Federal Grants and Cannabis Lobbying

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Executive Office for United States Attorneys

United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Senate Appropriations Committee

Room S128, The Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

House Appropriations Committee.

H-305, The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

1229 King Street,3 rd floor
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

In 2012 Washington State passed Initiative 1-502. After the Initiative had passed it was
discovered through public access laws in December of 2014 that the Washington State Liquor
Control board travelled around the State of Washington and held 17 secret meetings with law
enforcement and treatment professionals.
Aside from the fact that these acts violated the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act, it is
now clear that many of these law enforcement and treatment organizations were receiving
federal grants which by law may have prohibited them from lobbying and distributing
However, that is what happened here in Washington State on a grand scale, and the U.S.
Attorneys for Washington were both aware of these events where many other federal agencies
also attended these secret public meetings.
I believe that this situation may be the worst violation of 18 U.S. Code 1913 - Lobbying with
appropriated moneys, in United States history. Numerous grant receiving entities may have
violated 18 U.S. Code 1913, in a desperate attempt to save their respective jobs which were
obviously on the line here in Washington State after the passage ofl-502, the marijuana
legalization initiative.
As many of you know we are a nation of laws that have to be applied evenly and fairly if the
public confidence is to be kept intact. While it may be uncomfortable for some in Congress to
hold these entities involved accountable to the law, it is in fact a law and it should be upheld
regardless of your feelings on the issues of marijuana or drug abuse. These people signed federal
grants under a declaration that federal grant monies would not be: used directly or indirectly to
pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter,
or other device, intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a
jurisdiction, or an official of any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise,
any legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation, whether before or after the introduction
of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy, or

of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy, or
Now, after meeting with the Washington State Liquor Control Board on 17 different occasions
and perhaps more, the following federal grant recipients are subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.
Code 1913:

Northwest HIDTA
Spokane County Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force
LEAD Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task Force.
Substance Abuse Prevention of Clark County
Washington Association for Substance Abuse violence Prevention
Washington State Prevention Enhancement (SPE)
The following federal grant recipient sent employees employed by programs which were
receiving federal funding:

Washington State Patrol- lAD Division (In charge or Multi-Jurisdictional Drug Task
The reality is the Washington State Liquor Control Board enabled many federal grant recipients
to circumvent their statement of assurances which they signed agreeing not to use federal grant
funding for lobbying purposes. I would not at all surprise me if the same thing happened in
Colorado, Alaska, or DC.
Please hold these federal grant recipients accountable for their violations of federal laws.

It has been argued and won in Federal court that state employees Wlder federal grants are subject
to the Westfall Act, and subject to the Federal Tort Claims Act as a "loaned state employee" or
"Borrowed servant." They can't have it both ways. The Loaned employee's violated 18 U.S.
Code 1913: Please check for their reporting.
Thank you


John Worthington
4500 SE 2ND PL
Renton W A.98059

From: Lopez. Sheri L

Sent: Wednesday. February 13.2013 12:09 PM
To: Trotter, Samantha E.
Subject: Minutes - Law Enforcement Meeting
February 12,2013 at the Spokane Police Department Academy
Began at 10:05am Ended at I L:25am

LeB Staff Present:

Rick Garza
Chris Marr
Ruthann Kurose
Brian Smith
Alan Rathbun
Justin Nordhom
Sheri Lopez
16 Law Enforcement Officers attended the meeting. representing It agencies:
Pend Oreille County Sheriffs Office
U.S. Border Patrol
Spokane Police Department
Pullman Police Department
WSU Police Department
Liberty Lake Police Department
U.S. Secret SCJVice
Spokane County Dnlg Task Forte
Spokane County Sheriff's Office
U.s. Marshal.
Welcomed everyone as we went around then room introducing ourselves

Briefly spoke on two current issues - I) control ofillicit drugs. and 2) medical
marijuana not covered in 1-502

Rules must be put together by December I, 2013 - not required to have the stores
open by then but the public expects it

Voiced concern with diversion to tbe black market

Handed out 1-502 Fact Sheet, Tentative Rulernaking Timeline. RFP. Forum
Schedule, FAQ Sheet, and Law Enforcement Fact Sheet
Criminal history - what's the risk threshold

13-2-01603-3 LeB




Law Enforcement Concerns & Comments

State needs to fix the medical marijuana laws which allows for 240z. 15 plants
and no taxes - medical marijuana participants likely sell their excess
I~502 changed the definition of marijuana to include
content - currently no
way to charge as there's no way to test THC except at the crime lab

Prosecutors and Courts have really backed~ff on marijuana convictions
If medical marijuana requires a Rx - why not regulate like opiates
Medical marijuana requires an "authorization" not a Rx
Currently the "authorization" does not include an expiration date - Legislature
may look at placing specific time limits on "authorizations" and creating a registry

Marijuana smuggling from Canada seems to have decreased cut in reality it bas
moved farther east before entering the U.S.

Street dealers will unden:ut the state costs. plus no taxes and only a hand-slap
from the couns

Drug dealers are hiding behind the medical marijuana "authorization"
200 WSU students (18-22 years ofage) have medical marijuana "authorization"

Investigation showed a member ofNORML set-up a clinic at a ht-bouse and for
$200 cash the marijuana practitioner would issue an "authorization"

No way 1502 and current medical marijuana laws will wode together

What to do with theftlburglaries at marijuana stores
Justin commented on discussion around a "gun store" model
I-S02 does not iO()lude open marijuana containers in a vehicle

There has been an increase in public consumption of marijuana

How do you address the issue of agencies funded or partially funded by federal

How many marijuana grows are anticipated
It will be based on estimated consumption rate
Possibly modeled after the former liquor store model of350 stores

Nothing in 1-502 allows for money back to law enforcement agencies like the
liquor laws

Laws need to back the packaging. labeling, etc.
Will the marijuana stores be allowed to be armed

Where are we going to be in 10 years
Medical marijuana was enacted 10+ years ago and it's still not right



13-2-01603-3 LeB

Good morning SCSPCA members:

As I mentioned in our meeting last Thursday. Liquor Control Board Chair, Sharon
Foster, asked me to offer the lE professionals of Snohomish County the opportunity
hear from the Board and to hear your comments on the implementation of 1-502.
Obviously, the input from Sno-County law enforcement would be of great value to us
as we move closer to our December 1It deadline.

At this point I am just trying to get an idea as to the level of interest. If you think a
one-hour law enforcement forum with the Board would be a valuable to you, I will set
something up in the Everett area. All! need for now is an e-mail reply from you
wheth,Pr you or your staff would be interested in attending a short forum
~. I appreciate your consideration and I look forward to hearing back.


The Board would like to meet on the same day as one of our public forums. On
February 19th we have scheduled a public forum in Mount Vemon. I could try to set
something up in Everett area for early afternoon.


Thomas A. Dixon, Captain

WSlCB logo.gif
Northwest Region


Lopez, Sheri L [SLZOLlQ.wAOOV]

Tuesday, March 05,20134:15:02 PM

Trotter. Samantha E.

Meeting Minutes Law Enforcement Meeting - Yakima




Follow Up Flag;
Flag 8httus:

Follow up

February 28, 2013 at the WA State Patrol District 3 Headquarters

Began at 11:00am Ended at 12:10pm

LCB Staff Present:


Pat Kohler


Rick Garza


Sharon Foster


Chris Marr


Ruthann Kurose


Brian Smith


Alan Rathbun


Justin Nordhom


Steve Johnson

10. Dan Rehfield

11. Ingrid Mungia Gourley
12. Kent Williams

13. Marie Reddout

14. Mary Segawa
15. Sheri Lopez

13-2-01803-3 LeB

17 Law Enforcement Officers attended the meeting. representing 15 agencies:


Sunnyside PO


WA State Patrol


Wapato PO


Benton County Sheriff's Office


Franklin County Sheriffs Office


Mabton PO


Toppenish PO


Connell PO


Pasco PO

10. Richland PO
11. West Richland PO
12. Tieton PO

13. Selah PO
14. Yakima PO
15. LEAD (drug task force)

Rick and Pat gave a short presentation/overview of 1-502

Handed out 1~502 Fact Sheet, Tentative Rulemaking Timeline, RFP. Forum
Schedule. FAQ Sheet, and Law Enforcement Fact Sheet

Law Enforcement Concerns & Comments

Illicit markets - illegal grows - will still remain under local law enforcement

13--2-01603--3 Lee

What about marijuana leaving the state - how will it be controlled?

Will the grows be indoors only?

o Concern that theftltrespass calls will increase if outdoor grows

Will purchases be tracked?

What would stop someone from making multiple legal purchases?

o Suggest a pawn-store documented tracking system

What about tracking those folks under DOC supervision?


Suggest a pharrnacy-styte system like the one used for ephedrine purchases

What about jail in-take? Do we return legal marijuana when a person is


Would giving it back be a violation of federal laws?

o It should be handled like alcohol and not placed into a person's property upon being

Label and package Jike cigarettes

Yakima leads the state in illegal outdoor grows
Franklin County eradicates 2O,()()()..40,OOO plants annually

Background checks for licensees/applicants

How deep will they go

Ii LCB is consulting with the Gambling Commission

() LCB is considering fingerprinting financiers
Will 1-502 apply to tribes/reservations?

Reservation grows is why Yakima County leads the state in illegal outdoor grows

So far the Feds are saying, " ... not in federal buildings, on federal land, etc."

The AG is looking into the tribal issues

13-2..01603--3 Lee



Alcohol is sold in sealed containers - can marijuana also be sold in sealed

containers? (ie: open container law)

1-502 not definitive on open container

o City ordinance can be adopted but packages need to not be re-sealable; like
alcohol, once open the seal is broken
\-502 does not address medical marijuana

Legislature is looking at ways to tighten-up the 1-502Jmedical marijuana issue

Needs to be one system, not two separate systems

Change asset forfeiture laws to help law enforcement

Eastern WA - no medical marijuana dispensaries but full of marijuana agriculture

One plant can be 6'H x 5'W and yield 41bs-6lbs of marijuana

Can marijuana be chemically marked to show it's legally purchased?


13-2-01603-3 LeB


---------~.--~---- .






- - - _..


Enforcement & Education Division


The Enforcement & Education Division's personnel carry out their duties with the
highest standards ofpersonal and professional ethics based on honesty, Integrity and
trust. Every individual who comes in contact with 8 division employee is to be treated
with the highest level of courtesy and respect.

From: Smith, Brian E

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 20131:34 PM
To: Nordhom, Justin T; Johnson, Steven 0
Cc: Kohler, Pat A

Subject: Law Enforcement Mtgs.

Importance: High

Justin, per our brief conversation.

Below are the dates and locations for our public forums. Between the Board and staff,
we wanted to make the most of the travel days. For example, in some places we'll be
meeting with city officials or the U.S. Attorney. We would like provide an opportunity for
local law enforcement to meet with board members or staff on '502.
Law Enforcement

Will you work with your regional captains on a strategy for outreach to the law
enforcement in the location of the forums.

If appropriate, please include surrounding citiesltownslcounties. Olympia and
Seattle aren't necessary, but the remaining four are in play.
We would need one law enforcement agency the host the hour..Jong
discussion. We'll also need to coordinate with the other activities going on that day.

13-2-01603-3 Lea

_ _ _


. _


_ _ "



Dave Rodriguez [ORodriguezOnw.hldta.orgJ

Wednesday, January 30,20131:13:42 PM
Dixon, Tom A

RE: 1-502 Law Enforcement ForlJ'n with the Uquor control Board Members

It was good to meet you at the Chiefs meeting~ You asked me to follow up on this issue;
below are just a few of my observations. My contact information is at the bottom of this

Because legalization of Marijuana has not been allowed in any US state or territory we
are breaking new ground. Colorado enacted strict regulations regarding their Marijuana
dispensaries but there was still considerable diversion to the illegal market Some of
their restrictions involved the location and size of their dispensaries, background on
dispensary operators, barcoding of their plants. no advertising. etc. ( see attachment for
issues surrounding dispensaries ). All of these issues should be addressed in any rule
making. Also many dispensaries, particularty in Califomia, have been involved with
Money laundering because it is a cash business with no audits.
I believe it would be preferable to develop a nonprofit model similar to the State Liquor
stores that would be subject to State oversight and regular audits. All contracted
emptoyees would be subject to a strid background check; no criminal violations and
polygraph on demand. All stores. processing and production sites should have security
cameras and guards and all losses of money or product reported immediately to law
enforcement There should also be 'a residency requirement to reduce out of state drug
Below are other issues raised by WASAVP; the key one being the repeal of the Medical
Marijuana Statute that would eliminate a big headache for law enforcement,

The Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention ~ASAVP)
is developing a white paper addressing the implementation of 1-502 which should be
finalized in the next few weeks. Among the issues and recommendations to be

Budget increase for prevention services/programs

Budget allocation for treatment services (not addressed in current legislation)
Budget increase for LCB enforcement personnel (current allocation will support app.


30 FTEs for a state--wide industry)

Budget allocation for law enforcement (not addressed in current legislation,
overlooking impacts related to impaired driving and criminal activities associated
with the production. processing and selling of a valuable and high-demand
commodity in a cash-only environment)
Regulation and oversight of "medibles" (not addressed In current legiSlation)
Repeal of the current medical marijuana statute which is rendered redundant with
the passage of 1-502 and allows the continued operation of collective gardens (while
personal cultivation is prohibited by 1-502), nominally-regulated
"dispensaries"(outside of and in competition with state-sanctioned sales), and
access for youth and adolescents who obtain parental consent to obtain a Medical
Marijuana card.

My colleague in Colorado informed me that the Governor of Colorado has appointed a

rule making committee that has until mid-February to send him recommendations on
implementation of the Statute. As with us whatever rules are adopted will go into effect
at the end of the year. If you need further infOrmation or expansion on the issues raised
let me know. Regards. Dave

Dave Rodriguez
Director NW HIDTA
300 Fifth Avenue, 13111 Fir.

Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 352-3600

{HYPERUNK -mailto:dmdriguez@nw.hidta.org"}

From: Dixon, Tom A [mailto:TAD@UQ.WA.GOV]

Sent: Wednesday, January 30,20137:18 AM

Subject: 1-502 Law Enforcement Forum with the liquor Control.Board Members

13-2-01603-3 Lee

The Substance Abuse Prevention

Coalition of Clark County


Dear Washington Slate Liquor Control Board,

PREVENT! Coalition is a substance abuse prevention coalition in Clark County WA.

Since 2005 PREVENT! has been working to realize the vision ofa 'healthy. thriving Clark
County free of the effects of substance abuse .... The personal possession and recreational use of
the cannabis plant is in direct conflict to this vision. We understand the Liquor Control Board has
a tall order and short time frame to develop the rules and regulations for the manufacturing,
processing and selling of marijuana. The production, processing and selling of marijuana is an
extremely important matter for our community. We do not want to see any element within this
process that would jeopardize our youth or encourage criminal activity to exist due to increased
access of marijuana within this legislation.
Marijuana abuse has negative consequences for youth and colDlDunities:
Youth who use marijuana are 28% more likely to receive e's, D's, and F's in school than

youth who do not. 2010 Healthy Youth Survey

Marijuana dependence accounted for 62% of youth admissions to WA treatment

programs. Washington State Treatment Assessment Report Generation Tool (TARGET)


The risk of heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking

marijuana. "Marijuana and Heart Altacks. ,. Washington Post March 3, 2000

Weekly marijuana use doubles the risk of developing depression and triples the incidence

of suicidal thoughts amongst youth. Drug Abuse: Drug Czar, Others Warn parenls thai

Teen Marijuana Use can Lead to Depression" Life Science Weekly. May 31. 2()05

Critical skills related to attention. memory and learning are significantly impaired among

marijuana users. even after 24 hours have passed since the last use. NIDA. "Research

Report: Marijuana Abuse." Oct. 2001

Drivers who have used marijuana are more than twice as likely as other drivers to be

involved in car crashes. Epidemiologic Review.f, . Marijuana use and Motor Vehic:Je

Crashes. .. Oct. 20}}

2500 NE 65th Ave.

Vancouver. WA 98661
360-750-7500 x144


13-2-01603-3 Lea



The Subetance Abuse Prevention

CoalItIOn of Clark County

PREVENT! recognizes that there are complicated legal and social issues surrounding

marijuana use and abuse. PREVENT! believes that treatment and prevention efforts must

address the social and psychological reasons that youth use marijuana.. as well as advocating for

responsible laws that limit youth exposure and access to marijuana. We support appropriate

marijuana product labeling, significant advertising restrictions, outlet density restrictions,

mandated responsible vendor programs. and other protective measures which can help protect

kids and communities. Below is a list of recommendations 'We support. This list was created in

partnership with the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention.

ProvisioDS to Promote Healthy Children and Commuities

iD a Legal Marijuana Marketplace

Increase FundiD' for Pr......SDtioD to the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Community Mobilization Program,

Community Networks and grants directly to community programs focused on substance

abuse prevention.

Increase FUDm, for Substance Abu" Treatment including funding for school-based

Preventionllntervention Specialists (drug counselors) through the Educational Service

Districts for every Middle and High School to keep kids off marijuana and ready to learn.

Bestriet Optlet Density to minimize exposure ofyouth to marijuana products and/or use.

In addition to be thoughtful and minimize outlet locations in tenos of disadvantaged


Mariiu.a Soeial Ho.t LaWI to prevent youth marijuana use in homes and unmonitored

house parties.

Restrict Advertisinc on marijuana advertising including sponsorships. point-of-purchase

marketing, and depictions in entertainment venues.

Restrictions on Product Sampling in stores. fanners markets. or any licensed outlet.

Mandatory R.esDODsible Vendor Trainin& for all licensed vendors and medical marijuana


Smoke-Free Law. Appb: to marijuana use where tobacco smoking is banned.

Limit on Houn of Sales for all licensed vendors.

2500 HE 65th Ave.

Vancouver. WA 98661
360-750-7500 xl44


13-2-01603-3 Lea

The Subetance Abuse Prevention

Coalition of Clark County

e Limit on Number of Purchases Per Day to support limitations on personal possession

amounts and discourage the black market.
e Ban on Internet SalalDelivery of marijuana to keep sales in the controlled and regulated
environments of licensed retail outlets and avoid additional access points for youth.
e Require State Residency for Marijuana PURhaHs at state-licensed stores to discourage

the black market and illegal interstate/international trafficking.

e Increase Funding for Liquor Control Board Enforcement so more than 2S additional

officers are in place for enforcement of the entire industry; including enough to

adequately conduct compliance checks on all vendors.

e1asrwe Funding for Law Enforcement for training and additional statfto adequately

enforce driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) laws and for equipment for court

admissible testing for marijuana intoxication in the field.

e Greater Ipdustry-Flnapced Fund from marijuana profits to pay for the health-related

costs among the adolescents, including an increased need for diversion programs and

treatment, so that taxpayers won't have to pick up the tab.

e Protest Mariiuana Dedlgted Fund by putting it in a trust account, or similar fiscal

structure, that permanently protects it from being transferred into any other fund

including the State General Fund or tapped for other purposes.

e A SUrgeon General's Report on the impact oflegal marijuana on adolescents to be

included with mandated reportsltracking under 1-502.

e A Penalty Fee on the marijuana industry for every new underage user.
e Repeal or Reform "Medical" Marijuana Law to reduce youth access from personal

grow operations. Medical Marijuana Law is redundant and unnecessary under

legalization, reduces IN502 tax revenue, and jeopardizes 1-502 adolescent harm reduction

measures. Consider access for non-smoked cannabinoids via pharmacies.

e Marijuana Controlled by the Food and Drug Administration like tobacco is now.

2500 NE 65th Ave.

Vancower, WA 98661
360-750-7500 xl44

13-2-01603-3 LeB

The Substance AbuM Prevention

CoalItion of CIIUtc County

Automatis Repeal (or Amendmept) of marijuana legalization if underage marijuana use

exceeds certain levels (or trigger for significant increased funding to prevention and
treatment until use rates decline).

Thank you for your time and consideration ofthese suggestions. We look forward to

partnering with the WA State Liquor Control Board in this process ofrulemaking for the

implementation of 1-502 within our communities.


PREVENT! Coalition

2500 NE 65th Ave.

Vancower. WA 98661
360-750-7S00 x144


13-2"()1603-3 lea

Drake. Randy (wsel

aatiste. lobo (wsP)
Hitte!I Curt (WSP}; Lever Jjm (wsp)



Re: 0pp0rtunH.y for You to Shape MarIjuana Poky

Friday, January 18, 201310:36:25 PM

Will do!

FnIIII: Batiste, John (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 18, 201310:34 PM

To: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Cc: Hattell, a.lft (WSP); Lever, lim (WSP)

SUbject: Fw: Opportunity for You to Shape Marijuana Policy

Randy, please assign someone to be our agency's representative to help the lCB shape their marijuana

policy on 1-502.

Chief John Batiste

Washington State Patrol

Agency Motto:

"Service With Humility"

From: lim Cooper at TOGETHERI [malltD:jcooper@ttustontoge.org]

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 02:50 PM

To: Batiste, John (WSP)

Subject: Opportunity fur You to Shape Marijuana Policy

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

HI, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an Interest In TOGETHER!.
Don't forget to add jcooperOthurstontogether.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your
You may unsubSCribe If you no longer wish to receive our ernalls.

Jim's desk header graphic


You Can Help Shape State Policies

As you may know, the Washington State Liquor Control Board will be the agency in charge of

implementing the new marijuana laws in ow: state. We're treading new ground here and a lot
of policies have to be created. And you can be a part of the ruleroaking process! There are
many ways to do this.

First, you can attend. an LCD public forum.. One is scheduled for this Tuesday, Jan.

22, at 6 p.m. at the LCB main office (3000 Pacific Ave SE, Room 201; Olympia, WA
98501). Depending on your interest in the issue, you can attend just to listen to the
ideas being presented, or you can speak and offer your own thoughts. Here's a page
with more infoanariop and the full agenda. TOGETHER! staff will be there to testify.
(See below for a few points we'll be addressing.)
Another thing you can do is provide written commen1S to the LCB via email or fax
(360-664-9689). The deadline for written comments is Feb. 10.

And to make sure you always get the latest news on what's happening with marijuana
at the LCB, s~ up for their listsery.
Let me know if you have any questionsl Wf! hope to see you Tuesday at the forum.

P.s. Having good infoonation is key to successful and appropriate policies, and to being an
engaged citizen. Please look at this data sheet. which shows teen marijuana use statistics in
Washington state. And bdow .is a list of provisions drafted by one ofTOGETHER!'s partners
that we fed promote healthy children and communities in a legal marijuana marketplace.
Happy reading and learning!

We know you share a common thread with us of caring deeply for the youth in our community
and making sure they have successful futures. Washington State Healthy Youth SnnTt~y data
illustrate that the perception of harm from regular marijuana use is steadily declining, while
marijuana use among teens continues to climb. Marijuana use is detrimental to proper youth
development and achievement.
Here is a list of provisions to promote healthy children and communities in a legal marijuana
marketplace. These are what guide us in our approach to this issue.

Provisions to Promote Healthy Children and Communities in a Legal

Marijuana Marketplace (Abridged)
From the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention
1. No advertising of marijuana at all.
2. No product placement, sponsorships, point-of-purchase marketing, or depictions in
entertainment venues.
3. Restrictions on product sampling in stores, farmers markets or any licensed outlet.
4. Mandatory responSible-vendor training for all licensed vendors.
S. Smoke-free laws apply. No marijuana use wh~re tobacco smoking is banned.
6. Limit the hours of sales and the number of purchases per day.
7. Encourage or implement marijuana social host laws to prevent youth use in homes.
8. Ban Internet sales/delivery of marijuana and marijuana-infused products to avoid

additional access points for youth.

9. Increase funding for Liquor Control Board enforcement, and for prevention work at
the state and community levels. Fund prevention/intervention specialists for every
middle and high school.
10. Repeal the medical marijuana law, which is made redundant and unnecessary by
Initiative 502. It also jeopardizes 1-502 adolescent harm reduction measures.
Consider access for non-smoked cannabinoids via pharmacies.
11. Greater industryfinanced fund from marijuana profits to pay for healthrelated costs
among adolescents, including an increased need for diversion programs and
treatment, so that taxpayers won It have to pick up the tab.
12. A penalty fee on the marijuana industry for every underage user or new user.
13. Automatic repeal (or amendment) of marijuana legalization, or increased funding to
prevention and treatment, if underage marijuana use exceeds certain levels.
14. Have the Food and Drug Administration control marijuana as they do tobacco.

l'.OGBTHER! website

Upcoming events

TOGETHERI engages and mobilizes families, schools and the community to advance the
health, safety and success ofour youth. Our vision is for all young people in Thurston
County communities to be supported, healthy, safe and valued.
To learn. more, visit us online or call us at 360-493-2230.

ThIs email was sent to john.bat:isle@wsp.wa.gov by ;jcnoJler@thurstoot.Qgetber,org

update Profjle/Emajl Addras Instant removal with SafeUnsubsgibe- Prjvacy eolk;y.
TOGETHER! 418 Carpenter Rd SE ste 203 Lacey WA 98503

Bob Ferguson


1125 Washington Street SE PO Box 40100 Olympia WA 98504-0100

December 3, 2014

Honorable Sharon Foster, Chair

Washington State liquor Control Board
3000 Pacific Avenue SE
Olympia, Washington 98504

BE: CR-l02 Regarding Recreational Marijl:ama Rules

Dear Chair Foster:

The Office of the Attomey Ge:oe:ral C'AG<n appreciatm the opportunity to submit these
comments on a set ofproposed administrative rules by d1e Washington State Liquor Control
Board ("WSLCB,,). In pa:rticular~ we are providing comments on proposed amended WAC 314
55-077. We include with, and as a part of; our commc:nts the attached September 1,2014 issue
paper from the Washington Healthy Yoath Coalition to 1be SPB (SUategic Prevention
Euhancoment) Polier Consortium. captioned "Poliey Options Regarding Marijuana Products That
. Appeal To Kids."
AJJ, the issue paper notes, the Governor's Resul1s Washington initiative calla for the state to

decrease the percentage of 10 gradas who report usin& marijuana in the last 30 days from the
2012 baseHne of 19.3% to 18%.by 2017, as measured by tbe Washington State Healthy Youth
Survey. The state's effort to reduce youth marijuana use is ocwr:ring in a particularly
cbalJenging envimoment. For several years prior to the passage ofI-S02,. youth marijuana use in
washingtOn was on the r.iae. According to the Washington State Hcal1hy Youth Survey
("HYS,,), "Among Orade 10 and 12 students, thae were significat increasing 1reOds in 30-day
marijuana use from 2002-2012.,,1 Moreo.er, youth perception of harm from marijuana use
bisJorlcally a leading indicator of actual use--decralsed signifieamly fiom 2002-2012 among all

gnKle levels ~2 Marijuaua legalization it3elfmay preacnt additioual riab of youth

marijuana use, as research shows that community norms that are favorable toward drug use (such

.1H8 4nalyttc l&poTt


"Id. atM.

3JW: 15--2-00069-9




1. The 1ams ":relate," Itin relation to, It or "relating to" mean din:cdy or indirectly referring to,
pertaining to. discussing, describing, c.ommenting on. eoostitotiog, evidencing. referencing. comprising.
or reflecting upon Illdatcd subjeet, in whole or in part.
1. The term ~ refers to 10m WOIthiagton.





GENE.RAL O.B.J.EC'nONS: This set' of1nterrogatarles are directed to the Washington State
A.ttnmey General'1 Office and to "Robert Farris". Defendants believe plaintiff meat1S to refer to
Robert or"R.ustt' Fal~ an employee oftbe A.ttnmey Generars Office. Neither the Attorney
Ocneral's Office nor Mr. Fallis are parties to this case, 1bns interrogatories aod requests for
production ofdoctulients are not properly served on the AGO or Mr. Fallis. Mr. Fallis is not an
agent o~ or represadative of.. the Washington State IJquor Control Board. 1.'berefore,
Defi:ndanb ate under DO obligation to respond to these interrogatories. Furthermore. as they are
directed to non-parti~ Defendants do DOt waive objections to improper service of the 3td Set of
Interrogatories and R~ for Production. Plain.ti.frs Declaration of Service is also improper,
because it ~ the 3 Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production were "served on the
defendants listed below." The only entity "listed beloW' on tbe Declaration nfService is the
Attorney Oeraeral's ~ which is not a party to this action. Furthermore, 1be Interrogatories
and R.eqoest for P!txIuction ofI>ocume:oDl are not reasonably calculated to lead 10 discovery of


relevant evidence.


Without waiving objection, Senior Counsel Robert Fallis provides the following responses:


INTERROGATORY NO.1: Have you ch:afted any policy for "the 1-502 rule making process as
part ofa team or group?
ANSWER.: No. I am an attt:nneJ employed by the Attorney General's om" as Senior CounseL
I am not part oftbe r':'502 rulemaking process nor do I advise the Liquor Control Board on
matters relating to 1-502. I have not drafted any policy 1br the 1-502 rulema1cing process.






I was the primary drafter ofwritteD. comments on proposed changes to WAC 314-55-077 on
paclc!ging of marij1ll.lDa products that the AUomey General's OffiCe su.bmiUed to the Liquor
Control Board ("LCD") on December 3, 2014.
As the AtbJmey Oenaal's Office representative on the Waah:iDgton Healthy Youth CoaJition
(fOllIlCl"ly known as the R.edooin& Underage DrinJdng Task Force)~ I was tbD primary drafter of
an issue paper regarding matijuaDa products that potentjal1y appeal to ldds. The issue paper,
titled "Policy Options R.egmding Marijuana Products ~ Appeal to Kids". dated September I,
2014s was,Submitted to the Stmtegic Prevention Enbaaeemeut ("SPEt') Policy Consortium of the
state ofWashington.


- - - -_ _ _- -


lNTERROOATORY NO.2; Iftbe IJllS\Vel' to interrogatory number 1 is yes, please identify every ,
membei- of your team. or group by indivi.d:ual and by organization.


ANSWER: I have not drafted any policy for the 1-502 rulemaking process. The Answer to this
queStion is Not Applicable. I am. not a member ofa team or- group that dJ:afted any policy for the

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