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Tripathi 2012

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2012 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems

Performance study in dispersion

compensation techniques with Duobinary
format at different bit rates
Devendra Kr.Tripathi, Pallavi Singh, N.K.Shukla, H.K.Dixit

Abstract--In this work comparative study is carried for high multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems [1], [2]. Duo
speed duo binary transmitter with different dispersion binary modulation results in a narrower optical signal
compensation schemes for long haul optical communication. spectrum compared to nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) modulation,
These techniques are applied to duo binary system, which which is beneficial for ameliorating the effects of fiber
operates at bit rates of 10, 15 and 20, 25,30Gbps bit rates. The dispersion, as well as for reducing adjacent channel crosstalk
dispersion compensation schemes tested are Pre-compensation & in ultra dense WDM systems [3] .Duo binary systems, also
Post-compensation, symmetrical configuration1&symmetrical
enjoy a cost advantage over other advanced modulation
configuration 2, optical phase conjugation, FBG compensation,
double hybrid fiber& dispersion fiber managed for long haul formats, such as return-to-zero (RZ) and differential phase-
optical communication. Eye opening is better at 10Gbps bit rate shift keying, since duo binary transmitters and receivers are
optical transmission with all dispersion compensation techniques comparable in cost to those used in NRZ systems [4],
tested. It is found that for higher bit rates dispersion managed [5].Other modulation format carrier-suppressed return to zero
fiber and next one FBG compensation shows better performance (CSRZ) is used with high-speed transmission systems with
metrics like eye opening bit error rate and factor Q as compared dispersion management. Sano and Miyamoto et al. [6]
to other dispersion compensation schemes. It is also observed that discussed the transmission performance of return to zero (RZ)
for low input laser power transmission performance metrics are and CSRZ signals over a periodically dispersion compensated
much better for all dispersion schemes and at higher laser input
transmission line. They also discussed the dependence of the
power transmission performance metrics are degraded.
transmission characteristics on phase modulation, pre- and
Index Terms--Bit error rate (BER), Dispersion compensating post-compensating dispersion and receiver optical and
fiber (DCF), FBG, GVD, single mode fiber (SMF). electrical filter widths. Light wave systems used in the core
transport network of telecommunication systems operate in the
second transmission window. The 1550 nm wavelength region
I. INTRODUCTION exhibits the lowest attenuation coefficient, but influence of the
large dispersion coefficient associated with the second

T HE need for greater capacity, higher transmission speed,

more reliable data communication, large bandwidth
transport network fabric has led to the acceptance of
transmission window limits the operating speed of the network
to 2.5 Gbit/s or less. For the network to operate at higher bit-
rate, a dispersion management schemes are needed.
optical network as the technology of choice for the core The main object of communication systems is to increase the
transport function. Due to tremendous growth in video-based transmission distance. Fiber chromatic dispersion is one of the
Internet applications is enhancing the demand for spectrally most severe limiting factors in long distance transmission
efficient optical transmission systems. Spectral efficiency can systems. If the fiber transmission length exceeds several tens
be enhanced by either using higher level modulation formats of kilometers, dispersion effect can cause intolerable amounts
or reducing the channel spacing. Optical duobinary of distortions that ultimately lead to errors .Therefore it is
modulation, also known as phase-shaped binary modulation, necessary to use dispersion compensation devices such as
has received increasing attention presently due to its potential chirped fiber grating or dispersion compensating fiber (DCF)
for attaining high spectral efficiency in wavelength-division- [2,3] toovercome dispersion effect and consequently decrease
the nonlinear distortion. Other dispersion compensation
techniques use symmetrical configuration 1&2, hybrid fiber,
D. K. Tripathi is with the Department of Electronics & Communication,
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 211002, India. dispersion managed fiber as compensating techniques. A
(e-mail: dekt@rediffmail.com). comparative study between different chromatic dispersion
Pallavi Singh is with the Department of Electronics & Communication compensation techniques in high bit rate communication
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 211002, India. systems with important non linear effects has been done, such
(e-mail: singh.pallavi73@gmail.com).
N. K. Shukla is with the Department of Electronics & Communication, as pre,post and symmetrical compensation techniques
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 211002, India. [7,8].Init some methods and other parameters were not
(e-mail: nksjkiapt@rediffmail.com). discussed. Among several compensation techniques, DCF is
H. K. Dixit is with the Department of Electronics & Communication, the predominant technology for dispersion compensation. It
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, 211002, India.
(e-mail: hkdixit@gmail.com). consists of an optical fiber that has a special design such as
providing a large negative dispersion coefficient while the

978-1-4673-1049-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

dispersion of the transport fiber is positive. A proper length of Where A is the pulse-envelope amplitude. The effects of thirds
DCF allows the compensation of the chromatic dispersion order dispersion are included by the β3 term. In the specific
accumulated over a given length of the transport fiber. Fiber case of β3=0 the solution becomes.
Bragg grating technique(FBG) is one of the most advanced A(z,t)= 0, )exp( β2zω2-iωt)dω (2)
technologies being incorporated into dispersion compensation
Where A’ (0, ω) is the Fourier transform of A (0, t).
methods is FBGs, short lengths of optical fiber that reflect a
Dispersion induced degradation of the optical signal is caused
particular wavelength. FBG feature periodically spaced zones
by the phased factor exp (iβ2zω2/2), acquired by spectral
in the fiber core that have been altered to have different
components of the pulse during its propagation in the fiber.
refractive indexes slightly higher than the core. This structure
All dispersion management schemes attempt to cancel this
selectively reflects a very narrow range of wavelengths while
phase factor so that the input signal can be restored. The
transmitting others. In dispersion managed fiber techniques
approach of dispersion management modifies the
dispersion managed fiber is designed so that positive
characteristics of input pulses at the transmitter before they are
dispersion section and negative section both types can be
launched into fiber link. By changing the spectral amplitude
accommodated within a single cable. Hence the average
A’ (0, ω) of the input pulse in such a way that GVD induced
dispersion is zero. In optical phase conjugation technique
degradation is eliminated or at least reduced substantially. The
optical phase conjugate (OPC) is used in the middle of the link
spectral amplitude is changed as
to invert the spectrum. This process changes the short
A’(0,ω)->A’(0,ω)exp (-iω2β2L/2) (3)
wavelengths to long ones and the long wavelengths to short
Where L is the fiber length, GVD will be compensated exactly
ones. With inversion of the spectrum in the middle of a link
and pulse will retail its shape at the fiber output.
(using standard fiber) the second half of the link acts in the
The use DCF provides an all-optical technique that is capable
opposite direction (really the same direction but the input has
of compensating the fiber GVD completely if optical fibers are
been exactly pre-emphasized).In view of it in this paper, a
negligible. The average optical power is kept low enough that
transmitter capable of transmitting high bit as high as 30 Gbps
the nonlinear effects inside .If optical pulse propagates
was simulated. This transmitter chosen generates a waveform
through two fiber segments, the second of which is
which is in duo binary format. The data-source was simulated
DCF.Using equation(2)
to generate pseudo-random sequences with bit-rate as a
variable. The bit rates simulated were 10, 15, 20, 25 & A (L, t) = 0, ) exp [ ω2(β21L1+β22L2)-iωt)]dω
30Gbps. Optical fiber cable was the transmission medium. (4)
DCF, standard single mode fiber, FBG and hybrid fiber, Where L=L1+L2 and β2j is the GVD parameter for the fiber
dispersion managed fiber; symmetrical configuration 1 &2, segment of length Lj(j=1,2).If the DCF is chosen such that the
OPC techniques of dispersion compensating devices were ω2 phase term vanishes, the pulse will recover its original
simulated for a fixed fiber length of 720 km. The optical shape at the end of DCF.Condition of perfect dispersion
receiver operates at the same bit rate as the transmitter, so the compensation is thus β21L1+β22L2=0,or
receiver was also simulated at the same (10, 15 and 20, 25, 30 D1L1+D2L2=0 (5)
Gbps) bit rates. Equation (5) shows that the DCF must have normal GVD at
1.55μm (D2<0) because D1>0 for standard telecommunication
II.THEORETICAL CONSIDERATION fibers. Its length should be chosen to satisfy
With the advent of optical amplifiers fiber losses are no longer L2=-(D1/D2) L1 (6)
a major limiting factor for optical communication systems. For practical reasons L2 should be as small as possible. It is
But optical amplifier does not restore the amplified signal to permissible only if the DCF has a large negative value of D2
its original states of dispersion induced degradation of the .The DCF compensates GVD while the amplifier takes care of
transmitted signal accumulates over multiple amplifiers. Due fiber losses.
to this reason several dispersion management schemes were Now to support a high-capacity dense wavelength-division-
developed near 1990s to address dispersion problem [9]. multiplexing (DWDM) transmission, the embedded
The GVD effects can be minimized using a narrow line width standard single-mode fiber (SMF) should be upgraded to
laser and operating close to the zero dispersion wavelength overcome the dispersion limit. For this purpose, some
λZD of the fiber. But practically operating wavelength λ can’t dispersion compensation scheme must be employed
be matched with λZD. Hence the dispersion limit becomes periodically at the amplification stages [10].
matter of concern when in line amplifiers are used for loss Spans made of SMF and DCF are good candidates as their
compensation. If the bit rat is increased more than 10Gbp/s the high local dispersion is known to reduce the phase
GVD-limited transmission distance drops to 30km,a value low matching giving rise to four waves mixing in wavelength
that optical amplifiers can’t be used in designing such light division multiplexing systems. Signal degradation in such
wave systems. systems is due to combined effects of group velocity
Dispersion management scheme attempts to solve this dispersion, Kerr nonlinearity, and accumulation of amplified
practical problem it can be understood with pulse propagation spontaneous emission noise due to periodic amplification.
equation. Because of the nonlinear nature of propagation, system
performance depends on the power levels at the input of
different types of fibers, on the position of the DCF [11]
+ - =0,(1) and on the amount of residual dispersion [12, 13].
One of the major interests are in the pre-, post- and y analyze the performance
diagrams may beused to effectively
symmetrical compensation techniques wherre each link is of an optical system.
made of spans where the DCF is locatedd before, after the Q
SMF or symmetrically across the SMF. A DC CF module should
have low insertion loss, low polarization mode dispersion and optical SM
Duobinary Txr Booster A Scope
low optical nonlinearity. In addition to thesse characteristics, Filter
DCF should have large chromatic dispersion coefficient to BER
minimize the size of a DCF module sincce DCF modules
Fig.1.General simulation set up for study diffe
ferent dispersion schemes
are generally mounted in terminal office.. However, there
are design tradeoffs among chromatic disppersion, effective
area and bending loss. Large Chroomatic dispersion
coefficient gives small effective area and largge bending loss.
By placing one DCF with negative dispersion after a
SMF with positive dispersion, the net disperrsion will be zero
Where D and L are the dispersion and lenngth of each fiber
segment, respectively.
Fiber based Compensation is done by three m methods:
(i) Pre-Compensation
(ii) Post Compensation
(iii) Symmetrical Compensation
Pre-Compensation: The optical communication system is pre
compensated by the dispersion compensatingg fiber of negative
dispersion against the standard fiber.
Post-Compensation: The optical communication system is
post compensated by the dispersion compensating fiber of
negative dispersion against the standard fiberr.
Symmetrical-Compensation: The optical communication
system is symmetrically compensated byy the dispersion
compensating fiber of negative dispersion aggainst the standard


In this work RSoft OptSim simulation softw ware is used that
gives us the environment almost the exact phhysical realization
of a system. Duobinary transmitter is dessigned with laser
diodes, filters, modulators and all the compponents which are
essential to build an optical network. This sim
mulation is carried
out to observe the comparative studyy with various
compensation schemes and bit rates in the presence of
Fig.2. Simulation set up for different dispeersion schemes with Duobinary
Chromatic dispersion. Duobinary signal is lauunched over DCF Long haul optical transmission
and SMF spans of 6km and 30km each ffor Pre, Post and
symmetrical configuation1&2, FBG andd for dispersion
managed fiber two fibers of opposite disppersion values of
18km fiber is used.Duobinary modulation iss implemented by
driving an external Mach-Zehnder moduulator dual arm
modulator with opposite phase signals; MZII has three inputs,
one for the laser diode and the other for tthe data from the
channels. It converts the electrical signal innto optical signal
form. On the receiver side the output of the LLorentzian optical
filter a photodiode converts the optical signall into an electrical
signal an electrical low pass Bessel filter follows the PIN Fig.3.Input optical spectrum
photodiode. This has a cut-off frequency ddetermined by the IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
type of the waveform used for modulationn and in our case Optical links transmission performannce for long haul has been
193.41449 THz. Finally at the output of thhe low pass filter tested for pre, post, symmetrical co
onfiguration1 and 2, FBG,
visualization tool called Scope, BER estimattion Q meter. It is hybrid fiber configuration, fiber dispersion managed and
an optical or electrical oscilloscope withh numerous data optical phase conjugation (OPC) compensation techniques for
processing options, eye display and BER esstimation features. duo binary optical system.
If the eye opening is very wide and there is no crosstalk. Eye
Fig.4. Q vs. BITRATE for 720km optical transmission with Dispersion
compensation schemes

Fig.6. Q vs. CWPower for 720km optical transmission with dispersion

compensation schemes

Fig.5. BER vs. BITRATE for 720km optical transmission with dispersion Fig.7. BER vs. CWPower for 720km optical transmission with dispersion
compensation schemes compensation schemes

Fig.8.Eye pattern for 25Gbps dispersion managed and FBG fiber (720km)
optical transmission
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In this work high bit rate communication system performances
is tested dispersion compensation schemes in the presence of
strong non linearity. From the comparative performance
analysis for different compensation techniques and bit rates it
is found that dispersion managed fiber method is better than
other all methods tested for long haul optical communication,
next best technique used fiber Braggs Grating (FBG)
compensation, gives much better eye opening. It may be also
concluded that lower laser input power optical transmission
eye pattern and Q is better for all dispersion schemes tested.

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