Beckman Industrial Circuitmate digital multimeters (DMMs) provide more functions at lower prices than competitors. Models range from a pocket-sized DM20L for $69.95 with logic probe and transistor testing to higher-end models like the DM850 with true RMS measurement for $169.95. All models balance performance, features, and price to deliver the best value in DMMs.
Beckman Industrial Circuitmate digital multimeters (DMMs) provide more functions at lower prices than competitors. Models range from a pocket-sized DM20L for $69.95 with logic probe and transistor testing to higher-end models like the DM850 with true RMS measurement for $169.95. All models balance performance, features, and price to deliver the best value in DMMs.
Beckman Industrial Circuitmate digital multimeters (DMMs) provide more functions at lower prices than competitors. Models range from a pocket-sized DM20L for $69.95 with logic probe and transistor testing to higher-end models like the DM850 with true RMS measurement for $169.95. All models balance performance, features, and price to deliver the best value in DMMs.
Beckman Industrial Circuitmate digital multimeters (DMMs) provide more functions at lower prices than competitors. Models range from a pocket-sized DM20L for $69.95 with logic probe and transistor testing to higher-end models like the DM850 with true RMS measurement for $169.95. All models balance performance, features, and price to deliver the best value in DMMs.
p ut Logic) Capacitance) Frequency and True RMS In Your Hand For Less. Anti-skid pads Frequencycounter to 200KHz Price:DM850(True RMS) DMBOO (Average) .. ..... .$169.95' Continuity beeper DataHolddisplay capability DM850 True DIS TrueRMS Built-inbail 4'h digits. DCVaccuracy is.05%+3 digits
.. .--... .... BeckmanIndustrial CorporationInstrumentation Products l uvbion ASubsidiaryof EmersonElect rfcCompany 3883 Ruffin Rd. San DieRo. California 9212} IH9X (619) 1(,1-4111 ' FAX, (6191 J(,Xlll;! T1. X, !IIMl j l 1987Beckman lndustnal Corpor ation See vour Beckman Industrialdistribu- toranddiscover more DMM performance. For less. ' Suggested list price(SUS) with battery. testl eadsand manual. fitsin a shirt pocket, yet givesyoua fullsize 3Yz digit, 3jg " readout. Not to mention a completeline of accessories like test leads, current damps, even probes that canextend your DMMs range andsensitivity All designedto workflawlessly withyour Beckman Industrial CircuitrnateDMM. Anti-skidpads DM25L Capacitance, Logic, hFE 589.95* TIL Logic Probe:20MHz Hill%ff indications Detects25nS pulse widths Built-inbail hFE (NPN or PNP): 1range (1000) Capacitance: 5ranges (2nF to20!,F) Continuity beeper CIRCLE 98 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD alsogivesyou frequencycounting. Afull- function DMM, andmore, doesn't have to costover SI69.95. If it's a Circuitmate DM800. Or, for a few dollars more, get true RMS (ACcoupled) tolet you accurately measure non-sinusoidal AC waveforms, andall the capabili tyofthe DM800, inthe DM850. Of course, there's a whole range of CircuitrnateDMMs andservice testinstru- ments, indudingthe DM78 autoranger that DM20L Pocket-Size w/Logic 569.95 * TIL Logic Probe: 20MHz Hi/l% ff indications Detects25nS pulse widths hFE (NPN or PNP): 1range(1000) Dhms-8ranges (200 ohms to2000 Megohms) DMM: Input Impedance- 10 Megohms DCNACA-5ranges (2oo!'Ato2At Conti nuity beeper 1= "'SDN Get more, forless. It's a simpledefi- nitionof value. For DMMs, value means findingthe combination ofcapabili tiesthat meets your needs at the right price. Without losing sight ofaccuracy andreliability If you want more functions at a lowprice, Beckman Industrial's Circuitmate" Digital Multimeters are thebest valuearound. Fromthe pocket-sized DM20Ltothe DM850, with true RMScapability and accu- racy to0.05 % I digit, Circuitmate DMMs - - give-yotrthe functions-you-need. For instance, the DM20L puts both a Logic Probe, a transistor gain function (hFE), anda fullrange ofDMM functions in the palm ofyour hand. For only S69.95. Then there's the DM25L. Where else does S89.95 buy you a Logic Probe, capaci- tance measurement, transistorgain function (hFE), and24 DMMrangesinduding resist- anceto 2000 megohms? Nowhere else. When highaccuracy counts, there's the DM800 witha 4Yz digit display The DM800