Synopsis: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
Synopsis: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
Synopsis: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
A Comparative Study of the Customer Satisfaction towards selected Organized
Retail Stores: Big Bazar & Mega More, with reference to Indore.
A Research Synopsis submitted as partial fulfillment for the
award of the Degree of Masters of Business Administration
Prof. Vippa Dhingra Amardeep Tripathi
MBA IV SEM Section FM1
Enrollment no. DX 1234886
Table of Content
S.NO. Content Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Rationale of the Study 3
3 Review of Literature 4-5
4 Objectives of Study 6
5 Research Methodology 7-8
6 References 9
Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how products and
services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is
defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported
experience with a firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goal
The retail sector is presently undergoing a transition in India. Previously, customers used to go to
kirana stores to purchases their necessities. This later changed to bigger shops run by one man
with a few employees. Here, all the work was done manually. Gradually, more sophistication
seeped into this sector and department stores came into being.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, however, there was an explosion of shopping malls and plazas
where customers interacted with professionals and not with just one single person - the owner.
An important point here is that customers' requirements are catered to by trained staff. Today,
organized retailing has become an experience characterised by comfort, style and speed. It is
something that offers a customer more control, convenience and choice along with an
Retail consists of sale of physical goods or merchandise from a fixed location. Such as a
department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct
consumption by the purchase. retailing may include subordinated services such as delivery .
More Mega Store (Aditya Birla Retail Ltd.)
Aditya Birla Retail Limited is the retail arm of Aditya Birla Group, a USD 28 billion
Corporation. The Company ventured into food and grocery retail sector in 2007 with the
acquisition of a south based supermarket chain. Subsequently Aditya Birla Retail Ltd. expanded
its presence across the country under the brand "MORE." with 2 strategies Supermarket &
More for you conveniently located in neighborhoods, more supermarkets cater to the daily,
weekly and monthly shopping needs of consumers. The product offerings include a wide range
of fresh fruits & vegetables, groceries, personal care, home care, general merchandise & a basic
range of apparels. Currently, there are over 600 more. Supermarkets across the country.
MORE MEGA STORE - is a one-stop shopping destination for the entire family. Besides a large
range of products across fruits & vegetables, groceries, FMCG products, more. MEGASTORE
also has a strong emphasis on general merchandise, apparels & CDIT.
Aditya Birla Retail Ltd provides customers a wide choice of products under its own labels. All
manufacturing partners are the best in their class. Own label Food Brands more. Feasters,
Kitchen's Promise, and Best of India Home & Personal care brand more. Enriche, 110%, Pestex,
Paradise, and Germex.
Big bazaar
Big bazar is a place where you can find everything for your home. Form grocery items to the
electronics items and clothes also. The prices of the articles in bigbazar are no doubt economical
but there are so many things in BigBazar that you have to buy at MRP and for the same in local
market you can bargain. In bigbazar quality of the kitchen articles is very good and they also
offer schemes but if you calculate them you will find that there is not a very big difference in the
amount. Big Bazaar is designed as an agglomeration of bazaars or Indian markets with clusters
offering a wide range of merchandise including fashion and apparels, food products, general
merchandise, furniture, electronics, books, fast food and leisure and
ALBA AND HUTCHINSON(1980) More specifically , expertise or product class knowledge
represents: The understanding of the attributes in a product or service class, and knowledge
about how various alternatives stack up on these alternatives. Thus, some customers may be
more expert than others and may be more likely to evaluate service quality and satisfaction
judgements rationally at the cognitive level.
WILTON,(1988) More recent work argued that in addition to the cognitive components,
satisfaction judgements are also dependent upon affective components as both coexist and make
independent contributions positive relationship between equity satisfaction whereby equity is
viewed as a:Fairness,rightness or deservingness judgement that customers make in reference to
what others receive service quality. Research on customer satisfaction is often closely associated
with the measurement of service quality. While satisfaction is a feeling or an attitude of a
customer towards a service after it has been used ,service quality is simply : customers overall
impression of the relative inferiority/superiority of the organization and its services. In this
context, some argue that both service quality and satisfaction are: Best conceptualized as unique
constructs that should not be treated as equivalents in models of consumer decision making.
Hence, many have attempted to establish the nature of the relationship between service quality
and customer satisfaction.
BITNER(1990) He has studied on explored the service quality and satisfaction judgements of
145 travellers at an international airport. Her findings suggest that satisfaction judgements are
antecedents of service quality. However, the current paper follows a substantial amount of
research which has proposed a casual link between service quality and customer satisfaction.
This is due to the fact that customers can and do evaluate service quality at the transactional
level and customer satisfaction may be quite meaningful at the global level. Dimensions of
service quality A review of the literature, however, suggests that the service quality is not a unit-
dimensional construct. Rather, service quality incorporates a number of dimensions such as
reliability, tangibles, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Although the number and
composition of service quality dimensions are likely to be dependent on service settings, one can
argue that there are two overriding dimensions of service quality. The first one refers to the core
aspects of the service and the second one refers to the their national or process aspects of the
service (e.g. tangibles, responsiveness assurance and empathy.)
Dabholkar(1995) He had studied that customer satisfaction is an important theoretical as well as
practical issue for most marketers and consumer researchers success in todays highly
competitive world of business. Thus, the significance of customer satisfaction and customer
retention. A review of literature suggests that our antecedents of the service quality judgements
and the research reported here as the direction of casual link between satisfaction and service
quality is likely to lead to different customer behaviour outcomes, which in turn could have
important managerial relevance likely to be based on a broad range of non-quality issues.
Previous service literature also highlights the multidimensionality of service quality , and in
doing so focuses on two of its overriding tangibles , responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
However, only a limited set of empirical research has reported the relationship between the two
dimensions of service quality and customer satisfaction. The current paper attempts to fill this
gaps in the literature.
LEGG BAKER(1996) Baker had conducted studied which is mainly concerned with the
outcome of service, where as tangibles responsiveness, assurance and empathy are concerned
with the service delivery process. In this context, we propose that both the core and relational
dimension of service quality are likely to be antecedents of customer satisfaction. Tangible
dimensions of service quality due to intangible nature of services, it is often difficult for
customers to understand the services. Customers thus make inferences about the service quality
on the basis of the tangibles (the buildings, the physical layout etc.) that surround the service
environment. Support for this argument comes from empirical evidence suggesting that the
tangible and the physical surroundings of the service environment can have a intensions reported
similar findings aspects of the department stores do influence customers perceptions of service
quality. Antecedents of customer satisfaction in retail banking International Journal of Bank
Since this study in based on a comparative analysis to measure customer satisfaction, it is
design to see whether customer prefer retail store Mega More & Big Bazar
To compare the variables determining the customer satisfaction level of Mega More &
Big Bazar
Research Design of the Study:-
The study is based on survey technique. The study consists of analysis about
customers satisfaction towards organized retail sector. For the purpose of the study
customers 200 are picked up and their views solicited on different parameters. The
methodology adopted includes
Random sample survey of customers
Sources of Data:-
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Primary Data - Questionnaires- Self standard
It is a data which is collected with the help of questionnaire and 2survey.
Secondary Data Internet and research papers.
Population and Sample:-
A sample size of 200 respondents will be taken based on conveyance sample technique.
Sampling unit: Mega More & Big Bazar
From large number of customers were directly picked up.
Field Study:
Directly approached respondents.
Sample Description:
The sample under study consists of those people who are interested in buying products
from retail stores..
Types of research
The methods which are applied for analysis are:
Descripative and conclusive
Rao and Monroe 1988 Zeithml (1988)The tradition in this research stream has
evolved..Journal of market research. VOL25(August 1989),351-
D.K,Wilton, P.C.(1988), Models of consumer satisfaction.
Bitner ,maryjo(1990)Evaluating service Encounters: The effects of physical
surroundings and employee responses.
Dabohlkar,Pratibha A.(1995).The convergence of customer satisfaction and service
Legg and Baker(1996).Advertising strategies for service firms. Services