Sharebox: An Android-Based Multi-User and Multi-Device File Syncing Application

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Adeoye, Adebayo Adebowale

ShareBox: An Android-based Multi-user and

Multi-device File Syncing Application

Technology and Communication

My first thanks go to Almighty God who has afforded me the opportunity to start and
conclude this project in sound health. I am also using this medium to appreciate my friends
and family for their words of encouragement every now and then since I began this final
work in my degree program.
My thanks also go to Google Inc. for giving us Android and for being a blessing to our
generation. Lastly, I would like to appreciate my supervisor, Dr Liu Yang and every other
teacher who has impacted on me since I started this degree.

Information Technology Degree Programme

Author Adeoye, Adebayo Adebowale
Title ShareBox: An Android-based Multi-user and Multi-device File
Syncing Application
Year 2011
Language English
Pages 44
Name of Supervisor Liu Yang
With the rate at which the usage of smart phones and devices increases nowadays, there is
more pressing need for mobile applications that would make life a lot easier for end users.
One of the platforms that make the usage and development of such applications easy is the
Android platform. Because it is open source and also easy to use and develop for, the
Android OS is fast becoming the most popular operating system for smart phones.
The basic objective of this project is to develop an application that would enable users to be
able to share, modify, update and sync files on multiple Android devices.

Keywords: Android, XML, class, application, side, Client, Server

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 8
ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 12
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Android ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Project Objective .............................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Some Issues on the Proposed Application ....................................................................... 9
1.4 Alternative Application .................................................................................................. 10
2 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT APPROACH ................................................................. 11
2.1 Requirements ................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Applications Functional Requirements .................................................................. 11
2.1.2 Applications Non-functional Requirements ........................................................... 11
2.2 System Architecture ....................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Simple Case Scenario .............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Android SDK ................................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Server Side Technologies .............................................................................................. 15
2.5 Data Structures for transmitting data ............................................................................. 16
3 IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Eclipse ............................................................................................................................ 18
3.2 Android Virtual Machine ............................................................................................... 18
3.3 Structure of the Project on Eclipse ................................................................................. 19
3.3.1 /Android 2.2 Directory ............................................................................................ 21
3.3.2 /src ........................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 /gen .......................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.4 /assets ....................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.5 /res ........................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.6 /res/drawable ............................................................................................................ 21
3.3.7 /res/drawable-hdpi ................................................................................................... 22
3.3.8 /res/drawable-ldpi .................................................................................................... 22

3.3.9 /res/drawable-mdpi .................................................................................................. 22
3.3.10 /res/layout .............................................................................................................. 22
3.3.11 /res/menu ............................................................................................................... 22
3.3.12 /res/values .............................................................................................................. 22
3.3.13 AndroidManifest.xml ............................................................................................ 22
3.4 Server Side of the Application ....................................................................................... 23
3.5 Client Side of the Application........................................................................................ 30
4 TESTING THE APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 39
4.1 Testing the Server Side .................................................................................................. 39
4.2 Testing the Client Side ................................................................................................... 41
4.3 Testing in the Real World .............................................................................................. 41
5 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 42
5.1 Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Challenges ...................................................................................................................... 43
5.3 Possible Future Expansions ........................................................................................... 43
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 44



A smart phone is a sophisticated mobile phone that serves both as a typical mobile phone and
a personal digital assistant. A personal digital assistant (PDA) also called a palmtop is a small
handy mobile device that provides computing functionalities and information storage and
retrieval capacities for business or personal use [1]. Therefore, a smart phone can be used as a
video player, a multimedia player, a game box, a navigator/GPS and also as a web tablet,
alongside its primary role as a phone.

Given the rate at which more people use smart phones and devices, theres more need for
mobile applications than ever before. Also, more software companies are trying to lay their
hands on mobile application development in order to utilise this increase in the usage of
smart phones and devices. Even websites today are now being designed with the ability to
adapt to mobile architectures and work on mobile devices. The gaming industry is also not
left out of this mobile revolution given the number of mobile games that are now available on
the mobile technology market.

Because smart phones are also computers, they cannot be built without an operating system
(OS). Therefore, giant software companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft as well as
mobile technology companies like Nokia, Palm and Research in Motion (RIM) have been at
the forefront of this mobile revolution. As an example, Apples iPhones use iOS as their
operating systems while phone giants like HTC, Samsung etc also use the Android OS which
is Googles mobile platform.

Since it came out in 2007[2], Googles Android has grown to become the predominant
operating system for mobile phones and devices. In a recent survey done by The Pew Internet
and American Life Project on the use of smart phones [3], 35% of surveyed American adults
said they personally have a smart phone. According to the study, out of those that own a
smart phone, a whopping 35% use phones that have the Android OS, 24% use iPhones, 24%
use Blackberry, 6% use Palm while 4% use Windows-based phones.

1.1 Android
Android is a mobile operating system developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google
[2]. Based on the Linux kernel that includes middleware, libraries and key applications, it is a
customised version of the Java programming language [2] [4].
Because it is open-source and relatively easy to learn and master, it has gained the support of
developers to become the number one mobile operating system today. It affords programmers
the freedom to develop various kinds of applications. It also gives unparalleled access to both
first and third party applications which means more in-depth integration between components
in varied programs and software sharing and reuse.

Some of the major features of the Android architecture include the Application framework,
the Dalvik virtual machine, optimized graphics, SQLite, media support, integrated browser
and support for GSM telephony, Bluetooth, WiFi, Camera, GPS and others [4].The
architecture is as shown in Figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1 Android Architecture [4]

1.2 Project Objective
The objective of this project is to design and implement a multi-user and multi-device file
syncing application for Android. A research into the availability of such an application
already released shows that there are a few and limited number of such applications on the
Android market. Also, a few Android applications were targeted at single users trying to sync
files between multiple devices. However, this project will allow multiple users to share files
to multiple devices. In other words, this project would serve the purpose of enabling
collaboration by more than one user of android devices through file sharing.

To put it in simple terms, this application seeks to achieve the following:
(i)A user of the app will be able to create a box whereby files can be uploaded
(ii)The creator of the box can add other users to the box so that they can have access to the
box and its content
(iii) Everybody in the group has access to the box and its constituent files
(iv) Any of the users in the group can open any of the files, modify it and re-upload it to the
shared box
(v) Everybody in the group gets alerted whenever there is an update to the box.
1.3 Some Issues on the Proposed Application
Since it will be used mostly by non-technical users, it is important for the application to be
very user-friendly. As such, it should have a good graphical user interface (GUI) that a user
can easily understand and use. In order to ensure this, it should follow the Android
developers application user interface guidelines. This would enable it to be in line with a
users previous experience of the Android platform.

Because the application is targeted at multiple users wanting to share and collaborate on files,
it is good to have some form of identification that would provide security and privacy to
users documents. Users who have been given access to a box would be able to download and
open any of the files, modify it and re-upload it to the shared box under a different name so
as to give a kind of versioning that would enable users to revert to older copies if they so


The ability to create more than one box would be very beneficial to users because it would
afford them the freedom of having different sets of files for different purposes and different
sets of people having access to them. As the files would end up being replicated on a server,
it is very much likely that some form of limit will be set on the size of files allowed to be
uploaded into a box given the fact that we are using a service with limited free resources.

1.4 Alternative Application
The major alternative Android applications to this application are Dropbox and SugarSync.
With Dropbox and SugarSync, it is also possible to sync files between multiple devices and
users. However, neither of them has an alert system that notifies the users of a box of any
change to the box or its content. This is where this application, ShareBox, has an edge as it
comes with a good alert system.


2.1 Requirements
After carefully reviewing the project objective and the issues on the proposition, a list of the
requirements for the application were arrived at. These requirements are broadly divided into
two categories which are the functional requirements and the non-functional requirements. A
functional requirement is a requirement that defines specific functions or behaviour while a
non-functional requirement is the one that specifies the criteria that can be used to judge how
the application operates as opposed to its specific behaviour [5]. Both requirements are listed
2.1.1 Applications Functional Requirements
(i) It should be able to find other android devices
(ii) It must have a Graphical User Interface
(iii) It must be able to duplicate files
(iv) It must be able to duplicate to the server
(v) It must be built with push updates
(vi) It must allow the sharing of boxes with others
(vii) It must be built with context menus
(viii) It must have logins for users
2.1.2 Applications Non-functional Requirements
(i) It must have scalability i.e. the application can be expanded to support larger number of
users without reducing its performance.
2.2 System Architecture
An Android application is a collection of one or more classes called activities. An activity is a
single, focused thing a user can do. As an example, a user might want to create a folder. To
achieve this in android, a Create folder activity is written. An android application usually has
several activities. Even though activities usually work together to make an application, they
are, in the real sense of it, independent of each other.

To communicate between activities and the OS, Android makes use of intents. Intent is
composed of data and an action that it needs to perform e.g. edit, view etc. The action is
generally the action to be performed when the initial intent is received while the data is the

data to operate on. Intents are used to start activities and to communicate among various parts
of the Android system [6].

The design diagram for the client side of the application is shown in Figure 2.1 below. All the
possible paths of the application together with the activities used for the different functions
are shown on the diagram.

Add Box
Delete Box
Add User to
Box Activity
Upload File
Show Users
Delete File
Listener Service
File Browser &
ShareBox Activity
to Login
Login/Registration Failure

Figure 2.1 The Client Side of the Application

The design for the server side of the application is as shown in Figure 2.2 below.


Figure 2.2 The Server Side of the Application

2.2.1 Simple Case Scenario
A typical case scenario of how the application is used is as in the steps below and the Figure
2.3 that follows.
(i)A user tries to login or sign up into ShareBox
(ii)The user is granted access to the application
(iii)The user decides to open one of the boxes
(iv)The user uploads a file into the box
(v)The user tries to download a file and the application prompts the user to locate where the
file would be downloaded to
(vi)User then attempts to leave ShareBox


Android Update
Listener Service
Validation Status
Start Service
Start Listening
Check Boxes
List of Boxes
Open Boxes
List of Files in Box
Upload File
Return to Login Service
Terminate Listener Service
Download File
To User

Figure 2.3 A Typical Sequence for Interaction between Client and Server

2.3 Android SDK
The Android SDK is a Java based software development kit that enables developers to build
applications for the Android platform. It includes development tools, source codes for sample
projects, an emulator and the necessary libraries to create Android applications. Applications
are run on Dalvik which is a custom-built virtual machine that runs on top of a Linux kernel

The graphical user interface of an Android application is built from the libraries in the SDK
using XML and the graphical input. This ensures that the scheme created by the developer is
uniform for the application and between applications. In an Android application the user

interface is created using View and ViewGroup objects. View objects are the fundamental
units of user interface expression on the Android platform [8].

On Android, there are some permissions that are required when trying to perform certain
tasks. If for instance the application that is being built requires access to the internet to
function, the developer must define it in the configuration file of the application that it would
like to use the concerned permission. When a user wants to install an Android application, he
or she gets a screen whereby the required permissions for the application must be confirmed.

Android has been updated severally since its release. The newer versions always contain a
number of updates each fixing some bugs and adding new features. Each version is
developed under a code name e.g. the first version released, version 1.0, was also known as
Cupcake. This was followed by Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb and Ice
Cream Sandwich [9]. In order to ensure the best compatibility with Android devices in the
market now, this application has been built on the Froyo (Version 2.2).
2.4 Server Side Technologies
For the server side of this application, a generic web host is required for the storage of data
and interaction with the client. For this purpose, one can either use a private server or rent a
server from a hosting company. If the server is rented, the setup and maintenance of the
server are done by the hosting company thereby decreasing the complexity and time spent
trying to enable the server to run the required software. There are numerous hosts that are
available. Some of them charge fees for their services while there are some free ones too. The
hosts usually have many options depending on the services required from them.

Many of the free hosting sites often times require placements of adverts on web pages. This
might be a drawback especially for an application that needs to connect to pages in order to
retrieve data simply because with such an advertisement link placed in between, it might be
difficult for the application to really understand the response it receives and therefore might
not function as expected. Also, free hosts usually have restrictions on the free services they
provide and would charge some form of payment if extra services are required.

With private servers on the other hand, these problems are taken care of but at the expense of
setup cost. To run a private server having a database, time is required to setup the server and

to install the database. In case anything goes wrong, there is no assurance of backup support.
However, if everything is fine, the quality of service would most likely be higher when
compared to a rented server. To modify the requirements e.g. extra storage space or services,
again, more cost would be incurred.

For the purpose of this project, a private Apache http web server that runs a MySQL database
has been used.
2.5 Data Structures for transmitting data
Because this project requires the transfer of information between the client and server, it is
very important to make the right decision as to which data structure technology to use. Data
structure technology might affect the data transmission time between the client and server. It
can also affect the load which an application exerts on the devices on which it runs. This
obviously would affect the longevity of the battery on such devices. There are some options
available as to the data structure to use for an android application.

The first technology which is capable of storing data in an organised way is the XML. This
device and platform independent technology affords the developer a hierarchical structure in
a way that is both machine and human readable. XML makes use of tags to define relations
between objects and their corresponding contents. It does this by building XML schema
which is a file that provides the ability to define the type and some other constraints that an
element can have in a flexible way.

Another option that could be used as a data structure technology for data transmission is
JSON. Simply put, JSON is built on a collection of name/value pairs which are in the form of
arrays. It has a very simple structure which is also easy to implement. Despite its simplicity
however, it has some issues. With JSON, all data must be parsed into strings before they
could be sent. This format is not always appropriate when it comes to some information.
Also, because of the repeated parsing of data involved, a lot of strain computationally is
mounted on the devices on which the application runs thereby leading to increase in the time
required to process actions and also by consequence affecting the battery life of the devices

The last option is the Protocol buffer from Google. Its structure is built in C++, Python and
Java. Even though it has an advantage over XML and JSON as far as binary data and
positional binding are concerned, it has the problem of not being human-readable.

For this project, the XML option was chosen because Android has in-built XML libraries
which process the responses from the server and XML data is easier to generate on the server.


3.1 Eclipse
One of the requirements for developing a software project like this one is an integrated
development environment (IDE). IDEs make life a lot easier for software developers simply
because everything required for running codes are already integrated in them. There are many
different IDEs available some of which are free and some of which are at a fee. This project
would need an IDE that was targeted primarily at Java. This is where Eclipse comes in. For
android developers, Google provides plugins for Eclipse in order to have access to easy
integration for the development of Android applications. Apart from that, Eclipse also comes
as a free multi-platform IDE which provides easy portability and compatibility. Figure 3.1
below shows the Eclipse IDE with Google Plugins

Figure 3.1 The Eclipse SDK with Plugins for Android
3.2 Android Virtual Machine
The Android Virtual Machine is an emulator which runs on the computer. Android
applications could be installed on the virtual machine to see how the application would run
on a real android device. With Googles plugins for eclipse, using the emulator is a lot easier
because as soon as an application is run on the eclipse, the emulator is prompted to open and

when its ready, the exact replica of how the application behaves on real android phones is
displayed. The only difference between the emulator and a real android phone is that phone
calls cannot be made with it and also some services like the Android Market are absent on it.
The emulator is as shown in figure 3.2 below.

Figure 3.2 The Android Virtual Machine

3.3 Structure of the Project on Eclipse
After having created the project ShareBox in eclipse, the figures 3.3 and 3.4 below show the
project and the constituent top-level folders as they appear in the package explorer. In the
figure 3.3, under the first folder i.e. ShareBox (which is the name of the project as created on
Eclipse), one can easily see Android 2.2 and the other folders in the project. The details of the
folders are as follows.


Figure 3.3 The First View of the Package Explorer for ShareBox

Figure 3.4 The Second View of the Package Explorer for ShareBox

3.3.1 /Android 2.2 Directory
The folder shows that this project was created for the version 2.2 of Android. It contains the
libraries (android.jar) that are needed for the project.
3.3.2 /src
This folder usually contains the Java source files that a developer is creating or has created
for the project. In the figure 3.3, you can see the classes created for the project named
3.3.3 /gen
This folder is also a source folder. However, it usually contains Java source files that are
generated automatically by the android platform. The most important of these files is the file.
3.3.4 /assets
Like the /res folder, this folder also contains external resources used in the application but its
different from the /res folder in that the resources stored here are stored in raw format i.e. raw
asset files. For this project, the folder was not used at all and it is empty.
3.3.5 /res
This important folder contains the external resources like images and strings that are used by
the android application. The contents of these resources are usually referenced in the android
application. This directory has 7 subdirectories which are:
(i) drawable
(ii) drawable-hdpi
(iii) drawable-ldpi
(iv) drawable-mdpi
(v) layout
(vi) menu
(vii) values
3.3.6 /res/drawable
This is the folder that contains the .png icons used for the project. As could be seen from the
above figures, some of these icons include ic_folder.png, ic_menu_add_user.png etc.

3.3.7 /res/drawable-hdpi
This is the folder that contains the ShareBox icon used in the application for high-resolution
screens. The qualifier hdpi refers to high-density screens [6].
3.3.8 /res/drawable-ldpi
This is the folder that contains the ShareBox icon used in the application for low-resolution
screens. The qualifier ldpi refers to low-density screens. This is the same as the
res/drawable-hdpi sub-directory except that the bitmap stored here is compiled into low-
resolution drawable resources.
3.3.9 /res/drawable-mdpi
This is the folder that contains the ShareBox icon used in the application for medium-
resolution screens. The qualifier mdpi refers to medium-density screens. This is the same
as the res/drawable-hdpi sub-directory except that the bitmap stored here is compiled into
medium-resolution drawable resources.
3.3.10 /res/layout
This is the folder that contains XML files that were used to define the user interface layout.
From the figure 3.4, it could be seen that the files under this folder include adduser.xml,
boxlist.xml, createbox.xml, filebrowser.xml, login.xml, main.xml and signup.xml.
3.3.11 /res/menu
This folder usually contains XML files that are used to represent application menus. For this
project, it contains filebrowser.xml which was used to represent the menus of this application.
3.3.12 /res/values
This folder also contains XML files but as opposed to the XML files in the layout sub-
directory used to define a single resource based on the names of the files, the XML files here
are used to define multiple resources for many uses. For this project, the /values directory
contains the strings.xml file which is used for string values and accessed using Androids
R.strings class.
3.3.13 AndroidManifest.xml
The package explorer also has under it, the AndroidManifest.xml, which is a very important
file for any Android project. This XML file contains information about the Android
application. It has information on various services, activities etc used for the application. It is
also inside this file that permissions needed to run this application are defined. For this

application, two permissions are defined. These are android.permission.INTERNET and
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. This means that for this application
internet is required and data would be written to an external storage.
3.4 Server Side of the Application
The server part of this project was basically written by making use of the
HttpURLConnection class which is simply a URLConnection for HTTP which is used to
send and receive data over the web [10]. When using this class, it is important that the
following steps are followed:
(a) First, a new HttpURLConnection is obtained by calling URL.openConnection() and
then casting the result to HttpURLConnection
(b) Next, the request is prepared
(c) To upload a request body, instances must be configured with setDoOutput(true). This
makes use of POST. However, if data is to be transmitted i.e. if data is being
requested from the server e.g. to download a file, the stream returned by
getOutputStream() must be written to. This on the other hand makes use of GET.
(d) Next, the response is read. The body of the response may be read from the stream
returned by getInputStream(). However, if the response does not have a body, the
method returns an empty stream.
(e) Lastly, it is very important to close HttpURLConnection by calling disconnect().This
ensures that resources held by a connection are released so that they could be reused
or closed.

The above steps were followed for this project. Http GET was used in all the client's requests
to the server except for the file upload request which definitely requires POST. The server
imposes a limit of 1024KB on the size of files that could be uploaded to a box. The class
written to achieve this server side of the application was the which is as shown

package com.miciniti.sharebox;



import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;

public class Http
private static final String TAG = "HttpTask" ;

private Document doc = null;
private InputStream is = null;
private DataOutputStream dos = null;

private HttpClient httpClient = null;
private HttpResponse httpResponse = null;

public String responseError = null;;
public String responseMsg = null;
public int responseCode = 0;

private boolean parse = false;
private boolean uploadMode = false;

private Handler handler = null;

private String file = null;

public Http(Handler handler)
this.handler = handler;

public Document getDOM()
return doc;

public String getResponse()
return this.responseMsg;

public String getError()
return this.responseError;

public int getCode()
return this.responseCode;


public void setParse(boolean _parse)
parse = _parse;

public void setFile(String file)
this.file = file;

public void setUploadMode(boolean mode)
this.uploadMode = mode;

public boolean Connect(String urls, String post)
HttpURLConnection con = null;
boolean ret = false;

Log.e(TAG, "url: " + urls);

responseError = "";
httpClient = ShareBox.getHttpClient();


URL connectURL;
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";

FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;

File rFile = new File(this.file);
if (rFile.exists() && rFile.canRead())
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(rFile);
responseError = "File not found / file not
return false;

connectURL = new URL(;
HttpURLConnection conn =

conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-
"multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary);

dos = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());

dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);

data;name=\"sharefile\";filename=\"" + this.file + "\"" + lineEnd);


int bytesAvailable =
int maxBufferSize = 1024;
int bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable,

byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

long total = rFile.length();
long count = 0;
int bytesRead =, 0,

while(bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);

bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable,

bytesRead =, 0,
bufferSize = bytesRead;

postMessage("Uploading " + (count/1024) + "kB of "
+ (total / 1024) + "kB...");


dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens +

responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
is = conn.getInputStream();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(urls);

HttpParams params = request.getParams();


request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;
request.setHeader("Content-Language", "en-US");

// request.setHeader("IF-Modified-Since", date.toString());

request.setHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
request.setHeader("User-Agent", ShareBox.getUserAgent());

httpResponse = httpClient.execute(request);


responseCode =
is = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent();

if (responseCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK)

ret = parse2DOM(is);
if(file == null || uploadMode)
responseMsg = readData(is);
Log.i("Response", responseMsg);
ret = true;
Log.d(TAG, "get file : " + this.file);

FileOutputStream fos = null;

Log.d(TAG, "New file: " + this.file);

File rFile = new File(this.file);
responseError = "File already
exists " + this.file;
ret = false;

Log.d(TAG, "Writing file: " +

fos = new FileOutputStream(rFile);

int bufferSize = 1024;

byte[] buffer = new

int count = 0;
int bytesRead;

bytesRead =,
0, bufferSize);
if(bytesRead > 0)
Log.d(TAG, "size: " +

fos.write(buffer, 0,

postMessage("Downloading " + (count/1024) + "kB");
count += bytesRead;

while(bytesRead > 0);


ret = true;
responseError = "Invalid response (" +
httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + " : " +
httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ")";
ret = false;
catch(MalformedURLException ex)
Log.e(TAG, "MalException" , ex);
responseError = "MalUrl Error (" + ex.getMessage() + ")";
catch (IOException e)
Log.e(TAG, "IOException" , e);
responseError = "IO Error (" + e.getMessage() + ")";
catch (Exception e)
Log.e(TAG, "Exception" , e);
responseError = "Error (" + e.getMessage() + ")";
catch (Exception e1)

if(is != null)
if(con != null)
catch (IOException e)
responseError = "Error on close (" + e.getMessage()
+ ")";
return ret;

public String readData(InputStream is) throws Exception

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new

String line;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)

return buffer.toString();

public boolean parse2DOM(InputStream in)
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf =
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

doc = (Document) db.parse(in);

if(doc != null) return true;
catch (IOException ioe)
Log.e(TAG, "IO Exception" , ioe);
responseError = "IO Error (" + ioe.getMessage() + ")";
doc = null;
catch (Exception e)
Log.e(TAG, "Exception" , e);
responseError = "Error (" + e.getMessage() + ")";
doc = null;
return false;

public void setHandler(Handler _handler)
this.handler = _handler;

public void postMessage(String str)
postMessage(0, "msg", str);

public void postMessage(int what, String str)
postMessage(what, "msg", str);

public void postMessage(String key, String str)
postMessage(0, key, str);

public void postMessage(int what, String key, String str)
if(handler == null) return;

Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();

Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString(key, str);
msg.what = what;


3.5 Client Side of the Application
The client side of the application is made up of the main class which is and
other classes. These other classes are,,,,,,, and The first activity implemented was the Signup/Login activity. This is
normally the first page that a user sees once they launch the application on their phones. This
activity was built using two different classes which are and The
Signup requires a new user to enter two pieces of information which are username and
password. The user is actually prompted to enter the password twice for confirmation. The
Signup class was written such that it is compulsory for a user to enter at least 6 characters for
both the username and password. It is also important that the user enters the same password
twice. Otherwise, the application returns with a password mismatch error or alert.

The class was used for the other part of this first Signup/Login activity. It was
written to authenticate a returning user of the application. It also made use of the same error
checking approach used by the class. Here is the segment of the
class where the authentication described above is done

public void doSignup()
String signupMsg = null;
String userPass2;

userName = signupName.getText().toString();
userPass = signupPass.getText().toString();
userPass2 = signupPass2.getText().toString();

if (userName.equals("") || userName.length() < 6)
signupMsg = "Please enter the user name (6 chars. min)";
else if (userPass.equals("") || userPass.length() < 4)
signupMsg = "Please enter the password (6 chars. min)";

else if (userPass2.equals("") || userPass2.length() < 4)
signupMsg = "Please enter the password (6 chars. min)";
else if (!userPass.equals(userPass2))
signupMsg = "Password mismatch!";

signupThread = new Thread(this);

if (signupMsg != null)

Also for the class, the authentication of the user is done with this code segment:

public void doLogin()
String loginMsg = null;

userName = loginName.getText().toString();
userPass = loginPass.getText().toString();

if (userName.equals("") || userName.length() < 6)
loginMsg = "Please enter the user name (6 chars. min)";
else if (userPass.equals("") || userPass.length() < 4)
loginMsg = "Please enter the password (6 chars. min)";
if (userName.equals("appdemo") &&

loginThread = new Thread(this);

if (loginMsg != null)


The Signup/Login page is as shown in the Figure 3.5 below.The user can login right on that

Figure 3.5 Login/Signup Page for ShareBox
After the user, on the other hand, has clicked the Signup button, the Signup page comes up
and it is as shown in figure 3.6 below.

Figure 3.6 Signup Page for ShareBox


Once the user is logged in, the next activity which they would want to do is to create a box.
This is taken care of by the class. To create a box, all a user needs to do is to
tap the menu button on the phone and a bar showing the options possible for the user is
shown. This is as shown in the figure 3.7 below.

Figure 3.7 Page Showing boxes and menu bar

Once the user clicks the Create Box button, the next page that comes up is the one shown in
figure 3.8 below.

Figure 3.8 Page for Box Creation


The user can also select the Add User button as shown in the menu in order to add a user that
already exists on the ShareBox database so as to give them rights to one of the boxes
belonging to the user. This functionality is taken care of by the class. To
add a user to a box, the page looks like that in Figure 3.9 below.
Once the user is in a box, they would be able to see the files present in the box. At this point
also, another set of menu buttons are shown when the menu button is tapped as shown in
figure 3.10. If a user clicks the Show Users button, they get a page that looks like that in
Figure 3.11 showing the users added to the box. In order to take care of this functionality i.e.
to show the users of a particular box, the class was written. To display the
list of files in a box as well as the users that uploaded them as shown in Figure 3.10, the class was written.

Figure 3.9 Page showing how to add a user to a box


Figure 3.10 Page Showing Files in a Box and menu bar

Figure 3.11 Page Showing Users of a Box


The actions of the,, and
classes are all coordinated using the class. Also, in order to perform some actions
on the files e.g. upload file, delete file, download file etc, the class was
written. For example, Figure 3.12 shows what the page looks like when a file is long-pressed.

Figure 3.12 Page showing what happens when a file is long-pressed

For the purpose of alerting users of a particular box of any new change or update to the
content of the box, the class was written. This class is very important
because its function is one of the reasons why this application is unique in a way when
compared to similar applications on the Android Market. This application was designed to
use push notification for the alerts. There are three possible ways to implement a push
notification system. These are poll notification, SMS method and Persistent TCP/IP method.

The SMS method usually comes with a cost both to the developer and the user. The Persistent
TCP/IP method, on the other hand, has some reliability issues. It was therefore decided at the
beginning of this project that the poll notification system is more suitable for the purpose of
this application simply because it is easy to implement and solves the problems associated
with the other methods mentioned above. The application requests update alerts from the
server at regular intervals. The code for this class is as shown below.


package com.miciniti.sharebox;

import com.miciniti.sharebox.R;
import com.miciniti.sharebox.ShareBox.ShareAlerts;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class BoxAlertList extends ListActivity
String TAG = "AlertsTask";

public static final int MENU_ITEM_DELETE = Menu.FIRST + 3;
public static final int MENU_ITEM_CLEAR = Menu.FIRST + 4;

public Toast toast;
private int alertPos;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

setTitle(getTitle() + " Alerts");


toast = Toast.makeText(this, "", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);


ShareBox.alertList = this;


protected void onDestroy()
ShareBox.alertList = null;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu)

menu.add(0, MENU_ITEM_CLEAR, 0, R.string.menu_clear_alerts)
.setShortcut('2', 'c')

return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item)
alertPos = getSelectedItemPosition();

switch (item.getItemId())

if(alertPos >= 0 && alertPos < ShareBox.files.size())

return true;


return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long

super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
if(position >= 0 && position < ShareBox.alerts.size())
ShareAlerts alert = ShareBox.alerts.get(position);

public class AlertAdapter extends BaseAdapter
public AlertAdapter(Context c)

public int getCount()
return ShareBox.alerts.size();

public Object getItem(int position)
return null;

public long getItemId(int position)
return 0;

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup
View row = convertView;

if (row == null)
LayoutInflater inflater =
row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.boxlist, null);

ShareAlerts alert = ShareBox.alerts.get(position);

TextView text = (TextView)row.findViewById(;

TextView info = (TextView)row.findViewById(;



public void refresh()
setListAdapter(new AlertAdapter(BoxAlertList.this));

public void update()
this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
public void run()


Finally, the main class i.e. is the class used to coordinate the server side of the
application with all the classes of the client side.
The XML files for all the pages of the application earlier explained are defined under the res
folder of the project on Eclipse. Also, it is important to mention that the URL of the web
server used for the project was referenced in the strings.xml file which is located in the values
folder under the res folder.
In order to be able to ensure that the set objectives for a project are achieved, it is very
important to test it thoroughly. It is imperative that this testing is done at each stage of the
implementation i.e. testing each of the constituent parts before being incorporated into the
final system. The testing carried out for this project are categorised into three basic
subheadings. These are testing of the Server Side, testing of the Client Side and real world
4.1 Testing the Server Side
Testing the server side was simple because of the nature of the architecture of the server. As
stated earlier, the server side involved methods connecting with servlets. Each of the methods
used for particular actions was made to be a singular entity which was encapsulated with the

other methods. It was therefore kind of easy to test each of the methods individually before
connecting to the whole system.

In order to test the individual methods, a class was used to call the method so as to ensure that
the output is as expected. Also, since most of the actions affect the MySQL database and the
data stored on the server, it was easy to see the outputs and changes to the database tables.
The outputs of methods written to return data were also easily verified by comparing the
returned values to the expected values. The correctness of the connection between the Java
methods and servlets were also confirmed using an internet connection via a browser to test
and also by doing some debugging.

It was also important to test the integrity of the data requested from server and the data input
or uploaded to the server. Because MySQL is a relational database, this was easy to check
within the database system. The figure 4.1 below shows how the server looks with the boxes
and files as uploaded by users.

Figure 4.1 The MySQL database view showing boxes, files and users who have rights to

4.2 Testing the Client Side
This part of the testing was more complex than that of the server described above. The
constituent components were built separately and then later incorporated into the whole
system. For the Client Side of the application, the testing was in two stages.

The first stage of the test was carried out during the development of the constituent
components. Each component was first built as a new project before being copied into the
overall project. Testing under this stage involved calling methods within each component and
watching the end output. Since most of the client actions require communication with the
server side of the application, it was decided that allowing the components the freedom to
access the actual server was important. It was therefore important to make available all the
services from the server part required by a component of the client side before writing the
component itself and this explains why a greater percentage of the server was built before
starting the client side.

Incorporating each component of the client part into the project and then testing the overall
system was what the second stage of the testing was all about. The Dalvik Virtual Machine
that comes with the android SDK takes care of this part. Running the application prompts the
virtual machine to come up and then it was very easy to see how the application functions on
the emulator which is a simulation of how the application behaves on real android devices.
Even though this test stage was a lot easier, it was more time consuming than the first stage
because this is where the behaviour of the application is actually ascertained.
4.3 Testing in the Real World
The last form of testing of any application is usually the real world testing. This application
was also made to pass through this stage by giving at least three android phone users the .apk
file of the application to install on their devices. Each of the testers ran and used the
application to check how it actually behaves when used on real devices by end users. The
testers were tasked to check the usability of the application and also suggest any necessary
change deemed fit by them. The testing also involved trying to break into the application. For
example, trying to log into the application with wrong password or attempting to add a user
that was non-existent on the database of the application.


5.1 Evaluation
Having thoroughly followed the development lifecycle of a normal software project from
conception of ideas to design and implementation to testing, this project has achieved its set
objectives. This can only be ascertained by revisiting the suggested requirements for the
project described earlier on and comparing them with the functionalities that the final
application is capable of providing the user.

The first requirement stated was that the application must be able to find other android
devices. This was confirmed to have been achieved by the application while it was tested on
many devices during the real world testing stage. Also, the application has been built with an
interface which is very easy for any user to follow, thereby fulfilling its requirement of
having a graphical user interface. The application has also successfully achieved the third and
fourth requirements because not only can it duplicate files on the physical android device, it
also duplicates to the server.

The application comes with update notification or alert system which sends the users of a box
alerts in case any change or update happens to the box and its content. This fulfils the fifth
requirement. With the application, users have been able to share their boxes and files with
their friends and colleagues without any problem. The application also comes with context
menu which allows users to do some extended functionalities like showing the users of a box,
uploading files etc. The login and signup part of the application have been built in a user-
friendly and secured way, thereby achieving the last functional requirement.

The issue of scalability which is the only non-functional requirement stated at the beginning
of the project, has also been taken care of by the application. This is because the server used
for the application is one that the developer has control over and also, the application has
been built in such a way that will allow expansions in the future.

In all, the application has been able to fulfil its requirements and successfully achieved all its

5.2 Challenges
To build this kind of software application requires overcoming a lot of challenges and
bottlenecks. The first major challenge encountered in the course of developing the application
was learning how to program Android. Despite the fact that Android code has the same
syntax as Java, it is worthy of note that there are some differences as to the libraries present
in the two and so a lot of adjustments had to be made. However, because of the availability of
numerous helpful tutorial websites and links coupled with a lot of books that have already
been written on the platform, the challenge of learning the platform was overcome.
Other challenges faced while developing the application included creating the user interface,
parsing the XML response from the server and file transfer between the server and client.
5.3 Possible Future Expansions
While the application has achieved the objectives set for it at the start of the project, it is
important to say that there is room for other additions in the future. Some of the possible
features that could be added to the application in the future include adding or implementing a
quota on users, virus scanning of files being uploaded and searching and filtering of files.

In conclusion, this project has been an eye-opener to a lot of technologies as far as
information technology and software development is concerned. The experience which the
project has afforded is a really enjoyable and worthwhile one. It would be a thing of joy to
see people work on expanding the project in the future.


[1]SearchMobileComputing. Personal digital assistant (pda). Website.

[2] Wikipedia Foundation. Android (operating system). Website.

[3] Pew Research Centre. Smartphone Adoption and Usage. Website.

[4] Android developers. What is Android? Website.

[5] Wikipedia Foundation. Non-functional requirement. Website.

[6] Donn Felker. 2011. Android Application Development For Dummies. Wiley.

[7] Webopedia Foundation. Android SDK. Website.

[8] Android developers. User Interface. Website.

[9] Wikipedia Foundation. List of Android operating system versions. Website.

[10] Android developers. HttpURLConnection. Website.

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