Salient Features of The Information Technology
Salient Features of The Information Technology
Salient Features of The Information Technology
i. The Act has used new term electronic signature in placed of digital signature which cover
more wide area of technology.
ii. The Act has defined 'communication device' to mean cell phones, personal digital assistance
or combination of both or any other device used to communicate, send or transmit any text video,
audio or image.
iii. The Act has defined the term cyber cafe as any facility from where the access to the internet
is offered by any person in the ordinary course of business to the members of the public.
iv. A new definition has been inserted for intermediary.
v. A new section 10A has been inserted to talk about the enforceability of electronically contract.
vi. The damages of Rs. One Crore prescribed under section 43 of the earlier Act of 2000 for
damage to computer, computer system etc. has been deleted and the relevant parts of the section
have been substituted by the words, 'he shall be liable to pay damages by way of compensation
to the person so affected'.
vii. A new section 43A has been inserted to protect
sensitive personal data or information possessed,
dealt or handled by a body corporate in a computer resource which such body corporate
Controls or operates.
If such body corporate is negligent in implementing and maintaining reasonable security
practices and procedures and thereby causes wrongful loss or wrongful gain to any person, it
shall be liable to pay damages by way of compensation to the person so affected.
viii. The Act, 2008 introduces new eight cyber offence from Sections 66A to 66F
a) Sending offensive messages through a computer or mobile phone (Section 66A),
b) Receiving stolen computer resource or communication device (Section 66B)
c) Punishment for identity theft (Section 66C)
d) Punishment for cheating by personation using computer resource (Section 66D)
e) Punishment for violating privacy or video voyeurism (Section 66E)
f) Cyber Terrorism (Section 66F)
ix. Section 67 of the IT Act, 2000 has been amended to reduce the term of imprisonment for
publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form to three years from five years and
increase the fine thereof from Rs.100,000 to Rs. 500,000. Sections 67A to 67C have also been
Section 67A:- Publishing or transmitting material in electronic form containing sexually explicit
act (Section 67A)
Section 67B:- Child pornography in electronic form(Section 67B)
Section 67C:- deals with the obligation of an intermediary to preserve and retain such
information as may be specified for such duration and in such manner and format as the central
government may prescribe.
x. In view of the increasing threat of terrorism in the country, the Act has introduced new
amendment section 69 giving power to the state to issue directions for interception or monitoring
of decryption of any information through any computer resource. Further, a section 69A and B,
two new sections has been inserted.
Section 69A:- grant power to the state to issue directions for blocking for public access of any
information through any computer resource and
Section 69B- to authorize to monitor and collect traffic data or information through any
computer resource for cyber security.
xi. Section 79 of the Act which exempted intermediaries has been modified to the effect that an
intermediary shall not be liable for any third party information data or communication link made
available or hosted by him if;
(a) The function of the intermediary is limited to providing access to a communication system
over which information made available by third parties is transmitted or temporarily stored or
(b) The intermediary does not initiate the transmission or select the receiver of the transmission
and select or modify the information contained in the transmission;
(c) The intermediary observes due diligence while discharging his duties. However, section 79
will not apply to an intermediary if the intermediary has conspired or abetted or aided or induced
whether by threats or promise or otherwise in the commission of the unlawful act or upon
receiving actual knowledge or on being notified that any information, data or communication
link residing in or connected to a computer resource controlled by it is being
used to commit an unlawful act, the intermediary fails to expeditiously remove or disable access
to that material on that resource without vitiating the evidence in any manner.
xii. A proviso has been added to Section 81 which states that the provisions of the Act shall have
overriding effect.