Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
WEEK TOPIC / LEARNING AREAS 1. WHOLE NUMBERS 1.1 Numbers to 10 000 1.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names to 10 000. ii. Recognize numerals to 10 000. iii. Count up to 10 000 objects by grouping them in thousands, hundreds and tens. Read and !rite numbers to 10 000. i. "rite numerals to 10 000. ii. Read number !ords to 10 000. iii. "rite number !ords to 10 000. $no! !hat each digit in a number represents. i. Recognize the place %alue of numbers. 'nderstand and use the %ocabulary of comparing and arranging numbers or (uantities to 10 000. i. )rrange numbers to 10 000* a. count on and count bac+ in ones, b. count on and count bac+ in t!os, c. count on and count bac+ in fi%es, d. count on and count bac+ in tens, e. count on and count bac+ in hundreds, f. count on and count bac+ in thousands. ii. Compare t!o numbers and say !hich is more or less. iii. ,osition numbers in order on a number line. 'nderstand and use the %ocabulary of estimation and approximation. i. .stimate (uantities of objects up to 1 000. ii. Round !hole numbers less than 10 000 to the nearest 10. 'nderstand addition as combining t!o groups of objects. i. )dd up to three numbers !ithout regrouping in%ol%ing up to &/digit numbers. ii. )dd t!o numbers up to &/digit, !ith regrouping* iii. )dd three numbers up to &/digit, !ith regrouping* 'se and apply +no!ledge of addition in real life. i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing addition in real life situations 'nderstand subtraction as 0ta+e a!ay0 or 0difference0 bet!een t!o groups of objects. i. Subtract t!o numbers up to &/digit, !ithout regrouping. ii. Subtract t!o numbers up to &/digit, !ith regrouping* REMARKS
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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME iii. Subtract three numbers up to &/digit, !ithout regrouping. i%. Subtract three numbers up to &/digit, !ith regrouping. 'se and apply +no!ledge of subtraction in real life. i. Recognize subtraction as the in%erse of addition. ii. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing subtraction in real life situations. 'nderstand multiplication as repeated addition. i. Recognise multiplication as repeated addition. ii. "rite number sentences for multiplication. iii. 6uild up the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4 and 5. i%. 1ultiply t!o 1/digit numbers. $no! by heart the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4 and 5. i. Recall rapidly the multiplication facts of 2, 3, 4 and 5 time tables. 'se and apply +no!ledge of multiplication in real life. i. 7ind the un+no!n numbers in number sentences. ii. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing multiplication in real life situations. 'nderstand and use the operation of multiplication. i. 1ultiply /digit numbers by 1/digit numbers !ithout regrouping. ii. 1ultiply /digit numbers by 10. iii. 1ultiply /digit numbers by 1/digit numbers, !ith regrouping. i%. 1ultiply #/digit numbers by 1/digit numbers, !ithout regrouping. %. 1ultiply #/digit numbers by 1/digit numbers, !ith regrouping. %i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing multiplication in real life situations. 'nderstand di%ision as sharing e(ually or grouping. 9Corresponding to 2, 3, 4 and 5 times/tables: i. Recognize di%ision as sharing e(ually. ii. Recognize di%ision as grouping. iii. "rite number sentences for di%ision. i%. 8i%ide numbers !ithin the multiplication tables. 8eri%e (uic+ly di%ision facts of 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables. i. 8eri%e (uic+ly di%ision facts of 2, 3, 4 and 5 times/tables.
Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME 'se and apply +no!ledge of di%ision in real life. i. 7ine un+no!n numbers in number sentences. ii. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing di%ision in real life situations. 'nderstand and use the operation of di%ision. i. 8i%ide /digit numbers by 1/digit numbers !ithout remainders. ii. 8i%ide /digit numbers by 10 !ithout remainders. iii. 8i%ide /digit numbers by 1/digit numbers !ith remainders. i%. 8i%ide /digit numbers by 10 !ith remainders. %. 8i%ide #/digit numbers by 1/digit numbers !ithout remainders. %i. 8i%ide #/digit numbers by 1/digit numbers !ith remainders. %ii. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing di%ision in real life situations. 'nderstand and use %ocabulary related to fractions. i. Recognize one !hole, one half, one (uarter and three (uarters. ii. Say fractions, parts, one !hole, one half, one (uarter and three (uarters in context. iii. Read fraction, parts, one !hole, one half, one (uarter and three (uarters in context. 1 1 3 and i%. "rite , in context. 2 4 4 2 1 4 = and =1 . %. Recognise 4 2 4 %i. Recognise fractions as e(ual shares of a !hole set. 'nderstand and use the %ocabulary related to money. i. Represent the %alue of money in R1 and sen. ii. .xchange* a. coins up to R110< and b. notes up to R1100. iii. Con%ert ringgit to sen and %ice %ersa. 'se and apply +no!ledge of money in real life. i. )dd money up to R1100. ii. Subtract money up to R1100. iii. 1ultiply money to the highest product of R1100. i%. 8i%ide money !ith di%idend not more than R1100. %. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing money in real life situations. 'nderstand, read and !rite %ocabulary related to
Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME time. i. Read time to the half or (uarter hour on a cloc+. ii. "rite the time to the half and (uarter hour. iii. Read simple time tables. i%. Read calendars. 'nderstand the relationship bet!een units of time. i. 'se unit of time and +no! the relationship bet!een* a. minute and seconds< b. !ee+ and days< and c. year and months. ii. Con%ert !ee+s to days and %ice %ersa. )dd, subtract, multiply and di%ide units of time. i. )dd units of time in* a. hours< and b. minutes. ii. Subtract units of time in* a. hours< and b. minutes. iii. 1ultiply units of time in* a. hours< and b. minutes. i%. 8i%ide units of time in* a. hours< and b. minutes. 'se and apply +no!ledge of time in real life. i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing time in real life situations. 1easure and compare lengths using standard units. i. Read scales to the nearest di%ision. ii. 1easure and record lengths of objects using standard units. a. metres< and b. centimetres. iii. Compare the lengths of t!o objects using standard units. a. metres< and b. centimetres. i%. .stimate the lengths of the objects in* a. metres< and b. centimetres. 'nderstand the relationship bet!een units of length. i. $no! and use the relationship bet!een metres and centimetres.
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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME )dd units of length in* a. metres< and b. centimetres. ii. Subtract units of length in* a. metres< and b. centimetres. iii 1ultiply units of length in* a. metres< and b. centimetres. i%. 8i%ide units of length in* a. metres< and b. centimetres. 'se and apply +no!ledge of length in real life. i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing length in real life situations. 1easure and compare masses using standard units. i. Read scales to the nearest di%ision. ii. 1easure and record masses of objects using the standard units. a. +ilograms< and b. grams. iii. Compare the masses of t!o objects using standard units. a. +ilograms< and b. grams. i%. .stimate masses of objects in* a. +ilograms< and b. grams. 'nderstand the relationship bet!een units of mass. i. $no! and use the relationship bet!een +ilograms and grams. )dd, subtract, multiply and di%ide units of mass. i. )dd units of mass in* a. +ilograms< and b. grams. ii. Subtract units of mass in* a. +ilograms< and b. grams. iii. 1ultiply units of mass in* a. +ilograms< and b. grams. i%. 8i%ide units of mass in* a. +ilograms< and b. grams. 'se and apply +no!ledge of mass in real life. i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing mass in real life situations. 1easure and compare %olumes of li(uid using standard units. i. Read scales to the nearest di%ision. ii. 1easure and record %olumes of li(uids using the standard units. a. litres< and b. millilitres. iii. Compare the %olumes of t!o li(uids using i.
Relationship bet!een units of mass )ddition, subtraction, multiplication and di%ision in%ol%ing mass
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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME standard units. a. litres< and b. millilitres. i%. .stimate the %olumes of li(uid of the objects in * a. litres< and b. millilitres. 'nderstand the relationship bet!een units of %olumes of li(uid. i. $no! and use the relationship bet!een litres and millilitres. )dd, subtract, multiply and di%ide units of %olume of li(uid. i. )dd units of %olumes of li(uid in* a. litres< and b. millilitres. ii. Subtract units of %olumes of li(uid in* a. litres< and b. millilitres. iii. 1ultiply units of %olumes of li(uid in* a. litres< and b. millilitres. i%. 8i%ide units of %olumes of li(uid in* a. litres< and b. millilitres. 'se and apply +no!ledge of %olumes of li(uid in real life. i. Sol%e problems in%ol%ing %olumes of li(uid in real life situations. 'nderstand and use the %ocabulary related to #/8 shapes. i. ;dentify %arious types of prisms. ii. >abel parts of prisms. 8escribe and classify #/8 shapes. i. 8escribe features of prisms. ii. Compare prisms and non/prisms. 6uild #/8 shapes. i. 6uild #/8 shapes using suitable materials. ii. 6uild #/8 shapes from gi%en nets. iii. ;dentify simple nets of #/8 shapes. 'nderstand and use the %ocabulary related to /8 shapes. i. ;dentify shapes of semicircles and regular polygons. 8escribe and classify /8 shapes. i. 8escribe features of t!o/dimensional shapes* a. semi/circles< and b. regular polygons. ii. Compare and sort polygons and non/polygons.
Relationship bet!een units of %olume of li(uid )ddition, subtraction, multiplication and di%ision in%ol%ing %olume of li(uid
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Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)
LEARNING OBJECTIVES / LEARNING OUTCOME 4.#.1. Recognize and s+etch lines of symmetry. i. Recognize lines of symmetry* a. in the en%ironment< and b. in t!o/dimensional shapes. ii. S+etch lines of symmetry. Collect and organise data. i. Collect data based on gi%en situations. ii. Sort and classify data. iii. ?rganize data in a table.
Mathematics Yearly Plan (Year 3)