Annual Lesson Plan Mathematics Form 3-2009 - Print 9

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TEACHER ADVANCE LEVEL (A) BASIC LEVEL (C) WEEK Week 1,2 : PN ILLY FARHANA BINTI HAFANDI : : 3 KAA2 SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES a+ ,evision cha ter lines and angles "or* 1 )+ E- lanation c+ Do e-ercises in te-t )ook and work )ook d+ Do e-ercises in revision *od%le a+revision cha ter ol'gons "or* 1 )+ Sketching ol'gons c+ do e-ercises in te-t )ook and work )ook c+ rein"orce*ent e-ercises in revision *od%le QUANTITY LEVEL NOTES

CONTENTS 1.LINES AND ANGLES II 1.1 Angles associated with Transversal and arallel lines 1.2 !ro erties o" angles 1.# $al%es o" angles 1.& Identi"'ing arallel lines 1.( Solving ro)le*s 2. !1L2G1NS II 2.1 ,eg%lar ol'gons a+ Identi"'ing reg%lar ol'gons )+ A-es o" s'**etr' c+ Sketching reg%lar ol'gons d+ 0onstr%cting reg%lar ol'gons 2.2 Angles o" !ol'gons a+ Interior and e-terior angles )+ The s%* o" interior angles c+ The s%* o" e-terior angles d+ Angles and sides o" reg%lar ol'gons #.0I,0LES II #.1 S'**etr' o" circles #.2 !ro erties o" angles in circles #.# 0'clic /%adrilaterals &.STATISTI0S II &.1 !ie 0hart a+Inter reting ie chart )+0onstr%cting ie chart c+Solving ro)le*s d+0hoosing s%ita)le re resentation o" data &.2 7eas%re o" a+7ode )+7ode "ro* gra hic re resentations o" data c+7edian d+7ean e+Solving ro)le*s ( INDI0ES (.1 Indices (.2 7%lti lication involving inde- notations (.# Division involving inde- notations (.& ,aising the ower o" inde- notations (.( Negative indices (.3 8ractional indices 0o* %tations involving laws o" indices

#. /%estions 2. /%estions 1( /%estions

A 0 A,0

Week 2, #,&

#. /%estions 2. /%estions 1( /%estions

A 0 A,0

Week (, 3,4

a+giving s%ita)le e-a* les )+ do e-ercises in te-t )ook and work )ook c+ rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+de*onstration on how to draw ie charts )+ do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ rein"orce*ent e-ercises in revision *od%le given

#. /%estions 2( /%estions 2. /%estions #. /%estions 2( /%estions

A 0 A,0 A 0

Week 5,6

1( /%estions


Week 1.,11, 12

a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given

#. /%estions 2. /%estions

A 0

1( /%estions A,0

Week 1#, 1&

ALGE9,AI0 E:!,ESSI1NS III 3.1 E- ansion o" alge)raic e- ressions 3.2 8actori;ations 3.# Adding and s%)tracting alge)raic e- ressions 3.& 7%lti l'ing an dividing alge)raic e- ressions ALGE9,AI0 81,7<LAE 4.1 $aria)les and constants 4.2 8or*%lae

a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given

#. /%estions 2. /%estions

A 0

1( /%estions a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and revision *od%le a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given a+E- lanation. )+ Do e-ercises in work )ook and te-t )ook c+ do rein"orce*ent e-ercises in *od%le given #. /%estions 2. /%estions 1( /%estions #. /%estions 2. /%estions

A,0 A 0 A,0 A 0

Week 1(

Week 13,14

S1LID GE17ET,2 III 5.1 ,ight ris* and right circ%lar c'linder 5.2 ,ight 'ra*id and right circ%lar cone 5.# S here 5.& 0o* osite solids S0ALE D,AWINGS 6.1 Sketch sha es %sing grid a ers 6.2 Scales "or geo*etric sha es 6.# Scale drawings "or co* osite sha es 6.& ,edrawing sha es 6.( Solving ro)le*s

Week 15

1. /%estions #. /%estions

A,0 A 0 A,0

1. /%estions &. /%estions 2. /%estions 1( /%estions #. /%estions 2. /%estions 1. /%estions #. /%estions 2. /%estions 1( /%estions A 0 A,0 A 0 A,0 A 0 A,0

Week 16, 2.

1. T,ANS81,7ATI1NS 1..1Si*ilarit' 1..2Enlarge*ent

Week 21

11 LINEA, E=<ATI1NS II 11.1Linear e/%ations in two varia)les 11.2Si*%ltaneo%s linear e/%ations in two varia)les 12 LINEA, INE=<ALITIES 12.1Ine/%alities 12.2Linear ine/%alities 12.#1 erations involving linear ine/%alities 12.&Solving linear ine/%alities in one varia)le 12.( Si*%ltaneo%s linear ine/%alities in one varia)le 1# G,A!>S 18 8<N0TI1NS 1#.18%nctions 1#.2Gra hs o" "%nctions 1& ,ATI1S, ,ATES AND !,1!1,TI1NS II 1&.1,ates 1&.2S eed 1&.#Average s eed Acceleration 1( T,IG1N17ET,2 1(.1Trigono*etr' 1(.2Tangent 1(.#Sine 1(.&0osine

Week 22, 2#

Week 2& Week 2(

2( /%estions

A, 0

#. /%estions 2. /%estions 1. /%estions #. /%estions 2. /%estions 1. /%estions

A 0 A,0 A 0 A,0

Week 23, 24

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