Question 2 (Part 2) - Complete

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Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and

ancillary texts? (Part 2)

Another element I focused on heavily was the colour element, ensuring there
was a clear colour scheme that relayed in all three sections of my creation. As
my research into the indie folk genre pointed out my target demographic was
young people between the ages of 16 25 and mostly females, I wanted to
confirm that I had their attention. Doing so, I decided to include the colour pink
to correlate with my research. The denotation of the colour fuchsia pink is
connoted as being stereotypically feminine, although my research into digipaks
and posters, it was evident the indie folk genre examples of existing ancillary
products often used paler options of usually vivid and bright colours. For
instance, the pale orange used in the graphic design on the Parenthetical Girls
album; Entanglements. This directly inspired our products as we integrated this
into both the digipak and poster by creating a layer of the colour, which tinted
the overall look of the images. This was very successful as the colour enhanced
the visual appearance of the scheme. I also found this tint complimented the
images used in the digipak and poster as it is unique in the sense that I had not
come across it in my research e.g. the photograph I had taken of the cloudy
skyline which closely associates with the lyrics and titles of the songs mentioned
in the track list on the back of the digipak. According to Maslows hierarchy of
needs, audiences may feel a sense of self-actualization as the outcome of the
airy, nostalgic feeling coupled with fantasy element of a pink sky gives them a
feeling of self-fulfilment. This makes my products stand out against others, as it
will not be a common design that people are used to seeing and they may also
be drawn in as according to the Uses and Gratifications theory, they identify this
EP and poster as a form of escapism; a diversion from their life filling time with
enjoyment. Effectively acting as a huge selling point, offering audiences with a
chance to feel better about them selves. The colour is not encompassed into the
music video, due to the fact the continuity of the same colour maybe irritating
and my research in the indie folk genre highlighting one of the main conventions
being natural settings. Also, the narrative is based on a reality a lot of young
people/potential spectators are going through or have been through; therefore
making light of the situation by adding a pink tint may take away from the
seriousness of the topic at hand.
Closely looking at the typography used in the digipak and poster ad, it was
imperative the text stayed the same to ensure there was continuity in the
general house style between each creation. For both products, I used the font
Lithos Pro Regular for the title of the artist; Daughter, in a bold text to make
sure it is more noticeable, attracting more attention. All the texts included in the
digipak are written in block capitals. This was manipulated to build the need of
urgency associated with the album, potentially boosting sales as the Hypodermic
Syringe theory suggests passive audiences tend to give in to the mass media
advertisements. Alternatively, I chose to have the typography font colour as
white to stand out against the pale pink colour mentioned above. The contrast
between the two colours works well, as it is not to bright which would be
unconventional for this particular genre. The word Daughter is spaced out
appropriately in a way that does not distract the eye from seeing the background
photograph or the design. The title of the album Youth is also integrated in the
front of the album. This is very impactful as there is a direct mode of address

between the poster plus digipak and the targeted audience, as they essentially
are the youth. Although I used a combination of natural and artificial lighting,
both ancillary texts were vibrant for a pale pink colour; this mostly achieved
through editing. This was intentional as people often gravitate towards bright
displays. As stated above, certain scenes within the music video are dimly lit to
ensure there is not a connotation of positivity and happiness accompanying the
use of recreational drugs performed in the narrative.
I asked 10 indivuals aged 16-25 using a stratified sampling method to watch the
music video and presented them with both media products (digipak and poster).
Nine out of the ten people we asked had agreed that the ancillary media
products were mostly effective as they worked well together. This automatically
suggests that our target audience responds well to our creations supporting the
effectiveness of the combination.
The results of this particular
question were very encouraging
and confirmed my belief of how
well received the products would
be by consumers. The 100%

success rate, showing all ten

people who filled out the
questionnaire approving that
there was a clear link between
each component. The data also
endorses the brand identity,
which was one of my main
objectives. Also, these indi
viduals also recognise why I
made particular choices when it
came to the lighting and the
themes involved.
I decided to include this
question as a minute way to
fundamentally quantify measurable estimation of how my media product could
do if competing in a market. These results prove that a large majority,
specifically eight out of the ten people asked would actually decided to purchase
the album based on one music video, a poster ad and a digipak. This is an
excellent result as this supports the fact we have successfully create a
promotional package that our target audience is interested in.

Overall, I feel as though both my main product and ancillary tasks have proved
to be effective when combined as they each have underlying similarities for
instance, the themes, font and colours. Even though, the differences that are
mentioned above have certain reasonings as to why they are not generally
continuous such as the lighting in the music video compared to the ancillary
tasks, there is a clear understanding (supported by the questionnaire results)
that young people understand why certain scenes cannot be shown in a positive

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