Study On The Conduction of Electricity On Salty Water
Study On The Conduction of Electricity On Salty Water
Study On The Conduction of Electricity On Salty Water
Water itself is not an electric conductor. Pure water does not have a
charge particle and cannot be affected by electricity however as the water
dissolves ionic particles its electrical conductivity can be increased for example,
an ordinary distilled water in equilibrium with carbon dioxide of the air has a
conductivity of about 10 x 10
"#0 d$%m&. 'ecause the electrical current is
transported by the ions in solution, the conductivity increases as the
concentration of ions increases.
Water is abundant throughout the world so is salt, with the use of these
two there can be a production of electricity. (hrough the use of electrodes that
attracts negative and positive charges the water can form an electric current.
$ome studies showed significant results in this study, some said that using
this technology electricity from salty water can support the 1)* of the world,
through the use of electricity from water we can ease the use of nuclear
powerplants and avoid the over production of pollution.
Background of the study
Water is the universal solvent it has the use of almost everything. Pure
water is a poor electrical conductor however as the water dissolves substances it
creates a potential source of electricity through the charged particles mixed with
it. +ne of which is the ,a-. or salt which is mainly found in the ocean, ,a-l has
an ,a which is a positive ion and -l which is a negative ion that can ma/e an
electric current.
,a-l or salt contains both positive and negative charge and when the
water is added to the ,a-l the water with degrade the substance giving the water
charged particles. -harged particles can easily be attracted by electricity
therefore water with charged particles can create an electric current and can be a
source of energy.
0n a study conducted by Phil 1c/enna on #011 he proposed a solution
using salt water and fresh water as a source of energy, by using an electrode that
attracts sodium ions and one that attracts negative chlorine ions, he produced
electricity that can be very useful to world in times of calamity.
2xtracting clean, fresh water from salty water requires energy. (he reverse
process3mixing fresh water and salty water3releases energy. Physicists began
exploring the idea of extracting energy from mixing fresh and salty waters, a
process /nown as salination, in the 1450s. (hey found that the energy released
by the world6s freshwater rivers as they flowed into salty oceans was comparable
to 7each river in the world ending at its mouth in a waterfall ##8 meters 95)4 feet:
high,7 according to a 145; research paper in the <ournal Science. 'ut those who
have chased the salination dream have collided with technological barriers.