Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System

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Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation
Characteristic in Distributed Generation System
Muh. Imran Hamid and Makbul Anwari
Single-phase grid tied inverter is one among types of inverters widely used in photovoltaic
(PV) generation system due to the advantages they offer. This chapter describes model and
simulation of such inverter in operation as distributed generation in electrical power system.
Power characteristics including power quality, grid interaction behavior and load sharing
that are important aspects in their operation as grid connected inverter will be simulated
and analyzed. The role of current or voltage control and associated mechanism in
photovoltaic inverter such as photovoltaic I-V characteristic, maximum power point tracker
(MPPT), and other mechanism that involves in power flow and load sharing control are
Further, some observation and measurement from a 5-kWp laboratory scale grid
interconnected photovoltaic plant that employ single phase photovoltaic inverter will be
presented. The load sharing behavior between photovoltaic plant and utility grid during
supplying both linear and non linear load that connected on their point of common
coupling. In addition, observation and measurement results of power quality parameter
behavior during photovoltaic inverter operation along extremely density variation of
photovoltaic produced energy that comes from the atmospheric condition will be presented.
Keywords: single phase PV Inverter, distributed generation

1. Introduction
Application of photovoltaic (PV) as a source of electrical energy showed a tendency to
increase in terms of generation capacity and in terms of its spread in large areas around the
world. Many aspects trigger the trend; economic, technology and policy are some among
many. The restricted reserve of fossil fuel sources and followed by the increasing cost of
fossil fuel based electricity generation has motivated the effort to exploit other alternative
energy sources. In the other hand, the high price of equipment and system of photovoltaic
generation as the main constraint on implementing this renewable generation system shows
significant reduction during recent years; implicates to declination of production cost per
kW electric from photovoltaic. IEA reported that over a decade (1996-2006), the price of
photovoltaic system have decreased by probably more than 40% [1]. The maturity and


Distributed Generation

continuously improved technology implemented on photovoltaic generation system that

causes the photovoltaic power conversion more efficient, the typical advantages of PV
generation compared with other electrical generation systems of renewable energy sources
such as its flexibility and simplicity to build in any places, their dependency from
transportation system are some technical factors causes the change to this type of renewable
energy generation for electricity is preferred. In energy policy, environment issue and global
warming as important consideration for the authority in deciding the choice of energy
sources for their electricity make the photovoltaic generation system as the clean and
convenient energy as one among priorities. Photovoltaic energy conversion becomes main
focus of many researches due to its promising potential as source for future electricity.
The photovoltaic generation systems can either be operated as isolated system or be
connected to the grid as a part of an integrated system, with other electrical generation, they
form the distributed generation system. As renewable distributed generation, PV has some
advantages if it is compared to other renewable energy generations. PV generation plant
needs not a specific geographic or geo-morphological requirement such as on the wind and
micro/small hydropower generation. In contrary, PV generation plant can be built in almost
all area where the sun irradiation is available; allows the flexibility to determine the place of
the plant according to its main allotment. The solar field and building integrated
photovoltaic (BIPV) [2], [3] are some cases if the place- flexibility is taken as the advantage.
In power system point of view, the place-flexibility of PV generation allows to employ the
plant not only as power source for distributed generation, but can also as part of scheme for
the transmission/distribution losses reduction [4], as compensator and power conditioner
for the power system [5]. In addition, the module-based production of PV plant
components that enables ones to build and adjust the size of PV plant from small capacity
and then expand it to follow the demand growth is also one of advantages of this type of
generation system. These entire make the PV generation becomes an interesting choice for
development the distributed generation as direction of transition of the electrical power
generation system [6].
However, besides the advantages, there are also several limitations of PV plant as electrical
power generation for distributed generation. The reality that PV plant is built based on a
number of power electronics equipment as the characteristic of renewable energy generation
plant [7] causes the PV plant is considered as distortion and power quality problems source
for the connected consumers or for electrical power component and system. Further, as the
part of distributed generation, interaction with the power system component and load are
also a factor influences the power quality resulted from PV generation plant operation.
Regarding to these issues, some research has been conducted to investigate the effect PV
generation connection to system, in [8] and [9], the harmonics effects of a large number PV
inverter penetration in distribution network is analysed, the possibility of resonance event is
found as the effect of interaction of harmonics produced from the inverters in the network.
Injection of dc component in ac grid concerning to PV inverter integration have also
reported in [10].
Other aspects that may influence the performance of PV generation for DG that should also
be consider are: the effect of the extreme variation of power density variation in a range of
hourly and daily as the nature of photovoltaic energy source, effect of PV plant

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


configuration, type of PV inverter implemented, and interaction with the system in form of
load flow and load sharing with grid. The influence of these aspects can be reviewed by
analyzing the role of the PV inverter as the heart of a PV generation system. This chapter
presents an analysis of performance and power quality aspect of operation a PV plant as
distributed generation inverter concerning to their operation within dynamic atmospheric
condition, the type of inverter used, their configuration with the photovoltaic array and
their interaction with the grid parameters and loads. The single phase type PV inverter is
stressed to be analyzed. A brief review of the PV generation systems and their setup
components, and their potential to affect the quality of power output is firstly presented.
Further, some measurement results from a laboratory scale generation system that show
some power quality behaviors during plant operation are described and analyzed.

2. Photovoltaic Generation System

To analyze the power quality behaviors resulted from operation of a PV plant in distributed
generation system, a review of the PV generation system and some aspects that involved in
their operation as the part of the system must be done, they are: the PV module, PV inverter
and the module-inverter configuration, the PV plant-grid interaction and the atmospheric
condition. The main components of a PV generation plant are the PV modules and the PV
inverters. The PV module is used as energy conversion equipment, converting the light
energy to electrical form of the dc voltage and current. The conversion involves interaction
process of the light, thermal and electrical parameters in a photovoltaic material. The PV
inverter is then used to convert the dc to ac power to be used by consumer or to be
connected to the grid. Some functions such as matching the arrays dc voltage output with
the inverter circuit voltage operation, matching the inverters output voltage with the grid
voltage and grid synchronizing are integrated in this compact equipment.
2.1 PV Module
Photovoltaic module is set up from formation of photovoltaic cells that convert the energy in
the light to electric power. The modules are then arranged in both series and parallel
configuration as a photovoltaic array to reach the voltage and current requirement.
Photovoltaic cells are semiconductor devices that draws non-linear characteristics between
output current (I) and voltage (V) on their terminal. In a condition when the light shapes
their surface, the light generations current are produced in proportional to the light
intensity, in the same time a dc voltage is generated. This condition presents the current
source behavior of the cell. If the generated voltage is high enough, the solar cell current
drops extremely, similar to the behavior of the diode as seen on the knee point of the diodes
characteristic. From these behaviors, based on circuit perspective, photovoltaic cell can be
modeled as configuration of current sources in parallel with some diodes, serial and parallel
resistors are then added to present the voltage and current losses during cell operation. A
photovoltaic cells model called the single diode model is widely used as shown in Fig.1. The
model is a simplification of the two diode model by setting the value of ideality factor a
number that indicates the dominate region in a semiconductor material- of photovoltaic cell
based on whether the diodes behavior of the cell is dominated by recombination or
depletion region [11].


Distributed Generation

Fig. 1. Single diode model of a PV cell

This single diode model of PV cell can be described using the follows mathematical model
to form the cells V-I characteristic as [12]:





Ipv and Vpv are the current and voltage of the PV cell. Iph is the light generating current, its
value depends on irradiance and the physical dimension of photovoltaic cell, Io is the diode
dark saturation current. The Boltzmann constant = 1.3807 x 10-23 JK-1 and electric charge =
1.6022 x 10-19 C are presented by k and q. Rse and Rsh are the representation of the parasitic
series and shunt resistances that associated with real solar cells in operation condition. Ao is
the diode ideality (quality) factor; its value is taken between 1 and 2, Ao = 1 indicates that
diode behaviour of cell is dominated by recombination in the quasi-neutral regions and Ao =
2 indicates that recombination in the depletion region dominates. ISCR is short circuit current
of the cell on 1000 W/m2 and 25 OC of temperature. K1 is the short circuit temperature
coefficient at ISCR. T and Ga are cell temperature and irradiance on cell surface. Ior is the cell
saturation current at reference temperature Tr. EGO is band gap energy.
Equation (1)-(4) shows the dependency of I-V characteristics of a photovoltaic cell to
irradiance and temperature condition. The irradiance contributes to the cells current; the
higher irradiance the higher current generates by the photovoltaic cell, while the
temperature makes effect to the cells voltage; the higher temperature the lower voltage
appears on the cells terminal. Figure 2(a) shows a set of I-V characteristics of a photovoltaic
cell under varying irradiance, but at a constant temperature, while Fig. 2(b) shows the one at
the same irradiance value, but under varying temperature. Both figures also show the points
where the multiplication of voltage and current of PV cell reaches the maximum value;

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


maximum power point (MPP). At these points, the PV cell operates in maximum efficiency
and produces maximum output power for the related irradiances and temperatures.
2.2 PV Inverter
The second main components of the PV generation system are the PV inverters. This
component interfaces the various power density generated by the photovoltaic array to the
utility level of electrical power. As this role, some functions are employed: adjusting the
voltage level of photovoltaic array output to meet the voltage operation of the inverter
circuit; tracking the voltage/current to a point where maximum power can be extracted
and creating sinusoidal ac power. If the PV inverter is used as grid tied PV inverter, it must
be completed with a synchronizing and power flow control mechanism, a reliable
protection, such as anti islanding to protect the inverter from over load, must be added. In
addition, the modern PV inverter is also completed by an advanced data communication
and monitoring system.
















Power (Watt)

Current (A)



Voltage (V)





Voltage (V)








Power (Watt)

Current (A)

a. V-I characteristic on various irradiance and constant temperature













Voltage (V)





Voltage (V)



V-I characteristic on various temperature and constant irradiance

Fig. 2. I-V characteristics of a photovoltaic cell under varying irradiance and temperature


Distributed Generation

Maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is an important mechanism in a PV inverter; it is

embedded to ensure that PV inverter extracts the optimum power generated by
photovoltaic module or array. Cause of the unique properties of the PV array, when it is
connected directly to a load, the operating point of the system lies on the crossing point of
the IV characteristics curve of the PV array and I-V characteristic curve of the load.
Generally, this point is not at the PV arrays maximum power point (Fig. 3), thus optimum
extracted power cannot be achieved. In this case, to ensure that the loads power
requirement can be supplied, a larger capacity of array is needed; leads to an expensive
system. MPPT overcomes this problem, using certain algorithm, the mechanism forces the
converters voltage or current to operate on the value where the multiplication of arrays
voltage and current lie on the maximum condition, thus optimum power extraction can be
achieved. The important role of the MPPT in PV inverter make this component becomes
depth attention to the researchers, various techniques and development algorithms have
been developed as in reference [13] and according to reference [14], the techniques can be
categorized to three main categories: Look-up table, perturbation and observation (P&O)
and computational methods.
In a photovoltaic generation where the dc voltage output of PV array is not match with the
associated ac voltage must be generated by the inverter circuit, DC-DC converter is
implemented on the input side of the inverters power circuit and the inverter system is
called the multi stage PV inverter. Boost, buck and buck-boost or other types of DC-DC
converter are used for this need. The MPPT mechanism in this case is implemented in the
DC stage as direct duty cycle control for the DC-DC converter. Some types of multi stage PV
inverter, for safety consideration, employ a transformer placed on the line side (LF
transformer) or between power stages (HF transformer) of the inverter system.

I-V characteristic of array

Current (A)

Operating point where

maximum extracted
power can be achieved




Operating point of
directly coupled system

I-V characteristic of load







Voltage (V)

Fig. 3. Operating point of directly coupled system





Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


For the grid connected inverter (grid tied inverter), one among functions of control
mechanism of PV inverter is aimed to ensure that all the generated power can be sent to the
grid optimally, voltage and current control methods together with the MPPT are used for
this requirement [15]. Protection mechanism such as anti islanding is added to avoid the PV
inverter from overloaded condition when a fault exists on the grid. Synchronization with the
grid is performed by various methods such as: by filtering the grid voltage, using PLL
method, and using zero crossing detector based synchronization method.
Array-Inverters Configuration
From the overall requirements, the PV inverters are hoped to operate in optimum
conversion efficiency. Photovoltaic material exploration, converter topologies and control
mechanism have and being continuously developed. Development of power conversion
efficiency can also be reached by optimizing the configuration between PV module/array
and their associated PV inverter. Array-PV inverter configuration implicates to technical
characteristic of plant such as voltage level, losses, reliability and power quality. In the real
application, according to connection and configuration between PV module and PV
inverter, photovoltaic generation can be identified as [16]:
Photovoltaic generation using central PV inverter, this configuration is reached by paralleling
some PV module strings (some PV modules in serial connection) and connected to dc side of
a relatively large capacity PV inverter. High conversion efficiency can be reached by using
this configuration but faces a weakness along with diversity of PV module types and
diversity of irradiance or partial shading. This configuration is also susceptible to reliability
problem because the plant depends on single equipment only. Central inverter
configuration is often implemented in a high capacity generation plant to optimize the cost,
even though tend to limit the flexibility for adjusting plant capacity.
Photovoltaic generation using string PV inverter, to overcome the weakness of central inverter
configuration, the string PV inverter configuration was introduced. Each module string is
connected to one inverter with own MPPT. Optimum power extracting from each string can
be achieved, overall efficiency is better and PV generation reliability is increased because
the system is not depend to only one equipment anymore. Plant capacity is also easy to
adjust to follow demand growth.
Photovoltaic generation using multi-string PV inverter, this configuration is developed to adopt
the cost and technical advantageous of both previous configurations. Some module strings
with dc-dc converter and their own MPPT mechanism are connected to one inverter.
Optimum power extracting from each module string can be achieved and in other side
reduced cost for dc-ac converter can be done. This configuration allows using various types
of inverter, various modules with different electrical characteristic and configuration.
Photovoltaic generation using team system, even though optimum power extraction can be
achieved using multi-string PV inverter configuration, but implementation of single dc-ac
converter in second stage of electrical conversion in other hand will decrease the reliability
of generation system. Team system configuration was introduced to solve this problem, this
configuration contains several module strings and its own PV inverters set up in parallel.
When irradiance high enough, each module strings and its own inverter work


Distributed Generation

independently for injecting power to ac side, on the contrary, if the irradiance goes down,
module string configuration is changed in such a way so that not all of dc-ac converters
operate. This scheme ensures that dc-ac converter always operates around their rated
Figure 4 illustrates the above configurations of PV generation system. In addition, module
integrated PV inverter; a system in which a PV inverter is designed with its associated
module specifically is also being developed. The string PV inverter, influenced by cost
consideration, plant capacity, and flexibility to enlarge the plant capacity have widely
implemented and become standard PV system technology for grid connected PV
generation plant [17].

Fig. 4. Some PV module configurations in a PV plant [16, 17]

3. Single Phase Photovoltaic Inverter

Along with the development and diversity application of photovoltaic as electrical source
cause the PV inverters also spread to various types with the trend of single phase
application. Single phase PV inverter has advantageous in flexibility for connecting to both
single phase and three phase grid (three phase connection is formed by connecting at least
three unit single phase inverters); this trend is also influenced by trend of PV generation
plant configuration, as has been be discussed. For single phase application, PV inverter can
be categorized in many point of views, in [18] single phase inverter is categorized based on
the number of power switch that used and the number of power conversion sequences,
while in [19] categorizing is done according to the number of power stages in cascade, type
of power decoupling between the PV modules and the single-phase grid, is it utilizes a

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


transformer or not and the types of grid-connected power stage. Figure 5 shows the diagram
of some functions in a single phase PV inverter.
In the markets, PV inverters are found as a three-phase or single-phase unit, both in isolated
and grid tied connection type. The three phase PV inverters are produced in relatively high
capacity and used for large power application such as central inverter in a PV generation
plant. Whereas, the single phase inverters are generally produced as string inverter in lower
capacity, used in small power application such as in building photovoltaic system or in
individually residential photovoltaic electricity. In a PV generation plant using single phase
inverters, enlarging the plant capacity is done by implementing a number of PV inverters
and connecting them to form the three phase connection.

Fig. 5. Diagram of some functions in a single phase grid-tie PV inverter

4. Simulation of photovoltaic generation using single phase inverter

4.1 Photovoltaic characteristic generator model for simulation
One important aspect in photovoltaic generation study is to simulate the electrical
parameter characteristic of photovoltaic module as the power source converter. The first
step have to do is to model the characteristic relation of module/array output parameters
(voltage and current) and input parameter (irradiance, temperature, humidity, etc) in form
of mathematical model that can be use in digital simulation. Regarding to this, some
approach can be done, mathematical model can be obtained from empirical characteristic of
the array [20], here the model is built based on data from direct measurement of
photovoltaic arrays voltage/current in various inputs condition, model is then derived
from plotted curve that describes voltage/current relation with the input parameter. If
photovoltaic modules come with the I-V characteristic curve, mathematics model can also be
derived from that curves. Other approach is by modeling the module/array characteristic
based on the equations that present the physical behavior of the photovoltaic cell; involves
the relation between light, thermal and electrical parameters [21]-[23], and such approach is
indicated by Eq. (1)-(4).


Distributed Generation

Generally, as shown by Eq. (1)(4), mathematic model obtained from described methods are
in form of implicit and exponential equations that difficult to be solved and simulated.
Therefore using Matlab/Simulink, to solve and simulate such model, the photovoltaic array
equations are presented using several blocks, arranged such way so that implicit equation
can be solved. An S-Function file is built in a block to solve numerically the photovoltaic cell
characteristic equation and to synthesize the cell equation as array characteristic equation
that contains of photovoltaic cell and module. If photovoltaic module contains Ns cells in
series and Np cell in parallel, thus (2) become:


Simulation block of the PV array characteristic generator can be seen on Fig. 6. It is drawn as
an S-Function block connected to a controlled current source block. As the input of SFunction blocks are the irradiation, temperature, and a loop of one-sample delayed voltage
data from the output of whole PV array characteristic block generator. The loop is used to
solve the implicit function in the V-I characteristic equation of the array. Output of the SFunction block is used to drive the controlled current block so that the entire blocks
configuration present a controlled current source characteristic of the PV array for used in
time domain simulation.
To evaluate the performance of Simulink block of PV array model, the block model is
simulated as follow:
two I-V curves; I(V), in different irradiance value according to Eq. (5) are plotted on an i-v
plane. With the same temperature value, the Simulink block of array model and connected
load are then run, firstly with the irradiance value is similar to one used in plotting the
curve on i-v plane, voltage level and generated current as the array operating point is
marked. Then, during simulation is running, the value of irradiance is changed to the value
used to plot the second curve in same i-v plane, operating point is marked once again. For
both conditions, the operation marked points should be lie on a point along the
corresponding I-V curve.

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


Fig. 6. Simulation block for the PV array characteristic generator in Simulink

Figure 7 shows the result of the treatment; I-V characteristic curves are plotted with 500 and
1000W/m2 of irradiances and in same temperature of 25OC. The PV array block model then
is run with connected load of 10-Ohm impedance. Figure 7(b) and 7(c) are taken from
running the array block in Simulink, for irradiance as 500W/m2 on temperature 25 OC, it
shows that the connected load causes photovoltaic array operates on 31.36 Volt and
supplying 3.129 A of current. If irradiance is increased to 1000 W/m2 on same temperature,
the array operating point will shift to 32.01 Volt and 3.2 A. As supposed, these values are
precisely located at a point along I-V characteristic curve of photovoltaic array as shown on
Fig. 7(a) as detail portion of Fig. 10(d).


Distributed Generation









Voltage (V)






Time (s)

Time (s)



Ga = 1000 W/m2


Ga = 500 W/m2


Current (A)

31.36 V
3.129 A

T = 25oC




Voltage (V)





Current (A)

Current (A)

32.01 V
3.20 A

Voltage (V)



Fig. 7. PV array operation point obtained from plotting PV equation characteristic and from
simulation in Simulink
4.2 Power and control circuit
Power converter block contains of the inverter power and control circuit. Inverter power
circuit is set up from a coupling capacitor as power balancing for the instantaneous
generated and delivered power to the grid, a single-phase bridge inverter circuit block
controlled by PWM mode, an output filter, and a grid connection trough a step up
transformer for matching the photovoltaic plant and grid voltage. Control circuit contains
maximum power point (MPPT), current control and synchronizing block. In this case, the
incremental conductance algorithm is used for the MPPT; as illustrated in Fig. 8, this
algorithm works based on the condition that at the point of maximum power, the rate of
change of output power to the array voltage is zero:



Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System



On MPP; dI/dV=-I/V

I-V Characteristic

Right side of MPP;

dI/dV<-I/V 400

Current (Amp)



Left Side of MPP; dI/dV>-I/V


Power Curve













Voltage (Volt)

Fig. 8. Increment conductance I/V around characteristic curve of photovoltaic array

On the maximum power point, the value of incremental conductance I/V is

varies around it as see on array characteristic curve, briefly:

on MPP

on the left of MPP and

on the right of MPP and

Flowchart of the incremental conductance algorithm is shown on Fig.9.

-I/V and



Distributed Generation

Fig. 9. Incremental conductance algorithm flowchart

In simulation, the algorithm is implemented in a S-Function block with the instantaneous
current I(t) and voltage V(t), and each of their previous value in one sample time t are used
as inputs signal. The algorithm than calculates the increment conductance and evaluates it
according to Eq. 7, the result is used to determine if the correction voltage VC for reference
voltage Vref become positive or negative. An initial array voltage is required for this
algorithm; values of 0.7 or 0.8 VNL (No load voltage) are preferred values. The error
between Vref and actual PV array voltage is then used by controller to form reference current
for inverters current controller after added by actual current reference generated from
power calculator block. Power calculator is a block where the instantaneous generated
power in the array is calculated. Implementation of current control has an advantageous
that current can be controlled independently from grid voltage, thus active and reactive
power and certain power factor level is allowed in all range of load [15]. Reference current
as the output of MPPT block is fed to current control block where the switching instant of
the inverter switch is formed. In current control block, reference current determines the
magnitude of injected current, while angle and current shape is determined by generated
sinusoidal wave from the phase lockup loop (PLL) block. PLL operates by continuously
observe the phase angle of grid voltage and compare it with an internally generated angle, a
loop control is employed so that a reference phase angle can be determined according to
grid phase voltage.

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


Current (A)

To perform the switching instant for current control, some modulating techniques can be
used; here the hysteresis and ramp comparison current control [24], is taken as the case,
Fig.10. By using hysteresis current control, inverter output current is forced to follow the
current reference. Deviation between these two quantities is limited by upper and lower
band in a hysteresis loop. If actual current reaches the upper limit of hysteresis band, the
inverter leg is switched off so that the current decrease untill reach the lower band of
hysteresis loop. In this point, the inverter leg is switch on again and actual current back to
increase to the upper band, the process repeat continuously. If ramp comparison current
controller is used, a sinusoidal-wave signal is added to a triangle signal for creating a
sinusoidal-triangle reference. This reference is then compared with the actual current. The
instant when the sinusoidal-triangle wave and the actual current crosses becomes time
when the inverter legs are switched. If the current error greater than sinusoidal-triangle
wave, the inverter leg is switch off and in contrary if the current error less than sinusoidaltriangle then the inverter leg is switch on.
As the end of power circuit, a step up power transformer is used to connect the PV inverter
circuit to the grid. Three-phase connection is formed by connecting at least three unit singlephase inverters that connected to each phase of the grid. Inverters in this configuration operate
independently with their own control. Control signal for each PLL block in each inverter are
picked from each grid phase. Complete simulation block diagram is shown in Fig. 11.


Upper Band



Lower Band

Inverter Current



0.042 0.044 0.046 0.048


0.05 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.058

Time (s)

Hysteresis current control


Distributed Generation

Current (A)



Sinusoidal triangle


Inverter current



0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028

0.03 0.032 0.034 0.036 0.038

Time (s)


Ramp comparison current control

Fig. 10. Modulating techniques for current controller used in the simulation
In order to evaluate the operation of power and control circuits, the complete simulation
diagram is run under variation of irradiance and temperature. Photovoltaic inverter is
connected to the grid and is assumed in parallel with other generation equipment in the grid
for supplying the connected grid load. Grid load is set up such a way so that enable to
accept all generated power from photovoltaic plant -or in other word- load capacity is set up
more than the photovoltaic plant capacity. By this way, whatever power can be generated
by photovoltaic plant, it is able to be absorbed by the grid load.

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


Fig. 11. Complete single-phase grid-tie PV inverter simulation diagram

Operation of MPPT as optimizing mechanism of delivered and injected power to the grid
can be seen by measuring the generated power of PV array (dc side) and output of inverter
(ac side) in a condition when the inputs of photovoltaic array are varied. MPPT operation
indication will appear when the measured value of output power inverter always follows
the value of dc power as the output of photovoltaic array. This condition is shown in Fig.12,
the values of generated power by PV array correspond to irradiance and temperature level,
each combination of their values will give different generated power on array output. It is
also shown the value of power measured on output terminal of inverter that always run
before the value of generated power that measured on array terminal. For Ga = 500 W/m2
and Ta = 25C that equivalent with dc output power of array Pdc around 475 Watt, injected
power on output terminal of PV inverter Pac shows the same value. When the irradiance is
changed to Ga = 1000 W/m2 on the same temperature with equivalent to Pdc = 500 Watt, the
trend of Pac curve tend to this value. These behaviors indicate that the MPPT mechanism
works properly.
The current drawn by connected load is supplied from both grid and PV plant. It is different
with paralleling two sources such as transformers or generators in supplying a connected
load, where capacity and internal impedance are parameter that determine load sharing
between both equipments, load current drawn by PV inverter in a grid is not depend on its
capacity. Optimum power can be sent to grid as long as there is sufficient power generated
by the plant. Figure 13 shows simulation result how a connected load current is supplied
from both grid and PV inverter. Initially, whole load drawn by the constant load is supplied


Distributed Generation

AC Power Output (Watt)

DC Power (Watt)

Irradiance (W/m2)

from the grid. At point when the PV plants switched on, the PV plant current increase and
the current from grid decrease and then go to steady condition untill the PV plant is
switched off.
















DC Power Output of Array







AC Power Output of PV Inverter








Time (sec)


Fig. 12. MPPT operation is indicated by the trend of ac power output that is always tend to
dc power value

Grid Current


Load Current

PV Current


urrent ( Am






Time (s)






Fig. 13. Load current sharing between grid and plant on phase a when plant switched

5. Observation and measurement results of a laboratory scale PV distributed

generation operation using single phase inverter
In this section, some power behaviors from the operation of inverters in a PV plant such as
power quality, voltage stability, harmonics, wave form distortion and load sharing
characteristic will described. The schematic diagram of the plant is shown in Fig. 13.

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System

DC Connection

PV Inverter





PV Array

Data Logger

Network of




Induction Motor


Fig. 13. Diagram of laboratory scale PV generation system

5.1 System Description
The PV plant is located at the position of 1 3337.52 N and 103 38 30.87 E, consists of a
PV array of 24 modules with totally 5 kWp installed capacity. The PV array is then divided
into three sub arrays in order to configure the plant type as a string-inverter configuration.
Three unit PV inverters of 700 Watt each are then fed by these array outputs. The sub arrays
are connected to PV inverters by a DC connection box where the modules are configured in
serial to obtain the DC voltage requirement for the PV inverter. The 70-meter long and 10
mm2 DC cable links DC connection box and PV inverters. Each single-phase inverter is
connected to each phase of the grid to form the three-phase connection. Output side of PV
inverters are fed to an interconnection switchboard where the grid integration,
measurement, and local load supply of resistive and adjustable speed drives are connected.
The three units string PV inverters role as distributed generator (grid tied inverter). The
inverters are from single stage type with H-bridge topology; operate in carrier based pulsewidth modulation of 14 k-Hz carrier frequency. MPPT mechanism, current control,
synchronization, and grid impedance monitoring complete each PV inverter. Connecting or
disconnecting the PV inverter to the grid is a part of the control system; it is accomplished
based on the availability of power from PV array and in coordination with the internal grid
monitoring system. Some parameters of the PV inverter are described in Table 1.
VDC Max, Volts
VDC MPP, Volts
Idc Max, Amps


VAC nom, Volts

fAC nom, Hz
PAC nom, Watts
IAC nom, Amps
Table 1. PV Inverter parameters for the observation

119 200

50 / 60


Distributed Generation

5.2 Voltage Stability

Figure 14.a shows the power output, the line to neutral voltage of an inverter and the total
power output of the PV plant during a whole day operation that measured at the point of
common coupling of the PV plant and the grid. The inverter starts to operate and connect to
the grid when the generated powers reach the minimum predetermined value. The injected
power to the grid is begin to increase along with the increasing of the solar power density in
the morning, tend to constant in the middle of the day, and then decrease in the afternoon. The
maximum injected power from the phase A-connected inverter is 503.90 Watt, phase B inverter
481.6 Watt and phase C inverter 453.10 Watt; coincide with the maximum power output of the
PV plant of 1439.0 Watt. With the installed capacity of each inverters and plant are 700 and
5000 Watt, the values indicate the maximum capacity factors of the PV inverter and the plant
on that day measurement are 71.98% and 28.78% respectively.
Figure 14.b is a portion of Fig.14.a is a 180 minutes measurement during peak power time, the
figure shows the phase-A line voltage and the injected power from the connected inverter. It is
shown that variation of injected power to the grid caused by variation of extracted power
density from about 100 Watt to 400 Watt is followed by variation of voltage level on the plant
terminal as about 3 V. The shape of the curves shows that during the measurement interval,
the variation of the plant parameters occur very often along with the atmospheric dynamic
condition. This condition, further implicates to voltage stability problem. Figure 15 is a
histogram obtained from measurement data of Fig. 14.a; it is performed to show the frequency
of occurrence of various power levels (in range of 50 Watt each) of the PV plant, data is
collected for every 7 second. The number of power levels and the frequency of occurrence on
each power levels in the histogram indicate that the grid is susceptible to voltage stability
problem concerning to operation of a PV plant. The instability of voltage in this case is more
important along with the increasing capacity of the plant and the fact that the atmospheric
dynamic condition is occurring along the whole day.



P, Phase A
P, Total Plant
Line Voltage, Phase A











Time, Sec

a. Line voltage, injected power on a phase of the grid and total

injected power of the PV plant
V (Volt)

P (Watt)











Time (sec)




Line voltage, injected power on a phase A for 180 minutes measurement

during the peak time


Fig. 14. P and VLN on the point of common coupling between the PV Inverter and Grid


Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System











Cum ula tive %
















1400 1500
Power Range

Fig. 15. Pareto diagram of various power levels generated from PV Inverter

Cos pi / PF

Variation of injected power is also followed by variation of other power parameters such as
Cos and power factor (PF). Their values according to magnitude of power level that
injected to the grid are shown in Fig. 16. During injecting relative low power, Cos and
power factor tend to decrease and then increase along with the increasing of generated
power. Optimum Cos and power factor are reached when generated power is more than
50% of PV inverter rated. The measurement result indicates the importance for employing
the PV inverter near to its rated power.

Cos p hi



% Rated Power

Fig. 16. Cos and power factor as function of generated and injected power

5.3 Waveform and harmonics distortion

Other aspect in PV plant operation using grid tied inverters is the appearance of distortion
on the wave shape of power parameters where the plant is connected. In injecting the
generated power to the grid, the control of the PV inverter forces the current to flow with
the wave shape is fashioned to follow and in phase with the grid voltage. Nevertheless,
depend on the design component of the inverter and the injected control type that used; the
resulted current may draw a distorted wave that indicates the existence of harmonics, the
voltage and current shape of a single phase PV inverter during operate is shown in Fig.17.
The level of the harmonics distortion presented as the total harmonics distortion (THD) on the inverters current is varying during operation; its value shows a relation with the level
of generated and converted power from the array. Low harmonics content appears during


Distributed Generation

high power conversion operation and in contrary high harmonics content during low power
operation. However, an anomaly appears during low power operation due to nonlinearity
of the inverter components, in a certain condition, harmonics tend to increase while in the
other one, tend to decrease. A measurement result that describes the plant behaviors is
shown in Fig. 18. The figure presents the harmonics measurement of the inverters current
and connected grid voltage as function of time during a day operation.
During connected to the grid, harmonics contents on the produced current of the PV
inverter interact with the grid impedance causes the voltage where the inverter is connected
is distorted. Further, the interaction between these two distorted waves causes the power
factor on the connection point is influenced. Effect of the voltage and current distortion to
the power factor can be obtained from the following relations:



Voltage (Volt)




















Current (A)








Fig. 17. Waveform of current output and voltage on terminal of single phase PV inverter

Output Power


THD (% f)

Power (W)



8:04:00 AM

9:44:00 AM

11:24:00 AM

1:04:00 PM

2:44:00 PM

4:24:00 PM

6:04:00 PM

Fig. 18. Harmonics measurement of the inverters current and connected grid voltage

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


The equations show that the power factor PF consists of two components; the displacement
factor Df that depends on the phase shift between voltage and current, and the form factor Ff
that depends on the wave shape of voltage and current. According to Fig. 17, it is obvious
that the power factor of the PV inverter is dominantly influenced by form factor. Low level
of displacement factor of the PV inverter is caused by the reality that the control current of
PV inverter is designed so that the current and voltage of the inverter are always in phase.
As the part of the distributed generation, PV plant operation must comply with the power
quality requirement as described in various power quality standards. On the subject of
harmonics contents, the standards generally present an acceptable maximum value of each
harmonics order of injected current and voltage in the grid. For example, IEEE standard 5191992 [25] and 1547-2003 [26] limits the individual harmonics in some groups of range for the
first 40 harmonics and give a maximum level of the total demand harmonics distortion of
the injected current. Regarding to the distortion and converted power level relation of PV
inverter as described, it is obvious that operation of inverters in the PV plant causes the grid
is distorted, especially by the current harmonics in low power operation. In other words,
refers to capacity factor of inverter, we can say that the PV inverters will draw high contents
of harmonics if they are employed in low capacity factor. Further, in order to comply with
the limitation of injected current harmonics, it is important to perform the suitability
combination between the capacity of both inverter and PV array. Minimum output of PV
array during operation cycle should not be smaller than a level in which PV inverters
operate in low capacity factor and produce harmonics that excess the accepted standard.
Besides the conversion efficiency, harmonics and distortion factor should be considered in
designing the array installed-capacity for a certain capacity of PV inverter.
5.4 PV plant and grid interaction
Once a PV inverter is connected to the grid, it become the part of the entire power system
and associated load. Further, both system influence and interact each other, including power
sharing in supplying a connected load. Figure 19 and 20 shows the measurement results of
current on phase R at point A, B and C -as shown in Fig. 13 -when the system is supplying
the local load. Two types of variable load are taken as test case: a network of adjustable
speed drives (ASDs) and a resistive load. For both types of load, load current is set up so
that their magnitudes are larger than the magnitude of current from the PV plant, direction
of current is than observed in order to show load sharing between PV plant and grid.
During steady state operation of the ASD, measurement in point C shows the typical current
shape of DC converter in input side of ASD (three-phase diode bridge rectifier). At the
instant when the ASD draws input current, injected current from PV plant to the grid is
reduced; and becomes supply current for the ASD. The wave shape of the injected current to
the grid is in form of a distorted sinusoidal with a portion is cut by the three phase bridge
rectifier current shape. In this condition, harmonics spectrum of current measured at the
grid are different with the usual ASD current shape; a sinusoidal spectrum in with the
spectrum of the three phase diode bridge rectifier is cut out. If the amount of the current for
the ASD cannot be fulfilled fully by current from the PV plant, thus a portion of current
flows from the grid, harmonics spectrum of current in the grid are same as the ASD current
spectrum. This condition can be seen by the appearances of negative portion on the shape of


Distributed Generation

the grid current in each half of fundamental frequency, that mean that the current flow in
opposite direction with the reference current flow. The same case is happen when the
resistive load is connected.

Current (A)





PV Pla nt Current

Loa d Current

Grid Injected Current

Fig. 19. PV plant, load and grid current with ASD type load is operated

Current (A)





PV Pla nt Current

Resitive Loa d Current

Grid Injected Current

Fig. 20. PV plant, load and grid current with resistive type load is operated

6. Conclusion
In this chapter, some aspects in photovoltaic conversion using single-phase PV inverters,
their involvement as a part of the distributed generation and the role of some embedded
parts and functional devices that supporting this role has been described. Modeling of such
parts and functions for digital simulation has also been presented. Through the simulation,
some aspects of the PV inverters operating behavior -for certain reasons cannot be obtained
from direct observation- can be evaluated.
This chapter has also presented some of the characteristics of the single-phase PV inverters
in real operation, primarily in the characteristics of the power generated and the interactions
with the distribution network where they are connected. Observation and measurement
show that the voltage stability and waveform distortion are some problems that appear in
the operating a PV plant as distributed generation. The distortion influences the other
power output parameters of the plant such as the grid voltage and power factor. The power
factor of the inverter output is dominantly caused by form factor rather than displacement
factor and the current harmonics highly involved in the condition. It has been shown that
capacity of PV inverters should be chosen so that they operate in a plant with high capacity

Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in Distributed Generation System


factor in order to minimize the appearance of harmonics. Load sharing between the PV
plant and the grid for supplying a connected load have also been presented. Finally, the
relationship between the compliance capacity of the inverter with the quality of output
power has been clarified and the importance for involving the distortion factor in sizing and
planning the capacity of photovoltaic plant components have been stressed.

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Distributed Generation


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The Mathwork, accelerating the pace of engineering and science,


Distributed Generation
Edited by D N Gaonkar

ISBN 978-953-307-046-9
Hard cover, 406 pages
Publisher InTech

Published online 01, February, 2010

Published in print edition February, 2010

In the recent years the electrical power utilities have undergone rapid restructuring process worldwide. Indeed,
with deregulation, advancement in technologies and concern about the environmental impacts, competition is
particularly fostered in the generation side, thus allowing increased interconnection of generating units to the
utility networks. These generating sources are called distributed generators (DG) and defined as the plant
which is directly connected to distribution network and is not centrally planned and dispatched. These are also
called embedded or dispersed generation units. The rating of the DG systems can vary between few kW to as
high as 100 MW. Various new types of distributed generator systems, such as microturbines and fuel cells in
addition to the more traditional solar and wind power are creating significant new opportunities for the
integration of diverse DG systems to the utility. Interconnection of these generators will offer a number of
benefits such as improved reliability, power quality, efficiency, alleviation of system constraints along with the
environmental benefits. Unlike centralized power plants, the DG units are directly connected to the distribution
system; most often at the customer end. The existing distribution networks are designed and operated in radial
configuration with unidirectional power flow from centralized generating station to customers. The increase in
interconnection of DG to utility networks can lead to reverse power flow violating fundamental assumption in
their design. This creates complexity in operation and control of existing distribution networks and offers many
technical challenges for successful introduction of DG systems. Some of the technical issues are islanding of
DG, voltage regulation, protection and stability of the network. Some of the solutions to these problems include
designing standard interface control for individual DG systems by taking care of their diverse characteristics,
finding new ways to/or install and control these DG systems and finding new design for distribution system. DG
has much potential to improve distribution system performance. The use of DG strongly contributes to a clean,
reliable and cost effective energy for future. This book deals with several aspects of the DG systems such as
benefits, issues, technology interconnected operation, performance studies, planning and design. Several
authors have contributed to this book aiming to benefit students, researchers, academics, policy makers and
professionals. We are indebted to all the people who either directly or indirectly contributed towards the
publication of this book.

How to reference

In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Muh. Imran Hamid and Makbul Anwari (2010). Single-Phase Photovoltaic-Inverter Operation Characteristic in
Distributed Generation System, Distributed Generation, D N Gaonkar (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-046-9, InTech,
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