JDW Sugar Mills limited was incorporated as private limited company on May 31, 1990 under the company ordinance 1984. The company was later converted into public limited company on August 24, 1991 and shares were floated on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges during August, 1992.
JDW starts its operations firstly in 1992 with one plant and its factory area is almost 100 acres. Now it has two plants, the capacity of first plant is 8,000 tones crushing per day and second plant is 12,000 tones crushing per day. First Plant costs 80 crores in 1992, and Second plant costs 123 crores in 2004.
The main objective of the company is to manufacture and sale of white crystalline sugar and other related objects as set out in the Memorandum of Association of the company
JDW Sugar Mills limited was incorporated as private limited company on May 31, 1990 under the company ordinance 1984. The company was later converted into public limited company on August 24, 1991 and shares were floated on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges during August, 1992.
JDW starts its operations firstly in 1992 with one plant and its factory area is almost 100 acres. Now it has two plants, the capacity of first plant is 8,000 tones crushing per day and second plant is 12,000 tones crushing per day. First Plant costs 80 crores in 1992, and Second plant costs 123 crores in 2004.
The main objective of the company is to manufacture and sale of white crystalline sugar and other related objects as set out in the Memorandum of Association of the company
JDW Sugar Mills limited was incorporated as private limited company on May 31, 1990 under the company ordinance 1984. The company was later converted into public limited company on August 24, 1991 and shares were floated on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges during August, 1992.
JDW starts its operations firstly in 1992 with one plant and its factory area is almost 100 acres. Now it has two plants, the capacity of first plant is 8,000 tones crushing per day and second plant is 12,000 tones crushing per day. First Plant costs 80 crores in 1992, and Second plant costs 123 crores in 2004.
The main objective of the company is to manufacture and sale of white crystalline sugar and other related objects as set out in the Memorandum of Association of the company
JDW Sugar Mills limited was incorporated as private limited company on May 31, 1990 under the company ordinance 1984. The company was later converted into public limited company on August 24, 1991 and shares were floated on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges during August, 1992.
JDW starts its operations firstly in 1992 with one plant and its factory area is almost 100 acres. Now it has two plants, the capacity of first plant is 8,000 tones crushing per day and second plant is 12,000 tones crushing per day. First Plant costs 80 crores in 1992, and Second plant costs 123 crores in 2004.
The main objective of the company is to manufacture and sale of white crystalline sugar and other related objects as set out in the Memorandum of Association of the company
1 2 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MODEREN LANGUAGE It is hereby certified that the report has been thoroughly and carefully read and recommended to the Faculty of Management Sciences for acceptance of Final Project Report by Adeel Azher Roll !o" 1#$%2 Session &'an 2#1# to 'une 2#1() Morning in partial fulfillment of the re*uirements for the degree of Master of +usiness Administration of !ational ,ni-ersity of Modern .anguages Islamabad" /ated0 Super-isor0 111111111111111111111111111111 2bser-er0 111111111111111111111111111111 3ead of /epartment0 111111111111111111111111111111 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER # 1 (
INTRODUCTION Introduction of sugar industry CHAPTER # 2
HISTORY 1DW SUGAR MILL LTD 4ision Mission Statement Strategy Introduction of the 5ompany Products CHAPTER # 3 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS S627 Analysis P8S7 Analysis +alance Sheet Profit And .oss Account 3orizontal And 4ertical Analysis Ration Analysis CHAPTER # 4 INTERNSHIP EXPERINCE 5oncerned /epartment Information /uties 9 Responsibilities : Accomplishment ; Achie-ements S<ill Ac*uired 3o= 8>perience Impact My 5areer Pros 9 5ons Possible Problems CHAPTER # 5 Suggestions and recommendation 5onclusion Reference ? CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION OF SUGAR INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN An Introduction to Pakistan`s Sugar Industry Pa<istan is the ? th largest country in the =orld in terms of area under sugar cane culti-ation 11 th by production and @# th inA yield" Sugarcane is the primary ra= material for the production of sugar" Since independence the area under culti-ation has increased more rapidly than any other major crop" It is one of the major crops in Pa<istan culti-ated o-er an area of around one million hectares" 7he sugar industry in Pa<istan is the 2 nd largest agro based industry comprising B1 sugar mills =ith annual crushing capacity of o-er @"1 million tones" Sugarcane farming and sugar manufacturing contribute significantly to the national e>che*uer in the form of -arious ta>es and le-ies" Sugar manufacturing and its byCproducts ha-e contributed significantly to=ards the foreign e>change resources through import substitution" Key Facts !o" of Mills B1 &%1C 2perational 2C,nder 5onstruction :C5ompleted) 5rushing 5apacity @"1 Milluion tones @ 5ontribution to 8conomy ("# D :"# Million 7onnes C Share in E/P 1"$F C 8mployment 1"? million &directly 9 indirectly) C 7otal In-estment PGR 1## +illion &Appro>) A-erage Hield Per 3ector :@"B 7onnes 7otal 5ane Production :?"# D ??"# Million 7onnes 5ane A-ailable (#C:( Million 7onnes A-erage reco-ery of sugar $"1 &-s" =orld a-g" 1#"@F) Per 5apita 5onsumption 2?"B <gs" Per capita 5ontribution to e>che*uer Rs" 12"1@ +illion Cane Sugar Yield of World 5ountry 5ane Hield &7;ha) Sugar Reco-ery &F) Sugar Hield &t;ha) Australia 8gypt +razil ,SA 5olombia Me>ico India Pa<istan 6orld A-g" 1##": 11#"B @B": B#"2 B#"? %$"? @@"$ :$"# @:": 1("B 11"? 1:"? 11"% 11"? 11"@ $"$ $"2 1#"@ 1("B? 12"%: $"$1 $"(B $"2@ $"22 @"@: ("?: @"B2 % Pakistan Sugarcane Area and Yield Year Area (000 Ha) Produced 000 Tonnes Yield per Hectare Utilization by Sugar Mills 2000-01 $@#"# :(@2# :?": @%":% 2001-02 $$$"% :B#:1 :B"1 %@"(( 2002-03 1#$$"% ?2#:$ :%"( B#"2B 2003-04 1#%:"B ?(B## ?#"1 B1"1? 2004-05 $@@": :(?(( :?"# %("%: 2005-06 $#%"# ::2$2 :B"B @%"$: Sugarcane Production and Recovery Year Cane Crushed Tonnes Sugar Made Tonnes Recovery 2000-01 2$:#BB%$ 2:@@%BB B"($F 2001-02 (@%#B@(B (1$%%:? B"%1F 2002-03 :1%B@@B$ (@?2%:? B"%:F 2003-04 :(@@1(%B ($$%#1# $"1?F 2004-05 (21#1%($ 2$2212@ $"1#F 2005-06 (##$#@(2 2?BB1%@ B"?$F Sugar Production by type of raw Material &In 7onnes) Year Sugarcane Beet Raw Total 2000-01 2:@@%BB 1%2%@ ?(1$(# 3,015,994 2001-02 (1$%%:? 2$1%2 22111 3,249,028 2002-03 (@?2%:? 22#@@ 1$:? 3,676,759 2003-04 ($$%#1@ 2(%$@ C 4,020,806 B 2004-05 2$2212? 11(%( 1B2(#( 3,115,801 2005-06 2?BB1%@ B$(: :#1($@ 2,998,506 8 0 8stimated !"A" 0 !ot A-ailable Industry Scenario Sugar industry is mostly located in the rural areas of Punjab and Sindh" A small percentage of total production is produced in the !6FP" Pre-iously Punjab =as partly dependent on supply of sugar from Sindh but lately the establishment of some large scale units in Punjab has made the Pro-ince selfCsufficient in the commodity" Sugar production is seasonal acti-ity" 7he mills at an a-erage operate for 1?# days and supplies are made throughout the year" As the industry no= has large daily crushing capacity there are efforts to e-en further reduce" Province wise sugar production &In 7onnes) Provinc e 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 Punjab 1B(222 B 21B2(( # 2?$$:$ # 2(?11# 2 21?21% ? Sindh 1#(B12 2 B#1#@( 12212@ B 11?B@% : $:#$?$ !6FP 12B1?% 1(2:#% 1%@2?2 1@@$B( 1#:@11 TOTAL 2,998,50 7 3,115,80 1 3,997,01 0 3,676,75 9 3,197,74 5 $ EXPORT OF SUGAR, MOLASSES AND ETHYL ALCOHOL Year Quantity (Tonnes) Value (In 000 Rs.) S u g a r 2### C#1 C C 2##1 C#2 C C 2##2 C#( :?@@$ @2%$:$ 2##( C#: 11@1%? 1?B$21# 2##: C#? ?:%%1 1#2B%1# M o l a s s e s 2### C#1 11$##12 2:?@?%( 2##1 C#2 1@#%(B# (B$BB## 2##2 C#( 12%2@(# 2@?2$%? 2##( C#: 1:?%2B( 2@$B$@: 2##: C#? 11?1:(1 :2$%@1% E t h y l
A l c o h o l Year Quantity (Liters) Value (In 000 Rs.) 2### C#1 1##@1### 2#B#B2 2##1 C#2 1:?$:### (:1:(B 2##2 C#( 1@(:1?%? (:2@?B 2##( C#: (?$21#@? @$2B:# 2##: C#? (@@@$@BB 1#@%::? It can be seen from the abo-e that there e>ists tremendous potential for e>port of sugar molasses and ethyl alcohol" In 1# particular molasses needs to be mentioned here as it has sho=n regular e>ports o-er the last fe= years" 7he major buyers are !etherlands ,G Eermany Spain Italy and Gorea" !etherlands is the biggest buyer =ith o-er :#F share in o-erall e>ports" Import of Refined Sugar Year Quantity (Tonnes) Value (In 000 Rs.) 2000-01 930,142 14,488,243 2001-02 85,037 1,472,326 2002-03 8,315 152,746 2003-04 11,398 188,509 2004-05 266,707 5,288,976 2005-06 1,527,322 37,365,929 Investment Opportunities Impro-ement in sugar crop yield through R9/ and planning Impro-ement in procurement and storage to reduce =astages 8>port potential of sugar;molasses /e-elopment of Industries for proper utilization of byC products by adding e*uipment &distillery chipboard etc") =hich can earn ; enhance re-enues" +lending of fuel ethanol =ith petrol" 11 Po=er coCgeneration by the sugar industry using bagass 12 CHAPTER 2 HISTORY OF 1DW SUGAR MILL 1( VISION STATEMENT ~To become a market leader in the Industry setting out high quality standards for the Company and others to follow 1: Mission To be the market leader and a world-class organization by meeting and proactively anticipating customer needs. To maximize the wealth of stakeholders by optimizing the long term returns and growth of the business. To be amongst the most efficient and lowest cost producers in the industry. To ensure a safe, harmonious and challenging working Environment for the employees. 1? Strategy To grow our base business In sugar and build those Related activities where there Is opportunity to smooth the Impact of sugar price cycles. To produce sugar which is of highest international Standards" To make investment in sugarcane crop to ensure regular supply of cane and profitability of growers. To offer equal and fair growth opportunities to all employees. To undertake and support community development and 1@ welfare projects in order to fulfill social commitments. INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY: '/6 Sugar Mills limited =as incorporated as pri-ate limited company on May (1 1$$# under the company ordinance 1$B:" 7he company =as later con-erted into public limited company on August 2: 1$$1 and shares =ere floated on the Garachi and .ahore Stoc< 8>changes during August 1$$2" '/6 starts its operations firstly in 1$$2 =ith one plant and its factory area is almost 1## acres" !o= it has t=o plants the capacity of first plant is B### tones crushing per day and second plant is 12### tones crushing per day" First Plant costs B# crores in 1$$2 and Second plant costs 12( crores in 2##:" 7he main objecti-e of the company is to manufacture and sale of =hite crystalline sugar and other related objects as set out in the Memorandum of Association of the company PLANT: Initially the plant =as set up =ith a capacity of :### 75/ ha-ing 1## acres area =hich =as e>tended to @### 75/ and subse*uently the plant capacity has been enhanced to B### 75/" A !e= 7andem is also installed of the capacity 1#### 75/" !o= the total crushing of cane is 1B### 7ons 5rush per /ay" 1% RAW MATERIAL In Pa<istan t=o =ays of Sugar preparation !oC 1 =ith Sugar 5ane !oC 2 =ith +eet Rahim Har Ghan is -ery fertile for sugar cane" 7he a-erage yield is about 1### Maunds;Acres &Appro>)" /ue to this the priority Sugar 5ane is most beneficial source for this industry" 7he effort of '/6 staff to de-elop the gro=er for getting more share of the mar<et and seller satisfaction '/6 introduce the loaning policies for gro=er on the basis of no interest" 7he cane department is -ery acti-e for getting the ma>imum share of ra= material for the factory" 7his department is adopting -alue chain process for getting more result for the factory and fastest communication for the gro=er and production staff" Products: '/6 Sugar Mills products include 7able Sugar Molasses +agasse and Press Mud Table Sugar: Sugar term applied loosely to any of a number of chemical compounds in the carbohydrate group that are readily soluble in =aterA are colorless odorless and usually crystallizableA and are more or less s=eet in taste" Sugar is also <no=n as Sucrose" 7able sugar is one of the common food items =hich ha-e a -ery huge demand"
Molasses: 1B Molasses or +lac<strap molasses is the residual li*uid food obtained in the manufacturing of ra= sugar" 7he cane juice or mother li*uor after ha-ing been purified is concentrated into a thic< mass" As the sugar crystallizes this mass is passed through a centrifuge =hich allo=s the mother li*uor to pass through but retains the crystallized sugar" 7he resulting molasses is -ery dar< and has a robust some=hat bitterCtart fla-or" Bagasse: +agasse is the fibrous matter that remains after sugarcane or sorghum stal<s are crushed to e>tract their juice" It is currently used as a biofuel and as a rene=able resource in the manufacture of pulp and paper products and building materials" Ea-e +agasse is a similar material =hich consists of the tissue of the blue aga-es after e>traction of the sap" Press Mud: Press Mud is a =aste produced by the mills" For e-ery tone of Sugar 5ane appro>imately (# to :# <g Press Mud is produced" Press Mud is used as manure in the sugarcane fields" /istillery effluent &-ines) is also mi>ed =ith Press Mud and made into compost" 1$ CHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS SWOT Analysis Strengths: '/6 is a mar<et leader" 2# '/6 Sugar Mills are in secure areas that is the state of '/6 o=ners" 7here is no labor union in this organization" 3a-e a =ide setup farms and the land of lin<ed areas is fruitful for cane production" 3a-e a =ide set up of farms ,sing manpo=er on large scale" Is in maturity stage in organization life cycle" '/6 has much e>perienced *ualified and competent employees in each department"
Weaknesses: '/6 is using manpo=er on large scale so e>penses are high" .ac< of departmental coordination Opportunity: 6e can use beet as an input in future After the implementation of car financing scheme transport matters =ill be sol-e" In these days there is no situation of drought and reco-ery of per acer of cane =ill be increase 6e can attract gro=ers from district Ehoti<i as =ell as Rajan pur Threats: May be competition =ill increase 7hey can shift from maturity stage to decline stage 21 7he ad-ertising campaign may be need in future It is possible that in future =e =ill face s=itching cost" PEST Analysis Political Instability: 7he political situation of Pa<istan is not satisfactory" /ue to the rapid change in the Eo-ernment e-ery go-ernment sets its o=n ne= trade policies" Eo-t" should apply sustainable policies for the beneficial of the e>porters as =ell as the in-estors" Economic situation: 7he economic condition of Pa<istan can also affect the foreign in-estors increasing inflation rate ma<e the cost of production high and thus reduce the profit margin of the in-estor" Social situation: 7he change in the lifestyle of the people affects the gro=ing demand of the sugar" 7he change in the lifestyle and needs in different demographics also affect the demand of the customers" /ue to all these changes '/6 is performing e>cellent for the e>cellence organization as =ell as for the customer" Technological factor: 7echnological ad-ancement in all the sectors of the country has changed the entire socioCeconomic en-ironment" 8specially in the Sugar sector there is a lot of technological de-elopment" '/6 8>cellent computerized machines and de-ices are installed in the '/6 Sugar mills ha-e made e>tension in its present setup by installation of =ell ad-anced technology imported from 'apan 5hina and France" 22 Balance Sheet 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 SHARE CAPITAL & RESERVES Share capital :B$BB$:%# ::2B:#?%# 381,254,260 (1?(@1$## 2@#(#1?B# reser-e 2$21#?1%:? 1:1:@#%##$ 1,180,814,247 B$(2B?:22 $1?:2?:B1 3,410,941,515 1,857,447,579 1,562,068,50 7 1,208,647,3 22 1,175,727,06 1 NON CURRENT LIABILITY .oan from /irectorCunsecured C 260,900,000 260,900,000 260,900,00 0 150,000,000 .ong term financing 2?%1BBBB$# 2,077,777,778 2,200,000,000 2,086,287,8 80 2,169,166,66 6 Payable to ,SM ltd shareholders 245,000,000 .iabilities against assets subject to finance lease ?2B@@?1$B 329,960,452 353,881,872 328,038,52 0 163,482,459 /eferred ta>ation C 175,286,234 79,710,556 43,959,892 /eferred liabilities 12$?@@2%$% 718,563,062 7,890,204 /eferred income C 3,945,104 12,132,409 4,396,216,885 3,391,146,396 2,997,958,31 0 2,767,069,3 65 2,771,609,01 7 CURRENT LIABILITIES Short term borro=ingsCsecured 22B?2$#$%1 3,671,524,912 1,970,380,636 2,316,752,8 03 358,023,441 5urrent portion of non current liabilities 1#1(:B2:@: 591,564,179 154,934,612 447,164,95 2 458,993,001 7rade and other payables @@?($#$@% 667,632,408 1,161,679,843 348,515,31 3 296,580,473 Interest and Mar<up accrued 1(@12$:%$ 172,466,649 95,254,218 155,287,17 1 96,568,476 Pro-ision for ta>ation 2?%$@?2:@ 58,879,777 21,281,831 Total 4,358,259,127 5,162,067,925 3,382,249,30 9 3,267,720,2 39 1,231,447,22 2 12,165,417,527 10,410,661,90 0 7,942,276,12 6 7,243,436,9 26 5,178,783,30 0 ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Property plant and e*uipment 3,191,942,9 00 3,094,551,18 7 Operating fixed assets 6,893,409,143 4,726,936,432 3,237,354,576 Capital work in progress 46,062,570 11,579,549 769,240 6,939,471,713 4,738,515,981 3,238,123,81 6 Inest!ent propert" 419,348,133 350,753,636 In-estments 797,572,569 1,313,567,500 1,868,079,683 1,583,808,4 92 986,308,492 Eood=ill 608,310,693 568,545,391 .ong term deposits 84,408,648 48,445,899 36,991,979 33,809,769 19,242,454 1,909,640,043 5,143,195,47 8 4,809,561,1 61 4,100,102,13 3 CURRENT ASSETS Stores spare parts and tools 391,144,991 283,562,979 159,419,324 149,622,24 6 169,524,190 Stoc< in tradeCfinish goods 206,682,011 1,436,296,905 598,629,031 358,188,76 0 7rade debtsCunsecCconsidered goods 142,956 36,588,056 43,285,232 131,034,56 2 2( PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT P AND L ACCOUNT 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Sales D net 20,392,207,793 7,572,724,395 6,166,723,4 10 4,237,940,735 4,226,409,88 6 5ost of Sales (16,744,461,278) #5,670,105,049 $ #4,940,988,6 66$ (3,536,948,16 5) (3,268,822,87 9) Eross profit 3,647,746,515 1,902,619,346 1,225,734,7 44 700,992,570 957,587,007 Administrati-e e>p (344,195,411) #177,689,911$ #116,922,71 9$ (98,730,161) (102,235,214) /istribution and mar<eting e>p (11,956,057) #14,781,631$ #75,020,261$ (5,758,919) (5,381,466) 2ther operating e>pCnet (212,051,150) #103,133,734$ #60,765,600$ (4,272,078) (15,380,323) other operating income 47,729,198 23,289,816 39,309,691 80,402,078 3,872,560 6or<ers profit participation fund (5,713,756) (22,455,044) 6or<ers =elfare fund (2,171,227) (2,133,229) (520,473,420) #272,315,460$ #213,398,88 9$ (36,244,063) (143,712,716) 2perating profit 3,127,273,095 1,630,303,886 1,012,335,8 55 664,748,507 813,874,291 Finance cost (1,168,439,503) #870,430,469$ #560,645,47 9$ (558,358,372) (389,361,680) Share of loss of associated companies (6,957,792) Profit before ta>ation 1,951,875,800 759,873,417 451,690,376 106,390,135 424,512,611 Taxation (711,473,399) #257,820,317$ #100,939,17 7$ (35,750,664) (58,303,185) Profit after ta>ation 1,240,402,401 502,053,100 350,751,199 70,639,471 366,209,426 +asic earning per share 28.20 11%34 9%20 2.24 11.72 /iluted earning per share 28.20 11%34 9%20 2.22 C 2: Vertical Analysis: Vertical Analysis of Balance Sheet Balance Sheet 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 SHARE CAPITAL & RESERVES Share capital 1## $#": %%"B2 @:"(% ?("1( reser-e 1## :B":( :#":2 (#"?$ (1"(:
NON CURRENT LIABILITY .oan from /irectorC unsecured C 1## 1## 1## ?%":$ .ong term financing 1## B#"%$ B?"?: B1"112 B:"(: Payable to ,SM ltd shareholders C C C C .iabilities against assets subject to finance lease 1## @2":1 @@"$: @2"#? (#"$2 /eferred ta>ation C C 1## :?":% 2?"#B /eferred liabilities 1## ??":@ "@1 C C /eferred income C 1## C (#%"?( C CURRENT LIABILITIES Short term borro=ingsC secured 1## 1@#"@@ B@"22 1#1"(B 1?"@% 5urrent portion of non current liabilities 1## ?B"(% 1?"2$ ::"122 :?"2$ 7rade and other payables 1## 1##"(: 1%:"?$ ?2"(B ::"?% Interest and 1## 12@"@$ @$"$% 11:"#%( %#"$: 2? Mar<up accrued Pro-ision for ta>ation 1## 22"B2 C C B"2? Total ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Property plant and e*uipment C C C 1## $@"$? Operating fixed assets 1## @B"?%1 :@"$@ C C Capital work in progress 1## 2?"1($ 1"@% C C Inest!ent propert" 1## B("@: C C C In-estments 1## 1@:"@$ 2(:"22 1$B"?B 12("@@ Eood=ill 1## $(":@ C C C .ong term deposits 1## ?%"($ :("B2 :#"#? 22"B1 CURRENT ASSETS Stores spare parts and tools 1## %2"?1 :#"%@ (B"2? :("(: Stoc< in tradeC finish goods 1## @$:"$( 2B$"@: 1%("(#: C 7rade debtsC unsecured considered goods 1## 2??$: (#2%$ $1@@1 C Ad-ances deposits prepayments and other recei-ables 1## @#"1B %2"1$1 @?":$ (("(B &ax ref'nds fro! (oern!ent C 1## C C C )dan*e in*o!e tax C C 1## C C 5ash and ban< balances 1## (2"(2 2"1$ 2#1"2% :B"$@ 100 100 100 100 100 2@ Horizontal Analysis: Horizontal Analysis of Balance Sheet Balance Sheet 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 SHARE CAPITAL & RESERVES Share capital :"2%F :"2?F :"BF :"(?:F ?"#2@F reser-e 2:"#11 1("?$ 1:"B@% 12"((2 1%"@%@
NON CURRENT LIABILITY .oan from /irectorC unsecured C 2"?1 ("2B? ("@#2 2"B$@ .ong term financing 21":1 1$"$?B 2%"% 2B"B#2 :1"BB@ Payable to ,SM ltd shareholders .iabilities against assets subject to finance lease :"(:@ ("1@$ :":?@ :"?2$ ("1?% /eferred ta>ation C C 2"2#% 1"1##: "B:$ /eferred liabilities 1#"@? @"$#2 "#$$ /eferred income "#(%$ "1@% CURRENT LIABILITIES Short term borro=ingsC secured 1B"%B? (?"2@% 2:"B#$ (1"$B: @"$1( 5urrent portion of non current liabilities B"((1 ?"@B2 1"$?1 @"1%( B"B@( 7rade and other payables ?":% @":1( 1:"@2% :"B11? ?"%2% Interest and 1"11$ 1"@?% 1"2# 2"1:: 1"B@? 2% Mar<up accrued Pro-ision for ta>ation 2"2#: "?@@ ":11 Total ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Property plant and e*uipment :":#@ ?$"%?: Operating fixed assets ?@"@@: :?":#? :#"%@ Capital work in progress "(%$ "111 "##$% Inest!ent propert" ("::% ("(@$ In-estments @"??@ 12"@1% 2("?21 21"B@? 1$"#:? Eood=ill ?"##( ?":@1 .ong term deposits "@$: ":@? ":@@ ":@% "(%1 CURRENT ASSETS Stores spare parts and tools ("21? 2"%2: 2"##% 2"#@@ ("2%( Stoc< in tradeC finish goods 1"% 1("%$% %"?(% :"$:? 7rade debtsC unsecured considered goods "##12 "(?1 "?:? 1"B#$ Ad-ances deposits prepayments and other recei-ables 22"2?? 1?"@? 2:"@#$ 2:":%% 1%":?2 &ax ref'nds fro! (oern!ent "#1(% )dan*e in*o!e tax "?1: 5ash and ban< balances "#B$$ "#(: "##( "#(#: "#1#: 2B
HORIZONTAL PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT P AND L ACCOUNT 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Sales D net 1## 1## 1## 1## 1## 5ost of Sales &B2"112 ) &%:"B%) &B#"12() &B(":?$) &%%":() Eross profit 1%"BBB 2?"12? 1$"B%% 1@"?:1 22"@?% Administrati-e e>p &1"@BB) &2"(:@) &1"B$@) &2"(() &2":1$) /istribution and mar<eting e>p &"#?$) &"1$?) &1"21@) &"1(@) &"12%) 2ther operating e>pCnet &1"#:) &1"(@2) &"$B?) &"1#1) &"(@:) other operating income "2(: "(#% "@(% 1"B$% "#$1@ 6or<ers profit participation fund &"1(?) &"?(1) 6or<ers =elfare fund &"#?1) &"#?#?) 2perating profit 1?"((@ 21"?2$ 1@":1@ 1?"@B 1$"2?% Finance cost &?"%() &11":$:) &1(":??) &1("1%?) &$"21() Share of loss of associated companies &"#(:1) Profit before ta>ation $"?%2 1#"#(: %"(2? 2"?1 1#"#:: Taxation &(":B$) &(":#?) &1"@(%) &B":(() &1"(%$) Profit after ta>ation @"#B2 @"@( ?"@BB 1"@% B"@@? +asic earning per share 2B"2# 11"(: $"2# 2"2: 11"%2 /iluted earning per share 2B"2# 11"(: $"2# 2"22 C 2$ VERTICLE PROFIT AND LOSS P AND L ACCOUNT 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Sales D net 1## (%"1( (#"2: 2#"%B 2#"%2 5ost of Sales &1##) &(("B@) &2$"?1) &21"12) &1$"?2) Eross profit 1## ?2"1@ (("@# 1$"22 2@"2? Administrati-e e>p &1##) &?1"@2) &(:) &2B"@B) &2$"%) /istribution and mar<eting e>p &1##) &12("@() &@2%"?) &:B"1%) &:?"#1) 2ther operating e>pCnet &1##) &:B"@:) &2B"@@) &2"#1?) &%"2?) other operating income 1## :B"B1 B2"(@ 1@B":? B"11 6or<ers profit participation fund C C C 1## ($( 6or<ers =elfare fund C C C 1## $B"2? 2perating profit 1## ?2"1( (2"(% 21"2@ 2@"#2 Finance cost &1##) &%:"?) &:%"$B) &:B) &(("(2) Share of loss of associated companies &1##) Profit before ta>ation 1## (B"$( 2("1: ?":? 21"%? Taxation &1##) &(@"2:) &1:"1B%) &?"#2?) &B"1$) Profit after ta>ation 1## :#":% 2B"2B ?"@$ 2$"?2 +asic earning per share 2B"2# 11"(: $"2# 2"2: 11"%2 /iluted earning per share 2B"2# 11"(: $"2# 2"22 C RATIO ANALYSIS Current Ratio (# 7he current ratio is obtained by di-iding the current assets by current liabilities" 5urrent assets normally includes0 cash mar<etable securities account recei-able and in-entories" Formula 7he formula of current ratio is0 Current ratio Current assets / Current liabilities Computation Hear 5urrent Assets 5urrent .iabilities Ratio 2##@ 1#%B@B11@% 12(1::%222 "B@ 2##% 2:((B%?%@? (2@%%2#2($ "%:? 2##B 2%$$#B#@:B ((B22:$(#$ "B( 2##$ (($#B((:$( ?1@2#@%$2? "@@ 2#1# ((1@(#?%%1 :(?B2?$12% "%@1 Conclusion: 7he bench mar< for the ratio is 201" 3o=e-er it is acceptable at 1"%?01" the current position of the company for the last fi-e years is not good it sho=s that company is hea-ily relying on short term financing" 7he company may face li*uidity problem if it does not impro-e its current ratio" Net Profit Margin !et profit margin is calculated by di-ided 8A7 by sales" it is the percentage of sales =hich is the profit" It should be high as it means that the cost of incurring production is lo=" Formula 7he formula of ratio is0 Net profit margin net profit after taxes / net sales Computation (1 Hear !et profit After 7a> Sales Ratio 2##@ (@@2#$:2@ :22@:#$BB@ "#B% 2##% %#@($:%1 :2(%$:#%(? "1@% 2##B (?#%?11$$ @1@@%2(:1# "#?% 2##$ ?#2#?(1## %?%2%2:($? "#@@ 2#1# 12:#:#2:#1 2#($22#%%$( "#@B Conclusion: It sho=s the o-erall profitability of the company after all the e>penses is being paid it also sho=s ho= much profit is left for shareholders" 7he companys net profit is @"BF for the last year and it is ma<ing an a-erage profit of B"$F =hich is good for the company" Gross Profit Margin 7he gross profit margin is calculated by di-iding gross profit by sales" 7his the percentage of sales =hich is the gross profit as percentage of sales" 7he difference of this percentage from 1##F gi-es the percentage of cost of goods sold" Formula 7he formula of ratio is0 Gross profit margin Gross profit / net sales Computation Hear Eross Profit Sales Ratio 2##@ $?%?B%##% :22@:#$BB@ "22% 2##% %##$$2?%# :2(%$:#%(? "1@? 2##B 122?%(:%:: @1@@%2(:1# "1$$ 2##$ 1$#2@1$(:@ %?%2%2:($? "2?1 2#1# (@:%%:@?1? 2#($22#%%$( "1%$ Conclusion: (2 7he gross profit is the result of relationship bet=een prices sales -olume and costs" A high ratio to gross profit to sales is a sign of good management as it implies that the cost of production of the business is relati-ely lo=" A relati-ely lo= gross margin ration is definitely a danger signal" Re*uiring a careful and detailed analysis of the factors responsible for it" 7he current margin of the company is good as it is ma<ing an a-erage margin of 2#F" Operating Profit Margin The operating profit margin is calculated by dividing operating profit by sales. This the percentage of sales which is the operating profit as percentage of sales. The difference of this percentage from 100% gives the percentage of cost of goods sold and operating expenses incurred. Formula The formula of ratio is: Operating profit margin = Operating profit / net sales Computation Hear 2perating Profit Sales Ratio 2##@ B1(B%:2$1 :22@:#$BB@ "1$( 2##% @@:%:B?#% :2(%$:#%(? "1?% 2##B 1#12((?B?? @1@@%2(:1# "1@: 2##$ 1@(#(#(BB@ %?%2%2:($? "21? 2#1# (12%2%(#$? 2#($22#%%$( "1?(( Conclusion: (( 7his ratio measures the relationship bet=een operating profit and sales of a business" It also sho=s ho= much operating e>pense are being incurred in the business" A high operating ration indicates that management is efficient in controlling the e>penses =hile a lo= operating ration reflects management inCefficiency to=ards e>penses" 7he current position sho=s an a-erage operating profit margin of 1%"@F =hich is a good sign for the manufacturing company" Return on total assets: 7he ratio of net income to total assets measures the return on total assets" 7his sho=s that ho= much of the profit is due to assets or ho= much is the profit on assets" It should be high in manufacturing oriented firm" Formula: 7he formula of ratio is0 Return on asset net profit after taxes / Total assets Computation Hear !et Profit After 7a> 7otal Assets Ratio 2##@ (@@2#$:2@ ?1%B%B((## "#%#% 2##% %#@($:%1 %2:(:(@$2@ "##$% 2##B (?#%?11$$ %$:22%@12@ "#::2 2##$ ?#2#?(1## 1#:1#@@1$## "#:B2 2#1# 12:#:#2:#1 121@?:1%?2% "1#12 5onclusion0 It sho=s ho= much net profit is being generated on e-ery Rs" 1 asset in-ested in the business" It also sho=s ho= efficiently the assets are being utilized" 7he a-erage return on assets ratio is " #??01 =hich is good for the such industry" (: Basic earning power: 7he basic earning po=er ratio is calculated by di-iding earning before interest and ta>es this ratio sho=s the ra= earning po=er of the firm assets before the influence of ta>es and le-erages" Formula 7he formula of ratio is0 Basic earning Power EBIT / Total assets Computation Hear 8+I7 7otal Assets Ratio 2##@ B1(B%:2$1 ?1%B%B((## "1?% 2##% @@:%:B?#% %2:(:(@$2@ "#$2 2##B 1#12((?B?? %$:22%@12@ "12B 2##$ 1@(#(#(BB@ 1#:1#@@1$## "1?@ 2#1# (12%2%(#$? 121@?:1%?2% "2?% Conclusion: It sho=s ho= much 8arning before inters and ta> is being generated on e-ery Rs" 1 asset in-ested in the business" It also sho=s ho= efficiently the assets are being utilized" It sho=s an a-erage ratio of #"1?B01 =hich is good for the company" RETURN ON EQUITY 7his ration is calculated by di-iding the profit after ta> to e*uity shareholders fund" Formula: Return on e*uity I PA7 ; e*uity shareholders fund (? Computation Hear Profit After 7a> Share 5apital Ratio 2##@ (@@2#$:2@ 2@#(#1?B# 1":1 2##% %#@($:%1 (1?(@1$## "22% 2##B (?#%?11$$ (B12?:2@# "%$2 2##$ ?#2#?(1## ::2:B#?%# 1"1(( 2#1# 12:#:#2:#1 :B$BB$:%# 2"?(2 Conclusion: 7his ratio measures the profitability of the company in relation to the funds supplied by the shareholders" 7he higher the ration the more efficient shareholders funds pro-ided" 7he current position of the company reflects a higher increase in shareholders e*uity as compare to last years" DEBT RATIO It is calculated by di-iding total liabilities to total assets Formula : /ebt Ratio I 7otal liabilities ; total assets Computation Hear 7otal .iabilities 7otal Assets Ratio 2##@ :##(#?@2($ ?1%B%B((## %%"( 2##% @#(:%B$@#: %2:(:(@$2@ B("(1( 2##B @(B#2#%@1$ %$:22%@12@ B#"((2 2##$ B??(21:(21 1#:1#@@1$## B2"1@ 2#1# B%?::%@#12 121@?:1%?2% %1"$@2 Conclusion: (@ It sho=s ho= much assets are a-ailable in order to meet the total liabilities of the company" Average collection period It is also called a-erage collection period it is calculated by di-iding the number of days in year by recei-able turno-er" 7his ratio sho=s after sales ho= many days after =hich the account recei-able are recei-ed" Formula 7he formula of recei-able turno-er is0 Receivable collection period Receivables / sales ` 365 Computation Hear Sales Recei-ableJ(@? Ratio&day) 2##@ C C 2##% :2(%$:#%(? 1(1#(:?@2 11 2##B @1@@%2(:1# :(2B?2(2 ( 2##$ %?%2%2:($? (@?BB#?@ 2 2#1# 2#($22#%%$( 1:2$?@ # Conclusion: 7his ratio measures the a-erage period ta<en by recei-able to pay the amount due to the company" 3igh recei-able payment period sho=s too much in-estment in the =or<ing capital" 7he current position of the company in respect of collecting payments from customers is -ery good" In 2#1# almost all the sales =ere on cash" 3o=e-er the a-erage for last fi-e years is ( days" (% Payables payment period: 7he payable turno-er in days means after credit purchases ho= many days after =hich the credit are paid" this sho=s the firm ability to manage and release debts" It should be greater then the recei-able turno-er in days" Formula 7he formula of ratio is0 Payable payment Payables / Cost of Sales ` 365 Computation Hear 5ost of Sale Payables J(@? Ratio 2##@ (2@BB22B%$ 2$@?B#:%( (( 2##% (?(@$:B1@? (:B?1?(1( (@ 2##B :$:#$BB@@@ 11@1@%$B:( B@ 2##$ ?@%#1#?#:$ @@%@(2:#B :( 2#1# 1@%:::@12%B @@?($#$@% 1? Conclusion: 7his ratio measures the a-erage period ta<en by the company to pay the amount due to the payables" If the payables payment period is lo= that sho=s o-er capitalization of the company since the company is ta<ing less credit from creditors" 7he current position of the company sho=s that company is meeting its short term financing needs by utilizing payables money" (B CHAPTER 4 Internship Experience ($ Concerned Department Information: Admin Department: I =or<ed in Account 2ffice under the Admin department in E. 2ffice" Follo=ing departments =or<ed under the Admin Manager a) Personal 2ffice b) MIS 2ffice c) 7ime 2ffice d) Firefighting Section e) 5anteen f) Security g) Account office Admin department loo< after almost all the departments at mill" At accounts office there is a head along =ith ( assistants to deals all the financial especially the gro=ers accounts and loans matters of gro=ers" Duties and Responsibilities: Growers Accounts In gro=ers accounts I ma<e -oucher of sugar cane gro=er on the -oucher =eight of the sugar cane amount and the amount and the ban< name =here they =ant to transfer there amounts =ere =ritten" :# Firstly I made -ouchers of gro=ers and than ma<e there entry in the soft=are in there accounts" Salary Accounts In salary accounts I transfer the salary of the permanent =or<ers to there accounts and ma<e -oucher of daily =ages =or<ers and adjust bonuses to all employees accounts and deduct the amount of the loan an employee ta<en in ad-ance from the company" Loan Accounts In loan account I deal =ith gro=ers loan account the loan they ta<e from company for fertilizers and =ater and machinery and ma<e there accounts and adjust there balance" Maintenance budget Accounts In this account I deal =ith the budget =e got for refreshment and for stationary" Accomplishment / Achievement: It =as a tremendous e>perience that I ha-e a-ailed =ith de-otion and commitment" I ha-e an interest in sugar industry thatKs because that industry has a largest scope and a huge =eight in the economy of the country after te>tile" +ut one thing I =ant to share its not easy that loo<s it has a great toughness and complications in its process but the o-erall it =as nice and great" 3ere I am sharing some of my learning regarding my internship in different departments" First I met Mr" Safder the admin manager of '/6 Sugar Mills =ho introduced me in the organization" I discussed about the admin and financing practices going on in the sugars mills" 3ere I <no= ho= to target your customer after <no=ing needs =ith product solution of the customer need" :1 LI learnt that e-ery problem is sol-ed =ith a systematic process li<e from the root of the problem" LI also performed some tas< in the admin department and there I familiar the dealing =ith the labor" LI learnt about the mar<eting procedure and re*uired of the documents and dealing =ith customers" L/uring my internship I learnt about the -alue that customer is the only =ho come first" 7he fulfillment of the demand of customer is our basic moti-e" 7he *uality control as =ell inception in the sugar industry should be parallel" LI learnt about the gro=ers account and issuing loan conditions" I learnt ho= to ma<e the budget and salaries" Skilled Acquired: Internship =as the first e>perience for me to =or< in any organization and during this tenure I learned many things =hich =ill be -ery beneficial for my professional life being the first e>perience it pro-ed for me -ery educati-e and courageous" !e= things =hich I e>perience are as follo=s0 First hand knowledge: /uring my internship I got the first hand <no=ledge about documentation =or<ing en-ironment and management" /uring this session I learned ho= to maintain documents and ho= =e gather information from customer in tactful =ays" Managing the environment: I learned ho= officer of any organization can manage the duties of staff and ho= he can moti-ate their employees for getting desire output from them" I got the understanding for ma<ing the polices regarding the employee management and pro-ision for incenti-es :2 to its =or<er li<e bonuses fle>ible =or<ing en-ironment and =or<ing hours etc" Business knowledge acquired: I learned pure business <no=ledge and its re*uirements =hile in boo<s =e are only able to ma<e the theoretical -ie= of rules and regulation of any business but by e>periencing them personally I understand that ho= =e can ma<e our business successful and ho= =e can capture the mar<et shares of our competitors" Problem Encounter: !o doubt I learnt a lot of <no=ledge and it =as a good e>perience for me but during this session I ha-e to face some problems li<e0 In the beginning days it =as someho= difficult for me to mi> up =ith ne= en-ironment and people but after some period I became use to =ith it and become a part of mill li<e other employees and felt -ery comfortable" Mostly people of my area are agriculturist and are not educated so some times I ha-e to face problem to con-ince them about the rules and regulations of males operations li<e in gro=ers account opening etc 7here is no separate common room for ladies =here they can rest during brea< How experience impact on my career: Internship impacts my career as0 :( My internship e>perience has gi-en me a practical pre-ie= of my field of education and after this e>perience I am feeling that I am going to be prepared for in the professional life" 8-ery acti-ity =hich I performed and learned in each department of Mill =as ha-ing a ne= e>perience in its self" After learning the tas< of each department I realized that I ha-e a potential to enter in professional life and it also taught me ho= I can ma<e things possible and complete assigned tas<s" I realized that earning of money is not an easy tas< =e ha-e to do =or< =ith full concentration and hard =or<" I realized that =e not only ha-e to gi-e full de-otion but =e all manage our =or< =ith in estimated time" As my internship is in a one of the top leading organizations and '/6 has a good name in mar<et so in future it =ill be beneficial for me to see< a good job" 2ur all e>perience of my internship =as -ery good and I ha-e learned the sense of responsibility and ho= I can say that I am getting prepare to deal =ith different type of costumer and ho= I can interact =ith them to con-ince for some specific topic =ith patience" In nut shell this internship ga-e me the e>perience =hich =ill enhance my capacities and =ill boost up my confidence to =or< In future" Pros & Cons: Advantages: '/6 is mar<et leader '/6 sugar mills are in secure areas that is the state of '/6 o=ners" 7here is no labor union in this organization" :: 6e ha-e =ide setup farms and the land of lin<ed areas is fruitful for cane production" 6e ha-e =ide set up of farms 6e are using manpo=er on large scale" 6e are in maturity stage in organization life cycle" '/6 has much e>perienced *ualified and competent employees in each department" Disadvantages: 6e are using manpo=er on large scale so e>penses are high" .ac< of departmental coordination" 7he mill does not hire the highly professional and e>pertise" Financial performance of the mill in last one year is not satisfactory" 7he mill is not focusing on the mar<et function" At present there us huge competition in the sugar industry especially in Pa<istan" 7herefore there is need to focus on the mar<eting function to get the mar<et share" 7he mar<eting efforts of the mill are not satisfactory" In '/6 Sugar Mills the distribution of =or< load is not fair and e*ual" 7he employees has a huge burden of =or<load =here as the other has a -ery lo= burden of =or< Identification of problems: /uring my internship in '/6 sugar mills I identified some problem that should be remo-ing" 7hese problems =ere0 :? Possible problems: Administration does not ha-e a control on Mstationary e>pendituresN I ha-e seen people got print out for their personal use" Procedure for gro=ers account opening is *uite comple> and re*uires lot of formalities" Procedure for applying loan facility =as *uite comple>" 7here is trend of Mreference based hiringN of =or<ers" 7he customers =ho is a -aluable account holder of '/6 he can plays a person as an employee of the '/6 =ith his strong reference" Customer`s Problems: 7here is no importance gi-en by the '/6 to the lo=er gro=er account holder customer and mill management doesnKt gi-e the proper importance of that customers" Employee`s Problems: 8mployees of '/6 sugar mills are also ha-ing the follo=ing problem0 Working Hours: '/6 mills pro-ide customerKs ser-ice in better =ay but there is lot of =or< to do in a routine =or<ing to employee due to =hich they =or< for long time and ha-e a short time to be rela>ed" Bus Service: 8mployees should pro-ide bus ser-ice to reach on time" Bonuses: :@ /istribution of bonuses and other incenti-es are not distributed e*ually" Medical facility: Medical facility is pro-ided only in mills but the other management could not a-ail it" Training: 7here is no training offered by the employees to familiar the ne= technologies and for polishing their s<ills and <no=ledge" :% CHAPTER 5 Suggestions and Recommendation: Some of the recommendations that I =ould recommended to some of the problems discussed in the abo-e section that might increase the efficiency of both the operations and employees of '/6 Sugar Mills are as follo=s0 Recommendations: :B At present facility of bonus is gi-en only to production staff but such incenti-es should also be gi-en to 3ead office Staff" Special incenti-es should also be gi-en to 3ead on 8id and on other special days should be gi-en to the =or<ers" Medical facilities are gi-en in mill but such facilities should also be gi-en to management" /ifferent training courses should be arranged for the up lifting and impro-ing the *uality of =or< for employees 7hey pro-ide transportation facility to only female employees I thin< male should also be pro-ided =ith con-eyance con-enience" 7his =ill create the easiness for =or<ers and reduce the =astage of time" 7here is also a problem of =or< o-erload for the employees and it should be control properly so that the employees are moti-ated" 8mployees should be paid e>tra for the =or< =hich they done after =or<ing hours" Impro-ement in sugar crop yield through R9/ and planning Impro-ement in procurement and storage to reduce =astages 8>port potential of sugar;molasses /e-elopment of Industries for proper utilization of byC products by adding e*uipment &distillery chipboard etc") 7his can earn ; enhance re-enues" +lending of fuel ethanol =ith petrol" Po=er coCgeneration by the sugar industry using +agasse :$ Conclusions: '/6 Sugar Mills is one of the leading groups in Pa<istan" 7he system the management style the policies 9 decentralized decision ma<ing en-ironment is really remar<able" 7his report is basically an attempt to identify the areas =hich need to be impro-ed" In this era of technology the MInformationN is the <ey to success in the business" 7his means that the successful businessman =ill be =ho =ill ha-e the right information at the right time" 7his comment leads to the conclusion that the Information Sharing Process should really be impro-ed" 7he o-erall analysis is indicating that the companyKs progress has mainly attained through dedication of employees" 7he effecti-eness of its management their =illingness to ta<e ad-antage of opportunities and face challenges of changing economic picture this all contributes to the -ery much impro-ed and sound position of company" 7his is really appreciable for the de-otion and hard =or< of all the employees of the company" References: http0;;==="jd=Cgroup"com;Reports;'/6 F2#A552,!7S12##B"pdf http0;;==="jd=Cgroup"com;Reports;'/61AR12##$"pdf http0;;==="jd=Cgroup"com;Reports;'/6F2#accounts12#1#"pdf http0;;==="jd=Cgroup"com;2urReports"html http0;;=== =i<ipedia"com;crystalline sugar http0;;==="subcribe"com Mr" Azher Per-aiz 7echnical Manager ?#