Mrs. Phillips' Monday Memo outlines the lessons and activities for the week of May 5-9, 2014 for the 1st grade class. It includes the weekly character word of confidence, topics to be covered in each subject, such as a unit on adding within 100 in math. It also provides reminders about upcoming events like field days and a parent visitation night, as well as homework expectations like practicing addition and subtraction facts.
Mrs. Phillips' Monday Memo outlines the lessons and activities for the week of May 5-9, 2014 for the 1st grade class. It includes the weekly character word of confidence, topics to be covered in each subject, such as a unit on adding within 100 in math. It also provides reminders about upcoming events like field days and a parent visitation night, as well as homework expectations like practicing addition and subtraction facts.
Mrs. Phillips' Monday Memo outlines the lessons and activities for the week of May 5-9, 2014 for the 1st grade class. It includes the weekly character word of confidence, topics to be covered in each subject, such as a unit on adding within 100 in math. It also provides reminders about upcoming events like field days and a parent visitation night, as well as homework expectations like practicing addition and subtraction facts.
Mrs. Phillips' Monday Memo outlines the lessons and activities for the week of May 5-9, 2014 for the 1st grade class. It includes the weekly character word of confidence, topics to be covered in each subject, such as a unit on adding within 100 in math. It also provides reminders about upcoming events like field days and a parent visitation night, as well as homework expectations like practicing addition and subtraction facts.
(SPRING) May 5-9, 2014 Character Word: Confidence is having a strong belief in your own abilities. A Peek at Our Week: Reading: We will continue a project-based learning unit to study genres of literature. Math: We will start a unit on adding within 100. Writing: We will start an animal research project to determine if our favorite animal would make a good pet. Science/Social Studies: We will continue a unit on rocks and minerals. Reminders: We need parent volunteers to help with the set- up of the EWE Art Show that will take place in May. Please contact Matt Tarr at 355-4924 or if you are able to help. Coach Couch is looking for parent volunteers for our 2014 Field Day. If you are able to help, please email Coach Couch at Students will be able to visit a 2 nd
grade classroom to learn about 2 nd grade. Parents are invited to visit 2 nd grade classrooms on May 13 th at 6pm. Upcoming Events: May 6-9: PASS Testing May 12: SIC Meeting (11:30) May 13: Move Up Night (6:00) May 19: Art Show (5:30-7:30) May 19:1 st Grade Performance (7:00) May 21: 4 th and 5 th Field Day May 22: 2 nd and 3 rd Field Day May 23: K and 1 st Field Day May 27: 3 rd Grade Play Mrs. Phillips Contact Information:
Sound Check: We will be learning about silent letters this week (kn, gn, wr). We will also review words with long vowels. Sight Words and Family Words: Sight words: even, open, begin, tiger, music (all 5 words will be on the spelling test)
Phonics words: knot, know, gnat, write, wrong (all 5 words will be on the spelling test) The students will also write 5 review words from the word walls. Homework Help: As we get closer to 2 nd grade, it is important that students continue to practice their addition and subtraction facts as much as possible. These facts can be found in the back of your childs STAR binder. When your child brings home a Rocket Math sheet, have them practice the facts they did not finish in the time given in class. Getting 2 nd Grade Ready: Math Common Core Standard: 2.NBT.1: Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. 2.NBT.2 Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.