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According to Prakash, N. (2019), Besides the variety of energy sources, solar power

advantages are easy to make apparent compared to other methods. For many years, solar energy is

the series source of vast amounts of freely available energy, but modern technology has harnessed


According to Goswami, Y. (2015), The conversion of solar radiation into electrical energy

by means of solar cells was developed as a part of satellite and space-travel technology. The

present technology utilizes the band gap of semiconductor materials to generate electrons and

conduct them in a preferred direction.

According to Bulović, V. et al. (2019), Solar energy is one of the few renewable, low-

carbon resources with both the scalability and the technological maturity to meet ever-growing

global demand for electricity. Among solar power technologies, solar photovoltaics (PV) are the

most widely deployed, providing 0.87% of the world's electricity in 2013 and sustaining a

compound annual growth rate in cumulative installed capacity of 43% since 2000.

According to Khan, M. et al. (2016), Solar energy can be utilized mainly in heat generation

and electricity production. Customers who adopt solar panels can reduce their energy bills and

lower the effective average electricity prices they pay. When the price falls, a solar consumer might

consume more electricity than before – a solar rebound effect.

According to Amman, MM. et al. (2015), Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of

energy sources and considered as a green source of energy. Solar energy benefit ranges from low

carbon emission, no fossil fuel requirement, long term solar resources, less payback time and other.


The attached collection of studies provides information and details to the proponents that

the proposed study has similarities with other system or devices which is widely used. It will give

assurance that these studies are secured and accessible for the advancement of the product. It also

guarantees that the tasks of the researchers will be easier, faster and more efficient for the benefit

of them.


According to AM Publications, India (2019), Many options are available such as the wind

vans, hydropower and the solar panel power systems. However, solar panel stands above the rest

with respect to reliability, efficiency and its positive impact on the environment.

According to Raj, A. (2019), Renewable energy resources are getting priorities in the whole

world to lessen the dependency on conventional resources. Solar energy is rapidly gaining the

focus as an important means of expanding renewable energy uses.

According to Bogdanov, D. et al. (2017), The power sector is faced with strict requirements

in reducing harmful emissions and substantially increasing the level of sustainability. Renewable

energy (RE) in general and solar photovoltaic (PV) can offer societally beneficial solutions.
According to Kannan, N et al. (2016), Solar energy, among other renewable sources of

energy, is a promising and freely available energy source for managing long term issues in energy

crisis. Solar industry is developing steadily all over the world because of the high demand for

energy while major energy source, fossil fuel, is limited and other sources are expensive.

According to Ma, X. et al. (2016), In this paper, we compare the behavior of different types

of models under low illuminance conditions, in order to investigate enough modelling approaches

for indoor environments. Previous work has shown that equivalent circuit modelling may have

reduced performance under low illuminance conditions.


Moreover, the attached literatures are written and published by certified publishers,

authors, journals, publications and different credible sources that support the feasibility of

constructing the current product. These readings emphasized the benefits that the researchers will

get to the solar machine that will work with the product. These literatures are included in this

chapter helps in additional information that are relevant and related to the present study.

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