This document is a newsletter from Young Life of Santa Cruz County providing updates on their programs. It discusses how Young Life builds relationships with adolescents to introduce them to God. It highlights that several kids accepted Christ at their summer camp. It also announces an upcoming auction and banquet fundraiser and provides contact information for the local Young Life and WyldLife programs.
This document is a newsletter from Young Life of Santa Cruz County providing updates on their programs. It discusses how Young Life builds relationships with adolescents to introduce them to God. It highlights that several kids accepted Christ at their summer camp. It also announces an upcoming auction and banquet fundraiser and provides contact information for the local Young Life and WyldLife programs.
Original Description:
Fall Newsletter for Young Life of Santa Cruz County!
This document is a newsletter from Young Life of Santa Cruz County providing updates on their programs. It discusses how Young Life builds relationships with adolescents to introduce them to God. It highlights that several kids accepted Christ at their summer camp. It also announces an upcoming auction and banquet fundraiser and provides contact information for the local Young Life and WyldLife programs.
This document is a newsletter from Young Life of Santa Cruz County providing updates on their programs. It discusses how Young Life builds relationships with adolescents to introduce them to God. It highlights that several kids accepted Christ at their summer camp. It also announces an upcoming auction and banquet fundraiser and provides contact information for the local Young Life and WyldLife programs.
FROM THE AREA DIRECTOR I truly believe that the minis- try of Young Life is like no other ministry out there. In- stead of an events-based min- istry, our volunteer leaders go out and meet adolescents where they are (and more im- portantly, AS they are) to seek authentic relationships that allow us to "earn the right to be heard." Though many people think of Young Life as Club, Camp, or Campaigners, our most important work comes in the countless hours we spend in bleachers, thea- ters, lunchrooms, and frozen yogurt shops just hanging out with kids. Leaders walk alongside stu- dents through the triumphs and tragedies of life during a period when many begin to truly examine their faith for the first time. Through the relation- ships that are built, we have the awesome privi- lege of not only talking about Gods unconditional love for each and every one of us but demonstrat- ing it as well. As we start a new school year I get to have a front row seat to see what God is doing in our community and in the hearts of our kids. Were ex- cited to see some of them meet Christ for the first time and others come into a deeper relationship with Him. God has already blessed us with an in- credible leadership team and a Committee of adults who support us so well. Im excited to see what He does this year and can't wait to share it with you!
In Him,
Heather Troxell Area Director SAVE THE DATE: AUCTION & BANQUET!!! Please plan to attend our annual Silent Auction and Banquet on the evening of Saturday, November 22 at the Chaminade Resort and Spa. We look forward to celebrating what God has done through Young Life of Santa Cruz County.
Formal invitation to follow. Young Life of Santa Cruz County Fall 2014 newsletter Prayer List For kids in our County to know Christ! AUCTION and BANQUET For our leaders to build meaningful relationships with kids all over Santa Cruz County Young Life & WyldLife Leaders Young Life & WyldLife Clubs Our local Committee Relationships with local area churches Our Young Life Staff: Heather Troxell, Sam Griffith, and Caitlyn Kelly That God would financially provide above & beyond what our needs are Praise New Clubs in our County! Seven kids met Christ at Woodleaf this summer! For the families that open up their homes for Young Life and WyldLife Clubs Camp Update from Sam Griffith, Aptos Young Life Camp was mind blowing! The games, new friends, late night swim parties, surprise carnivals, a Western Ho-down, 400 kids singing "Free Falling", 50 foot giant swing, ropes course, and ridge-runners could only be surpassed by the sweet news of Christ's boundless love for us! This experience at camp was unlike any other. I brought four girls from Aptos. Three out of the four girls are adopted. What a special thing to share with these girls that they are pursued/ chosen/wanted/loved and adopted by the Creator of the Uni- verse. The week certainly presented its challenges -- how to meet each kid where they were at, emotionally and spiritually. However the way Christ was presented was so well done, with love, full of scripture and followed up with great discussions! We shared a cabin with the San Lorenzo Valley/Scotts Valley girls and we had several girls make first time commitments (one from Aptos!) and a few others make renewed commitments. How exciting to see these lives changed for eternity! Let that sink in for a moment... eternity! Table Hosts and Spon- sors are needed for our annual Banquet AND more items are needed for our annual Silent Auction!
Please contact the YL office if you are able to help!
(831) 423-5478 santacruzy- Stay tuned for our 2015 summer camp dates! WyldLife, Young Lifes ministry to Middle School students, has a lot of exciting momentum right now! We have a new part-time Associate for the Valley Club: Caitlyn Kelly and we have a new Volunteer Team Leader for the new Aptos WyldLife Club: Charlie Millar! We are excited about the growth and looking forward to a wonderful year reaching out to local Middle School students. For more information about WyldLife please email: Contact Info:
Aptos Young Life Sam Griffith (831) 251-4356 or
Aptos WydLife Charlie Millar (503) 440-6069 or
Valley Young Life Heather Troxell (831) 325-9496 or
Valley WyldLife Caitlyn Kelly (949) 701-1936 or