Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry
Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry
Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry
TEK 14-7A © 2004 National Concrete Masonry Association (replaces TEK 14-7)
fb = − Eqn. 1
2 I n An
For unreinforced masonry, the masonry assembly (units,
mortar and grout if used) is designed to carry all applied TEK 14-1 Section Properties of Concrete Masonry
stresses. The additional capacity from the inclusion of reinforc- Walls (ref. 6) provides typical values for the net moment of
ing steel, such as reinforcement added for the control of inertia, In, and cross-sectional area, An, for various wall
shrinkage cracking or prescriptively required by the code, is sections. If the value of the bending stress, fb, given by
neglected. Because the masonry is intended to resist both Equation 1 is positive, then the masonry section is controlled
tension and compression stresses resulting from applied loads, by tension and the limiting values of Table 1 must be satisfied.
the masonry must be designed to remain uncracked. Conversely, if fb as given by Equation 1 is negative, the
masonry section is in compression and the compressive
Unreinforced Out-of-Plane Flexure stress limitation of Equation 2 must be met.
Allowable flexural tension values as prescribed in Build- f b ≤ F b= 1
3 f 'm Eqn. 2
ing Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 1), vary
with the direction of span, mortar type, bond pattern and Unreinforced Axial Compression and Flexure
percentage of grouting as shown in Table 1. For walls spanning While unreinforced masonry can be designed to resist
horizontally between supports, the code conservatively as- flexural tension stresses due to applied loads, unreinforced
sumes that masonry constructed in stack bond cannot reliably masonry may not be subjected to net axial tension, such as that
transfer flexural tension stresses across the head joints. As due to wind uplift on a roof connected to a masonry wall or due
such, the allowable flexural tension values parallel to the bed to the overturning effects of lateral loads. While compressive
joints (perpendicular to the head joints) for stack bond con- stresses from dead loads can be used to offset tensile stresses,
struction are assumed to be zero for design purposes. where the wall is subject to a net axial tension reinforcement
Because the compressive strength of masonry is much must be incorporated to resist the resulting tensile forces.
larger than its tensile strength, the capacity of unreinforced When masonry walls are subjected to compressive axial
masonry subjected to net flexural stresses is almost always loads only, the calculated compressive stress due to the
controlled by the flexural tension values of Table 1. For ma- applied load, fa, must not exceed the allowable compressive
sonry elements subjected to a bending moment, M, and a stress, Fa, as given by Equation 3 or 4, as appropriate.
compressive axial force, P, the resulting flexural bending stress For elements with h/r not greater than 99:
is determined using Equation 1.
⎡ ⎛ h ⎞2 ⎤
f a ≤ Fa = 4 f ' m ⎢1 − ⎜
⎟ ⎥ Eqn. 3
Table 1—Allowable Flexural Tension Stresses for ⎢⎣ ⎝ 140r ⎠ ⎥⎦
Unreinforced Concrete Masonry, psi (kPa) (ref. 1) For elements with h/r greater than 99:
⎛ 70r ⎞
Mortar types f a ≤ Fa = f 'm ⎜
4 ⎟ Eqn. 4
Direction of Portland cement/ Masonry cement or ⎝ h ⎠
flexural lime or mortar air entrained portland A further check for stability against an eccentrically ap-
tensile stress cement cement/lime plied axial load is included with Equation 5, whereby the axial
& masonry type M or S N M or S N compressive load, P, is limited to one-fourth the buckling load,
Pe. With Equation 5, the actual eccentricity of the applied load,
Normal to bed joints (walls spanning vertically): e, is used to determine Pe. Moments on the wall due to loads
Solid units 40 (276) 30(207) 24 (166) 15 (103) other than the eccentric load are not considered in Equation 5.
Hollow unitsa
Ungrouted 25 (172) 19 (131) 15 (103) 9 (62.1) P≤ 1
4 Pe = ( 4 )
π 2 Em I n
(1 − 0.577 e r )
Eqn. 5
Fully grouted 65 (448) 63 (434) 61 (420) 58 (400)
When unreinforced masonry elements are subjected to a
Parallel to bed joints in running bond (walls spanning combination of axial load and flexural bending, a unity equation
horizontally): is used to proportion the available allowable stresses to the
Solid units 80 (552) 60 (414) 48 (331) 30 (207) applied loads per Equation 6.
Hollow units fa f
Ungrouted & + b ≤1 Eqn. 6
Fa Fb
partially grouted 50 (345) 38 (262) 30 (207) 19 (131)
Fully grouted 80 (552) 60 (414) 48 (331) 30 (207)
Unreinforced Shear
For partially grouted masonry, allowable stresses are Shear stresses on unreinforced masonry elements are
determined by linear interpolation between fully grouted calculated based on the net cross-sectional properties of the
hollow units and ungrouted hollow units based on the masonry in the direction of the applied shear force using the
amount of grouting. following relation:
fv = Eqn. 7
I nb
The design of reinforced masonry in accordance with
Equation 7 is applicable to the determination of both in- Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 1)
plane and out-of-plane shear stresses. Because unreinforced neglects the tensile resistance provided by the masonry units,
masonry is designed to remain uncracked, it is not necessary mortar and grout in determining the strength of the masonry
to perform a cracked section analysis to determine the net cross- assemblage. Thus, for design purposes, the portion of ma-
sectional area of the masonry. sonry subjected to net tensile stresses is assumed to have
The theoretical distribution of shear stress, fv, along the cracked, transferring all tensile forces to the reinforcement.
length of the shear wall for in-plane loads (Figure 2), or perpen- (While the determination of the capacity of a reinforced ma-
dicular to any wall for out-of-plane loads, has a parabolic shape sonry element conservatively assumes the portion of the
for a rectangular cross-section. The calculated shear stress due masonry subjected to net tensile stresses has cracked, this
to applied loads, fv, as given by Equation 7 is limited to the code- should be verified when establishing the stiffness and deflec-
prescribed allowable shear stress, Fv, from Table 2. While tion of a reinforced masonry element.)
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 1)
designates the values in Table 2 as being applicable to in-plane Reinforcement
shear stresses only, no allowable shear stresses are provided The tensile stress in the reinforcement due to applied load,
for out-of-plane loads. In light of the absence of out-of-plane fs, is calculated as the product of the strain in the steel (which
allowable shear stress values, the Commentary on Building increases linearly in proportion to the distance from the neutral
Code Requirements for Masonry Structures suggests using axis) multiplied by its modulus of elasticity, Es. The modulus
the values in Table 2 for out-of-plane shear design. of elasticity, Es, of mild steel reinforcement is assumed to be
29,000,000 psi (200 GPa). The code-prescribed allowable steel
P stresses are as follows (ref. 1).
For Grade 60 reinforcement in tension:
M Fs = 24,000 psi (165.5 MPa)
Compressive For Grade 40 and 50 reinforcement in tension:
stress, fb Fs = 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa)
For wire reinforcement in tension:
Fs = 30,000 psi (206.9 MPa)
For all reinforcement in compression:
fv Fs = 24,000 psi (165.5 MPa) or 0.4fy, whichever is less
Unless ties or stirrups laterally confine the reinforcement
as prescribed by Building Code Requirements for Masonry
V Structures, the reinforcement is assumed to contribute no
compressive resistance to axially loaded elements. Additional
information on mild reinforcing steel can be found in TEK 12-
b 4C Steel Reinforcement for Concrete Masonry (ref. 7).
For design purposes, the effective width of the compres-
sion zone per bar is limited to the smallest of:
· six times the wall thickness,
· the center-to-center spacing of the reinforcement, or
· 72 in. (1,829 mm).
Figure 2—Unreinforced Masonry Shear Walls This requirement applies to masonry constructed in run-
ning bond and to masonry constructed in stack bond contain-
Table 2—Allowable Shear Stresses for ing bond beams spaced no further than 48 in. (1,219 mm) on
Unreinforced Masonry center. Where the center-to-center spacing of the reinforce-
ment does not control the effective width of the compression
Allowable shear stress, Fv, is the least of: zone, the resulting resisting moment or resisting shear is
1. 1.5 f ' m psi ( 0.125 f ' m MPa) proportioned over the width corresponding to the actual
reinforcement spacing.
2. 120 psi (827 kPa)
3. a. For running bond not solidly grouted and for stack Reinforced Out-of-Plane Flexure
bond masonry with open end units and grouted solid, As with unreinforced masonry, the allowable compres-
37 psi + 0.45Nv/An (255 kPa + 0.45Nv/An) sive stress in masonry, Fb, due to flexure or due to a combina-
b. For masonry in running bond and solidly grouted, tion of flexure and axial load is limited by Equation 2. When axial
60 psi + 0.45Nv/An (414 kPa + 0.45Nv/An) loads are not present, or are conservatively neglected as may
c. For stack bond masonry with other than open end be appropriate in some cases, there are several circumstances
units grouted solid, 15 psi (103 kPa) to consider in determining the flexural capacity of reinforced
masonry walls. For a fully grouted d d
element, a cracked transformed sec- jd jd
tion approach is used wherein the kd T kd T
reinforcement area is transformed 1 kd 1 kd
3 3
to an equivalent area of concrete fb
masonry using the modular ratio. fb
Partially grouted walls are analyzed C C
in the same way, but with the addi-
tional consideration of the
ungrouted cores. For partially
grouted masonry there are two
types of behavior to consider.
1. The first case applies when the
neutral axis (the location of zero
stress) lies within the compres-
sion face shell as shown in Figure
3a. In this case, the wall is ana-
lyzed and designed using the pro-
Masonry cover Masonry cover
cedures for a fully grouted wall.
Bar diameter Bar diameter
2. The second type of analysis oc-
curs when the neutral axis lies Wall width Wall width
within the core area, rather than
the compression face shell, as a—Neutral axis within the face shell b—Neutral axis in core area
shown in Figure 3b. For this case,
Figure 3—Reinforced Masonry Stress Distribution
the portion of the ungrouted cells
must be deducted from the area of
masonry capable of carrying compression stresses. Tee Beam Analysis
The location of the neutral axis depends on the relative For partially grouted masonry walls where the neutral axis
moduli of elasticity of the masonry and steel, η, as well as the is located within the cores, the resisting flexural capacity, Mr,
reinforcement ratio, ρ, and the distance between the reinforce- is calculated using the neutral axis coefficient k given by
ment and the extreme compression fiber, d. Equation 14 and either Case A or Case B as follows:
When analyzing partially grouted walls, it is typically − Asη − t fs (b − bw )
assumed that the neutral axis lies within the compression face k=
shell, as the analysis is more straightforward. Based on this dbw
assumption, the resulting value of k and the location of the
neutral axis (kd) is calculated. If it is determined that the neutral
Eqn. 14
axis lies outside the compression face shell, the more rigorous
tee beam analysis is performed. Otherwise, the rectangular
beam analysis is carried out. A complete discussion and
(A) For cases where the masonry strength controls the design
derivation of this procedure is contained in Concrete Masonry
Design Tables (ref. 8).
⎛1− k ⎞
f s = ηFb ⎜ ⎟ Eqn. 15
Rectangular Beam Analysis ⎝ k ⎠
For fully grouted masonry elements and for partially
grouted masonry walls with the neutral axis in the compression
If fs as determined using Equation 15 is greater than the
face shell, the resisting flexural capacity, Mr, is calculated as
allowable steel stress, Fs, then the steel controls the design
capacity per (B) below. Otherwise, the internal compression
η = Es / Em Eqn. 8 force, C, and tension force, T, are computed as follows:
ρ = As/bd Eqn. 9 C = 1/2 Fb bkd Eqn. 16
k = 2 ρη + ( ρη ) − ρη
Eqn. 10 T = As f s = AsηFb 1 − k ( k
) Eqn. 17
j = 1 - k/3 Eqn. 11
Mm = (B) For cases where the steel strength controls the design:
2 Fb kjbd Eqn. 12
M s = As Fs jd Eqn. 13 Fs ⎛ k ⎞
fb =
The resisting flexural capacity, Mr, is taken as the lesser of Mm
η ⎜⎝ 1 − k ⎟⎠ Eqn. 18
and Ms.
⎛ F ⎛ k ⎞⎞ Fv = f m′ < 50 psi Eqn. 26
C= 1 f b bkd = 1 bkd ⎜⎜ s ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝ η ⎝1− k ⎠⎠
2 2 Eqn. 19
(metric: Fv = 0.083 f ' m < 345 kPa)
T = As Fs Eqn. 20 For shear walls:
where M/Vd < 1,
(C) The design capacity is then computed using the following
relationship: Fv = 1
3 [4 − (M / Vd )] f ' m < 80 - 45(M/Vd) Eqn. 27
Provided by:
Cinder & Concrete Block Corporation
Disclaimer: Although care has been taken to ensure the enclosed information is as accurate and complete as possible,
NCMA does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from the use of this TEK.
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