Eid - E - ZEHRA (SA)

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Volume 3 / Dec 2014

Email: ahlulbaitchannel@gmail.com

What is EID -E- ZEHRA (SA) ? The 9th of Rabiul Awwal is marks the end of the mourning
period and is celebrated as EID -E- ZEHRA (SA). This day is observed as a day of
celebration as Umar bin Khattab (LA) the greatest enemy of AHLULBAIT (AS) was killed
by Abu Lulu Firoz on this day.
Now, are these celebrations customary or do they have any religious explanation? To
enable the readers to arrive at a conclusion we quote below few instances from history.
The day of 9th Rabiul Awal was celebrated by HOLY AHLULBAIT (AS) as a day of
Al-Sayed ibn Tawoos writes in the book, 'Zawaa'id al-Fawaa'id' that Ibn Abi Alaa Al-Hamadani al-Waasiti and Yahya ibn
Mohammad bin Huwaij Al-Baghdadi said:

We were quarreling about ibn Al-Khattab (Omar) and we became uncertain about him,
so we travelled to Ahmad bin Isaac al-Qummi (IMAM HASAN AL-ASKARIS(AS)
companion) in Qum.
We knocked on his door, and a young Iraqi girl opened. We asked to see Ahmad bin
Isaac, to which she replied,
"He is busy with his festival (Eid), for it is a day of celebration"
I said, "Praise be to Allah! The Shia festivals are four; Al-Fitr, Al-Ad'ha, Al-Ghadeer and
She said, "Ahmad bin Isaac narrates from his master Abul Hassan, Ali bin Mohammad AlAskari(as), that this day is a day of Eid, and it is in fact the most blessed of Eids for
AHLUL BAYT (AS) and their followers"
We then told her to inform him of our presence and seek permission for us to enter.

Ahmad bin Isaac came to greet us dressed in a loincloth and perfumed with musk. We
criticized his action, to which he replied, "Dont worry, for I have just done ritual ghusl
for Day of Eid. We said, Is it a day of Eid? He replied in the affirmative. It was the 9th
of Rabi-al-Awwal.
He invited us in and when we were seated he said, I went to visit my Master ABU ALHASAN (AS) in Samarra on the same day as this, 9th Rabi-al-Awwal. He instructed all his
servants to wear new clothes, and he was burning scented wood an incense pot.
I said to him, May our fathers and mothers be a sacrifice for you! O son of the
Messenger of Allah! has a day of celebration been renewed for AHLUL BAYT(AS) today?
He said, Is there a more sacred day for AHLUL BAYT (AS) than this day, 9th Rabi-AlAwwal?
My father narrated to me that, on this day Huthaifa bin Al-Yamani went to visit my
grandfather, the MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW). Huthaifa said, I saw AMEERUL
MOMINEEN (AS) and his children eating with the PROPHET (SAWW). The PROPHET
(SAWW) was looking at their faces, smiling and saying to AL-HASAN (AS) and AL-HUSAIN
(AS), Eat! Eat! enjoy the blessings and felicities of this day!, for it is the day that ALLAH
(SWT) will destroy His enemy, and the enemy of your grandfather;
It is the day ALLAH (SWT) will accept the deeds of your followers and lovers;
It is the day the pharaoh of AHLUL BAYT (AS)1 will be annihilated, their oppressor and
the usurper of their rights;
It is the day ALLAH (SWT) will proceed to what they have done of deeds, and He will
render them as scattered floating dust.
I said, O MESSENGER of ALLAH (SAWW)! Is there from amongst your nation and
companions, he who will violate these sanctities?
The Prophet said, Yes Huthaifa, A tyrant from amongst the hypocrites. He will rule over
them in a swaggering dictatorial manner and use deceit amongst my Ummah. He will
bar the people from following the path of ALLAH (SWT) and distort His Book and change

Umar (la) has been explicitly called


Pharaoh of this Ummah. See the book Sulaym bin Qays, Hadith no.

my Sunnah. He will usurp my childrens inheritance and appoint himself as an authority.

He will have the audacity to attack his Imam after me and will seize the peoples wealth
in a way not prescribed and will squander it disobediently.
He will belie me and belie my brother and vizier. His will enviously appropriate my
daughters rights. She will invoke God, and He will answer her prayers on a day like this.
Huthaifa said, O MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW), invoke ALLAH (SWT) to destroy him in
your life time
The MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW) said, Huthaifa, I loathe challenging the decree of
ALLAH (SWT), although I have asked ALLAH (SWT) to give virtue to the day on which he
perishes over all days, so that it becomes a practice observed by my loved ones and
followers of my AHLUL BAYT (AS). Whereupon Allah, the Exalted, revealed to me saying,
O MOHAMMAD (SAWW)! You and your AHLULBAYT (AS) will be afflicted with worldly
calamities and adversities, also the oppression of the hypocrites and usurpers from
amongst My servants whom you counseled, only to be betrayed by them. You were
sincere towards them, yet they deceived you; you showed them kindness and they
drove you away.
I will, by My power and might, open 1000 doors of hellfire from the lowest pits of hell
and cast therein those who usurp the rights of your brother ALI (AS). I will make an
example of that hypocrite on the Day of Judgment, and like the pharaohs of all the
prophets and the enemies of the religion, I will gather them and their companions in the
Hellfire and therein they will abide eternally.
O MOHAMMAD (SAWW)! Your vicegerent and companion will suffer much affliction
from this pharaoh and usurper who will have the audacity to alter My words. He will
associate with me a partner and avert people from My path. He will erect himself as the
Golden Cow of your ummah and disbelieve in me. I have commanded My angels in the
seven heavens, your Shia and adorers to celebrate the day I annihilated him on. And I
have ordered My angels to praise Me and seek forgiveness for your Shia and adorers.
O MOHAMMAD (SAWW)! And I have asked the Honorable Scribes (Al-Kiraam AlKaatibeen) to lift the Pen on that day and not to write any of my creations errors in
honor of you and your vicegerent.
O MOHAMMAD (SAWW)! I have made that day a day of eid for you and your

AHLULBAYT (AS) and their followers and Shia. I vow by My Glory and Magnificence that I
will favor the one who celebrates that day with the rewards of the (angels) surrounding
(the throne), and I will give him permission to intercede for close kin, and I will increase
his wealth. And I will free, every year, on that day, thousands of your Shia, adorers and
followers from the fires of hell and recompense their striving, forgive their sins and
accept their deeds.
Huthaifa said, The PROPHET (SAWW) then stood and entered the house of Um Salama,
and I left with no doubts in my mind about the second (Umar). And I saw him after the
death of the Prophet facilitate evil, disbelieve and apostatize, embark on the seat of
authority (caliphate), manipulate the Quran, burn the House of Revelation (Fatimas),
innovate in the sunnah, reject the testimony of AMEER UL MOMENEEN (AS), belie
FATIMA (SA) - the daughter of the Messenger, usurp Fadak from her, satisfy the Jews,
Christians and Majoos, and annoyed the apple of the Mustafas eye never ever
satisfying her. He changed the traditions and lay the groundwork for the killing of
AMEER UL MOMINEEN (AS). He manifested injustice, prohibited what ALLAH (SWT) had
made permissible and made permissible what Allah had prohibited, and oppressively
and offensively ascended the pulpit of the PROPHET (SAWW), slandered AMEER UL
MOMINEEN (AS) and opposed and nullified his opinion.
Huthaifa said, Allah answered the prayers of my master (IMAM ALI (AS)) in relation to
this hypocrite (Umar (LA)), and he was killed at the hands of (Abu Lulu) he who killed
him, may ALLAH (SWT) have mercy on his soul.
Huthaifa continues, I visited AMEER UL MOMENEEN (AS) to pass on my felicities when
that munafiq (Umar (LA)) was killed and he said, O Huthaifa, do you remember that day
when you visited the MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW) when his grandchildren and I were
eating with him and he pointed out to you the excellence of this day
I said, Yes, dear brother of the MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAWW)
He then said, By ALLAH (SWT))! Today is that day the day ALLAH (SWT) satisfied the
children of the Messenger, and I am aware of many names for this day
I asked, O Prince of the Faithful, I would love to hear from you the names for this day
9th rabi al-awwal
The Imam said, It is the day of respite, the day of relief from distress and agony, it is a
second Ghadir, it is the removal of burden, it is the day of favoritism and the lifting of

the pen, the day of hady (gift) and aqiqa, the day of blessing, the day of vengeance. It is
the Great Eid of Allah and the day supplications are answered, the day of great standing,
the day of removing the black (clothes)2, the day of provision, the day erected walls are
demolished, the day of regret for the oppressors, the day of victory for the Shia, the day
worries are expelled, the day of triumph, the day of submission the day of power, the
day of pardon, the day of jubilance for the Shia, the day of reflection, the day of great
charity, the second Fitr, the day of ALLAHS(SWT) path, the day of contentment, the day
of Eid for AHLUL BAYT (AS), the day of victory for Bani Israel, the day ALLAH (SWT)
accepted the deeds of the Shia, the day of providing sadaqah, the day of asking for an
increase, the day the hypocrite is killed, the day of reckoning, the day of AHLUL BAYTS
(AS) cheerfulness, the day that is witnessed, the day the oppressor will bite his hands,
the day misguidance will be demolished, the day of accomplishment, the day of
witnessing, the day of pardon for the faithful, the day of Al Mustataab, the day the
authority of the munafiq departs, the day of settlement, the day the faithful relaxes, the
day of Mubahila, the day of boasting, the day of thankfulness, the day victory for the
oppressed, the day of visitation, the day of love, the day innovations are exposed, the
day of piety, the day of exhortation, the day of worship, the day of Islam
Huthaifa said, I got up and left AMEER UL MOMINEEN(AS), saying to myself, If I do not
succeed in achieving rewards for deeds other than those rewarded for this day, I would
be satisfied
Mohammad bin Abi Al-alaa and Yahya bin jareeh said, Each of us got up and kissed the
forehead of Isaac and said, Praised be the Lord for not taking our souls before
honouring us with this blessed day and we left his place and celebrated that day, and
it is the Eid of the Shia
[Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 95, Pg. 351-355]

Sayed Ibn Tawoos says regarding 9th of Rabi Al-Awwal:

"Know that for this day we have found great narration. And we have found a group from
the Ajam(Persians?) and our brothers (in faith) who showed happiness in this day and

This justifies beginning of the mourning period on the first of Moharram and celebrating Eid on the 9th of Rabiul Awwal.

they recalled that verily this is the day of destruction of few of those who humilated
ALLAH (SWT) and his PROPHET (SAWW) and were hostile to Him."
[Iqbal Al-Amal, Pg. 597]

Allama Majlisi says regarding the 9th of Rabi al-Awwal:

"And we have found in what we read from the books several narrations in consent with
this narration (about Eid on the day of 9th Rabi Al Awwal). We rely upon it. We should
respect this day being referred to (9th Rabi Al-Awwal) and show/display happiness in it."
[Source: Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 95, Pg. 351]

Thus we conclude that this day is a great eid of ALLAH (SWT) it has been chosen as a
day of Eid for the HOLY PROPHET (SAWW), for his AHLUL BAYT (AS) and their
followers. This day was celebrated as a day of happiness by Holy AHLUL BAYT (AS). It
is the day of removing black clothes, the day of jubilance for the Shias, the day of
worship, the day when prayers are accepted, the day of pardon and the day of
In fact this day is the day of Islam.......the Second Ghadeer!!!!!

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