Siberian Lynx

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Common Name: Eurasian Lynx, Siberian Lynx

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felinae (Lynx)
Species: lynx
The Eurasian lynx has a very broad distribution from western Europe through the boreal forests of
Russia, and down into central Asia and the Tibetan plateau (Nowell and Jackson 1996, Sunquist
and Sunquist 2002). Populations in the southeast of its range (Europe and southwest Asia) are
generally small and widely separated, whereas the bulk of its historic range from Scandinavia
through Russia and Central Asia is largely intact.


Habitat and


In Europe, it was probably absent from some of the larger islands such as Ireland and Sicily and
from countries with few forests. It was also absent from the Iberian Peninsula, where the smaller
Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus occurs. Lynx have been extirpated from most of western Europe. In
central Europe, they survive only in the Carpathian Mountains and a small area of the south Dinaric
Mountains in Greece, Macedonia and Albania, although larger populations persisted in
Fennoscandia, the Baltic states, and European Russia. Lynx have been released in several areas
of Europe in an effort to reintroduce this elusive predator including in Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy,
Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and France (IUCN 2007).

Throughout Europe and Siberia, lynx are associated primarily with forested areas which have good
ungulate populations (Nowell and Jackson 1996). In Central Asia lynx occur in more open, thinly
wooded areas. The species probably occurs throughout the northern slopes of the Himalayas, and
has been reported both from thick scrub woodland and barren, rocky areas above the treeline. On
the better-forested southern Himalayan slopes, there are only a few records from Nepal (Nowell
and Jackson 1996, Karan Bahadur Shah pers. comm. 2008). Lynx occur sporadically throughout
the Tibetan plateau, and are found throughout the rocky hills and mountains of the Central Asian
desert regions (Nowell and Jackson 1996).

Afghanistan; Albania; Armenia (Armenia); Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Bhutan; Bosnia and
Herzegovina; Bulgaria; China; Croatia; Czech Republic; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia;
Germany; Greece; Hungary; India; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Italy; Kazakhstan; Korea,
Democratic People's Republic of; Kyrgyzstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Macedonia, the former Yugoslav
Republic of; Moldova; Mongolia; Montenegro; Nepal; Norway; Pakistan; Poland; Romania; Russian
Federation; Serbia (Serbia); Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Turkey;
Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan

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