State of Corporates
State of Corporates
State of Corporates
interference (EMI).
AM transmissions cannot be ionospherically propagated during the day due to strong absorption in
the D-layer of the ionosphere. In a crowded channel environment this means that the power of
regional channels which share a frequency must be reduced at night or directionally beamed in order
to avoid interference, which reduces the potential nighttime audience. Some stations have
frequencies unshared with other stations in North America; these are called clear-channel stations.
Many of them can be heard across much of the country at night. This is not to be confused
with Clear Channel Communications, merely a brand name, which currently owns many U.S. radio
stations on both the AM and FM bands. During the night, absorption largely disappears and permits
signals to travel to much more distant locations via ionospheric reflections. However, fading of the
signal can be severe at night.
AM radio transmitters can transmit audio frequencies up to 15 kHz (now limited to 10 kHz in the US
due to FCC rules designed to reduce interference), but most receivers are only capable of
reproducing frequencies up to 5 kHz or less. At the time that AM broadcasting began in the 1920s,
this provided adequate fidelity for existing microphones, 78 rpm recordings, and loudspeakers. The
fidelity of sound equipment subsequently improved considerably, but the receivers did not. Reducing
the bandwidth of the receivers reduces the cost of manufacturing and makes them less prone to
interference. AM stations are never assigned adjacent channels in the same service area. This
prevents the sideband power generated by two stations from interfering with each other.[16] Bob
Carver created an AM stereotuner employing notch filtering that demonstrated that an AM broadcast
can meet or exceed the 15 kHz baseband bandwidth alloted to FM stations without objectionable
interference. After several years, the tuner was discontinued. Bob Carver had left the company and
the Carver Corporation later cut the number of models produced before discontinuing production
completely.[citation needed]
Main article: FM broadcasting
FM refers to frequency modulation, and occurs on VHF airwaves in the frequency range of 88 to
108 MHz everywhere except Japan and Russia. Japan uses the 76 to 90 MHz band. Russia has two
bands, 65.9 to 74 MHz (which was widely used in the former Soviet Union) and 87.5 to 108 MHz
worldwide standard. FM stations are much more popular since higher sound fidelity
and stereo broadcasting became common in this format.
FM radio was invented by Edwin H. Armstrong in the 1930s for the specific purpose of overcoming
the interference problem of AM radio, to which FM is relatively immune. At the same time, greater
fidelity was made possible by spacing stations further apart. Instead of 10 kHz apart, as on the AM
band in the US, FM channels are 200 kHz (0.2 MHz) apart. In other countries greater spacing is
sometimes mandatory, such as in New Zealand, which uses 700 kHz spacing (previously 800 kHz).
The improved fidelity made available was far in advance of the audio equipment of the 1940s, but
wide interchannel spacing was chosen to take advantage of the noise-suppressing feature of
wideband FM.
Bandwidth of 200 kHz is not needed to accommodate an audio signal 20 kHz to 30 kHz is all that
is necessary for a narrowband FM signal. The 200 kHz bandwidth allowed room for 75 kHz signal
deviation from the assigned frequency, plus guard bands to reduce or eliminate adjacent channel
interference. The larger bandwidth allows for broadcasting a 15 kHz bandwidth audio signal plus a
38 kHz stereo "subcarrier"a piggyback signal that rides on the main signal. Additional unused
capacity is used by some broadcasters to transmit utility functions such as background music for
public areas, GPSauxiliary signals, or financial market data.
The AM radio problem of interference at night was addressed in a different way. At the time FM was
set up, the available frequencies were far higher in the spectrum than those used for AM radio - by a
factor of approximately 100. Using these frequencies meant that even at far higher power, the range
of a given FM signal was much shorter; thus its market was more local than for AM radio. The
reception range at night is the same as in the daytime. All FM broadcast transmissions are line-ofsight, and ionospheric bounce is not viable. The much larger bandwidths, compared to AM and SSB,
are more susceptible to phase dispersion. Propagation speeds (celerities) are fastest in the
ionosphere at the lowest sideband frequency. The celerity difference between the highest and lowest
sidebands is quite apparent to the listener. Such distortion occurs up to frequencies of approximately
50 MHz. Higher frequencies do not reflect from the ionosphere, nor from storm clouds. Moon
reflections have been used in some experiments, but require impractical power levels.
The original FM radio service in the U.S. was the Yankee Network, located in New
England.[17][18][19] Regular FM broadcasting began in 1939, but did not pose a significant threat to the
AM broadcasting industry. It required purchase of a special receiver. The frequencies used, 42 to
50 MHz, were not those used today. The change to the current frequencies, 88 to 108 MHz, began
after the end of World War II, and was to some extent imposed by AM broadcasters as an attempt to
cripple what was by now realized to be a potentially serious threat.
FM radio on the new band had to begin from the ground floor. As a commercial venture it remained
a little-used audio enthusiasts' medium until the 1960s. The more prosperous AM stations, or their
owners, acquired FM licenses and often broadcast the same programming on the FM station as on
the AM station ("simulcasting"). The FCC limited this practice in the 1960s. By the 1980s, since
almost all new radios included both AM and FM tuners, FM became the dominant medium,
especially in cities. Because of its greater range, AM remained more common in rural environments.
Pirate radio[edit]