Bos 05 - 14

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Town of Milton
Board of Selectmen Workshop
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Milton Town Hall
Meeting Minutes

Members in attendance: Chairman Tom Gray, Michael Beaulieu, Bob Bridges and Elizabeth Dionne
Town Administrator.

Others in attendance: Michelle Beauchamp, Kathy Wallingford, Pat Smith, Clarence Nason, Police Chief
Richard Krauss, Bob Carrier, Rachel Cote, Betsy Baker, Brian Boyers, Dale Sprague and Kimberly Ladisheff
Recording Clerk

The Board asked the Department Heads to come up with proposed budget restrictions to save some
money due to being on the default budget. Below is what they came up with.

Town Administration: Line 110 - $4000; Line 220 - $248; Line 225 - $58; Line 240 - $95; Line 330 - $100;
Line 391 - $1400; Line 741 - $100.
Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Line 240 - $50; Line 330 - $250; Line 391 - $50; Line 395 - $100; Line 741 -
Assessing: Line 395 - $400.
Government Buildings: Line 741 - $883; Line 742 - $500.
Police: Line 144 - $2000; Line 420 - $1000; Line 450 - $800.
Fire: Line 240 - $2301.
Planning/Code: Line 240 - $200; Line 391 - $500; Line 395 - $100; Line 610 - $200; Line 620 - $250; Line
625 - $500.
Public Works: Line 240 - $100; Line 340 - $2000; Line 620 - $2000.
Solid Waste: Line 371 - $10,000; Line 620 - $1500.
Outside Appropriations: Line 350 - $7750; Line 351 - $5000; Line 352 - $500; Line 353 $500; Line 354 -
$5652; Line 355 - $3000; Line 360 - $1000.
Recreation: Line 240 - $150; Line 290 - $125; Line 620 - $635; Line 840 - $375.
Library: Line 340 - $400; Line 620 - $500; Line 741 - $500.
Contingency & Bonding: Line 551 - $6000.
Welfare: Line 465 - $1500; Line 466 - $1000; Line 890 - $500.
Sewer: Line 391 - $200; Line 625 - $350; Line 740 - $5000.
Total proposed budget restriction of $72,822.00

B. Bridges stated everyone is doing outstanding on their budgets. Pat Smith asked the BOS if they had a
plan for the next budget season. He feels we should start brainstorming now instead of waiting until
budget season. T. Gray stated he would like to have another workshop with the BOS and department
heads to get ideas what information they need to get out there. Pat Smith stated he has been on the
same budget since 2009 and something has to change, we are cutting ourselves and still trying to
provide the same services.



Chief Krauss mentioned the problem he saw was that in Oct., Nov. & Dec. when the public and the
budget committee were looking at all of the budgets and because the budgets were frozen for 5 months
it looked like we had all this extra money sitting there. He stated now we are here seeing what we can
set aside and he feels it needs to be said to the public that we are not buying what we need to buy. Pat
Smith agreed and mentioned that in 2009 using highway as an example, the budget came in at $580,000
and now in 2014 it was at $630,000. He discussed how the budget committee was only looking at
percentage increases and stated it wouldnt have looked so bad if the budget committee had done what
needed to be done in previous years. T. Gray stated it is being seen as we are doing the same job with
less money every year so we dont need the money. Unfortunately it has finally caught up with us and it
has put the town in a hole. B. Bridges stated his biggest complaint was the department heads worked
very hard to justify their budgets and certain budget committee members were only interested in a
number. Numbers dont reflect what we need to do because we have to show the facts.

After more discussion P. Smith stated the Planning Board needs to get involved and work on a capital
improvement plan. It was decided the BOS and department heads will meet again for a workshop on
May 29 at 6 pm. They will extend an invitation to the Budget Committee and Planning Board to attend.
Issues to be discussed are the 2015 budget and the CIP process.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kimberly Ladisheff
Recording Clerk

___________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________
Chairman Tom F. Gray Robert L. Bridges James Michael Beaulieu

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