Sac Constitution
Sac Constitution
Sac Constitution
Composition and Tenure of the Council Membership
i) Director.
ii) Dean of Students.
iii) Deputy Directors.
iv) Dean, Academics & Associate Deans of Student Affairs
v) Two nominees of the Senate.
vi) One Housemaster.
vii) Presidents of all the Boards and Committees recognized by S.A.C.
viii) Assistant Registrar (Student Affairs) or other Administrative Officer not
so designated but working in that capacity.
ix) Two Wardens.
x) Immediate past. Dean of Students.
xi) Head, Counseling Services.
xii) General Secretaries of the Boards recognized by S.A.C. and of CAIC
Immediate past two General Secretaries, Student Affairs.
Two representatives of all hostels except the married students hostel.
Two representatives of the married students hostel. 1 each for
apartments (IP & Nalanda) and A-type flats.
Two representatives each from the general bodies of the research
scholars and the M. Tech. students.
i) Membership under Article II.A-l, sub-clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (vii),
(viii), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xx) and (xxi) is ex officio.
ii) In case the Dean of Student is the President of the Board for Hostel
Management, he shall be represented on the council in terms of article
II-A-1 (vii), by the The Associate Dean of Students (Hostel
iii) For other posts, appointments and elections shall be as detailed in
Chapter VII.
Membership under Article II-A-l, sub-clauses (xiii) and (xix) shall be valid only
if the past General Secretaries concerned are still bona fide students of the Institute.
The Director shall be the Chairman of the Council.
The Dean of Students shall be the Vice-Chairman of the Council.
The Council shall have a General Secretary, Student Affairs, who shall be
elected from amongst its student councilors as detailed in Article VII-C-1.
i) The term of office of the elected members of the Council, shall normally
be one year, expiring the day the new Council is elected. In case no
elections have been held, the same Council shall continue.
The term of office of members as per Article II -A-l, sub- clauses (v), (vi) and
(ix) shall normally be one year expiring at the end of an academic session.
The term of office of a member as per Article II-A-l (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xviii)
and (xix) shall terminate if he/she ceases to be a member of the electorate that elected
Constituent Bodies of the S.A.C. & rules regarding them
The S.A.C. shall have as its constituent bodies, boards, committees and cells, as
recognized under III-A-2, III-A-3 and III-A-4.
i) Each Board shall be an Institute level body that shall organize and
manage a particular sphere of student activity.
ii) The Boards currently recognized by the Council are.
a) Board for Recreational& Creative Activities.
b) Board for Sports Activities.
c) Board for Student Publications.
d) Board for Hostel Management.
e) Board for Student Welfare.
iii) Each Board shall have a President, who shall be a faculty member of the
Institute, appointed by the Director, and a General Secretary, who shall be a
student, elected as per the Constitution of the respective Boards.
iv) The Waiver form for any Institute position of Secretary or General
Secretary will be handled and scrutinized only by the Board Presidents
(or the returning officer deputed for the elections). The outgoing General
Secretary or Secretary may assist the returning officer in verification of
eligibility requirements & credentials as claimed in the application form.
v) The Point Policy of any inter-hostel-competitive Board (& its constituent
clubs, if any) will be announced within first 1 month of start of odd
semester. It can be amended by majority of the Boards constituent
elected members at a later stage with approval from concerned President.
i) Each Committee shall be an Institute level body that shall organize and
If any Secretary or General Secretary or co-ordinator of a constituent Board,
Committee or Cell of SAC is alleged (with proof) to be engaged in unfair conduct in
the discharge of his duties, an enquiry panel (like that constituted in case of electoral
disputes as mentioned in the constitution of the respective Boards or as agreed upon
by the Council for Committees and Cells) will evaluate the allegations. If proved
guilty, the POR holder must be removed from his position of responsibility and/or
recommended to Disciplinary Committee by President of the Board, Committee or
Functions and Working of the S.A.C.
The Council shall make all policy decisions involving more than one constituent
body of the Council.
i) The Council shall consider and ratify the Constitutions of its constituent
the staff members who are present but voluntarily abstain from voting. If
no ratification is accorded, the matter will be sent back to the constituent
bodies for reconsideration in the light of comments of the Council.
Rejection by the Council after resubmission will automatically invalidate
the amendment of the portion of the Constitution under consideration.
ii) The Council shall have the authority to institute and recognize a new
Board or/and Committee or to reorganize an existing one. This shall
require a 2/3rd majority vote from among the Council members present
at the Council meeting.
i) The Council shall consider and approve the distribution of student funds, in
the form of annual budgetary allocation to various constituent bodies, etc.,
for each academic year. This shall be provisionally done by the Executive
Committee before the end of the previous academic year. These allocations
must be considered, if deemed necessary, altered, and approved within
twenty-one days of the commencement of the new session.
ii) Whenever deemed necessary, the Council may audit the accounts of any
or all of its constituent bodies.
The Council shall, ordinarily, refrain from interfering with the affairs of its
constituent bodies. However, if it is felt by the Council that some policy or decision of a
particular organization is detrimental to the interests of the student community as a
whole, the Council may ask the organization to reconsider these policies/decisions in the
light of the comments of the Council. Such policies/decisions should only be
implemented on ratification by the Council. The Council may also consider matters
concerning individual Boards directly on reference by any student/faculty. However,
such matters must first be referred to the individual Board concerned and should be
considered by the Council along with the views or the Board concerned. However, if the
concerned Board does not send up its views to the Council within a period of a week of
being notified or by the time the Council meets, whichever is later, the Council may
consider the matter without its views.
The Council shall represent the student community whenever and wherever
deemed necessary.
(a) The Council shall have a Co-ordinating Committee whose membership will be
as follows:
i) Director ...Chairman.
ii) The Dean of Students ...Vice-Chairman.
Any item, forwarded by the Co-ordinating Committee shall necessarily be
included in the agenda for a meeting of the Council.
The Chairman or the General Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman, may
invite non-members to a meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee. These invitees
shall not have any voting rights.
i) In the absence of the Director, the Dean of Students shall chair the
meeting and also assume all powers of the Chairman for that particular
meeting. In case the Dean of Students is absent, the Associate Dean of
Students (Hostel Management) shall chair the meeting.
ii) In the absence of the General Secretary from a give meeting, the
Chairman may nominate one of the other General Secretaries present to
officiate as the Secretary for that meeting.
The Co-ordinating Committee of the S.A.C. shall be the steering committee for
In the absence of Dean of Students, the The Associate Dean of Students (Hostel
Management) shall chair the meeting of the executive committee and assume all
powers of the Dean for the meeting.
The quorum for all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be four members.
SAC nominates student members to statutory and non-statutory bodies
constituted by Institute Senate or the Director.
The students nominated to the statutory bodies (currently namely BUGS,
BPGS&R, LUC, CUC) will be student councilors who volunteer and the Council
approves their nomination by simple majority. Additionally, the council shall elect
from among its members a SAC Secretary to statutory bodies of Institute who shall
be an ex-officio nomination to all such bodies wherever he/she is eligible.
Students will be nominated to the non-statutory bodies by the General Secretary,
SAC and the same must be passed by the Council by simple majority.
Meeting Procedures of the S.A.C.
The Council shall meet as often as necessary and in any case not less than twice
a semester.
i) The meetings of the Council shall be convened by the General Secretary,
Student Affairs, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice-Chairman of the
ii) Council. In the event that some emergent work arises after the
announcement of a regular meeting by the General Secretary, Student
Affairs, the Chairman/Vice-Chair-man may ask the General Secretary,
Student Affairs to postpone the meeting if they consider it absolutely
essential. The postponed meeting shall take place within 3 working days
of the originally scheduled date of the meeting.
iii) The Vice-Chairman may convene regular meetings of the Council in the
event the General Secretary, Student Affairs is absent from the Institute
for a period of thirty days.
iv) The Chairman/Vice-Chairman may also convene an emergency meeting
of the Council under intimation to the General Secretary, Student Affairs
of their intention to call such a meeting.
A meeting of the Council may be requisitioned in writing by its members, not less in
number than one-fourth the total Council membership. Notice for such a meeting shall
be given by the General Secretary, Student Affairs, within a period of five Institute
days (an Institute day being a day on which the Institute is officially open to the
students) of his receiving the requisition; and the meeting shall be held within ten
Institute days of the issue of the notice, provided no regular meeting is scheduled
within that period. The items for which the meeting is requisitioned must necessarily
be taken up first in this requisitioned/regularly scheduled meeting (whichever is
earlier) before any other items are taken up.
A written notice shall be circulated among the members at least one week before
a meeting and the agenda at least 48 hours in advance. In the case of an emergent
meeting this rule may not be observed in that a simple notice of its venue and time
shall suffice.
The quorum for a meeting shall be half the total membership.
i) In the absence of the Director from a meeting, the Dean of Students shall
chair the meeting and assume all the powers of the Chairman for that
meeting. In case the Dean of Students is absent as well, the Associate
Dean of Students (Hostel Management) shall chair the meeting. In the
event that Associate Dean of Students (Hostel Management) is not
present to chair the meeting, any faculty member on the Council who is
present may be requested by the General Secretary to chair the meeting,
and he shall do so. If no faculty member is present and the General
Secretary is satisfied that the absence is coincidental, then the General
Secretary, Student Affairs, shall chair the already convened meeting of
the Council.
ii) In the absence of the General Secretary, Student Affairs, the Chairman
shall nominate one of the other General Secretaries present to officiate as
Secretary for the meeting.
i) The Council should attempt to take decisions by consensus. A simple
majority of the effective Council strength present shall, however, suffice
for a motion to be carried except where indicated otherwise.
ii) A secret ballot may be held on any issue if requested by a member or at
the discretion of the Chairman.
iii) No member shall have more than one vote even if he is on the Council in
more than one capacity.
Any item which has not been circulated in advance amongst the members as per
Article V-A-4 may be included in the agenda with the permission of the Chairman,
if a provision is made for such inclusions in the circulated agenda. Such a provision
should always be made in the case of regular meetings. Agenda for a Council
meeting shall be prepared by the General Secretary in consultation with the
Chairman/Vice-Chairman of the council.
The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting of the Council and its Executive and
Co-ordinating Committees shall be prepared by the General Secretary. After the minutes
are confirmed in the next meeting, they shall be recorded in two minute books (in
duplicate) under signatures of the General Secretary and the Chairman. The Dean of
Students shall ensure safe custody of these minute books of the Council.
Minutes of the meetings of the Council after being approved shall be placed
before the Senate for its information. Points requiring approval of the Senate shall
be sent separately so that they can be highlighted in the agenda of the Senate for its
(i) The Chairman, and the General Secretary, in consultation with the
Chairman, may invite non-members to a meeting of the Council. These
invitees shall not have any voting rights.
(ii) Wardens, who are not already members of the Council under the provisions
of Article II-A-I, would be permanent invitees to all the meetings of the
(iii) House Secretaries of all Hostels other than the married students hostel,
one NSS G Sec, one NSO in-charge, one NCC in-charge, one Training &
Placement Cell overall co-ordinator & one Mentorship Review Committee
co-ordinator shall be permanent invitees to all the meetings of the Council.
In the event a meeting tends to prolong beyond a reasonable length of time, as per
the discretion of the Chairman, it may be adjourned and reconvened within a week of
the adjournment in order to complete the remainder of the items on the agenda. Such
a provision would be valid only for a regular meeting of the Council.
Accepted parliamentary conduct and discipline shall govern all meetings of the
Council and its committees.
Responsibilities vis--vis the Council
The Director shall be the Chairman of the Council and preside over the meetings
of the Council and its Co-ordinating Committee. In his absence, Articles IV-B-5 (i)
and V-A-6 (i) shall apply.
The Chairman of the Council shall exercise a casting vote for breaking the tie in
any matter before the Council including the election for the post of General
Secretary, Student Affairs.
The Chairman shall ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Council
on matters within the purview of the Council.
It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Council to involve the
Council in the making of the decisions that are likely to affect the student
community on matters within the purview of the Council.
The General Secretary, Student Affairs, shall be the secretary & convener of the
Council, its Co-ordinating Committee and its Executive Committee. In the event of
his absence from the Institute, clauses IV-B-4 (ii), IV-B-5(ii), IV-C-5(ii), V-A-2(ii)
and V-A-6(ii) shall apply.
The General Secretary, on behalf of the Co-ordinating Committee, shall be
responsible for ensuring co-ordination amongst the various constituent bodies of the
The General Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that this Constitution is
not violated. He must necessarily report to the Council any violation of this
Constitution within his knowledge that may have occurred inadvertently or for
reasons beyond his control. Such as violation must be recorded along with an
explanation for its occurrence, in the minutes of the meeting in which it is reported
to the Council.
The General Secretary shall ensure that the minutes of the Council and its
Executive and Co-ordinating Committees are recorded correctly.
The General Secretary shall take measures to familiarize new members in a
particular and the General Body of the I.I.T.D. student in general with this
Constitution and with any development concerning the student of the institute.
The General Secretary, Student Affairs, shall be the chief representative of the
I.I.T.D. student community on matters within the purview of the Council as coveted
in Article I-A-1. However, in all forums outside I.I.T. Delhi, the General Secretary,
Student Affairs, shall be the spokesman of the student community only for matters
covered in I-A-1 (i). If the matter pertains to a specific constituent body alone then
the General Secretary of that body should normally be the representative of the
student community for that matter. The General Secretary, Student Affairs, shall
however, be answerable to the Council for any views that he may express on the
student community.
The General Secretary may be removed if two-third of his electorate in the
Council votes for his removal in a vote of no confidence. A vote of no confidence
shall be considered if at least one-third of the electorate petition in writing to the
Chairman of the Council to do so. The resulting vacancy from a vote of no
confidence shall be filled as per Article VII-C- 1. The Council shall have the right to
remove a General Secretary, Student Affairs, by a vote of no confidence only once
during a Council session.
The member holding the office of General Secretary, Student Affairs, may not be
removed from his primary membership on the Council not withstanding the
provisions of Articles VII-B-1 (vi) as long as he holds the office of General
Secretary, Student Affairs.
The General Secretary shall report to the Council on follow-up action taken on
the Councils resolutions.
The General Secretary, Student Affairs shall call for, compile and release to the
general body of the I.I.T. Delhi students the reports obtained from the General
Secretaries/Secretaries of the Boards/ Committee recognized by S.A.C. This should
normally be done at the end of his/her term of office.
All General Secretaries/Secretaries of the Boards/Committees recognized by
S.A.C. sha1l make a report of activities and expenditures of the concerned
Board/Committee during his/her term of office and submit it to the General
Secretary, Student Affairs, whenever called for once in a semester.
The Dean of Students shall be the Vice-Chairman of the Council.
The Vice-Chairman of the Council shall ensure that all the officials of the
Council are given every facility required for the discharge of their assigned duties as
officials of the Council.
The Vice-Chairman of the Council shall co-ordinate all student elections and
ensure that all elections to student organizations are faithfully held as per the time
schedule and procedures laid down in the Constitutions of the various organizations.
The Vice-Chairman of the Council shall communicate the opinion of the Council
before the Institute Senate, the Board of Governors and other bodies within and
outside the Institute. He shall also be responsible to communicate approved minutes
of the Council to the Senate for appropriate consideration as per the provisions of
Article V-A-10.
It shall be the responsibility of the Vice-Chairman of the Council to aid and assist
the Chairman in the implementation of the decisions of the Council on matters
withinthe purview of the Council and to involve the Council in the making of
decisions that are likely to affect the student community on matters that are within
the purview of the Council.
The Vice-Chairman of the Council shall chair the meetings of the Executive
It shall be the responsibility of the Vice-Chairman of the Council to keep the
Council informed about any development that may be of interest to it.
Each student councilor of the Council shall present the majority opinion of his
electorate at appropriate forums, whenever such an opinion has been conveyed to
him by his electorate.
A student councilor may be called upon by the General Secretary for assistance
in the routine work of the Council.
A student councilor shall keep in touch with the opinion and grievances of the
student community in general and his constituency in particular, by holding one
semesterly meeting with all hostel residents & House Secretary (or relevant
electorate) discussing students issues that should be addressed in the next General
SAC meeting. If the minutes of the same (with recorded attendance) is not presented
to the 2nd SAC general body meeting of the semester, the membership of the
representative in the council can be withdrawn by the executive committee of SAC.
Each nominee to the statutory and non-statutory bodies setup by the Senate
and the Director must keep in touch with the opinion and grievances of the student
community related to the issues under the ambit of their statutory body through
interaction with other councilors and must present the majority opinion to their
statutory body when requested for the same.
Normally all student elections shall be held during the 2nd semester of an academic
session and completed at least 4 weeks before the end of the classes for the semester.
However, any by-election necessitated on account of Article VII-B-1 (v) shall be held
during the first two weeks of the 2nd semester of an academic year.
Any part of this Constitution except the parts specified in clause VIII-A-2
can be amended.
(ii) The proposed amendment should have been circulated amongst the members
at least seven working days in advance of the meeting called for such a
(iii) The quorum for a meeting of the Council called to consider an amendment
shall be two-thirds of the Council membership. In case the quorum is not
fulfilled, the quorum for a second and subsequent meeting called to consider
the same amendment shall be one-half the total membership of the Council.
(iv) In order for an amendment to be carried it would be necessary to obtain a
favourable vote of two-thirds of the effective Council strength present at the
meeting when the amendment is being considered.
The preamble and the terms of reference of this Constitution as well as the
provisions of Chapter VIII are subject to amendment only on advice by the
authorities of the Institute in the light of any modifications in the Acts and Statutes
of the Institute.
All amendments and additions to this Constitution shall remain invalid unless
ratified by the concerned authorities of the Institute.
i) In the event there is a dispute in the interpretation of the provisions of any
article of the Constitution, which concerns the relationship of the Council
vis--vis the authorities of the Institute, the interpretation given by the
Chairman of the Council shall be final and binding on all concerned.
ii) In the event there is a dispute in the interpretation of any Article of the
Constitution other than that specified in Article VIII-A-4 (i), the
interpretation given by two-thirds of the council membership shall be valid.
In case there is a stalemate in the Council, the decision of the Chairman of
the Council shall be final and binding on all concerned.
iii) The Chairman of the Council shall determine which dispute is to be decided
by him as per the provisions of Article VIII-A-4 (i) and which one is to be
put to vote in the Council as per the provisions of Article VIII-A-4.
iv) The particular Article of the Constitution would be reworded to remove the
ambiguity in the light of the interpretation given as per the procedure of
ArticleVIII-A-4, sub-clauses (i) and (ii).