Tripathi 2012
Tripathi 2012
Tripathi 2012
Abstract--In this work comparative study is carried for high multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems [1], [2]. Duo
speed duo binary transmitter with different dispersion binary modulation results in a narrower optical signal
compensation schemes for long haul optical communication. spectrum compared to nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) modulation,
These techniques are applied to duo binary system, which which is beneficial for ameliorating the effects of fiber
operates at bit rates of 10, 15 and 20, 25,30Gbps bit rates. The dispersion, as well as for reducing adjacent channel crosstalk
dispersion compensation schemes tested are Pre-compensation & in ultra dense WDM systems [3] .Duo binary systems, also
Post-compensation, symmetrical configuration1&symmetrical
enjoy a cost advantage over other advanced modulation
configuration 2, optical phase conjugation, FBG compensation,
double hybrid fiber& dispersion fiber managed for long haul formats, such as return-to-zero (RZ) and differential phase-
optical communication. Eye opening is better at 10Gbps bit rate shift keying, since duo binary transmitters and receivers are
optical transmission with all dispersion compensation techniques comparable in cost to those used in NRZ systems [4],
tested. It is found that for higher bit rates dispersion managed [5].Other modulation format carrier-suppressed return to zero
fiber and next one FBG compensation shows better performance (CSRZ) is used with high-speed transmission systems with
metrics like eye opening bit error rate and factor Q as compared dispersion management. Sano and Miyamoto et al. [6]
to other dispersion compensation schemes. It is also observed that discussed the transmission performance of return to zero (RZ)
for low input laser power transmission performance metrics are and CSRZ signals over a periodically dispersion compensated
much better for all dispersion schemes and at higher laser input
transmission line. They also discussed the dependence of the
power transmission performance metrics are degraded.
transmission characteristics on phase modulation, pre- and
Index Terms--Bit error rate (BER), Dispersion compensating post-compensating dispersion and receiver optical and
fiber (DCF), FBG, GVD, single mode fiber (SMF). electrical filter widths. Light wave systems used in the core
transport network of telecommunication systems operate in the
second transmission window. The 1550 nm wavelength region
I. INTRODUCTION exhibits the lowest attenuation coefficient, but influence of the
large dispersion coefficient associated with the second
Fig.5. BER vs. BITRATE for 720km optical transmission with dispersion Fig.7. BER vs. CWPower for 720km optical transmission with dispersion
compensation schemes compensation schemes
Fig.8.Eye pattern for 25Gbps dispersion managed and FBG fiber (720km)
optical transmission
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In this work high bit rate communication system performances
is tested dispersion compensation schemes in the presence of
strong non linearity. From the comparative performance
analysis for different compensation techniques and bit rates it
is found that dispersion managed fiber method is better than
other all methods tested for long haul optical communication,
next best technique used fiber Braggs Grating (FBG)
compensation, gives much better eye opening. It may be also
concluded that lower laser input power optical transmission
eye pattern and Q is better for all dispersion schemes tested.
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