Digital Graphic Narrative Planning
Digital Graphic Narrative Planning
Digital Graphic Narrative Planning
For this project, there arent many costs, as we arent printing the book so there isnt a cost for it being printed.
Available resources:
I need the computer for Photoshop and I have this resource. I also need paper and pencils for any drawings I
may do for characters.
I dont plan to produce my book but if I were to produce it, I would probably do 20-30 copies because then if I
was to get it published, I could send copies off to be looked at and keep some for myself. In terms of printing
for selling, I would print 100-200 to see how it sold and then print more depending on how well or not it sold.
Audience and Target Market:
My audience is aimed at children between the ages of 3-5 as it has text in it that would appeal to children this
age learning to read, however it may appeal to a younger audience due to the colours and images. The target
market is to appeal to the adults and parents, as they are the ones buying the book.
Quality Factors:
My book should be of a high quality so should not be rushed. To avoid it being of a poor standard, I will
manage the different stages of the book production time effectively for the two weeks we have been given to
complete the book.
Codes of Practice:
The contract should be clear about ownership of the copyright. This is to so that people dont plagiarise
and copy peoples original work when they own it. If someone thinks they have come up with something that is
already copyrighted, the contract will clearly state weather it is new or if it comes under something already
The publisher should be aware of the authors moral rights. The author has a number of moral rights
that the publisher has to obey by law, however there are some that dont have to be met, like paternity
because this was not a real thing until after these laws had been made.
My book should meet the Toy Safety Directive 2009, this means that here are no are sharp edges or
anything that could harm children using that book.
This is when someone buys the rights and ownership to something like a font or a story. My story is an
original story so there are similar books but they are mainly fairytales so they are out of copyright. The only
aspect of my book that is questionable is weather Im actually allowed to use Simon Cowell as one of my
characters without his permission as he either might not want to be used in the book or may have legal terms
on where his name and image may be used.
Ethical Issues:
My book doesnt have any ethical issues that may cause offense, this is due to the fact that the majority of my
characters are unicorns and there is only one other character and that is Simon. The book doesnt encourage
anything bad for children, it doesnt talk about any difficult subjects and doesnt have anything in it that could
be perceived as an ethical issue.
A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which
you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.
If there is a resource you dont currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.
Flat Plans
Test Page
Do you have
Production Schedule:
Session 1:
Main Characters
Finish my main characters so I can have enough time to change them if I need to.
Rotoscope Bernard and Simon into a standing position. I will rotoscope them in this way as this is the
way will be most of the way through book.
Choose the colours I want to make their clothes, skin, hair etc. The colours I choose matters because
Im trying to appeal to children.
Use the shape tool as well as rotoscoping to keep the cartoon aesthetic. Rotoscoping can give the
image a realist look that I do want but not too much as it is a childrens book so it has to appeal to them
Fire Hazards.
Make sure things dont get too hot and there are escapes