List of Statistical Packages
List of Statistical Packages
List of Statistical Packages
ADaMSoft a generalized statistical software with Data mining algorithms and methods
for data management.
ADMB a software suite for non-linear statistical modeling based on C++ which uses
automatic differentiation.
Bayesian Filtering Library
Chronux for neurobiological time series data
DAP A free replacement for SAS
ELKI a software framework for development of data mining algorithms in Java.
Fityk nonlinear regression software (GUI and command line)
gretl gnu regression, econometrics and time-series Library
JAGS Just another Gibbs sampler (JAGS) is a program for analysis of Bayesian
hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) developed by Martyn
Plummer. It is similar to WinBUGS.
LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR, C++ support vector machine libraries
Mondrian (software) - data analysis tool using interactive statistical graphics with a link
to R.
Octave programming language (very similar to Matlab) with statistical features
OpenEpi A web-based, open source, operating-independent series of programs for use
in epidemiology and statistics based on JavaScript and HTML
OpenMx A package for Structural equation modeling running in R.
Orange, a machine learning and bioinformatics software
Ploticus software for generating a variety of graphs from raw data
Plotly Plotting library and styling interface for analyzing data and creating browserbased graphs. Available for R, Python, MATLAB,Julia, and Perl.
PSPP A free software alternative to IBM SPSS Statistics
R A free implementation of the S language.
R Commander GUI interface for R
Rattle GUI GUI interface for R
pbdR - "Programming with Big Data in R" is a series of R packages enhanced by SPMD
parallelism for Big Data analysis.
RapidMiner, a machine learning toolbox
Revolution Analytics Production-grade software for the enterprise big data analytics
Salstat - Menu driven statistics software
SCaViS Java-based statistical analysis framework for scientists and engineers. It
includes an advanced IDE and Jython shell.
Scilab uses GPL compatible CeCILL license
SciPy (a Python library for scientific computing) contains the stats sub-package which is
partly based on the venerable |STAT (a.k.a.PipeStat, formerly UNIX|STAT) software
scikit-learn extends SciPy with a host of machine learning models (classification,
clustering, regression, etc.)
Shogun, an open source Large Scale Machine Learning toolbox that provides several
SVM (Support Vector Machine) implementations (like libSVM, SVMlight) under a
common framework and interfaces to Octave, Matlab, Python, R
Simfit Simulation, curve fitting, statistics, and plotting
SOFA Statistics a desktop GUI program focused on ease of use, learn as you go, and
beautiful output.
Statistical Lab R-based and focusing on educational purposes
Weka is also a suite of machine learning software written at the University of Waikato.
Public domain:
Epi Info
WinBUGS Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
Winpepi package of statistical programs for epidemiologists
Analytica - visual analytics and statistics package
Partek general statistics package with specific applications for genomic, HTS, and
QSAR data
Primer-E Primer environmental and ecological specific.
PV-WAVE programming language comprehensive data analysis and visualization with
IMSL statistical package
Quantum part of the SPSS MR product line, mostly for data validation and tabulation in
Marketing and Opinion Research
RATS comprehensive econometric analysis package
SAS comprehensive statistical package
SHAZAM comprehensive econometrics and statistics package
Simul - econometric tool for multidimensional (multi-sectoral, multi-regional) modelling
SigmaStat for group analysis
SOCR online tools for teaching statistics and probability theory
Speakeasy numerical computational environment and programming language with
many statistical and econometric analysis features
SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Stata comprehensive statistics package
Statgraphics general statistics package
STATISTICA comprehensive statistics package
StatXact package for exact nonparametric and parametric statistics
Systat general statistics package
S-PLUS general statistics package
Unistat general statistics package that can also work as Excel add-in
The Unscrambler (free-to-try commercial Multivariate analysis software for Windows)
World Programming System (WPS) - statistical package that supports the SAS language