A Simple Wide-Band Wave Quadrature Oscillator

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3, JUNE 1993


This report shows that we are able to increase the output power
of the 87Rbmaser by about 5 dBm by using optical pumping at both
ends and to make the short-term frequency stability improvement
of about a factor of 1.4. The short-term frequency stability might
be improved further by using two diode lasers with higher intensity
and by optimizing the cell temperature. Our measurements are consistent with the density matrix treatment.
The authors thank Tan Yongfang for technical support.
[l] P. Davidovits and R. Novick, The optically pumped rubidium
maser, Proc. IEEE, vol. P-54, pp. 155-170, 1966.
[2] G. Busca, R. Brousseau and J. Vanier, A compact 87Rbmaser, IEEE
Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. IM-24, pp. 291-295, 1975.
[3] M. Tetu, G. Busca and J. Vanier, Short-term frequency stability of
the 87Rbmaser, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. IM-22, pp. 250257, 1973.
[4] M. Tessier and J. Vanier, Theorie du maser au rubidium 87, Can.
J . Phys., vol. 49, pp. 2680-2689, 1971.
[5] J. Vanier, Relaxation in rubidium-87 and the rubidium maser, Phys.
Rev., vol. 168, pp. 129-149, 1968.
[6] G. Busca, M. Tetu and J. Vanier, Light shift and light broadening in
the 87Rbmaser, Can. J . Phys., vol. 51, pp. 1379-1387, 1973.

A Simple Wide-Band Sine Wave Quadrature

Ralph Holzel

this consideration that has led to the circuit development described

Rectangular quadrature signals (i.e., of 90 phase shift) are
readily available up to some tens of MHz using ring oscillators or
by dividing the frequency of a square wave by two and combining
this with the original signal via logic gates [SI. Sinusoidal voltages
can be generated using special commercially available ICs (e.g.,
Burr Brown 4423 up to 20 kHz). Higher frequencies can be
achieved by programming the differential equation of a sinusoidal
oscillation with the help of operational amplifiers [6]. For that two
integrator stages are connected in series with an inverter, of which
the output is fed back to the input of the first stage. However, the
upper frequency limit of such an oscillator is still limited by the
relatively low bandwidth of the integrators.
Here we describe a circuit that utilizes two allpass filters as 90
phase shifters in series with an inverter operating up to 100 MHz.

Ideal first-order allpass filters (Fig. 1) are characterized by a frequency-dependent phase shift varying from - 180 at low frequencies to 0 at high frequencies, given by

-2 arccot (27rfRC),

f = (27m-I.
Equations (1) and (2) only hold for moderately low frequencies,
since real operational amplifiers exhibit an additional phase shift
increasing with frequency due to parasitic capacitances. Generally,
oscillation can only occur if (oI (02 + pi = -360.
As long as the inverter stage does not add any additional phase
error, i.e., (pi = 180, the sum of the allpasses phase shifts must
(02 = 360 - pi = 180 for oscillation. For idenamount to (o,
tical allpass stages (oI and (02 are identical, even if they do not work
ideally, e.g., at higher frequencies. With (o, and (02 = 180 and (oI
= (02 follows (o, = (02 = 90. That means the output signals are
always in quadrature provided 1) the inverters phase error is zero
and 2) the allpass stages are identical. Therefore, the bandwidth of
the inverter is more important for the circuits frequency range than
the bandwidth of the allpasses.
In selecting suitable operational amplifiers account should be
taken of the fact that all stages work at amplifications of unity.
Therefore, many high-speed operational amplifiers, that are usually
not unity gain stable, cannot be used or only so with some restrictions. To cancel variations in amplification and to maintain low
distortions, the inverters gain should also be controllable. However, inverter gains deviating from unity will correspond to deviating allpass gains and thus lead to an inequality of the output
In order to control the oscillation frequency via a dc voltage,
field effect transistors (FET), light dependent resistors (LDR) or
capacitance diodes can be used. The latter are less useful for frequencies below 1 kHz because of their maximum capacitance values of about 1 nF and the typical input resistance of the order 1
M Q of fast operational amplifiers. FETs are available as matched

Abstract-A simple sine wave oscillator delivering two signals in

quadrature has been developed, covering the frequency range from
below 1 Hz to 100 MHz and being voltage-controllable over each frequency decade. The circuit consists of two 90 phase shift stages using
active allpass filters and an inverter, all arranged in a feedback loop.
Although general application is envisaged, the design is particularly
suitable in particle electrorotation studies.

Quadrature generators, i.e., generators producing two signals of
identical frequency and amplitude but of different phase angle, are
used in a variety of applications, as for example in telecommunications f quadrature mixers and single-sideband generators [11 or
for measurement purposes in vector generators or selective voltmeters [2]. They have found further utility in the physical characterization of microscopic particles and biological cells using the
phenomenon of electrorotation, whereby rotational torques are induced through application of rotating electric fields of variable frequency [3]-[SI. The availability of wide bandwidth quadrature oscillators of simple design is important for such studies, and it is

Manuscript received August 21, 1992; revised October 20, 1992.

The author is with the Institute of Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics, University of Wales, Bangor LL57 IUT, United Kingdom.
IEEE Log Number 9207680.


while the amplification equals unity for R I = R2 at all frequencies

[7]. Cascading two allpasses and an inverter and feeding back the
output to the first stage (Fig. 2) lead to an oscillation [8] at the
frequency where (o = -90, i.e., at

0018-9456/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE




Fig. 1. First-order allpass filter.

U, = qsin wt

cp, = -90'

U, = U,sin (cot+%)

cp =-90'

cp. = 180'

Fig. 3 . Circuit diagram of the voltage-controlled sine quadrature oscillator

operating up to 10 MHz.

Fig. 2. Block-diagram of the quadrature oscillator.

pairs and thus have the advantage over LDR's in achieving equality
of both phase shift stages. Furthermore, the approximately reciprocal dependence of the drain-source-resistance on the gate-sourcevoltage [9] can be exploited to achieve a linear relationship between controlling voltage and oscillator frequency.
controlling voltage V,

To prevent instability caused by stray effects mainly of the twopole switch SI(Fig. 3) only moderately fast operational amplifiers
(Analog Devices AD 847, full power bandwidth 10 MHz) are used
in the allpass stages. The RC network at the inverter's input permits a stable function of the fast op amp, which otherwise would
need a gain of 4 or more. The oscillation amplitude is limited by
the nonlinearity of germanium diodes AA 112 and can be adjusted
by V, via FET BF 256, which works as a voltage-controlled resistor. At frequencies below a few MHz the FET can be replaced by
a fixed resistor, since the amplitude remains nearly constant. However, for minimizing signal distortion it is advisable to control the
gain automatically via V, and a PI-regulator, that measures the actual oscillation amplitude.
The frequency can be tuned by Vfiwhich controls the drainsource-resistances of the FET pair 2 N 5912. Good linearity between controlling voltage and oscillation frequency was achieved
over a whole frequency decade as shown in Fig. 4. By switching
the frequency-determining capacitors a frequency range of more
than 7 decades from below 1 Hz up to 10 MHz could be covered.
On examining the use of different types of operational amplifiers
in the allpass stages it was found that, as a good measure of the
accessible frequency range, the full power bandwidth cited in the
semiconductor's datasheet can be used rather than the unity gain
or 3 dB bandwidth.
The signal's harmonic content at 100 kHz amounts to -24 dB
for the third and less than -36 dB for all other harmonics, if the
gain control voltage V, is kept constant at a value that allows frequency variations over several decades. If V, is optimized and controlled automatically by a PI-regulator the third harmonic is reduced to -38 dB.
Even higher frequencies can be achived using faster amplifiers
and through a reduction of stray capacitances. For this purpose a


Fig. 4. Dependence of the output frequency of the sine quadrature VCO

(Fig. 3) on the controlling dc voltage.

Fig. 5. Circuit diagram of the quadrature VCO for frequencies up to 100





controlling voltage V, [VI

Fig. 6. Dependence of the output frequency of the quadrature VCO (Fig.
5) on the controlling dc voltage.

second circuit was built employing surface mount components (Fig.

5 ) , with the very fast op amp OPA 621 (Burr Brown, full power
bandwidth 80 MHz) being employed in the allpass filter stages and



with the relatively large FET pair being replaced by two capacitance diodes. A dual-gate MOSFET, followed by a bipolar collector stage, operates as a voltage-controlled inverter, and the LC network at the MOSFETs drain suppresses parasitic oscillations at
230 MHz caused by the op amp (that is usually only stable at gains
of at least 2). By these means the frequency range was extended to
100 MHz, although somewhat higher operating frequencies are
possible, provided unequal amplitudes of the quadrature outputs
can be tolerated. The correlation between tuning voltage and frequency is linear over nearly a frequency decade (Fig. 6), with decreasing slope above 80 MHz.
This quadrature oscillator design has been successfully employed to generate rotating electrical fields in studies of the ac
electrokinetics of biological cells [3], [4].
A simple voltage-controlled sine wave oscillator with quadrature
output has been developed, which is useful at frequencies from
below 1 Hz to about 100 MHz for applications such as the study
of particle electrorotation phenomena. If a lower frequency limit is
required, this should be achieved by rapid switching of the frequency-determining capacitors with analogue switches [lo], rather
than by using large electrolytic capacitors. A further expansion of
the bandwidth to higher frequencies might be possible using even
faster hybrid operational amplifiers or discrete components, but this
would be at the expense of the circuits simplicity.
Valuable advice and discussions with Prof. R. Pethig, Dr. K.
Winkler (Free University Berlin), and Dr. J. Burt are acknowledged with gratitude, as is the award by the Commission of the
European Community.
P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art ofElectronics. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 1991, ch. 5.16, p. 291.
U. Tietze and C. Schenk, Electronic Circuifs: Design and Applications. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1991, ch. 25.3.4, pp. 795-796.
R. Holzel and 1. Lamprecht, Dielectric properties of yeast cells as
determined by electrorotation, Biochim. Biophys. Acfa, vol. 1104,
pp. 195-200, 1992.
Y. Huang, R. Holzel, R. Pethig, and X.-B. Wang, Differences in
the AC electrodynamics of viable and non-viable yeast cells determined through combined dielectrophoresis and electrorotation studies, Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 37, pp. 1499-1517, 1992.
J. Gimsa, R. Glaser, and G. Fuhr, Theory and applicaton of the
rotation of biological cells in rotating electric fields (electrorotation), in Physical Characterization of Biological Cells, W. Schutt,
H. Klinkman, I. Lamprecht and T. Wilson, Eds. Berlin, Germany:
Verlag Gesundheit, 1991, pp. 295-323.
U. Tietze and C. Schenk, Electronic Circuits: Design and Applications. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1991, ch. 15.4, pp. 425-428.
-, Electronic Circuits: Design and Applications. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1991, ch. 14.10.2, pp. 394-395.
H. Schmidt, Hochwertiger durchstimmbarer Nf-Sinusoszillator,
Elektronik, vol29, H 19, pp. 113-1 14, 1980.
U. Tietze and C. Schenk, Electronic Circuits: Design and Applications. Berlin: Springer, 1991, ch. 5.7, pp. 89-91.
H. Lemme, CMOS-Bausteine ersetzen Vielfach-Potentiometer,
Elektronik, vol. 29, H 19, p. 114, 1980.

An Algorithm for Solving Roberts-von Hippel

Equation: Separation of Close Solutions
T. P. Iglesias, A. Seoane, and J. Rivas
Abstract-The proximity of the solutions of the transcendental equation tanh Z / Z = c on the complex plane arising in the determination of
the complex dielectric permittivity with the short-circuited line method
is studied. A numerical procedure is described which is capable of ohtaining the required number of solutions, even those lying very close
to each other, from one single initial point. The method is applied to
measurements of various organic liquids.

The short-circuited line method for the determination of the
complex dielectric permittivity [ 11 requires solving a transcendental equation of the form (tanh z ) / z = c on the complex plane,
where c is obtained experimentally. Although this equation possesses infinite solutions, only one of them is physical. In order to
eliminate this ambiguity it is necessary either to know in advance
an approximate value of the permittivity, to carry out two experiments with samples of different thickness, or to perform measurements at two nearby frequencies [2], [3]. Before deciding which of
the solutions is the physical one it is necessary to be able to identify
and distinguish from each other all solutions which can be relevant.
In practice it is enough to consider only a few of the infinite solutions, with small values of the real part, given the range of dielectric permittivities of usual substances. It is important to identify
and distinguish close roots when studying, for instance, the effect
that the thickness of the sample has on the uncertainty of the permittivity [4]. It is also necessary when measuring dielectric permittivities with network analyzers, where the impedance of the
sample is measured for a continuous range of frequencies and a
fixed sample thickness [5]. An analogous situation arises in the
time-domain dielectric characterization technique which uses a
short-circuited sample.
Several methods for the resolution of the equation above have
been developed. One of them is Dakin-Works approximation [6],
which is not applicable for samples with loss tangent tan 6 > 0.1
due to the large errors that can arise, as it is shown by S . 0. Nelson
et al. [7]. There are also graphical methods such as Robert-von
Hippels [l] or Delbos-Demaus [8]. The latter is used when the
sample has constant thickness. Computers have allowed the use of
iterative numerical methods, of which the more commonly used is
Newton-Raphsons [4], [9]. This method converges from a good
initial approximate value to one single root, so that if there were
two roots close to each other one of them might be ignored. Gelinas
et al. [lo] also use Netwons method for the case Re(c) 5 0, since
there are no close roots corresponding to this region of the complex
Manuscript received January 16, 1992; revised July 7, 1992.
T. P. Iglesias is with the Departamento de Fisica Aplicada, Facultad de

Ciencias, Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo, Spain.

A. Seoane is with the Departamento de Teoria de la Seiial, E.T.S.I.T.,
Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo, Spain.
J. Rivas is with the Departamento de Fkica Aplicada, Facultad de Fisica, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela,
IEEE Log Number 920767 1.

0018-9456/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE

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