CVLONG 4-2005, CR Smith PDF
CVLONG 4-2005, CR Smith PDF
CVLONG 4-2005, CR Smith PDF
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Oceanography
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1000 Pope Road
B.S., 1977, with high honors, Biological Science, Michigan State University
Ph.D., Dec 1983, Biological Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography
Professional Experience:
Seafloor ecology and oceanography including processes of disturbance, recruitment, and succession,
bioturbation, carbon flux, deposit feeding, reducing habitats, sediment geochemistry, and bentho-
pelagic coupling, anthropogenic impacts on the ocean
C. R. Smith February 2006
C. R. Smith February 2006
1998: Invited as keynote speaker, Symposium on Benthic Processes in the Deep Arabian Sea,
Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
1998: Visiting Professor, Southampton Oceanography Center, Unversity of Southampton, UK.
1998: Invited participant, SCOPE workshop on Biodiversity Above and Below the Surface of
Soils and Sediments, Lunteren, Netherlands
1998: Invited Participant, workshop on Environmental Guidelines for Deep-Sea Polymetallic
Nodule Exploration, International Seabed Authority, Sanya, China.
1998: Invited Speaker, Centre pour Faible Radioactivite, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
1998: Invited Speaker, Department of Zoology, University of Oslo, Olso, Norway
1998: Invited Speaker, Department of Zoology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland
1998: Invited Speaker, IFREMER, Brest, France
1998: Invited Speaker, Christiniberg Marine Laboratory, Christiniberg, Sweden
1999: Invited Participant, workshop on Future Environmental Studies on the Impacts of
Manganese-Nodule Mining in the Deep-Sea, International Seabed Authority, Kingston,
1999: Invited Participant, workshop on Regional Patterns of Deep-Sea Biodiversity, National
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA.
2000: Invited Participant, workshop on Global Patterns of Deep-Sea Biodiversity, National
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA.
2000-2002: Invited member, Technical Committee, CO2 Ocean Sequestration Project
2001: Invited Speaker, Southhampton Oceanography Center, University of Southampton, England
2001: Visiting Scholar, Biological Oceanography Futures Program, Scripps Institution of
2002: Invited Speaker, AAAS Symposium on Deep-Sea Biodiversity: Pattern, Scale and
Conservation, Boston, MA.
2002-2003: Steering Committee Member, ChEss (Chemosynthetic Ecosystems), Census of Marine
2003: Keynote speaker on deep-sea ecosystems, 5th International Conference on the Environmental
Future, Future of Aquatic Ecosystems, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2003.
2003: Invited Speaker, Underwater Mining Institute, Jeju Island, South Korea.
2003: Nominated for Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation.
2003: Invited Speaker, Symposium on Whales, Whaling and Marine Ecosystems, Santa Cruz, CA.
2003: Invited Participant, Census of Marine Life Workshop on Deep-Sea Sediments, Newport, OR.
2004: Invited Speaker, NERC Deep Oceans Meeting, London, United Kingdom
2004: Keynote Speaker, Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone Final Symposium, Korcula, Croatia.
2004-2006: Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation.
2005: Invited Speaker, symposium on Whale research: Fresh approaches yielding new
perspectives, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting
Washington, DC
2005: Invited Speaker, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany; Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven,
Germany; Max Planck Institute, Bremen, Germany; Hansewissenchaftskolleg Center for
Climate and Oceanographic Research, Delmenhorst, Germany; Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
C. R. Smith February 2006
2005: Invited contributor (with Tony Koslow) to United Nations Secretary General report on Marine
Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: Threats to Ecosystems and Biodiversity
caused by Human Activities.
2005: Invited Speaker, First DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference: Integrating biodiversity science
for human well-being (Oceans of Biodiversity Symposium), Oaxaca, Mexico.
2005: Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg Fellowship, Max Planck Institute, Germany
2005+: Editorial Board, Marine Ecology
2006: Visiting Scholar, University of Barcelona and CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
2006: Invited participant, International Seabed Authority workshop on Cobalt Crusts and the
Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Seamount Faunas, Kingston, Jamaica
2007: Invited participant and co-chair, UNESCO Workshop on Biogeographic Classification Systems
in Open Ocean and Deep Seabed Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, Mexico City
Professional Societies:
Research Funding:
Colonization of manipulated deep-sea sediments in the central North Pacific, (CoPI - L. Levin),
Scripps Industrial Associates, 1/80-12/82, $4,930.
The impact of large organic falls on a bathyal benthic community, ONR, 5/81-9/83, $43,000.
Development of benthic biological monitoring criteria for low-level radioactive waste disposal sites
in the abyssal deep sea, EPA, 9/84-8/86, $36,404.
A system for studying natural patterns and rates of disturbance and succession in deep-sea
macrobenthos I (CoPI with P. Jumars), NSF-OCE, 11/84-10/86, $210,000.
A system for studying natural patterns and rates of disturbance and succession in deep-sea
macrobenthos II, NSF-OCE, 11/86-10/88, $140,000.
Assessment of benthic faunal sensitivity to rapid sediment burial at Domes Site C in the abyssal
Pacific, NOAA, 2/87-9/90, $102,000.
Investigation of a sulfide-based community on whale remains at the deep-sea floor, UH Seed
Money Fund, 5/89-4/90, $5,492.
Macrobenthic community structure, secondary production, and modes and rates of sediment mixing
in Kaneohe Bay Lagoon, Hawaii DLNR, 1/90-12/91, $44,000.
C. R. Smith February 2006
Community structure and dynamics in a newly discovered deep-sea reducing habitat: lipid-rich
whale bones, NSF-OCE, 5/90-4/92, $148,000.
Benthic community disturbance and succession following simulated nodule mining in the equatorial
Pacific, NOAA Deep Seabed Mining Environmental Research Program, 12/90-1/93,
The relationship of bioturbation, macrobenthos and seabed radionuclides to the flux and fate
of organic carbon along the JGOFS equatorial Pacific transect, (CoPI's - D. DeMaster
and D. Kadko, separate budgets), NSF-OCE, 10/91-10/93, $221,000.
Sediment accumulation and bioturbation in Kaneohe Bay Lagoon based on Pb-210
geochronology, (CoPI - G. McMurtry), Hawaii DLNR, 7/1/93-12/31/94, $63,928.
Recruitment patterns of marine benthic invertebrates in Mamala Bay: a process oriented measure of
ecosystem response to pollution, Mamala Bay Commission, 7/1/93-9/30/95, $137,000.
Structure, succession and phylogenetic affinities of deep-sea whale-fall communities on the
northeast Pacific slope, NOAA NURC Alaska, 3/1/95-2/28/97, $109,000.
Age-dependent mixing of deep-sea sediments: tests of mechanisms at three bathyal sites,
NSF-OCE (CoPI - D. DeMaster, separate budget), 12/1/95-1130/98, $280,000.
Succession and gene flow in deep-sea whale-skeleton communties, National Geographic Society,
9/15/95-9/14/98, $43,900.
Early succession, persistence and seep affinities of whale-fall communities on the northeast Pacific
slope, NOAA NURC Alaska, 5/1/97-2/28/02, $168,000.
Ecology of whale falls at the deep-sea floor, British Broadcasting Corporation, 6/25/98-6/25/99,
The impact of invading mangroves on Hawaiian soft-sediment communties, Hawaii Sea Grant
College Program, 3/1/99-9/30/01, $60,617.
Precious corals in the Hawaiian Islands: Management Units Determined by Molecular Genetics, (G.
K. Roderick, CoPI), Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, 3/1/99-12/31/02, $54,994.
Bentho-pelagic coupling on the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf: the impact and fate of bloom
material at the seafloor, NSF-DPP, 6/1/99 – 12/31/2002, $316,528.
EPA Graduate Fellowship for Amy R. Baco, EPA, 9/1/99 – 8/31/02, $64,000.
Recolonization and succession of mangrove fauna following severe hurricane disturbance, National
Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellowship (for Amanda Jones), NOAA,
6/1/99-5/31/03, $49,500.
Continuing assessment of the impact of invading mangroves on Hawaiian coastal ecosystems, Hawaii
Sea Grant College Program, 3/1/01-2/28/03, $82,000.
Collaborative research: Radiometric dating of whale bones – a tool for study of succession and
persistence of whale fall chemoautotrophic assemblages, NSF-OCE, 5/1/01 – 4/30/04,
Succession and seep affinities of large-whale, kelp, and wood fall communities on the California
slope, NOAA-NURC Alaska, 3/1/02 – 2/28/05, $231,517.
Biodiversity, species ranges, and gene flow in the abyssal Pacific nodule province: predicting and
managing the impacts of deep seabed mining, J. M. Kaplan Fund, 1/3/02 – 6/31/06, $290,000.
Biodiversity, species ranges and gene flow in the CCFZ, International Seabed Authority, 12/31/01 –
6/1/06, $78,000.
Environmental Impacts of Co2 Injection into the Deep Norwegian Sea (2002), DOD – GeoCenters,
6/21/02 – 6/1/03, $30,639
C. R. Smith February 2006
1981 R.V. SCRIPPS (Chief Scientist) - S. California bight, three 3-d cruises
1982 R.V. LULU-ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, three 5-d cruises
1982 R.V. SCRIPPS (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 3 d
1983 R.V. ES1-SEA CLIFF (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 6 d
1983 R.V. SCRIPPS (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 3 d
1983 R.V. ALOHA (Ch. Sci.) - S. California bight, 3 d
1984 R.V. TRANSQUEST- TURTLE (Ch. Sci.) - S. California bight, 1 wk
1985 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, two 1-wk cruises
1986 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 1 wk
1987 R.V. ATLANTIS II-ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, two 10-d cruises
1987 R.V. ORB-RUM III (Co-Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 4 wk
1988 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 1 wk
1991 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 1 wk
LOGIYA (Co.-Ch. Sci.) - Equatorial Pacific, 5 wk
1992 R.V. SPROUL (Ch. Sci.) - Southern California, 3 d
1992 R.V. MOANA WAVE (Ch. Sci.) - HOT Station, 1 wk
LOGIYA (Ch. Sci.) - Equatorial Pacific, 4 wk
1992 R.V. THOMPSON (Co.-Ch. Sci.) - Equatorial Pacific, 48 d
1994 R.V. LANEY CHOUEST (Ch. Sci.) - Southern California, 10 d
1995 R.V. NEW HORIZON (Ch. Sci.) - Southern California, 7 d
1996 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 1 wk
1996 R.V. ATLANTIS II- ALVIN (Ch. Sci.) - S. California Bight, 5 d
C. R. Smith February 2006
Steven Brumsickle (M.S. 1989), Bruce Bennett (M.S. 1990), Helmut Kukert (M.S.
1990), Shawn Doan (M.S. 1994), Paul Parnell (M.S. 1992, Ph.D. 2000), Daniel Hoover (M.S.
1995), Robert Miller (M.S. 1997), Amy Baco (PhD 2002),Amanda Jones (M.S. 2000, PhD
2004), Sarah Mincks (PhD 2005), Bryan Nakahara, Fabio Cabrera-deLeo
Scientific Publications:
1) Smith, C.R. and T.M.C. Present. 1983. In vivo marking of shallow-water and deep-sea
amphipods by ingestion of bait mixed with fast green. Marine Biology 73: 183-192.
2) Smith, C.R. and S.C. Hamilton. 1983. Epibenthic megafauna of a bathyal basin off southern
California: patterns of abundance, biomass and dispersion. Deep-Sea Research 30: 907- 928.
C. R. Smith February 2006
3) Levin, L.A. and C.R. Smith. 1984. Response of background fauna to disturbance and enrichment
in the deep sea: a sediment- tray experiment. Deep-Sea Research 31: 1277-1285.
4) Smith, C.R. 1985. Food for the deep sea: utilization, dispersal and flux of nekton falls at the
Santa Catalina Basin floor. Deep-Sea Research 32: 417-442.
5) Smith, C.R. 1985. Colonization studies in the deep sea: are results biased by experimental
designs? Pages 183-190 in: Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biological
Symposium, P.E. Gibbs, editor, Cambridge University Press, 541 pp.
6) Smith, C.R. 1986. Nekton falls, low-intensity disturbance and community structure of infaunal
benthos in the deep-sea. Journal of Marine Research 44: 567-600.
7) Smith, C.R., P.A. Jumars and D.J. DeMaster. 1986. In situ studies of megafaunal mounds
indicate rapid sediment turnover and community response at the deep-sea floor. Nature 323:
8) Smith, C.R. and R. R. Hessler. 1987. Colonization and succession in deep-sea ecosystems.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 2: 359-363.
9) Smith, C. and P. Jumars. 1987. Ecology of marine communities. Science 237: 576.
10) Smith, C.R., J.W. Deming, L.A. Levin, K.L. Smith and K. Wishner.1987. Benthic biology.
Pages 41-62 in: Benthic Studies in GOFS. U.S. GOFS Planning Rep. No. 5. U.S. GOFS Planning
Office, Woods Hole, MA.
11) Smith, C.R., T.M.C. Present and P.A. Jumars. 1988. Development of Benthic Biological
Monitoring Criteria for Disposal of Low- Level Radioactive Wastes in the Abyssal Deep Sea.
EPA 520/1- 88-11, U.S.E.P.A., Washington, DC, 110 pp.
12) Wheatcroft, R.A., C.R. Smith and P.A. Jumars. 1989. Dynamics of surficial trace assemblages in
the deep sea. Deep-Sea Research 36: 71-91.
13) Smith, C.R. and S. Brumsickle. 1989. The effects of patch-size and substrate isolation on
colonization modes and rates in an intertidal sediment. Limnology and Oceanography 34:
14) Archer, D., S. Emerson and C.R. Smith. 1989. Direct measurement of the diffusive sublayer at
the deep-sea floor using oxygen microelectrodes. Nature 340: 623-626.
15) Smith, C.R., H. Kukert, R.A. Wheatcroft, P.A. Jumars and J.W. Deming. 1989. Vent fauna on
whale remains. 1989. Nature 341: 27-28.
C. R. Smith February 2006
16) Wheatcroft, R.A., P.A. Jumars, C.R. Smith and A.R.M. Nowell. 1990. A mechanistic view of the
particulate biodiffusion coefficient: step lengths, rest intervals and transport directions. Journal
of Marine Research 48: 177-207.
17) Allison, P.A., C.R. Smith, B.A. Bennett, J. W. Deming, R.A. Wheatcroft, and H. Kukert. 1991.
Deep water taphonomy of vertebrate carcasses: a whale skeleton in Santa Catalina Basin.
Paleobiology 17:78-89.
18) Smith, C.R. 1991. Review of "The Deep Seabed. Its Physics, Chemistry and Biology," N.
Charnock et al., eds. Science 251: 576-577.
19) Levin, L.A., S.E. Childers and C.R. Smith. 1991. Epibenthic agglutinating foraminifera in the
Santa Catalina Basin and their response to disturbance. Deep-Sea Research 38:465-483.
20) Smith, C.R. 1992. Factors controlling bioturbation in deep-sea sediments and their relation to
models of carbon diagenesis. Pp. 375-393 in: Deep-Sea Food Chains and the Global Carbon
Cycle, G.T. Rowe and V. Pariente, eds., Kluwer, the Netherlands.
21) Smith, C.R., I.D. Walsh, and R.A. Jahnke. 1992. Adding biology to one-dimensional models of
sediment-carbon diagenesis: the multi-B approach.Pp. 395-400 in: Deep-Sea Food Chains and
the Global Carbon Cycle, G.T. Rowe and V. Pariente, eds., Kluwer, the Netherlands.
22) Kukert, H. and C.R. Smith. 1992. Disturbance, colonization and succession in a deep-sea
sediment community: artificial-mound experiments. Deep-Sea Research 39: 1349-1371.
23) Smith, C.R. 1992. Whale falls: chemosynthesis at the deep-sea floor. Oceanus 35: 74-78.
24) Smith, C.R., R. Pope, D.J. DeMaster and L. Magaard. 1993. Age-dependent mixing in deep-sea
sediments. Geochim. Cosmoch. Acta 57: 1473-1488.
25) Smith, C.R. 1993. Time-space scales of geological, geochemical and biological processes of
interest to RIDGE scientists. Ridge Events Nov 1993: 20-21.
26) Smith, C.R. 1994. Tempo and mode in deep-sea benthic ecology: punctuated equilibrium
revisited. Palaios 9 -13.
27) Bennett, B.A., C.R. Smith, B. Glaser and H. Maybaum. 1994. Habitat characteristics and faunal
structure of a chemosynthetic community on whale bones in the deep northeast Pacific. Mar.
Ecol Progr. Ser. 108: 205-223.
28) Smith, C.R. and H. Kukert. 1996. Macrobenthic community structure, secondary production and
rates of bioturbation and sedimentation at the Kaneohe-Lagoon Floor. Pacific Science 50: 211-
C. R. Smith February 2006
29) Pope, R.H, D.J. DeMaster, C.R. Smith and H.J. Seltmann. 1996. Rapid particle mixing in
equatorial Pacific sediments: evidence from excess 234Th measurements. Deep-Sea Research II
43: 1339-1364.
30) Smith, C.R., S.E. Doan, D.J. Hoover, R.H. Pope, D.J. DeMaster, F.C. Dobbs and M. Altabet.
1996. Phytodetritus at the abyssal seafloor across 10 degrees of latitude in the central equatorial
Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 43: 1309-1338.
31) Deming, J.W., A.-L. Reysenbach, S.A. Macko and C.R. Smith. 1997. Microbial diversity at a
whale fall on the seafloor: Bone colonizing mats and animal-associated symbionts. J.
Microscopic Research and Technique, 37: 162-170.
32) Stephens, M.P., D.C. Kadko, C.R. Smith and M. Latasa.1997. Chlorophyll-a and pheopigments
as tracers of labile organic carbon at the central equatorial Pacific seafloor. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta, 61: 4605-4619.
33) Smith, C.R., W. Berelson, D.J. DeMaster, F.C. Dobbs, D. Hammond, D.J. Hoover, R.H. Pope,
and M.Stephens. 1997. Latitudinal variations in benthic processes in the abyssal equatorial
Pacific: Controls by biogenic particle flux. Deep-Sea Research II 44:2295-2317.
35) Smith. C.R., H.L. Maybaum, R. H. Pope, A. R. Baco, S. Carpenter, P. L. Yager, S. Macko and J.
W. Deming. 1998. Faunal community structure around a whale skeleton in the deep northeast
Pacific Ocean: Macrofaunal, microbial and bioturbation effects. Deep-Sea Research II, 45, 45:
36) Smith, C.R., L. A. Levin and L. S. Mullineaux. 1998. Deep-Sea Biodiversity: A tribute to Robert
R. Hessler. Deep-Sea Research II, 45, 1-12.
37) Smith, C.R., L.S. Mullineaux and L.A. Levin (eds.). 1998. Deep-Sea Biodiversity: A
Compilation of Recent Advances in Honor of Robert R. Hessler. Deep-Sea Research II, Volume
45, Nos. 1-2.
38) Feldman, R.A., T. M. Shank, M.B. Black, A.R. Baco, C.R. Smith and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 1998.
Vestimentiferan on a whale fall. Biological Bulletin, 194: 116-119.
39) Smith, C.R. and A. R. Baco. 1998. Phylogenetic and functional affinities between whale-fall, see
and vent chemoautotrophic communities. Cah. Biol. Mar. 39: 345-346.
C. R. Smith February 2006
40) Mangold, K. M., R. E. Young and C.R. Smith. 1998. In search of Rossia pacifica diegensis S.S.
Berry, 1912. American Malacological Bulletin, 14, 185-187.
41) Smith, C.R. 1998. Review of Marine Biodiversity: Pattern and Process. EOS, Transactions,
America Geophysical Union, May.
42) Baco, A.R., C.R. Smith, A.S. Peek, G.K. Roderick and R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1999. The phylogenetic
relationships of whale-fall vesicomyid clams based on mitochondrial cytochrome-oxydase 1
DNA sequences. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 182, 137-147.
43) Smallwood, B.J., B.J. Bett, C.R. Smith, J.D. Gage, A. Patience, D. Hoover and G.A. Wolff.
1999. Megafauna can control the quality of organic matter in marine sediments.
Naturwissenschaften, 86, 320-324.
44) Smith, C.R. 1999. The biological environment of the nodule provinces of the deep-sea. Pp. 41-68
in: Deep-Sea Polymetallic Nodule Exploration: Development of Environmental Guidelines,
International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica.
45) Gooday, A.J., S. A. Bowser, B. J. Bett and C. R. Smith. 2000. A remarkable new testate protist
(Order Filosea) from the bathyal Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 55-74.
46) Smith, C.R., L.A. Levin, D.J. Hoover, G. McMurtry and J.D. Gage. 2000. Variations in
bioturbation across the oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea
Research II, 47, 227-258.
47) Williams, A.B., C.R. Smith and A. R. Baco. 2000. New species of the genus Paralomis White
1856 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) from a sunken whale carcass in the San
Clemente Basin off southern California. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20 Special No. 2, 281-
48) Smith, C.R., M. Austen, G. Boucher, C. Heip, P. Hutchings, G. King, I. Koike, J. Lambshead and
P. Snelgrove. 2000. Global change and biodiversity of marine sediments: Impacts and linkages
across the sediment-water interface. BioScience, 50, No. 12: 1108 – 1120.
50) Miller, R.J., C.R. Smith, D.J. DeMaster and W. Fornes. 2000. Feeding selectivity and rapid
particle processing by deep-sea megafaunal deposit feeders: a 234Th tracer approach. Journal of
Marine Research, 58: 653-673.
51) Distel, D.L., A.R. Baco, E. Chuang, C. Cavanaugh, W. Morrill and C.R. Smith. 2000. Do
mussels take wooden steps to deep-sea vents? Nature, 403: 725-726.
C. R. Smith February 2006
52) Brown, C. J., P. J. D Lambshead, C. R. Smith, L. E. Hawkins and R. Farley. 2001. Phytodetritus
and the abundance and biomasss of abyssal nematodes in the central equatorial Pacific. Deep-
Sea Research I, 48:555-565.
53) Fornes, W.L., D.J. DeMaster, and C.R. Smith. 2001. A particle introduction experiment in Santa
Catalina Basin: Testing the age-dependent mixing hypothesis. Journal of Marine Research, 59,
55) Smith, C.R., D.J. DeMaster, and W.L. Fornes. 2001. Mechanisms of age-dependent mixing on
the bathyal California margin: the young and the restless. In: Organism-Sediment Interactions,
J. Aller, S. Woodin and R. Aller, eds., Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science, 263-278.
56) Snelgrove, P.V.R. and C. R. Smith. 2002. A riot of species in an environmental calm: the paradox
of the species-rich deep-sea floor. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review, 40,
57) Smith, C.R. and C. Rabouille. 2002. What controls the mixed-layer depth in deep-sea sediments?
The importance of POC flux. Limnology and Oceanography, 47, 418-426.
58) Austen, M.C., P. J. D. Lambshead, P.A. Hutchings, G. Boucher, P.V.R. Snelgrove, C. Heip, G.
King, I. Koike, and C. R. Smith. 2002. Do biodiversity links above and below the marine
sediment-water interface affect stability of benthic and pelagic communities? Biodiversity and
Conservation, 11, 113-136.
59) Lambshead, P.J.D., C.J. Brown, T. J. Ferrero, C.R. Smith, L.E. Hawkins and J. Tietjen. 2002.
Latitudinal diversity patterns of deep-sea marine nematodes and organic fluxes -- a test from the
central equatorial Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 236: 129-135.
60) Glover, A.G., C. R. Smith, G.L.J. Paterson, G. D. F. Wilson, L. Hawkins and M. Sheader. 2002
Polychaete species diversity in the central Pacific abyss: local and regional patterns, and
relationships with productivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 240:157-170.
61) Smith, C. R., A. Baco and A. Glover. 2002. Faunal Succession on Replicate Deep-Sea Whale
Falls: time scales and vent-seep affinities. Cah. Biol. Mar., 43, 293-297.
62) Lambshead, P. J. D., C. Brown, T. Ferrero, L. E. Hawkins, C. R. Smith and N. J. Mitchell. 2003.
Biodiversity of nematode assemblages from the region of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone,
an area of commercial mining interest. BMC Ecology, 3:1.
C. R. Smith February 2006
63) Smith, C.R. and A. R. Baco. 2003. The ecology of whale falls at the deep-sea floor.
Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review, 41: 311-354.
64) Demopoulos, A.W.J., C.R. Smith, D.J. DeMaster, W. L. Fornes. 2003. Evaluation of excess 234Th
activity in sediments as an indicator of food quality for deep-sea deposit feeders. Journal of
Marine Research, 61: 267-284.
65) Glover, A. G. and C. R. Smith. 2003. The deep seafloor ecosystem: current status and prospects
for change by 2025. Environmental Conservation, 30(3): 1-23.
66) Smith, C. R. and A.W. J. Demopoulos. 2003. Ecology of the deep Pacific Ocean floor. In:
Ecosystems of the World Volume 28: Ecosystems of the Deep Ocean, P. A. Tyler, ed., Elsevier,
Amsterdam, pp. 179 – 218.
67) Demopoulos, A. W. J., C. R. Smith and P. A. Tyler. 2003. Ecology of the deep Indian Ocean
floor. In: Ecosystems of the World Volume 28: Ecosystems of the Deep Ocean, P. A. Tyler, ed.,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 219 - 237.
68) Hannides, A. and C. R. Smith. 2003. The northeast abyssal Pacific plain. In: Biogeochemistry of
Marine Systems, K. B. Black and G. B Shimmield, eds., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 208-
69) Baco, A. R. & Smith, C. R. 2003. High biodiversity levels on deep-sea whale skeletons. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 260: 109-114.
70) Suhr, S.B., D.W. Pond, A. J. Gooday and C.R. Smith. 2003. Selective feeding by benthic
foraminifera on phytodetritus on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf: Evidence from fatty acid
biomarker analyses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 262: 153-162.
71) Smith, C. R. and C. Rabouille. 2004. Reply to comment by Boudreau on: What controls the
mixed-layer depth in deep-sea sediments? The importance of POC flux. Limnology and
Oceanography, 49: 623-624.
72) Schuller, D., D. Kadko, and C. R. Smith. 2004. Use of 210Pb/226Ra disequilibria in the dating of
deep-sea whale falls. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 218:277-289.
73) Debenham, N. J., P. J.D. Lambshead, T. J. Ferrero, and C. R. Smith. 2004. The impact of whale
falls nematode abundance in the deep sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 51: 701-706.
74) Dahlgren, T. A. G. Glover, A. R. Baco and C. R. Smith. 2004. Fauna of whale falls: systematics
and ecology of a new polychaete (Annelida: Chrysopetalidae) from the deep Pacific Ocean.
Deep-sea Research I, 51: 1873-1887.
C. R. Smith February 2006
75) Mincks, S. L., C. R. Smith and D. J. DeMaster. 2005. Persistence of labile organic matter and
microbial biomass in Antarctic shelf sediments: Evidence of a sediment “food bank.” Marine
Ecology Progress Series 300: 3-19.
77) Vetter, E.W. and C. R. Smith. 2005. Insights into the ecological effects of deep-ocean CO2
enrichment: the impacts of natural CO2 venting at Loihi Seamount on deep-sea scavengers.
Journal of Geophysical Research 110: C09S13., 1-10.
78) Galley, E., P. Tyler, A. Clarke and C. R. Smith. 2005. The reproductive biology and biochemical
composition of the brooding spatangoid echinoid Amphipneustes lorioli (Koehler 1901), on the
bathyal continental shelf, west Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Biology 148: 59-71.
79) Glover, A. G., E. Goetz, T. G. Dahlgren and C. R. Smith. 2005. Investigation of the morphology,
reproductive biology and population genetics of the whale-fall and hydrothermal vent specialist,
Bathykurila guaymasensis Pettibone 1989 (Annelida: Polynoidae). Marine Ecology 26:1-13.
80) Glover, A. G, B. Källström, C. R. Smith, and T. G. Dahlgren. 2005. World-wide whale worms? A
new species of Osedax from the shallow north Atlantic. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London B 3275: 1-4.
81) Smith, C. R. 2006. Bigger is better: The role of whales as detritus in marine ecosystems. In:
Whales, Whaling and Ocean Ecosystems, J.A. Estes, D.P. DeMaster, R.L. Brownell Jr., D.F.
Doak, and T.M. Williams (eds)., Editors. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, USA, pp.
286 – 301.
82) Smith, C. R., S. L. Mincks and D. J. DeMaster. 2006. A synthesis of bentho-pelagic coupling on
the Antarctic Shelf Food banks, ecosystem inertia and global climate change. Deep-Sea
Research II 53: 875-894.
83) Dahlgren, T.G.,, H. Wiklund, B. Källström, T. Lundälv, C. R. Smith, and A. G. Glover. A shallow
water whale-fall experiment in the north Atlantic. 2006. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 47: 385-
84) Mincks, S. L. and C. R. Smith. 2006. Recruitment patterns in Antarctic Peninsula shelf
sediments: Evidence of decoupling from seasonal phytodetritus pulses. Polar Biology, Online 28
Oct 2006.
85) Palacios, C., M. Zbinden, A. R. Baco, T. Treude, C. R. Smith, F. Gaill, P. Lebaron and A.
Boetius. 2006 Microbial ecology of deep-sea sunken wood: quantitative measurements of
bacterial biomass and cellulolytic activities. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 47: 415-420.
C. R. Smith February 2006
86) Smith, C. R., L. A. Levin, A. Koslow, P. A. Tyler and A. G. Glover. 2007. The near future of
deep seafloor ecosystems. In: Aquatic Ecosystems: trends and global prospects, N. Polunin, ed.,
Cambridge University Press, in press.
87) Demopoulos, A.W.J., B. Fry, B. and C.R. Smith. 2007. Food-web structure in exotic and native
mangroves: a Hawaii-Puerto Rico comparison. Oecologia, in press.
88) Smith, C. R., S. Mincks, and D. J.DeMaster. The FOODBANCS Project: Introduction and
sinking fluxes of organic carbon, chlorophyll-a and phytodetritus on the western Antarctic
Peninsula shelf. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
89) Wigham B.D., E.A. Galley, C.R. Smith and P.A. Tyler. Seasonality and resource partitioning in
the diets of deep-water Antarctic echinoderms. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
90) Galley, E.A., P. A. Tyler, C. R. Smith and A. Clarke . Reproductive biology of two species of
holothurian from the deep-sea order Elasipoda, on the Antarctic continental shelf. Accepted in
Deep-Sea Research II.
91) Waller, R.G., P.A. Tyler and C.R. Smith. Fecundity and embryo development of three Antarctic
deepwater scleractinians: Flabellum thouarssi, F. curvatum, and F. impensum. Accepted in
Deep-Sea Research II.
92) Mincks, S. L., C.R. Smith, R. Jeffreys and P. Y. Sumida. Trophic relationships among benthic
megafauna on the western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf: A stable isotope approach. Accepted in
Deep-Sea Research II.
93) Sumida, P.Y.G.,A.F. Bernardino, V.P. Stedall and C.R. Smith. Temporal changes in benthic
megafaunal abundance and composition across the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf: results from
video surveys. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
94) Hartnett, H., S. Boehm, C. Thomas, D. DeMaster and C.R. Smith. Benthic oxygen fluxes and
denitrification rates from high-resolution porewater profiles from the Western Antarctic
Peninsula Continental Shelf. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
95) Purinton, B.L., D. J. DeMaster, C. J. Thomas and C. R. Smith. 14C as a Tracer of Labile Organic
Matter in Antarctic Benthic Food Webs. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
96) Galley, E.A., P. A. Tyler, A. Clarke and C.R. Smith. Reproductive biology of bathyal
echinoderms Sterechinus antarcticus and Psilaster charcoti on the Antarctic Continental shelf.
Submitted to Marine Ecology Progress Series.
C. R. Smith February 2006
97) Glover, A. G., C. R. Smith, S. L. Mincks, P. Y Sumida and A. Thurber. Temporal and spatial
patterns in macrofaunal abundance and community structure on the West Antarctic Peninsula
continental shelf. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
98) Baco, A. R., and C. R. Smith. Food web structure of deep-sea whale falls: size and successional
effects inferred from stable-isotope and biomass analyses, submitted to Limnology and
99) McClintic, M. A., D. J. DeMaster, C. J. Thomas and C. R. Smith. Testing the FOODBANCS
Hypothesis: Determining seasonal variations in near-bottom particle flux, bioturbation intensity,
and the feeding continuity and selectivity of deposit feeders. Accepted in Deep-Sea Research II.
(C. R. Smith is also author or co-author of >110 published scientific abstracts not listed here.)