Merritt Morning Market 2620 - Aug 20

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Atoma Brand

Senna Formula Laxative Pills

Outdoor writing products for

Outdoor writing people

$ 99

greAt seleCtion
noW in stoCk!

Office supplies


Blacks Pharmacy

priNtiNg & cOpyiNg


2037 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC

(250) 378-2155

Please recycle

midweek edition august 20, 2014 #2620

News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
T (250)378-5717 F (250)378-2025
2151 Quilchena Ave.

cakes, and
of course...

(250) 378-6655

our popular
gluten free

We have gluten free treats!

wh er e fr iend s mee t to e at
summer hours

Mon, Tues, Wed ~ 7am to 7pm

Thurs, Fri ~ 7am to 9pm Sat. ~ 7am to 7pm
SUNDAY 10am to 2pm
Work Lunches & Catering Available
Reservations & Private Parties Welcome
210 1 q ui lc h en a av e. (2 5 0) 378 -0 3 31
Find us on facebook

From concrete and gravel

to rebar and concrete forms.
We have what you will need.
So bring in your plans
for a free estimate.
Norgaard Ready Mix,
in business for over 50 Years.

1301 Nicola Ave. 250-378-5121

Merritts Auto Glass



iCBC Claims
Commercial residential
Automotive industrial
2663 granite Ave. (next to Fountain tire)


space for your ad

Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700

Summer hours
10am-6pm, 7 days per week
Corner of Voght & Mammette
(250) 378-0349

Seed savers

Merritt seed savers group is offering

a seed saving workshop at Monkey in
the garden, 50km out along Hwy 8, towards spences Bridge, on tuesday August 26th, starting at 10:30am includes a
seed to Plate lunch, $40 per person, limit
15 people.
the workshop includes hands-on
seed collecting & cleaning, as well as a
discussion on seed purity, genetic diversity & bottle necking. there will be some
seed to send home with each participant
too! A tour of the farm and then an all-organic lunch buffet (with all of the fruits
and veggies and iced tea herbs coming
from the gardens, eggs from the orchard
raised chickens, cheese from their own
foraging goats.)
to secure a spot, please phone eleanor
Ware 378-4947.

How do we make
November the best
election ever? Part 1


Wide Selection of Fresh Meat,

Deli & Cheese

Music in Spirit Square

Aug 22 & 23, Doug James Band plays
rock from the 60s, 70s & 80s.11:30am1pm, spirit square. Bring your lunch!

Great Value

Sturgis Canada invites Merrittonians

residents who have a Merritt postal

code & picture iD, to attend the opening
day of the sturgis Canada festival on
thurs., Aug. 21 after 12noon, free to participate in the opening ceremonies at 4
pm!! Beer gardens are open all thurday
afternoon with live entertainment & a
dance floor. there will be a special wicket
at the gate saying Merritt. Bring your iD
and proof of residence in Merritt or surrounding area and enjoy the afternoon.

Ashcroft En Plein Air

Artists are invited to paint along with

friends en Plein Air september 16, 17 &
18, hosted by Winding rivers Arts & Performance society in Ashcroft. there is also
a gallery WalkMeet the Painters, Wet
Painting sale. FMi and to register contact, (250)4530073,

[Ed.: For those who do not/cannot read the

Music in the Hall of Fame
Citys website, here is a column by the mayor.
Merritt singer-songwritter Dawn
November is really right around the corner!]
Chypyha will perform on Aug 29, 1:30With Municipal elections taking place
3pm at the Country Music Hall of Fame.
in november this year, there is much talk
everyone invited.
about who will run again, who will run
and who would be good to run. Politics Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo
the 56th annual Pro rodeo will be
is certainly not for the faint of heart or for
Aug. 30 & 31, with evening rerforheld
someone whose feelings are injured easily. With Municipal government being mance on sat., Aug. 30, 5 pm; and Family
the most accessible level of government, Day on sun., Aug. 31, 1pm. tickets availthey are the first to hear of the issues, able at the gate (CAsH onlY), kids 10 &
whether or not they are actually under Under: Free if accompanied by an adult
the local governments control. elected (maximum 2 kids/adult), students &
officials live, work and play in the com- seniors $12, Adults $15.
this year's local events: mutton
munities they serve.
An elected officials role is not one of bustin' and peewee barrel racing, busiindividual power where it takes only you nessmen's calf dressing, ranch hand sadto make changes, get things done and de- dle bronc riding; Jayson Charters will be
termine where tax dollars are spent. You clowning around, and beer garden enterhave one vote on council and you may be tainment is Whiskey Jane.
FMi Brent 378-5741 or Allison 315able to influence others through debate,
but you must work as part of a team to 3016,
get anything done and you absolutely Homeless count 2014
need to work for the greater good. often
the Merritt Homeless Count will take
an elected official feels obligated to those place thurs. sept 11. Volunteer training
individuals that say they supported them will be held tues., sept. 9 at the Ask
in the election, or to an organization they Wellness society Merritt, 2151 granite
have been involved with and passionate Ave., (250) 315-0098. Donation deliveries
about for years, but when you sit in that gratefully accepted at Ask Wellness socouncil chair you are now obligated to ciety, Merritt, same location.
make decisions that are best for the overFMi contact: stacy Wormell, Youth &
all community.
Adult street outreach Worker for Ask
it is said that Cynicism is rampant in Wellness society, Merritt, office (250) 315politics today. the vitriol increases, civil- 0098, cell (250) 315-3559.
ity is abandoned. the public is left fum- Love to Dance
ing and frustrated. i firmly believe that
register through the summer. offerwhen elected officials ensure individual ing Ballet, Jazz, spanish and Dancing
concerns and overall public benefit re- Divas. FMi or to register, 378-7266.
mained balanced, that this statement Legacy Merritt classes
could be turned around. When CounBread from scratch & cost effective
cilors are participating in open respectful meals- cooking on a limited budget; herdebate around the table; when councilors
itage skills in fine arts, ie pottery, weaving
listen in order to understand versus to
etc.; home preserving/canning. to bereply; when a good cross section of our
come a teacher or a student,contact etelka
community are represented; when qual378-5634,
ity people with the necessary balance of
skills and attributes are elected; when the voters are able to make an informed decision
on who to elect and when residents understand that when you skip voting, it is not
reBellion it is sUrrenDer, we would see a better participation rate in people
willing to put their name forward, a better turn out at the polls and therefore a better
governance body. Please watch for Part 2 next week.
Mayor Susan Roline

Asking Questions
Jack and Max are walking in the hallway after a religious service. Jack wonders if it would be all right to smoke while praying. Max replies, "Why don't
you ask the rabbi?" So Jack goes up to the rabbi and asks, "Rabbi, may I
smoke while I pray?" But the rabbi says, "No, my son, you may not. That's
utter disrespect to our religion."
Jack goes back to his friend and tells him what the good rabbi told
him. Max says, "I'm not surprised. You asked the wrong question. Let me
try." And so Max goes up to the rabbi and asks, "Rabbi, may I pray while I
smoke?" To which the rabbi eagerly replies, "By all means, my son. By all
Moral: The reply you get depends on the question you ask.
For example: May I work on this project while I'm on vacation?

Friendly SerVice

Merritt Real Estate Services


bdrm basement suite. Tastefully renovated.

..........................................................................$650 plus hydro.
1 bdrm Seyom Townhouse ...........................$600 plus hydro
3 bdrm Seyom Townhouse ..........................$900 plus hydro.
1 bdrm Suite ..................................................$395 plus hydro.
1 bdrm basement suite................................. $600 plus hydro.
1 bedroom basement suite on the Bench
..........................................................................$600 plus hydro.
1 bdrm Apt. ..................................................$600 incl utilities.
2 bdrm Apt..................$675 plus hydro. (1/2 month Free)
1 bdrm Apt..................$600 plus hydro. (1/2 month Free)
2 bdrm Sandpiper Unit ..................................$750 plus hydro
2 bdrm duplex ...............................................$750 plus hydro.
2 bdrm duplex (new flooring)....................$850 plus utilities.
3 bdrm duplex ...............................................$800 plus hydro.
2 bedroom house. Newly renovated, fenced yard
.......................................................................$900 plus utilities.
2 bdrm house...............................................$850 plus utilities.
2 bdrm house. Fenced close to town........ $900 plus utilities.
3 bdrm house...............................................$950 plus utilities.
5 bedroom house...................................$1300 plus utilities.
3 bdrm house...............................................$875 plus utilities.
2 bdrm house furnished on acreage...........$900 plus utilities.

(250) 378-1996 direct line to the

Property management department
Call for all your residential or
commercial property management needs!
1988 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC

For Sale

2004 Blue Jeep Liberty,

190 000 km, well maintained,
excellent running order,
price includes 4 good quality
winter tires on rims $5250
(250) 378-8820

The markers created

for creative people

wednesday edition august 20, 2014 #2620

Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax (250)378-2025 Email

Now avaiLaBLe

Office supplies

priNtiNg & cOpyiNg



Each evening, 4:30pm-8pm

20% off our buffet
for seniors

Tro p i co S p i c e
Re s t a ur a n t
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave.

1675 Tutill Court,Merritt, BC

Admission by donation

Summer Hours
10:00am - 3:00pm Mon
9:00am - 5:00pm Tue to Sat
Closed Sun.
Phone 250-378-4145 for appt or tour

Found: grey/wht cat in Low. Nic.,

lovely cat, vry affectionate 378-5850
Lost: smldog in DV, Copper, missing since Aug 16, reward offd for safe
return. Marcella, Barney 378-6740
Lost: prescription glasses, blk frame on
outside, checkered blk/wht on inside
arms, plus brwn clip'on; at Walmart or
McDonald's, morning Aug. 6. Michele
315-1460, 315-3280
Lost: set of 4 keys w/ keychain that
says "Katrina" (778)202-1658
Found: set of keys hilton/sunset, w/
gmc key. Bill 315-9873
handicaPPed man in his 50s seeks
companion 378-9577
wtd: someone to sheer 1 llama
Found: set 4 vehicle keys, on road info
sign on Hwy 5A 378-9420
voLunteer dog wLkr avail. Are
you a senior or have mobility issues &
find it a challenge to walk your dog as
much as you like? I am a caring &
experd pet ownr lookng to fill some
time. Avail as needed in the MSS area.
Aaron (778)220-4524
Found: Wallet in Merritt for "Rylan"
280-0671 to id
Pet sitting avail., problem dogs ok
basic guitar lessons, learn to play
by ear. Ed 378-0068
avaiL. truck & drvr for out-of-town dr
appts 315-3891
Lost: blk wool Pendleton hat 315-7045
angies tea LeaF reading. Accurate,
born gift, no questions asked, affordable/
cheapest rates in town 378-8326 anytime
employment opportunity

Looking for energetic kitchen staff

for busy pub. Flex. hrs. Drop off resume
at 3701 Dewolf Way
wtd Grass cutter, must be dependable,
for a grt business op 1-800-361-8111
Lordco Auto Parts is looking to hire
counterstaff w. min. 1 yr automotive experience, who are eager to learn, Resumes can be dropped off in store

space for your ad

Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700

For Sale

2004 Blue Jeep Liberty,

190 000 km, well maintained,
excellent running order,
price includes 4 good quality
winter tires on rims $5250
(250) 378-8820

h & h concrete Ffinishing. Driveways, bsmts, exposed, stamped. For all

your concrete needs 315-7604
woody's Ttree Services. Topping,
pruning, incl. shrubs/hedges 378-2067
For aLL your lawn care nds. Senior
discounts, rain or shine. Call for free estimates 315-5443
For rooFing & siding & soffit call
Matt, 378-8313. Prices very reasonable,
fully insured & licenced contractor.
dumP runs, yrd cln-ups, hlf-tn trck,
reas. rates Jim 378-7756
on-caLL delivery serv. w/ scooter, also
bottle recycling. Mike 378-9577
2x8 cedar dckng, fnc pnls, starting at $50
drywaLL, textured ceiling, painting.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066
granny's House Quilting & Retreat has
fabric and sewing notions. 378-3734

white bear daycare has spaces

available in our 30 months to kindergarten programs. Call Heather 315-1331
for rates and info.
avaiL. to babysit, my home or
yours, ECE-cert'f, 1st aid cert'f. 378-1670
for sale - appliances
Help make this
project happen!


We fix, build,
imprOve and clean
Home, yard, renos, projects, planning,
sml jobs ok, inside/outside landscape,
fencing & more. Reas rates. Refs avail.
Odd Jobber stands for integrity
mike Poirier 315-1039 or cell 315-5398


wshr/dryer, fridge/stove, 525-0240,

smL freezer. Lrge dryer 315-0315
15 c.F. deep freeze, gd cnd. 378-9437,
2952 armstrong St.
Free: fridge 33h, 20w, makes great
smoker 378-5002
wht fridge & stove $250. Wht port. dshwshr free. Wht wshr & dryer $350. 378-6844
Frigidaire gls-top stove $150. Maytag
dishwshr $75. Ovr-stove wht microwv/
hood $75. toaster ovn $25. 315-9727
kenmore wshr, hvy duty $50 315-5360
hvy duty w&d $125. Hvy duty wd
stove $150. 1502 Orme St., 378-4471
Free: Whirlpool stckr wshr & dyer, w
nds some repair, d wrks fine 378-5806
deeP freeze. Fridge. stove 280-0466
maytag dryer, gd cond. $125obo 378-4056
kenmore wshr & dryer $300 378-8383
ingLis self-cln elect. stove $75 exc
shape. 378-5087
wshr & dryer, fridge & stove, microwv, sml dp freeze 525-0240, 315-2345
danby fridge/frzr, 3.2cf counter-height
refrigerator, 17-5/8" wx18-5/8"deepx3215/16" h $125 378-0902
aPt gas range 4-brnr w/ ovn $75obo
FuLL-sz propane BBQ $50 315-0221
for sale - automotive

Fits a 2004 Dodge Dakota crew cab box;

suitable for landscaping/AtV/snomo
trailer. Heavy duty mesh, 66"l x 64"W x
48"H with removable, lockable rear doors
- can be opened from inside/outside.
Reasonable Offers or Trade
Phone 250-378-6001 Merritt.
May be seen at Jackson's Welding in Collettville.

Follow us online!

2 micheLin m&s tires on rims 4-blt

185/65R14, vry gd tread $50 315-0074
99 Ford Explorer, 4wd, gd cond.
in/out, 142k $2500obo 378-6807 can be
seen at Best-Valu Glass
39-40 Ford parts 378-5404, 378-6356
FibrgLs trck canopy for 96 Dodge
lngbx $300. eq. hitch $200 378-2202
2 jeePs: 56 Willys 327 Chev good reg
lots of prts & 78 CJ5 no reg for parts
$1200/all Dan 378-7429
truck canopy, 84x72 $250. Prts off 00
Dodge Caravan: Trans. $100, strtr $40, altern. $50, catalyc convrtr $100. 378-2559
4 tires 235/75-15 fit Ford/Dodge, oldr
model, $100. 4 tires 295-060-15 $80
85 mercedes 300TD $1500obo, ras
grt, lw time on eng., no oil leaks, body
nds wrk 378-2647
rare 75 Pontiac Ventura SJ sport,
reblt 350, gd shape $2800obo 378-8156
98 cavaLier, totally redone, auto
$1300. 378-2559
86 gm mtr & trans from chev van $300
obo 378-3749, 315-3455
05 chev Ventura LS van, 8-pass., fully
auto, dvd, 173k, vry cln $5995 378-7041
02 sunFire exc cnd 130k, 1 ownr, 2
sets tires (wntr/summr) on rims
$4200obo 378-5841, 280-0493
4 wntr tires P175/70R14 $100. 84
Ford F150, prop. $800. 315-9727
99 merc. Cougar $2000obo 315-7207

86 mustang GT 5.0 w/ t-roof $2800.

Robert (604)785-0991, 315-7281
00 mazda MPV Van, loaded, seats 7, nw
brks, wntr & summr tires $2500 315-5874
97 Ford Escort LX, nr mnt cnd, 1 blown
rod in mtr, otherwise inter./exter. exc, nw
coil/etc. lots wrk done lst yr, drv or for prts
$1000obo 280-9701, must sell asap
set aLum. mags for 1/2-tn Dodge
pck-up 5-bolt 15" $150. 15" rims, alum.
mags for Dodge Dakota $150 378-2370
98 buick Century, nw hd gskt & wtr
php, nds tune-up $700obo 315-0202
65 chrysL. Nw Yrkr, 4-dr hrdtop,
reblt 413 v8, all opt., many nw prts, reduced $5900 378-6421
tire & rim 13", fair tread $25 378-5813
05 chev Uplander, ext. whl base van,
146k, full load except leathr, p/w, p/l, cd &
dvd player, a/c, 3 rows, 7 rear seats, seats fld
dwn/easy remov., exc shape, meticulouslymaind by orig. ownr. $5500 378-1017
4 tire rims, 15" 378-0958
11 honda Pilot v6, 3.5l, auto, 8-pass., loaded
w/ p/w, p/l, cruise, a/c, cd & dvd player,
paint/fabric/rust protection, running brds, nw
all-seas. tires, nw batt. 72k, Ext. warr. to 60
mos/100k. Drive by 2202 Garcia St 378-5004
00 Ford F150 7700 series 4x4 $5000
w/ set wntrs used 1x 936-8289
87 Ford Ranger v6, gd wrk trck $650.
87 blazer 2-dr v6, gd rn cnd/for prts
$150 378-8156
tonneau Cover, Extang Full Tilt, blk,
off 6' bx, offers 378-4056
04 chrysL. Pacifica $3600obo Bob
07 Ford F150 5.4 eng., lngbx w/ liner,
107k, $13,000obo, exc cnd, gd for hvy
loads, supercab 378-6996
4 aLum. 6-blt rims off toyota 4x4 pckup, 18" $150. 87 nissan 4x4 truck, for
parts, incl. tires Wranglers 85% tread
$1000, tires only $800 378-5758
96 LincoLn Twncar, grt cond., 211k, wht
4-dr sedan, nw rear susp., just recharged a/c,
inter. cloth blue $3500obo 378-0432
5 tires & rims, brnd nw, Goodyr
Wranglers, quick sale $800 P255/75R17
4 aLL-seas. tires, Motormaster P
225/60R16 $200 378-2067
96 dodge 5.9l, rns, exc prts trck, stl
rims $800 Chuck 378- 0971
05 Ford Taurus 134k, mnt shape
$4500obo Paul 378-2337
98 Ford Explorer LTD 4.0 SOHC 4x4,
blk/grey leathr inter., sunroof, multi cd
chngr, climate control, hella 500 driving
lights, nw batt., oil change/nw mufflr/tail
pipe/tnk of gas incl. $2300Obo 315-7032
07 nissan Versa, vry cln $6600obo, 1.8
L eng. w/ 5-spd auto, 135k, incl.s 4 wntr
tires/4 summr tires. Truck tires, brnd nw,
set of 4 Goodyr Wrnglr SR-A M&S
LT265/70 R18 Load Range E, retail
$1500+, Sell $795 378-5347
livestock/pets & access.

40-gaL. aquarium w/ fltrs etc. 378-7165

8-yr oLd neutd male Chihuahua/mix
nds nw home & loving family, especially
mom who enjoys company & affection.
'Tuffy' prfrs to be only family pet or at
least mom's favourite pet and in return
will be your loyal and affectionate companion. Free to a loving owner/ family.
Georgina 378-0836, 378-7332
72-gaL. fsh tnk $400 315-7207
wtd: West Highland Terr., puppy x
Pond accessories, decorative hiding
places for fish, $30 378-2410
macPherson Saddle #600 16, 16"
seat c/w cinch $ 900obo 315-4466
red SexLink Laying hens, 19 mos old
$3ea 378.4916,
grass/aLPhaLFa mix square bales
$5ea. Heritage Bourbon red turkey
chicks $20ea. Poultry nipples for clean
watering $2ea 378-4947
for sale - miscellaneous

garden vegetabLes: romaine, carrots, beets, kale, parsnips, potatoes, onions.

Harvested when ordered, grwn undr organic
cnditions, former Footprints supplier 378-1336
eLect. fireplace w/ 8-trck & rcrd
player. Bar exc cnd 525-0240, 315-2345
quart canning jars $4/doz. 378-6433
Frames & windows, free, grt for grnhouse/back porch 378-6788
oLdr wndws: lvngrm fairly lrg, diningrm & bdrm, all gd cond., avail Wed.
antique sinking bucket from ore
mine $300 378-2759
canning jars $4/doz. quarts, pints,
Free wndws for grnhse/porch 378-6788
1 sturgis Canada ticket with camping
decor red lava landscape rock, lrg &
sml sizes. text 250 378 8111
Lrg PlaySafe swing set, lrg pcs/all
there, gd shape, slide, 2 & 4 $150obo,
missing instructions 315-1035, 378-1667
bbq w/ rotisserie attach. $60. Golf clubs
w/ bag, tees, balls $25obo. Palm tree, indoor potted. $10obo 378-0902
wheeLchair: Breezy 600, exc.
cond., access., pd $2200 bst offr to gd
home, 378-2857
squamish Fest weekend pass. Aug 810 $350 378-7123
shoP Rider scooter w/ cnpy & chrgr, gd
batt., 4 whls, pd $1900, sell f$1000.
shop rider lite compl., 3-whl gd batt.
$800 & one more. 378-3952, view 153260 Sunset St. Sunny View MHP
eLect. scooter 2-whl, gd shape $500
call/txt 280-0543
4' FLuor. light assembly w/ nw bulbs
$35 378-2676
msr girls dirt bike riding pnts, sz Sml
(waist 24-27), tan/turq., nvr wrn $40. Thor
riding boots, blk, Jr. sz 5 $40 378-4056
joe rocket mtrcycle leathers, sz
med. $40obo 378-1843
4' LeveL, accurate $20. 4 lawn chairs
folding, w/ cushions $35/all. 2 down
sleeping bags $5ea. mirror 27"x41"
framed $20 378-8140
Pemberton music fest full-event
wristband $400obo 378-7003
Pottery wheel $400obo 378-4947
Pat Robertson's hand-dyed fat 1/4s on
sale $3.50ea or 6/$20. 378-3734
2 FLower pots made from 1/2 oak
barrels $20ea 378-5087
Free pck-up load dry firewood, can deliver 378-2778

haLF-Lite entry dr, in mtl-clad frame,

36x80, installed btwn enclosed porch &
livingrm last 6 yrs $140 378-6982
FemaLe riding boots, D&D Brnd,
$197value, lk nw, $60 firm. Lrg birch
bark bskt,13"hx11"w $275 315-0430
counter & flr greeting card rcks, $45
for counter/$90 for flr 378 2703
htch-mount cargo carrier $50obo 378-4904
sink-in cabinet, modern, wd $700 nw,
$200 w/ 2 sets taps 378-9583
for sale - furniture

Free: Dresser & small storage shelf

end table $35. Reclining chair $75 OTF
gd used brwn/beige Love Seat 378-8787
dbL bd, matt. & bx sprng, vry gd shape
$60 378-2510
soLid oak table + 2 leaves & 6 chairs
(incl 2 armchairs), buffet & hutch w/
leaded gls drs, estate sale. mint cond.
$500 Joey (604) 833-9969
coFF. tbl & 2 end tbls. 378-4503
Futon $50, nr nw 315-3334
adjust. bd, gd cnd $400obo 378-9577
bLk mtl Ikea qu-sz bd frame, hd & ft
brds $110. 42 round wd tbl & 4 chairs
$125. 6-drwr oldr style solid wood drssr
$100. Antique wd stereo cabinet $75.
Fldng frame inflatable bd $75. 3-pc ent.
unit $100. 315-9727
beaut. inlaid dining tbl, solid wd, 2
ext., seats 8, exc used cond $500 315-2258
bdrm suite. Sofa bed 378-6524
vintage wood 30-drwr library card catalogue, 32"wx27"hx18"d, holds 3"x 5" index
crds or your sml treasures or ? $150 378-6692
Free: qu sz bx sprng/matt./frame 378-6951
3-cushion chesterfield, brown $25
3-drwr drssr $10. dsk drop-leaf top &
3 drwrs $20. 2 match. bookshelves
$20/both. 2 match. drssrs 3-drwr
$20/both, wht. 378-0874
Free comp. dsk, gd shape, u pck-up
oak diningrm set: tbl, 6 padded chairs,
china glass cabinet & hutch $750 378-6678
matt. twin sz $15. Sml wht pantry $5.
Brwn loveseat $10. Grndfthr clock $100.
Heated massage chair $300. Wd children's tbl $10. 378-0902
sears hide-a-bd, gd cnd, burg. $175
cln, Sealy matt., 378-5813
ant. furn.: drssr, end tbls, etc. 378-8156
for sale - electronics/software

Peak PKC0RF vehicle rearview/

backup camera $45 378-4853
nokia N97 mini blk unlocked cellphone $95. Bell & Rogers SIM card
$10ea. Bell 6131 HD receiver $90. Bell
5900 receiver $70. Samsung Digimax i5
camera 3x optical zoom 2.5" LCD
screen $100 378-5004
brnd nw Toshiba 32" TV HD LCD
32C120U, still in bx $250 315-0430
for sale - recreational

93 28Ft Wilderness Travel Trailer, nw

roof/plywd/flrng/awn./fan + much more,
Qu bed in sep. rm, , slps 6, nice clean unit
bought nw & parked, used for xtra sleeping quarters when guest came, 3-pc
bthrm, lots stor., nwr Hyundai 3500w
gen., hitch/sway bars 315-4493
12 aLum. boat, 3 outbrd mtrs, 1 elect
mtr & batt., trlr $1000/all 378-4007
Fishing reels: Penn Peer no. 309 lvl
wind. $35. Penn no. 209 level wind $30.
17' FbrgLs tndm kayak $1200. 16 oz.
Everlast pull-on bxng gloves & foam-covered nunchaku $45. wet suit & dive boots
for fem./youth $50. Sword fncng gear: 2
jckt,s 1 shouldr protector, 1 msk/hlmt, fits
youth/woman $100 378-2410
johnson outbrd mtr 2-cyl., 6hp
frwrd/rev. 4-gal. gas tnk, ready to go
$450 378-7789, 378-8289
12' FibregLass tri-hull w/ 25hp
Mariner outbrd on trlr $1500 378-6577
8' boat w oars, anchor & 3 life jckts
$500 Gary 280-0105 after 6pm
8 camPer, f/s/furn. wrks, nds TLC!
$500obo Rob, Heather 378-2661
bowFLex $300 936-8289
bsktbaLL stnd & hoop, nds to be cemented permanently $50 378-2880
boy's bike. 10" tires suit. for 2-4 age,
min. use $25, Kijiji ad #592326419
tramPoLine 378-6951
browning 12 ga. semi-auto shotgun,
Belgium-made $500 378-4401
nwr 10' Habourcraft boat, swvl pad
seat, b-i rod holders, 2.5hp Yamaha 4stroke, 36lb thrust elect. trolling mtr,
oars, nets, whls, 2 approv'd life jckets,
elect. boat loadr fits lng or shrtbx,
$2800obo (250)295-4035
nw Thompson Center, st. stl fluted barrel
in .270 Winchester, rubberised forestock
& blk composite butt stock w/ thumbhole
grip $900 P.A.L req'd Chris 378-0134
21-sPd mtn bike, blue/slvr w/ shocks
$100. Elliptical x-trainer, lk nw $300.
York 4180 universal gym, 180 pounds
$100 378-6603
02 8' camper $6000 378-3488
evinrude outbrd mtr 2-cyl., wtr-cooled
w/ rev. $450obo 378-7789, 378-8289
treadmiLL Sears Pro 730, Fold-up,
motor in ex. Cond. $125 378-0902
Porta-potty, 2 lk nw $30/both or
$15ea 378-3709
5th-whL holiday trlr 93 Westwind by
kustom koach 200, 20', nw f/lrg frzr, 4-brnr
s w/ ovn, toilet/snk/shwr, qu bd up top, lots
sitting area makes into full-size bd, nw tires,
incl hardware for truck, auto furn. $6400,
view @ 2698 Granite Ave. (250)572-1007



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1975 Coutlee Ave

(behind the Thrift Shop)

eLect. lwnmwr 525-0240, 315-2345

50Lb thrust Shakespeare elect.
mtr w/ batt., nw/nvr been in water,
$250 pd $400. 16 scroll saw on stand
$175 w/ multiple blades 378-2577
9 craFtsman tbl saw $50. Text
250 378 8111
utiLity trlr $250 378-8156
motorcycLe carry rck, fits
car/pckup $100 Joe 378-2676
2 tarPs off 32 super-B 27x18,
18ga. plastic $650/both. 6 4 cargo
belts, brand new new $35, sell
$22.50ea. Robert (604)785-0991,
3 vinyL wndws & 1 vinyl slidng
gls dr are in the way. Wndws:
30x36, 30x48 & 30x72, dr
72x80. Trade for a case of Honey
Brown, can deliver in town if that
helps 378-6844
utiLity trlr w/ 3 tires & rims,
lights $100 378-9738
kawasaki 600 gen, vry quiet $500.
Elect. f/p, oak $100. Free: 2 alum.
wndw frames & dbl sliding wndws
5'wx40"h 378-0874
2013 20' Victory enclosed car hauler,
lk nw/nvr used $5650obo 378-5404
3 rooFing rolls, gap sheet membranes. 23'x39" $100/all 378-2418 eves
100-gaL. fuel tank w/ stnd, nozzle
hose & filter $150. 30 used fire
bricks 9"x4.5"x2.5" $1ea 378-2880
wanted/wanted to buy

gas lawnmower, gd shape 378-9534

wtd to rent: 1-2-bdrm bsmt
ste, util incl for sngl female 315-8735
med.-sz used trvl trlr 315-9789
graPes, will pick 378-6567
3/4 or dbl bd w/ gd firm matt., 280-0649
aduLt ducks or turkeys, Bantams
chickens, Rhode isl. red rooster
wndw 68"wx43.5"h, reas. price.
Dbl bd, cln. 378-8326
LocaL raspberries, will pick.
Peggy 378-0993
used skid steer loader w/ cleanup
bckt 378-2221
cLn egg cartons (250)572-0602
unwtd vehicles, card trucks, motorcycles, not running? fine 315-4948
250-gaL. aq tnk doesn't nd top, for
bearded dragon, reas. 315-5351
for sale house/property

collection box in
back, accessible 24/7

for rent

2-bdrm upstairs hse, 1 blck to schl,

bcks onto forest, den, heated porch,
nw tile, fncd yrd, sundck, f/s/w/d/dw,
util. incl. $1100 Oct.1 378-7337
must Love dogs, be patient gentle & physically fit, free rent in
shared accomm. in exchange for
daily chores 378-5223
3-bdrm hse nr Coopers/cntrl schl
for rent. 525-0240, 315-2345
1 smL bdrm ste, $570 util. incl. Collettville area 378-5266
2-bdrm bsmt set, n/dogs 3785869, 378-7179
2-bdrm upstairs Sandpiper, 5 appl
+ a/c, $750 + util Sept 1 315-9475
2-bdrm Sandpiper upstairs unit,
nw f w/ ice, nw stove/w/d, oldr dw
$800 + util, a/c Sept 1 378-1695.
2 rooms w/ priv. bthrms in huge
3-bdrm apt., util./wifi incl., small
dog may be ok. absolutely no smoking! (780)678-0163
3-bdrm hse, f/s/dw, nw furn., fncd
yrd, pets neg. $850 + util, refs reqd,
Sept. 1 (250)320-6082
uPPr FLr only, 3 bdrms w/ 1.5 bths,
lvngrm & kitch. w/ huge covd patio off
diningrm, lots prkng, Quilchena Ave,
walk dwntwn $850 + util. (2-bdrm bsmt
ste is rented out sep. w/ sep. entr.,) Sept
1, must be empld., refs reqd. n/party,
pets possibly allowed 378-7378
2-bdrm bsmt ste, 1.5 bths, quite lrg
Sept 1 378-6268
2-bdrm bsmt ste, cln 378-6659
For rent: Lower Nicola Community
Hall, reas. rates for your event 378-4717
2-bdrm bsmt ste, n/s, n/p 378-6038
Fat oLd bald pensioner looking
for a room. No dives, no pets, no
kids, cats or dadios 250-525-2078
rm for rnt, n/alcohol, no/drgs, util
incl, free internet 378-5128
2-bdrm bsmt, f/s/w/d, wndws in
all rms, fnced yrd, wlk dwntwn $800
incl util. immed./Sept 1 378-6295
1-LvL, 2-bdrm bsmt ste vry spacious. immed. n/p, n/s $795 incl
hydro/gs w/d 378-4345
4-bdrm home, Sept 1. Lrg bck yrd, recent updates incl bthrm & bsmt. Pet ok w/
dep. $1425 + util. Call/text 250-320-8080
1-bdrm grnd lvl ste, cln/quiet, nr
dwntwn, ffor wrkng prsn, refs wrkng,
util incl., n/p, n/s Sept 1 378-4586
2-bdrm dwnstairs ste, nr dwntwn, gs
f/p, cntrl air, shared w/d, ret'd or wrkng
cple only, $800/ util. incl. Aug 1 378-2540
aug 1 4-bdrm 2-bth hse in DV. 2storey updated home w/ cov'd porch, lots
prkng $1250 + util. Chandelle 315-2685
bsmt ste, f/w nr schl/dwntwn, n/p,
reas. for wrkng people 378-2701
2-bdrm grnd lvl bsmt ste, util incl,
cln, nr schls 378-6659
2-bdrm set, immed., grnd lvl, quiet
area, n/s, n/p, sep. entr., refs req'd,
prfr wrkng cple 378-2875
3-bdrm, recently reno'd mbl home
$750 525-0254
3-bdrm, 2-bth, fncd yrd, f/s, nr
schl/dwntwn immed., 378-2701
2-bdrm dplx $650, cln & cozy
1-bdrm hse w/ lrg add., w/d,
dw/micro incl, nw roof, 6' fnc, priv. yrd,
Aug 1 $700 + util, refs req'd 378-5198
1-bdrm bsmt apt, n/s, n/p, 5 appl.,
quiet dwntwn location $800 incl util,
immed., refs/sec dep req'd 280-1199

1500 sq. Ft rnchr on 1/2 acre lot in

Low. Nic., 458 Dodding Ave 378-9531
Princeton dbl-wide mbl, 2bdrm, lam. flrng, d/g wndws, nw
sidng, chain-link fnc all around, 2
blks to schl, move in today. Pd rnt
$250. $48,000 378-4411
by owner: 4-bdrm use, 3 up/1
dan, laundryrm 16x24 gar., lrg priv.
bckyrd w/ fruit trees, nr twn/schls
$223,000 378-2625, 378-7416
3-bdrm 2-bth a/c, u/g sprinklers,
22x30 shop $225,000 by appt only
1/2 ac. w/ shade trees 3-bdrm rnchr,
nds some TLC, 1630 Lindley Crk
Rd, by appt 378-2889
in merritt, 3-bdrm house, 1.5
baths (601)966-1812
3-bdrm rnchr in twn, 1/2 ac flat
lot, w/ 26x32 shop w/ 11.5' ceiling
$249,000 378-8156
for sale - tools/equipment
dbL buildng lot, cul-de-sac, quiet area
ride-on lawnmower, oldr/wrks grt Collettville, grasslnd setting 280-1017
$500, used 1x . 378-9534
7 snowbear blade & 3000-lb super
wnch, w/ all cntrls, also all hardware for
Jeep $1000obo 315-0074
enviro-Fire pellet stove, gd shape,
approved for home & mbl home, incl
venting, 2 bags pellets $680 378-1843
kubota KH-040 Excavator, 500 hrs,
compl. rblt in 12 $22,000, ser. inq. only
pls 378-2559
osburn wd stove 30" h x 26" d x 24"
(250) 315-1000 TOLL FREE 1-800-361-8111
w $50 280-1285
metaL roofing pieces Sherwood Green
36" wide. 1 pc 13'6", 1 pc 11'5", ridge cap
TO BUY: with down payment, manufac5' lng, Insulating foam sheets 4'x8'x3"
tured homes, 2 and 3 bedrooms + 1 bath, ready for occupancy.
thick for 5 pcs, offers 378-4853
SPECIAL: 3 bedr.+1 bath + fireplace, on large lot
Diamond Vale Mobile Home & RV Park
Call 250 315 1000 for information
1 800 361 8111

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