HMT Viva Questions

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1. Define Fourier Law.
2. What is the importance of ve sign in Fourier equation?
3. Define thermal conductivity. What are its units?
4. K value is highest for ________ and least for ________
5. Out of metals, liquids, gases which is having higher K value.
6. What is the effect of temperature on K value for metals, liquids, gases?
7. List out various factors effecting K value.
8. Define thermal diffusivity. What are its units?
9. What is the temperature profile for plain wall?
10. What is the temperature profile for hallow cylinder.
11. What is the temperature profile for hallow sphere.
12. What are the assumptions made in lumped parameter analysis?
13. Define Biot No and Fourier No.
14. Define characteristic length.
15. What are the characteristic lengths for wall, cylinder, and sphere?
16. What is the importance of Heislar and Groober charts?
17. When do we say that the system has attained steady state condition?
18. What is meant by periodic and non-periodic variation of temperature?
19. Give any two examples for pure conduction.
20. What is the mechanism of conduction in solids.
21. Give example where we use composite wall.
22. What is meant by thermal contact resistance?
23. What is meant by conductance resistance?
24. Define Fin.
25. What is the function of fin? Give examples.
26. What is meant by fin effectiveness?
27. What is meant by fin efficiency?
28. What is the relation between fin effectiveness and efficiency?
29. What is the general equation and solution for a fin?
30. What is the boundary condition for infinite long fin?
31. What is the boundary condition for fin insulated at tip?
32. What is the boundary condition for fin loosing heat at tip?
33. What is the temperature profile along a fin?
34. What is the governing equation for conduction?
35. What is Overall heat transfer coefficient? What are its units?
36. What is the equation for variable thermal conductivity?
37. What are the assumptions of Fourier equation?

38. Define Convection and give one example.
39. Differentiate between free and forced convection.
40. What are the significance of Nusselt no, Prandtl no, Reynolds no, Grashof no.
41. What are the non-dimensional numbers used in free convection.
42. What are the non-dimensional numbers used in forced convection.
43. Define Newton law of cooling and write its equation.
44. What are the factors on which h depends.
45. What are the units of h.
46. What is the mechanism of convection.
47. What is the governing equation for convection.
48. Out of free and forced convection , which is more effective.
49. For same cross section and medium h value is more for _________ convection.
50. Stanton no =_________
51. Ralygieans no =_________________
52. Define radiation.
53. What is the mechanism of radiation.
54. Define Emissive power.
55. Define monochromatic emissive power.
56. Governing equation for radiation.
57. Plancks law is valid for _______________ bodies.
58. For longer wave length we use _________law.
59. For shorter wave length we use ______________ law.
60. Define Absorvitivity, Reflectivity, and Transmitivity.
61. Define Black body, white body, grey body, diathermanous body, transparent body, opaque
62. Define Krichoffs law.
63. Define Emmisivity.
64. Emmisivity value for black body is ___
65. What is the value of Stefan Boltzman constant.
66. What are the units for Stefan Boltzman constant.
67. What is the relation between Emissive power and Intensity of radiation.
68. What is Radiation shape factor.
69. What is meant by radiation shielding.
70. What is the principle of heat exchanger.
71. Draw the temperature profiles for parallel and counter flow heat exchanger.
72. Write the LMTD equation for parallel & counter flow heat exchanger.
73. Define Effectiveness of heat exchanger.
74. What does NTU indicates.
75. For max effectiveness , NTU should be __________
76. What is the limitation of LMTD method.
77. When do we use AMTD method.
78. Give some examples of heat exchangers.
79. Why LMTD value for counter flow is more than parallel flow.
80. Does the temperature line for parallel and counter flow intersect? Expalin.

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