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To understand the purpose and process of Reverse Osmosis you must first understand the
naturally occurring process of Osmosis.
Osmosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon and one of the most important processes in
nature. It is a process where a weaker saline solution will tend to migrate to a strong saline
solution. Examples of osmosis are when plant roots absorb water from the soil and our
kidneys absorb water from our blood.
Below is a diagram which shows how osmosis works. A solution that is less concentrated will
have a natural tendency to migrate to a solution with a higher concentration. For example, if
you had a container full of water with a low salt concentration and another container full of
water with a high salt concentration and they were separated by a semi-permeable membrane,
then the water with the lower salt concentration would begin to migrate towards the water
container with the higher salt concentration.
A semi-permeable membrane is a membrane that will allow some atoms or molecules to pass
but not others. A simple example is a screen door. It allows air molecules to pass through but
not pests or anything larger than the holes in the screen door. Another example is Gore-tex
clothing fabric that contains an extremely thin plastic film into which billions of small pores
have been cut. The pores are big enough to let water vapor through, but small enough to
prevent liquid water from passing.
Reverse Osmosis is the process of Osmosis in reverse. Whereas Osmosis occurs naturally
without energy required, to reverse the process of osmosis you need to apply energy to the
more saline solution. A reverse osmosis membrane is a semi-permeable membrane that
allows the passage of water molecules but not the majority of dissolved salts, organics,
bacteria and pyrogens. However, you need to 'push' the water through the reverse osmosis
membrane by applying pressure that is greater than the naturally occurring osmotic pressure
in order to desalinate (demineralize or deionize) water in the process, allowing pure water
through while holding back a majority of contaminants.
Below is a diagram outlining the process of Reverse Osmosis. When pressure is applied to
the concentrated solution, the water molecules are forced through the semi-permeable
membrane and the contaminants are not allowed through.
The desalinated water that is demineralized or deionized, is called permeate (or product)
water. The water stream that carries the concentrated contaminants that did not pass through
the RO membrane is called the reject (or concentrate) stream.
As the feed water enters the RO membrane under pressure (enough pressure to overcome
osmotic pressure) the water molecules pass through the semi-permeable membrane and the
salts and other contaminants are not allowed to pass and are discharged through the reject
stream (also known as the concentrate or brine stream), which goes to drain or can be fed
back into the feed water supply in some circumstances to be recycled through the RO system
to save water. The water that makes it through the RO membrane is called permeate or
product water and usually has around 95% to 99% of the dissolved salts removed from it.
It is important to understand that an RO system employs cross filtration rather than standard
filtration where the contaminants are collected within the filter media. With cross filtration,
the solution passes through the filter, or crosses the filter, with two outlets: the filtered water
goes one way and the contaminated water goes another way. To avoid build up of
contaminants, cross flow filtration allows water to sweep away contaminant build up and also
allow enough turbulence to keep the membrane surface clean.
There are a handful of calculations that are used to judge the performance of an RO system
and also for design considerations. An RO system has instrumentation that displays quality,
flow, pressure and sometimes other data like temperature or hours of operation. In order to
accurately measure the performance of an RO system you need the following operation
parameters at a minimum:
1. Feed pressure
2. Permeate pressure
3. Concentrate pressure
4. Feed conductivity
5. Permeate conductivity
6. Feed flow
7. Permeate flow
8. Temperature
Salt Rejection %
This equation tells you how effective the RO membranes are removing contaminants. It does
not tell you how each individual membrane is performing, but rather how the system overall
on average is performing. A well-designed RO system with properly functioning RO
membranes will reject 95% to 99% of most feed water contaminants (that are of a certain size
and charge). You can determine effective the RO membranes are removing contaminants by
using the following equation:
The higher the salt rejection, the better the system is performing. A low salt rejection can
mean that the membranes require cleaning or replacement.
Salt Passage %
This is simply the inverse of salt rejection described in the previous equation. This is the
amount of salts expressed as a percentage that are passing through the RO system. The lower
the salt passage, the better the system is performing. A high salt passage can mean that the
membranes require cleaning or replacement.
Recovery %
Percent Recovery is the amount of water that is being 'recovered' as good permeate water.
Another way to think of Percent Recovery is the amount of water that is not sent to drain as
concentrate, but rather collected as permeate or product water. The higher the recovery %
means that you are sending less water to drain as concentrate and saving more permeate
water. However, if the recovery % is too high for the RO design then it can lead to larger
problems due to scaling and fouling. The % Recovery for an RO system is established with
the help of design software taking into consideration numerous factors such as feed water
chemistry and RO pre-treatment before the RO system. Therefore, the proper % Recovery at
which an RO should operate at depends on what it was designed for. By calculating the %
Recovery you can quickly determine if the system is operating outside of the intended design.
The calculation for % Recovery is below:
For example, if the recovery rate is 75% then this means that for every 100 gallons of feed
water that enter the RO system, you are recovering 75 gallons as usable permeate water and
25 gallons are going to drain as concentrate. Industrial RO systems typically run anywhere
from 50% to 85% recovery depending the feed water characteristics and other design
Concentration Factor
The concentration factor is related to the RO system recovery and is an important equation
for RO system design. The more water you recover as permeate (the higher the % recovery),
the more concentrated salts and contaminants you collect in the concentrate stream. This can
lead to higher potential for scaling on the surface of the RO membrane when the
concentration factor is too high for the system design and feed water composition.
The concept is no different than that of a boiler or cooling tower. They both have purified
water exiting the system (steam) and end up leaving a concentrated solution behind. As the
degree of concentration increases, the solubility limits may be exceeded and precipitate on
the surface of the equipment as scale.
For example, if your feed flow is 100 gpm and your permeate flow is 75 gpm, then the
recovery is (75/100) x 100 = 75%. To find the concentration factor, the formula would be 1
(1-75%) = 4.
A concentration factor of 4 means that the water going to the concentrate stream will be 4
times more concentrated than the feed water is. If the feed water in this example was 500
ppm, then the concentrate stream would be 500 x 4 = 2,000 ppm.
Mass Balance
A Mass Balance equation is used to help determine if your flow and quality instrumentation
is reading properly or requires calibration. If your instrumentation is not reading correctly,
then the performance data trending that you are collecting is useless.
You will need to collect the following data from an RO system to perform a Mass Balance
1. Feed Flow (gpm)
2. Permeate Flow (gpm)
In a Reverse Osmosis System an array describes the physical arrangement of the pressure
vessels in a 2 stage system. Pressure vessels contain RO membranes (usually from 1 to 6 RO
membranes are in a pressure vessel). Each stage can have a certain amount of pressure
vessels with RO membranes. The reject of each stage then becomes the feed stream for the
next successive stage. The 2 stage RO system displayed on the previous page is a 2:1 array
which means that the concentrate (or reject) of the first 2 RO vessels is fed to the next 1
RO Pretreatment
Proper pretreatment using both mechanical and chemical treatments is critical for an RO
system to prevent fouling, scaling and costly premature RO membrane failure and frequent
cleaning requirements. Below is a summary of common problems an RO system experiences
due to lack of proper pretreatment.
Fouling occurs when contaminants accumulate on the membrane surface effectively plugging
the membrane. There are many contaminants in municipal feed water that are naked to the
human eye and harmless for human consumption, but large enough to quickly foul (or plug)
an RO system. Fouling typically occurs in the front end of an RO system and results in a
higher pressure drop across the RO system and a lower permeate flow. This translates into
higher operating costs and eventually the need to clean or replace the RO membranes.
Fouling will take place eventually to some extent given the extremely fine pore size of an RO
membrane no matter how effective your pretreatment and cleaning schedule is. However, by
having proper pretreatment in place, you will minimize the need to address fouling related
As certain dissolved (inorganic) compounds become more concentrated (remember
discussion on concentration factor) then scaling can occur if these compounds exceed their
solubility limits and precipitate on the membrane surface as scale. The results of scaling are a
higher pressure drop across the system, higher salt passage (less salt rejection), low permeate
flow and lower permeate water quality. An example of a common scale that tends to form on
an RO membrane is calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Chemical Attack
Modern thin film composite membranes are not tolerant to chlorine or chloramines. Oxidizers
such as chlorine will 'burn' holes in the membrane pores and can cause irreparable damage.
The result of chemical attack on an RO membrane is a higher permeate flow and a higher salt
passage (poorer quality permeate water). This is why microorganism growth on RO
membranes tends to foul RO membranes so easily since there is no biocide to prevent its
Mechanical Damage
Part of the pretreatment scheme should be pre and post RO system plumbing and controls. If
'hard starts' occur mechanical damage to the membranes can occur. Likewise, if there is too
much backpressure on the RO system then mechanical damage to the RO membranes can
also occur. These can be addressed by using variable frequency drive motors to start high
pressure pumps for RO systems and by installing check valve(s) and/or pressure relief valves
to prevent excessive back pressure on the RO unit that can cause permanent membrane
Pretreatment Solutions
Below are some pretreatment solutions for RO systems that can help minimize fouling,
scaling and chemical attack.
Microfiltration (MF)
Microfiltration (MF) is effective in removing colloidal and bacteria matter and has a pore size
of only 0.1-10m. Microfiltration is helpful in reducing the fouling potential for an RO unit.
Membrane configuration can vary between manufacturers, but the "hollow fiber" type is the
most commonly used. Typically, the water is pumped from the outside of the fibers, and the
clean water is collected from the inside of the fibers. Microfiltration membranes used in
potable water applications usually operate in "dead-end" flow. In dead-end flow, all of the
water fed to the membrane is filtered through the membrane. A filter cake that must be
periodically backwashed from the membrane surface forms. Recovery rates are normally
greater than 90 percent on feed water sources which have fairly high quality and low turbidity
without any biocide to kill microorganisms. A GAC bed will absorb organics throughout the
bed, which is potential food for bacteria, so eventually a GAC bed can become a breeding
ground for bacteria growth which can pass easily to the RO membranes. Likewise, a GAC
bed can produce very small carbon fines under some circumstances that have the potential to
foul an RO.
RO Membrane Cleaning
RO membranes will inevitably require periodic cleaning, anywhere from 1 to 4 times a year
depending on the feed water quality. As a general rule, if the normalized pressure drop or the
normalized salt passage has increased by 15%, then it is time to clean the RO membranes. If
the normalized permeate flow has decreased by 15% then it is also time to clean the RO
membranes. You can either clean the RO membranes in place or have them removed from the
RO system and cleaned off site by a service company that specializes in this service. It has
been proven that offsite membrane cleaning is more effective at providing a better cleaning
than onsite cleaning skids.
RO membrane cleaning involves low and high pH cleaners to remove contaminants from the
membrane. Scaling is addressed with low pH cleaners and organics, colloidal and biofouling
are treated with a high pH cleaner. Cleaning RO membranes is not only about using the
appropriate chemicals. There are many other factors involved such as flows, water
temperature and quality, properly designed and sized cleaning skids and many other factors
that an experienced service group must address in order to properly clean RO membranes.
Reverse Osmosis is an effective and proven technology to produce water that is suitable for
many industrial applications that require demineralized or deionized water. Further post
treatment after the RO system such as mixed bed deionization can increase the quality of the
RO permeate and make it suitable for the most demanding applications. Proper pretreatment
and monitoring of an RO system is crucial to preventing costly repairs and unscheduled
maintenance. With the correct system design, maintenance program, and experienced service
support, your RO system should provide many years of high purity water.
RO Systems
Filtration spectrum
RO Normalization and