RFID Lesson
RFID Lesson
RFID Lesson
Welcome to your first free lesson in RFID basics. If you know of someone who you think would
like to take this course please send them the URL for SkyRFID http://www.SkyRFID.com rather than send this lesson as we are continuously updating this
information based on your feedback. We hope by the end of lesson six, you will have a good
basic understanding of RFID, its strengths and its weaknesses. Additional in depth On Site and
Web technical courses are available from SkyRFID, please check our web site for further
Now on to RFID!
433 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz are active technologies with long range capabilities of
between 50 meters and 500 meters or more. Due to the nature of these technologies we
will not really discuss them in these courses.
Many of these
belong to the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands which were
originally reserved internationally for the use of RF energy for industrial, scientific and medical
purposes other than communication. The ISM bands typically do not require any licensing to
operate in these bands. Note: some countries will not allow some ISM bands at all.
Antennas are tuned to resonate only to a narrow range of carrier frequencies that are
centred on the designated RFID system frequency. This means that a system with a carrier
wave of 915 MHz.(centre of 902 ~ 928 MHz.) will not read a tag at 13.56 MHz., 125 kHz.
Frequencies or 2.45 GHz. However it may be able to read an 868 MHz. tag if the tag is EPC
Gen 2. More about this later.
RFID systems use the decibel (dB) to describe antenna gain, cables losses and power
output for all hardware specifications and regulations. There are different regulations for
different frequencies in different countries that must be taken into consideration when
designing, installing and maintaining an RFID system.
The wrong power selection has serious legal and health implications!
The Decibel is a ratio between two signal strength levels and is a 10th of a Bel. Bel is named
after Alexander Graham Bell (hence the letter B is capitalized). Incidentally Bell invented the
telephone as well as numerous other inventions. These calculations are "logarithmic scale
measurements" so they use the logarithm of a physical quantity instead of the quantity itself!
dB is also a logarithmic measurement and gives simple numbers for large-scale variations in
signal strength. This is very useful as you can easily calculate the RFID system gain and
losses by adding and subtracting whole numbers.
dB=10*log (P2/P1)
The dB unit allows big variations in signal strengths/levels to be handled with simple
The Radio Frequency POWER LEVEL is expressed in watts or in dBm. dBm refers to the
power in decibel referenced to one milliwatt (1mW). The relation between dBm and watts is
given by the formula:
The value 30 dBm = 1.0 Watt should be remembered for future use.
Refraction bending the EM waves when it passes through media such as water,
plastic, and other materials that have different refractive indexes.
Passive tags have no batteries and rely on the electromagnetic wave from the reader to build
up enough power in the tags integrated circuit to send back the UID response to the reader.
Passive RFID tags and readers communicate by coupling the transmitter to the receiver using:
Load Modulation in the near field (close range) is used in LF, HF and some UHF
Backscatter is used in the far field (longer range) for UHF and Microwave
In near field communication the tag communicates with the reader by electromagnetic
inductance. The coiled antennas of the tag and reader form a transformer. The reader uses
the carrier wave and changes the amplitude (displacement/size), phase or frequency. The tag
detects this as a change in modulation and responds appropriately.
In far field communication backscatter is used. Backscatter is the reflection of the radio
frequency wave when it hits a conductive surface. The amount of energy reflected depends on
how well the surface resonates with the frequency on the wave.
Resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at a certain
frequency. Similar to when you pick a guitar string, the string and the sound box of the guitar
resonates its not just the string that is making the sound the whole system resonates!
The tag antenna is designed to resonate with the specific carrier frequency of the
designated system. This is why 125 kHz. tags can not be read by 134.2 kHz. readers even
though the frequencies are very close.
In far field communication UHF tags can be specifically tuned to resonate depending on the
type of material that they are attached to. Hence you can now have Pallet tags for wood or
plastic, metal tags for metal bins, metal tags for computer hardware, glass tags for vehicle
windshields, plastic tags for plastic, etc..
The UHF tag can be tuned so that when you attach it to the material it is designed for you get
maximum resonance! So checking a tag read rate and distance without the tag being
mounted to the material will not provide correct information.
In the UHF tags passive backscatter is used to transmit data between the reader and the
tag. Part of the electromagnetic wave is used to power the IC (Integrated Circuit) in the tag
and the reflected part (backscatter) is used to communicate with the reader.
*** Since the release of the new Gen 2 EPC standards there are numerous manufacturers that
have researched and successfully developed tags for use on bottled liquids, bottled gases,
inside laptop computers, inside cell phones, and more! What was fact six months ago in
constraints has now been broken. You can even have a high temperature tag for use in an
oven that still works after it has been heated over and over again. Gen 2 EPC is continuously
evolving with new improved tags and hardware being introduced on a regular basis.
Communication Methods
There are multiple methods of communicating data between the reader and tags. It is not the intent of
this course to get into these details as it would be longer than the entire 6 lessons.
However the short version is as follows:
There are numerous ways to communicate depending on whether it is a near field or far field system.
Near field systems such as the 125 and 134.2 kHz. systems use different modulation, phase shifting and
encoding schemes to communicate data. These systems are either proprietary for security or
standardized for interoperability. For interoperability the main methods of communication are Half
Duplex and Full Duplex. Full Duplex is faster but requires more power. We will cover off more about the
125 and 134.2 kHz. in a later lesson.
The other near field system 13.56 MHz. has been designed to be used for maximum security applications
and as such the method of communication is dependant on the IC (Integrated Circuit) used and also the
method of encoding. 13.56 MHz. tags have much more capabilities in terms of memory storage,
security, multiple read write capabilities, anti - collision and more.
The far field UHF generally uses spread spectrum frequency hopping technologies plus various encryption
methodologies to communicate between the reader and the tag. How UHF operates is governed by
regulations in most countries.
Directional Antenna
An antenna that has High Gain or more attenuation will provide more power to the tag if the
tag is in the direction of the antennas main beam. With directional antennas the gain focuses
energy in one direction instead of radiating it equally in all directions like an isotropic antenna.
Higher gain antennas also collect received power more effectively in the direction of the main
Read this lesson at least once today, once again tomorrow and once again in 7 days and you will
remember most of this for the rest of your life!
Standards Organizations
National Standards
Each of the aforementioned entities can and usually does have sub organizations that
represent specific arenas or markets specific to RFID technology.
Suffice to say that when you are looking to design and install an RFID system you must be
aware of all of the International, Federal, Local and other regulations and standards or you
may have a system that gets shut down by the enforcers and you incur legal charges. Even
worse you sustain permanent damage to your health!
Types of Standards
Hardware requirements
Host interface
Air interface
Data syntax, structure and content
Conformance - read rate, test procedures, print quality, compliance specifications
Application standards labelling, package, numbering, master labelling, etc.
Generically speaking ISO RFID standards cover all of the above for many types of RFID
systems and applications. ISO is a good starting point to use to discover if your intended
application has standards that must be used.
ISO 18000
For many years in RFID there were no unifying or unilateral standards until late 2006. The
change in product availability, quality, application specific and price has changed dramatically
with ISO 18000 and EPC Gen 2 Global standards. More manufacturers are entering the market
and forcing the competition to reduce pricing.
ISO 18000 covers 5 RFID air interface frequencies:
As per lesson one, multiple frequencies are required in RFID as the different frequencies are
absorbed, reflected, refracted and have different read ranges.
ISO 18000 - 1 provides the generic parameters for all globally accepted RFID frequencies.
ISO 18000 2 is for Type A, 125 kHz. using full duplex (FDX) and Type B 134.2 kHz.
supporting half duplex (HDX)
ISO 18000 3 is for 13.56 MHz. and has 2 non-interoperable modes of operation and both of
these modes require a license from the owner of the Intellectual Property.
ISO 18000 4 for 2.45 GHz. also has 2 modes of operation - one for passive mode where the
reader talks first and one for active mode where the tag talks first. Passive mode is under 1 M
or 3 feet and active mode has 100 times more range.
ISO 18000 6 is for 860 ~ 960 MHz and allows for the use of different frequencies in different
regions throughout the world. Versions A & B accommodate a wide range of applications and
Version C is for UHF Gen 2 (Generation 2 Global)
ISO 18000 7 for the active 433 MHz range has very narrow usage and is currently used by
the DoD of the United States for container tracking and the Universal Postal Union. This
frequency has a very long range of hundreds of feet and is very high in cost partially due to
the low number of implementations.
Finally we get to near the end of this lesson!
EPCglobal and GS1
EPC = Electronic Product Code - every product made in the world today can have it's own
unique EPC. Bar Codes were the precursors to EPC
EPCglobal is a neutral consensus based, not for profit organization and has a joint venture with
GS1 organizations around the world.
EPCglobal was established to create a worldwide real-time visibility of objects in the supply
chain. It is used by a broad range of industries to optimize their supply chain efficiency.
EPC Gen 2 is the new standard in supply chain management and provides for goods
manufactured to have an Electronic Product Code (EPC) encoded in a tag that can be read in
any country using the ISO 18000 6 standard.
Since North America uses 915 MHz as an RFID standard and Europe uses 868 MHz as a
standard, an EPC tag must be capable of being read by both 868 MHz. and 915 MHz. readers.
Gen 2 is 96 bits or more but the first 96 bits are for the EPC. While the actual physical number
of bits is larger than 96 they are exclusively set aside for specific standards such as password,
kill code, and more. Yes, Kill code! Under EPC Gen 2 there are specific bits that when
addressed make the tag unreadable and unusable forever. This was implemented to reduce
the privacy issues raised by the global community. EPC 96 bits is 24 characters of
EPC Gen 2 tags are advancing technologically and now you can have a 128 to 512 bit EPC
memory. You can also have user memory of up to 512 bits.
End of Lesson 3
Region 1 Europe, Africa, Middle East (west of the Persian Gulf), former Soviet Union
Region 2 North and South America
Region 3 Asia, Middle East (East of the Persian Gulf), Australia and Oceania.
For the UHF 860 ~ 960 MHz. currently there are multiple Frequency Regulations in effect,
hence the EPCglobal Gen 2 standard.
Please note that within the MHz. zones there are the ITU regulations that can supersede the
UHF standards plus ERP and EIRP regulations are used in many of the different countries that
can differ between the UHF and ITU zones.
In short each country can have specific sub regulations on the power, frequencies,
channels and sub-bands used within their physical boundaries.
When providing any RFID system it is always best to review all of the current regulations
applicable to ensure legality of the system even though the tag may be read by all locations.
Frequencies above 100 kHz can have a warming effect on the human body.
Frequencies under 10 MHz can have effects on the central nervous system due to
electric current flow in the human body.
Safe dosimetric parameter for exposure to RF fields is 0.4W/kg for controlled exposure
and 0.08 W/kg for uncontrolled exposure.
Access control buildings, departments, rooms, jail cells, gates, cabinets, containers
Animal/livestock management
Amusement park
Cashless payment systems
Document management
Event management and access control
Evidence management
Cashless payment
Garment rentals
Jewellery management
Laundry and flatware service
Library and video store
Mining - who is in the mine, where are they in the mine
Patient tracking
Equipment tracking
Services tracking
Medication tracking
Controlled substance tracking
Uniform cleaning
Raw Materials
Work in process tracking
Quality assurance
Finished Goods
Transportation Management
Supply chain
Anything that has value and can be picked up by someone
Service industry
Lot control
When you review the potential applications that we have presented for you, hopefully you will
be able to add a lot more to the list of where RFID has benefits.
Bar Code provided accuracy and real time data collection which improved efficiencies and
reduced costs for many businesses.
RFID provides visibility which will reduce shrinkage/theft, reduce and eliminate time
to Find something and also increase readability rates dirt does not affect the RFID
tag the way a Bar Code becomes unreadable.
Benefits of RFID
Commodity item
The IC has a strap and two conducting pads that are connected to an antenna
For Gen 2 the ICs are mass produced onto a backing that enables high speed
conversion into inlays (inlets), labels or packaging materials.
The antenna is the largest part of the tag and affects the overall size of the tag.
Substrate is the material that holds the IC, strap and antenna together on the tag and
the inlays.
The inlay is a sub-assembly of an IC, antenna and substrate and is used to embed into
labels or form part of a finished tag
A tag has the prior components plus can have substrate on both sides and an adhesive
on one side.
Encapsulated tags are tags with their inlays encapsulated in an RF friendly
material. This is done for protection against the environment, tuning for the material to
be attached to, tamper prevention, implementation management and aesthetics.
Multiple ICs of different frequencies can be combined in a single form factor for
multiple application usage.
Tags can take many form factors
Patient bands
Glass tags
Keychain tags
Heat resistant tags
Metallic tags
Container tags
Epoxy tags
Embedded in products or packaging
Animal tags
Gen 2 Button
Encapsulated Tag
To see other types of tags please go to our web site Http://www.SkyRFID.com and view the
products page. There are samples of all types of tags that we have discussed.