Solid State Lighting and Controls
Solid State Lighting and Controls
Solid State Lighting and Controls
Department : Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject : [ELE 451] Solid State Lighting & Control [4 0 0 4]
Semester & branch : VII Semester BE (E&E)
Course Coordinator : Mrs. Srividya R
No of contact hours : 44 L + 4 T [4 hours / week]
Assignment portion
Assignment no. Topics
1 L1 L10
2 L11-L23
3 L24- L30
4 L31-L37
5 L38 L44
Test portion
Test no. Topics
1 L1 L20
2 L21 L39
Submitted by:
(Signature of the Course Coordinator)
Approved by:
(Signature of HOD)
(A constituent college of Manipal University, Manipal)
Manipal Karnataka 576 104
1) Mrs.R Srividya
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Course Outcome:
CO1 Describe the principle of Solid State Light sources and techniques used for white light
CO2 Use manufacturers data sheet for analyzing electrical and optical characteristics to
support LED lighting system design.
CO3 Design suitable power driver topology for LED fixture development.
CO4 Analyze heat sink for efficient thermal management solutions.
Evaluation Scheme:
Internal Assessment: 50 Marks
Two tests comprising of one word answers, multiple choice questions,
short answer questions and numerical - 20 Marks each
5 nos. of Assignments 2 Marks each
Evaluation of assignments based on quizzes.
End Semester Examination: 50 Marks
Questions shall cover the entire syllabus
Six questions are set, each of 10 marks
Students shall answer any five full questions
Lecture/Tutorial Schedule
Sl No.
L1 Introduction to the course
L2 & L3 Lighting fundamental & terminologies
L4 Generation of radiation, CCT, CRI & CT
L5 Review of Light sources, Solid State Lighting and Why Solid State Lighting?
L6 Photons emission in LEDs
L7 Life cycle of photon, Overall, Internal, External & Extraction efficiency of photons
in LEDs
L8 Optical characteristics of LED
L9 Light escape cone and its relevance in LED design & Numerical
L10 Lambertian Radiation pattern & Numerical
T1 Tutorial on L1-L10
L11 Role of extraction efficiency & methods to increase it
L12 Materials used for LEDs
L13 Different types of LEDs manufacturing technology
L14 White light generation, Challenges & Issues
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L15 RGB LED CIE x-y chromaticity diagram, Advantages & disadvantages
L16 Remote Phosphor LED technology
L17 LEDs for illumination application, Binning & Macadam Ellipse
L18 Electrical Characteristics of LED & dependence of photometry
L19-L20 Driver circuits linear regulators, resistive circuits & current mirror
T2 Tutorial based on L11-L20
Sessional test # 01
L21 Switching Regulators Buck Converter
L22 Boost Converter
L23 Buck Boost Converter
L24 SEPIC Converter
L25-L26 Numerical on Driver design for LEDs
L27 Necessity of closed control loop & its considerations
L28 Numerical on Converters with closed control loop
L29-L30 LED Dimming approaches
L31-L32 Color control feedback and schemes
L33 Thermal analysis model for LEDs and Heat sink design
L34 Factors considered for heat sink selection & introduction to ULT software
L35 Numerical on Heat sink design
L36 LED datasheet analysis
L37 Numerical on data sheet analysis
T3 Tutorial based on L21-L37
L38 Designing LEDs into luminaires
L39 OLEDs and its types, principle, advantages , disadvantages and application
Sessional test # 02
L40 AC LEDs and its challenges
L41 Selecting components for drivers
L42 Introduction to Dialux software and Philips Catalogue (LED luminaires)
L43 Redesigning an existing office and educational facility with LED luminaire
L44 Lighting quality and Energy conservation analysis of redesigned facility
T4 Tutorial based on L38-L44
1. Arturas Zukauskus, Michael S. Shur and Remis Gaska, Introduction to solid state
lighting, wiley interscience 2002.
2. E Fred Schubert, Light emitting Diodes (2
Edition), Cambridge University press,
3. Patrick Mottier, LEDs for Lighting Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2009
4. Gilbert Held, Introduction to Light Emitting Diode Technology and Applications,
CRC press, 2009
5. Mohan Underland and Robbins, Power Electronic converters, Applications and
Design, John Wiley and sons, 1989
6. Application Notes from Texas Instruments, National semiconductors, Hitachi
7. Extracts from current Literature
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