"Overcoming Our Fears, Understanding God's Names": Going On, Not Getting Out Summer Adult Bible Study

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Going on, Not Getting Out

The phone rang late at night in the home of a local librarian.

On the other end of the line, a young voice asked, What
time does the library open? Angrily, the librarian retorted,
It doesnt open until 9:00 in the morning. Why in the world
would you be calling at this hour to get into the library? Get
in! said the young boy on the other end of the phone, I dont
want to get in; I want to get out! In our church, hopefully no
one feels locked in, but rather set at liberty. We are not trying
to get out but go on in the Lord.
All of us need time to get away from the daily grind and have family time of
rest, relaxation, refection, and renewal. Janet and I have not escaped from
the library, but we have gotten away for some vacation, just the two of us,
with no preaching or ministry responsibilities. As busy as both of us are, this is
necessary for us just as it is for you. As Francis of Assisi noted about the bow
used in archery, The bow must be unstrung after its use in order for it to be
effective in shooting arrows. He was referring to times without tension and toil.
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Jeff Crook to the pulpit this weekend, Senior
Pastor of the Blackshear Place Baptist Church in north Atlanta. Jeff is a dear
friend, and for the sixth year his family is spending their vacation time in Naples.
He and his precious family love our church and all that is involved here in
paradise. He is a great encourager to me personally and one of our nations
most outstanding young preachers and pastors. I was privileged to be the guest
preacher for his 10th year anniversary at his church.
Jeff and Becky have two children, Macie, and Josiah. He has pastored in Florida
and Mississippi. He has degrees from The Baptist College of Florida and New
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and has been in the ministry for 25 years.
Jeffs personality is submerged in his message, as he decreases so that Jesus
might increase (John 3:30). He preaches the Word of God with conservative
conviction, doctrinal integrity, Spirit-anointing, and authority. Please allow the
Spirit to storm the citadel of your will and allow God to change you and rearrange
your priorities. Nothing could thrill me more than to know that life-changing
decisions have been made in my absence under the biblical preaching of a
brother in Christ.
Churchwide Dr. Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor
Student Ministry
High School Summer Camp
Starts Sunday, July 27
Our high school ministry is traveling to Clearwater Christian
College, doing mission projects all over the Tampa area. If
you would like to keep up with everything going on, head over
to Instagram.com and search #hsmfollower, or Facebook at
hsmfrstbaptistnaples. This will keep you updated on all the
posts from camp throughout the week.
Summer Adult Bible Study
Overcoming Our Fears,
Understanding Gods Names
Every Wednesday at 6:30pm
in the Worship Center
Workbooks are available in the
Lighthouse Bookstore for $13.00 each.
By Dr. Tony Evans
Witness the majesty and glory of Gods names.
In biblical times, names communicated a
persons essence...his/her history, nature, or
character. Thats why God revealed Himself
by dozens of different names in Scripture. No
single name could convey the fullness of His
character and works. Learn the meanings
of Gods names to know Him more fully and
experience Him more deeply.
Fifth Grade Summer Camp
July 28 - August 1
This is an awesome opportunity to have your child
experience a life-changing summer. Winshape is a day
camp designed for students. We are asking our 5th grade
students to sign-up to attend the week of July 28-August 1.
For more information, feel free to visit www.winshape.org/
camps/. If you have any questions, please contact our Fifth
Grade Director, Jason Dean, at jdean@fbalions.org.
C2 Summer Softball
Every Monday at 6:30pm on the Softball Field
College/Career 20-somethings...join us every Monday night.
All levels of skill are welcome. Come rain or shine, as we
make alternate plans if it is raining. For more information,
email tellyandalisha@gmail.com.
New Believers in Christ
Missions Ministry
Vietnam Mission Trip
On the Field Through August 2
Our own Vietnamese Church Pastor, Jimmy Nguyen, returned to
Vietnam to teach and train pastors. Please be praying for him.
Nigeria Mission Trip
On the Field Through August 5
Our own Associate Pastor of Missions, Dr. David Heath, went to
work with the people of the Dukawa, CLela, Fakai, and Reshe
languages in NW Nigeria. Please be praying for him.
Foundations 101
Bible & Life Group for New Believers
Begins Saturday, August 16 at 7:30pm in DC112
This class is for new believers and anyone who is interested
in learning the basic principles and truths of the Christian
faith. It will begin on Saturday, August 16 and run through
November 29. If you know someone who is a new believer,
please tell him/her about this class. For more information,
please call Lou at 596-8600 x258.
Bill & Ginny Hanson
At the Missions Kiosk in the Commons
Bill & Ginny are missionaries with the Association of Baptists
for World Evangelism and members of FBCN. They serve
around the globe by assisting with ministry building projects.
Visit them this weekend to see how you can help their
Helps Outreach Food Drive
August 23 & 24
Please bring a bag flled with canned, dry, or other non-
perishable foods on Saturday, August 23 or Sunday, August
24. Place the bag behind your car as you park for worship.
Members of the Ken Hess BLG will pick up those bags and
deliver them to Helps Outreach. Help us share the hope and
provision of Jesus with the less fortunate in our community.
Bible & Life Group EMPACT Leaders
All EMPACT Leaders Meeting
Sunday, August 17 5:00-6:30pm
Fellowship/Recreation Gym
It is very important that all adult BLG EMPACT leaders
attend this meeting. We will have pizza and drinks. So if
you serve as Evangelism Leader, Missions Leader, Prayer
Leader, Assimilation Leader, Community Leader, Teacher,
or Class Administrator, please mark your calendar now.
C2 (College/Career) Singles Ages 18-29
Senior Adults
C2 Annual Retreat Inside Out
August 15 at 4:00pm - August 17 at 4:00pm
Christian Retreat Center in Brandenton, FL
Total cost of $50 is due no later than August 5. Space is
limited. Join us for this short getaway of physical and spiritual
renewal. Retreat includes worship services with guest
speaker, outdoor fun activities, hotel-like accommodations,
and buffet style breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Reserve your
spot today. Contact Alisha at 580-8834 or tellyandalisha@
gmail.com for more information.
Sensational Celebration
October 12-15
Central Florida
Join us for this great time of worship, preaching, and
fellowship featuring Dr. Johnny Hunt, Dr. Bob Pitman, Greater
Vision,Veritas 5, The Rob Mills Family, Greg Buchanan, and
Taylor Mason. $100 holds your spot. Deadline is Monday,
August 18. Total cost is $200, plus food. That includes
transportation and 3 nights at Fairfeld Inn. Bus will leave
the church at 2:00pm on Sunday, October 12. Call Vada at
596-8600 x268 for more information. Sign-up today in the
Fellowship Hallway or Commons Information Desk.
Helps Outreach Food Drive
Begins Thursday, August 28 at 6:00pm
In the Administration Buildings
Large Conference Room (AD145)
This program features biblical, Christ-centered teaching
that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a
loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected
grief experts and real-life stories. This is followed by a
small group discussion. Your bereavement experience may
be recent, or not so recent. You will fnd encouragement,
comfort, and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child,
parent, sibling, or another family member or friend. Many
have said the information and follow-up discussions have
been very helpful. Everything is strictly confdential. Cost is
$15 for materials. For details, please call Betty at 738-4199.
Enter the church through the main Church Receptionist
Offce in the Administration Building.
First Baptist Church Naples
3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109
Offce Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist ..................................................................597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection ...............................................596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore ................................................................449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples ...................................................597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line .....................................................597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email ..................................................................FBCN@fbcn.org
July 28 - August 3
Philip Ehling
Bob Carboy
If you need assistance, please call
the church deacon hotline
at 800-732-9573.
For Spanish, call 404-7764.
Deacon of the Week
Wednesday Family Meal
Live streaming
Saturday at 6:00pm
and Sunday at 9:30am
at fbcn.org!
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Ways to Connect Online with FBCN
Contact Us
Weekly Schedule
Last Weekend
This Upcoming Week
2013-2014 Operating Revenues
July 1, 2014 - July 20, 2014
Budget Actual Variance
$378,900 $369,341 ($9,559)
Financial Stewardship
Bible & Life Attendance
July 19 & 20
Saturday Night 1,170
Sunday 9:30 a.m. 1,493
Total 2,663
Wednesday Night Study 338
Decisions for Christ Worship Attendance
Visit a Bible & Life Group Today...
We Will Help You Find One!
How does a big church feel like a small community? By discovering our Bible
& Life Groups! Bible & Life Groups are people experiencing life-changing Bible
study and engaging in a lifestyle of reaching and serving others for Jesus Christ
with a group of genuine friends. Visit the information desk in the Commons. The
helpful volunteers there can guide you to a Bible & Life Group ftted just for you.
See what God is doing!
Debt balance as of July 20
First Time Guests
Welcome to First Baptist Church Naples
We are glad that you came to worship with us. Our worship services are
intended to give praise to God and reveal how Jesus gives hope for all who
call on His name. We hope that you feel at home here! Greeters at the doors
can help with any immediate needs/questions that you may have. Volunteers
at the Information Desk in the Commons are there to assist you in fnding the
perfect Bible & Life Group. Thank you for joining us today! For more detailed
information about our church and ministries, please call Lou at 596-8600 x258.
July 19 & 20
Saturday Night 711
Sunday 8:15 a.m. 62
Sunday 11:00 a.m. 750
Home Groups 212
Total 1,735
Jasmine Cox
Michael Cox
Jonathan Garcia
Joshua Garcia
Justin Garcia
July 30 (4:45-6:00pm in the
Fellowship/Recreation Gym)
Homemade Lasagna,
Vegetable, Salad, Dessert
Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse
Cafe or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a
family. Alternate choices available.
Saturday, July 26
5:00 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
6:00 p.m. Worship Service: Worship Center
6:00 p.m. Spanish Worship Service: Modular 1
7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Sunday, July 27
8:15 a.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
9:00 a.m. Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED207
9:00 a.m. Vietnamese Worship & Bible Study: DC221
9:30 a.m. Worship Service: Worship Center
10:00 a.m. Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modular 4
11:00 a.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
12:30 p.m. Spanish Worship Service: Student Center
6:00 p.m. Romanian Worship Service: Modular 4
6:30 p.m. Haitian Worship Service: Modular 2
Wednesday, July 30
4:45 p.m. Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym
6:30 p.m. Wacky Wednesdays Kids Program: DC120 Kidztown Worship
6:30 p.m. Summer Adult Bible Study: Worship Center
6:30 p.m. High School Ministry: Student Center
6:30 p.m. Middle School Ministry: Family Life Center-Gym
6:30 p.m. Worship Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room
Other events this week include: High School Summer Camp, Fifth Grade Summer
Camp, C2 Softball, Legacy Builders Game Day, and Celebrate Recovery
First Baptist Academy
First Baptist Academy
Congratulations to the FBA 2013 Boys Track and Field Team
on placing frst in the FHSAA Class 1A Academic Team
Champion Program. This program honors teamwork not only
in competition, but in the classroom as well. The program
recognizes teams in each of the Associations sanctioned and
recognized sports, naming an Academic Team Champion in
each classifcation.
Big Daddy Weave Concert at FBCN
Big Daddy Weave Concert
Thursday, October 9 at 7:00pm
The Beautiful Offerings Tour
Tickets are available now at chosentickets.com.
Jennifer Hofmann
Richard Spangler
Connie Stoll
Timmy Stoll

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