Emperical Design of Concrete Masonry

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National Concrete Masonry Association

an information series from the national authority on concrete masonry technology

TEK 14-8B



Keywords: allowable stress, anchorage, bonding, building

codes, empirical design, height/thickness ratio, intersecting

walls, lateral support, nonbearing wall, parapet, partition
walls, shear wall, unreinforced concrete masonry, vertical
loads, wall ties
Empirical design is a procedure of proportioning and sizing unreinforced masonry elements based on known historical
performance for a given application. Empirical provisions
preceded the development of engineered masonry design, and
can be traced back several centuries. This approach to design
is based on historical experience in lieu of analytical methods.
It has proven to be an expedient design method for typical
loadbearing structures subjected to relatively small wind loads
and located in areas of low seismic risk. Empirical design has
also been used extensively for the design of exterior curtain
walls and interior partitions.
Using empirical design, vertical and lateral load resistance
is governed by prescriptive criteria which include wall height to
thickness ratios, shear wall length and spacing, minimum wall
thickness, maximum building height, and other criteria, which
have proven to be effective through years of experience.

This TEK is based on the provisions of Section 2109 of

the International Building Code (IBC) (ref. 1). These empirical design requirements do not apply to other design methods
such as allowable stress or limit states design. For empirical
design of foundation walls, see TEK 15-1B, Allowable Stress
Design of Concrete Masonry Foundation Walls (ref. 2)
The IBC allows elements of masonry structures to be designed by empirical methods when assigned to Seismic Design
Category (SDC) A, B or C, subject to additional restrictions
described below. When empirically designed elements are part
of the seismic lateral force resisting system, however, their
use is limited to SDC A.
Empirical design has primarily been used with masonry
laid in running bond. When laid in stack bond, the IBC requires
a minimum amount of horizontal reinforcement (0.003 times

Table 12006 IBC Empirical Design Limitations Based on Building Height and Basic Wind SpeedA

Building height,
h, ft (m)

w < 90
(w < 40)

Basic wind speed, w, mph (m/s)

90 < w < 100
100 < w < 110
(40 < w < 45)
(45 < w < 49)

Masonry wall type:

Part of the lateral forceresisting system
h < 35 (11)
Interior, not part of the
h > 180 (55)
Not allowed
lateral force-resisting
60 (18) < h < 180 (55)
system, in buildings other
35 (11) < h < 60 (18)
than enclosedA
h < 35 (11)
Exterior, not part of the
h > 180 (55)
Not allowed
lateral force-resisting
60 (18) < h < 180 (55)
35 (11) < h < 60 (18)
h < 35 (11)
Per Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7 (ref. 4).
TEK 14-8B 2008 National Concrete Masonry Association (replaces TEK 14-8A)

110 < w
(49 < w)
Not allowed

Not allowed
Not allowed
Not allowed
Not allowed
Not allowed
Not allowed





Simple span deflection

Simple span deflection

Note: In cases where reinforced masonry pilasters have

control joints on only one side of each pilaster, the clear
span, l, extends from control joint to control joint.
h = clear span between supports
l = horizontal span

Single wythe

Double wythe
(Note: t = t1 + t2 )

= nominal wall thickness
t1, t2 = nominal wythe thicknesses

Figure 1Lateral Support of Empirically Designed (Unreinforced) Concrete Masonry Walls

Table 2Wall Lateral Support Requirements (ref. 1)

Table 3Maximum Unreinforced Wall Spans, ft (m)A

Maximum wall length-to Wall thickness, in. (mm) 6 (152) 8 (203) 10 (254) 12 (305)
thickness or height-to Bearing walls
Construction (unreinforced)
thickness ratioA
Solid or solid grouted 10 (3.0)B 13.3 (4.1) 16.6 (5.1) 20 (6.1)
Bearing walls
All other
9 (2.7)B 12 (3.7) 15 (4.5) 18 (5.5)
Solid units or solid grouted
Nonbearing walls
All others
9 (2.7) 12 (3.7) 15 (4.5) 18 (5.5)
Nonbearing walls
18 (5.5) 24 (7.3) 30 (9.1) 36 (11)
Cantilever WallsC
3 (0.9) 4 (1.2) 5 (1.5) 6 (1.8)
Cantilever wallsB
2 (0.6) 2.6 (0.8) 3.3 (1.0) 4 (1.2)
Parapets C
1.5 (0.5) 2 (0.6) 2.5 (0.8) 3 (0.9)
Note that Ref. 6 includes modified requirements for walls
Parapets (8-in. (203-mm) thick min.)B
with openings.
Ratios are determined using nominal dimensions. For multi- B Unreinforced 6-in. (152-mm) thick bearing walls are limited
wythe walls where wythes are bonded by masonry headers, to one story in height.
the thickness is the nominal wall thickness. When multiwythe C For these cases, spans are maximum wall heights.
walls are bonded by metal wall ties, the thickness is taken
as the sum of the wythe thicknesses. Note that Reference 6
includes modified requirements for walls with openings.
check the SDC and basic wind speed, with the 2006 IBC, to
The ratios are maximum height-to-thickness ratios and do
use empirical design the designer must check:
not limit wall length.
the wall's vertical cross-sectional area and spaced not more
basic wind speed,
than 48 in. (1,219 mm) apart).
building height, and
In addition, buildings that rely on empirically designed
location of gravity loads resultant.
masonry walls for lateral load resistance are allowed up to 35
The limitations based on SDC are the same as in the 2003
ft (10.7 m) in height.
IBC, described above. Building height and basic wind speed
The 2003 IBC restricts empirical design to locations where
conditions where empirical design is permitted under the 2006
the basic wind speed (three-second gust, not fastest mile) is
IBC are summarized in Table 1.
less than or equal to 110 mph (79 m/s), as defined in Minimum
The 2006 IBC also requires the resultant of gravity loads
Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7
to fall within the kern of the masonry element, to avoid im(ref. 3). A wind speed of this velocity generally applies along
parting tension to the element. This area is defined as: within
the East and Gulf coasts of the United States.
the center third of the wall thickness, or, for foundation piers,
The 2006 IBC further refines the empirical design limiwithin the central area bounded by lines at one-third of each
tations. Whereas with the 2003 IBC, the designer need only
cross-sectional dimension of the pier.


Table 4Allowable Compressive Stress for

Empirical Design of Masonry

Minimum Wall Thickness

Empirically designed (unreinforced) bearing walls of
one story buildings must be at least 6 in. (152 mm) thick. For
buildings more than one story high, walls must be at least 8
in. (203 mm) thick. The minimum thickness for unreinforced
masonry shear walls and for masonry foundation walls is also
8 in. (203 mm). Note that the 2003 IBC allows shear walls
of one-story buildings to have a minimum thickness of 6 in.
(152 mm).

Allowable compressive stresses

based on gross cross-sectional
area, psi (MPa)A
Gross area compressive
Type M or S
Type N
strength of unit, psi (MPa)
Solid and Solidly Grouted Masonry (refs. 1, 6):
Solid concrete brick:
8,000 (55) or greater
350 (2.41)
300 (2.07)
4,500 (31)
225 (1.55)
200 (1.38)
2,500 (17)
160 (1.10)
140 (0.97)
1,500 (10)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
Grouted concrete masonry:
4,500 (31) or greater
225 (1.55)
200 (1.38)
2,500 (17)
160 (1.10)
140 (0.97)
1,500 (10)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
Solid concrete masonry units:
3,000 (21) or greater
225 (1.55)
200 (1.38)
2,000 (14)
160 (1.10)
140 (0.97)
1,200 (8.3)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
Hollow walls (noncomposite masonry bondedB):
Solid units:
2,500 (17) or greater 160 (1.10)
140 (0.97)
1,500 (10)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)

Hollow Unit Masonry (Units Complying With ASTM

C 90-06 or Later) (ref. 6)C:
Hollow loadbearing CMU, t < 8 in. (203 mm)D:
2,000 (14) or greater
140 (0.97)
120 (0.83)
1,500 (10)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
1,000 (6.9)
75 (0.52)
70 (0.48)
700 (4.8)
60 (0.41)
55 (0.38)
Hollow loadbearing CMU, 8 in. < t < 12 in. (203 to 305 mm)D:
2,000 (14) or greater
125 (0.86)
110 (0.76)
1,500 (10)
105 (0.72)
90 (0.62)
1,000 (6.9)
65 (0.49)
60 (0.41)
700 (4.8)
55 (0.38)
50 (0.35)
Hollow loadbearing CMU, t > 12 in (305 mm)D:
2,000 (14) or greater
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
1,500 (10)
95 (0.66)
85 (0.59)
1,000 (6.9)
60 (0.41)
55 (0.38)
700 (4.8)
50 (0.35)
45 (0.31)
Hollow walls (noncomposite masonry bondedB):
t < 8 in. (203 mm)D
75 (0.52)
70 (0.48)
65 (0.45)
8 < t < 12 in (203 to 305 mm)D 70 (0.48)
t > 12 in (305 m.m)D
60 (0.41)
55 (0.38)

Hollow Unit Masonry (Units Complying With Previous

Editions of ASTM C 90) (ref. 1)C:
Hollow concrete masonry units:
2,000 (14) or greater
140 (0.97)
120 (0.83)
1,500 (10)
115 (0.79)
100 (0.69)
1,000 (6.9)
75 (0.52)
70 (0.48)
700 (4.8)
60 (0.41)
55 (0.38)
Hollow walls (noncomposite masonry bondedB):
Hollow units
75 (0.52)
70 (0.48)

Lateral Support
Lateral support for walls can be provided in the horizontal
direction by cross walls, pilasters, buttresses and structural
frame members, or in the vertical direction by floor diaphragms,
roof diaphragms and structural frame members, as illustrated
in Figure 1. For empirically designed walls, such support must
be provided at the maximum intervals given in Tables 2 and 3.
Note that the span limitations apply to only one direction; that
is, the span in one direction may be unlimited as long as the
span in the other direction meets the requirements of Tables
2 or 3.
Allowable Stresses
Allowable stresses in empirically designed masonry due
to building code prescribed vertical (gravity) dead and live
loads (excluding wind or seismic) are given in Table 4.
Table 4 includes two sets of compressive stresses for
hollow concrete masonry units (CMU). The first set, titled
"Hollow Unit Masonry (Units Complying With ASTM C 9006 or Later)" apply to most CMU currently available. The
2006 edition of the CMU specification, Standard Specification
for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C 90 (ref.
7), included slightly reduced minimum face shell thickness
requirements for CMU 10 in. (254 mm) and greater in width.
These smaller face shells require a corresponding adjustment
to the allowable compressive stresses. The values currently
published in the 2006 IBC ("Hollow Unit Masonry (Units
Complying With Previous Editions of ASTM C 90)" in Table
4), apply to the previous face shell thicknesses, and should
only be used if the CMU to be used have the thicker face shells

Linear interpolation for intermediate values of compressive

strength is permitted.
Where floor and roof loads are carried on one wythe, the gross
cross-sectional area is that of the wythe under load; if both
wythes are loaded, the gross cross-sectional area is that of the
wall minus the area of the cavity between the wythes. Walls
bonded with metal ties shall be considered as noncomposite
walls unless collar joints are filled with mortar or grout.
Minimum unit face shell thicknesses, for units 10 in. (254 mm)
and greater in width, were reduced beginning with ASTM C
90-06. Hence, minimum allowable compressive stresses should
be reduced accordingly when using these units. See text for
further information.
t = nominal unit thickness.

listed in previous editions of ASTM C 90. This distinction is

not applicable to masonry that will be solidly grouted.
Calculated compressive stresses for both single and multiwythe walls are determined by dividing the design load by
the gross cross-sectional area of the wall, excluding areas of
openings, chases or recesses. The area is based on the specified
dimensions of masonry, rather than on nominal dimensions.
In multiwythe walls, the allowable stress is determined by the
weakest combination of units and mortar shown in Table 4.
In addition, the commentary to Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (refs. 6, 8) contains additional
guidance for concentrated loads. According to the commentary,
when concentrated loads act on empirically designed masonry,
the course immediately under the point of bearing should be
a solid unit or be filled solid with mortar or grout. Further,
when the concentrated load acts on the full wall thickness,
the allowable stresses under the load may be increased by
25 percent. The allowable stresses may be increased by 50
percent when concentrated loads act on concentrically placed
bearing plates that are greater than one-half but less than the
full area.
Anchorage for Lateral Support
Where empirically designed masonry walls depend on
cross walls, roof diaphragms, floor diaphragms or structural
frames for lateral support, it is essential that the walls be prop-

erly anchored so that the imposed loads can be transmitted

from the wall to the supporting element. Minimum anchorage requirements for intersecting walls and for floor and roof
diaphragms are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
Masonry walls are required to be anchored to structural
frames that provide lateral support by 1/2 in. (13 mm) diameter
bolts spaced at a maximum of 4 ft (1.2 m), or with other bolts
and spacings that provide equivalent anchorage. The bolts
must be embedded a minimum of 4 in. (102 mm) into the
In addition, the 2006 IBC requires the designer to check
the roof loading for net uplift and, where net uplift occurs, to
design the anchorage system to entirely resist the uplift.
Shear Walls
Where the structure depends on masonry walls for lateral
stability against wind or earthquake forces, shear walls must
be provided parallel to the direction of the lateral forces as
well as in a perpendicular plane, for stability.
Requirements for empirically designed masonry shear
walls are shown in Figure 4.
Shear wall spacing is determined empirically by the
length-to-width aspect ratio of the diaphragms that transfer
lateral forces to the shear walls, as listed in Table 5. In addition,
roofs must be designed and constructed in a manner such that
they will not impose thrust perpendicular to the shear walls
At corners, overlap
or use prefabricated

3 in. (76 mm) min.

extension into the wall

Alternate courses
intersect as shown

Loadbearing walls
Metal lath below or wide
screen over cores to
support grout fill

Joint reinforcement
at 8 in. (203 mm)
max. vertical
spacing - W 1.7
(MW 11) min.
longitudial wire size

30 in. (762 mm) min.

extension in each

Loadbearing walls
Control joint
rake and caulk

Embed bent ends in grout,

2 in. (51 mm) min., or use
cross pins to form anchorage

Grouted cores
Steel connectors at 48 in.
(1.2 m) o.c. max. vertically.
24 in. (610 mm) min. length
and min. section 1/4 x 1 1/2 in.
(6.4 x 38 mm)
Loadbearing walls

Galvanized mesh joint

reinforcement or 1/4 in.
(6.4 mm) hardware cloth,
16 in. (406 mm) max.
vertical spcacing

Interior nonloadbearing walls

Note: Other metal ties, joint reinforcement or anchors may be used, provided they are spaced to provide an equivalent area of anchorage.

Figure 2Empirical Anchorage Requirements for Lateral Support of Intersecting Masonry Walls

to which they are attached.

The height of empirically designed shear walls is not
permitted to exceed 35 ft (10.7 m). The minimum nominal
thickness of shear walls is 8 in. (203 mm), except under the
2003 IBC, which allows shear walls of one-story buildings
to have a minimum thickness of 6 in. (152 mm).

each face must be composed of headers, which must extend

at least 3 in. (76 mm) into the backing. The distance between
adjacent full-length headers may not exceed 24 in. (610 mm)
in either the horizontal or vertical direction. In walls where
a single header does not extend through the wall, headers
from opposite sides must overlap at least 3 in. (76 mm), or
headers from opposite sides must be covered with another
header course which overlaps the header below by at least
3 in. (76 mm).

Bonding of Multiwythe Walls

Wythes of multiwythe masonry walls are required to
be bonded together. Bonding can be achieved using masonry
headers, metal wall ties, or prefabricated joint reinforcement,
as illustrated in Figure 5. Various empirical requirements for
each of these bonding methods are given below.

Bonding of hollow unit walls with masonry headers.

Where two or more hollow units are used to make up the thickness of a wall, the stretcher courses must be bonded at vertical
intervals not exceeding 34 in. (864 mm) by lapping at least
3 in. (76 mm) over the unit below, or by lapping at vertical
intervals not exceeding 17 in. (432 mm) with units that are at
least 50 percent greater in thickness than the units below.

Bonding of solid unit walls with masonry headers.

Where masonry headers are used to bond wythes of solid
masonry construction, at least 4 percent of the wall surface of

Unit notched at
joist, solid or
filled at joist
Fill with concrete
masonry units
between joists

Solid or filled
concrete masonry
unit, notched at

Strap anchors at 6 ft.

(1.8 m) o.c. max.

CMU with grout

filled cores
Mesh or other
grout stop device

2 in. (13 mm)

diameter anchor
at 6 ft (1.8 m)
max., or
embedded at least
15 in. (381 mm) A

Weld or other approved


Mesh or other
grout stop device
Roof diaphragmsC

Wood floor joistsB

As an alternative, the bolts can be hooked or welded to at least 0.2 in.2 (No. 4, M#13) of bond beam reinforcement placed
at least 6 in. (152 mm) from the top of the wall.
Wood joists anchored parallel to masonry walls require metal straps which extend over or under the joists and which are
secured to at least three joists. Anchors must be spaced at a maximum of 6 ft (1.8 m). Blocking is required between joists
at each strap anchor.
Steel floor joists which bear on and are anchored to masonry walls require 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) reinforcing bars spaced a maximum of 6 ft (1.8 m) on center, or equivalent anchorage. Where joists are parallel to the wall, anchors must be located at
joist cross bridging.
Refer to TEK 5-7A, Floor and Roof Connections to Concrete Masonry Walls (ref. 10) for other types of connections. Note
that elements such as flashing, weeps, insulation, etc. are not shown for clarity.
Figure 3Empirical Anchorage Requirements for Floor and Roof DiaphragmsD






8 in. (203 mm) min.

masonry thickness A

Do not include wall sections
with openings or any element
whose length is less than onehalf its height.






In x-direction,
cumulative shear wall length = lx1 + lx2 + ... + lxn
In y-direction,
cumulative shear wall length = ly1 + ly2 + ... + lyn
In each direction, cumulative shear wall length must exceed
the larger of 0.4Lx and 0.4Ly B

Note that the 2003 IBC allows shear walls of one-story

buildings to have a minimum thickness of 6 in. (152 mm).
Note that in the 2008 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, this criteria is: In each direction, cumulative
shear wall length must exceed the larger of 0.2Lx and 0.2Ly

Figure 4Empirically Designed Shear Wall

Table 5Shear Wall Diaphragm Length-to-Width
Ratios (ref. 1)
Floor or roof
diaphragm construction
Cast-in-place concrete
Precast concrete
Metal deck with concrete fill
Metal deck with no fill
Wood diaphragm

Bonding with metal wall ties (other than adjustable ties).

Wire size W2.8 (MW18) wall ties, or metal wire of equivalent
stiffness, may be used to bond wythes. Each 41/2 ft2 (0.42 m2)
of wall surface must have at least one tie. Ties must be spaced
a maximum of 24 in. (610 mm) vertically and 36 in. (914 mm)
horizontally. Hollow masonry walls must use rectangular wall
ties for bonding. In other walls, ends of ties must be bent to
90o angles to provide hooks no less than 2 in. (51 mm) long.
Additional bonding ties are required at all openings, and must
be spaced a maximum of 3 ft (914 mm) apart around the
perimeter and located within 12 in. (305 mm) of the opening.
Note that wall ties may not include drips, and that corrugated
ties may not be used.

Maximum length-to-width
ratio of diaphragm panel

Bonding with
masonry header

Bonding with adjustable ties.

Adjustable ties must be spaced such that there is one tie for
each 1.77 ft2 (0.164 m2) of wall area, with maximum horizontal
and vertical spacings of 16 in. (406 mm). The ties must have a
maximum clearance between connecting parts of 1/16 in. (1.6
mm), and, when pintle legs are used, at least two legs with a
minimum wire size of W2.8 (MW18). The bed joints of the
two wythes may have a maximum vertical offset of no more
than 11/4 in. (32 mm). (See Reference 9 for an illustration of
these requirements.)
Bonding with prefabricated joint reinforcement.
Where adjacent wythes of masonry are bonded with
prefabricated joint reinforcement, there must be at least one cross
wire serving as a tie for each 22/3 ft2 (0.25 m2) of wall area. The
joint reinforcement must be spaced 24 in. (610 mm) or closer
vertically. Cross wires on prefabricated joint reinforcement must
be at least wire size W1.7 (MW11) and shall be without drips.
The longitudinal wires must be embedded in the mortar.
Change in Wall Thickness
Whenever wall thickness is decreased, at least one course of
solid masonry, or special units or other construction, must be
placed under the thinner section to ensure load transfer to the
thicker section below.
Miscellaneous Empirical Requirements
Following are additional empirical requirements in Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures. Although not
included explicitly in IBC Section 2109, the IBC includes a
direct reference to Building Code Requirements for Masonry
Chases and Recesses
Masonry directly above chases or recesses wider than 12 in.
(305 mm) must be supported on lintels.

Examples of bonding with metal wall ties

Figure 5Types of Bonding

Lintels are designed as reinforced beams, using either the
allowable stress design or the strength design provisions of
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures. End
bearing must be at least 4 in. (102 mm), although 8 in. (203
mm) is typical.

a + 1 in. (25 mm), max.

Pc t 2
p the lesser of h 2 and d 3

Pc d 2
p the lesser of h 2 and d 3



Solid walls

Walls with air space

a = air space thickness
d = nominal unit thickness
thickness plus the
thickness of one
mortar joint)
h = nominal unit height
plus the thickness
of one mortar joint)
Pc = allowable total horizontal projection
of corbelling
p = allowable projection of each unit
t = nominal wall thickness

Note: Ties and/or headers not shown for clarity.

Figure 6Prescriptive Requirements for Corbelling

Support on Wood
Empirically designed masonry is not permitted to
be supported by wood girders or other forms of
wood construction, due to expected deformations
in wood from deflection and moisture, causing
distress in the masonry, and due to potential safety
implications in the event of fire.

Compressible filler
in open joint, 1 2 to
1 in. (13 to 25 mm)

When corbels are not designed using allowable
stress design or strength design, they may be
detailed using the empirical requirements shown
in Figure 6. Only solid or solidly grouted masonry
units may be used for corbelling.
In many cases, the building structure is designed using traditional engineered methods, such
as strength design or allowable stress design, but the interior
nonloadbearing masonry walls are empirically designed. In
these cases, the partition walls are supported according to the
provisions listed in Tables 2 and 3, but it is important that the
support conditions provide isolation between the partition walls
and the building's structural elements to prevent the building
loads from being transferred into the partition. The anchor, or
other support, must provide the required lateral support for the
partition wall while also allowing for differential movement.
This is in contrast to the "Anchorage for Lateral Support"
section, which details anchorage requirements to help ensure

Clip angles at 4
ft (1.2 m) o.c.,
attached to
concrete deck,
but not to wall

Figure 7Example of Support for Empirically

Designed Masonry Partition Wall

adequate load transfer between the building structure and the

loadbearing masonry wall.
Figure 7 shows an example of such a support, using clip
angles. C channels or adjustable anchors could be used as well.
The gap at the top of the wall should be between 1/2 and 1 in.
(13 and 25 mm), or as required to accommodate the anticipated
deflection. The gap is filled with compressible filler, mineral
wool or a fire-rated material, if required. Fire walls may also
require a sealant to be applied at the bottom of the clip angles.
This joint should not be filled with mortar, as it may allow load
transfer between the structure and the partition wall.

1. International Building Code. International Code Council, 2003 and 2006.
2. Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry Foundation Walls, TEK 15-1B. National Concrete Masonry Association,
3. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-02. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers,
4. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-05. New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers,
5. Masonry Designer's Guide, 5th Edition. Council for Masonry Research and The Masonry Society, 2007.
6. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 530-08/ASCE 5-08/TMS 402-08. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, 2008.
7. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C 90-06. ASTM International, Inc., 2006.
8. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint
Committee, 2002 and 2005.
9. Anchors and Ties for Masonry, TEK 12-1A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2008.
10. Floor and Roof Connections to Concrete Masonry Walls, TEK 5-7A. National Concrete Masonry Association, 2001.

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NCMA and the companies disseminating this technical information disclaim any and all responsibility and liability for the
accuracy and the application of the information contained in this publication.
13750 Sunrise Valley Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20171

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