Electricity Statement Meter Readings: Your Account Balance Is

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Date of Bill
7 January 2010 Any questions?
This is not a tax invoice
Call us on
0845 302 4327
We're open Monday to Friday
8.00am until 8.00pm and Saturday
FXRB K Mr Erik Ribsskog 8.00am until 6.00pm.
Flat 3, 5 Account number
Leather Lane
Liverpool q 0123 7328 9370
L2 2AE

Electricity statement
For electricity supplied to Flat 3, 5, Leather Lane, Liverpool, , L2 2AE
Date of this statement 7 January 2010
Questions? The last page of this statement includes answers to questions we are frequently asked
Your Tesco Clubcard Points This statement you have earned 104 Points for payments made.

Meter readings
Latest electricity readings 15769 on your Normal rate and 30286 on your Normal rate.
Both estimated on 7 January 2010.
About the latest readings We have estimated your latest meter readings based on the last
readings we received on 15 December 2009.

Your account balance is £121.68 in debit

What this means As you pay by Direct Debit, we will carry your balance forward to your next
statement. We regularly review how much you are paying to make sure it is the right
amount and will let you know if it needs to change.

See the
back for a

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Contacting us
Total £ Any questions? Call us on
0845 302 4327
28 September 2009 Payment received - thank you 53.00 CR Go to eonenergy.com to email us and for
28 October 2009 Payment received - thank you 53.00 CR FAQs.
Write to E.ON, Customer Service Centre,
30 November 2009 Payment received - thank you 53.00 CR PO Box 7750, Nottingham, NG1 6WR.
29 December 2009 Payment received - thank you 53.00 CR Minicom 0800 056 6560 textphone suitable
for deaf customers.
Total payments = 212.00 CR Moving home? You can read your meter up to
five days before you move and call us on
0845 303 3020.
For training purposes, we may record calls from
104 Tesco Clubcard points earned on this bill time to time.

We have changed the Terms and Conditions for earning Tesco Our commitment to you
Clubcard points. Details can be found at eonenergy.com/Tesco. If we ever fail to give you the high standards of
service you expect from us, please call us so we can
put things right.
Step 1 Call our specialist Complaint Advisors on

Readings and charges

0845 300 6301 to discuss your complaint.
Step 2 If they are unable to resolve your complaint,
please ask to speak to a manager.
Step 3 We would very much hope that your
complaint will have been resolved by this stage,
ElectricityOnline Extra Saver 14 plan Total £ however please contact the dedicated team at our
Directors' Office on 0845 302 4340 , or email
Readings DirectorofCustomerService@eonenergy.com or
write to our Customer Service Director at E.ON,
Meter number HB02J00332 PO Box 9069, Nottingham, NG1 9BU .
Normal p revious 14840 read by you on 9 September 2009 If you have followed each of the above three steps
and we have still not managed to resolve your
Normal m id period 15520 read by you on 15 December 2009 complaint within 8 weeks, you can contact the
Energy Ombudsman on 0330 440 1624.
Normal c urrent 15769 estimated on 7 January 2010
929 Normal kWh (kilowatt-hours) used To get a large print,
Normal p revious 27750 read by you on 9 September 2009 talking or Braille bill
Normal m id period 29730 read by you on 15 December 2009 call 0800 051 2193.
Normal c urrent 30286 estimated on 7 January 2010
2536 Normal kWh (kilowatt-hours) used Emergencies
Power cut? 0845 272 2424
Charges 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Normal primary units used 296 kWh at 23.87p each 70.66 Your electricity distributor is: MANWEB plc, Manweb House,
Chester Business Park, Chester, CH4 9RF
Normal secondary units used 3169 kWh at 9p each 285.21
Smell gas? 0800 111 999
Online Discount 38.08 CR
Your supply number
Sub total of charges before VAT = 317.79
02 811 111
VAT @ 5.0% on £317.79 15.89 S 13 0005 1582 063

Total charges including VAT = 333.68 Other information

For clear, practical consumer advice, contact
Total payments 212.00 CR Consumer Direct 0845 404 0506
Account balance You are in debit = 121.68
CR = credit amount

E.ON Energy Limited Registered Office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8LG. Registered in England & Wales, No: 3407430.
Any questions?
Call us on
0845 302 4327
We're open Monday to Friday
8.00am until 8.00pm and Saturday
Page 3 of 4 8.00am until 6.00pm.

Account number
q 0123 7328 9370

Answering your questions

? Why do I sometimes have a credit balance?
You pay the same amount each month, but you use more electricity and
gas in the winter than you do in summer. This means that you will
normally build up a credit during summer, which you will use up during

? Do I need to do anything if I have not had a final bill from my old

If you have not received a final bill from your old electricity or gas
supplier, please make sure you have given them your final meter
readings. They should send your final bill within 28 days of receiving the
meter readings. If you do not receive this, please contact them to
ensure they are closing your account.

? I think my bill is incorrect: what should I do?

If you think your bill is incorrect, please first check that it is based on
actual, rather than estimated, meter readings. If the bill is based on
estimated readings, please send us your own meter readings by calling
us on 0845 302 4327, or by going to eonenergy.com
If you think there is something else wrong with your bill, please call us
on 0845 302 4327.

? Why do E.ON use estimated readings?

If we cannot obtain readings for your property - perhaps because you
were out when the meter reader called - then we will generate an
estimated reading. We base estimated readings on how you have used
electricity or gas in the past. All electricity and gas companies in the UK
use estimated readings when they cannot obtain actual readings.

? What happens if I send in my own readings?

If you send us your own readings just before we are due to send you a
bill, we will use them on your bill.
If you send us your own readings and we are not due to send you a bill,
we will use your readings to improve the accuracy of your bills because
the readings will give us a better picture of how much electricity and
gas you use.
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