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St. Michael Catholic Church: Derailed Commodity

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St. Michael Catholic Church

106 N. Western Ave.

Girard, KS 66743
(620) 724-8717
Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre

Childrens Offering

Notes from the Pastor

5:30 pm
10:00 am

4:00 pm
8:00 am

2:00-2:30 pm 3:15-3:45 pm
Weekdays before Mass
Anytime by appointment
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 am - Noon
Closed Mondays
(620) 724-8717
STAFF Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre
Secretary: Faith Paoni
Bookkeeper: Janel Scales
Bulletin Editor: Nancy Bauer
Finance Council
Parish Council
Tony Stonerock, Chair Dale Coomes, Chair

!Rosary Altar Society

Knights of Columbus
4th Monday of Month 1st Tuesday of Month
6:30pm in hall
7:00pm in hall

!Helping Hands

Daughters of Isabella
Carrie Smith
Marilyn Bradshaw
Kapauns Men: Fridays at 6:00am in the hall

I hope all our students, teachers, and parents have a wonderful and refreshing spring break! This
past week was also the feast of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph! Everybodys Irish on Saint Patricks
Day! As to Saint Joseph, although Sacred Scripture mentions him only fifteen times, he is called a
just or righteous man (Mt. 1:19), a description rarely used to describe anyone besides God
Himself. Although Saint Joseph received extraordinary revelations from God, the Church holds
him in high esteem principally because of his relation to Our Lord and Our Lady, from which this
justice or righteousness flows. Pope Pius IX proclaimed him on a decree Patron of the
Universal Church on December 8, 1870. According to the decree, The Church, after the Blessed
Virgin, his spouse, has always held him in great honor and showered him with praise, having
recourse to him amid tribulations. Nineteen years later, Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical that
explained why Saint Joseph is Patron of the Universal Church: Joseph was the spouse of Mary
and that he was reputed the Father of Jesus Christ. From these sources have sprung his dignity, his
holiness, his glory In a discourse on March 19, 1969, Pope Paul VI invited Catholics to turn to
Josephs patronage of the Church. In 1989, Saint Pope John Paul II in his apostolic exhortation
Redemptoris Custos (On the Person and Mission of Saint Joseph in the Life of Christ and of the
Church), discussed the importance of Saint Josephs patronage in our day: This patronage must
be invoked as ever necessary for the Church, not only as a defense against all dangers, but also, and
indeed primarily, as an impetus for her renewed commitment to evangelization in the world and to
re-evangelization in those lands and nations Around this time where families and Catholic
morality are under attack in our culture, Saint Joseph can certainly intercede for us!
Also on this feast of Saint Joseph (the good husband and model of all husbands), Bishop Kemme
promulgated the new Marriage Preparation Policy entitled Becoming One in Christ, Thursday,
March 19th! This policy guides all priests throughout the diocese in preparing couples intending to
receive the sacrament of marriage. As the bishop explained in the letter of promulgation, this
policy is not intended to make it difficult to marry but to insure the proper preparation
and understanding of Marriage. During the age when the great mystery of marriage is at risk of being
eroded by false and incomplete conceptions of authentic love, it is more than ever the work of the Church to proclaim
the good newsThe call to marriage is truly a call to holiness. With the grace of God this policy will aid the
continual renewal of marriage and family life. With the promulgation of this policy we are encouraged
to reflect on the dignity, truth and beauty of the vocation of marriage. It is timely then to
remember that the wedding day is only a day, but married life is for life. So we are preparing
couples not for the wedding day, but for their married life. Thats why this policy is really very
important to us. While in the past, couples are required to have six months preparations, this new
policy requires nine months. It includes six essential components of the proximate preparation
process: 1. Pastoral Consultations, 2. Mentor Couples, 3. Christian Marriage Life Skills, 4.
Evangelization, 5. Instruction on the Sacrament of Marriage, and 6. Natural Family Planning.
This policy will be published in the Catholic Advance and will also be posted at the diocesan
website. We will be talking more of the details of this in the coming weeks or months!

God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Mass Schedule and Intentions for Mar. 21 - 29


Marchetti & Serena Family Arma
Verl Diskin
For the People
Richard Senecaut
Joseph Hofer
Stations of the Cross
Trish Kreutzer
Wednesday 3:30pm
PSR Stations of the Cross Girard
Catherine Madl
Thursday 8:00am Roy, Pauline & David Harman Arma
8:30am-3:00pm Adoration
Edwin Madl
7:30am-6:00pm Adoration
Stations of the Cross
Saturday 4:00pm
Harry Kenna
Patricia Haderlein
For the People
For the People

Altar Ministers for Mar. 28 & 29

Mar. 21 Saturday

Expenses - Feb.

Next Saturday (3/28/15)

!Altar Servers:

5:30 pm

Next Sunday (3/29/15)

10:00 am

Luke Martin &

Mary Kate Smith

Ethan, Carter & Abi


Rachel Ausemus

Eileen Bland


Linda Moore &

Teresa Davenport

Ruth Duling &

Beth Wilson


Gift Bearers

Jerry & Rosemary



Joe & Kim Curran


Last Week

July 2014 to date









Loan Balance


Over / (Under)


Last Week


Kapauns Men Fish Fry

ANote from the Secretary

The parish mens group, Kapauns Men, will be hosting their annual
Fish Fry on Friday, March 27 at 5:00pm in the parish hall. The men
are asking the parish ladies to donate desserts. Please come out and
support them and enjoy a delicious Lenten meal!

Please do not post notices or announcements anywhere in the church

except on the bulletin board in the narthex. Tape pulls off the new
paint and makes the new doors look sloppy.

Parish Movie Night

The Catholic Diocese of Wichita is seeking an outstanding individual

to serve as Project Manager for the Lords Diner in Southeast
Kansas. This individual will determine the need, community support,
budget and model of service delivery for a proposed Lords Diner
food ministry in SEK. This position is temporary in nature and will
be officed in SEK as well as spend considerable time in Wichita to
learn the operations of the Diner. Deadline for accepting resumes is
April 2, 2015. For information regarding requirements, please check
our job posting at http://catholicdioceseofwichita.org, Ministries &
Offices, Human Resources.

The St. Michael Movie Night Committee invites you to join us for a
parish movie night, Friday, March 27, immediately following the
Kapauns Men Fish Fry in the parish hall, approximately 7:15pm.
We will present The Miracle Maker, an animated story of the life
of Jesus, suitable for all family members. There is no charge for the
movie, but CYM members will have snack food and drinks available
for a free will donation. Chairs will be set up, but you are welcome to
bring your own lawn chair, bean bag, etc.

Sign Up Sheet for Holy Week

Sign up sheets for the Easter liturgical roles will be in the back of the
church March 28 & 29. If you are available Holy Week and would
like to volunteer, please do so at this time. Thanks!

Altar Society Meeting

There will be an Altar Society meeting on March 23 at 6:30. We will

meet at Daltons. Yes, they will be open. Sorry for the mix up in

Shroud Encounter

A presentation entitled Shroud Encounter will be held on the PSU

campus this Sunday March 22 at 7:00pm at the Bicknell Family
Center for the Arts, and Monday, March 23rd at 7:00pm in Grubbs
Hall Rm 109. More info on Bulletin Board in the Narthex.

Parish Council Meeting Cancelled

The parish council meeting re-scheduled for March 31st has been
canceled. We will have our regular meeting in April.

Scammon Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry

The Knights of Columbus Council #3316 will be hosting their

annual Fish Fry every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday) at St.
Bridgets Parish Hall in Scammon, KS. Serving starts at 6pm.
Choices include: Catfish Dinner, Cod Dinner, Shrimp Platter, St.
Elmos Platter, Bowl of Chowder, and Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
Prices range from $2 to $12. Carryouts are welcome.

Project Manager Needed, The Lords Diner SEK

Catechist Formation

Echoing Christ Catechist Formation day is being offered in Southeast

Kansas Sat., March 28th, 9 am - 3 pm in the Parish Hall at St.
Patrick's, Parsons. Ernesto's Mexican Restaurant willprovide lunch
for those who register in advance. Attend for theentire time or part
if that works for you. Fr. Jarrod Lies and Joshua Bitting from the
Office of Faith Formationwill lead this training class on passing on
the faith.Registration closes on Mon., March 23rd end of day. To
register or view a promo video, please visit
www.CatholicDioceseofWichita.org/faith or contact Kim Green at
316-269-3940. Contact Michelle Puckett if you have questions.

DYCY Update

Congratulations to St. Michael's and St. Joseph high school youth

who attended the DCYC conference this past weekend in Wichita!
All who participated had an amazing time listening to keynote
speaker Sarah Swafford, enjoying great food, exciting entertainment,
and participating in Sunday Mass with Bishop Kemme.

Thank You!

Thank you to all the parents who helped chaperone PSR youth to/
from St. Paul for the Holy Relics presentation on March 11. What
an amazing opportunity for our youth! We are grateful to St. Francis,
St. Paul for inviting us to participate!

A big Thank You to our advertisers. Please support theme! Special recognition to Cooper Puckett for receiving the Outstanding

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