Cabot Panther Sports: Come Out and Support The Panthers
Cabot Panther Sports: Come Out and Support The Panthers
Cabot Panther Sports: Come Out and Support The Panthers
Prom tickets will be sold before school and during lunch at the main office
starting April 13th. Tickets are $25 each, but students can receive a $5 discount
per ticket by contributing to the food drive.
Attention Key Club members: Our next meeting will be this Thursday in Mrs.
Bulice's room during both lunches. Please make plans to attend!
Attention seniors: Members of the Spanish Honor Society need to see Ms.
Scanlon in room 2509 to order the graduation cord, no later than April 15 th. The
cost is $11.00.
The High School Choir will be performing at the Arkansas Statewide Choral
Festival at UCA on April 14.
CHS Lady Panther Volleyball is hosting try-outs for current 10th - 11th graders
for the upcoming season of 2015. This is ONLY for those who are NOT
currently in the Athletic Period or already on the team. The try-out dates are:
May 4 - 8, 2015 (right after school until 4:30 pm in the HS Annex gym).
All students MUST have a current valid physical. If you don't have a physical,
please pick up a Physicals Package in the office.
You are all cordially invited to attend the annual CHS art show. The opening
ceremony, NAHS induction and Awards will be Thursday night, April 9, 6:30 9:30. The show will be open for public viewing from 8 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. Thursday and Friday, April 9 and 10. The art show will be in the Black Box
Theater in the FACC. You will be able to order color 11 x 17 prints of your
favorite work from the show for $10 each. There will be order forms in the
gallery during the exhibit. Please come and show your support for our talented
and hard-working art students!
National Honor Society New Members need to remember that their membership
dues and t-shirt money is due to Ms. Snipes in Room 1129 by Friday.
The April meeting for National Honor Society will be next Tuesday in the Media
The CHS Talent Show applications will be available at the CC or from Dr.
Marshall in 2511 beginning Monday 4/6 and must be submitted to her by Friday
4/17 11:00 in person with entry fee of $10 and lyrics.
The show will be Friday afternoon May 1 and the limited seats will be $5.
If you have a ticket for the student/faculty game hang on to it. The game has
been rescheduled for May 7th.
NTHS Seniors, if you plan to order your NTHS Medallion, please stop by
CHAMPS 116 and pick up an NTHS Medallion Application. You will need to
Attention Family and Consumer Science Completers: Please check the list of
Family and Consumer Science Completers in the Family & Consumer Science
hallway in Champs Hall. If you are not on the list and feel you should be, please
see Mrs. Vance in Champs Hall 119.
Any person that thinks he/she is a business completer should talk to either Mrs.
Wade, Mrs. Davis, or Mrs. Hefner as soon as possible.
Students parking out of area or without a parking pass will be assigned
Saturday school.
The senior medallion list is posted in the lobby by the office. Please refer any
questions to Patti Patrom in the counseling center.
AP Students: AP testing will be here before we know it! If you did not receive
an AP Student Bulletin from one of your AP teachers last week, please ask them
for one. Mrs. Elliott has extra bulletins in her office (2414) if needed.
If you need to reset your computer or email password, go to, and
click reset your password. If this does not work, see the librarians.
Do you have an overdue library book? Check your school email account to find
Students - sign up now for the most up to date CHS information on Twitter
INTERNS: Come by 2511 to get your Employer Evaluation
Have you always dreamed of working with animals at SeaWorld? Nows your
chance to gain firsthand experience from zoological professionals. Spend a day
in the life of our staff by walking through the snow with penguins, taking a mock
swim test in the dolphin stadium show pool and preparing educational
presentations to share with park guests. Youll even have exclusive insight into
the industry after hearing from our veterinary team and animal trainers about
their conservation efforts and career development. This will be a summer youll
never forget as you discover your calling for wildlife! Visit to learn more.
Baptist Health Schools Little Rock deadlines are quickly approaching! We offer
programs ranging from one year programs right out of high school to more
advanced Bachelor degree programs. Programs seniors can apply for with no
previous college courses taken:
Registered Nursing: Application deadline June 1st
We offer state and federal financial aid options, as well as local scholarships
earned by students. We are proud to also offer Baptist Health Foundation
Scholarships, open to all students. These scholarships vary in award and you
can find the application with the Financial Aid Office. If you have any questions
about the types of financial aid offered, please contact our Financial Aid Office
at 501-202-7486
Seniors - If you are interested in the LPN program at ASU Beebe, the
application deadline is April 17, 2015 for the August 2015 program. Applicants
must have an acceptable ACT/Compass Score and must score well on the TEAS
V test (a nursing entrance test). Visit for more information. Apply early!!
The 2015 Ernest Whitelaw-Don Kinney Scholarship is awarded by the American
Indian Center of Arkansas. Seniors must provide Indian documentation (CDIB
card) from a federally recognized tribe. Applications are available
at Deadline is April 17, 2015.
The Arkansas School Plant Management Association (ASPMA) seeks to
promote continued education by offering scholarships to deserving students in
recognition of their leadership;, scholastic achievement and civic
participation. Any graduating high school senior planning to attend a
College/University, Vocational-Technical or Trade School is eligible to apply.
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 and may be renewable. Applications
can be found at Deadline is May 1, 2015.
Seniors - The Athnet Sports Recruiting Scholarship is now available for current
or former athletes at the high school or college level. The $1,000 scholarship
will only be used for the cost of tuition and books. Apply
at Deadline
is June 1, 2015.
Seniors - If you plan to attend ASU Beebe fall 2015, Textbook Corner is
awarding two $500 scholarships. The applicant must be a full time student and
attending ASU Beebe. Applications are available in the counseling
center. Deadline is June 1, 2015.