Sub Code IA Marks:: 14MTP21: 50 HRS/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03 Total HRS.: 50 Exam Marks: 100
Sub Code IA Marks:: 14MTP21: 50 HRS/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03 Total HRS.: 50 Exam Marks: 100
Sub Code IA Marks:: 14MTP21: 50 HRS/ Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03 Total HRS.: 50 Exam Marks: 100
Sub Code
Hrs/ Week
Total Hrs.
: 14MTP21
: 04
: 50
IA Marks
Exam Hours
Exam Marks
: 50
: 03
: 100
Course Objective:
To develop the ability to use the heat transfer concepts for
various applications like finned systems, turbulence flows,
high speed flows. To analyze the thermal analysis and
sizing of heat exchangers and to learn the heat transfer
coefficient for compact heat exchanges. To achieve an
understanding of the basic concepts of fluid flow, phase
change processes and radiation heat transfer.
Course Content:
1.Introduction and one-dimensional heat transfer:
The modes of heat transfer, the laws of heat transfer,
problems Heat conduction in solids: Simple steady state
problems in heat conduction, concept of thermal
resistance, the critical radius problem, the differential
equation of heat conduction, heat generation, two
dimensional steady state heat conduction, unsteady state
processes, extended surfaces- fins, other techniques for
solving heat conduction problems, the finite difference
method for steady state situations, the finite difference
method for unsteady state situations, problems.
Steady state conduction in multiple dimensions:
Mathematical analysis of 2-D heat conduction, graphical
analysis, the conduction shape factor, numerical method
of analysis, Gauss-Siedel iteration, electrical anology for 2D conduction.
10 Hours
characteristics and laws of black body radiation, radiation
incident on a surface, solid angle and radiation intensity,
heat exchange by radiation between two black surface
elements, heat exchange by radiation between two finite
black surfaces, the shape factor, radiant heat exchange in
an enclosure having black surfaces, heat exchange by
radiation between two finite parallel diffuse-gray surfaces,