DLI Principal Speech Patterns Final
DLI Principal Speech Patterns Final
DLI Principal Speech Patterns Final
This reference book (it can hardly be called a grammar book) is an attempt to supply a need – a felt
need by many students who have gone through the Turkish Basic Course.
Its aim is not to teach the language but to refresh the student’s memory by giving him or her examples
of various patterns of speech. It also attempts to give a clue to the “meaning” of the Turkish pattern by
recreating the thought and situation covered by these Turkish patterns of speech.
For instance, the form “-e kadar” corresponds to various ways of expressing a situation in English:
It would be wrong to equate “-e kadar” with any single expression, a tendency on the part of students
and even instructors. However, there is a common feature in all of these situations – that of putting a
limit or a bound beyond which on may not go.
In example 1, the house is the boundary beyond which we do not intend to walk.
In 2, five hours is the limit beyond which he will not be away.
In 3, the length of time he has to wait is determined or limited by my arrival.
In 4, twenty lira is the limit to the amount he may spend.
In 5, a week is the limit I will be away. (I may return anytime within that time, but I am not
going to be away beyond that time.)
Our aim was to use as few grammatical terms as possible. In this we have not succeeded as well as we
might. Part of this failure is due to the fact that in classifying and gathering the necessary materials we
could not free ourselves, in this first attempt, from the spell of classical grammar.
An alphabetical list of endings, as well as words, is supplied to make it possible for the student to find
the endings he needs.
Because of the enormous role suffixes play in Turkish we had thought of putting all the possible used
of a single suffix under one heading. This however, has the disadvantage of confusing, because of
similarity of form with a variety of meanings and functions.
In the end, we decided to satisfy both requirements. This, it is felt, is an unsatisfactory compromise.
Perhaps in a later revision these problems can be more clearly resolved.
CHAPTER 1 - Word Formation
By far the largest number of words belongs to the second group. Many suffixes can be added to a
single word:
• biraz (bir-az)
• açıkgöz (açık-göz)
• ileri gelmek
• altüst olmak
Words derived by adding suffixes (group 2) may be divided into two main groups:
1. Those that are formed by adding suffixes to verbal roots.
2. Those that are formed by adding suffixes to non-verbal roots.
To this second group belong; nouns, adjectives pronouns, adverbs and prepositions.
Some suffixes are very active and the new words made with them form very large groups.
• güzel-lik (beauty)
• tuz-la-mak (to salt)
• aç-ık (open
• yaz-dır-mak (to have someone write)
• ver-il-mek (to be given)
CHAPTER 1 - Word Formation (continued)
Others are not so active. However, these form fairly large groups, too.
• yol-daş (companion)
• sar-ar-mak (to fade, to turn yellow)
• yud-um (one swallow of water, etc…)
There is a third group where the suffixes have ceased to be active except in the frozen forms in which
they appear:
• geç pass
• geç-it a pass, a passage way
• boş empty, unemployed
• boş-a-mak to divorce
• yok non-existent
• yok-sul destitute
CHAPTER 2 - Words Derived from Non-Verbal Roots
c. Added to nouns to indicate a place where the object named is found plentifully
• kum sand
• kumluk sandy place
• ağaçlık wooded area
• dikenlik A place where thorny growths abound.
• bağlık orchard
• çimenlik lawn
e. To indicate the purpose for which a thing is used. These are used chiefly as adjectives.
• yazlık for summer wear or use
• gecelik for night wear or use, nightgown
• elbiselik material out of which wearing apparel is made
CHAPTER 2 - Words Derived from Non-Verbal Roots (continued)
2. –ci
A very large group of words are formed with this suffix.
b. Added to nouns and sometimes to adjectives to form words which indicate a trait of
character (adjectives).
• yalancı liar
• inatçı stubborn
• kavgacı quarrelsome person
• münakaşacı argumentative person
• aceleci impatient or restless person
3. –daş
By adding –daş we create words which give the idea of partnership or companionship in some
activity (nouns).
• yoldaş co-traveler, companion
• yurttaş countryman, townsman
• dindaş co-religionist
• meslektaş a person of the same profession, colleague
Note: –daş does not change according to the rules of vowel harmony.
CHAPTER 2 - Words Derived from Non-Verbal Roots (continued)
4. –ti
This is placed after words which are onomatopoetic. Like crack, buzz, and roar (nouns).
5. –in, –leyin
Placed after nouns indicating time or a period of time these suffixes form adverbs of time.
• yazın during the summer
• gündüzün during daytime
• kışın during winter
• öğleyin at noon
• sabahleyin A.M., in the morning
• akşamleyin in the evening
• geceleyin during the night
Note: These suffixes are never stressed; -leyin does not change.
6. –cik, –ce
Besides forming diminutives, they also form words which are the names of specific objects
• gelincik poppy
• bademcik tonsils
• kızılcık Carnelian cherry
• tatarcık sand-fly
• karaca roe-deer
• ılıca hot spring
7. –li
a. We form adjectives by placing –li after nouns. These adjectives show that the object
they qualify possesses or is distinguished by whatever the original noun represents.
• tat Taste
• tatlı tasty, sweet
• değer Worth
• değerli Worthy, having worth
• akıl Intelligence
• akıllı Intelligent
• neşe Joy
• neşeli Joyous, cheerful, merry
• palto Coat
• paltolu (a person) wearing a coat
• hastalık Sickness, disease
• hastalıklı Sickly, diseased
b. When placed after place names, names of citites or countries, they indicate a native
of that place (adjetive and nouns).
• Avrupalı European
• Amerikalı American
• Çinli Chinese
• İstanbullu One born and reared in Istanbul
• Güney Koreli South Korean
CHAPTER 2 - Words Derived from Non-Verbal Roots (continued)
8. –siz
This suffix forms adjectives with a meaning directly opposite to –li. They indicate objects in which
these qualities are lacking.
• tatsız tasteless
• neşesiz lacking in joy, cheerless
• akılsız unintelligent
• şapkasız hatless
• paltosuz without a coat
• değersiz worthless
9. –ce (adverbs)
a. Added to adjectives, -ce forms adverbs.
• Güzelce Nicely
• İyice Thoroughly, nicely
• Böylece In this way, thusly
• ayrıca In addition to
c. When it is added to words meaning nationality it means the language spoken by those
• Türkçe Turkish
• Arapça Arabic
• Fransızca French
• Almanca German
Note: The –ca is not stressed. These can also be used as adverbs.
CHAPTER 3 - Words Derived from Verbal Roots
1. –mek
This is the infinitive suffix. The infinitive is a noun. It is the name of an activity, state, or process.
2. –me
a. This is another infinitive ending. It takes possessive as well as case endings (nouns).
b. They also come to mean an activity such as a talk, a gathering, a test, etc…
• görüş görüşme a conversation, an interview
• anlaş anlaşma an understanding, an agreement
• dene deneme a test, a trial
• aktar aktarma a transfer
• didiş didişme a tussle, a struggle
d. In some forms it takes yet another suffix (ce) to form words like (nouns):
• bil bilmece riddle
• bul bulmaca puzzle, word puzzle
• çek çekmece drawer
3. –iş, (y) iş
This is a third way of forming infinitives (nouns).
biliş, gönderiş, hatırlayış
CHAPTER 3 - Words Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
5. –gi
a. Usually name of instrumnets are formed in this way (nouns).
CHAPTER 3 - Words Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
b. They also form nouns which do not come under the above heading:
• iç içki drinks
6. –im
Nouns formed in this way are results obtained by one coplete acttivity at one time, like handful,
mouthful, one swallow, a single throw, etc. (nouns)
• at atım a throw
• iç içim a draught of water, etc…
• yut yudum one swallow
• tat tadım enough for a taste
• al alım purchase
• pişir pişirim amount one will cook at one time
• dön dönüm a turn, one revolution, one hectare
They are also used with a more general application. giyim, biçim, yarım, boğum, koşum,
uçurum, kaldırım
7. –ek
a. Usually name of a place where the activity takes place (nouns).
• yatak bed
• durak station, stop (as in bus stop)
• konak mansion, halting place
• sığınak shelter
• kavşak junction
• otlak grazing ground
CHAPTER 3 - Words Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
• bıçak knife
• ölçek a certain measure of grain
• tarak comb
• elek sieve
c. Some (adjectives):
8. –i (nouns)
• diz dizi row
• yaz yazı writing (as in “an interesting piece of writing”)
• yap yapı construction
• bat batı west (where the sun sets)
• ölç ölçü measure (in area or length)
• tart tartı measure (weight), balance
• kork korku fear
• koş koşu a race
• ört örtü a cover
• kok koku odor, scent
CHAPTER 3 - Words Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
CHAPTER 4 - Modifiers Derived from Verbal Roots
• görmemiş one who has not had many advantages, one who hasn’t seen much
• görmüş geçirmiş a man of experience
• okumuş a learned person
b. Sometimes they have no possessive endings but this is rare. These are more common in
the negative form. They are either nouns or adjectives and in the affirmative are mostly
limited to frozen forms.
• tanıdık acquaintance
• bildik acquaintance
• görülmedik şeyler unusual things
• işitilmedik incredible, things one almost never hears
• gidilmedik yerler places one almost never goes to
• alınmadık rarely purchased
• yapılmadık things hardly ever done
CHAPTER 4 - Modifiers Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
CHAPTER 4 - Modifiers Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
So we have:
• Dün hasta olan çocuk nerede? Where is the child who was sick yesterday?
• zengin olan kimseler persons who are rich
• parası olan bazı adamlar some men who have money
• evi olmayan askerler soldiers who don’t have a house
The present participle can also be used by itself as a pronoun. It then means “the one who” or he
who”. When used in this way it takes case endings as well as plural endings.
• Bilenler bilmeyenlere anlatsın. Let those who know explain it to those who don’t.
• Dün seninle gelen hangisi? Which is the one who came with you yesterday?
• Aramızda bilen de var bilmeyen de. Among us, there are those who know, as well as
those who don’t.
The present participle is very frequently used with the future and perfect participles.
• bunu yazacak olan öğrenciler students who are to write this
• Almanya’da bulunmuş olanlar those who have been in Germany
Any adjective which is placed before the participle belongs to the adjectival clause governed by
the participle.
• iyi piyano çalan çocuk the child who plays the piano well
• piyano çalan iyi çocuk the good child who plays the piano
• Biraz önce odaya giren uzun boylu Do you know the tall young woman with green
yeşil gözlü genç kadını tanıyor eyes who entered the room just a little while ago?
5. –ici
These are nouns as well as adjectives. They indicate that the action performed is done with skill, or
that it is habitual.
yiyici, atıcı, binici, vurucu, yırtıcı, geçici, satıcı
• yiyici a great eater
• binici an expert rider
• yırtıcı fierce, one who mauls his opponents
• geçici transitory
• satıcı a salesman
CHAPTER 4 - Modifiers Derived from Verbal Roots (continued)
It can also be used in the sense of “water to drink”, “things to do”, meaning water for drinking or
things which need doing or things which are destined to be done.
• Daha söylenecek söz var. There are still some words that need to be spoken.
• yapılacak şeyler things need to be done
• Gidecek yerim yok. I have no place to go.
• yiyecek şeyler things to eat
• Konuşacak kimsem yok. I haven’t a soul to talk to.
7. –ik (adjectives)
This is not a participle. It is not the action but the result we are concerned with. It brings out the
present condition rather than the act which caused that condition.
• kırık broken
• ezik crushed, squashed
• çarpık crooked
• açık open
• yanık charred, burned
• yırtık torn
• bozuk out of order
• basık flattened
• sökük unraveled, unstitched
• sönük extinguished, dim, tarnished
• kopuk broken off
• karışık confused, mixed
• şımarık spoilt (of a person)
8. –ili (adjectives)
Adjectives formed by adding the suffix –ili refer to things which have occurred in the past but the
effects of which are a present condition.
This form is quite similar to adjectives with the –ik suffix.
• asılı hanging
• sarılı bandaged
• gömülü buried
• kurulu set, or wound
• kapalı closed
• tıkalı stopped up
• örtülü covered
• yığılı heaped up
9. –gen
This suffix is added to verb roots of two syllables. It indicates character or innate quality.
• çalışkan industrious
• unutkan forgetful
• yapışkan sticky
• girişken a good mixer, enterprising
• somurtkan sullen, surly
• çekingen shy, retiring
• sokulgan cuddly, sociable
10. –gin
a. A large number of adjectives are formed by this suffix.
They indicate a present condition due to some event in the past.
• yorgun tired
• baygın faint
• durgun calm
• düzgün straight, small
• kızgın angry, hot
• gergin stretched, tight
• şaşkın bewildered, confused
• bezgin weary, blasé
• dalgın absent minded, plunged in thought
• yangın fire
• bozgun a rout
• sürgün exile
• baskın a sudden raid
• vurgun booty, to strike it rich, a lovesick person
CHAPTER 5 – Verbal Roots Derived from Non-Verbal Roots
1. –le
By adding –le to nouns or adjectives we get verb roots which have various meanings. Compare:
water – to water, salt – to salt, tie – to tie, stone – to stone, fold – to fold, etc…
• su sulamak to water
2. –len
Added to nouns. They form verb roots having a reflexive meaning.
• can life canlanmak to come to life
3. –leş
a. By adding leş to nouns we get a root with a reciprocal meaning.
• mektu letter mektuplaşmak to correspond
• pay share paylaşmak to divide something so that each gets his share
• şaka joke şakalaşmak to joke with one another (in a pleasant way)
b. Added to adjectives and nouns it sometimes creates verb roots meaning (to take on the
character of…)
• siyahlaşmak to darken, to become black
4. –de
This suffix is added to words of onomatopoetic origin. (See chapter 2 part 4)
• şarıldamak to make a noise like rushing waters
• gümgürdemek to thunder
• horuldamak to snore
5. –er
Added generally to adjectives denoting color. They indicate that an object is becoming or taking
on the look of a certain color.
• mor purple morarmak to become purple
• yeşil green yeşermek to become green (to bloom, to send forth leaves)
Note: This suffix is sometimes added to words other than those which are names of colors.
• yaş moist yaşarmak to moisten
CHAPTER 6 – Infinitives
What distinguishes the infinitives from other nouns derived from verb roots is that infinitives have
negative and passive forms.
But sevinç and sevgi, nouns properly so called, do not have a negative or passive form.
Like infinitives with –me, they take possessive endings as well as case endings.
CHAPTER 7 – Verb Stem
The verb stem determines the meaning. The root expresses the basic concept, the root meaning.
The suffixes added to this root modify the basic concept. This is the verb-stem. Several suffixes may
be combined. When in combination they always follow a certain order. The order is indicated by the
number given to each suffix. (4) is never placed before (2). The root (1) always comes first and the
negative suffix (6) comes last. The last suffix of all is the infinitive suffix –mek (see Chapter 3).
1. Root giy giymek to wear
1. Root
The basic concept.
koş - run
yıka - wash
gel - come
Bu sabah saat yedide yıkandım. I took a bath (got washed) at seven this morning.
b. opposition
c. unison
a. Çocuklar bahçede koşuşuyorlar. The children are running around in the garden.
Note: There are a number of verbs with this suffix which do not indicate a reciprocal action.
They indicate:
CHAPTER 7 – Verb Stem (continued)
• erişmek : to reach
• yapışmak : to stick
• çıkışmak : to scold
• gelişmek : to develop
a. The causative suffix is added to the root of a transitive verb when we want to indicate that
an agent other than the one responsible for initiating the action is involved.
A has something done, but B is the person who actually does it.
A has B do ……..
The agent when mentioned is always in the dative case.
Bu mektubu kime yazdırdın? Who did you have write the letter?
In Turkish we always make a distinction between the transitive and intransitive forms of the verb.
CHAPTER 7 – Verb Stem (continued)
Rule: Generally, -dir (-dır, -dür, -dur) or –tir (-tır, -tür, -tur) is added.
• vermek to give verdirmek to have one give
If the root ends in p, ç, t or ş instead of –tir (-tır, -tür, -tur), –ir (-ır, -ür, -ur) is added.
• içmek to drink içirmek to make or have someone drink
CHAPTER 7 – Verb Stem (continued)
Here intransitive verbs remain intransitive even though the suffix –tir or –ıt is added. Others, again in
taking the causative suffix become causative but with a change of meaning.
• aşmak to pass or leap over aşırmak to steal
something, to surpass
• kırmak to break kırıtmak to make coquettish gestures, to play coy
• Sorulan sualler bunlar mı? Are these the questions which were asked?
• Gitmemesi daha iyi olur. It will be better for him not to go.
Note: The only exception to this rule is the aorist negative. Instead of having a negative root to which
the aorist suffix –ir is added, there is a negative aorist tense suffix. –mez or –maz is added directly to
the affirmative root.
CHAPTER 8 – Cases
In order to show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to the other words in a sentence, a case suffix is
1. Nominative:
It might be more useful to know how to find the subject than to try to define it.
We can find the subject by asking who (kim) or what (ne) followed by the verb in the form
used in the sentence.
• Ölmek korkusu çok fena bir şeydir. The fear of death is a very bad thing.
2. Dative:
The point to which the subject or object moves. It is the point of destination. The suffix is –e
or –a. (y) is added before the suffix when the word ends in a vowel.
3. Ablative:
The point from which or through which the subject or object is moving. It is the point of
departure. It is also used in a partitive sense. The suffix is –den or –dan.
CHAPTER 8 – Cases (continued)
4. Locative:
The point at which the subject or object is to be found. It is the point of locations. The suffix
is –de or –da.
5. Genitive:
The genitive denotes a close relationship. This relationship varies according to the two persons
or things that are connected by means of the genitive. The suffix is –in, –ın, –ün, –un. (n) is
added before the suffix when the word ends in a vowel.
The second element, the thing, person, or quality belonging to or related to some other person or
thing (the first element) takes the possessive suffix.
Note: After a vowel there is an s before the possessive suffix. Compare the y before the accusative
suffix. –si is never an accusative suffix.
Note II: After the third person izafet –i, –si, –leri, there is always an –n before any case suffix.
• masasından çocuklarını
• evine kilisesinde
The verb to be plays such in important part in the Turkish language that it deserves a special chapter.
It forms all the verb endings. It is the main auxiliary since there is not verb to have in Turkish. The
mastery of its forms and their use is essential for fluency. It has a great tendency to coalesce with
words, with case endings, so that in the speech rhythm it forms a marking off point. The attention can
more easily cope with the different elements.
When we say evinizdeyim the break occurs after eviniz, your house – (–deyim – I’m at).
When we say odalarınızda mıydınız? – The break occurs after odalarınız, your rooms, (–da
mıydınız - were you at?).
Now –deyim with stress on –de and –da mıydınız with stress on –da (since the verb to be never
carries a stress) is the kind of pattern which ends by being a vocal symbol for a gesture or attitude. It is
so automatic that a mere hint is enough, and all the attention is taken up with the first element.
Without this translation of the forms of the verb to be, to gesture is impossible. Since these forms,
though limited, make man combinations, a continuous and conscious practice is important.
2. Meaning means only one thing, gesture, something felt, not known.
3. Practice should be spaced. Several short periods, never exceeding ten minutes, with long
periods of rest devoted to something entirely unconnected with the drill.
4. Practice must be rhythmic and meaningful. There is an inner assent, sharp and clear as YES
and NO.
5. Integration of what has been learned with new material and varied activity.
6. You must be able to handle these endings as gracefully as jugglers handle clubs or balls.
CHAPTER 9 – The Verb To Be
The verb to be has only four forms which are fully inflected.
For the negative, we use değil with the verb to be. Değil means not.
CHAPTER 9 – The Verb To Be (continued)
In the question form, the –mi particle comes before the –im, –dim and –mişim. As these are also the
personal endings in the simple and complex tenses, we can make the following table.
Request Question
1. Present
-im (-yim) -miyim
-sin -misin
- (-dir) -mi (-midir?)
-iz (-yiz) -miyiz
-siniz -misiniz
-ler (-dirler) -ler mi? (-ler midir?)
2. Past
-dim (y) –dim -miydim
-din -miydin
-di -miydi
-dik -miydik
-diniz -miydiniz
-diler (-lerdi) -miydiler (-ler miydi?)
3. Past (Hearsay)
-mişim -miymişim
-mişsin -miymişsin
-miş -miymiş
-mişiz -miymişiz
-mişsiniz -miymişsiniz
-mişler (-lermiş) -miymişler (-ler miymiş?)
4. Condition
-sem (y) (-sem) -sem mi?
-sen -sen mi?
-se -se mi?
-sek -sek mi?
-seniz -seniz mi?
-seler (-lerse) -seler mi? (-lerse mi?)
Note: These endings (with the exception of the present –im, which is always a suffix) can also be
written separately. When written separately, they do not change. The forms are –idim, –imişim and –
issem. Thus we have two forms for the past, hearsay and conditional. We can say or write:
The above endings in combination with the tense bases and with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and
these in all cases with other endings, will give all the combinations commonly needed.
Note: The compounds with past participle sevdi have two forms.
• sevdiydim or sevdimdi
• sevdiydiniz or sevdinizdi
• sevdiysem or sevdimse
• sevdiyseniz or sevdinizse
CHAPTER 9 – The Verb To Be (continued)
[He is] a doctor. [Is he] a doctor?
[He was] a doctor. [Was he] a doctor?
These are vocal units, if we consider how they behave and how they sound in a phrase. They resist
any attempt to break them up into smaller grammatical units in ordinary speech. Their function is to
call fourth the appropriate gesture or attitude without analysis. Unless this is done, fluency is
The origin of the verb to be is quite obscure. It has no infinitive, imperative, and future form.
CHAPTER 9 – The Verb To Be (continued)
A. –ki
Historically, this is the present participle of the verb to be. It means “which is” or “that which is”.
It does not change. Added to nouns or pronouns in the locative and adverbs of place, it is used as
an adjective of location.
When –ki is added to nouns and pronouns in the genitive case we have pronouns.
• benimki - mine
• sizinki - yours
• babamınki - my father’s
CHAPTER 9 – The Verb To Be (continued)
B. –ken
This is the adverbial form of the verb “to be”, the –erek form in other verbs.
–ken added to nouns, adjectives and participles means “during the time that”:
Like –ki, -ken does not change with person or vowel changes.
Onlar buradayken bir yere gitmeyelim. Let’s not go anywhere while they are here.
1. Personal pronouns
2. Demonstrative Pronouns
• bu - this
• şu - that
CHAPTER 10 – PRONOUNS (continued)
Note: See adjectives for demonstrative pronouns used as adjectives. Only three forms – bu, şu, and o.
CHAPTER 10 – PRONOUNS (continued)
4. Reflexive Pronouns:
By adding m, p, s, r to the first syllable of some adjectives and placing them before the adjective we
get intensification, meaning ‘completely’ or ‘all over’ or ‘intensely’. Since it is more a matter of ear
than rule which of the letters shall be used, the more common ones are given below.
1. Colors
• kırmızı - kıpkırmızı : intensely, completely red
2. Qualities
• düz - dümdüz : as flat as can be
• ak - apak : white as snow
CHAPTER 11 – ADJECTIVES (continued)
3. Repetition
Another way of intensifying adjectives is by simple repetition. But these can only be used with
plural nouns.
These forms are obtained by adding suffixes –ce, -cik, -imsi and –imtrak.
4. –ce
This added to an adjective gives the meaning of ‘rather’, ‘fairly’. The suffix is stressed.
5. –cik
6. –imsi
–imsi gives the meaning slightly.
CHAPTER 11 – ADJECTIVES (continued)
7. –imtırak
This is very similar to imsi; in fact in many cases they give the identical meaning. Only the first
vowel changes, i.e., –imtırak, –ımtırak, –umtırak, –ümtırak.
• mavimsi : bluish
• mavimtırak : bluish
• kırmızı : red
• kırmızımtırak : reddish
• ekşi : sour
• ekşimtırak : sourish
8. Comparative
These are formed by adding daha and en.
• Bu kalem uzun. : This pencil is long.
However, the distinction between şu and o are not always strictly observed.
CHAPTER 11 – ADJECTIVES (continued)
11. Indefinite
1. Adverb of time
2. Adverb of place
3. Adverb of quantity
4. Adverb of manner
A. Adverb of Time
2.a. Geçenlerde bir mektup aldım. I received a letter the other day.
B. Adverb of Place
C. Adverb of Quantity
CHAPTER 12 – ADVERBS (continued)
D. Adverb of Manner
CHAPTER 12 – ADVERBS (continued)
Prepositions always follow the word they modify. Prepositions require definite case endings in the
words they modify.
Note: Pronouns must be in the genitive case. Onlar is the only exception.
• Bu ev sizin eviniz kadar güzel değil. This house is not as nice as your house.
• Benim kravatım Ali’nin kravatı kadar kırmızı mı? Is my tie as red as Ali’s tie?
Note: Pronouns used with these prepositions must be in the genitive case, except onlar.
5. doğru - toward (direction)
• Okula doğru yürüdük. We walked toward the school.
7. göre - according to
• Son haberlere göre.... According to the latest news…..
• Size göre hepsi bir. It is all the same according to you.
• Bana göre hava hoş. It is O.K. with me.
9. önce - before
• Onlardan önce geldim. I came before them.
• Geldiğinizden beri bir yere gidemedim. I have been unable to go anywhere since you came.
Note: Some of these are real prepositions and are always used as such. For example; gibi, için, göre,
Many others are in reality adverbs, adjectives and nouns. These are prepositions only when used as
shown below.
1. ve : and
2. de : and, also
4. ama : but
5. fakat : but
7. çünkü : because
8. yoksa : otherwise
10 meğer : the fact is, it turned out to be something you were unaware
. of, but found out later, usually with astonishment
1. Kalem ve kâğıt getir. : Bring pencil and paper.
2b Gelmek istemedi, ben de ısrar : He didn’t want to come and I didn’t insist.
. etmedim.
6. Gelirim lâkin gece kalamam. : I’ll come but I can’t stay overnight.
7. Alamam çünkü param yok. : I can’t buy it because I don’t have the money.
8. Erken gel yoksa otobüsü gene : Come early or (otherwise) we’ll miss the bus
kaçırırız. again.
9. Kalmak istediğimi zannediyordu : He thought I wanted to stay, but the fact is
halbuki buradan da bıkmıştım. that I was fed up with this place too.
10 Çocukları olduğunu zannediyordum, : I thought he had children, but I found out that
. meğer evli bile değilmiş. he wasn’t even married.
11 Mademki görmek istiyorsunuz, : Since you want to see it, come and see it.
. gelin, görün.
14 ya...ya... : either … or …
Examples (continued)
12 ne sen ne ben : neither you nor I
Sometimes when the verb is the same it is omitted after the second ne.
Hem sizi seviyor hem onu. : He loves both you and her.
14 ya o ya ben : either he or I
16 Kâh beğenir kâh beğenmez. : Sometimes he likes it, sometimes he doesn’t.
17 İster al ister alma. : You can take it or not, just as you wish. (If you
. want to, take it, if you want to, don’t take it.)
İster Ali gitsin ister kardeşini : Let Ali go or let him send his brother (it is all
göndersin. the same to me).
Ha onu almışsın ha bunu, bence Whether you take that one or this one, it is all
ikisi de bir. the same to me. (It is all the same to me which
one you take.)
A. Feeling
1. Â!
This is always long. Indicates surprise, disapproval, impatience.
2. Ay!
Reaction to something unexpected. Sudden expression of surprise, fear, or sharp shooting
pain (physical or mental).
3. Vay!
Expresses pity, pain, sorrow, intimidation, astonishment.
4. Ah!
Expresses pain, regret, sorrow. Sometimes deep feeling.
CHAPTER 15 – EXCLAMATION (continued)
• Vah! Vah! Nesi var? : What a shame! What’s wrong with him? (pity, sorrow)
• Vah! Vah! : What a pity! (pity)
• Vah! Vah! Aldanmışım! : What a pity! I was mistaken! (regret, sorrow)
6. O!
7. Oh!
Pleasure, comfort, release from oppression or tension.
• Oh! ne güzel rüzgâr esiyor! : Oh! How cool and gentle the breeze is.
• Oh! Burası ne rahat! : Oh, how comfortable it is here!
• Oh! Hamdolsun bugün iyiceyim. : Thank God I feel a little better today.
Note: Oh olsun! is an expression used when a person has not taken the advice given and has suffered
as a result. There is a feeling of self-justification, an “I told you so” air about it.
• Oh! olsun! Ona denize girme dedik! : Serves him right! We told him not to go in the sea.
8. Of!
Fatigue, weariness, lassitude, boredom.
9. Öf!
Recoil, disgust
10. Tü (short)
To express contempt, sometimes said to shame a person.
CHAPTER 15 – EXCLAMATION (continued)
• A çocuk! Niçin söz dinlemezsin? : Why don’t you ever mind, child?
• A birader! Bu böyleError! : My dear fellow, is this the way to do this?
Bookmark not defined. mi olur?
• A canım! Anladık. : My dear fellow, we understand! (You don’t have to
go on explaining.)
When it is placed after the verb it makes the verb more emphatic, more insistent.
• Olur a! Dünyada her şey : Certainly it can happen! Everything is possible in this world.
• Satar a! Kendi malı. : Why shouldn’t he sell it? It’s his property, isn’t it?
• Ne telaş ediyorsun? gidecek a! : What are you getting so excited about? He is going, isn’t he?
When the verb is the wish form (subjunctive) a follows vowel harmony. It indicated
impatience; this is almost a command.
• Yazsan a! Ne bekliyorsun. : Come on, write! (Why don’t’ you write?) What are you
waiting for?
If the verb is in the third person ya is used instead of A and it does not change.
CHAPTER 15 – EXCLAMATION (continued)
14. Ey!
Usually used as a rhetorical gesture.
15. Hey!
Used in calling out to a person. Very much like “Hey you!”.
• Hey bana bak! Kaldır onu oradan! : Hey you there! Take that thing off there.
• Hey gidi günler hey! : Oh, those were the days!
When doubled, especially the contracted form, it means ‘go on with you’, ‘come, come’.
• Haydi haydi! Kimi aldatıyorsun? : Go on with you! Who do you think you are fooling?
17. Ya!
In corroborating something, means ‘yes’.
• Ya öyleymiş! : Yes, so it would seem!
• Tabii değil mi ya! : Why of course!
Note: when read very short, with no emphasis it means if, or in constructions where something is
introduced as an afterthought.
• Ya gelmek istemezse... : Yes, if he doesn’t want to come…. (what then?)
• Ya sen ne yapacaksın? : What about you? What are you going to do?
CHAPTER 15 – EXCLAMATION (continued)
18. İşte!
İşte! is used in pointing to something you can see, hear, feel or taste.
It may also point to some argument or to some explanation which is to follow, or to some
conclusion clinching an argument.
• Beğenmemişler işte! : There you see! It seems they didn’t like it.
19. Aman!
Aman! is used to make a statement more emphatic.
20. Hah!
This is used when you have “hit the nail on the head”.
• Hah! İşte burada duralım. : (This is fine!) Let’s stop right here.
• Hah! Benim de demek istediğim buydu. : Right! That’s exactly what I meant.
21. Yuh!
disapproval, unpleasantness, anger
• Yuuuh! : as in booing at a soccer match
But they differ from regular adjectives derived from verbs in having a negative and passive form.
Participles always indicate a tense: perfect, present, past, and future. The aorist participle indicates
a capacity or an innate tendency.
Adjectives proper derived from verb roots do not have negative or passive forms.
• kır : kırık
• çalış : çalışkan
• yor : yorgun
All the suffixes given in this chapter are added to the verb stem.
A. –(y)ip
This form does not by itself indicate a definite time. By adding –ip to a verb stem we tie the
action to the verb that follows it.
B. Manner
Modifies or accompanies the main verb.
1. –arak (–erek)
• Koşarak geliyorlardı. : They were coming toward us running.
• Otura otura sıkıldınız. : You get tired sitting.
The same verb need not be repeated. A whole series of adverbial forms are obtained by using two
verbs which together give an idea of how the main action was carried out.
• Düşe kalka ilerliyorduk. : We went forward stumbling. (falling and getting up)
• Güle oynaya gittiler. : They went away merrily. (laughing and playing)
• Onu ite kaka odaya soktu. : Shoving and punching, he got him in the room. (hustled)
3. –meden
• Görmeden almayınız. : Don’t buy it without seeing it.
4. –meksizin
• Düşünmeksizin yaptım. : I did it without thinking.
5. –ken
• Gelirken gördük. : We saw it while we were coming.
• Arabamı yıkarken soğuk almışım. : I must have caught a cold while washing my car.
• Öğrenciler sınıftayken sigara içmezler. : The students don’t smoke while they are in class.
• Gelmişken görüşelim. : While you are here (having come) let’s see each other.
C. Concession
1. –diği halde
• Bildiği halde bir şey söylememiş. : It seems he never said a word although he knew.
2. –mesine rağmen
• İşitmesine rağmen inanmıyor. : He doesn’t believe it in spite of the fact that he has
heard it himself.
D. Time
1. –diği zaman
B happened (happens, will happen) when A happened (happens, or will happen).
• Döndüğü zaman yazacak. : He is going to write when he returns.
(A) (B)
• Kapıyı çaldığı zaman mutfaktaydım. : I was in the kitchen when he rang the doorbell.
(A) (B)
We place event B (I was in the kitchen) at the time of even A (he rang the doorbell).
• Odaya girdiğim zaman uyuyordu. : When I entered the room, he was sleeping.
(A) (B)
• Haberi alır almaz sana telefon ettim. : I phoned you as soon as I got the news.
B (phoning) occurred as soon as A (receiving the news) took place.
• Mesele hâlolur olmaz sana bildiririm. : I’ll let you know as soon as the matter is settled.
3. The main verb B follows and is occasioned by or is the result of A. A need not be the cause of
B but it must give rise to B.
• Beni görünce gülmeye başladı. : When he saw me he began to laugh.
• Mektubu bulamayınca size telefon ettim. : When I couldn’t find the letter, I phoned you.
E. Parallelism
1. –dikçe
This is to indicate that every time A occurs B will follow.
• Kirlendikçe temizlersiniz. : You’ll clean it as it gets dirty.
• Şu herifi gördükçe canım sıkılır. : Whenever I see that fellow I get depressed.
• Bize her geldikçe bir demet çiçek : Every time he comes to see us he brings a bunch
getirir. of flowers.
• Bu inatçılık devam ettikçe bir şey : You are not going to be able to accomplish anything
yapamayacaksınız. as long as this stubbornness (of yours) continues.
3. When both verbs are in the negative, the relationship is the same as in A. As long as A does
not happen, B will not happen. Unless A happens B will not happen.
Or more simply: Unless A happens B will not happen.
• Gelmedikçe bir yere gidemeyiz. : We won’t be able to go anywhere unless he comes.
• İştah olmadıkça yemeğin tadı olmaz. : Food has no taste unless there is appetite.
4. This form can also be used when we want to indicate “as you keep on ….”
• Yaşlandıkça, hayata mana veren : As I grow older, I understand what it is that give
nedir, anlıyorum. meaning to life.
5. If we want to indicate that there is a steady increase or decrease, we use the present, past,
future or aorist tense of the same verb after the –dikçe form.
• Havalar soğudukça soğuyor. : The weather is getting colder and colder.
• Yılan hikâyesi gibi uzadıkça uzar. : Like the snake story, it gets longer and longer.
Note: Oldukça has come to have a special meaning. It is now to all intents and purposes used as
an adverb and means, according to how it is used, quite a bit or rather.
• Oldukça zenginmiş. : I hear he is rather rich.
• Hayatından oldukça memnun. : He is quite satisfied with his lot in life.
• Oldukça sinirlidir. : He is quite nervous. (He is rather nervous.)
2. –eli
• Hastalanalı konuşmuyor. : Ever since he got sick he won’t speak.
• Bu eve taşınalı altı ay oluyor. : It is six months since (I) moved into this house.
• Sizi görmeyeli çok zayıflamışsınız. You have grown very thin since (I) last saw you.
• Sinemaya gitmeyeli aylar oluyor. It is months since (I) have been to the movies.
Note: Sometimes the negative form is used when it is more effective to mark a period, beginning
from the time we have stopped doing something. This stopping is not a premeditated or
intended thing.
Sizi görmeyeli in the example given above does not mean since I have stopped seeing you. It
merely means since I have not seen you. It is better to translate this negative form as positive.
Since I last saw you
• İstanbul’a geleli beri ada’ya : Ever since I came to Istanbul, I have not been able
gidemedim. to go to the island.
4. There is an alternative form which is quite common. The –di past of the same verb is used
before the –eli form.
• Onu bildim bileli böyledir. : He has been like this ever since I’ve known him.
• Gitti gideli bir haber almadık. : We’ve had no news ever since he went away.
5. –inceye kadar
This form is used to mark how long, until what event, an activity or a period or condition will
last. To indicate the event which will mark the END of an activity or condition.
• Çocuk uyuyuncaya kadar yanında durun. : Stay by the child until he goes to sleep.
• Gelinceye kadar bekleyeceğim. : I’m going to wait until he comes.
• Parayı verene kadar bekle. : Wait until he gives you the money.
• Ben gelene kadar bir yere gitme! : Don’t go anywhere until I come!
This form does not indicate the person by its ending. The noun or pronoun before it shows the
subject of the clause.
G. B happens before A.
1. –meden önce
• Derse başlamadan önce pencereleri açalım. : Let’s open the windows before we begin the
If the verbs A and B have different subjects, then a pronoun or a noun indicating the subject of
A must be used before A.
B happens after A
3. –dikten sonra
• Mektubu bir defa daha : After having read the letter once more, he folded it
okuduktan sonra katlayıp zarfa and put it in the envelope.
• Yarın parayı aldıktan sonra : Tomorrow after I get the money I shall go to Izmir.
İzmir’e gideceğim.
Note: In usage this form is similar to –meden önce. In meaning it is exactly the opposite.
1. –diğinden
• Seni sevdiğinden söylüyor. : He is saying it because he loves you.
• Vaktim olduğundan müzeye gitmeye : Because I had time I decided to go to the museum.
karar verdim.
• Bunu iyi bildiğinizden tekrar : Because you know this well there is no need to go
anlatmaya hacet yok. over it again.
Note: This form is used when the reason given is some event that occurred in the past, is
happening now, or is a habitual occurrence.
2. –eceğinden
• Vermeyeceğimden göstermedim. : I didn’t show it to her because I wasn’t going to
give it to her.
• İki üç gün sonra döneceklerinden : Since they were going to return in two or three
mektup yazmadım. days I didn’t write to them.
Note: This is like –diğinden. Only the reason given is some future event or condition.
3. –diği için
This is like –diğinden as far as meaning goes.
• Kendisini pek iyi tanımadığım : Because I didn’t know her too well I couldn’t say
için bir şey söyleyemedim. anything.
4. –eceği için
• Bütün bunları ilerde tekrar gözden : Since we are going to go over these again in the
geçireceğimiz için, şimdi future, let us not waste too much time over them now.
üzerinde çok durmayalım.
5. –eceğinden dolayı
because… due to the fact…
• Geleceğinizden dolayı seviniyorum. : Because you are coming I am very glad.
6. –diğinden dolayı
• Bitirebildiğimden dolayı pek : I am very happy because I was able to finish it.
Note: –diğinden, –diği için, –diğinden dolayı are identical in meaning. The reason for choosing
one in preference to the other is generally stylistic or rhythmic.
When the verb to be is the verb of the clause, then olduğundan, olduğu için, olacağı için etc… is
• Çok parası olmadığı için bu sene yeni bir : He isn’t going to buy a new car this year
araba satın almayacak. because he doesn’t have much money.
• Yarın burada olmayacağım için : Because I shall not be here tomorrow, I shall
mektupları gitmeden önce bitirmem lâzım. have to finish the letters before I leave.
I. Comparison
These are of two kinds:
2. –diği gibi
• Söylediği gibi yaptım. : I did as she told me.
3. –diği kadar
• Seni sevdiğim kadar kimseyi : I have never loved anyone as much as I have
sevmedim. loved you.
4. –eceği kadar
Fictitious (imaginary)
(with gibi)
5. –iyor gibi
• Onu seviyor gibi davranıyordu. : She was acting as if she loved him.
6. –iyormuş gibi
• Biliyormuş gibi konuşuyorsun. : You talk as if you know.
7. –ar (–er)gibi
• Anlar gibi karışıyorsun. : You butt in as if you understand these things.
8. –müş gibi
• Gözüyle görmüş gibi söylüyordu. : He was talking as thought he had seen it with his own
9. –ermiş gibi
• Beğenmezmiş gibi nazlanma. : Don’t act coy as if you don’t approve.
• Uyanacak gibi bir ses çıkarıyor. He is making noises as if he were about to wake up.
• Onlara da, yardım edebilecek kadar : He does not have enough money to be able to help
parası yok. them, too.
• Yapılamayacak kadar güç bir şey : It is not such a difficult thing that it cannot be done.
15. –cesine
This is attached to tense bases, both the simple and the hearsay forms. It means ‘as if’, ‘as
though he meant to’.
In meaning it is the same as the gibi form.
• seviyormuş gibi - seviyormuşcasına
• boşanır gibi - boşanırcasına
• sevecekmiş gibi - sevecekmişcesine
Note: – casına can only be used with the third person singular. With gibi you mau use any person,
though the third person singular is more common.
Note: It might help to observe that real comparisons have participles with possessive endings.
These verbs are used with the adverbial forms ending in (y)e or (y)a (göre, baka, söyleye, ola) or (y)i,
(y)ı, (y)ü, (y)u (koşu, içi, söyleyi).
Although the auxiliary and the adverbial form are written as one word, the auxiliary verb remains in
its original form. It does not change according to vowel harmony.
• bakakalmak koşuvermek
• söyleyedurmak içivermek
Bilmek, durmak, kalmak, gelmek, gitmek are added to adverbial forms with e or a.
1. –ebilmek
• gidebilmek : to be able to go
• yapabilmek : to be able to do
This form is used when we want to show that obstacles, whether from within or from without,
have been overcome, or that the action is within one’s capacity; that “one has what it takes.”
• Yapabildim : I was able to do it.
In the negative form instead of the bilmek auxiliary is used with the negative adverbial form.
• Yapamadım : I was unable to do it.
Note: There is, however, another negative. The bilmek auxiliary is used with the negative
adverbial form.
We then get:
gitmeyebilir, yapmayabilir. This form is met with mostly in the aorist and indicates that the
negative proposition is a possibility.
2. –ekalmak
Kalmak means to be left, to remain. The forms where it is used carry the same meaning.
• Bakakalmış. : From what I hear he was left staring.
This is usually used when we describe a condition or a state a person was left in, or found
themselves in.
3. –edurmak
sen okuyadur
Note: There is another form with durmak which has roughly the same meaning.
This is the –ip durmak form.
• Gülüp duruyor. : He keeps on laughing.
4. –egelmek
• ötedenberi görülegelen işler : activities which have gone on from way back
This form indicates continuous activity from some period in the past.
5. –egitmek
• İyiliğe kemlik böyle gelmiş; böyle : Men always have and always will return evil for
gider. good.
Here böyle gelmiş indicates a continuous activity from a period far back. Böyle gider indicates
that an activity will continue in the future.
6. –ivermek
• Şişe devriliverdi. : The bottle suddenly turned over. (I barely touched it.)
Or (I never went near it.)
This form is used when we wish to indicate that the action took place suddenly or easily.
The negative form indicates a sudden thought that some expected thing may not happen.
(You are depending upon her to open the envelope and suddenly the thought comes to you: “she
just may not open it – what then?”)
Verbal Forms
In Turkish both time relations and mood are indicated by suffixes. Suffixes which serve for changes
in meaning or marks for person are always distinct from these. (see text.)
In dealing with time relations it will be helpful if we keep the notion or experience of time, common
to all mankind, from tense, which is the linguistic device we use in expressing that relationship.
If we take the notion of time we find that now (present) is a more or less fluid, undetermined boundary
between the past and the future. This boundary or halting point may vary from an instantaneous
moment to one that has significant duration. If we were to make a diagram of such a notion of time, it
would be something like this.
We can never really be anywhere but at B. A and C are oriented with regard to B (the present time),
the only place we ever really are. It is the actual.
In the verb chart this orientation from the actual (now) is represented by the column labeled I. It
extends all the way across from left to right and includes all the moods.
If we take our stand in the real now (B on the diagram) and look left towards A, we can see extending
backwards, as far as we can remember, events carried further and further away, like objects floating on
a river being carried away from us, which we can never touch again (or experience).
If we now look right, towards C, we see other objects being carried towards us, which we shall
eventually be able to touch and see distinctly, close at hand.
If we can also conceive of ourselves as being extremely short-sighted, so that only objects we can
touch “exist” for us, we can get some idea what we have to express in the time-relations.
Now, although we can be nowhere but at B, for an actual fact, we can and do imagine ourselves
anywhere along A (in retrospect), or C (in anticipation).
Let us call this imaginary position we have taken b. This small b, like the large B, is the point of
orientation. Now we can look backwards or forwards from this imaginary position as well. These new
orientations we will call a and c.
This diagram (taken from Otto Jespersen) shows how certain divisions may be established in what is
an unbroken and constant flow.
In the chart showing verbal forms, time-relationships represented by Aa, Ab, and Ac are represented
by the columns II and III.
The reason for the two columns is that in Turkish we always have two aspects to a fact, event or
1. Witnessed – Column II
2. Not witnessed – Column III
Ca, Cb, Cc are expressed through tense-phrases, formed by means of the auxiliary “olacak”, “olur”
and participles (by far the most often used being the perfect participle with –miş). These forms do not
appear on the chart.
We may also conceive of events and situations, both in the past, present or future, as conditions for
some other act. This relationship, which is conditional as well as temporal, is represented by Column
We next come to the problem of mood. Mood in grammar is a form which expresses a certain attitude
of the speaker towards what he says. We do not want to, and cannot always, remain passive observers.
We get emotionally involved. We demand, request, hope or regret. Things over and done with
continue to affect us in retrospect.
We have thoughts or wishes concerning things that lie ahead. These attitudes of the mind are
expressed through various suffixes. And since they concern the past and present (the wish for
something in the future is a present wish) the modal forms represent attitude to things and events now
or to come (Column I), or for happenings in the past (Columns II and III) or this attitude may be a
required condition for some other action or decision (Column IV).
You will see that only the (-meli) mood can logically have a conditional form.
Charts II and III give the negative and interrogative patterns, the interrogative negative is not problem
as far as the pattern goes, but its fluent control is another matter. For this, constant and carefully
planned practice is necessary.
Finally there is this most important point. This book and these charts are meant to be used, not
read. It is like a recipe book. You don’t’ read it, you use it.
“Take this little book…. take it, and eat it up; and it shall make your belly bitter, but it shall be in your
mouth sweet as honey.”
The Revelation of St. John the Divine
Preterit 1 Preterit 2
(Witnessed) (Not Witnessed) Aorist Progressive
AFFIRMATIVE Tense suffix:
–di –miş –er (–ir) –iyor
I. Time in reference to now.
1. habit (now)
Past in reference to Past in reference to 2. promise Something going on
now now 3. volition now
+(I loved) +(I hear, it seems, +(I love, I will +(I am loving)
it appears, I loved) love)
I sevdim sevmişim severim seviyorum
thou sevdin sevmişsin seversin seviyorsun
he sevdi sevmiş sever seviyor
we sevdik sevmişiz severiz seviyoruz
you sevdiniz sevmişsiniz seversiniz seviyorsunuz
they sevdiler sevmişler severler seviyorlar
II. Time in reference to a past
+(I had loved) +(I had loved) +(I used to love, I +(I was loving)
would have loved)
I sevdiydim sevmiştim severdim seviyordum
thou sevdiydin sevmiştin severdin seviyordun
he sevdiydi sevmişti severdi seviyordu
we sevdiydik sevmiştik severdik seviyorduk
you sevdiydiniz sevmiştiniz severdiniz seviyordunuz
they sevdiydiler sevmiştiler severdiler seviyordular
(severlerdi) (seviyorlardı)
III. Time in reference to a past
Past Condition 1 Past Condition 2 Aorist-Conditional Conditional
+(If I did love) +(If I did love) +(If I love) +(If I am loving)
AFFIRMATIVE (continued)
Subjunctive (wish)
Future (condition) Optative Compulsion Imperative
Tense suffix:
–ecek –se –e –meli
1. wish 2. hypothetical
Future in condition contrary to 1. longing Usually an inner Request, demand,
reference to now fact 2. diffident wish compulsion command
+(I am going to +(Let me love) +(I must love) +(I should have +(love)
love) loved)
seveceğim sevsem seveyim sevmeliyim --yok--
seveceksin sevsen sevesin sevmelisin sev
sevecek sevse sevsin (seve) sevmeli sevsin
seveceğiz sevsek sevelim sevmeliyiz --yok--
seveceksiniz sevseniz sevesiniz sevmelisiniz sevin, seviniz
sevecekler sevseler sevsinler (seveler) sevmeliler sevsinler
Preterit 1 Preterit 2
(Witnessed) (Not Witnessed) Aorist Progressive
NEGATIVE Tense suffix:
–di –miş –mez –iyor
I. Time in reference to now.
1. habit
Past in reference to Past in reference to (now) Something going on
now now 2. promise now
3. volition
+(I did not love) +(I did not love) +(I do not love, +(I am not loving)
I will not love)
thou sevmedim sevmemişim sevmem sevmiyorum
he sevmedin sevmemişsin sevmezsin sevmiyorsun
we sevmedi sevmemiş sevmez sevmiyor
you sevmedik sevmemişiz sevmeyiz sevmiyoruz
they sevmediniz sevmemişsiniz sevmezsiniz sevmiyorsunuz
sevmediler sevmemişler sevmezler sevmiyorlar
II. Time in reference to a past
more recent past a more recent past Habit in the past in the past
+(I had not loved) +(I had not loved)
NEGATIVE (continued)
Future (wish) (condition) Optative Compulsion Imperative
Tense suffix:
–ecek –se –e –meli
Future in reference 2.hypothetical 1. longing Usually an inner Request,
to now condition contrary 2. diffident wish compulsion demand,
to fact command
+(I am not going to +(I wish I didn’t +(let me not love) +(I must not love) +(don’t love)
love) love, were I not to
sevmeyeceğim sevmesem sevmeyeyim sevmemeliyim --yok--
sevmeyeceksin sevmesen sevmeyesin sevmemelisin sevme
sevmeyecek sevmese (sevmeye) sevmemeli sevmesin
sevmeyeceğiz sevmesek sevmeyelim sevmemeliyiz --yok--
sevmeyeceksiniz sevmeseniz sevmeyesiniz sevmemelisiniz sevmeyin, -yiniz
sevmeyecekler sevmeseler (sevmeyeler) sevmemeliler sevmesinler
Conditional of
sevmeyeceksem sevmemeliysem
sevmeyeceksen sevmemeliysen
sevmeyecekse Yok Yok sevmemeliyse Yok
sevmeyeceksek sevmemeliysek
sevmeyecekseniz sevmemeliyseniz
sevmeyeceklerse sevmemeliyseler
Preterit 1 Preterit 2
(Witnessed) (Not Witnessed) Aorist Progressive
Tense suffix:
–di –miş –er (–ir) –iyor
I. Time in reference to now.
1. habit
Past in reference to Past in reference to (now) Something going on
now now 2. promise now
3. volition
+(Did I love?) +(Did I love?) +(Does he love?, +(Is he loving?)
I Will he love?)
thou sevdim mi sevmiş miyim sever miyim seviyor muyum
he sevdin mi sevmiş misin sever misin seviyor musun
we sevdi mi sevmiş mi sever mi seviyor mu
you sevdik mi sevmiş miyiz sever miyiz seviyor muyuz
they sevdiniz mi sevmiş misiniz sever misiniz seviyor musunuz
sevdiler mi sevmişler mi severler mi seviyorlar mı
II. Time in reference to a past
Aorist- Progressive-
Past Condition 1 Past Condition 2 Conditional Conditional
+(If I love?) +(If I am loving?)
Subjunctive (wish)
Future (condition) Optative Compulsion Imperative
Tense suffix:
–ecek –se –e –meli
Future in reference 1. wish 2. hypothetical 1. longing Usually an inner Request,
to now condition contrary to 2. diffident wish compulsion demand,
fact command
+(Is he going to +(I wish I loved? +(Shall I love?) +(Must I love?) +(Is he to love?)
love?) Were I to love?)
sevecek miyim sevsem mi seveyim mi sevmeli miyim --yok--
sevecek misin sevsen mi sevesin mi sevmeli misin --yok--
sevecek mi sevse mi sevsin mi sevmeli mi sevsin mi
sevecek miyiz sevsek mi sevelim mi sevmeli miyiz --yok--
sevecek misiniz sevseniz mi sevesiniz mi sevmeli misiniz --yok--
sevecekler mi sevseler mi sevsinler mi sevmeliler mi sevsinler mi
Conditional of
Future-Conditional Compulsion
+(If I am going to +(If I must love)
seveceksem mi sevmeliysem
seveceksen mi sevmeliysen
sevecekse mi Yok Yok sevmeliyse Yok
seveceksek mi sevmeliysek
sevecekseniz mi sevmeliyseniz
sevecekseler mi sevmeliyseler
Of the suffixes which may begin with either i, ı, ü, u, only the form in i is shown.
Of those which may begin with either e or a, only for form in e is shown.
The buffer n which is always placed before a case suffix following a third person possessive ending is
not shown.
For –ım, –üm, –um, or –yim, you look under –im.
For arak or yerek, you look under –erek.
Of the suffixes which begin with the consonants g:k, c:ç and d:t, only the forms in g, c, and d are shown.
Of the forms –ce, –çe, –ca, –ça, only –ce is shown.
The suffixes are givevn in their simplest form. They always have a (–) in front of them.
–den, –en, –de, –e
en, de, E, başka, dün
 ......................................................................57 henüz.................................................................47
A. .....................................................................59 her.....................................................................45
ablative..................................................28, 50, 51 Hey....................................................................60
Adverb of Manner............................................47 için..................................................50, 51, 52, 71
Adverb of Place................................................46 ile................................................................50, 54
Adverb of Quantity...........................................46 Indefinite...........................................................45
Adverb of Time................................................46 Intensification.............................................42, 48
Ah.....................................................................57 Interrogative Adjectives...................................45
ama....................................................................54 ister A... ister B.................................................55
aman..................................................................61 kaç.....................................................................45
ancak.................................................................47 kaçıncı...............................................................45
Ay.....................................................................57 kadar...............................................50, 51, 69, 72
başka.....................................................45, 50, 52 kadar (comparing).............................................50
bazı..............................................................17, 45 kadar (delimiting).............................................50
belki..................................................................47 kâh A... kâh B...................................................55
beri..............................................................50, 52 karşı............................................................50, 51
bir......................................................................45 karşıya...............................................................46
böyle.......................................................7, 27, 47 kendi.................................................................40
bu................................................................38, 39 kim....................................................................28
burada...............................................................46 lâkin..................................................................54
çok....................................................................46 locative..............................................................29
Comparative................................................44, 47 mademki...........................................................54
çünkü................................................................54 meğer................................................................54
daha.............................................................44, 47 ne......................................................................28
dative....................................................28, 50, 51 ne biçim............................................................45
de......................................................................54 ne gibi...............................................................45
değil..................................................................32 ne zaman...........................................................46
Demonstrative Pronouns...................................38 ne... ne...............................................................55
Demonstrative Pronouns as Adjectives............44 neredeki............................................................45
Diminutive........................................................43 nereden..............................................................46
doğru...........................................................50, 51 nominative..................................................28, 50
dolayı..........................................................50, 52 o......................................................38, 39, 44, 58
dün....................................................................46 Of......................................................................58
E. ......................................................................59 Öf......................................................................58
eliden beri.........................................................68 Oh.....................................................................58
en................................................................44, 47 olan.......................................................16, 17, 37
erken.................................................................46 olarak................................................................37
evvel............................................................50, 51 olduğundan.......................................................71
Ey......................................................................60 oldukça........................................................46, 68
fakat..................................................................54 olmadığı için.....................................................71
fazla..................................................................46 olmak................................................................35
geç.....................................................................46 olmayacağım için..............................................71
geçenlerde.........................................................46 önce.......................................................50, 51, 69
genitive.............................................................29 onun için...........................................................47
gibi......................................50, 51, 52, 71, 72, 73 öte...............................................................50, 52
göre.......................................................50, 51, 52 Participles.........................................................63
Hâ......................................................................60 pek....................................................................46
ha A... ha B.......................................................55 Personal endings showing possession..............39
Hah....................................................................61 Personal pronouns.............................................38
halbuki..............................................................54 Reflexive Pronouns...........................................40
hangi.................................................................45 Repetition..........................................................43
haydi.................................................................60 sonra................................................46, 50, 51, 70
hem A... hem B.................................................55 tekrar.................................................................47
Tü......................................................................58 –ecekmişcesine.................................................74
uzak.............................................................50, 52 –ecekse..............................................................83
Vah....................................................................58 –ecekti...............................................................83
vaktinde............................................................46 –edurmak..........................................................76
Vay....................................................................57 –egelmek...........................................................76
ve......................................................................54 –egitmek...........................................................76
Ya......................................................................60 –ek....................................................................11
ya...ya................................................................55 –ekalmak...........................................................76
yine...................................................................47 –eli....................................................................68
yoksa.................................................................54 –eli beri.............................................................68
Yuh...................................................................61 –en....................................................................63
da... de.............................................................55 –en (present participle).....................................16
Diminution ......................................................48 –ene kadar.........................................................69
-den uzak...........................................................52 –er.............................................21, 25, 63, 82, 87
–ç after reflexive roots......................................13 –er gibi..............................................................72
–ce.............................................................5, 7, 43 –erdi..................................................................82
–cesine..............................................................73 –erek.....................................................37, 47, 65
–ci.......................................................................4 –ermiş gibi........................................................72
–cik...............................................................5, 43 –erse..................................................................82
–daş.....................................................................4 –esiye................................................................47
–de..............................................................21, 29 –eydi.................................................................83
–de miydiniz.....................................................30 –eymiş...............................................................83
–den..................................................................28 –geç...................................................................13
–deyim..............................................................30 –gen..................................................................19
–di...............................................................82, 87 –gi.....................................................................10
–di eli................................................................69 –giç (nouns)......................................................13
–diği gibi...........................................................71 –gin...................................................................19
–diği halde........................................................66 –gun..................................................................63
–diği için...........................................................70 –i.................................................................12, 29
–diği kadar........................................................72 –ici....................................................................17
–diği zaman.......................................................66 –idim.................................................................33
–diğinden..........................................................70 –ik.....................................................................63
–diğinden dolayı...............................................71 –ik (adjectives).................................................18
–dik...................................................................63 –ili (adjectives).................................................18
–dik (past participle).........................................15 –im........................................................11, 29, 33
–dikçe..........................................................67, 68 –imişim.............................................................33
–dikten sonra.....................................................70 –imiz.................................................................29
–dim..................................................................33 –imsi.................................................................43
–dir....................................................................25 –imtrak..............................................................44
–diydi................................................................82 –in.................................................................5, 29
–diyse................................................................82 –in (nouns)........................................................13
–e................................................................28, 88 –in (Passive).....................................................27
–ebilmek...........................................................75 –in (Reflexive)..................................................24
–eceği için.........................................................71 –inç...................................................................13
–eceği kadar......................................................72 –ince............................................................47, 67
–eceğinden........................................................70 –inceye kadar....................................................69
–eceğinden dolayı.............................................71 –iniz..................................................................29
–ecek.....................................................63, 83, 88 –inti...................................................................10
–ecek (future participle)....................................18 –ip.....................................................................65
–ecek derecede..................................................73 –ip durmak........................................................76
–ecek gibi..........................................................72 –ir..........................................................25, 82, 87
–ecek kadar.......................................................73 –ir –mez............................................................66
–ecekmiş...........................................................83 –ir (-er) (aorist participle).................................16
–ecekmiş gibi....................................................73 –ircesine............................................................74
–irmişcesine......................................................74 –meyecekmiş....................................................86
–iş..................................................................9, 22 –meyecekse.......................................................86
–iş (Reciprocal)................................................24 –meyecekti........................................................86
–issem...............................................................33 –meyen..............................................................63
–it......................................................................25 –meyey..............................................................86
–ivermek...........................................................77 –meyeydi..........................................................86
–iyor............................................................82, 87 –meyeymiş........................................................86
–iyor gibi...........................................................72 –mez............................................................63, 84
–iyordu..............................................................82 –mezden önce...................................................69
–iyormuş...........................................................82 –mezdi..............................................................84
–iyormuş gibi....................................................72 –mezmiş............................................................84
–iyormuşcasına.................................................73 –mezse..............................................................84
–iyorsa..............................................................82 –mi....................................................................33
–ırcasına............................................................74 –miş......................................................63, 82, 87
–ıyorcasına........................................................73 –miş (perfect participle)....................................15
–ken......................................................37, 63, 66 –miş kadar.........................................................73
–ki.....................................................................36 –mişim..............................................................33
–le...............................................................20, 54 –mişmiş.............................................................82
–len...................................................................20 –mişse...............................................................82
–ler....................................................................29 –mişti................................................................82
–leri...................................................................29 –miyor...............................................................84
–leş....................................................................20 –miyordu...........................................................84
–leyin..................................................................5 –miyormuş........................................................84
–li........................................................................6 –miyorsa...........................................................84
–lik......................................................................3 –miz..................................................................29
–m.....................................................................29 –müş gibi..........................................................72
–me...............................................................9, 22 –muşcasına........................................................73
–me, -ma (Negative).........................................27 –n......................................................................29
–meden..............................................................65 –niz...................................................................29
–meden önce...............................................69, 70 –se...............................................................83, 88
–medi................................................................84 –seydi................................................................83
–medikçe...........................................................67 –seymiş.............................................................83
–mediydi...........................................................84 –si......................................................................29
–mediyse...........................................................84 –sin....................................................................83
–mek.............................................................9, 22 –siz......................................................................7
–meksizin..........................................................65 –t.......................................................................25
–meli...........................................................83, 88 –ti........................................................................5
–meliydi............................................................83 İşte....................................................................61
–meliymiş.........................................................83 şimdi.................................................................47
–meliyse............................................................83 şu...........................................................38, 39, 44
–mesine rağmen................................................66