Question 2 (Part 2) - Complete
Question 2 (Part 2) - Complete
Question 2 (Part 2) - Complete
between the poster plus digipak and the targeted audience, as they essentially
are the youth. Although I used a combination of natural and artificial lighting,
both ancillary texts were vibrant for a pale pink colour; this mostly achieved
through editing. This was intentional as people often gravitate towards bright
displays. As stated above, certain scenes within the music video are dimly lit to
ensure there is not a connotation of positivity and happiness accompanying the
use of recreational drugs performed in the narrative.
I asked 10 indivuals aged 16-25 using a stratified sampling method to watch the
music video and presented them with both media products (digipak and poster).
Nine out of the ten people we asked had agreed that the ancillary media
products were mostly effective as they worked well together. This automatically
suggests that our target audience responds well to our creations supporting the
effectiveness of the combination.
The results of this particular
question were very encouraging
and confirmed my belief of how
well received the products would
be by consumers. The 100%
Overall, I feel as though both my main product and ancillary tasks have proved
to be effective when combined as they each have underlying similarities for
instance, the themes, font and colours. Even though, the differences that are
mentioned above have certain reasonings as to why they are not generally
continuous such as the lighting in the music video compared to the ancillary
tasks, there is a clear understanding (supported by the questionnaire results)
that young people understand why certain scenes cannot be shown in a positive