This section explains how to use and combine the various data types supported by Tableau. In
addition, this section discusses how to format and use the building blocks of formulas in
Tableau. These parts include literal expressions, functions, and operators.
All of these features are important to understand when you create custom fields such as
Data Types
Formatting Literals
Data Types
Tableau supports string, date/datetime, number, and boolean data types. These data types are
automatically handled in the proper fashion. However, if you create calculated fields of your
own, you need to be aware of how to use and combine the different data types in formulas. For
example, you cannot add a string to a number. Also, many functions that are available to you
when you define a calculation only work when they are applied to specific data types. For
example, the DATEPART() function can accept only a date/datetime data type as an argument. So,
you can write DATEPART('year',#April 15,2004#) and expect a valid result: 2004. You
cannot write DATEPART('year',"Tom Sawyer") and expect a valid result. In fact, this example
returns an error because "Tom Sawyer" is a string, not a date/datetime.
Although Tableau will attempt to fully validate all calculations, some data type errors cannot be
found until the query is run against the database. These issues appear as error dialogs at the time
of the query rather than in the calculation dialog box.
The data types supported by Tableau are described below. Refer to Type Conversion to learn
about converting from one data type to another.
A sequence of zero or more characters. For example, "Wisconsin", "ID-44400", and "Tom
Sawyer" are all strings. Strings are recognized by single or double quotes. The quote character
itself can be included in a string by repeating it. For example, O''Hanrahan.
A date or a datetime. For example "January 23, 1972" or "January 23, 1972 12:32:00
AM". If you would like a date written in long-hand style to be interpreted as a a date/datetime,
place the # sign on either side of it. For instance, January 23, 1972 is treated as a string data
type but #January 23, 1972# is treated as a date/datetime data type.
A field that contains the values TRUE or FALSE. An unknown value arises when the result of a
comparison is unknown. For example, the expression 7 > Null yields unknown. Unknown
booleans are automatically converted to Null
Formatting Literals
When you are using functions you will sometimes want to use literal expressions to represent
numbers, strings, dates, and more. A literal expression signifies a constant value that is
represented as is. For example, you may have a function where your input is a date. Rather
then just type May 1, 2005, which would be interpreted a a string, you would type #May 1,
2005#, which is equivalent to using a date function to convert the argument from a string to a
date (refer to Date Functions ). You can use numeric, string, date, boolean, and Null literals. The
way to format each of these literals is described below.
Numeric Literals
A numeric literal is written exactly like you usually write numbers. If you want to input the
number one as a numeric literal you would type 1. Subsequently, if you want to input the number
3.1415 as a numeric literal you would type 3.1415.
String Literals
A string literal can be written either using single quotations or double quotations. If your string
has a single or double quotation within it, simply type the symbol twice. For example, if you
wanted to input the string cat as a string literal you could type cat or cat. Additionally, if
you want to type the string Shes my friend. as a string literal you could type Shes my
friend. or Shes my friend.
Date Literals
Date literals are signified by the pound symbol (#). If you wanted to input the date August 22,
2005 as a literal date you would type #August 22, 2005#.
Boolean Literals
Boolean literals are written as either true or false. If you wanted to input true as a boolean
literal you would type true.
Null Literals
Null literals are written simply as Null. If you wanted to input Null as a Null literal you would
type Null.
The calculation functions are grouped into categories. These are the same categories used in the
Calculation dialog box. The aggregate functions such as sum, average, and so on are described in
Number Functions
String Functions
Date Functions
Type Conversion
Logical Functions
Aggregate Functions
Pass-Through Functions (RAWSQL)
User Functions
Table Calculation Functions
Number Functions
Returns the absolute value of the given number.
ABS(-7) = 7
ABS([Budget Variance])
The second example returns the absolute value for all the numbers contained in the Budget
Variance field.
Returns the arc cosine of the given number. The result is in radians.
ACOS(-1) = 3.14159265358979
Returns the arc sine of a given number. The result is in radians.
ASIN(1) = 1.5707963267949
Returns the arc tangent of a given number. The result is in radians.
ATAN(180) = 1.5652408283942
ATAN2(2, 1) = 1.10714871779409
Returns the cosine of an angle. Specify the angle in radians.
COS(PI( ) /4) = 0.707106781186548
Returns the cotangent of an angle. Specify the angle in radians.
COT(PI( ) /4) = 1
Converts a given number in radians to degrees.
DEGREES(PI( )/4) = 45.0
Returns e raised to the power of the given number.
EXP(2) = 7.389
EXP(-[Growth Rate]*[Time])
Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Returns Null if number is less than or equal to 0.
LOG(number [, base])
Returns the logarithm of a number for the given base. If the base value is omitted, base 10 is
MAX(number, number)
Returns the maximum of the two arguments, which must be of the same type. Returns Null if
either argument is Null. MAX can also be applied to a single field in an aggregate calculation.
MAX([First Name],[Last Name])
MIN(number, number)
Returns the minimum of the two arguments, which must be of the same type. Returns Null if
either argument is Null. MIN can also be applied to a single field in an aggregate calculation.
MIN([First Name],[Last Name])
PI( )
Returns the numeric constant pi: 3.14159.
POWER(number, power)
Raises the number to the specified power.
POWER(5,2) = 52 = 25
POWER(Temperature, 2)
5^2 = POWER(5,2) = 25
Radians (number)
Converts the given number from degrees to radians.
RADIANS(180) = 3.14159
ROUND(number, [decimals])
Rounds numbers to a specified number of digits. The decimals argument specifies how many
decimal points of precision to include in the final result, and it is not required. If decimals is
omitted, number is rounded to the nearest integer.
Note that some databases such as MS SQL Server, allow specification of a negative length,
where -1 rounds number to 10's, -2 rounds to 100's, and so on. This is not true of all databases to
which you can connect. For example, it is not true of Excel or Access.
Returns the sign of a number: The possible return values are -1 if the number is negative, 0 if the
number is zero, or 1 if the number is positive.
Returns the sine of an angle. Specify the angle in radians.
SIN(0) = 1.0SIN(PI( )/4) = 0.707106781186548
Returns the square root of a number.
SQRT(25) = 5
Returns the square of a number.
SQUARE(5) = 25
Returns the tangent of an angle. Specify the angle in radians..
TAN(PI ( )/4) = 1.0
Returns the expression if it is not null, otherwise returns zero. Use this function to use zero
values instead of null values.
ZN([Profit]) = [Profit]
String Functions
Return the ASCII code for the first character of string.
ASCII('A') = 65
Returns the character encoded by the ASCII code number.
CHAR(65) = 'A'
Contains(string, substring)
Returns true if the given string contains the specified substring.
CONTAINS(Calculation, alcu) = true
ENDSWITH(string, substring)
Returns true if the given string ends with the specified substring. Trailing white spaces are
ENDSWITH(Tableau, leau) = true
LEFT(string, number)
Returns the left-most number of characters in the string.
LEFT("Matador", 4) = "Mata"
Returns the length of the string.
LEN("Matador") = 7
Returns string, with all characters lowercase.
LOWER("ProductVersion") = "productversion"
Returns the string with any leading spaces removed.
LTRIM(" Matador ") = "Matador "
MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of a and b (which must be of the same type). This function is usually used
to compare numbers, but also works on strings. With strings, MAX finds the value that is highest
in the sort sequence defined by the database for that column. It returns Null if either argument is
MAX ("Apple","Banana") = "Banana"
MID("Calculation", 2) = "alculation"
MID("Calculation", 2, 5) ="alcul"
MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of a and b (which must be of the same type). This function is usually used
to compare numbers, but also works on strings. With strings, MIN finds the value that is lowest in
the sort sequence. It returns Null if either argument is Null.
MIN ("Apple","Banana") = "Apple"
RIGHT(string, number)
Returns the right-most number of characters in string.
RIGHT("Calculation", 4) = "tion"
Returns string with any trailing spaces removed.
RTRIM(" Calculation ") = " Calculation"
Returns a string that is composed of the specified number of repeated spaces.
SPACE(1) = " "
STARTSWITH(string, substring)
Returns true if string stars with substring. Leading white spaces are ignored.
STARTSWITH(Joker, Jo) = true
Returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed. For example, TRIM(" Calculation
") = "Calculation"
Returns string, with all characters uppercase.
UPPER("Calculation") = "CALCULATION"
Date Functions
Tableau provides a variety of date functions. Many of the examples use the # symbol with date
expressions. See Formatting Literals for an explanation of this symbol. Additionally, many date
functions use date_part, which is a constant string argument. The valid date_part values that
you can use are:
Four-digit year
This expression adds three months to the date #April 15, 2004#, and results in #July 15,
The first expression returns 1 because when start_of_week is 'monday', then September 22 (a
Sunday) and September 24 (a Tuesday) are in different weeks. The second expression returns 2
because when start_of_week is 'sunday' then September 22 (a Sunday) and September 24 (a
Tuesday) are in the same week.
DATEPARSE(format, string)
Converts a string to a datetime in the specified format. Support for some locale specific formats
is determined by the computer's system settings. Letters that appear in the data and do not need
to be parsed should be surrounded by single quotes (' '). For formats that do not have delimiters
between values (e.g., MMddyy), verify that they are parsed as expected. The format must be a
constant string, not a field value. Returns Null if the data does not match the format.
This function is available for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Tableau Data Extract
connections only. Some formats may not be available for all connections.
DATEPARSE ("dd.MMMM.yyyy", "15.April.2004") = #April 15, 2004#
DATEPARSE ("h'h' m'm' s's'", "10h 5m 3s") = #10:05:03#
Refer to the Understanding the DATEPARSE Function knowledge base article for more
Returns the day of the given date as an integer.
DAY(#April 12, 2005#) = 12
Returns true if a given string is a valid date.
ISDATE("April 15, 2004") = = true
MAKEDATETIME(date, time)
Returns a datetime that combines a date and a time. The date can be a date, datetime, or a string
type. The time must be a datetime. This function is available only for MySQL connections.
MAKEDATETIME("1899-12-30", #07:59:00#) = #12/30/1899 7:59:00 AM#
MAKEDATETIME([Date], [Time]) = #1/1/2001 6:00:00 AM#
Returns the month of the given date as an integer.
MONTH(#April 12, 2005#) = 4
NOW( )
Returns the current date and time.
NOW( ) = #5/10/2006 1:08:21 PM#
Returns the current date.
TODAY( ) = #5/10/2006#
YEAR (date)
Returns the year of the given date as an integer.
YEAR(#April 12, 2005#) = 2005
Type Conversion
The result of any expression in a calculation can be converted to a specific data type. The
conversion functions are STR(), DATE(), DATETIME(), INT(), and FLOAT(). For example, if you
want to cast a floating point number like 3.14 as an integer, you could write INT(3.14). The
result would be 3, which is an integer. The casting functions are described below.
A boolean can be cast to an integer, float, or string, It cannot be cast to a date. True is 1, 1.0, or
1, while False is 0, 0.0 or 0. Unknown maps to Null.
Returns a date given a number, string, or date expression.
DATE([Employee Start Date])
DATE("April 15, 2004") = #April 15, 2004#
DATE(#2006-06-15 14:52#) = #2006-06-15#
Returns a datetime given a number, string, or date expression.
DATETIME(April 15, 2005 07:59:00) = April 15, 2005 07:59:00
Casts its argument as a floating point number.
= 3.000
Casts its argument as an integer. For expressions, this function truncates results to the closest
integer toward zero.
= -9
When a string is converted to an integer it is first converted to a float and then rounded.
Casts its argument as a string.
takes all of the values in the measure called Age and converts them to strings.
Logical Functions
If you need to include numeric comparisons in your conditions, use a nested IF clause. The
CASE function compares strings only. For example, suppose you want to break the values of the
Sales field into three custom categories: one for sales less than 200, one for sales between 200
and 300, and one for sales between 300 and 400. The formula would be:
IF [Sales] < 200 THEN "Low" ELSEIF [Sales] < 300 THEN "Medium" ELSEIF [Sales]
< 400 THEN "High" ELSE "NULL" END
IIF(7>5, "Seven is greater than five", "Seven is less than five")
IIF([Cost]>[Budget Cost], "Over Budget", "Under Budget")
IIF([Budget Sales]!=0,[Sales]/[Budget Sales],0)
IIF(Sales>=[Budget Sales], "Over Cost Budget and Over Sales Budget", "Over
Cost Budget and Under Sales Budget","Under Cost Budget")
IF test THEN value END / IF test THEN value ELSE else END
Use the IF THEN ELSE function to perform logical tests and return appropriate values. The IF
THEN ELSE function evaluates a sequence of test conditions and returns the value for the first
condition that is true. If no condition is true, the ELSE value is returned. Each test must be a
boolean: either be a boolean field in the data source or the result of a logical expression. The
final ELSE is optional, but if it is not provided and there is no true test expression, then the
function returns Null. All of the value expressions must be of the same type.
IF [Cost]>[Budget Cost] THEN "Over Budget" ELSE "Under Budget" END
IF [Budget Sales]!=0 THEN [Sales]/[Budget Sales] END
IF test1 THEN value1 ELSEIF test2 THEN value2 ELSE else END
Use this version of the IF function to perform logical tests recursively. There is no built-in limit
to the number of ELSEIFvalues you can use with an IF function, though individual databases
may impose a limit on IF function complexity. While an IF function can be rewritten as a series
of nested IIF statements, there are differences in how the expressions will be evaluated. In
particular, an IIF statement distinguishes TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN, whereas an IF
statement only worries about TRUE and not true (which includes both FALSE and
IF [Region]="West" THEN 1 ELSEIF [Region]="East" THEN 2 ELSE 3 END
IFNULL(expression1, expression2)
The IFNULL function returns the first expression if the result is not null, and returns the second
expression if it is null.
IFNULL([Proft], 0) = [Profit]
The ISDATE function returns TRUE if the string argument can be converted to a date and FALSE
if it cannot.
ISDATE("January 1, 2003") = TRUE
ISDATE("Jan 1 2003") = TRUE
ISDATE("1/1/03") = TRUE
ISDATE("Janxx 1 2003") = FALSE
The ISNULL function returns TRUE if the expression is Null and FALSE if it is not.
MIN(expression) or MIN(expression1,expression2)
The MIN function returns the minimum of an expression across all records or the minimum of
two expressions for each record.
Aggregate Functions
Aggregations and floating-point arithmetic: The results of some aggregations may not always
be exactly as expected. For example, you may find that the Sum function returns a value such as
-1.42e-14 for a column of numbers that you know should sum to exactly 0. This happens because
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 754 floating-point standard requires
that numbers be stored in binary format, which means that numbers are sometimes rounded at
extremely fine levels of precision. You can eliminate this potential distraction by using the
ROUND function (see Number Functions) or by formatting the number to show fewer decimal
Returns the value of the expression if it has a single value for all rows. Otherwise returns an
asterisk. Null values are ignored.
Returns the average of all the values in the expression. AVG can be used with numeric fields
only. Null values are ignored.
Returns the number of items in a group. Null values are not counted.
Returns the number of distinct items in a group. Null values are not counted. This function is not
available if you are connected to MS Excel, MS Access, or a text file. You can extract your data
into an extract file to gain this functionality. See Extracting Data.
Returns the maximum of an expression across all records. If the expression is a string value, this
function returns the last value where last is defined by alphabetical order.
Returns the median of an expression across all records. Median can only be used with numeric
fields. Null values are ignored. This function is not available if you are connected to MS Excel,
MS Access, or a text file. You can extract your data into an extract file to gain this functionality.
See Extracting Data.
Returns the minimum of an expression across all records. If the expression is a string value, this
function returns the first value where first is defined by alphabetical order.
PERCENTILE(expression, number)
Returns the percentile value from the given expression corresponding to the specified
number.The number must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive)for example, 0.66, and must be a
numeric constant. This function is available for extracts, Sybase IQ 15.1 (and higher) data
sources, and Oracle 10 (and higher) data sources. You can extract your data into an extract file to
gain this functionality. See Extracting Data.
Returns the statistical standard deviation of all values in the given expression based on a sample
of the population.
Returns the statistical standard deviation of all values in the given expression based on a biased
Returns the sum of all values in the expression. SUM can be used with numeric fields only. Null
values are ignored.
Returns the statistical variance of all values in the given expression based on a sample of the
Returns the statistical variance of all values in the given expression on the entire population.
RAWSQL Functions
The following RAWSQL functions are available in Tableau.
RAWSQL_BOOL(sql_expr, [arg1], [argN])
Returns a Boolean result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to
the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database
In the example, %1 is equal to [Sales] and %2 is equal to [Profit].
RAWSQL_BOOL(IIF( %1 > %2, True, False), [Sales], [Profit])
RAWSQL_DATE(sql_expr, [arg1], [argN])
Returns a Date result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to the
underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.
In this example, %1 is equal to [Order Date].
RAWSQL_DATE(%1, [Order Date])
Returns a Date and Time result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed
directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for
database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Delivery Date].
Example: RAWSQL_DATETIME(MIN(%1), [Delivery Date])
RAWSQL_INT(sql_expr, [arg1], [argN])
Returns an integer result from a given SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed directly to
the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database
values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales].
RAWSQL_INT(500 + %1, [Sales])
Returns a numeric result from a given SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying
database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this
example, %1 is equal to [Sales]
RAWSQL_REAL(-123.98 * %1, [Sales])
Returns a string from a given SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying database.
Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this example, %1
is equal to [Customer Name].
RAWSQL_STR(%1, [Customer Name])
Returns a Boolean result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed
directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for
database values.
In the example, %1 is equal to [Sales] and %2 is equal to [Profit].
Example: RAWSQLAGG_BOOL(SUM( %1) >SUM( %2), [Sales], [Profit])
RAWSQLAGG_DATE(sql_expr, [arg1], [argN])
Returns a Date result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed
directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for
database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Order Date].
RAWSQLAGG_DATE(MAX(%1), [Order Date])
Returns a Date and Time result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is
passed directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution
syntax for database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Delivery Date].
RAWSQLAGG_DATETIME(MIN(%1), [Delivery Date])
Returns an integer result from a given aggregate SQL expression. The SQL expression is passed
directly to the underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for
database values. In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales].
RAWSQLAGG_INT(500 + SUM(%1), [Sales])
Returns a numeric result from a given aggregate SQL expression that is passed directly to the
underlying database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values.
In this example, %1 is equal to [Sales]
Returns a string from a given aggregate SQL expression that is passed directly to the underlying
database. Use %n in the SQL expression as a substitution syntax for database values. In this
example, %1 is equal to [Customer Name].
RAWSQLAGG_STR(AVG(%1), [Discount])
User Functions
Use these user functions to create user filters based on user lists in your data source. For
example, assume you have a view that shows the sales performance for each employee. When
you publish that view, you may want to only allow employees to see their own sales numbers.
You can use the function CURRENTUSER to create a field that returns True if the username of
the person signed in to the server is the same as the employee name in the view. Then when you
filter the view using this calculated field, only the data for the user who is currently signed in is
Returns the name of the person currently using Tableau. This is the Tableau Server username if
user is signed in otherwise this function returns the Windows username. Use this function to
create calculations that are dependent on the current user.
[Manager]=FULLNAME( )
If the manager Dave Hallsten was signed in, this example would return True only if the Manager
field in the view contained Dave Hallsten. When used as a filter, this calculated field can be used
to create a user filter that only shows data that is relevant to the person signed in to the server.
Returns True if the full name of the person currently using Tableau matches the given string. The
full name for the person currently using Tableau is the Tableau Server or Tableau Online
username if the user is signed in, otherwise its the user's Windows username.
ISFULLNAME(Dave Hallsten)
This example returns true if Dave Hallsten is the current user, otherwise it returns false.
Returns true if the person currently using Tableau is a member of a group that matches the given
string. If the person currently using Tableau is signed in, the group membership is determined by
groups on Tableau Server. If the person is not signed in, this function returns false.
Returns True if the username of the person currently using Tableau matches the given string. The
username for the person currently using Tableau is the Tableau Server or Tableau Online
username if the user is signed in, otherwise its the Windows username.
This example returns true if dhallsten is the current user; otherwise it returns false.
Returns the domain for the person currently using Tableau. This is the Tableau Server domain if
the user is signed in; otherwise it is the Windows domain. Use this function in combination with
other user functions to create calculations that are dependent on the current user and domain.
[Manager]=USERNAME() AND [Domain]=USERDOMAIN()
Returns the username of the person currently using Tableau. This is the Tableau Server or
Tableau Online username if the user is signed in; otherwise this function returns the Windows
username. Use this function to create calculations that are dependent on the current user.
[Manager]=USERNAME( )
If the manager dhallsten was signed in, this function would only return True when the Manager
field in the view is dhallsten. When used as a filter this calculated field can be used to create a
user filter that only shows data that is relevant to the person signed in to the server.
Returns the number of rows from the current row to the first row in the partition. For example,
the view below shows quarterly sales. When FIRST() is computed within the Date partition, the
offset of the first row from the second row is -1.
Returns the index of the current row in the partition, without any sorting with regard to value.
The first row index starts at 1. For example, the table below shows quarterly sales. When
INDEX() is computed within the Date partition, the index of each row is 1, 2, 3, 4...etc.
Returns the number of rows from the current row to the last row in the partition. For example,
the table below shows quarterly sales. When LAST() is computed within the Date partition, the
offset of the last row from the second row is 5.
LOOKUP(expression, [offset])
Returns the value of the expression in a target row, specified as a relative offset from the current
row. Use FIRST() + n and LAST() - n as part of your offset definition for a target relative to the
first/last rows in the partition. If offset is omitted, the row to compare to can be set on the field
menu. This function returns NULL if the target row cannot be determined.
The view below shows quarterly sales. When LOOKUP (SUM(Sales), 2) is computed within the
Date partition, each row shows the sales value from 2 quarters into the future.
LOOKUP(SUM([Profit]), FIRST()+2)
Returns the value of this calculation in the previous row. Returns the given expression if the
current row is the first row of the partition.
Nulls are ignored in ranking functions. They are not numbered and they do not count against the
total number of records in percentile rank calculations.
For information on different ranking options, see .
The following image shows the effect of the various ranking functions (RANK, RANK_DENSE,
RANK_MODIFIED, RANK_PERCENTILE, and RANK_UNIQUE) on a set of values. The data
set contains information on 14 students (StudentA through StudentN); the Age column shows the
current age of each student (all students are between 17 and 20 years of age). The remaining
columns show the effect of each rank function on the set of age values.
Returns the running average of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the
current row.
The view below shows quarterly sales. When RUNNING_AVG(SUM([Sales]) is computed within
the Date partition, the result is a running average of the sales values for each quarter.
Returns the running count of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the
current row.
Returns the running maximum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the
current row.
Returns the running minimum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the
current row.
Returns the running sum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current
Returns the number of rows in the partition. For example, the view below shows quarterly sales.
Within the Date partition, there are seven rows so the Size() of the Date partition is 7.
SIZE() = 5
Returns a Boolean result from the specified R expression. The R expression is passed directly to
a running Rserve instance. Use .argn in the R expression to reference parameters (.arg1, .arg2,
The next example returns True for store IDs in Washington state, and False otherwise. This
example could be the definition for a calculated field titled IsStoreInWA.
SCRIPT_BOOL('grepl(".*_WA", .arg1, perl=TRUE)',ATTR([Store ID]))
Returns an integer result from the specified R expression. The R expression is passed directly to
a running Rserve instance. Use .argn in the R expression to reference parameters (.arg1, .arg2,
Returns a real result from the specified R expression. The R expression is passed directly to a
running Rserve instance. Use .argn in the R expression to reference parameters (.arg1, .arg2,
Returns a string result from the specified R expression. The R expression is passed directly to a
running Rserve instance. Use .argn in the R expression to reference parameters (.arg1, .arg2,
The next example extracts a state abbreviation from a more complicated string (in the original
form 13XSL_CA, A13_WA):
SCRIPT_STR('gsub(".*_", "", .arg1)',ATTR([Store ID]))
Returns the total for the given expression. For example, the view below shows quarterly sales.
The total within the Date partition is the SUM([Sales]) across all dates.
WINDOW_AVG(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
For example, the view below shows quarterly profit. A window median within the Date partition
returns the median profit across all dates.
WINDOW_MAX(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
WINDOW_MIN(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
WINDOW_STDEV(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
WINDOW_SUM(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
WINDOW_VARP(SUM[Profit]), FIRST()+1, 0)
To create calculated fields and formulas, you need to understand the operators supported by
Tableau. This section discusses the basic operators that are available and the order (precedence)
of operations.
+ (addition)
This means addition when applied to numbers and concatenation when applied to strings. When
applied to dates, it can be used to add a number of days to a date. For example,
7 + 3
Profit + Sales
'abc' + 'def' = 'abcdef'
#April 15, 2004# + 15 = #April 30, 2004#
This means subtraction when applied to numbers and negation if applied to an expression. When
applied to dates, it can be used to subtract a number of days from a date. Hence it can also be
used to calculate the difference in days between two dates. For example,
7 - 3
Profit - Sales
-(7+3) = -10
#April 16, 2004# - 15 = #April 1, 2004#
#April 15, 2004# - #April 8, 2004# = 7
* (multiplication)
This means numeric multiplication. For example, 5 * 4 = 20.
/ (division)
This means numeric division. For example, 20 / 4 = 5.
% (modulo)
This calculates a numeric remainder. For example, 5% 4 = 1.
^ (power)
This symbol is equivalent to the POWER function. It raises a number to the specified power.
For example:
6^3 = 216
This is a logical operator. An expression or a boolean must appear on either side of it. For
IIF(Profit =100 AND Sales =1000, "High", "Low")
If both expressions are TRUE (i.e., not FALSE and not UNKNOWN), then the result is TRUE. If either
expression is UNKNOWN, then the result is UNKNOWN. In all other cases, the result is FALSE.
If you create a calculation in which the result of an AND comparison is displayed on a
worksheet, Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format
area in the format dialog.
This is a logical operator. An expression or a boolean must appear on either side of it. For
If either expression is TRUE, then the result is TRUE. If both expressions are FALSE, then the result
is FALSE. If both expressions are UNKNOWN, then the result is UNKNOWN.
If you create a calculation in which the result of an OR comparison is displayed on a worksheet,
Tableau displays TRUE and FALSE. If you would like to change this, use the Format area in the
format dialog. The OR operator employs "short circuit evaluation." This means that if the first
expression is evaluated to be TRUE, then the second expression is not evaluated at all. This can be
helpful if the second expression results in an error when the first expression is TRUE, because the
second expression in this case is never evaluated.
This is a logical operator. It can be used to negate another boolean or an expression. For
IIF(NOT(Sales = Profit),"Not Equal","Equal")
All operators are evaluated in a specific order. For example, 2*1+2 is equal to 4 and not equal to
6. The reason is that the * operator is always evaluated before the + operator.
The following table shows the order in which operators are evaluated. The first line has the
highest precedence. Operators on the same line have the same precedence. If two operators have
the same precedence they are evaluated from left to right in the formula.
^ (power)
*, /, %
Parentheses can be used as needed. Operators that appear within parentheses are evaluated before
those outside of parentheses, starting from the innermost parentheses and moving outward. For
example, (1+ (2*2+1)*(3*6/3)) = 31.