la8e, a,3n1 the ele8t, in Heaven. Th.s d3 the Orth3d3? re83n8ile their %enia* )3 P+,gat),' :ith their belie< in the e33i(a(' )3 &,a'e,s 3), the %ea%-


On the G.esti3n 3< 0.r1at3ry it is n3t di<< t3 sh3: that bet:een "ath3li8 belie< and Orth3d3? th3.1ht there is 3+n%a:enta* ag,ee:ent. The Easte,ns :ill n3t ad,it that there is an inter,ediate place bet:een Heaven and Hell, and deny the e?isten8e 3< a real fire as the ,eans .sed in the -.ri<i8ati3n 3< B.t their denials 13 no farther. They ag,ee :ith the Latins in h3ldin1 that there is a middle state <3r s3,e :h3 die in sin, :h3 are n3t h3ly en3.1h t3 13 at 3n8e t3 Heaven, b.t :h3 are s3 <ar re,3ved <r3, a state 3< des-air and en,ity :ith G3d that, a<ter a 8ertain period of probation and delay, they are deservin1 3< <.ll <3r1iveness. There is still 8l3ser ag,ee:ent 3n the e33i(a(' )3 &,a'e,s <3r bel3n1in1 t3 this ,iddle 8lass. B.t t3 all3: these t:3 -3ints is, in reality, t3 ad,it the :h3le d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry. This is h3: P)&e E+geni+s I!, <3r e?a,-le, s.,s .- "ath3li8 tea8hin1; AThese, 3< the inter,ediate 8lass, are in a -la8e 3< t3r,ents> b.t :hether they are t3r,ented by <ire, darDness 3r te,-est, 3r by s3,e 3ther thin1, is a ,atter :e d3 n3t 8h33se t3 dis8.ssB 6LabbS, Concilia IP F4#7. In its d31,ati8 de8ree the C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e <3ll3:s the 03-e9s lead, and, as :e have seen, refrains from definin anythin1 :hats3ever as t3 the&,e(ise &*a(e 3< 0.r1at3ry 3r the 3< its -.ri<yin1 s.<<erin1s. T%o thin1s 3nly are established; the e?isten8e 3< a state )3 &+,i3i(ati)n <3r a<ter this li<e, and the e33i(a(' )3 )+, &,a'e,s an% g))% 4),7s in

hastenin1 the -r38ess 3< -.ri<i8ati3n. U-3n these t:3 -3ints the Easterns a1ree :ith .s, and hen8e it is that :e say that their denial 3< 0.r1at3ry is a ,atter 3< :3rds 3nly. It re,ains <3r .s t3 -r3ve the e<isten(e )3 a state )3 &+,i3i(ati)n 3), s)+*s a3te, this *i3e . As a1ainst L.ther the "h.r8h says that this is -3ssible 3n the a.th3rity 3< S(,i&t+,e> in additi3n t3 :hi8h :e shall inv3De als3 the a.th3rity 3<Cath)*i( T,a%iti)n.


S(,i&t+,a* &,))3 )3 the e<isten(e )3 P+,gat),'

Many te?ts are 3<ten G.3ted as -r3vin1, at least indire8tly, the e?isten8e 3< 0.r1at3ry, <3r e?a,-le; = th3se :hi8h ,enti3n <astin1 and ,3.rnin1 <3r the dead, s.8h as / Jings ;/@/;A 1 Jings /@/1A T)5ias B@/KA = 3r a1ain the :ell=Dn3:n :3rds 3< St- Pa+* ab3.t ba-tis, <3r the dead; / C),- /2@1DLeavin1 these aside, :e shall ,aDe .se 3< 3nly three -assa1es 3< 1reater i,-3rtan8e. /- The 3i,st is the %e(isi?e &assage 3,): 1 Ma((a5ees /1@;D#B8A<ter his vi8t3ry 3ver G3r1ias, /.das <3.nd .nder the 83ats 3< his s3ldiers :h3 had <allen id3latr3.s 3b@e8ts st3len <r3, the te,-le 3< /a,nia. Th3se :h3 had st3len and De-t the, had 83,,itted a rie#ous sin a1ainst G3d9s la:, yet the /e:s; +beta-in themsel#es to prayers, besou ht him, that the sin %hich had been committed mi ht be for otten. But the most #aliant :udas e*horted the people to -eep themsel#es from sin. . . and ma-in a atherin , he sent t%el#e thousand drachms of sil#er to :erusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thin-in %ell and reli iously concernin the resurrection. 8or if he had not hoped that they that %ere slain should rise a ain, it %ould ha#e seemed superfluous and #ain to pray for the dead. And because he considered that they %ho had fallen asleep %ith odliness, had reat race laid up for them., And the ins-ired :riter adds his a--r3val 3< :hat /.das had d3ne; +$t is, therefore, a holy and %holesome thou ht to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins., This -assa1e sh3:s that the dead 8an be %e*i?e,e% 3,): the 5+,%en )3 sin in the ne<t 4),*%, and that there is, 83nseG.ently, a :i%%*e statebet:een Heaven and Hell, in :hi8h there are n3t yet :h3lly -.ri<ied, 4ith a %e5t sti** t) &a' , and that 4e (an he*& the:" 5' )+, &,a'e,s" t) satis3' G)%9s >+sti(e1- The se()n% ar1.,ent is dra:n <r3, the :3rds re-3rted by St- Matthe4 /1@;1, :here "hrist s-eaDs 3< the sin :hi8h :ill be <3r1iven +neither in this %orld nor in the ne*t., )hen8e it <3ll3:s, at least in%i,e(t*', that s):e sins (an 5e 3),gi?en in the ne<t 4),*% , and this i,-lies that there is a penalty t3 be -aid ande*piation t3 be ,ade <3r these sins in the ne?t li<e> :hi8h is the s., and s.bstan8e 3< the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry. ;- The thi,% te?t is taDen <r3, / C),inthians ;@// and :as .sed by the Latin the3l31ians at the "3.n8il 3< 5l3ren8e t3 -r3ve the e?isten8e 3< the F3i,eG 3< 0.r1at3ry. -eaDin1 3< the *ast >+%g:ent and 3< the F3i,eG :hi8h :ill ,aDe Dn3:n the day 3< the L3rd and :ill -r3ve every ,an9s :3rDs and tea8hin1s, St- Pa+* sh3:s the b.ildin1 .- 3< the "hristian 8h.r8h at "3rinth, be1.n by his 3:n tea8hin1 and 8arried 3n by th3se :h3 8a,e a<ter hi,. Usin1 sy,b3li8al lan1.a1e, he says that the ,aterials e,-l3yed by these later b.ilders are 3< di<<erent> 3n the 3ne hand, they have .sed 13ld, silver and -re8i3.s st3nes, 3n the 3ther, :33d, stra: and st.bble> in 3ther :3rds their tea8hin1 has been either 3< the hi1hest :3rth 3r 3< b.t little val.e. At the day 3< @.d1,ent ea8h ,an9s :3rD 4i** 5e &,)?e% 5' 3i,e; the 13ld, silver and -re8i3.s st3nes :ill -ass the -r33< .ns8athed, b.t the :33d, stra: and st.bble :ill be 83ns.,ed, and the 8areless :3rD,en :h3 .sed these ,aterials :ill see their :3rD -erish, :hile they the,selves Ashall be saved, yet s3 as by <ire.B

The val.e 3< the ar1.,ent de-ends, in the <irst -la8e, .-3n the e?a8t ,eanin1 3< the :3rd F3i,e-G Many P,)testants .nderstand it metaphorically as the <ire 3< this :3rld9s trib.lati3n, b.t sin8e the A&)st*e ()nne(ts it 4ith G)%9s >+%g:ent this inter-retati3n 8ann3t be .-held. Neither 8an it be a G.esti3n 3< the <ire 3< ;ell, even th3.1h the 1reat a.th3rity 3< t. /3hn "hrys3st3, < this vie:. He**#3i,e is n)t a testing 3i,e, :hile it is a <an8i<.l 3< ter,s t3 .nderstand that the sinner is saved by bein1 si,-ly -ept ali#e by the <ire 3< Hell and n3t destr3yed. N3r is the re<eren8e, directly at least, t3 the real <ire 3< 0.r1at3ry as is held by ,any "ath3li8s, sin8e the <ire 3< 0.r1at3ry d3es n3t try every ,an9s :3rDs, and 133d deeds, sy,b3liJed by 13ld, silver and -re8i3.s st3nes are n)t s.b,itted t3 its test. Hen8e 3nly t4) -3ssible inter-retati3ns 3< the :3rd A<ireB are le<t> it ,.st be .nderst33d either; = 3< the gene,a* ()n3*ag,ati)n at the en% )3 the 4),*%, = 3r, metaphorically, 3< the 3i,e )3 >+%g:ent. I< :e a88e-t the former, and less probable inter-retati3n, :e have an indire8t ar1.,ent in <av3.r 3< the e?isten8e 3< 0.r1at3ry, <3r the <ire 3< the <inal 83n<la1rati3n :3.ld have a t:3<3ld -.r-3se, t3 :it, the death 3< all th3se still livin1, and the -.ri<i8ati3n 3< th3se :h3se i,-er<e8t lives still 8alled <3r s3,e , 3< e?-iati3n. B.t :hat is tr.e at the end 3< the :3rld ,.st be tr.e at all times and for all men > hen8e there is a (*eansing 3i,e<3r the e?-iati3n 3< <a.lts 83,,itted, the -enalty for %hich has not been paid in full. B.t i< :e a88e-t the latter inter-retati3n, in reality the 3nly really probable one, :e ,.st ad,it that at the last day there :ill be a 3ina* t,ia* thr3.1h :hi8h all :ill have t3 -ass, and :hi8h :ill th3se only :h3, th3.1h saved, -resent t3 their s3verei1n /.d1e :3rDs n3t <ree <r3, ble,ish and i,-er<e8ti3n. And this, a1ain, is -r33<, even th3.1h b.t in%i,e(t*', 3< the e?isten8e 3< 0.r1at3ry.

.10 P+,gat),' a((),%ing t) Cath)*i( T,a%iti)n

This inter-retati3n 3< t. 0a.l9s :3rds leads .s by a nat.ral seG.en8e t3 the 83nsiderati3n 3< the tea8hin1 enshrined in Cath)*i( t,a%iti)n. 53r a<ter 8l3se st.dy 3< the G.esti3n :e are <.lly 83nvin8ed that the -ri,itive <3r, 3< "ath3li8 belie< in 0.r1at3ry is eviden8ed in the 5e*ie3 in the 3i,e )3 >+%g:ent . This belie< is e?-ressed -rin8i-ally by St- Ma<i:+s" St- C',i* )3 Je,+sa*e:" St- Basi*" StJ+stin an% O,igen a:)ng the G,ee7s" an%" a:)ng the Latins" 5' St- A:5,)se" St- Hi*a,'" St- Pa+*in+s )3 N)*a" an% &,)5a5*' St- Je,):eN3: the :riters :h3 s-eaD 3< the A<ire 3< the @.d1,entB attrib.te t3 it all the ,arDs 3< a (*eansing 3i,e, and this belie< in its e?isten8e and its a8ti3n :3.ld be indirect testi,3ny in <av3.r 3< the d31,a 3< 0.r1at3ry, even th3.1h the <ire :ere all3:ed t3 be b.t the instr.,ent <3r the 8arryin1 3.t 3< the last @.d1,ent. B.t there is more than this in the 5athers9 tea8hin1. Th3se a,3n1 the, :h3 s.--3rt the e?isten8e 3< the @.d1,ent <ire nearly all <all int3 the then ()::)n e,,), relative t3 the best3:al 3< re:ard and retrib.ti3n. $n the first fi#e centuries it :as 83,,3nly believed, as the Easte,ns still believe, that the did n3t 13 int3 Heaven 3r the :i8Ded int3 Hell +nti* a3te, the *ast >+%g:ent . .8h bein1 the 8ase, the d38trine 3< a 8leansin1 <ire previous t3 the ad,issi3n 3< int3 -aradise ,.st, 3< ne8essity, have been in line :ith this 83,,3n err3r 3< -ers-e8tive, and in the ,ind 3< the GreeDs, the a8ti3n 3< the <ire 83.ld n3t have been th3.1ht 3< as e<<e8tive .ntil the ,3,ent 3< the @.d1,ent. Hen8e the -ri,itive d38trine 3< the <ire 3< @.d1,ent, based .-3n t. 0a.l9s de8larati3n, :3.ld be the ),igina* 3),: in :hi8h belie< in 0.r1at3ry sh3:ed itsel<. On this -3int readers ,ay the arti8le 8eu du :u ement in the Dictionnaire de Thiolo ie Catholi3ue. The &+,i3'ing s+33e,ings 3< the ne?t :3rld are e?-li8itly ,enti3ned by Te,t+**ian" StC'&,ian an% St- A+g+stine. Te,t+**ian s-eaDs 3< the 3<<erin1s ,ade <3r the dead 3n their anniversary days, an an8ient 8.st3,, r33ted in 3ld traditi3n and De-t alive by <aith. All the

5athers, ,3re3ver, s-eaD 3< &,a'e,s an% )5*ati)ns 3), the %ea%, and 3< the 3<<erin1 <3r the, 3< the sa(,i3i(e )3 the Mass , :hi8h :ere 8learly traditi3nal -ra8ti8es as 3ld as the "h.r8h hersel<. Th3.1h there be a diversity 3< 3-ini3n as t3 the nature 3< the s.<<erin1s b3rne by the in 0.r1at3ry, the .nani,3.s :itness 3< the 5athers t3 these -ra8ti8es is -r33< 3< the "h.r8h9s belie< in s3,e 3+t+,e e<&iati)n 5e')n% the g,a?e that the -rayers 3< the livin1 83.ld d3 s3,ethin1 t3 sh3rten. There is n3 need t3 G.3te a l3t 3< testi,3nies 3n this ,atter> let .s, h3:ever, listen t3 the 1reat St- J)hn Ch,'s)st): e?h3rtin1 his <l38D t3 -ray <3r sinners :h3 have -assed <r3, li<e. AAs <ar as lies :ithin 3.r -3:er,B he says, A:e ,.st hel- the,> n3t by tears, b.t by -rayers and s.--li8ati3ns, by al,s and inter8essi3ns. It is n3t :ith3.t 133d reas3n that these -ra8ti8es have been established, n3r is it in vain that, in the sa8red ,ysteries, :e ,aDe a ,e,3rial 3< the, that are n3 ,3reB 6H3,. F2 3n I "3r. n3. F7. )e G.3te t. /3hn "hrys3st3, by -re<eren8e he has been a88.sed, 3n the stren1th 3< -assa1es si,ilar t3 the 3ne :e have read, 3< tea8hin1 the e<<i8a8y 3< -rayers <3r the da,ned. As i< all sinners, even th3se dyin1 :ith3.t sh3:in1 any 3.t:ard si1ns 3< re-entan8e, ,.st ne8essarily be l33Ded .-3n as damnedT )e ,.st be:are 3< s.8h <3r8ed inter-retati3ns, n3 ,atter h3: in<l.ential the G.arter :hen8e they 83,e. "ath3li8 traditi3n as t3 0.r1at3ry is :ell s.,,ed .- in the $emento 3< the dead <3.nd in ,any lit.r1ies; ARe,e,ber, L3rd, thy servants and thy hand,aids. T3 the, and t3 all :h3 slee- in "hrist :e besee8h thee in /es.s "hrist 3.r L3rd t3 1rant, in thy ,er8y, a -la8e 3< re<resh,ent, li1ht and -ea8e.B


The "ath3li8 the3l31ian, 3bedient t3 the de8ree 3< the C)+n(i* )3 T,ent, ,.st av3id all s-e8.lati3ns arisin1 <r3, the s-irit 3< ,ere curiosity and 83n<ine hi,sel< t3 th3se the)*)gi(a* t,+ths that are 8al8.lated t3 <.rther the -iety and dev3ti3n 3< the <aith<.l. )e shall, there<3re, treat 3nly a <e: 3< the ,3re interestin1 -3ints 3< the the3l31y 3< 0.r1at3ry relatin1 t3 the s+33e,ings an% >)'s 3< the h3ly a:aitin1 the 8all t3 the beati<i8 visi3n.

./0 The s+33e,ings )3 P+,gat),'

As t3 the 3< these s.<<erin1s n)thing is (e,tain> :e have b.t #a ue and eneral indications as t3 their intensit', :hile :ith re1ard t3 their duration the the3l31ian is red.8ed t3 ()n>e(t+,es. This .n8ertainty n3t:ithstandin1, these three as-e8ts 3< the s.<<erin1s 3< 0.r1at3ry 3<<er 8ertain -3ints that ,ay be st.died :ith interest and -r3<it. .a0 M+st the s+33e,ings )3 P+,gat),' 5e th)+ght )3 as twofold a3te, the 3ashi)n )3 the &ain )3 *)ss an% the &ain )3 sense in He**L Many the3l31ians d3 set .- s.8h an anal31y, and in -3-.lar -rea8hin1 0.r1at3ry is 3<ten re-resented as a s3rt 3< Hell <r3, :hi8h, h3:ever, the h3-e and 8ertainty 3< salvati3n are n3t e?8l.ded. The analo y, h3:ever, is b.t a very -ale 3ne. The very <a8t that the in 0.r1at3ry have the h)&e an% (e,taint' )3 sa*?ati)n taDes a:ay <r3, their te,-3rary de-rivati3n 3< the visi3n 3< G3d the essential 8hara8ter 3< a tr.e damnation. I< it be 8ertain als3 that the h3ly s.<<er any &)siti?e t),:ent, it is 8ertain that :e have no precise Dn3:led1e 3< its The d38trine 3< a real <ire 3< 0.r1at3ry is re1arded by the "h.r8h si,-ly as an )&ini)n :hi8h, th3.1h n3t t3 be derided, ,ay yet be re<.sed a88e-tan8e :ith3.t in1ury to the faith. It :ill be ,3re -r3<itable t3 n3te h3: the -.nish,ent 3< 0.r1at3ry %i33e,s, in its very, <r3, that 3< Hell. The latter is -.rely and s)*e*' &ena*, the former is essentially

an e<&iati)n and a &+,i3i(ati)n. It :3.ld be :r3n1 t3 l33D .-3n the te,-3ral s.<<erin1 3< 0.r1at3ry as ,erely s.<<erin1 beneath :hi8h the s3.l re,ains passi#e a:aitin1 the h3.r 3< its entran8e int3 Heaven. N3 the s3.l has t) s+33e,, b.t it is a sa?ing s+33e,ing )3 e<&iati)n :hi8h e?8ites in the s3.l, still in need 3< -.ri<i8ati3n, senti,ents 3< h+:i*it', ardent desires and a8ts 3< *)?e :hi8h ,aDe it less and less .n:3rthy 3< G3d. B)ss+et in his Sermon sur la necessit des souffrances 6$rd -3int7, :ith that 8larity 3< e?-ressi3n 8hara8teristi8 3< his the3l31y, th.s e?-3.nds the ()nt,ast bet:een 0.r1at3ry and Hell; AThe distin1.ishin1 ,arD 3< Hell is n3t si,-ly s.<<erin1, b.t s.<<erin1 .na883,-anied by re-entan8e. The sa8red 8ri-t.res reveal t3 .s t:3 s3rts 3< <ire> there is a 8leansin1 <ire and a 83ns.,in1 and dev3.rin1 <ire> Cniuscu1us3ue opus probabit i nis 6# "3r. $;#$7 Q Cum i ne de#orante 6Is. $$;#F7. This latter is 8alled in the G3s-el Ka <ire that is n3t e?tin1.ished,9 i nis non e*stin uitur 6MD. 4;F(7, t3 distin1.ish it <r3, the <ire that is Dindled t3 -.ri<y .s and is al:ays G.en8hed as s33n as this 3<<i8e is -er<3r,ed. .<<erin1 a883,= -anied by re-entan8e is a 8leansin1 <ire, b.t s.<<erin1 :ith3.t re-entan8e is a dev3.rin1 and 83ns.,in1 <ire, and s.8h -re8isely is the <ire 3< Hell.B Mg,- %9H+*st, a1ain, in his 6ettres de Direction 6#%(th7, e?-3.ndin1 the tea8hin1 3< StCathe,ine )3 Gen)a, lays it d3:n that the -.ri<yin1 s.<<erin1s 3< 0.r1at3ry are ,ade .- 3< h.,iliati3ns, 8harity and desire. The <la,es 3< 0.r1at3ry are, ab3ve all; Athe <ire 3< a @eal3.s l3ve. L3ve reven1es itsel< as l3ve Dn3:s h3:> l3ve9s ven1ean8e destr3ys, n3t the .n<aith<.l 3b@e8t 3< l3ve, b.t rather the .n<aith<.lness itsel< and th.s :hile -.nishin1 the l3ved 3ne 8leanses hi, and renders hi, :3rthy 3< l3ve.B .50 St- A+g+stine :rites that Athe -ain 3< <ire :ill be ,3re 1riev3.s t3 hi, :h3 shall be saved by <ire than anythin1 that ,an 8an s.<<er in this li<eB 6In 0sal, $(, 0.L. PPPVI, $4(.7 St- Th):as in the Supplement G. 2, a. #, re=e8h3es this tea8hin1; AThe least -ain 3< 0.r1at3ry is 1reater than the 1reatest s.<<erin1s 3< this li<e. 53r the ,3re ardently 3ne desires a thin1, the 1reater is the s.<<erin1 8a.sed by the la8D 3< it. And sin8e the re1ret<.l desire :ith :hi8h the h3ly h.n1er a<ter the s.-re,e G33d is ,3st ardent . . . it <3ll3:s that the s.<<erin1 arisin1 <r3, this delay 6in attainin1 it7 is ,3st intense. i,ilarly . . . sin8e the :h3le sensitiveness 3< the b3dy is r33ted in the s3.l, it <3ll3:s that a ,3re -3i1nant a<<li8ti3n res.lts <r3, any s.<<erin1 that dire8tly a<<e8ts the s3.l.B St- B)na?ent+,e essays t3 te,-er :hat a--ears the t33 vi13r3.s severity 3< this tea8hin1. A<ter a1reein1 that Aa883rdin1 t3 the indis-.table asserti3n 3< the Master 3< the enten8es 60eter L3,bard7 and the h3ly D38t3rs, even th3.1h the reas3n ,ay n3t be evident, the s.<<erin1s 3< 0.r1at3ry are ,3re severe than any te,-3ral -ain by the s3.l d.rin1 its .ni3n :ith the b3dy,B the sera-hi8 D38t3r nevertheless 1rants that the s.<<erin1s 8ann3t ri1htly he 83,-ared .nless :e taDe a883.nt 3< the sins <3r :hi8h they are in<li8ted. )e ,.st 83,-are thin1s that <all .nder the sa,e 1en.s, that is, -enalties in<li8ted <3r the sa,e sins. 53r the sa,e sin, then, the sli1htest s.<<erin1 in 0.r1at3ry :ill be g,eate, than the ,3st severe -.nish,ent in<li8ted <3r it 3n earth. T3 ,any this 3-ini3n see,s more probable, as bein1 ,3re in a883rdan8e :ith e=+it', than the 3-ini3n held by t. Th3,as and t. A.1.stine. I< :e asD :hy the s.<<erin1s 3< 0.r1at3ry sh3.ld be ,3re severe than the 83rres-3ndin1 -.nish,ents 3< this :3rld, the reas3n is t3 be <3.nd in the <a8t that they are *ess :e,it),i)+s. The ne?t li<e is the ti,e 3< @.d1,ent, 3< re:ard and 3< retrib.ti3n, this li<e is the ti,e 3< ,er8y and <3r1iveness> s3, s.<<erin1 <reely and :illin1ly b3rne in this li<e has a :+(h highe, e<&iat),' ?a*+e than that 3< ne8essity in 0.r1at3ry. This th3.1ht sh3.ld -r3ve -r3<itable and <<.l in leadin1 the <aith<.l t3 d3 -enan8e n3: s3 as n3t t3 have t33 heavy an a883.nt a1ainst the, herea<ter. .(0 ith the en% )3 the 4),*% the,e 4i** 5e an en% a*s) )3 P+,gat),'B.t i< :e asD ho% lon ea8h s3.l9s stay in 0.r1at3ry :ill last, and :hether all the ele8t 3r the 1reater n.,ber 3< the, :ill have t3 -ass thr3.1h 0.r1at3ry, :e 8an <ind n3 ans:er. Nevertheless :e thinD it not e*tra#a ant t3 ad,it, n3t ,erely the -3ssibility b.t the <a8t, that a saintly s3.l ,ay 13 at 3n8e t3 Heaven :ith3.t any delay in 0.r1at3ry. Other:ise the

e?-li8it de<initi3ns 3< the se83nd 1eneral 83.n8il 3< Ly3ns, in the -r3<essi3n 3< <aith i,-3sed .-3n the E,-er3r Mi8hael, by P)&e Bene%i(t XII in the 83nstit.ti3n Benedictus Deus, and by the C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e in the de8ree 3< .ni3n, :3.ld see, t3 be purposeless. In these d38.,ents ,enti3n is ,ade 3< Ath3se :h3 die :ith3.t havin1 in8.rred, sin8e their ba-tis,, the stain 3< any sin,B and 3< th3se :h3, havin1 stained their, Ahave been 8leansed <r3, the stain :hile their :ere still .nited :ith their b3dies.B And it is de8lared that these <aith<.l enter i::e%iate*', at 3n8e, mo*, int3 Heaven and int3 the en@3y,ent 3< ha--iness. In these -assa1es there is s.rely s3,ethin1 ,3re than the bare asserti3n 3< a -3ssibility> they tell .s 3< a thin1 that ,ea**' ha&&ens. It 8ann3t, h3:ever, ha--en 3<ten. )e Dn3: that 3.r sins 8an be and 3<ten are 3),gi?en, b3th sa8ra,entally and e?tra=sa8ra,entally, :ith3.t the :h3le debt 3< -.nish,ent bein1 re,itted. This a--ears 8learly <r3, the d31,ati8 de8ree 3< the C)+n(i* )3 T,ent 6 ess. PIV, 8h. PIII7; AThe h3ly syn3d de8lares t3 be <alse and 83ntrary t3 the tea8hin1 3< the :3rd 3< G3d, the d38trine held by th3se :h3 ,aintain that a sin is never <3r1iven :ith3.t, at the sa,e ti,e, the -.nish,ent in8.rred by it bein1 als3 re,itted.B Und3.btedly, the <.ll <3r1iveness 3< a sin b3th as t3 g+i*t an% &+nish:ent is G.ite possible, b.t, in this :3rld, bein1 1iven the i:&e,3e(ti)n an% 4ea7ness 3< h.,an, :e 8an never Dn3: :hether 3.r a8ts 3< the l3ve 3< G3d have been s3 -er<e8t as t3 :in <3r .s the re,issi3n 3< the :h3le debt 3< -.nish,ent. It is t3 be <eared that, in s-ite 3< 3.r e<<3rts, s3,e atta(h:ent t) sin, 3r s3,e neg*igen(e in the re-arati3n :e ,aDe t3 G3d, ,ay <3ll3: .s bey3nd the 1rave and ,aDe .s still s.b@e8t t3 divine @.sti8e. The 1reatest saints, s.8h as St- The,esa, <eared they ,i1ht 13 t3 0.r1at3ry, and the saintly C+,I )3 A,s, -rea8hin1 3n the s.b@e8t, 8ried 3.t> AAh, ,y <riends, h3: little is needed t3 send .s int3 the <ire 3< 0.r1at3ryTB "3ns8i3.s 3< their 3:n .n:3rthiness be<3re G3d9s h3liness and 83nvin8ed 3< the ne8essity 3< e?-iatin1 their sli1htest <a.lts, the saints ,editated 3n 0.r1at3ry. Let .s, :h3 are :ith3.t their san8tity, i,itate the,. It is G.ite +se*ess t3 asD ho% lon a ti,e the 3< the dead ,.st -ass in 0.r1at3ry. In the <irst -la8e h3: are :e t3 , a d.rati3n :hi8h lies )+tsi%e )3 ti:eH 3,e 3-ini3ns -.t <3r:ard 3n this G.esti3n are 8ertainly rash. The "h.r8h all3:s .s t3 83ntin.e in%e3inite*' t3 3<<er Mass <3r the dead, :ith the 3ne e?8e-ti3n 3< (an)ni6e% saints. Let .s i,itate her :isd3, and av3id the &,es+:&ti)n and <3lly 3< 83.ntin1 .-3n a sh3rtened 0.r1at3ry <3r 3.rselves i< :e have n3t s3 lived as t3 deserve it. One thin1 :e Dn3:, na,ely, that the detenti3n 3< in 0.r1at3ry is sh3rtened by the &,a'e,s 3<<ered <3r the, by the livin1. And :e ,ay :ell s.--3se that their s.<<erin1s :ill -r31ressively di,inish in intensity, a883rdin1 as the s.--li8ati3ns 3< the livin1 as8end be<3re G3d9s thr3ne. St- Cathe,ine )3 Gen)a s-eaDs 3< the 83ntent,ent 3< the in 0.r1at3ry, A:hi8h 1r3:s day by day as G3d -enetrates the,, and this He d3es a883rdin1 t3 the , in :hi8h 3bsta8les in the :ay are re,3ved.B

.10 The J)'s )3 P+,gat),'

)e have s-3Den 3< the ()ntent:ent 3< the in 0.r1at3ry, and <3r 133d reas3n, sin8e, t31ether :ith their .ns-eaDable s.<<erin1s, they e?-erien8e an in%es(,i5a5*e >)'. /- The' ,e>)i(e in the (e,taint' )3 sa*?ati)n , and as the -rayer 3< the Mass e?-resses it, slee- the slee- 3< -ea8e. Their ti,e 3< :aitin1 is n3t shad3:ed by any .n8ertainty 3r any <ear. P)&e Le) X 83nde,ned L.ther9s asserti3n that Athe in 0.r1at3ry are n3t all 3< their salvati3n.B 1- An)the, )3 thei, >)'s a,ises 3,): thei, i:&e((a5i*it', <3r, :ith that .n8han1eableness that 8hara8teriJes the s3.l9s a8ti3n in the ne?t li<e, they n3: (*ea?e t) thei, t,+e *ast en%, G3d. He is the 3nly 3b@e8t 3< their desires and their as-irati3ns. Their atta8h,ent t3 Hi, is s3 str3n1 that they detest :hatever 83.ld se-arate the, <r3, Hi,, and 8lin1 t3 everythin1 that 8an

in8rease their Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< Hi,. And, there<3re, they :el83,e and l3ve their s.<<erin1s they Dn3: that thr3.1h the, they are &+,i3ie% an% 5,)+ght nea,e, t) G)%. 53r this reas3n Le) X als3 83nde,ned L.ther9s tea8hin1 that, Athe in 0.r1at3ry sin al:ays they seeD re-3se and hate their s.<<erin1s.B ;- The >)'s )3 P+,gat),' ha?e thei, s)+,(e in the *)?e )3 G)% that 5+,ns in the h)*' s)+*s- As s33n as they enter 0.r1at3ry they are set 3n <ire by s3 1reat a l3ve that, in t. Th3,as9s 3-ini3n, every venial sin is instantly :ashed a:ay. St- Cathe,ine )3 Gen)a says; AI d3 n3t believe that e?8e-t <3r @3y 3< the blessed in Heaven, it is -3ssible t3 <ind @3y t3 that 3< the in 0.r1at3ry. The l3ve 3< G3d 1ives t3 the s3.l a 83ntent,ent bey3nd e?-ressi3n. *et it d3es n3t taDe a:ay an i3ta <r3, its s.<<erin1, <3r it is the delay .nder13ne by l3ve be<3re attainin1 the 3b@e8t l3ved that the s.<<erin1, and the s.<<erin1 is in -r3-3rti3n t3 the l3ve 3< G3d 3< :hi8h G3d ,aDes the s3.l 8a-able. Hen8e in 0.r1at3ry the hei1ht 3< @3y is ,ated :ith the de-ths 3< sadness :ith3.t either bein1 thereby :eaDened.B In ()n(*+si)n :e ,ay -3int 3.t the :eaD s-3ts in the ar1.,ent a1ainst 0.r1at3ry, <3.nded 3n the i::+ta5i*it' )3 the 4i** in the ne<t *i3e, .sed by MarD 3< E-hes.s and Bessari3n. It has already been sh3:n that ae?ite,nit' i:&*ies n)t a5s)*+te i::+ta5i*it'" 5+t s+5stantia* i::+ta5i*it' a(():&anie% 5' a((i%enta* (hangeThe s3.l in 0.r1at3ry is already s+5stantia**' 3i<e% in the *)?e )3 G)% , b.t has n3t yet a8G.ired the eternal .n8han1eableness that arises <r3, the -3ssessi3n 3< the beati<i8 visi3n. 3 <ar it is 3nly .-3n the threshold 3< this. B.t a ,3,ent :ill 83,e in its e?isten8e :hen its inte**e(t an% 4i**, instead 3< 8leavin1 .n8han1eably t3 G3d by <aith, :ill be i,,.tably .nited :ith Hi, by %i,e(t ?isi)n, and the aeviternity in :hi8h it has hithert3 lived :ill 1ive -la8e t3 -arti8i-ated eternity. U


IH)4 is the ha&&iness )3 Hea?en t) 5e ()n(ei?e%L ./0 Sa(,e% S(,i&t+,eA .10 Tea(hing )3 the Ch+,(hA .;0 The)*)g'II- The essentia* g*),' )3 the e*e(t@ ./0 The ?isi)n )3 the %i?ine nat+,eA .10 The ?isi)n )3 (,eat+,es in G)%A .;0 Ine=+a*ities in the essentia* g*),'@ .a0 D)g:a" .50 E<&*anati)ns" .(0 hat nat+,a* h+:an ,eas)n (an 7n)4III- The a((i%enta* g*),' )3 the 5*esse%@ ./0 S&e(ia* t) s):eA .10 C)::)n t) a**@ .a0 A((i%enta* g*),' an% the inte**igen(e" .50 The 4i**" .(0 The ():&an' )3 the e*e(t" .%0 The ,isen 5)%'I!- C)ns+::ati)n an% in(,ease )3 g*),'@ ./0 N) in(,ease in essentia* g*),'A .10 P)ssi5*e in(,ease in the %ise:5)%ie% s)+*A .;0 The ,isen 5)%' an% a((i%enta* g*),'A .B0 In(,ease )3 a((i%enta* g*),' n) 3),:a* a%%iti)n t) essentia* g*),'A .20 C)n(*+si)nM M M T) see G)% 3a(e t) 3a(e 3), a** ete,nit' > this is Heaven, ha--iness, 1l3ry. This is the ine<<able ,ystery :hi8h, d.rin1 this ,3rtal li<e, Athe eye 3< ,an 8ann3t seeB, :hi8h his Aear 8ann3t hearB, :hi8h it 8ann3t enter int3 his heart t3 83n8eive. B.t the (e,taint' 3< this ha--iness t3 be en@3yed by the ele8t is -r3vided by the sa(,e% S(,i&t+,es and 1.aranteed by the a.th3ritative tea(hing )3 the Ch+,(h, and 3.r <eeble h.,an ,eas)n, enli1htened by <aith, 8an <3r, s3,e <aint idea 3< the ha--iness 3< Heaven 83nsistin1 in a t4)3)*% g*),', na,ely; = the essentia* 1l3ry :hi8h 8an never be in8reased, = and the a((i%enta*, :hi8h is 8a-able 3< a 8ertain 1r3:th .ntil the ,3,ent 3< its 83ns.,,ati3n. The g*),' )3 the e*e(t is in &,)&),ti)n t) thei, :e,its , and as it shines <3rth <r3, all the , 3< the blessed it 8l3thes the ,ysti8al b3dy 3< "hrist in Heaven :ith that har,3ni3.s variety 3< :hi8h the -sal,ist sin1s 6?liv, 37; +Sponsa 4e is . . . circumdata #arietate.,



./0 Sa(,e% S(,i&t+,e

In ,any -la8es in the 8ri-t.res, eternal li<e is re-resented as the ,e4a,% and the ha&&iness <3r :hi8h :e ,.st strive. This ha--iness is G)%9s )4n in3inite an% 5eati3'ing g*),' , ,ade ,ani<est in the ele8t :h3 are li<ted .- t3 see the 1l3ry 1iven by the 5ather t3 the 3n. .8h is the tea8hin1 3< St- J)hn; #(;22, 2F> 3< St- Pete,; # 0et. ';F> 3< St- Pa+*; R3,. ';2> E;#E> 2 "3r. F;F> "3l. $;F.

.a0 St Pa+*The A-3stle 3<<ers a ,3st n3te:3rthy e?-lanati3n 3< this tea8hin1, :ith re1ard t3 the ,eans by :hi8h :e shall realiJe the -3ssessi3n 3< G3d, and -arti8i-ati3n in his 1l3ry, :hi8h is the essen8e 3< 3.r < ha--iness. He :rites in # "3r. #$;E=#2; +Charity ne#er falleth a%ay %hether prophecies shall be made #oid, or ton ues shall cease, or -no%led e shall be destroyed. 8or %e -no% in part and prophesy in part, but %hen that %hich is perfect is come, that %hich is part shall be done a%ay. . . 7e see no% throu h a lass in a dar- manner, but then face to face. <o% $ -no% in part! but then $ shall -no% e#en as $ am -no%n., The ,eanin1 3< these :3rds is 8lear. t. 0a.l e?alts (ha,it' ab3ve every 3ther 1i<t 3< the H3ly Gh3st, :ith s-e8ial e,-hasis .-3n its ete,na* %+,ati)n, :hereas his 3ther 1i<ts :ill 3nly <3r as l3n1 as they are ne8essary <3r the b.ildin1 .- and brin1in1 t3 -er<e8ti3n 3< "hrist9s ,ysti8al b3dy. Here bel3: :e are 1.ided by 3aith, n3t by si1ht. &n3:led1e and -r3-he8y are atta8hed t3 <aith as its 83,-le,ents> 7n)4*e%ge <its ,an t3 -rea8h the 13s-el, 1ivin1 hi, a 1ras- 3< its ,ysteries and the -3:er 3< e?-3.ndin1 the, sDil<.lly t3 3thers> :hile by &,)&he(' ,an, enli1htened by the H3ly Gh3st, attains t3 a hi1her .nderstandin1 3< <aith9s ,ysteries and reveals hidden thin1s t3 3thers, and es-e8ially t3 the <aith<.l t3 edi<y, -ers.ade and 83ns3le the,. The :h3le 3< this Dn3:led1e is yet imperfect> it :ill disa--ear and 1ive -la8e t3 &e,3e(t 7n)4*e%ge :hen the -er<e8t state is attained. The A-3stle brin1s h3,e t3 .s by the .se 3< 83ntrasted i,a1es the di<<eren8e bet:een &e,3e(t an% i:&e,3e(t 7n)4*e%ge. The -resent, i,-er<e8t, state is the a1e 3< childhood> the < li<e is the a1e 3< manhood> seein1 +throu h a lass, dar-ly, is, 3< 83.rse, a re<eren8e t3 the indire8t and indistin8t Dn3:led1e 3< divine thin1s that :e have in this li<e. )ith this t. 0a.l 83ntrasts the Dn3:led1e :hi8h, in the ne?t li<e, :ill enable .s t3 see G3d +face to face,, a /e:ish e?-ressi3n ,eanin1 the %i,e(t ), int+iti?e sight )3 s):e)ne , this ,eanin1, in the -resent instan8e bein1 83n<ir,ed by the 83ntrast, already n3ted, bet:een 3.r Dn3:led1e in this li<e and that t3 be had in the ne?t. )e taDe als3 int3 a883.nt :hat he says else:here ab3.t this Dn3:led1e 3< G3d; = it (ann)t 5e &+t int) h+:an s&ee(h 62 "3r. #2;2=F7> = it s+,&asses a** that the e'e (an see" the ea, hea," ), the hea,t ()n(ei?e 6# "3r. 2;47> = it 4i** ena5*e :an t) 7n)4 as he is hi:se*3 7n)4n 6# "3r. #$;#27. There 8an be n3 that he ,eans that, in Heaven, :e shall 1aJe dire8tly .-3n G3d9s essen8e and bein1. )e ,eet the sa,e tea8hin1 a1ain in 2 "3r. ';C=E; +7hile %e are in the body, %e are absent from the 6ord. 8or %e %al- by faith and not by si ht. But %e are confident and ha#e a ood %ill to be absent rather from the body, and to be present %ith the 6ord., t. 0a.l9s th3.1ht in this -assa1e is 83n8erned dire8tly :ith Jes+s Ch,ist, :h3se 1l3ry :e, :h3 are still 8l3thed in ,3rtal <lesh, 8ann3t see, this -rivile1e bel3n1in1 t3 th3se al3ne :h3, in the 3ther :3rld, d:ell in the L3rd9s ab3de. Nevertheless, t) see Ch,ist9s g*),' i,-lies the %i,e(t sight )3 G)%, <3r t3 en@3y the si1ht 3< "hrist9s 1l3ry ,eans that :e shall see the thin1s that he sees, that is that :e shall l33D dire8tly as he d3es, .-3n G3d9s essen8e. .50 St- J)hn9s tea8hin1 3n the beati<i8 visi3n is set <3rth in a 83ndensed <3r, in his <irst e-istle, $;#=2.

He re8alls, <irst 3< all; +%hat manner of charity the 8ather hath besto%ed upon us, that %e should be called, and should be the sons of /od., This s)nshi& )3 G)%, 3< :hi8h the 8ri-t.res 3<ten s-eaD, is n3t t3 be th3.1ht 3< as -3ssible e?8e-t in the 3e**)4shi& )3 Jes+s, that is t3 say, by sharin1 in his s3nshi- and in his ri1ht t3 the divine inheritan8e. In :hat this herita1e 83nsists t3 :hi8h the ad3-tive s3nshi- 3< G3d entitles .s, t. /3hn 13es 3n t3 e?-lain; +Dearly belo#ed, %e are no% the sons of /od! and it hath not yet appeared %hat %e shall be. 7e -no% that, %hen he shall appear, %e shall be li-e to him, because %e shall see him as he is., It is then in seeing G)% as He is, that 3.r divine s3nshi- :ill be ,ani<ested and 3.r sharin1 in the divine :hi8h is be1.n here bel3: by 1ra8e. Tr.e, it is /es.s "hrist that t. /3hn says :e shall see, b.t this 3nly stren1thens 3.r ar1.,ent in <av3.r 3< the int.itive si1ht 3< G3d, <3r the 3--3siti3n established by the A-3stle bet:een 3.r Dn3:led1e 3< the G3d=,an in this li<e and in the ne?t indi8ates 8learly that the e?8ellen8e 3< the ne?t li<e :ill 83nsist in a 83nditi3n 3< 1l3ry anal313.s t3 that 3< the 1l3ri<ied "hrist> :e shall be liDe t3 hi,. And bein1 liDe /es.s :e shall see the inner reality 3< his divinity. Is it n3t t. /3hn :h3 re83rds 6#(;$7 3.r L3rd9s 3:n :3rds that eternal li<e is t3 Dn3: the tr.e G3d and /es.s "hrist :h3, G3d has sentH And "hrist9s -r3,ise that he and His 5ather :ill l3ve the, :h3 l3ve hi, and that he :ill ,ani<est hi,sel< t3 the, 6#F;2#7, <3r he +%ho sees the Son sees also the 8ather, 6#F;C=47.

.10 The Ch+,(h9s Tea(hing

The "h.r8h .ses her a.th3rity t3 en<3r8e this tea8hin1. P)&e Bene%i(t XII, s-eaDin1 e* cathedra in the 83nstit.ti3n Benedictus Deus s.,s .- the tea8hin1 3< and Traditi3n t3.8hin1 the ha--iness 3< the blessed, as <3ll3:s; AThey see G3d9s essen8e dire8tly and <a8e t3 <a8e, and th.s the 3< the de-arted en@3y the divine, and are thereby rendered ha--y in the -3ssessi3n 3< eternal li<e and -ea8e.B 6DJ. '$%7 The C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e, in its de8ree 3< .ni3n, 1ives a s3,e:hat 1reater -re8isi3n t3 this d38trine in its de8larati3n that; AThe ele8t :ill see G3d hi,sel< 8learly, as he is in his .nity and trinity.B 6DJ. C4$7

.;0 Cath)*i( The)*)g'

The the3l31ian9s tasD is t3 e?-lain ho% it is that the i::e%iate sight )3 G)% ,aDes the s3.l s+&,e:e*' ha&&'. T) see G)% is 5e')n% the h+:an s)+*9s nat+,a* &)4e,s . B.t by G3d9s 1i<t 3< the *ight )3 g*),' ,an 8an be raised t3 hei1hts i,-3ssible t3 .naided The li1ht 3< 1l3ry brin1s t3 his inte**e(t an in8rease 3< ener1y and -3:er enablin1 hi, t3 enter int3 int+iti?e +ni)n :ith the .n8reated Li1ht, G3d. )e need n3t 13 int3 the detailed the3l31i8al e?-lanati3n 3< h3: this is -3ssible and 3< the -arts -layed by the divine essen8e and the li1ht 3< 1l3ry. It :ill be en3.1h t3 set d3:n the ()::)n tea(hing )3 the Ch+,(h. By the int+iti?e ?isi)n 3< G3d the s3.l is .nited :ith hi, in the 8l3sest -3ssible .ni3n in the ()gniti?e ),%e,. B.t G3d9s -r3-er and essential li<e and a8ti3n lie in 7n)4ing Hi:se*3 and as a 83nseG.en8e, divinely *)?ing an% %e*ighting in Hi:se*3. Hen8e the h.,an s3.l, :ith3.t l3sin1 its 3:n individ.ality 3r bein1 abs3rbed in G3d is yet .nited :ith hi, in 7n)4ing an% *)?ing Hi:, in an a8tivity, that is t3 say, that is a -arti8i-ati3n 3< G3d9s 3:n li<e. B.t G3d9s sel< Dn3:led1e and l3ve are his in3inite 5eatit+%e they are the <.llness 3< his Bein1 e?-ressin1 and realiJin1 itsel< in the ine<<able Trinity 3< divine 0ers3ns. )hat :3rds then 8an e?-ress the ha--iness 3< the beati<ied, dei<ied s3.l that shares in G3d9s 3:n li<eT AT3 see G3d as he is, is t3 taDe h3ld 3< G3d hi,sel<> t3 have a <.ll Dn3:led1e 3< G3d is t3 -3ssess G3d hi,sel<. Then bet:een G3d and .s there :ill be the sa,e near, 8l3se and

inti,ate .ni3n as there is bet:een the l.,in3.s and 8ertain idea and the ,ind that 83n8eives it. B.t as this .ni3n taDes -la8e in the ,ind, the ,3st in:ard -art 3< the s3.l, the :h3le s3.l is -enetrated by the G3dhead. This n.-tial .ni3n 3< the s3.l :ith .n8reated Li1ht <ills it t3 3ver<l3:in1 :ith -er<e8ti3n, ravishes it :ith l3ve, inebriates it :ith @3y, ,aDes it liDe t3 G3d hi,sel<. The s3.l Dee-s its 3:n as d3es ir3n -l.n1ed in <ire, b.t as the ir3n taDes 3n the -r3-erties 3< the <ire in :hi8h it 1l3:s, s3 is the s3.l enra1ed :ith divine s-lend3.r and l3ve and, then, is ab3ve all, t3 Dn3:, t3 see, t3 live in the e8stasy 3< Dn3:led1e and ill.,inati3n> ;aec est #ita aeterna, ut co noscant te solum Deum #erum, 6Jan?ie,, O.0., CarEme #4%$, --. #22=#2$7.


The int+iti?e ?isi)n 3< G3d is 8alled the g*),' )3 the 5*esse% the 1l3ry 3< G3d 6:h3, the beati<ied s3.l sees in Hi,sel< and l3ves <3r Hi,sel<7 is shed <3rth .-3n the, ,aDin1 ,ani<est their di1nity, h3liness and ,erits. It is 8alled their essentia* g*),' t3 distin1.ish it <r3, the a((i%enta* g*),' that envel3-s the saints apart <r3, the beati<i8 visi3n.

./0 The int+iti?e ?isi)n )3 G)% the (hie3 e*e:ent in the essentia* g*),' )3 the 5*esse%
The &,in(i&a* )5>e(t )3 the int+iti?e ?isi)n is G)% hi:se*3The 1l3ry 3< the blessed in heaven 83nsists then &,i:a,i*', and be<3re all, in the visi3n 3< G3d. The 1reater their Dn3:led1e and l3ve 3< G3d, the 1reater :ill be their ha--iness in the bri1hter e<<.l1en8e 3< the divine 1l3ry. N3:, on the one hand, it is 8ertain that the blessed, seein1 the %i?ine nat+,e as it is in itsel< 8ann3t b.t see its att,i5+tes an% its s+5sistent ,e*ati)ns63r 0ers3ns7, :hi8h are really identi<ied :ith G3d9s essen8e. The ele8t :ill n3t 83nte,-late G3d by halves 3r> they :ill see hi, as a 4h)*e:ith all his essential attrib.tes and in his ad3rable Trinity 3< 0ers3ns. Hen8e the -re8ise :3rdin1 3< the de8ree 3< 5l3ren8e G.3ted ab3ve. B.t on the other hand, G3d, as an 3b@e8t 3< Dn3:led1e, is in3inite and 3nly his 3:n divine ,ind 8an Dn3: hi,sel< &e,3e(t*'. N3, h3:ever -er<e8t, n3t even the h.,an ,ind 3< "hrist hi,sel<, 8an have as 8lear and -enetratin1 a Dn3:led1e 3< G3d as he has 3< Hi,sel<. There is here an apparent 83ntradi8ti3n. The s3l.ti3n 83,,3nly 1iven by the3l31ians is that G)% is seen 5' the 5*esse% totus 5+t n)t totaliter2 = He is seen totus, that is, the :h3le 3< G3d is seen he is in3inite*' si:&*e, :ith3.t -arts 3< any Dind, and i< he is seen as he is, the 4h)*e G)%hea% ,.st be seen. = B.t i< :e l33D at the &e,s)n :h3 sees G3d and the <a8.lty :ith :hi8h he sees hi, :e ,.st say that G3d is n3t seen totaliter, that the h.,an ,ind d3es n3t -ier8e thr3.1h t3 the .lti,ate de-ths 3< G3d9s in<inite bein1. 53r the h.,an ,ind, even raised t3 its .t,3st hei1ht by the li1ht 3< 1l3ry, is still a (,eate% an% a 3inite thing, :hile G3d is in<inite intelli1ibility, and the essential dis-r3-3rti3n bet:een the t:3 8ann3t be brid1ed. Hen8e; AG3d is said t3 be incomprehensible, n3t there is anythin1 in hi, that is n3t seen, b.t he is n3t seen as &e,3e(t*' as He in hi,sel< is visibleB 6 t. Th3,as, Sum. Theol. I. G. #2, art. (, ad. 27. )hen, there<3re, :e say that G3d is seen 4h)*e 5+t n)t 4h)**', :e ,ean that the )5>e(t )3 the 5eati3i( ?isi)n is the in3inite 5eing )3 G)% , b.t that the :)%e an% the a(t )3 seeing hi: a,e 3inite, as -r38eedin1 <r3, a <inite In s3,e:hat the sa,e :ay, t3 .se t. Th3,as9s a-t ill.strati3n, a ,an ,ay Dn3: that a -r3-3siti3n 8an be -r3ved and yet be .nable t3 -r3ve it> he Dn3:s all that the -r3-3siti3n 83n= tains, b.t his :ay 3< Dn3:in1 it is n3t adeG.ate t3 the -r3-er handlin1 3< it. 3 the blessed in Heaven :ill see the In<inite, G3d> they :ill see that he is in<inite b.t 4i** n)t ha?e an in3inite 7n)4*e%ge )3 hi:, in s3,ethin1 the sa,e :ay as an 3b@e8t seen in the distan8e is seen :h3le, b.t n3t seen as 8learly as :hen it 83,es near.

.10 C,eat+,es seen in G)% a,e a s+5),%inate e*e:ent in the essentia* g*),' )3 the 5*esse%
A s+5),%inate ele,ent in the essential 1l3ry 3< the blessed is their 7n)4*e%ge )3 (,eat+,es" seen in G)%53r G)%9s Essen(e is the mirror in :hi8h He sh3:s the blessed 8ertain tr.ths 83n8ernin1 8reat.res. G3d Hi,sel< sees all 8reat.res in Hi,sel<. in8e He is the t,ans(en%ent Ca+se 3< all thin1s He 83ntains in Hi,sel< the re-resentati3n 3< all thin1s distin8t <r3, Hi,sel< even 3< th3se that are ,erely -3ssible, a883rdin1 t3 their .lti,ate 1eneri8, s-e8i<i8, di<<erential and ele,ents. In Hea?en, there<3re, the 3rder 3< 3.r Dn3:in1 :ill be a ha&&' ,e?e,sa* 3< :hat it is 3n earth. He,e, :e rise <r3, 8reat.res t3 the "reat3r, his visible :3rDs leadin1 .s t3 s3,e Dn3:led1e 3< his invisible -er<e8ti3ns. B.t; A)hen :e leave the land 3< e?ile and be83,e 8itiJens 3< Heaven :e shall have n3 ,3re need 3< this ladder. . . He :h3 d:ells in Heaven is :ithin rea8h and :ithin si1ht 3< that by :h3se ,eans he 8an l33D .-3n the thin1s 3< G3d. He sees the )3rd and in the )3rd he sees :hat :as ,ade by the )3rd. He is n3 l3n1er .nder the ne8essity 3< be11in1 the :3rDs t3 1ive hi, s3,e Dn3:led1e 3< the :3rD,an. Nay, ,3re; in 3rder t3 Dn3: the :3rDs he d3es n3t have t3 83,e d3:n t3 their level, <3r he sees the, in a li1ht in83,-arably ,3re brilliant than that radiated by the,B 6St- Be,na,%7. Hen8e it 8ann3t be d3.bted that the blessed :ill see, in the G3dhead, all th3se thin1s that 83n8ern the,, all that they ,ay ri1ht<.lly :ish t3 Dn3:. And this is als3 the tea8hin1 3< a "3.n8il held in Pa,is in #'2E, :hi8h de8lares that Athere is 3-en t3 all the blessed the divine ,irr3r sh3:in1 the, everythin1 that 83n8erns the,B 6Mansi, PPPII, ##(F7. Bein1 8alled t3 the li<e 3< g,a(e, the blessed :ill, 3< 83.rse, Dn3: the :'ste,ies )3 3aith, :hi8h in this li<e they have believed, <3r si1ht 8ann3t be in<eri3r t3 <aith. Hen8e in seein1 G3d they :ill see :hatever 83n8erns the Ch+,(h as a s.-ernat.ral s38iety, the and e<<i8a8y 3< the Sa(,a:ents, the real -resen8e 3< /es.s "hrist in the E+(ha,ist, and the :3nder<.l :ays 3< P,)?i%en(e in the 3rderin1 3< their 3:n salvati3n and that 3< th3se dear t3 the,. Inas,.8h as they <3r, -art 3< the 8reated :3rld they :ill have s.8h a Dn3:led1e 3< the 4)n%e,s )3 (,eati)n as :ill hel- t3 in8rease their l3ve 3< and t3 the "reat3r. Th3.1h :e 8ann3t say ho% far this Dn3:led1e :ill e?tend, :e ,ay a1ree :ith t. Th3,as that it 4i** satis3' e?e,' nat+,a* %esi,e )3 the s)+* &Sum. Theol. I. G. #2, art. E, ad. F7. As individ.als the blessed :ill Dn3:, either in the int+iti?e ?isi)n 3< G3d, 3r thr3.1h s&e(ia* ,e?e*ati)n, :hatever 83n8erns the,selves, 3r their a<<e8ti3ns 3r their This sh3.ld brin1 83ns3lati3n t3 th3se :h3 :ee- <3r the l3ss 3< their dear 3nes. Fathe, Te,,ien :rites; ADyin1 in the -ea8e 3< the L3rd they leave .s <3r a ti,e> b.t thanDs t3 their eternal e8stasy in the ever -resent si1ht 3< G3d, :e are n3t absent <r3, their th3.1hts, sin8e a883rdin1 t3 the , 3< 3.r needs, and the <.ll satis<a8ti3n 3< their desires, they see .s in the in<initely brilliant ,irr3r 3< the divine li1htB &6a /rFce et la /loire, bD. IP, 8h. IV, --. #(E=#(47. St- Th):as, relyin1 .-3n the -rin8i-le that n)thing is hi%%en <r3, the blessed that is 3< -ers3nal 83n8ern t3 the,, tea8hes that the saints have an i::e%iate 7n)4*e%ge )3 )+, &,a'e,s t) the: an% )3 the h)n)+, 4e &a' t) the:. And the3l31ians liDe:ise ded.8e <r3, the sa,e -rin8i-le that they have a s-e8ial Dn3:led1e 3< th3se 4),7s in :hi8h they :ere interested :hen 3n earth.

.;0 Ine=+a*ities in the essentia* g*),' )3 the 5*esse%

.a0 The D)g:a-

The C)+n(i* )3 F*),en(e de8lares; AThe blessed :ill see G3d, and a883rdin1 t3 the diversity 3< their ,erits, s3,e ,3re -er<e8tly than 3thers.B 6DJ. C4$7 This is a 8learly -r3-3.nded in the Sa(,e% S(,i&t+,es. Jes+s Ch,ist tells .s that in his 5ather9s there are +many mansions, 6 t. /3hn #F;27. St- Pa+* says that the ele8t :ill di<<er <r3, 3ne an3ther +as star differs from star, 6# "3r. #';F#7. It is als3 e?-ressly ta.1ht :henever it is said that, at the *ast %a', G3d :ill re-ay ea8h ,an +accordin to his ood %or-s, 6 t. Matt. #C;2(> # "3r. $;E> 2 "3r. 4;C7. The 1l3ry 3< Heaven is, indeed, t3 be th3.1ht 3< as +a %a e, 6 t. Matt. ';#2> #%;F2> #4;#(> 2%;E> 2 Ti,. F;E> 2 /3hn. E> A-38. 22;#27. The sa,e tea8hin1 is i,-lied in ,any 3< the &a,a5*es. *et, ,any hereti8s, and n3tably s3,e P,)testants, G.3te the -arable 3< the :3rD,en 8alled at di<<erent t3 :3rD in the vineyard, as -r3vin1 that all the blessed :ill re8eive the sa,e re:ard 6Matt. 2%;#=#C7. )e need n3t 13 int3 a detailed e?-3siti3n 3< the -arable> it :ill be en3.1h t3 e?-lain the alle orical ,eanin1 3< the -enny, -aid as :a1es t3 all the :3rD,en aliDe. The -enny that all re8eive, even th3se 8alled at the eleventh h3.r, re-resents )5>e(ti?e ha&&iness :hi8h is the same <3r all, and n3ts+5>e(ti?e an% ,e*ati?e ha&&iness in :hi8h al3ne ine3ualities are t3 be <3.nd. Besides, in a -arable it is n3t ne8essary t3 <ind a s-e8ial a--li8ati3n <3r every detail> it is en3.1h i< the 1eneral tea8hin1 is 8lear. N3: in this -arable "hrist d3es n3t intend t3 tea8h that the re:ard is -r3-3rti3ned t3 ea8h ,an9s ,erits, b.t rather t3 sh3: that the 1l3ry 3< Heaven is n3t , by the *ength )3 ti:e that a ,an has, b.t by his <aith3+* ,es&)nse t3 his 8allin1 and the Jeal he has dis-layed in his :3rD. The :3rD,an9s murmurs and the e,-l3yer9s ans:er that it is his 133d t3 -ay all aliDe d3 n3t 83ntradi8t this 1eneral inter-retati3n 3< the -enny> the ,.r,.rin1s serve si,-ly t3 lead .- t3 the ,aster9s ans:er. They d3 n3t indi8ate any discontent or en#y 3n the -art 3< the blessed> and lastly, it ,.st be re,e,bered that the less3n and the threat are addressed dire8tly t3 the /e:s, t3 th3se :h3 had been 8alled at the <irst h3.r.

.50 The)*)gi(a* e<&*anati)nI< di<<erent de1rees 3< g*),' are the re:ard 3< varyin1 de1rees 3< :e,it, it is 8lear that 1l3ry 83rres-3nds :ith the a,%)+, )3 *)?e that in<la,es the beati<ied s3.l, and that the li1ht 3< 1l3ry, :hi8h is the i,,ediate -rin8i-le 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, is , by the e?i1en8ies 3< this (ha,it'. 5ather Terrien says; AI< the 8hildren 3< the heavenly 5ather are n3t all in, there ,.st be di<<eren8es 3< de1ree in the visi3n they have 3< his in<inite bea.ty. B.t sin8e 3ne and the sa,e divine is .nited t3 their ,inds as the a8tivatin1 -rin8i-le 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, sin8e 3ne and the sa,e indivisible is the 3b@e8t 3< their dire8t -er8e-ti3n, :hen8e 8an these di<<eren8es ariseH Ass.redly, n3t <r3, the h.,an intelli1en8e itsel<. The R.een 3< Heaven, i< :e 83nsider her nat.ral <a8.lties, h3:ever hi1hly 3.r l3ve ,ay e?alt her, 8ann3t be 83,-ared :ith the an1eli8 s-irits. *et :h3 :3.ld dare t3 say 3r thinD that any an1el, even the hi1hest 3< the era-hi,, 8an l33D .-3n G3d :ith a 1aJe s3 stead<ast, s3 -ier8in1, s3 :ide=e,bra8in1 as that 3< the 1l3ri3.s M3ther 3< 3.r avi3.rH Geni.s is neither a title t3 eternal re:ard n3r the , a883rdin1 t3 :hi8h it is 1iven. The blessed see G3d in varyin1 de1ree they share in the in<inite -er<e8ti3n 3< the divine intelli1en8e, 3r in 3ther :3rds, the li1ht 3< 1l3ry, the i,,ediate -rin8i-le 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, is n3t 1iven t3 all in the sa,e de1ree.B B.t, adds t. Th3,as, the , 3< this li1ht is n3t any nat.ral end3:,ent, b.t 8harity; A<3r the 1reater the 8harity, the ,3re ardent is the desire, and it is <r3, the ard3.r 3< desire that arises the 8a-a8ity 3< re8eivin1 :hat is desiredB 6I, G. #2, art. F7.

.(0 Uti*it' an% ,es+*t )3 st+%' %+,ing *i3e-

It ,ay be asDed :hether the st.dy 3< the sa(,e% s(ien(es d.rin1 li<e :ill be 3< any -r3<it in the ne?t :3rld. There 8an be n3 that the beati<i8 visi3n :ill brin1 an +n%e,stan%ing )3 the :'ste,ies )3 3aith t3 all the blessed :ith3.t e?8e-ti3n. B.t at the sa,e ti,e it is evident that th3se :h3, d.rin1 li<e, have the more closely st.died these ,ysteries :ill be re:arded in the ne?t by a :),e &e,3e(t &e,(e&ti)n 3< the tr.ths 3n :hi8h they have l3vin1ly ,editated. As the3l31ians -.t it, the Divine Essen8e is a mirror re<le8tin1 at G3d9s 133d and sh3:in1 t3 the 8reated ,ind that l33Ds .-3n it :hatever tr.ths he :ishes it t3 re<le8t. G3d -r3d.8es these di<<eren8es in the Dn3:led1e 3< the blessed a883rdin1 t3 the e?i1en8es 3< the li1ht 3< 1l3ry -r3-er t3 ea8h, that is t3 say, as :e have e?-lained, a883rdin1 t3 ea8h 3ne9s (ha,it' in the <irst -la8e, b.t als3 and 83nseG.ently, a883rdin1 t3 the ?a,i)+s 4a'sin :hi8h the blessed have ,ani<ested their 8harity and laid .- ,erit in heaven. The3l31ians :ill be re:arded as the3l31ians> :hi8h is n3t t3 say that their re:ard :ill be 1reater than that 3< 3thers :h3se san8tity is t3 their. Diversity is n3t ne8essarily ineG.ality. And s3 :e 83,e ba8D t3 the tea8hin1 -r3-3.nded ab3ve> in G3d the saints :ill <ind the <.ll satis<a8ti3n 3< all their desires.


In 3rder t3 distin1.ish the essentia* 1l3ry 3< the blessed <r3, their a((i%enta* 1l3ry :e ,.st 83nsider the :e%i+: )3 ()gniti)n rather than the 3b@e8t. S+a,e6, :h3 taDes this vie:, in :hi8h he di<<ers <r3, ,any 3< his -rede8ess3rs, :ell de<ines the a88idental 1l3ry 3< the blessed, as every -er<e8ti3n bel3n1in1 t3 the, a-art <r3, the -ri,ary and essential 3< :hi8h is G3d 8learly seen in the beati<i8 visi3n.

./0 A((i%enta* g*),' s&e(ia* t) s):e )3 the 5*esse%

Under this headin1 83,es the aureola 3< ?i,gins" :a,t',s an% %)(t),s. Alth3.1h this G.esti3n d3es n3t 83n8ern the <aith, dire8tly 3r indire8tly, :e ,ay :ell l33D .-3n this s-e8ial 1l3ry, 8alled the aureola, as a ,e4a,%a883rded, in additi3n t3 the beati<i8 visi3n, t3 th3se saints :h3, by the e?er8ise 3< he,)i( ?i,t+e, have earned a s&e(ia* ,e():&ense. /.st as all the 3ights that ,an is 8alled .-3n t3 :a1e in this li<e ,ay be red.8ed t3 th,ee (*asses, s3 liDe:ise ,ay all the her3i8 vi8t3ries that he :ins. He ,.st <i1ht a1ainst hi:se*3, that is a1ainst the 3*esh, a1ainst the :3rld and a1ainst the %e?i*. By the -ra8ti8e 3< &e,&et+a* ?i,ginit' he 1ains a 83,-lete vi8t3ry 3ver the 3*esh. His vi8t3ry 3ver the 4),*% is 83,-lete :hen, in testi,3ny 3< his <aith, he 1ives his *i3e 3), G)%, sin8e death is the 1reatest evil the :3rld 8an in<li8t .-3n hi,. )hile he 83,-letely 3verthr3:s the %e?i* :hen, by the :ritten and the s-3Den :3rd, he <3r8es atan, the -rin8e 3< darDness, t3 <ly be<3re the shinin1 *ight )3 t,+th. That this 8lassi<i8ati3n is s3,e:hat con#entional :e d3 n3t dis-.te, b.t the idea 3< the s-e8ial aureola 3< vir1ins, ,artyrs and d38t3rs is s3 :ell established in the "h.r8h that :e 83.ld n3t :ell 3verl33D it. It ,ay als3 be s.--3sed that the sa8ra,ental 8hara8ter, indelibly i,-ressed .-3n the s3.l, :ill enhan8e its a88idental 1l3ry, in s3 <ar as it :ill bear eternal :itness t3 its <idelity.

.10 A((i%enta* g*),' ()::)n t) a**

In dealin1 :ith this -3int :e have n3 3ther 1.ide than the)*)gi(a* )&ini)n. It see,s alt31ether &,)5a5*e that the a88idental 1l3ry 3< the blessed in8reases the -er<e8ti3n and the ha--iness 3< b3th s)+* an% 5)%' and that the l3vin1 s38iety 3< the ele8t :ill 8r3:n and 83,-lete b3th.

.a0 A((i%enta* g*),' an% the inte**igen(e-

)e have already s.11ested that, in 3rder t3 satis<y the le1iti,ate curiosity 3< the blessed, in<.sed Dn3:led1e and s-e8ial revelati3ns ,ay s.--ly :hat is la8Din1 in the int+iti?e ?isi)n. 53r sin8e the beati<i8 visi3n d3es n3t i,-ly 3,nis8ien8e, and sin8e it is in -r3-3rti3n, b3th as t3 de-th and breadth, t3 ea8h 3ne9s 1ra8e and ,erits, :e ,ay s.--3se that, :here the 8ase reG.ires it, G3d :3.ld 1ive s3,e ne4 ,e?e*ati)n t3 ,aDe .- <3r the de<i8ien8y 3< Dn3:led1e arisin1 <r3, the beati<i8 visi3n itsel<. This ne: revelati3n :3.ld <3r, -art 3< the re8i-ient9s a88idental 1l3ry. 3 thinDs .areJ. It :3.ld even see, that a 8ertain n.,ber 3< thin1s, events 3r a8ti3ns 8an be Dn3:n by the saints 3nly by a ()gniti?e &,)(ess distin8t <r3, the int.itive visi3n, and bel3n1in1, there<3re, t3 their a88idental 1l3ry. 53r the int.itive visi3n brin1s :ith it a Dn3:led1e 3< its 3b@e8t, :hether -ri,ary 3r se83ndary, that is al:ays, and that, in 83nseG.en8e, is eternal and i,,.table. B.t it is hardly -r3bable that s.8h thin1s as -rayers, v3:s, <easts, :3rshi- and s3 <3rth sh3.ld be Dn3:n t3 the saints :h3, they 83n8ern in the sa,e :ay as the G3dhead itsel<. "3,-ared :ith the saints9 essential 1l3ry these thin1s are 3< s,all i,-3rtan8e, es-e8ially :hen they are -ast. M3re3ver it d3es n3t see, <ittin1 that their attenti3n sh3.ld al:ays be <i?ed .-3n the h3,a1e and re8eived by the,. LiDe:ise, a,3n1 the thin1s Dn3:n 3ther:ise than in the i,,ediate visi3n 3< G3d ,.st be in8l.ded the -r3s-erity 3< 4),7s in :hi8h they :ere interested 3n earth, as <3.nders, and si,ilar ,aterial -re388.-ati3ns. A-art <r3, the Dn3:led1e th.s <reshly 1ained by s-e8ial revelati3n, the se-arated s3.l :ill retain the 7n)4*e%ge a8G.ired 3n earth> the :e:),'3< events and -ers3ns, 3< their *)?es and their st,+gg*es, :ill abide :ith the 3< the blessed, and i< they have been the ,eans 3< in8reased ,erit, :ill brin1 the, an a88essi3n 3< 1l3ry. 5inally it see,s ne8essary that th3se ,inds that 3n earth :ere .nable t3 1r3: t3 <.ll nat.ral -er<e8ti3n shall be end3:ed by G3d, <r3, their entry int3 :ith :hat is :antin1 t3 the,. )ere it n3t s3, :here :3.ld be the ha--iness 3< in<ants :h3 die be<3re 83,in1 t3 the a1e 3< reas3n, and 3< th3se ad.lts :h3 ,.st be 83.nted as in<antsH

.50 A((i%enta* g*),' an% the 4i**In the a88idental 1l3ry 3< the blessed, as in the essential, the &e,3e(ti)ns )3 the 4i** a883,-any th3se 3< the ,ind. It :ill be en3.1h, then, t3 ,enti3n in a 1eneral :ay, that Dn3:led1e :ill be 83,-leted by *)?e an% %e*ight. t. A.1.stine :ell s.,s .- this ,atter in <ive :3rds; 9mnes beati habent 3uod #olunt. In Heaven there :ill be n) st,+gg*e :ithin the :ill, n) s),,)4 :ill be -3ssible> the :ill -3:er :ill deli1ht in the -3ssessi3n 3< all it %esi,es. Be<3re the res.rre8ti3n its se-arati3n <r3, the b3dy :ill it n3 -ain. Havin1 all it 8an desire it is satis<ied, even th3.1h it d3es n3t en@3y the -3ssessi3n 3< all that it :3.ld be -3ssible t3 have> the res.rre8ti3n :ill enable the b3dy t3 share its ha--iness, b.t it d3es n3t s.<<er <r3, the delay it has all that is -3ssible in its -resent state. Besides, t3 s-eaD 3<delay in s.8h a 83nne8ti3n is ina((+,ate. The s3.l9s 1l3ry is ete,na*, and hen8e :h3lly in a8t.ati3n. Ti,e n3 l3n1er e?ists <3r it, and t3 thinD 3< it as :aitin1 <3r the res.rre8ti3n is t3 be de8eived by the i,a1inati3n. The blessed :ill n3t s.<<er <r3, seein1 3thers highe, in g*),' than the,selves> the a5sen(e )3 %ea, )nes 83nde,ned t3 Hell <3r their sins :ill the, n3 1rie<. In the beati<i8 visi3n they see the s.-re,e and G33dness, and hen8e everythin1 else that is Dn3:n t3 the,, either by in<.sed Dn3:led1e 3r s-e8ial revelati3n, :ill ne8essarily <it in :ith the reG.ire,ents 3< divine and G33dness. The ele8t :ill a--rehend, @.d1e and a--re8iate all thin1s <r3, the -3int 3< vie: 3< G3d9s @.sti8e, ,er8y, 133dness and 3ther -er<e8ti3ns. There :ill, there<3re, be n3 r33, <3r 1ealousy or sadness, there are ,any :ansi)ns in the 5ather9s, n3 r33, <3r s3rr3: 3r re1ret s3,e have been dea< t3 G3d9s 8all and :ill have t3 s.<<er and e?-iate their <all. Fathe, M)nsa5,I says; AN3thin1 :ill tr3.ble this s:eet and -ea8e<.l 83,-ani3nshi-, neither re1ret <3r th3se <3r ever absent n3r l3vin1 83,-assi3n, <3r they have -r3ved the,selves .n:3rthy 3< this by

:il<.lly 3.tra1in1 and denyin1 G3d, t3 :h3se :isd3, and @.sti8e 3.r ,inds and :ills l3vin1ly s.b,it the,selvesB 6#%%th 83n<eren8e7.

.(0 A((i%enta* g*),' an% the ():&ani)nshi& )3 the 5*esse%On the 3ther hand :hat @3y it :ill be t3 the blessed t) :eet an% ,e()gni6e ea(h )the, , n3t 3nly in the int.itive visi3n 3< G3d, b.t als3 by dire8t , inter83.rseT T3 deny that they 8an ()::+ni(ate dire8tly :ith 3ne an3ther :3.ld be t3 deny the, the le1iti,ate e?er8ise 3< their <a8.lties and t3 83ntradi8t the very 83n8e-t 3< 1l3ry, :hi8h is the -3ssessi3n 3< every -er<e8ti3n and the satis<a8ti3n 3< every :ish. The blessed :ill l3ve ea8h 3ther; AAs a 83nseG.en8e 3< the virt.e 3< in<.sed 8harity :hi8h :ill be theirs in its hi1hest -er<e8ti3n, and 3< the ,3st tender and ardent l3ve :hi8h :ill be 83nstantly n3.rished and in8reased by an ever 1r3:in1 Dn3:led1e 3< their nat.ral and s.-ernat.ral -er<e8ti3ns, <ar e?8ellin1 anythin1 t3 be <3.nd 3n earth and .n,i?ed :ith any dis-leasin1 ele,ent 3< -3sitive i,-er<e8ti3nB 6De S:et, <otre #ie surnaturelle, V3l. II, -. $%$7.

.%0 A((i%enta* g*),' an% the ,isen 5)%'A<ter the res.rre8ti3n, the 1l3ry 3< the s3.l :ill i,,a%iate the 5)%'> 3< this s3,ethin1 :ill be said in the ne?t 8ha-ter. Here let it ,erely be 3bserved that by the re.ni3n 3< s3.l and b3dy the 3r1ani8 <a8.lties, :hi8h e?ist 3nly in a state in the dise,b3died s3.l, :ill be re83nstit.ted. )ill the e?er8ise 3< these <a8.lties <3r, a ne: ele,ent in the s3.l9s a88idental 1l3ryH On this -3int PH,e %e S:et, s.,,in1 .- the tea8hin1 3< St- Th):as an% Lessi+s, sh3:s that :hile the deli1hts -r3-er t3 the ,3re ,aterial senses 3< taste, s,ell and t3.8h :3.ld have t3 .nder13 s3,e -r38ess 3< s-irit.aliJati3n in 3rder t3 83ntrib.te t3 the a88idental 1l3ry 3< the blessed, there is n3t the sa,e di<<i8.lty as re1ards si1ht and hearin1. A<ter the res.rre8ti3n the ears 3< the saints :ill be ravished by ,.si8 that :ill be n3t 3nly b.t v38al als3, :hile their eyes :ill 1l3ry in the si1ht 3< the 1l3ri3.s b3dy 3< /es.s "hrist.


"3ns.,,ated 1l3ry 3r 83nsists in the <.ll devel3-,ent 3< 1l3ry in ():&*ete*' ,est),e% h.,an, and 8ann3t there<3re e?ist .ntil a<ter the res.rre8ti3n. 3,e 3< the 5athers and early :riters, es-e8ially in the <irst <ive 8ent.ries, h3ldin1 the 3-ini3n that the s3.l 83.ld n3t be 1l3ri<ied .ntil its re=.ni3n :ith the b3dy, -.t 3<< the -3ssessi3n 3< the beati<i8 visi3n itsel< .ntil a<ter the res.rre8ti3n. This e,,)ne)+s 3-ini3n :as ta.1ht by 8ertain the3l31ians ri1ht d3:n t3 the thirteenth 8ent.ry and de<ended by P)&e J)hn XXII, s-eaDin1, n3t as 03-e, b.t as a si,-le the3l31ian. Bene%i(t XII, /3hn9s s.88ess3r, s3le,nly 83nde,ned the err3r in his b.ll Benedictus Dens, :herein he re-eats and 3<<i8ially -r3-3.nds the <3r,.la 3< <aith in :hi8h /3hn had retra8ted his err3rs be<3re his death. Th.s it is n3: a %)g:a )3 3aith that; AThe 3< the, i,,ediately a<ter death 3r a<ter havin1 e?-iated th3se sins that still b.rdened the,, even be<3re the res.rre8ti3n 3< their b3dies, are ad,itted int3 Heaven and the s38iety 3< the an1els> and, sin8e the -assi3n and death 3< /es.s "hrist and his As8ensi3n, they have seen, see and :ill see, the divine by dire8t visi3n and <a8e t3 <a8e.B Nevertheless it ,.st be ad,itted that the 83ns.,,ati3n 3< 1l3ry a%%s s3,ethin1 t3 the essential 1l3ry res.ltin1 <r3, the beati<i8 visi3n itsel<, and, there<3re, even in this brie< 83nsiderati3n 3< the G.esti3n 3< Heaven s3,ethin1 needs t3 be said .-3n this s3,e:hat deli8ate s.b@e8t.

./0 N) in(,ease &)ssi5*e in essentia* g*),'

The int.itive visi3n 3< G3d is, in t. Th3,as9s :3rds, A)ne a(ti)n an% ete,na*.B

Inas,.8h as it is a -arti8i-ati3n 3< G3d9s li<e, :hi8h is eternity, its 3:n d.rati3n is , by -arti8i-ated eternity. Hen8e it is :ell na,ed Aeternal li<e.B 5r3, :hatever side :e l33D at it, :hether :e 83nsider it in itsel< 3r e?a,ine its 3ri1inatin1 -rin8i-le 3r its 3b@e8t, :e 8an dis83ver n3thin1 that i,-lies succession, n3thin1 inv3lvin1 the -3ssibility 3< chan e. St- A+g+stine in his treatise 3n the Trinity 6BD. PV, 8h. #C7, des8ribes ad,irably; AThis .n8han1in1 ha--iness, :hen 3.r ,inds :ill n3 ,3re be diJJied by @.,-in1 <r3, 3ne thin1 t3 an3ther and then ba8D t3 :hat they have le<t> 3ne sin1le 1lan8e :ill e,bra8e the :h3le 3< 3.r Dn3:led1e.B B.t i< the a8t 3< visi3n is, as t. Th3,as -.ts it &Cont. /entes III, 8h. C27, Aan instant :hi8h neither -asses n3r <ades,B it re,ains al:ays se*3#i%enti(a* and e?8l.des all -r31ress and all 1r3:th in the Dn3:led1e 3< G3d9s -er<e8ti3ns, and 83nseG.ently in 1l3ry. It is as :ell t3 insist .-3n this :e s3,eti,es ,eet :ith des8ri-ti3ns 3< eternal ha--iness that 3:e ,3re t3 i,a1inati3n than t3 s3.nd the3l31y. A1ain Fathe, Te,,ien says; AI< :e are t3 believe s3,e :riters, G3d :ill reveal hi,sel< t3 the blessed 83ntin.3.sly and -r31ressively. L33Din1 .-3n his ad3rable <a8e they :ill <3rever be <indin1 therein ne: -er<e8ti3ns, and, 1r3:in1 Dn3:led1e brin1in1 1reater l3ve, they :ill <3r all eternity 13 3n <r3, ha--iness t3 1reater ha--iness. These :riters brin1 <3r:ard t:3 ar1.,ents t3 -r3ve their asserti3n, 3ne based 3n the 3< G3d, the 3ther 3n that 3< 8reated intelli1en8e. G3d, they say, :3.ld n3t be s.-re,e G33dness i< he :ere n3t <3rever sel<=83,,.ni8ative . . . and 3n the 3ther hand, a ha--iness that re,ains ever at the sa,e level 8ann3t satis<y the h.,an ,ind. Li<e is ,3ve,ent, and there<3re a stati8 and .n-r31ressive li<e 8ann3t be -er<e8t li<e.B B.t the ar1.,ents are by n3 ,eans 83n8l.sive. AIn Heaven the state 3< ,an is -er<e8t... 5r3, the <irst instant that ,an sees G3d <a8e t3 <a8e he e?er8ises t3 the <.ll the :h3le 8a-a8ity and -3:er 3< visi3n 1iven t3 hi, at G3d9s @.d1,ent=seat. In 3rder t3 see ,3re he :3.ld need ,3re 1ra8e and an in8rease in the li1ht 3< 1l3ry, <3r a8ti3n 8ann3t s.r-ass the -rin8i-le :hen8e it s-rin1s. He -enetrates the 38ean 3< divine li1ht as dee-ly as the ener1y 3< his l3ve 8an .r1e hi,, b.t as Heaven is the 13al and ter,in.s 3< ,an9s e?isten8e, the l3ve that a883,-anies his entran8e therein 8an 1r3: n3 ,3re. B.t G3d9s -r3di1al 1ener3sity, <ar <r3, 83,in1 t3 an end, still r.ns <.ll strea,> it is he :h3 Dee-s in bein1 the s-lend3.r 3< 1l3ry, he :h3 is the ine?ha.stible s3.r8e 3< the s.-re,e -er<e8ti3n 3< Dn3:led1e en@3yed by the blessed. Vain is the 3b@e8ti3n that li<e :ith3.t ,3ve,ent is n3 real li<e. Let it be 1ranted that there is n3 li<e :ith3.t ,3ve,ent, b.t, 3n the 3ther hand, it ,.st be all3:ed that the ,3ve,ent that 83nstit.tes -er<e8t li<e ad,its 3< neither 8han1e, n3r s.88essi3n, n3r -r31ress, <3r :here these are there is transiti3n <r3, the -3tential t3 the, and the li<e s.b@e8t t3 the, is, ne8essarily, i,-er<e8t. There is 3ne li<e :hi8h is s.-re,ely <.ll and s.-re,ely -er<e8t, and that is G3d9s li<e :hi8h is G3d hi,sel<. His li<e is in<initely -er<e8t ,3ve,ent, <3r it is in<inite a8t.ality> in<initely .n8han1eable ,3ve,ent, <3r he is the s.-re,ely eternal and 8han1eless. The i,,3bility 3< a 83r-se is the t3tal ne1ati3n 3< li<e, :hile t3 83nte,-late .n8han1eably s.-re,e bea.ty is t3 -3ssess the <.llness 3< li<e. T3, then, the li<e 3< the blessed :ill be the ,3re -er<e8t a883rdin1ly as it is less ,3bile, less 8han1e<.l, less -r31ressive,B &6a rFce et la loire, v3l. I --. #EE=#427. There 8an, then, be n) g,)4th in essentia* g*),'> s.8h 1r3:th 83.ld 3nly 83,e <r3, an in8rease in the li1ht 3< 1l3ry, b.t as the s3.l has rea8hed its 13al, it (an n) *)nge, :e,it any in8rease 3< 1ra8e 3r, 83nseG.ently, any hi1her de1ree 3< the li1ht 3< 1l3ry.

.10 P)ssi5*e in(,ease )3 a((i%enta* g*),' in the s)+* 4hi*e se&a,ate% 3,): the 5)%'
St- Th):as in his Commentary on the Sentences 6IV, dist. #2, G. #, art. 2., s3l. 27 .ses the 83lle8t 3< the Mass 3< 03-e Le3; Annue, nobis, Domine, ut animae famuli tui 6eonis haec prosit oblatis . . . as a te?t 3n :hi8h t3 base his e?-lanati3n 3< h3: 3.r -rayers, h3,a1e and sa8ri<i8es 83ntrib.te t3 the 1l3ry 3< the saints. He says;

AThe saints9 re:ard is 1l3ry, and it is t4)3)*%. There is <irstly the essentia* @3y :hi8h they re8eive <r3, G3d hi,sel< and se83ndly, an a((i%enta* @3y that 83,es t3 the, <r3, 8reat.res. As t3 their essential @3y it is the ,3re -r3bable 3-ini3n 6n3: :e sh3.ld have t3 say, the 83,,3nly re8eived 3-ini3n7 that it ad,its 3< n3 in8rease> b.t their a88idental 1l3ry ,ay 1r3: at least .ntil the @.d1,ent=day. Other:ise the re.ni3n :ith the b3dy :3.ld brin1 n3 in8rease 3< @3y. Als3 their 1l3ry is in8reased :henever they bene<its <3r .s 3n earth, sin8e the an1els in Heaven re@3i8e 3ver every sinner that d3es -enan8e 6L.De #';#%7. The saints re@3i8e liDe:ise 3ver all thin1s that are d3ne t3 the h3n3.r 3< G3d, and es-e8ially 3ver all that :e d3 t3 thanD G3d <3r their 1l3ry.B The3l31i8al reas3nin1 -r3ves that s.8h an in8rease 3< 1l3ry is -3ssible. The <3r,al -rin8i-le 3< 1l3ry is Dn3:led1e. B.t in the se-arated s3.l the intelle8t 8an still e?er8ise the a8tivity -r3-er t3 it, and there are a , 3< 3b@e8ts, a-art <r3, G3d, .-3n :hi8h the intelle8t 8an 1aJe, and ,any 3< :hi8h, as :e have seen, :ill be ,ade Dn3:n t3 it by s.88essive revelati3ns. 3 as these revelati3ns are ,ade, the s3.l9s a88idental 1l3ry :ill in8rease. And a s-e8ial in8rease :ill a88r.e t3 it <r3, the 83,-ani3nshi- 3< the saints. N3r d3es this 83ntradi8t :hat has been said ab3.t eternity, <3r -arti8i-ated eternity d3es n3t e? a ,.lti-li8ity and s.88essi3n 3< th3se nat.ral 3-erati3ns :hi8h ,aDe .- the saints9 a88idental 1l3ry.

.;0 In(,ease )3 a((i%enta* g*),' n) ,ea* a%%iti)n t) essentia* g*),'

All 8reated thin1s :hi8h 8an in8rease the saints9 a88idental 1l3ry are 83ntained, s.-er= e,inently, as the3l31ians say, in G3d the <irst 3< all. Their val.e in the eyes 3< the saints is , by their val.e in G3d, and, as G3d adds n3thin1 t3 his 3:n 1l3ry and ha--iness by 8reatin1 8reat.res t3 1l3ri<y hi,, s3 the essential 1l3ry 3< the blessed re8eives n3 real additi3n <r3, the in8rease 3< their a88idental 1l3ry> n3thin1 is added t3 their beati<yin1 Dn3:led1e and l3ve. Saint Th):as says; A in8e is n3thin1 b.t the -3ssessi3n 3< the s3verei1n G33d, everythin1 that ,ay be -3ssessed 3ver and ab3ve the visi3n and the en@3y,ent 3< G3d :ill n3t ,aDe the s3.l ha--ier> 3ther:ise G3d :3.ld add t3 his 3:n ha--iness in 1ivin1 e?isten8e t3 8reat.resB 6De Malo G. '. art. #, ad. F7. And else:here he sh3:s that the saints, :hile re@3i8in1 in 3.r @3ys, d3 n3t thereby re8eive any real additi3n t3 their 3:n ha--iness> their @3y :ill n3t be 1reater, it :ill be ,3re :idely s-read. This is :hat the3l31ians ,ean by sayin1 that, relatively t3 essential 1l3ry, the in8rease 3< a88idental 1l3ry is -.rely ,aterial.

.B0 The ,es+,,e(ti)n 4i** 5,ing an a((ess )3 a((i%enta* g*),' )n*'Th3.1h s3,e the3l31ians have th3.1ht 3ther:ise in the -ast, it is n3: 1enerally a1reed that the essential 1l3ry 3< the blessed is n3t in8reased a<ter the res.rre8ti3n 3< the b3dy. Und3.btedly, be<3re the res.rre8ti3n, it is the s3.l9s desire that the <.llness 3< 1l3ry in :hi8h it deli1hts shall, :hen the ti,e 83,es, ill.,ine the b3dy als3. B.t this desire d3es n3t the s3.l t3 <eel any sense 3< -rivati3n. The s3.l in the -3ssessi3n 3< G3d e?-erien8es all the ha--iness 3< :hi8h it is 8a-able. )hen the res.rre8ti3n taDes -la8e the s3.l9s 1l3ry :ill 1l3ri<y the b3dy, b.t there :ill be n3 in8rease in the bri1htness 3< 1l3ry, n3 1r3:th in the s3.l9s essential 1l3ry.

.20 C)n(*+si)n
)e rea8h, there<3re, the 83n8l.si3n that 83ns.,,ated 1l3ry is s.bstantially identi8al :ith essential 1l3ry. Alth3.1h the a88idental 1l3ry 3< the risen b3dy is a very real thin1, it 3nly ,eans a -.rely ,aterial additi3n t3 the s3.l9s essential 1l3ry, it 3nly ,eans that there is 3ne ,3re 3b@e8t that is n3: irradiated by the s-lend3.r di<<.sed by the beati<i8 visi3n.

The int.itive visi3n 3< G3d, bein1 , by eternity, 83n<ir,s the s3.l in the <i?ed and .n8han1eable 8h3i8e 3< its last end that it has <reely ,ade. "leavin1 inde<e8tibly t3 the .-re,e G33d, the 3.l 8ann3t -3ssibly <all a1ain int3 sin, n3r 8an it ever l3se the 1l3ry it has :3n. The Dn3:led1e 3< its eternal se8.rity 8r3:ns its Heaven, there<3re, <illed :ith the li1ht 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, the Din1d3, 3< th3se :h3 8an <all n3 ,3re, n3r in any :ay <ail in their l3yalty t3 G3d, :ill be in the -er<e8t realiJati3n 3< -ea8e, 3rder :ith tranG.illity; Caelestis Crbs :erusalem, beata pacis #isio. U


I- The gene,a* ,es+,,e(ti)n )3 a** :en./0 Res+,,e(ti)n nat+,a* 'et :i,a(+*)+sA .10 H)4 it 4i** ():e a5)+tA .;0 It en%)4s the 5)%' 4ith an in4a,% &,in(i&*e )3 in(),,+&ti5i*it'II- The g*),i)+s ,es+,,e(ti)n )3 the e*e(t$+a*ities )3 g*),i3ie% 5)%ies@ i:&assi5i*it'" s+5t*et'" agi*it'" (*a,it'III- The gene,a* >+%g:ent./0 D)g:a.10 The)*)g'A .;0 In=+i,' an% ,et,i5+ti)nThe res.rre8ti3n 3< the <lesh is a d31,a 3< <aith e?-li8itly set <3rth in the vari3.s C,ee%s 3< the "h.r8h. The Sa(,e% S(,i&t+,es, es-e8ially t. 0a.l9s e-istles, s-eaD 3< it s3 3<ten that it :3.ld be G.ite s.-er<l.3.s t3 e?-3.nd the s8ri-t.ral ar1.,ent in -r33< 3< it 68<. t. /3hn ';2E> C;$4, F%, FF, ''> t. MarD #2;2C> R3,. C;'> 2 "3r. '> 0hil $> 4> # Thess. F;#'> # Ti,. 2;#C> Hebr. ##;$', et8.7 5r3, a,3n1 the ,any -r3n3.n8e,ents 3< the "h.r8h bearin1 .-3n the res.rre8ti3n it :ill s.<<i8e t3 G.3te the d31,ati8 de8larati3n iss.ed by the I! C)+n(i* )3 the Late,an; AHe 6"hrist7 :ill 83,e at the end 3< the :3rld t3 @.d1e the livin1 and the dead, and t3 render t3 all, :hether ele8t 3r re-r3bate, a883rdin1 t3 their :3rDs> and all :ill rise :ith their 3:n b3dies :hi8h they have b3rne in this li<e, t3 be re:arded a883rdin1 t3 their :3rDs, :hether 133d 3r evil, the bad t3 13 int3 eternal -.nish,ent :ith the devil, the 133d t3 re8eive everlastin1 1l3ry :ith "hrist.B 6DJ F247 Leavin1 aside 8ertain s.bsidiary G.esti3ns relative t3 the Alivin1 and the deadB :h3 are t3 be @.d1ed by "hrist, :e shall 83nsider; 6#7 The d31,a 3< the gene,a* ,es+,,e(ti)n )3 a** :en> 627 That 3< the g*),i)+s ,es+,,e(ti)n ,ese,?e% t) the e*e(t> 6$7 That 3< the Gene,a* J+%g:ent.


The %)g:a 3< the 1eneral res.rre8ti3n ,ay be stated very brie<ly. At the *ast %a' a** :en 4i** ,ise again" an% 4i** ,ise 4ith the sa:e 5)%ies as the' ha% in this *i3eThe s3.l :ill n3t be @3ined t3 a b3dy taDen ha-haJard, b.t :ill be re@3ined t3 the b3dy :hi8h had been its 83,-ani3n in this li<e. It is 3nly ri1ht that it sh3.ld be s3, <3r sin8e the b3dy had its -art in ,3st 3< the a8ti3ns t3 be s.b,itted t3 G3d9s @.d1,ent, it 3.1ht liDe:ise t3 share in their ,e4a,% ), &+nish:ent. All this is s3 si,-le that :e need n3t delay 3ver it.

B.t there are three -3ints, n3t s3 8lear, t3 :hi8h :e ,ay t.rn 3.r attenti3n. The)*)gians, <3ll3:in1 St- Th):as, sh3:; = 8irstly, h3: the res.rre8ti3n, th3.1h a :i,a(*e :r3.1ht at G3d9s, is yet in a883rdan8e :ith nat+,e. = Secondly, the h.,an ,ind seeDs t3 .nderstand h3: the res.rre8ti3n taDes -la8e, and Th3,ist -hil3s3-hy is asDed t3 1ive a ,eas)na5*e e<&*anati)n. = Thirdly, a883rdin1 t3 the3l31ians, the b3dy a<ter the res.rre8ti3n -3ssesses an in:ard -rin8i-le 3< in(),,+&ti5i*it'.

./0 Sin(e the ,es+,,e(ti)n is :i,a(+*)+s" h)4 (an it 5e sai% t) 5e nat+,a*L

)hen s-eaDin1 3< death :e said that the se-arati3n 3< the t:3 ele,ents that 13 t3 the ,aDin1 3< ,an d3es n)t res-3nd t3 the e<igen(ies 3< the <3r,al ele,ent, his i::),ta* s)+*. The state )3 se&a,ati)n, th3.1h n3t 83ntrary t3 the s3.l9s 6sin8e this is 8a-able 3< sel<= e?isten8e7, is yet *ess nat+,a* t3 it than .ni3n :ith the b3dy. 3 the .ni3n 3< s3.l and b3dy bein1 nat.ral, their re=.ni3n :3.ld see, t3 be nat.ral> the s3.l, bein1 ,ade for the b3dy, :3.ld see, t3 yearn t3 be re@3ined by its li<e=83,-ani3n. It :3.ld a--ear as i< t. Th3,as tries t3 -r3ve the res.rre8ti3n :ith ar1.,ents 3< this Dind &Cont. /entes, IV, (47. B.t, as has 3<ten been sh3:n, s.8h ar1.,ents are n3t ,eant t3 be de,3nstrative b.t &e,s+asi?e 3nly. )hen t. Th3,as says that the < res.rre8ti3n 3< the b3dy is s.--3rted by the e?i%en(e )3 ,eas)n &e#idens ratio suffra atur(, he is s-eaDin1 ,erely 3< -ers.asive eviden8e. "ertainly i< :e 83nsider the e33e(t 3< the res.rre8ti3n, na,ely, the re83nstit.ti3n 3< ,an in his :h3le bein1, it ,ay be 8alled nat+,a*. B.t as the (a+se 3< this re83nstit.ti3n is n)t nat+,a*, ,an 8ann3t be said t3 have any 8lai, t3 it. The 3nly nat+,a* e33i(ient (a+se 3< ,an is h+:an gene,ati)n, and every 3ther :ay 3< brin1in1 hi, int3 e?isten8e is :i,a(+*)+s. 3, <3r e?a,-le, the +ni)n )3 Ch,ist9s 5)%' an% s)+*, 83nsidered as an e33e(t, :as natural, b.t 83nsidered in its (a+se it :as miraculous, sin8e the 83n8e-ti3n 3< "hrist in his vir1in M3ther9s :3,b :as a :i,a(*e. i,ilarly in the 8ase 3< A%a: an% E?e, a nat.ral e33e(t :as -r3d.8ed by a n)n#nat+,a* (a+se, <3r they :ere n3t be13tten, b.t (,eate%. 3, at the end 3< the :3rld, :ill be +na5*e t3 -r3vide any a8tive -rin8i-le 8a-able 3< re=.nitin1 s3.l t3 b3dy. It ,ay be 1ranted that the s3.l has a 8lai, .-3n the b3dy, b.t 3nly i< this be ri htly .nderst33d. It 8ann3t be ad,itted that the s3.l has an' -3sitive tenden8y 3< an' s3rt t3:ards reb.ildin1 the b3dy. I< the b3dy is rest3red t3 the s3.l, the s3.l :ill nat.rally a8t.ate it and revitaliJe it as its 3:n, b.t the b3dy ,.st <irst be 1iven ba8D t3 it. And the b3dy, red.8ed t3, dis-ersed and l3st, -erha-s, in the th3.sands 3< trans<3r,ati3ns .nder13ne by the ele,ents 3n8e 83,-3sin1 it, 8an have in itsel< n) nat+,a* ten%en(' t3:ards bein1 a1ain a8t.ated and vitaliJed by the s3.l. There<3re, the,e is ne(essa,' the inte,?enti)n )3 s):e e<te,na* (a+se , ,3re -3tent than the <3r8es 3<, ,3re -3tent even than the an1els, <3r it is bey3nd their -3:er t3 invest ,atter :ith the dis-3siti3ns need<.l <3r h.,an li<e. In a :3rd, G)%9s inte,?enti)n is ne(essa,', and alth3.1h, in s-eaDin1 3< the 1eneral res.rre8ti3n 3< all ,en :e 8ann3t stri8tly 8all his interventi3n s+&e,nat+,a* 6<3r this ter, i,-lies a relati3n t3 eternal li<e7, it ,.st be des8ribed as :i,a(+*)+s. The miraculous 8hara8ter 3< the res.rre8ti3n has ne?e, been e?-li8itly de<ined, b.t it is a the3l31i8al 83n8l.si3n t3 be a88e-ted as tr.e, 3< the +nani:)+s ag,ee:ent )3 the)*)gians. T) %en' it 4)+*% 5e te:e,a,i)+s.

.10 H)4 the ,es+,,e(ti)n is e33e(te%

The d31,ati8 asserti3n that Fthe %ea% 4i** ,ise again 4ith the sa:e 5)%ies as the' ha% in this *i3e"G is rather a-t t3 ast3nish the ,ind> es-e8ially :hen it is -3inted 3.t that the G.esti3n is 3ne 3< n.,eri8al identity. At 3n8e a , 3< G.esti3ns arise that, t31ether 3r sin1ly, see, t3 3ver:hel, 3.r reas3n. H3: 8an s.8h a res.rre8ti3n be -3ssible, seein1 that thr3.1h3.t his li<e a ,an9s b3dy is 8easelessly 8han1in1 and its ele,ents s.b@e8t t3 83ntin.3.s trans<3r,ati3nsH And :hen :e thinD 3< :hat ha--ens t3 the b3dy a<ter death, the di<<i8.lties 1r3: G.i8Dly. )hat 3< th3se b3dies that are eaten by 8annibals, 3r th3se by ani,als that a<ter:ards serve as <33d <3r ,enH The di<<i8.lty is 1reat as re1ards b3dies 83,,itted t3 the earth in b.rial> they s.<<er de83,-3siti3n and their ele,ents are taDen .- int3 vari3.s <3r,s 3< ve1etable li<e, 3< :hi8h s3,e are .sed as <33d, and s3 <3rth. In s.8h an endless 83.rse 3< 8han1es :hat be83,es 3< the -arti8les that ,ade .- any h.,an b3dy, and h3: 8an they -3ssibly be br3.1ht t31ether a1ain at the last dayH In s.8h a G.esti3n as this reas3n al3ne ,.st 1.ide .s> the i,a1inati3n 8ann3t b.t lead .s astray. And, indeed, i< :e seeD an ans:er <r3, any -hil3s3-hy b.t that 3< t. Th3,as, :e shall, in all -r3bability, seeD in vain. A883rdin1 t3 the S(h)*asti( &hi*)s)&h' t:3 ele,ents 3nly 13 t3 ,aDe .any in%i?i%+a* ,an; the s)+*, 8alled the form, and the 5)%' 8alled thematter. The s3.l is the -rin8i-le that 1ives t3 the ,atter its bein1 as a livin1, sensitive and intelli1ent s.bstan8e, and invests it :ith 83ntin.3.s sel<=identity, des-ite the <l.? and 8han1e 3< its 83,-3nent ele,ents. t. Th3,as :as <.lly a:are 3< the di<<i8.lties arisin1 <r3, the dis-la8e,ent 3< the at3,s 3r -arti8les 3< the b3dy, b.t ,aintains that, in s-ite there3<, the <3r, -reserves the -er,anent identity 3< the :h3le. )ith his -re8ise brevity he de8lares that +secundum materiam partes ftuunt et reftuunt,, b.t n.,eri8al identity de-ends .-3n the <3r, n3t .-3n the ,atter> +non semper sunt eadem partes secundum materiam sed solum secundum speciem, &De spiritualibus creaturis, art. $7. Hen8e :ate,ia* i%entit' 3< the b3dy9s -arti8les, i,-3ssible t3 ,aintain, is n)t needed t3 e?-lain the res.rre8ti3n. )e 8an <.lly sa<e1.ard the d31,a, and e?-3.nd it indeed 8learly, by si,-ly .-h3ldin1 the 3),:a* i%entit' 3< the :h3le ,an. And, as :e have seen, a883rdin1 t3 the Th3,isti8 -hil3s3-hy, :hi8h l33Ds .-3n the s3.l as the s+5stantia* 3),: )3 the h+:an 5)%', <3r,al identity -ersists des-ite all the 8han1es and variati3ns a<<e8tin1 the ,aterial ele,ents 3< the b3dy. I< the s3.l is the 3nly <3r, 3< the :h3le ,an, at 3ne and the sa,e ti,e,, sensitive, ve1etative and 83r-3ral> i<, in 3ther :3rds, it is <r3, the s)+* that the b3dy dra:s the :h3le 3< its bein1, as ,an, as ani,al, as livin1, as s.bstan8e, as thin1, then at the res.rre8ti3n the s3.l :ill 1ive ba8D t3 the b3dy identi8ally the sa,e end3:,ents as it had best3:ed 3n it <r3, the <irst. On this hy-3thesis :e need n3t :3rry ab3.t :hat ha--ens t3 the -arti8les 3< ,atter :hen the b3dy de83,-3ses. )hatever ,aterial ele,ents G3d ,ay .se and s.b,it t3 the s3verei1nty 3< the s3.l, this ,atter :ill be83,e the sa,e b3dy that the s3.l -3ssessed in this li<e, and hen8e, as Ca,%ina* Bi**)t -.ts it; AG3d 83.ld a dead ,an t3 arise, :ith3.t 1ivin1 hi, a sin1le at3, 3< the ,atter :hi8h had bel3n1ed t3 his b3dy be<3re deathB &De <o#issimis, -. #$C7. )hat ,atters it, there<3re, i< it -lease G3d that the in<ant shall arise as a 1r3:n ,an 3r the 3ld ,an as still in the <l3:er 3< y3.thT .8h s-e8.lati3ns as these, in :hi8h the3l31ians ind.l1e, are =+ite se()n%a,', and even alt31ether :ith3.t any bearin1 3n the d31,a 3< the res.rre8ti3n, e?-3.nded a883rdin1 t3 t. Th3,as9s -hil3s3-hy. O5>e(ti)n@ It ,ay be 3b@e8ted that this e?-lanati3n tends t3 destr3y the :3rshi- :e 1ive t3 reli8s and the val.e 3< the reveren8e :e -ay t3 the b3dies 3< the dead. B.t the 3b@e8ti3n :ill n3t h3ld :ater. Ans4e,@ .8h :3rshi- and reveren8e are -.rely ,e*ati?e and, in reality, are dire8ted t3 the &e,s)ns :h3, the reli8s and b3dies brin1 t3 3.r re,e,bran8e. And th3.1h the "h.r8h has <3rbidden 8re,ati3n, this is n3t the res.rre8ti3n :3.ld be thereby hindered. till the b.rial 3< the dead has in it a 8ertain -3:er 3< sy,b3lis, :ell 8al8.lated t3 s.stain <aith in the < res.rre8ti3n.

.;0 The ,isen 5)%' 4i** 5e en%)4e% 4ith an in4a,% &,in(i&*e )3 in(),,+&ti5i*it'
T) 5e a5*e n)t t) %ie is )ne thing" t) 5e +na5*e t) %ie is an)the,A%a:, in the state 3< inn38en8e, :as i,,3rtal in the 3),:e, sense> the *atte, Dind 3< i,,3r= tality is -r3-er t3 s&i,it+a* s+5stan(es 6an1els and s3.ls7> b.t it :ill als3 bel3n1 t3 :en9s 5)%ies a3te, the ,es+,,e(ti)n. As <ar as the e*e(t are 83n8erned, this is e?-li8itly stated in the 13s-el a883rdin1 t3 t. L.De 62%;$F=$C7; AThe 8hildren 3< this :3rld ,arry and are 1iven in ,arria1e> b.t they that shall be a883.nted :3rthy 3< that :3rld and 3< the res.rre8ti3n <r3, the dead shall neither be ,arried n3r taDe :ives. Neither 8an they die any ,3re> <3r they are t3 the an1els, and are the 8hildren 3< G3d, bein1 the 8hildren 3< the res.rre8ti3n.B It ,.st be 1ranted, t33, that the risen b3dies 3< the %a:ne% als3 have in the, a -rin8i-le 3< in83rr.-tibility, <3r they als3 rise a1ain <3r eternity. B.t their i,,3rtality :ill be their &+nish:ent, i,-lyin1 n3ne 3< th3se G.alities that ,aDe <3r ha--iness> and sin8e the 8ri-t.res al:ays s-eaD 3< i,,3rtality as a blessin1 it is 3nly nat.ral that t. L.De sh3.ld ,enti3n the in83rr.-tibility 3< the 5*esse% al3ne. A 83nseG.en8e 3< the i,,3rtality 3< risen b3dies, :hether in Heaven, Hell 3r Li,b3, :ill be the (essati)n )3 a** n+t,iti?e an% gene,ati?e 3+n(ti)ns . The 3r1ans that n3: -er<3r, these <.n8ti3ns :ill re,ain, <3r the b3dy :ill be rest3red in its inte1rity, b.t they :ill 388asi3n n3 s.<<erin1 and n3 ,3ve,ents 3< 83n8.-is8en8e 3r sens.ality. The s3.l :ill r.le the b3dy instead 3< servin1 it.


The 5)%ies )3 the 5*esse% in Heaven :ill be end3:ed :ith 8ertain =+a*ities, :hi8h the da,ned in Hell :ill la8D, na,ely i:&assi5i*it'" s+5t*et'" agi*it' an% 5,ightness. /- I:&assi5i*it' ,eans that the 1l3ri<ied b3dy :ill be bey3nd the rea8h 3< all in@.ry and 83rr.-ti3n. 68<. .T. Suppl. R.E27 The in:ard -rin8i-le 3< in(),,+&ti5i*it' :ill be 83,,3n t3 the, and the l3st, b.t i,-assibility adds t3 this the a5sen(e )3 a** &ain an% a33*i(ti)n. It is t3 this G.ality that t. 0a.l9s :3rds are 1enerally a--lied; AIt 6the b3dy7 is s3:n in 83rr.-ti3n, it shall rise in in83rr.-ti3nB 6# "3r. #';F27. 1- S+5t*et' is n3t, as s3,e the3l31ians have th3.1ht, a s3rt 3< s-irit.aliJati3n 3< the b3dy, investin1 b3dies :ith the -3:er 3< , -enetrati3n. 68<. .T. Suppl. R.E$7 It ,eans rather that the 5)%' 4i** 5e 4h)**' +n%e, the %):ini)n )3 the s)+* , :hi8h :ill, as it :ere, irradiate it and re<ine all its -leas.res and sensati3ns, s3 that, th3.1h ,aterial, it :ill de-end t3 the sli1htest -3ssible e?tent .-3n the 83nditi3ns 3< ,atter; AIt is s3:n a nat.ral b3dy, it shall rise a b3dyB 6ibid. ';FF7. ;- O:in1 t3 the 1i<t 3< agi*it' the b3dy :ill be able .nresistin1ly t3 3bey the s3.l9s 83,,ands. 68<. .T. Suppl. R.EF7 AIt is s3:n in :eaDness, it shall rise in -3:erB 6ibid.7 Thr3.1h this 1i<t the :h3le :ate,ia* 4),*% :ill be at the dis-3siti3n 3< the blessed, <3r :h3, the .niverse :as ,ade. The i,,ense s-a8es 3< the :3rld :ill be .nder the r.le 3< the saints :h3 :ill shine in the in<inite va.lts 3< heaven as the stars ab3ve .s. B.t h3:ever 1reat ,ay be the s-eed at :hi8h the 1l3ri<ied b3dies 3< the blessed ,3ve thr3.1h s-a8e, it :ill still be , by ti,e, real ti,e even th3.1h in<initesi,ally sh3rt. B- Lastly the 1l3ry 3< the s3.l, irradiatin1 the b3dy, :ill invest it :ith 5,ightness, ,aDin1 it shine as did "hrist9s b3dy 3n the ,3.nt 3<T,ans3ig+,ati)n. 68<. .T. Suppl. R.E'7 AIt is s3:n in dish3n3.r, it shall rise in 1l3ryB 6ibid.7. B.t a<ter all, :hat 8an :e say 3< the < state 3< 1l3ry, :e :h3, as l3n1 as :e are here, are still s.b@e8t t3 the :hi,s 3< this b3dy 3< <leshH Better <ar is it t3 atte,-t n3 detailed des8ri-ti3n 3< :hat is beyond 3.r Den and t3 :ait <3r the ha--y e?-erien8e 3< heavenly 1l3ry that, :e h3-e, is in st3re <3r .s.


./0 The D)g:a
There are <e: thin1s .-3n :hi8h the S(,i&t+,es lay g,eate, e:&hasis. /- Jes+s Ch,ist has t3ld .s 8learly that, at the end 3< the :3rld, he :ill @.d1e all ,en> he :ill n3t be si,-ly a :itness be<3re G3d9s @.d1,ent=seat, b.t :ill, hi,sel< as /.d1e, -ass senten8e 6MarD #$;$F=$(> Matt. #$;$(=F2> #C;FE='#> L.De #2;$C=$E> F'=FE> 2#;$F=$C, b.t s-e8ially Matt. (;22=2$> #C;2(> 2F;$%=$#7. The a:e=ins-irin1 s8ene 3< the last @.d1,ent, des8ribed by t. Matthe: 2';$#=FC, is :ell Dn3:n; AAnd :hen the 3n 3< Man shall 83,e in his ,a@esty, and all the an1els :ith hi,, then shall he sit .-3n the seat 3< his ,a@esty> and all nati3ns shall be 1athered t31ether be<3re hi,, and he shall se-arate the, 3ne <r3, an3ther, as the she-herd se-arateth the shee- <r3, the 13ats> and he shall set the shee- 3n his ri1ht hand, b.t the 13ats 3n his le<t. Then shall the Din1 say t3 the, that shall be 3n his ri1ht hand; "3,e ye, blessed 3< ,y 5ather, -3ssess y3. the Din1d3, -re-ared <3r y3. <r3, the <3.ndati3n 3< the :3rld . . . Then he shall say t3 the, als3 that shall be 3n his le<t hand; De-art <r3, ,e, y3. 8.rsed, int3 everlastin1 <ire :hi8h :as -re-ared <3r the devil and his an1els . . . And these shall 13 int3 everlastin1 -.nish,ent> b.t the int3 li<e everlastin1.B 1- The e&ist*es )3 St- Pa+* are e?-li8it. Their tea8hin1 3n the last @.d1,ent is si,-ly the devel3-,ent 3< the 13s-el tea8hin1, that /es.s is the A@.d1e 3< the livin1 and the deadB 6A8ts #%;F2> 2 Ti,. F;#7. In t. 0a.l, as in the 13s-els, Athe @.d1,ent is s3 8l3sely b3.nd .- :ith the parousia 6that is, :ith "hrist9s se83nd 83,in17 that it is i,-3ssible t3 se-arate these t:3 s8enes, and the "h.r8h @3ins the, t31ether in 3ne and the sa,e arti8le 3< the 8reedB &"rat, 6a tholo ie de St. "aul, II, -. #'27. t. 0a.l9s <av3.rite ter, <3r the 1eneral @.d1,ent is Athe day 3< the L3rd,B the day, that is, :hen the 1l3ry 3< /es.s :ill be ,ani<ested and his Din1d3, set .- in tri.,-h 62 Thess, #;#%> # "3r. #';2'7. The 3b@e8t 3< the @.d1,ent :ill be t) %) >+sti(e, its e<<e8t the <inal establish,ent 3< the ,3ral 3rder. AEvery3ne 3< .s shall have t3 render a883.nt <3r hi,sel<B 6R3,. #F;'27> all :ill have t3 ,aDe Dn3:n all the a8ti3ns 3< his li<e, 133d 3r evil 62 "3r., ';#%7> a -ier8in1 li1ht :ill reveal 3.r ,3st hidden deeds 6R3,. 2;C7> and even the se8ret ,3ve,ents 3< 3.r hearts 6# "3r. F;'7. A senten(e83rres-3ndin1 :ith the 3.t83,e 3< this ,ig),)+s e<a:inati)n :ill <3ll3:. G3d :ill render t3 every ,an a883rdin1 t3 his :3rDs 6R3,. 2> C> 2 "3r. ##;#'> 2 Ti,. F;#F> # "3r. $;E7, and as G3d is n3t Ka res-e8ter 3< -ers3ns9 in distrib.tin1 his 1i<ts 6A8ts #%;$F7, s3 he :ill n3t be in a--3rti3nin1 retrib.ti3n 6R3,. 2, "3l. $;2'7> the evil that has been d3ne :ill n3t be <3r13tten 6ibid.7, b.t the 133d :ill als3 be re,e,bered 6E-h. C;E7 3 that every3ne :ill re8eive a883rdin1 t3 his :3rDs,B 6 J- Ri?iH,e, art. :u ement in Dict. de thol. catholi3ue, v3l. VIII, 83l. #('E7. Lastly, t. 0a.l tea8hes that the @.d1,ent :ill be t,+*' +ni?e,sa*. All ,en, GreeDs as :ell as /e:s, :ill 83,e be<3re G3d9s trib.nal and, in a sense, the an1els the,selves 6R3,. #F;#%> 2;#2= #C> # "3r. C;$7. ;- The )the, 5))7s )3 the Ne4 Testa:ent , th3.1h <.ll 3< the th3.1ht 3< the last @.d1,ent, 83ntain hardly any <resh ele,ents. Tr.e, the A&)(a*'&se is -re=e,inently the es(hat)*)gi(a* 5))7, b.t its inter-retati3n is di<<i=, th3.1h the last @.d1,ent is 8learly -r38lai,ed. F,- Ri?iH,e a1ain says; AThis <inal @.d1,ent is ,enti3ned <3r the <irst ti,e, :hen the <3.r and t:enty an8ients, -r3strate be<3re G3d, d3 h3,a1e t3 his -3:er and Din1d3,> 0And thy :rath is 83,e, and the ti,e 3< the dead that they sh3.ld be @.d1ed, and that th3. sh3.ldest render re:ard t3 thy servants the -r3-hets, and the saints, and t3 the, that <ear thy na,e, little and 1reat, and sh3.ldest destr3y the, that have 83rr.-ted the earthB9 6##;'E7

The b33D ends :ith a 3< the s8ene itsel<. . . The ,ysteri3.s rei1n 3< a th3.sand years is 3ver, atan and his allies are 83ns.,ed by <ire <r3, Heaven. Then, beh3ld, sittin1 .-3n his 1reat :hite thr3ne, hi, be<3re :h3se <a8e heaven and earth taDe <li1ht. All the dead, 1reat and s,all, rise a1ain t3 83,e be<3re the thr3ne, and the b33Ds are 3-ened t3 see :hat @.d1,ent shall be 1iven. The senten8e is at 3n8e -.t int3 e?e8.ti3n; th3se :h3se na,es are :ritten in the b33D 3< li<e 13 int3 the heavenly /,> the 3thers, al3n1 :ith Hell and death, are 8ast int3 the -33l 3< <ireB &2%;(=#'> 2#;#=', art. 8it. 83l. #(C$7.

.10 The)*)g' )3 the J+%g:ent

The the3l31ian has t3 st.dy all the vari3.s ele,ents and as-e8ts 3< a d31,a ta.1ht by S(,i&t+,e an% the Ch+,(h, and 8are<.lly t3 distin1.ish the (e,tain <r3, the ,erely &,)5a5*e, s3 that the ,ay be the ,3re 8learly seen. )ith re1ard t3 the 1eneral @.d1,ent, t4) -3ints are t3 be a88e-ted :ith the (e,taint' )3 3aith; the 3a(t 3< the @.d1,ent and the &e,s)n 3< the @.d1e, /es.s "hrist, :h3 :ill 83,e in 1l3ry; iterum #enturus est cum loria 1udicare #i#os et mortuos. /- The Fa(tThe3l31y -r3vides .s :ith ar1.,ents :hi8h -r3ve the reas3nableness 3< the d31,a, and 3< :hi8h it :ill s.<<i8e t3 1ive the 3.tlines as dra:n byFathe, Ri?iH,e; AThe 1eneral @.d1,ent is ne8essary it is the realiJati3n 3< the ,3ral 3rder that G3d had 3ri1inally intended t3 rei1n in the :3rld, b.t that the dis3rders res.ltin1 <r3, sin had d3ne s3 ,.8h t3 dist.rb. I< the balan8e is rest3red <3r individ.als by the -arti8.lar @.d1,ent, it see,s 3nly ri1ht that the 1eneral sit.ati3n sh3.ld als3 be rest3red by a 1eneral @.d1,ent. Ideal @.sti8e, -3st.lated by the "hristian idea 3< G3d, 8ann3t 83,e t3 its <.ll devel3-,ent be<3re the end 3< ti,e. U- till then all s3rts 3< 3bsta8les i,-ede its 83.rse and -revent .s <r3, realiJin1 3.r res-3nsibilities.B As St- Th):as :ell e?-resses it; AAlth3.1h death -.ts an end t3 ,an9s te,-3ral li<e, i< this be 83nsidered in itsel<, yet in a sense it still de-ends .-3n the < And he then 13es 3n t3 analyse ,in.tely and 8are<.lly the vari3.s <3r,s 3< this F%e&en%en(eG :herein is veri<ied the :3nder<.lly 83,-le? re-er8.ssi3n 3< ,an9s a8ti3ns .-3n h.,an a<<airs. He instan8es a ,an9s re-.tati3n, :hi8h b.t seld3, 83rres-3nds :ith his deserts> the <a,ily :hi8h 3<ten <alls a:ay <r3, the hi1h standard set by the <ather> the res.lts 3< ,en9s deeds, endlessly 83ntin.ed thr3.1h hist3ry, s3 that :e are still s.<<erin1 <r3, the heresy 3< Ari.s and bene<itin1 <r3, the A-3stles9 <aith> the b3dy, in 3ne instan8e re8eivin1 h3n3.rable b.rial, in an3ther s.<<erin1 aband3n,ent 3r ne1le8t. AAll these are the 3b@e8ts 3< 3.r a8tivity> s3,e s33n -ass a:ay, 3thers last a l3n1 ti,e, b.t be<3re G3d they 83nstit.te a reality, a:aitin1 his <inal verdi8t.B 6Art. G.3ted, 83l. #E#'7. )e ,ay ,enti3n an3ther ar1.,ent in >+sti3i(ati)n 3< the 1eneral @.d1,ent, na,ely, the g*),i3i(ati)n )3 G)%" )3 Ch,ist an% the saints. 1- The Pe,s)nAs re1ards the &e,s)n )3 the J+%ge, it is 3< <aith that Ch,ist hi,sel< :ill @.d1e the livin1 and the dead. B.t :hereas he 8a,e <irst int3 the :3rld in s.<<erin1 and l3:liness, his se83nd 83,in1 :ill be in g*),'. In the3ry 3ne ,i1ht 83n8eive hi, e?er8isin1 his @.di8ial a.th3rity :ith3.t leavin1 Heaven, b.t in 3rder that his tri.,-h 3ver death ,ay be 83,-lete, it is b.t <ittin1 that he sh3.ld be seen 3n8e a1ain in this :3rld as its @.d1e. 3 <ar :e have set d3:n :hat is 8ertain, b.t as re1ards 3ther ,atters, s.8h as the 8ir8.,stan8es 3< the @.d1,ent, its -la8e and ti,e, the si1ns that are t3 ann3.n8e it, the 3< "hrist9s 1l3ry, the se-arati3n 3< and 3n ri1ht and le<t, and s3 <3rth, there 8an be n3 8ertainty, <3r :e are in the real, 3< sy,b3lis, and

St- Th):as inter-rets very br3adly the s8ri-t.ral te?ts re<errin1 t3 these ,atters, and in this :e 8ann3t d3 better than i,itate hi,. The @.d1,ent, he says, :ill taDe -la8e :enta**', s3 that %is(+ssi)n an% a((+sati)n a,e t) 5e +n%e,st))% in the ,anner e?-lained in "ha-ter II.

.;0 In=+i,' an% Ret,i5+ti)n

St- Th):as distin1.ishes t:3 as-e8ts 3< the @.d1,ent; = The in=+i,' ), %is(+ssi)n 3< ea8h ,an9s ,erits and de,erits> = And the ,et,i5+ti)n, :herein he is re:arded 3r -.nished. Men ,.st either be let int3 Heaven 3r De-t 3.t. At the @.d1,ent senten8e :ill be -assed .-3n all, a senten8e 3< salvati3n 3r da,nati3n. And t3 av3id all ,is.nderstandin1 it ,.st be .nderst33d that the senten8e 3< 83nde,nati3n is -assed .-3n all :h3 are sh.t 3.t <r3, Heaven, even th3.1h, es8a-in1 Hell, they be rele1ated t3 Li,b3. As <3r the Fin=+i,'"G th3se al3ne :ill have t3 .nder13 it :h3se lives are a ,i? 3< 133d and evil ne8essitatin1 the dis8.ssi3n 3< their ,erits and de,erits. B.t this dis8.ssi3n :ill n3t, 3< 83.rse, raise any 3r G.esti3n ab3.t anythin1. t. Th3,as says; AThe dis8.ssi3n 3< the ,erits 3< the blessed :ill n3t destr3y the 8ertainty 3< ha--iness in the hearts 3< th3se :h3 are t3 be @.d1ed, b.t :ill ,aDe it evident t3 all that in the, 133d has tri.,-hed 3ver evil, and :ill th.s vindi8ate G3d9s @.sti8e.B 6Suppl. G. E4, art. C, ad. 27. i,ilarly; Aalth3.1h th3se :h3 die in ,3rtal sin are 8ertainly da,ned, yet, sin8e they have s3,e 133d :3rDs ,in1led :ith their sins, the dis8.ssi3n 3< their ,erits is ne8essary <3r the ,ani<estati3n 3< divine @.sti8e, and t3 sh3: that they are @.stly sh.t 3.t <r3, the 8ity 3< the saintsB 6ibid., art. (, ad. #7. )e ,ay ,aDe s3,e ()n(,ete a&&*i(ati)ns 3< this -rin8i-le. /- Fi,st*' in3ants :h3 have died be<3re 83,in1 t3 the .se 3< reas3n :ill n3t have t3 .nder13 the @.d1,ent 3< inG.iry. They :ill, 3< 83.rse, be -resent at the @.d1,ent, b.t the senten8e -assed .-3n the, :ill relate s3lely t3 their eternal destiny, and th.s :ill bel3n1 t3 the @.d1,ent 3< retrib.ti3n. St- Th):as, it is tr.e, says that A8hildren :h3 die be<3re the a1e 3< reas3n :ill als3 a--ear be<3re G3d9s trib.nal, n3t t3 be @.d1ed, b.t in 3rder t3 see the @.d1e9s 1l3ryB 6ibid., art. ', ad. $7, b.t there is n3 that t. Th3,as in8l.des these 8hildren a,3n1 th3se :h3 :ill have t3 .nder13 the @.d1,ent 3< retrib.ti3n. Th.s in his Commentarium in $$ Epist. ad Corinth, 8.v. le8ti3 #, he says; AIn<ants :ill n3t be @.d1ed 83n8ernin1 the thin1s they have the,selves d3ne in this li<e, b.t 83n8ernin1 the thin1s they have d3ne thr3.1h 3thers, as, <3r e?a,-le, :hether, thr3.1h 3thers, they :ere "hristians 3r in<idels, ba-tised 3r .nba-tised> 3r a1ain, it ,i1ht be said that they :ill be 83nde,ned 3n a883.nt 3< the sin 83,,itted by 3.r <irst <ather.B 1- Se()n%*', t. Th3,as see,s t3 e? a%+*t in3i%e*s <r3, the @.d1,ent 3< dis8.ssi3n> they A:ill be 83nde,ned as ene,ies :h3 are e?ter,inated :ith3.t any dis8.ssi3n 3< their ,eritsB 6art. (7. i,ilarly :ith the blessed :h3se deeds -resent n3 ad,i? 3< 133d and evil; Athere :ill be n3 dis8.ssi3n 3< their ,erits, they :ill be saved :ith3.t bein1 @.d1edB 6art. C7. Hen8e the 3nly 3nes t3 .nder13 @.d1,ent :ill be th3se a,3n1 the <aith<.l :h3se lives have been sin<.l 3r i,-er<e8t. In the 8ase 3< all 3thers the @.d1,ent :ill be 3ne 3< retrib.ti3n 3nly. ;- Thi,%*', this tea8hin1 :hi8h, at <irst si1ht, ,i1ht see, <3rei1n t3 the 3rdinary d38trine 3< the "h.r8h, is the ()::)n tea(hing )3 the :e%iae?a* %)(t),s , and re-resents that 3< ,any 3< the Latin Fathe,s. A t33 literal inter-retati3n 3< t. /3hn $;E, AHe that d3th n3t believe is already @.d1ed,B and 3< 0sal, #;', AThe :i8Ded shall n3t rise a1ain in @.d1,ent,B led these 5athers t3 set .- t4) (*asses 3< the da,ned, the 3aith3+* :h3 are t3 be @.d1ed and the +n5e*ie?e,s :h3se @.d1,ent has already taDen -la8e. And sin8e :hat is tr.e 3< the l3st ,.st a--ly als3 t3 the saved, they divided the *atte, als3 int3 t4) (*asses;

= The <irst, 3< th3se :h3se deeds :ill have t3 be investi1ated and s.b,itted t3 @.d1,ent> = The se83nd 83ntainin1 th3se :h3se san8tity is s3 ,ani<est as t3 ad,it 3< n3 dis8.ssi3n. St- G,eg),', :h3se in<l.en8e .-3n the es8hat3l31y 3< the Latin 8h.r8h :as de8isive, th.s s.,s .- the 83,,3n tea8hin1 3< his ti,e; A 3,e are @.d1ed and -erish, 3thers are n3t @.d1ed, yet -erish liDe:ise> s3,e are @.d1ed and rei1n in 1l3ry, 3thers are n3t @.d1ed, b.t share in the sa,e 1l3ryB &Moralia, b. 2C, 8h. 2(, n3. '7. It is t3 be n3ted, h3:ever, that this tea8hin1 3< the 5athers has a :h3lly :),a* signi3i(an(e. Und3.btedly, they inter-ret the -sal,ist9s :3rds t33 narr3:ly, b.t, <r3, the :),a* -3int 3< vie:, it is -r3<3.ndly tr.e that the :i8Ded, .nbelievers es-e8ially, :ill be in8a-able 3< <a8in1 G3d9s @.d1,ent> they have already delivered, and :ith3.t any ,iti1ati3n bein1 -3ssible, their 3:n senten8e 3< 83nde,nati3n> @.d1,ent has already been held .-3n the,; 1am 1udicatus est. And, 3n the 3ther hand, the :h3 have al:ays been l3yal t3 /es.s, :h3 have al:ays lived the -er<e8t li<e 3< <aith, are already saved in advan8e, and n3 8an be entertained 3< their ad,issi3n int3 Heaven. .8h is the ,3ral si1ni<i8ati3n 3< the distin8ti3n established by the 5athers and e8h3ed by the 8h3lasti8s in the -hrases A@.d1,ent 3< inG.iryB and A@.d1,ent 3< retrib.ti3n.B B.t a-art <r3, this, it is still tr.e that every ,an :ill be @.d1ed and :ill have t3 ans:er <3r his :3rDs. As S+a,e6 6:h3se treat,ent 3< the :h3le G.esti3n 3< the @.d1,ent is ,asterly7 :ell says, :hy -3st.late a dis8.ssi3n 3< the ,erits and de,erits 3< believers, and deny it in the 8ase 3< .n = believersH The sins that are the 3< their da,nati3n ,.st be ,ade ,ani<est, as :ell as th3se 3< believers. t. 0a.l9s :3rds, A<3r :e ,.st all be ,ani<ested be<3re the @.d1,ent=seat 3< "hrist, that every3ne ,ay re8eive the -r3-er thin1s 3< the b3dy, a883rdin1 as he hath d3ne, :hether it be 133d 3r evilB 62 "3r. ';#%7 are tr.e 3< all :ith3.t e?8e-ti3n. On the 3ther hand :here 8an be <3.nd the ,an :h3 is :ith3.t sinH A-art <r3, the s-e8ially -rivile1ed 8ase ,enti3ned by the 83.n8il 3< Trent &De 1ustificatione, 8an. 2$7, :h3 is there :h3 8an <latter hi,sel< that he has av3ided all venial sin d.rin1 li<e and that, there<3re, he has b.ilt .-3n the <3.ndati3n 3< <aith an edi<i8e 3< 13ld, silver and -re8i3.s st3nes al3ne, :ith3.t any ad,i? 3< :33d, stra: and st.bbleH t. Th3,as, it is tr.e, h3lds t3 be e?e,-t <r3, the @.d1,ent 3< inG.iry 8ertain 3< the blessed :h3, by a very -er<e8t li<e 1iven :h3lly t3 thin1s, have been ,ade :3rthy t3 sit by the side 3< /es.s "hrist and t3 have a -art in the 1ivin1 3< the @.d1,ent senten8e. These are the A-3stles t3 :h3, it :as said; A*3. shall sit .-3n t:elve seats @.d1in1 the t:elve tribes 3< IsraelB 6Matt. #4;2E7. These are als3 th3se :h3 have des-ised :3rldly thin1s in 3rder t3 seeD the 3nly tr.e 133ds 3< the s-irit, and es-e8ially the -33r in s-irit, :h3 have been -r3,ised the Din1d3, 3< Heaven 6Matt. ';$7. .8h is St- Th):as9s 3-ini3n in the Supplementum G. E4, art. and 2. B.t it is 8lear that, i< the inG.iry ,eans 3nly an e?a,inati3n and :ei1hin1 3< ,en9s :3rDs, 133d and bad, then all th3se saints :h3 have ever 83,,itted a venial sin :ill have t3 s.b,it t3 the @.d1,ent 3< enG.iry. B.t the investi1ati3n :ill be b.t sli1ht 83,-ared :ith that t3 be .nder13ne by th3se :h3 have 83,= ,itted ,3rtal sins and 1reat 8ri,es. &Suare= $n. $$$. St. Thomae. dis-. '(, se8t. '=(7. The @.d1,ent 3< the saints bein1, there<3re, 3< b.t little i,-3rtan8e, ,ay be 83nsidered as n3n=e?istent. B- F)+,th*', the G.ali<ied :ay in :hi8h t. Th3,as s-eaDs 3< the @.d1,ent 3< in<ants, sh3:s that it 8an be 8alled a retrib.tive @.d1,ent 3nly anal31i8ally. 53r Heaven is n3t 1iven t3 ba-tised in<ants as a re%ard, b.t as their inhe,itan(e> and si,ilarly, the :ithh3ldin1 3< the beati<i8 visi3n <r3, .nba-tised in<ants has n3t a really -enal 3r a<<li8tive 8hara8ter. Rather is it the 83nseG.en8e d.e t3 <allen, as 8elestial ha--iness is the d.e t3 the state 3< rest3red Hen8e t. Th3,as hesitates t3 s-eaD 3< in<ants bein1 @.d1ed and says that they :ill a--ear be<3re the @.d1,ent=seat in 3rder t3 beh3ld the @.d1e in 1l3ry. )e have n3: t3 sh3: h3: the,e is n)thing )3 a &ena* nat+,e in the denial 3< the beati<i8 visi3n t3 in<ants :h3 die .nba-tised and t3 3thers :h3 ,.st be 8lassed :ith the,. U

I Catholic doctrine! II- +ufferings of ,imbo! III- -ho go to ,imbo# disputed points! ./0 .irtuous pagans% .10 Duration of ,imbo!

The G3s-els see, to e*clude any ,iddle state in the ne?t :3rld, bet:een Heaven and 0.r1at3ry 3n the 3ne hand, and Hell 3n the 3ther. B.t it is easy t3 see that the d31,ati8 -assa1es 83n8ernin1 the < li<e, have als3 an .ndeniable :),a* ()nn)tati)n. They re<er 3nly t3 the < state 3< ,en 8a-able 3< ,3ral a8ti3n and able t3 8h33se bet:een 133d and evil. They d3 n3t treat 3< .nba-tiJed 8hildren, in8a-able 3< 83,,ittin1 sin, 3r 3< th3se ad.lts :h3 ,.st be 8lassed :ith 8hildren. That S(,i&t+,e is silent as t3 the < destiny 3< th3se :h3, the3l31y 83nsi1ns t3 Li,b3 need n3t ast3nish .s. Li,b3 is ,enti3ned, .nder the na,e 3< FA5,aha:9s 5)s):"G 3nly as the d:ellin1=-la8e 3< the :h3 died 5e3),e the 83,in1 3< "hrist, b.t as <ar as +n5a&ti6e% in3ants are 83n8erned, the 3nly s8ri-t.ral @.sti<i8ati3n <3r Li,b3 is the 1eneral tea8hin1 as t3 G3d9s eternal @.sti8e. It is then t3 T,a%iti)n that :e ,.st a--eal <3r the d31,ati8 devel3-,ent 3< this -rin8i-le 3< divine @.sti8e int3 the asserti3n that there is a < state :hi8h is neither that 3< the blessed in Heaven, n3r that 3< the da,ned t3r,ented in Hell. S):e )3 the G,ee7 Fathe,s 3< the <3.rth 8ent.ry, n3tably St- G,eg),' )3 Na6ian# 6+: an% St- G,eg),' )3 N'ssa, hint at s.8h a state. A,3n1 the Latins Fathe,s, St- A+g+stine 8learly ad,itted it <3r .nba-tiJed in<ants, be<3re the rise 3< "ela ianism, b.t 3:in1 t3 the e?i1en8ies 3< 83ntr3versy, he a<ter:ards :as led t3 -3st.late the e?isten8e 3< s3,e li1ht, b.t -3sitive -.nish,ent <3r .nba-tiJed in<ants, in 3rder t3 sa<e1.ard the d38trine 3< the 5all. And the X!I C)+n(i* )3 Ca,thage -r3,.l1ated the ri13r3.s d38trine that 8hildren dyin1 :ith3.t ba-tis, :ill <ind n3 -la8e 3< salvati3n and rest, even 3.tside 3< the Din1d3, 3< Heaven. B.t it is t3 be 3bserved that :hat t. A.1.stine and the 83.n8il 83nde,ned :as the Pe*agian ()n(e&ti)n )3 a :i%%*e state, :hi8h i,-lied that in<ants :ere e?e,-t <r3, 3ri1inal sin and <r3, the -.nish,ent d.e t3 it> a :h3lly heretical idea, denyin1 the ne8essity 3< ba-tis, <3r eternal li<e. A<ter:ards, alth3.1h the traditi3nal tea8hin1, that .nba-tiJed in<ants are e<e:&t 3,): neithe, g+i*t n), &ena*t', :as 83nsistently .-held, it 8a,e t3 be re831niJed that they 83.ld n3t be 8lassed :ith ad.lts 1.ilty 3< sins. The3l31ians asDed the,selves :hat the 83nseG.en8es 3< 3ri1inal sin :3.ld be in the ne?t :3rld, havin1 re1ard t3 the 8lai,s 3< G)%9s >+sti(e. P)&e Inn)(ent III, :ritin1 t3 the ar8hbish3- 3< Arles 65ran8e7, laid it d3:n that sin :ill be -.nished by the t3r,ents 3< Hell, b.t that the &ena*t' )3 ),igina* sin 4i** 5e :e,e*' the %e&,i?ati)n )3 the 5eati3i( ?isi)n. St- Th):as, startin1 <r3, the -rin8i-le that there ,.st be an e<a(t &,)&),ti)n bet:een the 3< the sin and its -.nish,ent, dra:s the l31i8al 83n8l.si3n <r3, his 83n8e-ti3n 3<

3ri1inal sin by tea8hin1 that <3r in<ants dyin1 .nba-tiJed there :ill be a s&e(ia* &*a(e in the ne?t :3rld, :here they :ill n3t en@3y eternal li<e in .ni3n :ith G3d seen <a8e t3 <a8e. B.t, he adds, they :ill .nder13 n) &)siti?e &+nish:ent and :ill be .nited :ith G3d in s3 <ar as they :ill en@3y their share 3< nat+,a* &)ssessi)ns. P)&e J)hn XXII in his letter <e3ua3uam sine dolore 6#$2#7 t3 the Ar,enians ,aDes e?-li8it ,enti3n 3< the Fs&e(ia* &*a(eG <3r stained :ith 3ri1inal sin al3ne. B.t :e have t3 :ait .ntil the end 3< the PVIII 8ent.ry <3r the <irst de8larati3n 3< the e?isten8e 3< Li:5) in any d38.,ent e,anatin1 <r3,e((*esiasti(a* a+th),it'. The /ansenist s'n)% )3 Pist)ia had said that belie< in Li,b3 :as Aa 0ela1ian <able.B This 1ave P)&e Pi+s !I the 3--3rt.nity 3< e?-3.ndin1 8learly the ,ind 3< the "h.r8h as t3 th3se :h3 die in a state 3< 3ri1inal sin only. He de8lares t3 be; AFa*se" te:e,a,i)+s" an% ins+*ting t) Cath)*i( the)*)g' the -r3-3siti3n :hi8h re@e8ts as a 0ela1ian <able that -art 3< Hell, 83,,3nly Dn3:n as the Li,b3 3< in<ants, in :hi8h the 3< th3se dyin1 in 3ri1inal sin 3nly are -.nished by the -ain 3< l3ss, :ith3.t the -ain 3< <ire, and :hi8h re1ards this tea8hin1 as a re-etiti3n 3< the 0ela1ian err3r that there is a ,iddle state and -la8e bet:een the Din1d3, 3< Heaven and eternal da,nati3n.B Hen8e :e ,.st that belie< in Li,b3 is an ),th)%)< 5e*ie3, the 8ertainty 3< :hi8h is s.<<i8iently 1.aranteed by the n3: +nani:)+s ag,ee:ent )3 the)*)gians. 3 :e <ind that the the3l31ians at the NFi,stO !ati(an C)+n(i* had -re-ared a d31,ati8 -r3n3.n8e,ent 3n the -enalty d.e t3 3ri1inal sin al3ne; AAll th3se :h3 die in a state 3< ,3rtal sin are sh.t 3.t <r3, the Din1d3, 3< G3d and :ill s.<<er eternally the t3r,ents 3< Hell, :ith3.t h3-e 3< rede,-ti3n, and even th3se :h3 die in 3ri1inal sin al3ne :ill be de-rived 3< the beati<i8 visi3n 3< G3d.B This, th3.1h n3t an e?-li8it a<<ir,ati3n 3< the d38trine 3< Li,b3, lays d3:n the d31,ati8 -rin8i-le :hen8e that d38trine ne8essarily <3ll3:s, and it ,.st, there<3re, be re1arded as the)*)gi(a**' (e,tain.


The3l31i8al s-e8.lati3n 83n8ernin1 the s.<<erin1s 3< the in Li,b3 is divided int3 t4) 8.rrents 3< 3-ini3n, re-resented by St- A+g+stine an% St- Th):as. /- A883rdin1 t3 St- A+g+stine, as :e have seen, .nba-tiJed in<ants are n3t 3nly de-rived 3< the beati<i8 visi3n, b.t have t3 .nder13 a positi#e, th3.1h very li1ht, punishment. It has been asserted that this d38trine is i,-lied in the -r3<essi3n 3< <aith 3< Mi8hael 0ale3l31.s, at the II "3.n8il 3< Ly3ns 6#2C(7 and in the de8ree 3< the "3.n8il 3< 5l3ren8e, :hi8h re-eats the <3r,.la 3< Ly3ns; AThe 3< th3se :h3 die in a state 3< ,3rtal sin, 3r a state 3< 3ri1inal sin al3ne, 13 d3:n at 3n8e int3 Hell, t3 s.<<er, h3:ever, dissi,ilar -.nish,ents, -3enis ta,en dis-arib.s -.niendas.B B.t there is n)thing really t3 @.sti<y the asserti3n. The :3rd Hell in the 83n8iliar de8ree is .sed :ith its #a ue and eneral ,eanin1 3< Athe l3:er re1i3ns,B :ith3.t any e?8l.sive re<eren8e t3 Hell -r3-erly s3 8alled. Als3 the -hrase A-3enis ta,en dis-arib.sB indi8ates a di<<eren8e 3< 7in% rather than 3< %eg,ee, s3 that the translati3n, A.neG.alB is less e?a8t than that n3: s.11ested, Adissi,ilar.B Nevertheless ,any e,inent the3l31ians, s.8h as 0etavi.s, t. R3bert Bellar,ine, Esti.s, and 3thers have .-held the A.1.stinian inter-retati3n 3< the de8ree. )e are 5' n) :eans b3.nd t3 a88e-t their vie:, es-e8ially as the de8ree ,ay be di<<erently rendered in a :ay G.ite in a1ree,ent :ith the 3-ini3n 3< t. Th3,as. 1- St Th):as h3lds, and ,3st ,3dern the3l31ians h3ld :ith hi,, that the -enalty 3< 3ri1inal sin is :e,e*' &,i?ati?e an% n)4ise a33*i(ti?e. It ,.st be 1ranted that .nba-tiJed in<ants :ill 7n)4 that they are de-rived 3< eternal li<e and 4h' they are de-rived 3< it, b.t 3n the 3ther hand, this 7n)4*e%ge 4i** n)t (a+se the: t) s+33e,-

In the Commentary on the +entences, t. Th3,as says that the de-rivati3n 3< the beati<i8 visi3n :ill n3t these in<ants t3 s.<<er, they :ill .nderstand that they -3ssess n) (a&a(it' 3), it. And in De $alo he e?-lains his reas3n ,3re e?a8tly; AThe 3< these in<ants :ill n3t la8D the nat.ral Dn3:led1e -r3-er t3 se-arated, a883rdin1 t3 their nat.ral e?i1en8y, b.t they :ill la8D the s.-ernat.ral Dn3:led1e :hi8h 83,es by <aith, <3r in this li<e they neither ,ade an a8t 3< <aith n3r re8eived the sa8ra,ent 3< <aith. N3: it is nat.ral <3r the s3.l t3 Dn3: that it is ,ade <3r ha--iness and that this 83nsists in the -3ssessi3n 3< the s3verei1n 133d. B.t that this s.-re,e 133d is -re8isely the 1l3ry en@3yed by the saints is s3,ethin1 s.r-assin1 nat.ral Dn3:led1e.... Hen8e the 3< these in<ants :ill n3t Dn3: that they are de-rived 3< s3 1reat a 133d, and 8ann3t there<3re s.<<er <r3, its l3ss.B 6G. ', art. $, and ad. #7 Bein1 in ign),an(e 3< their v38ati3n t3 the beati<i8 visi3n, its l3ss :ill the, n3 -ain. *et th3.1h they d3 n3t <eel it, the l3ss 3< the beati<i8 visi3n is, in its el<, a very 1reat -.nish,ent. Ca,%ina* Bi**)t, in s-eaDin1 3< the state 3< these 8hildren, says; AHen8e :e d3 n3t .se the :3rd 0beatitude.) It is tr.e that their 83nditi3n taDen and 83nsidered in itsel< is 3ne 3< ha--iness s.8h as :3.ld have been ,an9s herita1e i< he had been le<t in a ,erely nat.ral state, <3r, as t. Th3,as -.ts it, th3.1h 8.t 3<< <r3, a -arti8i-ati3n in G3d9s 1l3ry, they are n3t se-arated <r3, hi, as re1ards their -arti8i-ati3n in nat.ral -er<e8ti3ns. B.t ,an has been raised t3 the s.-ernat.ral state and destined <3r a s.-ernat.ral end and is the state 3< 6s.-ernat.ral7 -er<e8ti3n... B.t .nba-tiJed in<ants are in a state 3< 1.ilt, a <allen state, and have <ailed t3 rea8h the end :hi8h, in the 3rder 3< 0r3viden8e, they :ere ,eant t3 attain. The :3rd 0beatitude) then, 8ann3t be a--lied t3 the, in its -r3-er ,eanin1, and s3 :e say si,-ly, that their state is that 3< -ainless -3ssessi3n 3< their nat.ral -er<e8ti3nsB &Etudes,v3l. #C$, -. $27.



The),eti(a**' the ans:er t3 this G.esti3n is easy. All th3se 13 t3 Li,b3 :h3 die :ith 3ri1inal sin 3nly .-3n their B.t 4h) these a,e it is n3t s3 easy t3 deter,ine :ith a88.ra8y. T:3 -3ints are 8ertain; = Chi*%,en :h3 die :ith3.t ba-tis, 5e3),e ,ea(hing the age )3 ,eas)n are in a state 3< 3ri1inal sin al3ne. And :ith these ,.st be 8lassed th3se +n5a&ti6e% a%+*ts :h3, <r3, birth t3 death, have al:ays been really and t)ta**' insane. = B.t :hen :e 83,e t3 treat 3< a%+*ts :h3 have en@3yed the +se )3 ,eas)n, at least t3 a 8ertain e?tent, :e <ind 3.rselves in the re1i3n 3< the)*)gi(a* ()nt,)?e,s'. T:3 ,.8h dis8.ssed 3-ini3ns have been -.t <3r:ard. /- The 3i,st is the the3ry that ?i,t+)+s &agans g) t) Li:5). C*a+%e Se'sse*, ar8hbish3- 3< T.rin, str3n1ly .-held this 3-ini3n in the be1innin1 3< the PVI 8ent.ry, in his Trait sur la "ro#idence di#ine,:ritten .nder the in<l.en8e 3< the ideas ar3.sed by the re8ent dis83very 3< A,eri8a. He dis8ri,inates bet:een several 8lasses 3< in<idels. 3,e are n3t :h3lly e?8.sable, they d3 n3t d3 all they 8an t3 <ind 3.t the> they :ill be -.nished in -r3-3rti3n t3 their 1.ilt, b.t less severely than bad "hristians 3r the ene,ies 3< "hrist. B.t in th3se -la8es t3 :hi8h the tr.ths 3< "hristianity have n3t been able t3 -enetrate, and :here there<3re, <aith, :hi8h is the <irst ste- t3:ards salvati3n, is i,-3ssible, :e ,ay ad,it the e?isten8e 3< .nbelievers :h3, <3ll3:in1 the li1ht 3< reas3n, re831niJe and ad3re G3d, "reat3r and L3rd, :h3 -ra8tise the -re8e-ts 3< the ,3ral la: en1raved 3n ,en9s hearts, and :h3, i< they sin, re-ent 3< their sins. A,3n1 these +n5e*ie?e,s eyssel distin1.ishes t4) (*asses. There are th)se :h3 d3 their .t,3st t3 <ind and 83,e t3 a Dn3:led1e 3< G3d, and they :ill 8ertainly be 8alled by 1ra8e and be enabled t3 save their B.t )the,s, th3.1h <3ll3:in1 the li1ht 3< reas3n in the d3in1 3< their nat.ral d.ties, are not so =ealous in their e<<3rts t3 dis83ver the> and these, sin8e G3d 8an neither ad,it the, int3 Heaven n3r send the, t3 Hell, :ill 13 t3 a ,iddle -la8e, Li,b3.

There they :ill en@3y <3rever a natural happiness, 1reater than that 3< earth, th3.1h l3:er than that 3< the blessed in Heaven. This the),' is +na((e&ta5*e it i,-lies :hat is 3a*se an% ()nt,a%i(t),'. It is 3a*se t3 s.--3se that any 8lass 3< ,en 8an Dee- the -re8e-ts 3< the nat.ral la: 3r re-ent 3< their sins 4ith)+t s+&e,nat+,a* he*&, :hi8h, by the very <a8t 3< bein1 s.-ernat.ral, dire8ts the s3.l t3:ards a s.-ernat.ral end. It is ()nt,a%i(t),' t3 distin1.ish t:3 8lasses 3< #irtuous .nbelievers; th3se :h3, d3in1 their best, <ind the, and th3se :h3, d3in1 less than their best, yet Dee- the ,3ral la:, b.t Dn3: n3t G3d. 53r the,e is, in e<<e8t, n) :),a* *a4 4ith)+t a 7n)4*e%ge )3 G)% , the La:= 1iver. Nevertheless the leadin1 ideas 3< this the3ry have been re-eated .nder di<<erent <3r,s d.rin1 the PVIII and PIP 8ent.ries. The AbbS de Malleville, M1r. de 0ressy, M1r. D.v3isin, M.JJarelli, 5raysin3.s, Ber1ier and 3thers held that virt.3.s -a1ans :ill en@3y a nat.ral ha--iness in Li,b3. The the3ry is -.t <3r:ard in Mi1ne9s 4e#ision des Dmonstrations E#an li3ues 6T. PVIII, 83l. 44(7, in the Catchisme du concile de Trente ann)tate% by the AbbS D3ney, in the Trait de l)9ri ine et de la 4paration du mal by the AbbS A8t3rie, and in the Mlan es 3< Bal,es. E8h3es 3< it are t3 be <3.nd in the :3rDs 3< the AbbS Martinet, the AbbS M3i1n3, and even 3< de Br31lie. 3 that the thesis ,aintained by AUn 0r3<esse.r de ThS3l31ieB in the A 8ien8e et Reli1i3nB series, <ar <r3, bein1 a n3velty, is b.t the re=asserti3n 3< a <3.r h.ndred years 3ld the3ry :hi8h, as it stands, (ann)t 5e a((e&te%. 1- The the3ry re8ently -r3-3.nded by Ca,%ina* Bi**)t in a series 3< arti8les 3n the "ro#idence de Dieu in the Etudes is 3< a very di<<erent 8hara8ter. The e,inent the3l31ian asDs :hether Ain additi3n t3 .nba-tiJed in<ants, :e ,.st n3t a -erha-s 1reat n.,ber 3< .nbelievers..., that is, in years, in -hysi8al devel3-,ent, and even, i< y3. liDe, in ,ind as <ar as the .nderstandin1 3< te,-3ral thin1s is 83n8erned, th3.1h n3t as re1ards the hi1her reas3n, and as re1ards a:areness t3 the di8tates 3< 83ns8ien8e.B These -hysi8al 3r ,aterial ad.lts are la8Din1 in the hi1her <a8.lty 3< reas3n, that <a8.lty :hi8h deals :ith thin1s divine, trans8endental and eternal, es-e8ially :ith G3d and his la: as the bindin1 r.le 3< h.,an 83nd.8t. .8h ad.lts are n3t idi3ts, b.t their ,inds are al:ays abs3rbed in -.rely earthly thin1s and 8ann3t rise t3 the 83nsiderati3n 3< G3d and the tr.e 133d. Hen8e they are n3t ad.lts in the <3r,al and the3l31i8al ,eanin1 3< the :3rld. May there n3t be a lar1e n.,ber 3< s.8h ,en, ad.lts in a1e b.t n3t in ,ind 3r 83ns8ien8e, :h3 are G.ite in8a-able 3< 83,,ittin1 <3r,al sin, and :h3, there<3re, 8ann3t -3ssibly be 83nde,ned t3 the t3r,ents 3< HellH "ardinal Bill3t lays it d3:n that, <3r the ,ass 3< ,anDind, the 3nly ,eans 3< 83,in1 t3 a de<inite Dn3:led1e 3< G3d as the "reat3r 3< the :3rld, and 3< the ,3ral la:, is instr.8ti3n. B.t instr.8ti3n, th3.1h nat.ral -r3visi3n and -re-arati3n <3r it have been ,ade, ,ay be la8Din1 3:in1 t3 the .se 3r , 3< h.,an <reed3,. Instr.8ti3n in divine ,ay have disa--eared <r3, 8ertain -arts 3< the :3rld 3:in1 t3 ,an9s <, and s3 -aved the :ay <3r invin8ible i1n3ran8e, :hi8h relieves ,an 3< res-3nsibility. The di<<eren8e bet:een this the3ry and eyssel9s is 8lear. The latter 83nsi1ns t3 Li,b3 <3r,al ad.lts, that is, th3se :h3 are , in ,ind as :ell as years, and even th3se :h3, a883rdin1 t3 "ath3li8 -rin8i-les are G.ite able t3 dire8t their lives t3:ards G3d and s.-ernat.ral ha--iness. "ardinal Bill3t, <aith<.l t3 the -rin8i-les 3< traditi3n and t. Th3,as, all3:s t3 <3r,al ad.lts 3nly the alternatives 3< Heaven 3r Hell. B.t in additi3n t3 these, ad.lts in the <3r,al and the3l31i8al sense, he re831niJes a :h3le 8lass 3< ,erely -hysi8al 3r ,aterial ad.lts, :h3se hi1her reas3n is n3t s.<<i8iently devel3-ed t3 1ive the, real ,3ral res-3nsibility. They are inn38ents, :ith a :h3lly ne1ative inn38en8e, and n3t <3r,ally and the3l31i8ally ad.lts. Hen8e the tea8hin1 3< the 5athers and the3l31ians relative t3 ad.lts is n3t a--li8able t3 the,. It :3.ld be hard t3 83ntest the validity 3< the -rin8i-le 3n :hi8h this the3ry is based. B.t 3n the G.esti3n 3< <a8t there ,ay :ell be di<<eren8es 3< 3-ini3n. D3es there really e?ist s.8h a 8lass 3< -hysi8al ad.lts, :h3 3< their invin8ible i1n3ran8e 3< the tr.e, livin1 G3d, 8ann3t be 8alled ad.lts in ,ind and 83ns8ien8eH 5r3, the e,inent 8ardinal9s -rin8i-les, A-rin8i-les sh3:n t3 be tr.e by the 8learest eviden8e 3< 83nstant and .niversal e?-erien8e,B it

<3ll3:s, he de8lares, that Athe hy-3thesis 3< :h3le ,asses 3< ,en :all3:in1 in invin8ible i1n3ran8e 3< G3d9s la: and 83,,and,ents, 3:in1 t3 the abs3l.te la8D 3< tea8hin1 and the 83ntrary in<l.en8e 3< -a1an ed.8ati3n, is by n3 ,eans i,-r3bable in itsel<, and 8ann3t a priori be l33Ded .-3n as rash 3r inad,issible.B There is, h3:ever, 3ne seri3.s 3b@e8ti3n that "ardinal Bill3t d3es n3t deal :ith, that 3< the .niversality 3< G3d9s 8all t3 salvati3n. D3es G3d 1ive 3r d3es he n3t 1ive t3 ea8h and all 3< th3se able t3 83rres-3nd, 1ra8e s.<<i8ient <3r salvati3nH )e Dn3: that ,any ,3dern the3l31ians h3ld that G3d n3t 3nly -re-ares 1ra8es s.<<i8ient t3 the salvati3n 3< all ,en and 3< every, b.t that he 1ives these 1ra8es t3 ea8h and all. The <irst -art 3< this asserti3n is a ,atter 3< <aith, 3< the .niversality 3< G3d9s :ill t3 save all ,en, and 3< "hrist9s rede,-tive death <3r all> b.t the3l31ians are n3t .nani,3.s 3n the se83nd hal< 3< the -r3-3siti3n. The 1ivin1 3< s.<<i8ient 1ra8e de-ends 3n ,any besides G3d9s savin1 :ill and "hrist9s rede,-tive death. And Ca,%ina* Bi**)t9s ans:er t3 the 3b@e8ti3n br3.1ht a1ainst hi, :3.ld, n3, be 8ast in the ,3.ld 3< :hat he has :ritten in his treatise De Deo Cno ab3.t the <ate 3< .nba-tiJed in<ants; AG3d is -re-ared t3 1ive t3 all and ea8h s.<<i8ient ,eans 3< salvati3n> he 1ives s.8h ,eans .nless -revented by s3,e 3bsta8le arisin1 <r3, the e?er8ise 3< ,an9s <ree :ill, 3r <r3, the 83.rse 3< nat.ral events.B In the 8ase 3< ,aterial ad.lts the 3bsta8le t3 the 1ivin1 3< 1ra8e s.<<i8ient <3r salvati3n arises <r3, the e?er8ise 3< h.,an liberty, thr3.1h <3r,er 1enerati3ns <3r1et<.lness 3< -ri,itive revelati3n. )hatever :e ,ay h3ld as t3 this, it is 8ertain that they :h3 13 t3 Li,b3 :ill stay there <3r eternity. Cath)*i( t,a%iti)n is +nani:)+s in e?8l.din1 the, de<initely <r3, Heaven. In <a8t the 83ntin.ity 3< the "h.r8h9s tea8hin1 3n Li,b3, in s-ite 3< a <.ller .nderstandin1 3< the -enalty d.e t3 3ri1inal sin, is en1ra<ted .-3n this traditi3n 3< de<inite e?8l.si3n <r3, Heaven. )e ,.st there<3re re@e8t, as 8ertainly e,,)ne)+s, the the3ry -.t <3r:ard in a , 3< d31,ati8 the3l31y lately -.blished in Ger,any, that the 3< .nba-tiJed in<ants ,ay -3ssibly, in ti,e, 83,e t3 en@3y eternal, Ai< 133d ,en :3.ld b.t 3<<er .- <3r the, "hrist9s ,erits and their 3:n.B

"an it be said that the dead :h3 have been :i,a(+*)+s*' ,est),e% t) *i3e had rea8hed the end 3< their ti,e 3< -r3bati3nH The G.esti3n is 3< s3,e i,-3rtan8e, as an affirmati#e ans:er :3.ld, t3 a 1reat e?tent, :eaDen the :h3le basis 3< 3.r ar1.,ent thr3.1h3.t this treatise, the -rin8i-le 3< the s3.l9s <i?ati3n in 133d 3r evil i,,ediately a<ter death. A brie< e?a,inati3n is, there<3re, ne8essary. 5irst 3< all, the 3a(t 3< 8ertain ,ira8.l3.s res.rre8ti3ns 8ann3t be denied. There is n3 G.esti3n here 3< th3se le ends 3< havin1 been <reed <r3, Hell. B.t the Bi5*e 1ives .s several e?a,-les, es-e8ially in the Ne4 Testa:ent, 3< the dead bein1 raised t3 li<e, and the divine ins-irati3n 3< the 8ri-t.res is s.<<i8ient 1.arantee 3< the 3< these re83rds. It is a ,atter 3< b.t little ,3,ent :hether the -ers3ns th.s raised had died in the state 3< 1ra8e 3r 3< ,3rtal sin. 53r all the sa,e G.esti3n arises; :as death the end 3< their state 3< -r3bati3n, and had they entered .-3n the state :herein the s3.l is i,,e?)(a5*' 3i<e% in 133d 3r evilH The the3l31ian ,.st ad,it that these 8ases are e<(e&ti)ns t) the gene,a* ,+*e established in 3.r <irst 8ha-ter. 5r3, all eternity G3d had <3reseen and <3re3rdained the re.ni3n 3< these :ith their b3dies> there<3re, at the ,3,ent 3< death the de<inite senten8e 3< @.d1,ent :as n3t -r3n3.n8ed, b.t he*% )?e,. AThese ,en :ere ad.lts in the <.ll e?er8ise 3< reas3n. There are then b.t t:3 alternatives> they died either in a state 3< 1ra8e, G3d9s <riends, 3r in a state 3< sin, his ene,ies. I< y3. 8h33se the se83nd alternative the ar1.,ent is ended, <3r here :e have sinners :h3se senten8e 3< 83nde,nati3n is s.s-ended, s3 that they 8an re=enter the state 3<

-r3bati3n and, d3in1 -enan8e, arrive at @.sti<i8ati3n. I< y3. -re<er the <3r,er alternative, then y3. ,.st ad,it that their <inal senten8e 8allin1 the, t3 their eternal re:ard had n3t been -r3n3.n8ed :hen the v3i8e 3< the :3rDer 3< the ,ira8le 8alled the, ba8D t3 li<e. B.t i< the verdi8t that beati<ies 8an be s.s-ended :hy n3t the senten8e 3< 83nde,nati3nH )hen :e re,e,ber that K,er8y e?alteth itsel< ab3ve @.d1,ent9 6/a,es 2;#$7, the ,3re :3nder<.l thin1 is n3t that G3d sh3.ld brin1 ba8D a sinner t3 the li<e 3< -r3ba ti3n in 3rder t3 save hi,, b.t rather that he sh3.ld -3st-3ne the senten8e that in the 3rdinary :ay sh3.ld <3ll3: i,,ediately .-3n death, and ,aDe the ,an .n8han1eably <i?ed in his state 3< 1ra8eB 6Terrien, 6a M>re des ;ommes, T. II, --. $'4=$C%7. The <.rther G.esti3n ,ay be asDed, :hat :as the state 3< these &en%ing thei, ,es+,,e(ti)nH 5r. Terrien; AIn s3 a ,atter it see,s ,3st liDely that these, d.rin1 the sh3rt ti,e 3< se-arati3n <r3, their b3dies, :ere %e?)i% )3 a** ()ns(i)+sness .ntil rest3red t3 their <3r,er state. Hen8e their 83,-lete la8D 3< Dn3:led1e as t3 anythin1 that t33D -la8e d.rin1 the -eri3d 3< se-arati3n. I a, G.ite a:are that several an8ient re83rds tell .s 3< :3nder<.l visi3ns 83n8ernin1 3ther=:3rldly thin1s v3.8hsa<ed t3 8ertain These are is3lated 8ases 3< :hi8h it is n3t <3r ,e t3 @.d1e> b.t in any 8ase :e 8ann3t re1ard as a.thenti8 any visi3ns :hi8h i,-ly the e?er8ise 3< 3r1ani8 <a8.lties, <3r a dise,b3died s3.l has n3 3ther ,3de 3< 831niti3n b.t that -r3-er t3 s-irits.B 6-. $C#7

Hen8e :e ,ay that these dise,b3died :ere 1iven in3+se% 7n)4*e%ge, and 83nseG.ently as, .-3n re.ni3n :ith their b3dies, they :3.ld be .nable t3 linD .- these in<.sed ideas :ith the -er8e-tive 831niti3n -r3-er t3 this li<e, they :3.ld be .nable t3 re,e,ber :hat they had learned in the 3ther :3rld.
H3:ever these ,ira8.l3.s res.rre8ti3ns a<<3rd n3 seri3.s 1r3.nd <3r dis-.tin1 the -sy8h3l31i8al la: 3< the i::+ta5i*it' 3< the s3.l that has really rea8hed the state 3< <inality

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