Controller 3000 - 3500 Series Manual
Controller 3000 - 3500 Series Manual
Controller 3000 - 3500 Series Manual
Please read this manual before working with the Controller 3000 Series (Wireless Controller
3000 or Network Controller 3000/3500). This manual is intended to provide a basic
understanding of the Controller 3000.
Although utmost care has been taken to provide all the information in this manual that is
required to understand the functionality of the Controller, any additional inquiries can be
mailed to:
To make it easy, this manual has a simple structure and the user can easily navigate
through the sections to understand the various features of the Controller 3000. The first
section introduces the user to the Controller 3000, its package contents, features and
precautions to be taken while using the Controller.
The second section describes the Installation Requirements and steps. Follow them carefully
for successful installation of the Controller 3000.
The third section describes the Configuration details of the Controller 3000.
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................... 5
2. INSTALLATION ................................................. 10
3. CONFIGURATION ............................................... 11
This section of the Manual gives an overview of the Controller 3000 along with the
Package Contents, Features and Precautions.
The Controller 3000 was developed with an aim to provide high-speed access to the
Internet for Public Networks. The Controller 3000 is deployed in a wireless
broadband service network, which can recognize new users on the network and
redirect them to the appropriate connection. In short, the user can access the
Internet without changing configuration settings or needing technical assistance no
matter what their configuration.
Package Contents
The package contents of the Controller 3000 are:
Some key features of the Controller 3000 are:
Note: The ‘Auto-IP’ Function can only be used with TCP/IP-based Networks.
Corporate and ISP mail servers often will not accept E-Mail from another
network. With the Controller 3000, subscriber’s outgoing SMTP server requests
can be redirected to a SMTP server specified by administrator, so the subscriber
can send out their email without changing the E-Mail configuration in their
notebook computer.
) Café Account™
Customers can be given free access to the Network for a defined period, after
which they would have to purchase more time to continue to browse or access
the network from their laptop. This is ideal to allow free “use but don’t abuse”
access to draw customers into the venue.
) Remote Configuration
The Controller 3000 is easy for administrators to manage through the Web-
based interface. The Web-based management is client-independent and is done
by securely authenticating the administrator over SSL.
) Walled Garden
A walled garden provides pages or web sites that can be accessed by subscribers
without requiring authentication. The Controller allows up to 266 destination IP
addresses and URLs.
Login Page utilizes SSL to protect username and password during User login.
) RADIUS Authentication
Subscriber authentication on the Controller 3000 can be configured for the
industry standard RADIUS AAA. RADIUS allows you to control multiple sites
from a single NOC, or purchase authentication services from a third party billing
) Subscriber VLAN
Subscribers and local network machines can be isolated from one another using
Subscriber VLAN. This prevents users from accessing or molesting each other on
the public network, or accessing enterprise hardware belonging to the venue.
Please carefully read the following precautions before using the Controller 3000:
) Do not remove or open the enclosure. You could damage the Controller or suffer
injury if you tamper with the Controller hardware.
) The Controller 3000 enclosure is not water resistant. Avoid deploying the
Controller where it might get wet.
) Only connect the supplied AC power adapter, or an adapter of the exact same
configuration and power characteristics. Using the wrong adapter could cause
damage to the Controller or a dangerous electrical shock to the user.
) The Controller 3000 enclosure is not heat resistant. Do not deploy the Controller
3000 in direct sunlight or in proximity to another heat source.
This section of the Manual gives information regarding the requirements and installation
procedures for a successful installation of the Controller 3000.
Check the following requirements installing the Controller 3000.
System requirements:
Management Software: Web Browser (Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Safari 2.01+ only)
2 . WAN N E T W O R K R E Q U I R E M E N T S
Find out from your ISP whether the Controller will use a static or dynamic IP address. The
most common configuration is DHCP, which assigns the IP addresses dynamically.
If you are using a static IP address, you will need to get the full configuration from your ISP.
1. The Controller’s default LAN IP address setting is ‘’.
2. The Controller’s default LAN subnet mask setting is ‘’.
This section of the Manual will give you information regarding access, login and usage of all
the features of the Controller 3000.
D ro p d o w n L is t Box
Screen 1 Basic functionality
Command Buttons
1 . C H A N G I N G GU I S E T T I N G S
To enter a data value in a text box click inside the text box and start typing. If the text box
already contains some value, click at the end of the written text value and delete it with the
backspace key. If the text box is grayed-out, this means the text is not editable.
To select a value from a list first click on the arrow that is found on the right side of this list
box and then select a value desired from the displayed list.
To select a radio button simply click on the desired radio button.
To view the help for some menus, click on the Help icon displayed on the right top pane of
the menu.
Once the unit has booted and the “System” light is flashing or solid, press the button
labeled “Default” on the face of the Wireless Controller for ten seconds. The Controller 3500
only has one “Reset” button, so hold that button for ten seconds to reset the 3500. When
the system light goes out this means that the Controller is rebooting. After rebooting, the
Controller will be accessible at the default LAN IP Address of
3.2.1. L O G G I N G I N T O T H E C O N T R O L L E R 3000
On performing the above steps, the Controller 3000 Home Page will appear on the screen as
shown below. Through this Home page, you can access the Controller 3000 by providing the
correct Login Name and Password. The password protection insures only authorized users
access the Controller. We recommend that you change the default username/password.
You can restore the factory default password with a hard reset if you forget your password.
Login Enter a valid Login Name here. The default Login is “root”.
Password Enter the password in this field. The characters keyed-in will be
displayed as asterisks (*) to maintain the secrecy of the password.
The password entered in this field is specific to the user name entered
above. The default password is “root”.
Get Started After entering the user name and password, click on this button. The
user name and password will be validated. If a correct user name and
password has been supplied you will gain access to the Controller;
otherwise an error message will be displayed.
After successful login, the Controller displays the following screen, which gives the
Controller status and allows the user to navigate to different menus of the
Controller 3000.
Configuration Menus The Controller 3000 has ten menus. The first eight of the
menus deal with configuration of the Controller settings. They
1. Express Setup
2. Networks
3. Security
4. Customization
5. Management
6. Advanced
7. System Status
8. System Tools
9. Help
10. Index
The tenth menu is the index. This menu contains quick links to
other menus and sub-menus, to navigate through the interface
Navigation Menu The Navigation Menu is available on the top pane of every
menu as tabs for accessing different sub-menus of the
respective menu. To access the sub-menus, click on the
respective sub-menu name.
Status Bar The Status Bar below the screen will indicate the actions
Cancel and OK
The command buttons Cancel and OK. can be seen in many menus of the Controller.
In all the menus, the functionality of these commands is the same.
Cancel – Click this button to cancel any changes on the current page.
OK – Clicking this button causes the settings configured by the user to be saved.
New settings may take effect immediately or on the next reboot.
This menu allows the user to configure the basic settings for accessing the Internet.
Type the value for ESSID. Also, select the Channel for the wireless network from the drop
down list box here. The values of the drop down are from 1 to 11.
The Express Setup Page has a command button to apply all these settings and
restart the Controller. Click Apply & Restart to implement the settings.
1. System
3. Server
4. Wireless
This section of the Controller allows you to configure the System Settings. The
following screen shows the System Settings menu.
The editable text box is the NAS ID of the Controller. This value will be sent in RADIUS
Requests from the Controller to the RADIUS Server. If Syslog is enabled, the NAS ID is
sent as part of the syslog messages.
LAN IP settings
Auto IP In this section, select either Enable or Disable radio button to
enable or disable the Auto IP subscriber address support. Auto-
IP will allow users with Static IP addresses to connect to the
internet normally without changing their settings. These
subscribers’ connections may be slower than DHCP subscribers’
due to the translation process to and from their static IP
address by the Controller for each packet.
ICMP Ping Response In this section, select either Enable or Disable radio button to
enable or disable the user’s access to ping the device. By
default, the Controller sets this option to Enable.
Multicast Packets In this section, select either Enable or Disable radio button to
enable or disable the Multicast Packets. By default, the
Controller sets the Multicast Pass-through as Disable.
Calendar(UTC) This section has drop-down boxes for Date and Time. Select the
Date and Time in UTC, from the drop down list boxes as shown
in the screen 5. In addition, the user can fetch the system date
and time from the computer by clicking on Get from my
Computer. The selected date and time range should be
between 1/1/2002 to 12/31/2035 and 00:00:00 to
Note: Use the ‘Get from my Computer’ feature the first time you configure the Controller to
ensure that the correct local time is set.
Scheduled Reboot You can configure the Controller to reset automatically every
day or X days at XX:XX time. Keep in mind the that time is
UTC/GMT time, so if you want to reboot at 4AM local time make
the conversion. This can be useful if you find you are having to
reset the Controller at a particular site due to unusual
subscriber activity.
Idle Time Out(Mins) In this section, select a time out period for inactive subscribers
to be disconnected. Enter ‘0’ for no timeout of subscribers.
Subscribers who have an active ‘logout’ pop-up window open
will not be timed out.
Note: Setting Idle Timeout to ‘0’ is not recommended for public networks. Unless these
subscribers manually log out, their sessions will never be terminated.
3 . WAN /LAN
This Menu allows you to configure the WAN/LAN settings of the Controller 3000.
WAN MAC Address Select either Default WAN MAC Address or Change to option
and type the respective WAN MAC Address of the network
interface card here. By default, the Controller selects Default
as the value. This feature can be used if your ISP requires a
particular MAC Address to provide service.
This menu allows you to configure the various Server Settings of the Controller
DHCP Server
Select the DHCP Server type you want by selecting the respective radio button here. The
available options are DHCP Disable, DHCP Relay and DHCP Server. The default selection
is DHCP Server.
Note: You will need to match the IP Pool settings with the Controller LAN settings to insure
that DHCP subscribers can connect successfully. You will receive a warning if the settings
do not match, but the settings are not changed automatically.
HTTP Auto-Proxy
In this section, you can enable HTTP Auto-Proxy. HTTP Auto-Proxy will detect HTTP Proxy
requests from the browser on the LAN and redirect them to a valid Internet connection.
Subscribers may find their connection to be slower using Auto-Proxy, so disabling an invalid
proxy setting is the best subscriber configuration.
HTTP Auto-Proxy Ports Type the HTTP Proxy Server Ports here. The HTTP Proxy will
redirect outgoing connections on these ports. By default, the
server ports are 8000, 8001, and 8080 . These are the typical
HTTP Proxy ports used by subscribers.
SMTP Redirect
Enable or Disable the SMTP Server redirect. SMTP redirect sends subscriber email to a
SMTP server that you designate. This will allow subscribers who are away from their normal
corporate or home network to send mail successfully. The redirect process is transparent,
so subscribers do not notice any difference. By default, SMTP redirect is Disabled.
SMTP IP Address or Domain Name Provide the SMTP Server address that you wish
to direct email traffic to here.
Web Server
HTTP Server Type the Web Server Port here. By default, the port number is
80 .
SSL Security Check the SSL Security check box to enable the SSL Security
feature. Enabling SSL will cause WEB GUI and Local Login
pages to be encrypted, but may slow down access to those
pages. Authenticated users will not see any difference in page
load times. By default, SSL Security is not enabled.
5 . W I R E L E S S (3 000 O N L Y )
This menu allows you to configure wireless settings on the Wireless Controller 3000.
Screen 9 Wireless
ESSID Enter the Service Set Identifier here. By default, the SSID is set
to ValuePoint . The SSID is the network name that the
subscriber will see when they scan the area for wireless
networks. The SSID consists of alphanumeric characters with
no spaces.
Channel Select the WiFi radio channel from this select box. You can
select a value between 1 and 11 . In 802.11b channels 1, 6, 11
are the non-overlapping channels. WiFi signals separated by
fewer than 4 channels will cause interference and increased
‘noise’ with each other, lowering connection speed and quality.
Security Mode Select the Wireless Security Mode from the drop down list here.
Wireless Security protects subscriber data as it is transmitted to
and from the Controller WLAN interface.
Note: 802.1x will not work without extra software configured on each and every subscriber
and an 802.1x server in the back office. The Controller just facilitates this connection; it
does not provide any 802.1x services by itself.
Antenna Selection This section has two radio buttons: Default Antenna and
Diversity Antenna. By default the Controller is set to
Diversity Antenna. Diversity antenna may improve detection
of weak signals by allowing the Controller to compare the signal
from both antennas. If you are going to use a single external
antenna, select Default Antenna and connect your antenna to
the connector labeled ‘Tx’.
DTIM Interval Type the DTIM Interval here. The Interval should be between 1
and 255 . By default, the value is 3 .
Beacon Interval The Beacon Interval should be between 1 and 1000 . Beacon
Interval is the frequency of the WiFi Beacon broadcast that
informs wireless subscribers of the SSID and other
administrative information.
Fragmentation Threshold Type the Fragmentation Threshold here. The Threshold should
be between 256 and 2346 and only even numbers can be
entered here. By default, the fragmentation threshold is 2346 .
RTS Threshold Type the RTS Threshold here. The Threshold should be between
256 and 2437 . By default, the RTS threshold is 2432 .
Default Values for wireless settings are restored.
This menu allows you to configure the Authentication Settings of the Controller
The Authentication Configuration has five radio button options: RADIUS Server,
Local Authentication, Hampton Inn HSIA Authentication, Terms of Service
and No Authentication. By default, Local Authentication is enabled.
If the RADIUS Server option is selected the RADIUS specific settings are displayed:
Authentication Type
Primary RADIUS Server The Primary RADIUS Server provides the authentication and
accounting for subscribers. When the subscriber enters their
username and password, these parameters and other are sent
to the RADIUS Server. The RADIUS server then responds back
to the Controller with an ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ message. The
Controller enforces the authentication decision made by
RADIUS. To configure the Primary RADIUS Server configure
these values:
1. Primary RADIUS Server IP Address.
2. Primary RADIUS Server Authentication Port Number. By
default, the value is 1812. This is the typical Authentication
port, but your server may be different.
3. Primary RADIUS Server Accounting Port Number. By
default, the value is 1813 . This is the typical Accounting
port, but your server may be different.
4. Primary RADIUS Server Shared Secret Key. The Shared
Secret Key should not exceed 15 characters. The same key
must be entered into your RADIUS server.
Note: Your RADIUS Server may require additional information beyond the Shared Secret to
accept RADIUS requests from the Controller. Common requirements are the NAS ID and
IP Address of the RADIUS Client. Please consult your RADIUS Server documentation for
more information on connecting RADIUS Clients.
Secondary RADIUS Server The secondary RADIUS Server has the same
configuration options. This RADIUS Server will be contacted if
the Primary fails to respond.
1. Secondary RADIUS Server IP Address.
2. Secondary RADIUS Server Authentication Port Number.
3. Secondary RADIUS Server Accounting Port Number.
4. Secondary RADIUS Server Shared Secret Key.
Retry Times when Primary Fails Select the Number of Retries the Controller should make
when the RADIUS Server fails from the drop down list box.
After the selected retries on the Primary Server the Controller
fails over to the Secondary Server. The Controller aborts the
authentication request and returns an error after all retries fail
against the secondary RADIUS server.
Accounting Service You can Enable or Disable Accounting Service here. Turning
on accounting causes the Controller to send a summary of
subscriber activity to the RADIUS server.
Authentication Method Select the Authentication Method for RADIUS from the drop
down list box here. The values of the drop down are PAP or
CHAP . PAP and CHAP are two security methods used by
RADIUS. Please consult your RADIUS Server documentation for
details on which method your Server requires.
Local Authentication
If Local Authentication is selected, the menu displays three command buttons. They are
Add/Modify User, Auto Create User and Set Auto Default.
Add/Modify User Click Add/Modify User to add, delete and modify a user for
local authentication. A pop-up window displays the names of all
the authenticated persons. The window allows you to add,
delete, suspend/resume, or modify the local users. Suspended
users will not be able to log in until their account is resumed.
Auto Create User Click Auto Create User to create usernames and passwords
automatically. These accounts will have the properties selected
under Set Auto Defaults. Indicate the number users to be
created by selecting a value from the drop-down list box that is
found near to this command button. By default the selected
value is 1 . When the user clicks Auto Create User a pop-up
window shows the automatically generated usernames and
passwords. You can print using the regular browser printing
options from this page.
Set Auto Default Click Set Auto Default to set default values to this section.
Clicking this command will display a pop-up window with
various authentication settings. Use these settings to define the
kind of users and time limits to be automatically created. Click
Apply to implement these settings. It may take a little while to
generate a large number of accounts.
Central Authentication Server Enter the correct Central Authentication Server (CAS)
URL for the Hampton portal page. You will need to provide the
correct CAS for subscriber authentication. You must get the
Hampton CAS information from Hampton Inn Corporate Office
or the Hampton Inn site owner.
Property Code Enter the Property Code provided by Hampton Inn for the
property you are installing.
Gateway IP In most cases this field is blank. Normally the Public IP of the
Controller will be provided to the CAS automatically. If the
Controller is behind a NAT firewall, you can use this field to
override this and provide the IP Address of the Firewall here.
Configure the NAT Firewall on your router to forward port 1111
to the Controller to enable Hampton Inn HSIA Authentication
through NAT.
Terms of Service
To use the Terms of Service authentication, select this option. Subscribers will not be able
to access the WAN until they click on the “I Accept” button on the terms of service page.
You will need to upload an XML text file that contains the text of your terms of service and
the post-authentication redirect. You can upload this XML file under System Tools –
Maintenance – Terms of Service. You can also download the current terms of service file
to use as a template.
<page_title></page_title> This field determines the title header that appears at the top
of the terms of service page.
<para1></para1> This field contains the first paragraph of the terms of service.
Each of 10 paragraphs can be up to 1500 characters. You can
add additional paragraphs under <para2>,<para3>, etc. Any
Linefeed or Carriage Returns in the paragraph will be removed.
If you need to format the text within a paragraph into blocks or
tables use an externally hosted Terms of Service page. The
internal terms of service only supports 10 paragraphs of plain
<redirect_url></redirect_url> This field determines the web URL, if any, that the
subscriber is redirected to after agreeing to the terms of
service. If this field is blank the subscriber will be redirected as
configured under Customization – Login – Default Post-
Authentication Default.
<agree_cap></agree_cap> This field determines the label on the button that the
subscriber must click.
If you wanted the text I agree to these "terms of service"
You would use the tag:
<para1>I agree to these "terms of service"</para1>
Note: The Terms of Service text is a legal agreement that is specific to your service. For
this reason, ValuePoint Networks can not provide a standard or boilerplate Terms of
No Authentication
If you do not wish to control subscriber access to Internet, select No Authentication. In
this configuration, subscribers will still need to initiate a HTTP request by opening their web
browser in order to be passed through the firewall. This process is transparent to the
subscriber. If subscribers ping or send email before requesting a web page these requests
will not go through. In effect, these subscribers are still authenticated for the purposes of
logging and tracking usage, blocking banned users, and so forth.
Note: If you need some users to be connected without opening a web browser, or have
equipment like security cameras which must remain connected, use the IP Address
Passthrough table. These IP Addresses are always connected and not affected by any
security setting.
2 . P AS S - T H R O U G H
These settings allow you to define the pass-through subscribers and destinations
when using Authentication.
There are two options for configuring Pass-through settings in the Controller. If
you only need a limited number of entries, up to 48 per option, you can configure
these from the GUI directly. If you need to configure more you must use the pass-
through XML file 3000pass.xml. The XML file is uploaded through System Tools -
Maintenance – Pass-through. It is only necessary to add subscribers to one
pass-through table, depending on what kind of connection they require.
Note: As with the No Authentication configuration, MAC Address Pass-through users will
need to initiate a HTTP Web Browser connection to be added to the firewall so they can
send email, ping, or make other connections through the Controller.
Blacklist MAC Address Type the MAC address of blocked Subscribers here.
Subscribers with these MAC addresses will not be able to
Pass-through URL ( Type the pass-through Destination URL here.
Subscribers will be able to access these web pages without
having to authenticate.
Note: Use the pass-through tables to allow access to web resources before the subscriber
is logged in. This includes redirect login pages and any images/advertisements on those
pages. If you want to redirect on logout add those pages here as well.
DMZ stands for Demilitarized Zone. This section allows the user to specify the IP Addresses
for a DMZ server that can be freely accessed through the firewall. All Controller ports are
forwarded to this internal address.
DMZ Host IP Type the IP Address for which access can be provided.
3.2.5. C U S T O M I Z AT I O N
This menu allows you to customize the Login Page settings of the Controller 3000.
Select this option to keep the standard default login page. To view the standard Login Page
that subscribers will see, click on the Preview button. Selecting this option will pop-up a
dialog box prompting the user to enter the user id and password to be authenticated.
Select this option to redirect the Login Page URL to a Web Page hosted outside the
controller. In order to subscribers to login successfully, you will need to put the correct
HTML POST FORM on your Web Page. To see and cut/paste the required code, click on the
View External Portal HTML Code button. When you put the HTML code on your portal
page do not change the contents of the <form> and <input> tags. Beyond these tags
you can customize the look and feel, and even automate functionality as much as you want.
This makes the Portal login page the most popular and common configuration for login
Without Subscriber Attributes selected, your redirect URL produces this in the browser:
Your portal page can parse these values from the URL:
NASID=[NASID configured under Networks - System]
MAC=[Subscriber MAC Address]
URL=[Subscriber’s original request URL]
You can use these values in your CGI to provide special handling for subscribers or locations
on your portal page. The most common uses are branding each page according to the
source venue and redirecting subscribers back to their original request after authentication.
Please consult your Web Designer on the use of CGI variables in web server design.
Select this option to customize the text of the Internal Login Page in the Controller 3000.
Message Type the desired Message, which will appear on the Login Page.
Contact Information Type Contact Information for the ISP or Support, if any, here.
No Redirect
Select this option to get authenticated using a URL link provided by the service provider.
Subscribers must enter this address manually, and it must be included in the Walled
Garden. When they try to access another web site without authenticating they will receive
and error.
Specify URL Select this option to redirect the subscriber to specified URL
after authentication. This setting will override any URLs
specified in the 3000terms.xml file or Portal Page
authentication code. This feature can be used to redirect all
authenticated customers to a hotel website, for example.
Free Access
You can configure the Café Account™ settings in these fields. This feature allows any
subscriber not on the Black List to get limited authentication time. Once their limited time
has expired they must wait for the next free access period or log in with a valid
username/password. The free access is controlled by MAC address, so a subscriber will not
be able to connect again with the same PC until the next period. The values in the first box
indicate how often free access is available in hours. The second box indicates the duration
allocated for free access in minutes. To allow free access from a redirected or external web
page, click on the External Portal HTML Code button and cut/paste the HTML code. For
example, if you set free access to 30 minutes every 24 hours, this would allow any user to
access the internet for 30 minutes once per day. This might be appropriate for a fast food
Note: You can disable Free Access, and prevent the prompt from appearing on the Internal
Login, page by setting the time to ‘0’ minutes.
This menu allows the user to customize the message text of the Controller 3000.
The message customization screen appears as shown below,
Welcome Page
Subscribers who are configured with pass-through access will not be redirected to a login
page. An option welcome page for these subscribers can be configured for these users.
Title The title of the welcome page, which is displayed at the top of
the welcome page.
Message Text Color Select the desired Text Color of the message by clicking on the
icon given right after the Message Text Color text box.
Message background Color Select the desired background Color for the message by
clicking on the icon given right after the Message background
Color text box. If no color is needed indicate it by selecting
Preview When clicked a pop-up window shows a preview screen with the
current settings.
Rejection Message If the response type is enabled then type the rejection
message here. When a blacklisted MAC address attempts to
connect, they will receive this message.
Logout Window
Pop-up Logout Window Select either Enable to enable the Pop-up Logout Window or
Disable to disable the same.
Main Message Type the Main Message or Title in this text box. This accepts up
to 30 characters.
Message Description Type additional comments or continue Main Message here. This
accepts up to 150 characters.
Time Count Label This has two text boxes namely With Session Timeout and
Without Session Timeout. Type the Time Count Label for
With Session Timeout and Without Session Timeout here.
They accept up to 30 characters each.
Preview When clicked a pop-up window shows a preview screen with the
current settings.
Note: The Logout pop-up window generates the automatic advertisements. If you disable
the pop-up, you will disable advertisements.
This menu allows the user to link the Advertisement URL’s to the Controller 3000.
These will be displayed to the subscriber when they connect and every few minutes
as configured.
If the user has selected Show Once option then only the first
Advertisement will be displayed once to the subscriber.
If the user has selected Show Every ‘X’ min option then the
Advertisements will be displayed at intervals defined by the
number of ‘X’ minutes entered in the adjacent text box. Each
advertisement will load in turn.
Note: The Logout pop-up window generates the automatic advertisements. You must
enable the logout pop-up if you want to generate advertisement windows.
3.2.6. M AN AG E M E N T
This menu allows the user to configure the Access Point Monitor, which will facilitate
management of your public access network. The Controller will track the status,
online or offline, of these devices, and allow access to their management interfaces
through NAT for remote access. You can also use this table to establish port
mapping to any LAN address.
PING Interval Type the Detecting Time of the LAN Device here.
Management Port Type the Virtual Port Number of the Device here. To access the
device remotely you connect to the Controller WAN address
plus the device Management port. For example, if the
Controller is at and the virtual port is 60001, you
could access the Access Point at
Controller Port Type the Device Controller Port Number here. For HTTP
manageable devices, this will most likely be port 80. You can
map SNMP to port 161, or another application to its port.
Protocol Select the Protocol Type from the drop-down list box. The
values of the drop down are TCP and UDP.
Connection Select the Connection of the Device from the drop down list
box. The values of the drop down are Wired and Wireless .
This menu allows the user to configure the syslog settings of the Controller
Server Location
If Syslog on LAN Server is checked then type the LAN IP Address of the server.
If Syslog on WAN Server is checked then type the WAN IP Address of the Syslog Server.
View Syslog is a button which when clicked will show the details of log messages in a pop-
up window if Local Syslog is selected.
Syslog Attribute
System Information Check on the System Information check box to enable the
System Information function and type number of minutes at
which the log included system information is to be sent. This
provides general system information such as uptime and
Controller IP address.
Wireless Association Information Check the Wireless Association Information
check box to enable the Wireless Association Information
function. This provides information for wireless users logins and
logouts. Enter the Interval Time in terms of minutes.
Access Point Information Check on the Access Point Information check box to include
in the log the details of the current LAN Devices Status.
Logged-in Users Check the Logged-in Users check box to enable the Logged-in
Users Syslog function. Enter the Interval Time in terms of
minutes. This SysLog provides a summary of the usage of
logged in users.
System Boot Notice Check on the System Boot Notice check box to enable the
System Boot Notice function. This will send a SysLog message
when the Controller boots.
Subscriber Trace Check the Subscriber Trace to enable the Subscriber Trace
function. This will provide the logged in and logged out time of
the subscriber once the user logs out.
Access Point Alarm When this is checked a log would be sent if one of the LAN
Devices detection results is "Fail".
Syslog Level One or all the options can be chosen out of Error, Warning,
Information, and Debug.
1. Checking the ‘Error’ option will automatically check only for
Errors in Syslog.
2. Checking the ‘Warning’ option will automatically check only
for Warnings and Errors.
3. Checking the ‘Information’ option will automatically check
only for all Syslog Attributes.
4. Checking the ‘Debug’ option will display debug messages in
the controller. The debug output will generate a large volume
of SysLog traffic and should only be used if you are having
trouble with the Controller.
3.2.7. AD V AN C E D
This menu allows you to configure the settings with more advanced features. The Networks
menu has four sub-menu tabs,
5. Dynamic DNS
6. GRE Tunnel
7. AuthDirect
8. VLAN Static IPs
You can configure the Controller to automatically update domains you have registered at Please register with for instructions on establishing an account
and registering devices.
Dynamic DNS Domain Name Type the name of the DNS Domain here. It accepts
a maximum of 25 characters. This is the domain
you registered at
Confirm Password Type the password again here to compare and confirm
password. For security purposes, the characters appear
in asterisks (*). It accepts up to 20 characters.
Update Interval This is the interval of updates to the DNS entry. The
value typed is calculated in terms of minutes. The
Controller will send a message to at this
interval with the current IP address.
Note: You can also get the current IP address of a Controller receiving DHCP or PPPoE by
enabling the system boot SysLog and implementing a Syslog Server in your NOC.
2 . GR E T U N N E L
You can configure the Controller to route all authenticated traffic through a GRE tunnel. The
GRE Tunnel takes all authenticated LAN traffic and transmits it to a remote server over the
WAN connection. You can use this feature for content filtering, centralized authentication of
multiple sites, or another application you thought of. You will need to configure the
receiving end of the GRE tunnel on your server for this to work. Each Controller will need a
unique tunnel configuration. This is an advanced feature for expert networking, so it does
not really “do” anything other than deliver the traffic to your server. You must build the
advanced functionality you want into your server at the other end of the tunnel. This
feature is configured under Advanced – GRE Tunnel.
Walled garden and IP pass-through traffic will not be routed through the tunnel, and all
normal security, redirection, and authentication features will still be in effect as configured
in the Controller.
GRE Tunnel can also be configured on the AuthDirect page. Please contact AuthDirect for
details on their content filtering application that uses GRE.
Here the User has an option to configure the Controller as per the settings of AuthDirect.
This is similar to the “Express Setup” Menu. This is a combination of different configuration
menus in the controller combined here to simplify the AuthDirect configuration.
Note: You must contact for information on using their Billing service.
Subscriber Static IP
Subscribers can use one of the provisioned Static IP addresses in their network setup. Prior
to authentication, these subscribers are treated like any other subscriber with a proper LAN
IP address. After authentication, the subscribers are visible in the controllers WAN side with
the Static IP Address configured. They are not NATed by the controller. This feature can be
utilized by subscribers using a VPN connection that does not support NAT Traversal, or
multiple subscribers using the same VPN server at the same company. Subscribers can get
the available static IP addresses automatically from the Static IP address List page. The
page contains all the correct IP properties, and the available addresses are displayed
Subscriber Static IP Select Enable to enable the Subscriber Static IP Message page.
Static Subscriber IP addresses along with subnet mask,
Gateway address and DNS addresses are configured under
Networks WAN/LAN if Subscriber Static IP Page is Enabled.
Select Disable if you want subscribers to receive the IP
address settings manually, from support for example.
Static Page Title Type the Main Message or Title for the subscriber static IP page
in this text box. A maximum of 80 characters are allowed in
the text box
Preview Click this button to see the current Static IP Address page
Note: You must obtain valid static public IP addresses from your ISP and provision them
into the Controller for VPN and other subscribers to use this feature.
3.2.8. S Y S T E M S T AT U S
This menu tab opens up the sub-menus showing status of the Controller and
This menu displays current system information like Host Name, LAN MAC Address,
WAN MAC Address, WAN Port Mode, Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server,
DHCP Status, Lease Time etc.
Screen 20 System
MAC Address
Here the menu displays the WAN MAC Address of the Controller
IP Address
Here the menu displays the IP Address of the Controller 3000
WAN Port.
Subnet Mask
Here the menu displays the Subnet Mask of the Controller 3000
WAN Port.
Default IP Gateway
Here the menu displays the Default IP Gateway of the
Controller 3000 WAN Port.
Controller NAS ID
Here the menu displays the Host Name of the Controller 3000.
Firmware Image
Here the menu displays the Firmware Version of the Controller
Hotspot Version
Here the menu displays the HotSpot Configuration Version of
the Controller 3000.
Current Users
Here the menu displays the Current Users logged into the
Controller 3000.
LAN IP Address
Here the menu displays the Controller LAN IP address.
Auto IP
This displays the status of Auto IP.
The menu displays the authentication type. In the screenshot
above, it shows the type as Local Authentication .
Login Page
Here the menu displays the login page type. In the screenshot
above it shows it as Redirect .
Here the menu displays the channel number.
Security Mode
Here the menu displays the WiFi security mode.
Start IP Address
Here the menu displays the DHCP Pool Start IP Address.
End IP Address
Here the menu displays the DHCP Pool End IP Address.
Lease Time
Here the menu displays the DHCP Lease Time.
The current user list gives information on users currently authenticated by the
User Name The user name the subscriber provided when they logged in.
This may be blank for some users who did not log in with a
MAC Address Here the menu displays the MAC Address of DHCP user.
Statistics When you click on Detail a pop up menu appears giving User
status like IP addresses, Mac Address, Connection Time, Idle
Time and Packet flow details.
Terminate Select this option to log off the user immediately. A pop up
menu appears on clicking the ‘Terminate’ command. This pop-
up allows adding the existing client to blacklist entry to deny
access next time when ‘YES’ button is clicked. It will take a
few moments for the access list to be reloaded when you select
3 . DHC P C L I E N T
This menu displays the DHCP user details on LAN. The details displayed are MAC
Address and IP Address and usage.
The Connection Tracker allows you to monitor the real time usage status of the
Controller 3000 by seeing open and ongoing connections to and from the Controller.
This table allows you to monitor subscriber activity and look for unusual behavior
caused by worms, viruses, or abusive subscribers.
Screen 23 ConnTrack
5. APS
This menu displays the LAN Devices registered with the Controller 3000. The screen
appears as shown here,
MAC Address Here the menu displays the device’s MAC address.
Controller Port Here the menu displays the device’s server port number.
Protocol Here the menu displays the protocol related to the device.
This part of the menu displays the system log details for viewing when Local Syslog is
enabled. In this example debug messages are enabled.
Screen 25 Syslog
The command buttons First, Prev, Next and Last will help the user to navigate when there
are many pages of log details to be read.
This menu allows the user manage the device configuration and to upgrade the
firmware in this device by using a file via HTTP or TFTP server. The following screen
Screen 26 Maintenance
Firmware Upgrade
Firmware management Protocol Select the protocol name from the list box. Based
on the selection the details on the screen will
If the user selects the TFTP then the screen will display following details,
Firmware Upgrade
TFTP Server IP Address Enter the IP address of the TFTP server where
the Controller can download the firmware image.
TFTP File Name Enter the name of firmware image file available
on the TFTP Server.
Note: You must have a TFTP server running and configured correctly, and the file name
starting with “nfjrom” or “wc3000”, for the Controller to download the firmware image.
There are many free and commercial TFTP servers, and they all work more or less the
same way.
If the user selects the HTTP then the screen will display following details,
Firmware Upgrade
Firmware File name Type the name of the file in the text box or click Browse and
select the file name.
Upgrade Clicking this will upgrade the selected firmware file.
Import Configuration
Import Configuration This section offers the user with an option of restoring the
settings of the current device duplicating another devices’
configuration information.
Type the file name along with the path name, or simply
select the file from the system by clicking the command
button labeled as Browse. Click Import to load the
selected configuration file.
Export Configuration
Export Click Export to save the current settings to the local system.
Right click and select the option of Save Target As and save
the file to your computer.
Import Local User Database This section offers the user with an option of restoring
the settings to duplicate the local user database. Type the file
name along with the path name or simply select the file from
the system by clicking the command button labeled Browse.
Click Import to load the user database.
Export Local User Database Click Export to save the current user database to the
local system. Right click and select the option of Save Target As
and save the file to your computer.
Auto back up time Enter duration in minutes to automatically backup the local user
database. The backup is stored in flash on the Controller. Click
Apply to accept the automatic back up settings.
Local Back Up Click Backup now to save the local user database to flash
Restore Local User Database Click Restore to restore the database settings to the
copy in flash.
Up to 48 entries for each pass-through value can be entered directly into the GUI. If more
entries are required, or entries are to be shared between sites, all of the pass-through
entries can be loaded into an XML file and uploaded manually or according to a schedule.
Import pass-through file This has a text box followed by a command button labeled as
Browse. Type the name of the file in the text box or click
Browse and select the file name. Clicking the Import button
will restore the current pass-through entries with the values
from the imported file.
Export Pass-through Click Export to save the document setting to the local system.
Right click and select the option of save ‘Target As’ and save
the file to your computer.
Scheduled Upload
TFTP Server IP Address Enter the TFTP Server IP address to import the pass-through file
from the configured TFTP Server address.
SSL Certificate
SSL Certificate file Enter the SSL Certificate file name manually in
the text box or select the file through the
Browse button. You must upload a ‘self signed’
certificate. Clicking the Upload button will
upload the certificate to the flash. The uploaded
certificate is effective only after the controller
Terms of Service
Terms of Service File This has a text box followed by a command button labeled as
Browse. Type the name of the Terms of Service XML file in
the text box or click Browse and select the file. Special
characters if any in the XML file have to be escaped properly as
per the XML standards. Use the Upload button to upload the
file containing Terms of Services or to upload the file after
revising the Terms of Service.
Export Terms of Service Click Export to save the Terms of Service XML file to the local
system. Right click and select the option of save ‘Target As’ and
save the file to your computer
Screen 27 Admin
Root Access
This section allows creating an administrator and providing the administrator with
full control of the system and authority to modify the settings.
Password This is a text box. Type the password here. For the sake of
security the characters will appear as asterisks (*) in the box.
Subscriber Manager
A supervisor account can be created in this section and the supervisor is provided
with powers to manage the subscribers and view the system status.
This submenu allows option for the user to restore the system to its default factory
setting. Click Apply to restore to the default settings.
Keep WAN Settings Select this checkbox to keep the current WAN
settings when resetting the factory defaults. This
will allow you to continue to manage the
Controller remotely. Dynamic DNS settings will
be preserved as well, in case the Controller is
using DHCP.
3.2.10. HELP
This menu contains helpful information about the Wireless Controller 3000.
Screen 29 HELP
3.2.11. INDEX
This menu displays all the menus and sub-menus of the Controller that configure
the system. Along with the menu, it displays the sub-menus. These sub-menus
come with hyperlinks so you can click the tab names and reach the sub-menu
Screen 30 Index
If you have a connectivity problem with the Wireless Controller 3000, check the
following first:
• Make sure that the power of the AP is on and the Ethernet cables are
connected firmly to the RJ-45 jacks of the AP.
• Make sure that the System LED of the AP is solid to indicate the AP is
working and connected to the Internet. A blinking System LED indicates
that the Controller has initialized, but the WAN connection is not
available. Rebooting the Controller, or both the Controller and the
PPPoE/Cable Modem, may restore the WAN connection.
• Make sure the types of the Ethernet cables are correct. There are two
types—normal and crossover.
If all Network connections seem normal, use this illustration as a guide to where
connection problems can occur:
Destination Host
For a wireless client computer to communicate with a host on the Internet by the
host’s domain name (e.g., it first sends a DNS
request to a DNS server on the Internet. The DNS request travels first to the
Controller, and then the Controller relays this request to the default gateway.
Finally, this request is forwarded by the default gateway to the DNS server on the
Internet. The DNS reply issued by the DNS server is transmitted back to the client
computer following a reverse path. When the client computer receives the DNS
reply, it knows the IP address of the correspondent host and sends further packets
to this IP address.
Note: If two NICs are installed and operating on a client computer, TCP/IP may not work
properly due to incorrect entries in the routing table. Use the Windows Device Manager to
disable unnecessary NICs. The most common configuration that causes this problem is
when the Ethernet and WiFi LAN Cards are both enabled on a laptop at the same time.
Check the signal strength and link quality sensed by the WLAN
• The Controller does not respond to ping from the client computer.
• The DNS server(s) do not respond to ping from the client computer.
o If you have access to the DHCP Server, check its client list for the
address assigned to the Controller.
o Reset the Controller to Factory Default, which will restore the default
o Unplug the power connector from the power jack, and then re-plug the
connector to restart the Controller.
• If the Controller still does not work after restarting, there may be a
hardware component failure in the Controller.
o Your browser may have a bad HTML page in the cache. Hold down
CTRL and click ‘Refresh’ button on the browser to force the page to
o Delete the contents of the web cache under Tools – Internet Options –
Temporary Internet Files – Delete Files.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including that which may cause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been test and found to comply with the limits for a computing device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. The equipment and the receiver should be connected the outlets on separate circuits.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Changes or modification not expressly approved be the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Controller 3000