WW 10.12.14
WW 10.12.14
WW 10.12.14
Dear Parents,
This weeks key message has to be an enormous thank you for all the support demonstrated from
parents that generously donated gifts and their time towards making the Christmas Fair a success. We
raised 1784.92 in profit on the day. To add to this, the PTA raised 156.20 at the Halloween Craft and
605 at the Halloween Disco. This support, which raises this amount of money this term, makes a
considerable difference to the school. On behalf of the school and the PTA, I am most grateful!
This was a lovely event, which was well attended by many of our parents and children. Many prizes were to be won.
The first few raffle prize winners are listed below.
I would like to ask for your support in ensuring that all children in the junior classes attend this event.
Like last year, I hope that it will be a really beautiful event that should last around 30-40 minutes. Children should
arrive at St Marys and St Benedicts Church at 5.45pm, ready to start for 6pm.
This week will be the last week of clubs until after Christmas. School clubs will recommence on the second week of
term after the Christmas break. This will not apply to Jujitsu as this is expected to begin on the first week back.
We are looking forward to seeing the progress made by our Year 4 children after their first term of learning a brass
instrument. Guitarists learning with Mr Bell will also be playing and parents of children performing are most welcome
to join with us and enjoy this assembly. Please complete the slip below if you wish to attend so that we can plan for
seating you during the assembly.
On Thursday 11 December, our Year 5 children have been invited to attend a production of Bugsy Malone at Priory
Academy one of our feeder schools. Children will require a packed lunch to eat before they set off. Those that
normally eat a school dinner will have a packed lunch provided for them unless you contact us. The children are
expected to depart school at 12.15pm and return at approximately 3.30pm (traffic allowing).
Just a quick reminder to all parents to ensure when sending any money into school it is in a sealed envelope with your
childs name class and is labelled clearly with the purpose e.g. dinner money/swimming donation. Any money or reply
slips can be posted into any of our grey secure boxes located around school. Small brown envelopes with the school
stamp can be purchased from the office, 50p for 25 envelopes. Please do not give this money into the office, all
money and reply slips needs to be posted into one of the grey secure boxes. Thank you
Congratulations to our Super Pupils from last week:
Bison Class - Cieran
Manatee Class - Millie
Falcon Class Harrison
Eagle Class Kian
Jaguar Class Charlotte
Leopard Class - Laura
Loris Class Caitlin
Kakapo Class - Zach
Gorilla Class Evie
Orangutan Class Alex
Elephant Class Matthew
Rhinoceros Class Zak
Yours sincerely,
C. Shields
11th December
15th December
16th December
17 December
18 December
19 December
5 January
School closes at 1.15pm for Christmas holidays Christmas Jumpers can be worn today!
School re-opens