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Stormy Glenn - Fireman's Flame (Cade Creek #3)

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Creek 3

Firemans Flame
After seven years, Chester Bailey has called it quits. His divorce has finalized and hes packed up his life with plans to move to Cade
Creek. But fate has a sense of humor, which Chester discovers when hes involved in a car accident just as he reaches the small country
town. Rescue comes in the form of the sexiest fire chief Chester has ever seenand maybe a new love interest.
Fire Chief Jack Helmond is used to being called to the scene of accidents. Its part of the job. When he discovers a frightened young man
pinned in his car, the job takes on new meaning. Rescuing Chester becomes personal.
But Chesters past refuses to give up so easily. His ex wont let a little thing like a new lover or even divorce papers stop him from
claiming what he believes is his. If Jack has any hope of keeping the flames of romance burning between him and Chester, hell need
more than fellow fire fighters to help him. He might need all of Cade Creek.
Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Leng th: 35,998 words

Cade Creek 3
Stormy Glenn

Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove
Copyright 2015 by Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-106-7
First E-book Publication: March 2015
Cover design by Jess Buffett
All art and logo copyright 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.
Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

To the Trav-Man: Thank you for helping me plot my drama.

Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
About the Author

Cade Creek 3
Copyright 2015

Chapter One
A sigh of relief slid past Chester Baileys lips when the small country town of Cade Creek came
into view. It seemed to have taken weeks to get here even though Chester knew it had only been a few
hours, but wasnt it the time that went into planning something that took forever and not the actual
Whatever it was, he was finally at his destination, and not a moment too soon. Despite the snow
that covered pretty much everything for the last seventy-five miles, he had arrived in one piece. He
would have to choose the dead of winter to decide to move somewhere. Hed been driving at a snails
pace since he hit the mountains.
He just hoped Yancys invitation to come visit was would still be open once the man learned
Chester was there to stay, and why. And there was a huge part of Chester that didnt want to tell Yancy
his troubles. He would prefer a hug and a strawberry whey smoothie and a Welcome to Cade Creek.
How long can you stay?
He wasnt sure he was going to get any of those. Chester sighed, his shoulders slumping as
some of the excitement of reaching his destination after all of this time dwindling. Yancy was going
to want an explanation and things just didnt work out wasnt going to cut it.
Yancy would want to know everything.
The thought of rehashing the last year of his life made Chester s stomach roll. Tears sprang to
his eyes as he thought about how much his life sucked right now. The forever after he had been
promised when he fell for Oscar had all been a fantasy fed to him by a man that never intended to
give it to him. It had been a means to an end, a way to get Chester to do what Oscar wanted.
Chester hated that he had fallen for that promised fantasy. He had given up everything, left his
family in Boston and moved across the country, put every penny he had into a business with his
partner, and pledged forever to a man that, in the long run, didnt want him.
He didnt measure up. He couldnt give his lover the things he apparently needed to feel
complete. Chester knew that because he had tried. He had tried to the point where even thinking about
the things Oscar wanted from him made his stomach clench with dread.
They also made Chester feel inadequate.
Chester sighed again and lifted a hand to brush his bangs back from his face. He almost laughed
when he caught sight of the gesture in the rearview mirror. Yancy wasnt going to recognize him. Not
only had he dyed his hair back to his normal color, but he had taken the jewelry out of most of his
piercings so that they would close back up. He just had a few left, and with the exception of one lonely
earring in his ear, they were all under his clothes. He wasnt even wearing any eyeliner.
He felt practically naked.
The change had a purpose. He was tired of people taking one look at him and assuming he was
into every kinky thing under the sun. He wasnt. Over the last couple of years, Chester had in fact
learned that he was pretty damn vanilla when it came to his sex life. He didnt want to be spanked or
plugged or led around on a leash. He just wanted to be held and loved and made to feel like he
And that would be the main reason he was pulling into Cade Creek alone, everything he owned
packed into the back of the moving trailer being pulled behind his powder-blue VW Bug. It was
almost sad to think that twenty-five years of living could be reduced to a few boxes and some used
It was even sadder to think that seven years spent with one man could be reduced to a few

pictures, a wedding ring he would never wear again, and the money Oscar had paid him for his half
of the business and condo they had owned together. He had enough money to start a new life now that
his old one was over, and he planned to start it in Cade Creek.
Now, if he could decide what he wanted to do with that new life, he might be okay.
Chester shook his head as the red traffic light he was stopped at turned green. He knew it was
going to take a whole hell of a lot more than a desire to start a new life for it to actually happen, and
he hoped his friend Yancy could help.
Chester eased the car into traffic once again, heading for the Cade Creek Diner, a place he had
been to before and fallen in love with. Granted, it had taken a lot of talking and some heavy eyelash
fluttering to convince the cook to add a few vegetarian dishes to the menu, but now that he had, it was
one of Chester s favorite places to visit in Cade Creek.
A vegetarian cheese omelet sounded like just what he needed before calling Yancy and asking
the man to come into town so they could talk and he could explain to him how his life had gone so
horribly wrongand then ask for his help.
Chester didnt even have enough time to scream as something hard and heavy slammed into the
side of his car. The sound of metal on metal was horrendous, and one he would never forget, but it
was better than the sound his vehicle made as it was crushed like a tin canwith him inside of it.
When the world stopped spinning, Chester found himself lying against the door of his small car,
his legs pinned by the steering wheel and the dashboard. Pain made his vision blurry as it exploded
throughout every inch of his body. His very cells screamed in agony. Something warm and wet
trickled down the left side of his face.
Chester made sure he didnt move any more than he had to as he took stock of his injuries. His
head ached but not as much as his legs. Fire burned down them like his skin was being peeled off.
Tears sprang to Chester s eyes when he was able to wiggle his toes. He wasnt paralyzed, but it was
obvious from the amount of pain he was feeling that something was seriously wrong.
When he lifted his hand to the side of his face, he could feel wetness and jagged flesh. He had a
gash on the side of his head. Chester suspected that he had hit his head on the side window as the glass
had shattered, most likely from his head hitting it as the car flipped through the air. There were some
cuts on his face and neck, also most likely caused by the breaking glass.
Are you okay?
Chester turned to see a well-groomed dark-haired man looking down at him from the passenger
side window, which strangely enough seemed to be the top of his car now. What happened?
A truck ran the red light and hit you.
Well, that would explain it then.
Im Kapheri. The man had a very interesting accent as he spoke. Can you tell me your
Good. Kapheri smiled. Do you know where you are, Chester?
Umin my car.
True. Kapheri chuckled. Can you tell me where your car is?
Chester almost said in the street but he knew the answer the man was looking for. Cade
Can you tell me what year it is, Chester?
Chester frowned. Really?

Afraid so.
Twenty fifteen.
Good, good. Kapheris perfect white teeth gleamed when he smiled. Okay, an ambulance is
on its way. Try not to move.
Thank you. But he really didnt have any plans to move any time soon. It hurt too damn much.
The driver of the truck? Was he hurt?
He walked away without a scratch on him. A deep scowl crossed the mans face as he looked
up and past the car at something Chester couldnt see. The police should be here in a minute or so to
take him into custody. The bloody bastard reeks of alcohol.
Chester sputtered with bitter amusement. Im going to die because some asshole had too much
to drink and decided to take a five-ton truck for a joy ride?
That sounded like his luck.
Well, I dont think youre going to die, butyes.
Is Chester licked his lips, wishing he had something to drink. They felt so dry they hurt. Is
there anything left of my stuff?
Once again, Kapheri lifted his head and looked beyond what Chester could see. You might be
able to salvage some of it but Im pretty sure the trailer is a total write off.
Damn. He hadnt taken the insurance out on it. In retrospect, that had been pretty stupid of him.
He had been fairly confident of his own driving skills. He never dreamed hed have to worry about
some ass wipe with too much to drink ramming into him. Theres snow in my car. Chester didnt
know why that was important, but it seemed to be.
You hit a snow bank, Chester. Theres snow over fifty percent of your car.
Oh. Chester screamed as he involuntarily tried to move his leg and a spike of pain ripped
through his body that was worse than anything he had ever felt in his life. He was positive he was
going to die because nothing that hurt this bad couldnt be fatal. Hohow far away isis that
Soon, Chester.
Chester almost cried out when the mans face disappeared. He wanted to beg the man to stay, to
not leave him alone. But another face appeared, one that took Chester s breath away with its sheer
masculine beauty, and with the way he was panting that was pretty hard to do.
Hey, Im Jack. Im a fireman. Someone called and said you were having a little trouble today.
The mans smile was enchanting, friendly, and for just a moment, Chester didnt hurt. Can you tell
me your name?
ChesChester. He sniffled as he tried to keep his tears of pain and fear locked behind his
eyelids. He didnt want to seem like a total goober. Chester Bailey.
Hi, Chester, its good to meet you. Chester watched the firemans deep-green eyes roam over
him and knew he was probably checking for injuries. Do you hurt anywhere, Chester?
My legs. God, he couldnt even begin to describe how much his legs hurt. They felt like they
were on fire. But I can wiggle my toes. Chester raised his hand to the bloody gash on the side of his
head. I think I hit my head on the window.
Okay, its good that you can wiggle your toes. A wide grin crossed Jacks handsome face.
But lets try not to move too much until we get you out of here. We dont want to cause any more
damage than there already is.
Chester wanted to ask the fireman if he had a mouse in his pocket because he was pretty sure that
not moving was all up to him. There was no we involved. I want out of here.

Oh god, he was whining.

I know you do.
Chester whimpered when he heard a creaking noise outside the vehicle. What was that?
Its okay, Chester. The other firemen are securing the vehicle so it doesnt move. Its nothing to
be alarmed about.
Alarmed? Hell, Chester was going into pure panic mode. He started to struggle to try to push the
dashboard and steering wheel off his legs. When he couldnt move them, he started pounding on them
with his fists.
Please, he pleaded with the fireman as fear, stark and vivid, grabbed hold of him. Please, get
me out of here.
Chester. Chester, you need to listen to me, Jack said, his voice a casual tone, his gaze steady.
You need to remain calm. I want you to take a deep breath. Come on, in and out, in and out. Just
breathe with me.
Chester locked eyes with Jack as he drew in a breath, and then another and another. Slowly the
pressure in his chest began to ease.
Jacks smile widened with approval. Youre doing really well, Chester.
Chester laughed nervously. Guess you have a lot of experience with hysterical people.
Jacks chuckle lit up his eyes, and Chester realized it was real, not a platitude given to everyone.
Ill admit that I tend to deal more with fires, but vehicle crashes get Cade Creeks special treatment,
especially those T-boned in the snow by drunk drivers.
Strangely, Chester felt a smile tug at his lips. Gee, arent I the lucky one.
Hey, Ill have you know I gave up a really craptastic spaghetti dinner from a jar to come down
here and pull you out of a snow bank. Show a little appreciation.
Chester could tell from the grin on Jacks face that the man was just funning with him. Jack
wasnt really upset. Still, he did have a point. Get me out of this mess and Ill cook you a real Italian
Jacks eyebrows lifted. You can cook?
I love to cook, Chester replied. It was probably one of his favorite things to do. It was relaxing
getting in the kitchen and letting his cooking muse flow. He got lost for hours in his recipes.
Well, I just might have to take you up on that, Chester.
Chester glanced at his pinned legs, grimacing. I think I might be in the hospital for a while, but
after that
You just concentrate on healing your injuries, Jack said, and Chester was grateful the man
wasnt trying to pretend he didnt have any injuries. He hated people who pretended. When youre all
better, you can always find me down at the fire station.
Chester smiled as Cade Creek became a tad more inviting. Its a date.
A little bit of the calm Chester had found dwindled when Jack looked up, his dark-brown
eyebrows drawing together as he frowned at something Chester couldnt see. He said something to
someone out of Chester s line of sight, his voice low, and then nodded as he looked back down at
Im going to drop a blanket down to you, Chester. I want you to cover your head and face with
it. Can you do that for me?
Chester s heart climbed into his chest. Why?
We need to break out the front window so we can get a look at your legs and figure out what
its going to take to get you out of here.

Chester swallowed. He was all for getting him out of there. Okay.
Good man. Jack turned. He was back a moment later and slowly lowered a gray blanket down
until Chester could reach it. Okay, cover your head and face until I tell you to pull it off. Youre
going to hear a lot of noise, Chester, but I dont want you to be scared. Ill be right here, okay?
Chester nodded.
Okay, go on.
Chester pulled the blanket over his head and face. It was hot, stifling really, and the sound of
shattering of glass was muted, but nerve-racking all the same. His heart slammed in his chest when he
felt someone grab his arm. He shrieked and yanked on the blanket until he pulled it down and he could
see Jacks face just inches from his.
Hey. Jacks grin was irresistibly devastating. Its just me, Chester. Its just me.
Jack, Chester breathed.
Yeah, its Jack. The handsome fireman squeezed Chester s arm. Im going to scoot down and
take a look at your legs, okay?
Chester couldnt take his eyes off of Jack as the man crawled in through the empty frame where
the front window used to be. You have very wavy hair. Chester had no idea what made him say that
other than to fill in the silence that had dropped over them as Jack checked out the crushed car.
Its always been that way, Jack replied as he continued doing whatever it was he was doing.
Drove my mother nuts when I was a kid.
Its nice. Chester wanted to slide his fingers through the curly chestnut-brown locks,
preferably to hold on while the sexy fireman fucked him, and that surprised Chester. Not because of
his current situationalthough that did make it slightly oddbut because he hadnt really been
attracted to someone in quite some time. He had started to think his libido had died right along with
his marriage.
Apparently, it was just as healthy as it always was.
Thank you. Jack smiled up at him again. You have nice hair, too.
It used to be green. Chester couldnt decide if he missed the green or not. He was starting to
think or not.
Green? Jacks thick eyelashes rose up. Really?
You dont seem the type.
The type? There was a type? Oh rightthe whole reason he was on Cade Creek, because he was
tired of being a type.
Okay, Chester. Jack scooted back out of the small space and then peered down at Chester with
a serious look on his face. Youre legs are pretty well wedged in there. Were going to have to use a
special hydraulic wrench to get you out.
Chester felt a little light-headed when his face drained of color. You mean the jaws of life?
Jack chuckled. Heard of it, have you?
Its that bad? He was going to be sick.
Youre just wedged in here really good, thats all.
And my legs? Would he ever walk again? What about my legs?
Im not going to lie to you, Chester. Jacks grimace said it was worse thanwell, maybe not.
Chester was thinking it was pretty bad so it couldnt be worse than he thought, but still... There is
some damage to your legs, but we wont know how much until we get you to the hospital and the

doctors have a chance to take a look at you.

Chester started breathing heavier as panic set in again. Every scenario that played out in his head
was worse than the previous one. He didnt want to be paralyzed. He liked his legs.
Hey, hey. Jacks handsome face moved into his line of vision again, mere inches away. Dont
freak out on me now, Chester. Save that for the nurses at the hospital.
Theres this one nurse there. His name is Sammy. Hes got robins egg-blue eyes and blond
hair. You cant miss him. Hes the one you should freak out on. Jacks smile was easy, friendly. It
invited others to smile right along with him, and Chester could feel himself relaxing. Sammys been
a pain in my ass for years.
Chester s eyebrows flickered up. You dont like him?
Oh, I adore him. Hes my cousin. But that doesnt mean hes not a pain in the ass.
Chester laughed, which he was pretty sure was Jacks objective.
Just hold tight, Chester. Jack patted his hand. Well get you out of here in no time. And then
you owe me an Italian dinner, remember?
Chester nodded as he pressed his lips together. He wasnt going to try to pretend that he wasnt
terrified. He was in too much pain for that, and it was only getting worse. And the snow wasnt
Yeah, Chester?
Im cold. His teeth chattered together as a cold shiver shook him.
I know, man. Just a little longer. Jack grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it up over
Chester s body. Youre going to hear some noise now. Its just the jaws cutting through the metal.
Try not to move.
Chester almost laughed. Moving had gotten him into this mess in the first place.

Chapter Two
Fire Chief Jack Helmond could see that the man trapped in the car was on the edge of losing it
completely. With the way the Chester s legs were pinned under the dashboard, he had to be in a lot of
pain. Jack wished that the paramedics would hurry the hell up.
While he could treat some wounds, he didnt have the supplies to treat more serious injuries,
something he had been arguing with the Cade Creek City Council about for months. He wanted to
have his fire trucks better equipped in emergencies or at least have an onboard paramedic instead of
having to wait for the ambulance to arrive. It just didnt make sense to have the fire department called
to accident scenes and then not give them the proper equipment or training to care for the injured.
Jack held on tighter Chester s hand when he saw the man flinch as the Jaws of Life started
pulling back the dashboard. The sound was horrible, loud, worse than fingernails down a chalkboard.
It was sound that once heard could never be forgotten.
He was a little worried about the gash on the side of Chester s face. It didnt look terribly deep,
but head wounds were tricky. The littlest cut could cause irreversible brain damage while a deep cut
could heal up with little to no aftereffects.
Jack glanced up to see one of the paramedics standing behind him, red medical bag in hand.
Hey, Jonny.
What do we have?
Drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned Chester here. Jack nodded his head toward the man
trapped in the car. There was no LOC. His pupils are equal and reactive and hes A&Ox3. However,
his legs are pinned under the dashboard. Theres a minimal amount of blood from what I was able to
see and he was able to wiggle his toes, but Im still worried about the pressure from the crushed
dashboard. He also has a lac to his left temple.
Okay, let me climb in there and see what we have.
Jack glanced back at Chester. The fear he saw in the mans smoky gray eyes concerned him, but
he also knew it was normal. This was not his first motor vehicle crash. It wasnt even his first one
with a cute driver, although this one was by far the cutest.
Okay, Chester, he said in a calm, relaxed tone. Im going to get out of here and let my friend
Jonny in to take a look at you. Dont let the baby face fool you. Hes pretty damn good at his job.
No. Chester reached out for him, grasping at Jacks arm. Dont go. Please.
Ill be right here, Chester. He pointed to a spot behind him. You can watch me the entire
Chester s lips thinned, but he dropped his hand. Jack scooted out of the crushed vehicle and
stood, taking a step back so Jonny could wiggle into his place. Jonny was a mite smaller than him, so
he didnt seem to have the same issues Jack had getting into front of the crushed car. Damn thing was
small enough before it got crushed like a tin can.
Right here, Chester. Jack stepped forward so that Chester could see him. He watched Jonny
start to take Chester s vitals, and then get him ready for a couple of large bore IVs. So, Chester, he
said to keep the mans mind off of what was happening. What happened to the green hair?
Chester reached up and fingered his bangs. I decided to go back to my natural color.
Its a nice color. It was light brown, or brownish blond or sandy blond or something. Hell,
what did he know? It was brown.

Sure. Jack smiled, trying to sound sincere. It actually was a very nice color. It made Chester s
face lighten. But if asked what color it was, Jack wouldnt know.
Jack turned to see one of the sheriff deputies walking toward him from across the intersection
where the truck driver was being handcuffed. He quickly turned and looked back down at the man
pinned in the car. Ill be right back, Chester. I need to speak with the deputy and give him my report. I
promise I will be right back.
Chester s lips were still a thin line across his face as he nodded.
Jack hated to turn away and leave the man when he was at his most vulnerable, but he was the
fire chief and that meant he was required to give the police a report on the accident and where things
stood at the moment.
Hey, Yancy.
How bad is it? Deputy Yancy Butler asked as he looked at the wreckage.
The driver of the truck, besides being three sheets to the wind, didnt suffer any injuries. The
driver of the bug is still pinned by the dashboard. Were working on getting him out. Jonny is
stabilizing him now.
What a clusterfuck. Yancy pulled his cowboy hat off and rubbed the back of his neck as if the
muscles were tense. Old man Warner sure screwed the pooch this time. The judge isnt going to give
just give him a slap on the wrist.
Jack wanted to growl in frustration. Maybe if he had taken his license away from him the last
time he got a ticket for drinking under the influence, we wouldnt be trying to cut Chester out from
under his dashboard.
Chester? Yancy asked.
Jack did not like the way Yancys face drained of color. Yancy?
Chester Bailey?
Yeah, I think thats what he said his name was. Jacks eyes widened when Yancy took off
running across the intersection toward the crushed blue bug. Not knowing what was going on, Jack
ran after him.
He heard Chester crying before he even got there. Whats going on?
Chester, honey, its okay, Yancy was saying. You need to calm down. If Ma learns Ive upset
you, shes going to be pissed.
You know Chester? Jack asked. That kind of explained why Chester was in Cade Creek.
Yeah, sure, Yancy said as he glanced back over his shoulder. Chester and his husband Oscar
have been friends of mine for a long time.
Jack had no explanation as to why that knowledge made his heart sink. Chester was merely a
man that needed rescuing and Jack was in the business of rescuing people. Can you stay with him,
Yancy? I need to see where we are on extracting him.
Ive got this.
Jack waited until Yancy turned back to Chester and then went to talk to his men. He was positive
that Chester would prefer his friend to a total stranger. Jonny should just about be done, he said
when he reached the small group of firefighters gathered around the back of the bug. Once he has
Chester stabilized, we can get back to
Jacks voice trailed off when he caught the briefest whiff of gasoline. That was to be expected.
This was a car accident after all. But the smell was growing stronger. I smell gas. He knew that was

all he needed to say for his men to get to work. They all started searching the ground around the car.
Jack moved closer to the engine area, squatting down to check the ground right under the edge
of the car. He couldnt see anything, but the smell was increasing by the second. Jonny, he called
out, knowing the man could hear him through the thin metal of the roof, hurry it up.
I hear you, chief, Jonny shouted back. I just need thirty seconds.
Make it ten, Jonny, he replied. Boys, get the jaws ready to go the second Jonny climbs out.
On it, chief, Raff called out as he moved to the front of the bug.
Jack leaned closer to the bottom of the car, sniffing hard. He doubted if he had been standing he
would have heard the noise, but since he was so close, he heard the small unmistakable poof of flame
igniting somewhere. A moment later, a small trail of smoke weaved its way up from beneath the car.
Move it! Jack shouted as he jumped to his feet and raced around to the other side of the car.
Jonny, climb out of there.
Im almost done, chief.
Now, Jonny! Jack shouted as he came around the crushed hood of the car. He tried to keep the
alarm out of his voice because he didnt want to scare the man trapped in the vehicle but he knew they
had mere minutes, maybe seconds. Get your backboard ready. We need to get Chester out of there
Once Jonny climbed out, Jack grabbed Yancy by the arm and nodded for him to step back. You
need to clear the area, Yancy. When this car goes, its going to go up fast.
Yancy nodded and took off. Jack turned back to the car, scooting down so he could get close to
Chester. The mans face was pale white, his eyes huge. Jack sent him a reassuring smile, keeping his
voice calm as he spoke.
Okay, theres going to be a lot of activity here in a moment, a lot of noise. I want you to close
your eyes. Im going to cover you with this blanket to keep any debris off of you. He started
spreading it out over Chester, keeping an eye on the smoke starting to spill in from the back of the
car. Close your eyes, Chester. Well have you out of here in just a moment.
Once Chester closed his eyes, Jack pulled the blanket up over his head and then scooted back and
stood. He nodded to Raff, keeping an eye on Chester and the dashboard as the fireman used the
hydraulic jack to rip back the part of the car pinning Chester inside.
The noise was deafening as the heavy metal jaws clamped down on the dashboard and pulled,
slowly crunching down until the dash lifted. Jack waved his hand when there was enough room to pull
Chester out.
Get your board, Jonny.
Jack wished that they had more time, but they didnt. The back of the small car was filling with
smoke. Jack suspected they had mere seconds. He squatted down and reached inside. Come on,
Chester. Lets get you out of here.
Chester reached for him just as he started to scoop the man up in his arms. He screamed as Jack
pulled his legs out from underneath the dashboard. Jack could see why. His pant legs were ripped, the
material saturated in blood and bits of hard plastic from the dashboard. Jack pulled and then lifted
Chester, backing up until he could swing around and lay Chester down on the backboard.
Okay, Chester, Jack said as he patted the mans shoulder. Youre going to be fine.
Chester s screams had dwindled to whimpers. Jack stood back and watched as the paramedics
placed the C-spine around his neck and strapped him down to the back board. Chester was lifted and
carried to the waiting ambulance. He waited until the ambulance pulled away before turning to the
other firefighters.

Okay, lets get this fire out. Jack turned and began directing his men. He knew he didnt need
to. They might be a small-town fire department, but Jack insisted that his men be well trained.
Peoples lives depended on them doing their job and doing it right. And remember that this is an
older VW Bug. The engine probably has magnesium parts so we need to cool the rest of the vehicle
before it ignites.
Raff brought out a Class D fire extinguisher and started spraying down the engine while Vinnie
rolled out a booster line. Jack just prayed they didnt need anything stronger than the pre-connected
line that came from the fire engines water tank. He didnt mind the drying and rerolling of those
hoses. That was good practice for his men. It was the need for a larger hose that he didnt like. That
meant the fire was bigger, and that was never a good thing.
It took the better part of an hour to finish putting out the fire, and then another hour to clean up
the scene. When the tow truck arrived, Jack and a couple of others guys helped push the bug back onto
its wheels.
The amount of shock Jack felt when he saw the wreckage stunned him. He just stood there for a
moment and stared at the destroyed vehicle. He had seen a lot of motor vehicle collisions in his time
as a firefighter. Some walked away, some did not. With the damage the little VW Bug sustained,
Chester shouldnt even be breathing right now much less conscious.
Raff, gather up what you can from the bug and the trailer and toss it in the back of my rig. Ill
drop it by Yancys place after work. Jack had no reason to be going out of his way for a man he
didnt even know, but he didnt like the idea of Chester not having his stuff or losing some of it while
he was in the hospital.
Sure thing, chief.
Jack walked over to his rig and pulled out his clipboard, starting the paperwork on the incident
report. He needed to take some measurements of the accident scene and stuff so he could give his best
assessment of what happened to Sheriff Riley, and the actions he and his men had taken to free Chester
from the wreckage. There always needed to be a report for everything.
All done here, chief, Vincent Rizzo said as he walked up. We loaded that stuff up like you
asked us to.
Jack looked up, sending Vinnie a friendly smile. Vinnie was okay for a guy from South Philly.
Thanks, Vinnie. Why dont you and the boys load up and head back to the house. Ill be along in a
minute. I just need to take a few measurements.
It wasnt exactly part of his job, but he preferred being thorough. There were only so many
people working in public service in Cade Creek, and things just went a lot smoother if they all
worked together.
Jack finished up his report, or what he could finish at the scene. There were a few smaller things
he would need to add once he got back to the station house. He checked over the scene one last time,
making sure everything had been cleaned up and things were relatively back to normal, and then
climbed into his command vehicle and headed back to work.
He absently wondered if he was mad to think about dropping by the hospital tomorrow after
work and checking on Chester. Was he starting a fire he couldnt put out?

Chapter Three
Chester looked up when he heard a soft knock on the hospital door. Since Yancy had just left, he
knew it wasnt him. His jaw dropped when the handsome firefighter that rescued him stuck his head in
the doorway.
Hey, Jack. Chester wanted to die when his face flushed. He was acting like a guy with his first
high school crush. Jack was going to think he was a blithering idiot. And it wasnt like his first
impression on the guy had been all that good. He had been folded up in his car, or what was left of his
Hey, Chester. The man stepped into the room, looking confident and strong, and oh so sexy.
Chester wanted to shove his fist into his mouth to keep from groaning when Jack slid his hands into
his pockets and it stretched the faded denim over the bulge behind the mans zipper.
How are you feeling? Jack asked.
Better. Chester grinned simply because he couldnt do anything else. Jack was smiling at him,
and he had a fantastic smile. Doc says I have to stay in bed for a couple of days but then Im good to
Jacks beautiful green eyes dropped to where the blanket covered Chester s legs. No lasting
Ill probably have some scarring on my shins from where the dashboard cut into me, but other
than that I should be as good as new in no time. There were no broken bones. Just some scrapes and
scratches and stitches to my head.
Concussion? Jack moved to the edge of the bed, his hand coming down, his thumb tracing the
edge of the bandage on Chester s left temple. You seem to be responding pretty well, so theres
probably no lasting damage.
Chester chuckled as he met Jacks eyes. So they tell me.
Thats good news.
Yeah. Chester s smile wavered. Something expectant hung in the air. This wasnt exactly how
I wanted to arrive in Cade Creek.
No, I expect not, but at least you know we have a great emergency response system.
A bit of laugher burst past Chester s lips. Right?
Jack gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. Yancy said you were thinking of moving out
this way.
And just that fast, the smile fell off Chester s face. Everything I owned was in the back of that
moving trailer. He doubted he had a pot to piss in at this point. Once he got out of the hospital, hed
be living on Yancys couch until he could figure out what he was going to do.
The boys and I were able to save most of it, Jack said. I dropped everything off at Yancys
place this morning.
Chester s jaw dropped as his eyes shot up to Jacks. You saved my stuff?
Not all of it. Jack looked like he was on the verge of wincing, like the accident had been his
fault. The furniture was pretty much destroyed and youll probably have to get new dishes, but we
saved most of the boxes.
Tears blurred Chester s vision, the relief he felt at not losing every last thing he owned heavier
than he thought it would be. Thank you.
Thats what friends are for.

Chester s heart thudded painfully in his chest. And are we going to be friends?
Jacks whole face spread into a smile. Id like to be. And then he frowned, the smile on his
face wavering. If your husband doesnt mind, I mean. I wouldnt want to
What husband? Chester almost choked on the words. Had someone told Jack about Oscar?
Oh, um, Yancy said you were married.
Chester s lips thinned into a line of remembered anger, and anguish. I was. Im not anymore.
He waved his hand absently in the air. Hence the reason behind the whole move to Cade Creek.
Jacks fingers were cool and smooth as they reached out and touched the top of Chester s hand.
His thumb began caressing a sensuous trail over Chester s skin. Im glad you came. Cade Creek is a
wonderful place.
Chester prayed he was reading Jack right when he turned his hand over and entwined their
fingers together. I think Im going to like it here.
Id be more than happy to show you around once youre back on your feet. Jacks wink made
Chester s heart beat just a little faster. I know all the good spots.
That would be nice. He nervously moistened his dry lips. I should be on my feet again soon.
The even whiteness of Jacks smile was dazzling. Then its a date.
We already have a dinner date.
Well, now we have two.
Chester broke into a wide, open smile, but before he could open his mouth to say something
else, the door swung open and Oscar strode in like he owned the place. Chester s heart sank when
Jack jumped back as if touching him was forbidden and he didnt want to be caught.
Chester, love, I came as soon as Yancy called me. When Oscar went to grab his hand, Chester
yanked it back to his chest. There was a flash anger in Oscar s eyes before he blinked and then it was
gone. Ive been worried about you, my love.
Bullshit. One word, two syllables. Simple and right to the pointunless your head was too
damn thick to understand what the hell it meant. There is no reason for you to be here, Oscar.
Im your husband.
You were my husband, Chester countered angrily. You stopped being my husband when your
need to try every kinky thing in the world outweighed my need to be treated like a human being and
not your little chew toy.
Oscar s eyes narrowed and then flickered up to Jack. Chester, darling, this isnt the time or
place to air the problems in our marriage. We need to
We dont need to do anything. Chester pointed toward the door. But you need to leave before I
ask one of the nurses to call security.
Now, Chester, you need to calm down. You know how you get when youre upset. And Im sure
MrMr Oscar eyed Jack again.
Jack Helmond, Jack replied as he held out his hand. Im the local fire chief.
Mr. Helmond. Oscar nodded but didnt shake Jacks hand. After a moment, Jack lowered it
back to his side. Is there a reason that the fire chief is visiting my husband?
I am not your husband, Chester snarled. He wanted to smack Oscar. He could see his chances
with Jack slipping away into nothing because of Oscar. You need to leave, Oscar.
I think maybe I should leave, Jack said as he stepped away.
Chester inhaled sharply. No, Jack, its not
Jacks smile was without malice, almost apologetic. Im glad youre okay, Chester. You take

He was gone in the next moment.
What in the hell were you thinking, Chester? Oscar snapped the moment the door closed
behind Jack. He started the usual floor pacing he did when he was agitated about something. You had
no business coming here. You should have stayed in the city where you belonged.
Chester s jaw dropped. What in the blue blazes are you talking about?
Oscar rubbed his hand down his face. For just a moment when Oscar dropped his hand, the
tension on the mans face tugged at Chester s heart. Things werent supposed to be like this,
Chester. Oscar s hands landed on his hips, the mans aggressive nature coming to life in his stiff
stance. Why did you have to go and fuck everything up?
Are you insane? Chester felt a momentary panic when he realized that he was alone in the
room with Oscar. He had never truly been afraid of the man in the past, even if he wasnt always
comfortable with some of the things Oscar did.
But the darkness that fell over Oscar s face gave him pause. A wave of apprehension swept over
him when Oscar stepped to the edge of the bed, reaching for the hand Chester had pressed against his
Ive done a lot of thinking since you left, Chester. Ive searched my soul for the answers. Im
sorry its taken me this long to understand how things need to be between us.
Hohow do things need to be between us? Icy fear twisted around Chester s heart when Oscar
encircled his wrist, holding it in a tight grip. He tried to shake Oscar free. Oscar, that hurts.
There is pleasure in pain, Chester. I failed to teach you that, but I wont fail you again. Oscar s
voice was absolutely emotionless, and it chilled Chester. When we get you home, well begin your
Cade Creek is my home now, Oscar.
Chester knew they were the wrong words to say the instant they left his mouth. Oscar s
expression clouded with anger. He reached up and grabbed Chester s jaw with his large hand,
squeezing until Chester winced.
You will learn to obey me, Chester. There was an edge to Oscar s voice that said he was close
to losing it. Thats the way this works.
Tears sprang to Chester s eyes, the pain in his jaw almost as bad as the pain he had felt while
trapped in his car. Please, Oscar, I dont
Master, Oscar said, something coming to life in his eyes that frightened Chester more than the
tight grip the man had on his face. I like how that sounds. From now on, you will address me as
Oscar was freaking insane.
Chester was not.
He swallowed hard and then nodded. If thats what you want, Oscar. Hed say anything to get
Oscar to let go of him. His smile wobbled. He reached up and feathered his fingers over Oscar s wrist
until the man loosened his grip. Master.
Oscar stood back, smiling with satisfaction. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin
strip of leather with a D-ring attached. I know I should wait to give this to you until we have our
official commitment ceremony, but I think we need that special connection now.
Chester started to tremble as Oscar leaned toward him, the leather collar held between his
fingers. No, Id like to wait, he said quickly. Maybe we can No! Chester arched away from
Oscar when the man attempted to place the collar around his throat. No! Stop!

Chester started screaming.

Hey, whats going on in here? The voice was female, but it was spoken with enough authority
that Oscar jumped back and started running for the door. Get away from him. Security! Security!
The lights overhead blinked in and out as Chester s lungs seemed to decide he couldnt have any
air in them. When someone went to place something over his face, Chester cried out and batted them
Calm down, Mr. Bailey. Everything is fine, the female voice said. We need to give you some
The tears that had hung on Chester s eyelashes slide down his cheeks as he stopped fighting and
allowed the nurse to put the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. Air flooded his lungs as he
inhaled. The spots stopped dancing around the outside edges of his vision.
There now, the nurse said as she took his pulse, all better.
Chester reached up and pulled the oxygen mask down enough that he could speak. Call Yancy
The nurse grinned. That cute new deputy?
Chester didnt know how new Yancy was considering he had been a deputy in Cade Creek for
the last two years, but he nodded anyway. Please. He needed to tell Yancy that Oscar had lost his
mind, and then he needed to chew Yancy a new one for calling Oscar in the first place. Chester had
been perfectly happy not having Oscar around.
And this whole collar and master thing was almost as insane as Oscar. Chester knew Oscar had
started to get into some kinky shit. It had been a major factor in their happy life going up in flames.
He just hadnt realized how far Oscar had actually gotten into the lifestyle.
Chester didnt begrudge anyone the things that turned them on. But the pain and degradation that
Oscar wanted to bring into their lives was not something Chester enjoyed. Chester wasnt about to
lick anyones boots.
Okay, I think we can take this off now. The nurse removed the oxygen mask and placed it back
where it belonged, hanging on the wall behind Chester s head. How are you feeling, Mr. Bailey?
Chester, please call me Chester.
The nurses smile was warm and friendly. How are you feeling, Chester? Do your legs hurt at
No, Oscar never touched them.
The nurses eyes rounded in surprise. You know the man that was in here?
Unfortunately, I do. He was my ex.
I see. The nurses tonewhich had been friendly a mere moment agoturned cold and exact.
Youll need to restrict your guests to visiting hours, Mr. Bailey. It is hospital policy.
Chester s mouth hung open as he watched the door close behind the nurse as she left. It took him
a moment to figure out he had been assigned a homophobic nurse, which meant the rest of his
hospital stay was probably going to be oh so wonderful.
Gee, wasnt he lucky?

Chapter Four
Jack signed the last of the reports he needed to turn in then slid them into the folder on his desk.
He set the folder off to one side, glad to have that over and done with. As much as he loved living in a
small town like Cade Creek, the job description for fire chief here was a whole lot different than that
of one back in Boston.
He knew more about the dynamics and diplomacy needed to be the fire chief than he ever really
wanted to know. He just wanted to fight fires and help keep people safe. He didnt even mind the
occasional pancake breakfast fundraisers or school showcases.
He hated the politics. He hated having to write weekly reports. He felt like he had to report every
damn little thing right down to how many breaths he took while on duty. He understood that there
needed to be an accounting, but sometimes it felt like overkill. But, considering the size of Cade
Creek, he supposed that they needed to account for every penny spent, every hour logged, and even
every breath taken.
He wouldnt live anywhere else.
Jack got up and walked out of his office, heading for the communal kitchen all the firefighters
shared. He needed another cup of coffee. Vinnie and Raff were sitting on the couch in the lounge
watching a football game. Hank and Ari sat in chairs, their feet propped on the worn coffee table.
Arsonthe station house dogwas stretched out on the couch between Vinnie and Raff,
snoring his little doggy head off. Jack would argue with the men about allowing Arson on the couch,
but it would do him no good. Not many could say no to the young Dalmatian. He was too damn cute.
Make sure you vacuum the couch after youre done watching the football game, he said as he
passed by the men.
Sure thing, chief, Vinnie called out. Were just letting Arson have a little nap. We gave him a
pretty good run this morning.
Just make sure you dont forget. Jack headed for the coffee pot. After fixing himself a cup, he
wandered over to the chore board, wondering who was on kitchen duty today and if they needed to
make a store run. It would give a couple of them something to do.
Waiting for an alarm to go off could get boring sometimes. It wasnt that he wanted anyone to
be in harms way, but he could only watch so much television or write so many reports before he
wanted to stab his eyeballs out with a rusty butter knife.
Damn. He had kitchen duty tonight and tomorrow night. That was good and bad. Good, because
he could make a trip to the store. Bad, because he wasnt that great of a cook. He loved to eat and he
loved to cook. He just didnt have a very good imagination when it came to planning a meal. Boxed
macaroni and cheese was considered gourmet in the fire house.
He grabbed the shopping list off the front of the fridge and started toward the lounge. I need to
make a trip to the store for tonights dinner. Anyone have anything specific theyd like to eat or need
me to pick up?
Raff tilted his head back and looked up at Jack. Something for dessert.
Arson needs more dog food, Hank added. Oh, and some of those little doggie cookies he
likes so much. Were almost out.
Only because you cant stop giving them to him. Everyone knew Hank was a big pushover
when it came to Arson. Most of them were, but Hank more than most. He had been the one to rescue
Arson from a ditch where he had been thrown from a car. Hank couldnt keep him, but the entire fire
house could. Even though Arson officially lived with Jack, they all took turns caring for the

Dalmatian they had adopted.

Okay, Im going to head to the grocery store. I have my radio on me.
Need any help, chief? Hank asked as he swung his legs down and stood.
Jack smiled as he shook his head. Im good, Hank. You can stay and watch the game if you
want. Hank was a good guy.
My team was losing anyway, Hank grumbled as he walked out of the lounge and joined Jack.
Which team is yours? Jack asked as he glanced toward the TV.
The losing one.
Right. Jack chuckled as he headed for his truck. He dug his keys out of his pocket and started
going over the mental list in his head of what he could cook for dinner. He wasnt a horrible cook but
he wasnt chef material either. He had learned to cook out of sheer desperation and a thin wallet.
Maybe meatloaf. That wasnt too hard to make.
Jack looked up when he heard Hank call to him. His eyes landed on the tall firefighter for a brief
moment before flickering to the two men standing in the open bay doors. Yancy, Chester, is
something wrong? He asked because of the apprehensive look on Chester s face as the handsome
young man chewed on his bottom lip.
Chester hesitated for a brief moment, but then he seemed to get a hold of himself. He squared his
shoulders and then stepped forward, holding out a large square plastic container. I wanted to thank
you and the other firemen for saving me so I made you some muffins and stuff. I dont know if you
guys can accept home-baked goods but Chester shrugged as he handed them over. I just wanted to
thank you.
Yes, we can. Jack sent Chester a smile. Thank you. I know the guys love home-baked goods.
How are you feeling? Jack glanced down at Chester s jean-clad legs. It had been two weeks since he
had last seen Chester, but he seemed to be walking okay.
Im good. A half smile crossed Chester s face. It took a few days before I was back on my
feet, but the doc says theres no lasting damage.
Chester s smile wobbled as he took a step back. So, I just wanted to drop these off.
Jacks head cocked to the side. Chester was nervous. He wouldnt meet Jacks eyes. His eyes
darted anywhere but where Jack was. Chester, whats wrong? Jack didnt like the thought that he
might make Chester nervous. Did something happen with your husband?
Chester s smile spread across his lips as he lifted his eyes and look directly at Jack, but it was as
plastic as the container Jack held in his hands. No. I need to get going. Im taking a batch of muffins
over to Kapheris Koffee Korner.
He was lying through his teeth, and Jack didnt know why. He shot a look at Yancy, frowning
when the man shrugged as if he didnt know what was going on either, or he wasnt willing to discuss
Well, thank you for the muffins, Jack said because he couldnt think of anything else to say. He
didnt want to put Chester on the spot, especially when the man seemed so damn uncomfortable.
It was nothing, Chester replied as he took a step back toward the open bay doors. Yeah, um
bye. Chester spun and hurried out of the fire station like his feet were on fire. Yancy tilted his head
and saluted with two fingers before turning and following Chester out the door.
Hank, would you take these to the kitchen? Jack asked as he held the plastic container out to
the large man. Once Hank had taken the muffins and started for the kitchen, Jack walked to the edge of

the bay doors.

He searched the street until his eyes landed on Yancys truck parked on the street. His concern
grew, shadowed quickly by confusion as he watched the two men in the front seat. He knew something
was wrong when Yancy pulled Chester into a hug, the mans face so pale it was practically white.
Jack growled as he started toward the truck. He wanted to know what in the hell was going on.
Chester had said there were no lasting effects from his accident. So if that wasnt what was making
him so upset, what was it?
Jack wanted to know.
Before he could reach Yancys truck, it pulled away from the sidewalk and headed down the
street. Jack had just a brief moment where his eyes met Yancys before the truck passed him. The
anger he could see burning in the mans intense gaze confused Jack even more.
He didnt remember doing anything that would have the deputy angry at him. He hadnt had an
argument with the man, even though they had butted heads more than once. He had turned in every
report required of him. And the second he learned that Chester was involved with someone, he had
stepped back and kept his attraction to himself.
So why was Yancy angry with him?
Hey, chief, what was that all about? Hank asked as he walked up.
Im not sure. Jack shrugged nonchalantly as he turned and headed for his truck. I guess
Chester wanted to thank us for getting him out of that tin can he was trapped in.
Riiight. Hank snorted as he turned and headed to the passenger side of the command vehicle.
He clearly didnt believe Jacks words any more than he did.
Jack sighed heavily, rubbing the tension at the back of his neck as he walked to driver side of the
vehicle. He climbed in and started the truck, driving it out onto the street and heading for the local
grocery store.
So, this Chester guy Hank said. Hes kind of cute.
Jack glanced at Hank. I suppose.
He didnt make a big deal about that fact that he preferred men. It wasnt a secret but also
something he didnt really discuss. After the fiasco he had left in Boston when he was outed by a
spurned lover, he made sure his superiors knew of his sexual orientation before he took the job in
Cade Creek. He also made sure they knew he wasnt going to hide it. He didnt want there to be any
Do you know if hes single?
Jack tightened his hands on the steering wheel as a rush of jealousy swept through him. I
believe he is currently separated from his husband, but from what I saw in the hospital, they are
attempting to work things out.
And from Jacks point of view, that totally sucked. He was wildly attracted to Chester and had
been since the mans smoky-gray eyes had peeked up at him from the bottom of the wrecked VW
Bug. He felt like they might have made a connection while they waited for the ambulance to arrive,
enough of one to compel him to visit the hospital.
One look into Chester s eyes and he knew he wasnt imagining thingsright up until Chester s
husband walked in. Jack might be a lot of things but he was not a home wrecker. If there was any
chance that Chester and his husband might get back together, Jack was stepping out of the picture.
Oh, well, Hank said as he frowned. I guess thats that then.
Yeah. Jack shot Hank another look. What? Were you interested in Chester?
I just think hes cute.

Hes not for you! Jack blinked as he realized what he had just said. Well, what he had just
snarled actually. And where had that come from? What business was it of his who Hank went after?
He was obviously losing his mind. My apologies, Hank. I had no right to snap at you like that.
Hey, if youre interested in him, just say so.
Hes married, Hank. That ended it right there for Jack, no matter how much he might have
fantasized otherwise. I wont break up a marriage and I wont to be someones rebound.
No, Hank mused in an odd tone as he turned to look out the passenger side window. I can
understand that. No one wants to be used to get over someone else.
Jack frowned at the misery in that tone. There was a story there, but it wasnt his place to ask
Hank about it. The whole workplace boundaries thing, and technically Jack was Hanks superior, so
he really couldnt ask.
The voice on the radio crackled to life. Chief, we have a structure fire on South Jenkins Road at
Ferguson, possible Code One.
Damn it. Jack grabbed the mic. Ten-four, Agnes. Request engine one be dispatched to the
Yes, chief.
Jack hung up the handheld radio communicator and hit the siren. He hated Code One calls.
Suspicious structural fire, possibly occupied. It meant someones life might be in danger, which
meant putting his mens lives in danger. It was an occupational hazard, but Jack still didnt like it.
He arrived at the address sent to his dashboard GPS by Agnes just as fire engine one was pulling
up. Jack pulled to one side of the scene, leaving plenty of room for other emergency vehicles. He
grabbed his jacket and helmet and climbed out of the SUV.
Hank, I want you and Raff to gear up and search the house. Well get the hoses going.
You got it, chief. Hank hurried off.
Jack took one look at the flames leaping off the roof and knew they were going to need all
hands on deck. The building was going up fast. Jack headed for the fire engine. Vinnie was already
rolling out the water hoses. Vinnie, I need you and Ari to get that hose coupling on the hydrant. We
need to get water on this fire before Hank and Raff do an S & R.
Copy that, chief.
Jack turned and headed to where Sheriff Riley was talking with an older woman holding a white
dog. She was frantically pointing to the house currently going up in flames.
John, he said when he reached them, what can you tell me?
Ms. OBrian says she heard her neighbors arguing earlier and then she saw smoke. She thinks
they are both still inside.
Damn. John keyed up his mic. Hank, Raff, two possible occupants.
Copy that, Hank replied.
He hit the mic again as he headed for the edge of the burn zone. Hank, Raff, enter when ready.
Copy that, Hank replied again.
Jack watched as Vinnie and Ari sprayed the roof and walls of the house with water while Hank
and Raff moved in to search it and hopefully find anyone alive. With as much smoke as the fire was
giving off, that might be impossible.
This was the hardest part of being the commander and chief. He had to stand there while his men
went into danger. It was his job to make a plan of action, not carry it out. He only got called in if there
was a problem, and he prayed every time they went out that they encountered no problems.
Jack tensed when his mic crackled. Chief, we need bolt cutters in the back bedroom located in

the left hand corner, Hank said. We have a man handcuffed to a metal framed bed.
Say again. He couldnt have heard that right.
Bolt cutters, chief, we need bolt cutters.
Copy that. Jack shook his head as he hurried to the engine to grab the bolt cutters. He never
quite understood why some people felt a need to enhance their sex lives, but to each his own, he
supposed. He preferred just having someone to hold and love on. He didnt need the extra stuff.
He certainly didnt need to handcuff someone to a bed.
Jack grabbed the bolt cutters out of one of the compartments on the fire truck and turned head
back to the burn zone. His steps faltered as what could only be described a deranged lunatic ran right
in front of the house, waving a gun around wildly in the air.
Get back! the man started shouting at Vinnie and Ari. Get away from here!
Hank and Ari slowly backed out of the yard, taking the water hose with them.
Jack slowly set the bolt cutters down, reaching for the mic on his shoulder at the same time.
Hank, Raff, we got a guy with a gun out here. Extract the civilians any way that you can and take him
around through the alley. Ill have paramedics meet you there.
Copy that.
Jack hit the mic again. Agnes, did you catch that?
Ten-four, Chief. Paramedics being rerouted to alley now.
Jacks jaw dropped when Sheriff Riley walked into the yard with his hands raised in the air and
started talking to the guy with the gun. He just knew the sheriff was going to get his damn fool head
blown off and then hed have the entire Blaecleah clan breathing down his neck. This situation needed
to be defused before it escalated out of control.
Jack reached up and hit his mic again. Vinnie, do you copy?
Go, chief, Vinnie replied.
You still have pressure in your hose?
Can you reach that asshole from your position?
Jack heard a small chuckle. Affirmative, chief.
On the count of three, Vinnie.
Copy that.
Jack picked the bolt cutters up again just in case Hank and Raff couldnt get the civilian freed
and started for the house, giving the sheriff and the idiot with the gun a wide berth. He wanted to get
into a position where the sheriff could see him.
Get back!
Jack froze when the man waved his gun toward him.
It has to burn, the man insisted in a wavering voice that was just a little too high.
Jacks eyebrows shot up when the man began to back up toward the burning house. He had to be
certifiable. He was going to go up in flames if he got too close. Already debris was hitting the ground
around the edges of the destroyed home.
Why does it have to burn? the sheriff asked. It looked like it was a very nice house.
The man shook his head.
Jack held his hands up, three fingers on one hand pointing up in the air. He waited until Sheriff
Riley met his eyes and then slowly lowered his fingers one by one, hoping Vinnie was watching.
All hell broke out when he dropped his third finger. Two hundred and fifty pounds of water
pressure hit the madman square in the chest. He went down in a sopping wet pile of arms and legs.

Jack waved his arm as soon as he saw the gun fall from the mans hand. Vinnie cut the water and the
sheriff raced forward to handcuff the man.
Hank, report! He needed to know his men made it to safety.
In the alley, chief, Hank replied. Were all clear.
Jack breathed a sigh of relief as he dragged his hand down his face. Copy that.

Chapter Five
Chester set the timer on the stove and then walked to the sink to clean up his mess. One thing that
had been drummed into his head as he was learning to cook was cleaning up his mess as he went.
Besides, by the time he was usually done baking, he was exhausted and he hated having to clean when
he was tired. Luckily, he tended to clean as he wentmost of the timeso there were only a few
dishes that needed to be cleaned, dried, and put away.
Something smells good.
Chester grinned as Yancy followed his nose into the kitchen. I swear I dont know how John
and Seamus keep up with your food bill. Youre ruled by your stomach.
Not true, Yancy said as he grabbed a cookie off the cooling rack and then leaned his hip
against the counter as he began to nibble on the cookie. Just ask Seamus. Hell tell you. Im ruled by
Chester cocked his head to one side. You know, I could actually see that. After meeting the
man, he believed it, too. Yancy was ruled by Seamus. If the man laughed, Yancy was happy. If he cried,
Yancy was ready to murder someone. Of course, it was the same with the third man in their unusual
relationship. John just wasnt as drama prone as Seamus.
As soon as those muffins come out of the oven, I have to take them down to Brennan. Could
you help me load them in the car? The new car. His VW Bug had been a total write-off, as was the
moving trailer. He was slowly getting used to the new four-wheel-drive Jeep Cherokee Yancy had
helped him purchase.
Yancy eyed the stacks of baked goods Chester had been cooking over the last several hours.
Whats it worth to ya?
Chester snorted, having expected the need to bribe the large man. Theres a blackberry
cheesecake cooking in the oven now. Its for dessert tonight after dinner. If you ask nicely, I might let
you have a slice.
Chester knew he would anyway. Hell, hed make Yancy and his two husbands twenty thousand
blackberry cheesecakes if they asked for them. The moment they had learned what happened to
Chester at the hands of his former spouse, they had opened their home up to him. All of the
Blaecleahs had.
Yes! Yancys fist pumped into the air as if he had just won some great victory.
What a goof.
Chester chuckled as he started stacking containers of baked goods in Yancys arms to carry out
to the car. Try not to stack too many of them on top of each other. I dont want to crush the pastries.
They dont sell well if they are squashed.
Sir, yes, sir.
Move before I call Seamus. Chester grabbed a stack and followed Yancy out the door to the
car. The deal he had with Brennan required fresh baked goods Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He
made something special for Saturdays, and the caf was closed on Sundays.
Chester had actually been surprised when Brennan and Kapheri approached him about baking
for them. Brennan had opened his caf quite a while back and he served muffins and a few pastries,
but he wanted to branch out. Once he tasted Chester s baked goods at Sunday dinner at the Blaecleahs,
he had pleaded to work out a baking deal. Chester loved baking, so it had been a good deal for him.
Thanks, he said as he walked back into the kitchen, not surprised in the least to find Yancy
munching on another cookie.

Hows the apartment coming along? Yancy asked.

Nicely, Chester replied. The contractors should be done with the kitchen by the end of the
week, and then I can move in. Chester leaned back against the counter and eyed his friend. Why?
Trying to get rid of me?
No, no! Yancy face blanched as he tripped over his words. You can stay as long as you like,
Chester. You know that. I just know how much youve been looking forward to having your own
Chester chuckled. He knew Yancy would let him stay however long he needed. Well, like I said,
the contractors should be done by the end of the week.
Only you would refuse to move into a place without having the kitchen redone.
The better the kitchen, the better the baked goods.
Yancy gulped, which was an odd look on such a big man. Custom kitchens are good.
Thought youd see it my way. Chester glanced at the clock on the stove. Ten more minutes and
he could pull the cheesecake out. If he could keep Yancy from getting into it, the cheesecake would
cool in time for dinner. Do you want to stop by and see what theyve done with the place while we
run into town? I have to check in with the contractor anyway.
Sure. Yancy glanced down at his deputy uniform. You dont need me to change, do you? I
have a shift in a couple of hours.
No, youre good. Might even convince the contractor not to screw with me if he sees Im
friends with a deputy sheriff.
Oh, I see, Yancy droned, youre after me for my uniform.
Chester wagged a finger at Yancy, not the least bit upset. And youre after me for my baked
goods. Sounds like an even trade to me.
Right. Yancy grabbed another cookie. He took a bite, his gaze intense while he chewed. Have
you heard from Oscar at all since the hospital?
Chester nodded as the pit of his stomach clenched. He really didnt want to have this
conversation, but he knew Yancy needed to know just in case there was a problem. Hes called a few
times. If it continues, Im going to have to change my phone number.
Is he leaving messages?
Yes. And each one gave Chester nightmares.
Did you save them?
Chester swallowed the bile that rose in his throat. Yes. He had been friends with Yancy long
enough to know he needed proof that Oscar wouldnt leave him alone. Ill need them if I have to get
a restraining order.
Do you think its going to come to that?
Chester slumped as anguish from the last year flared up. I didnt think I would ever have to
leave Oscar. He was supposed to be the one, you know? It wasnt supposed to be like this.
I know, honey, Yancys deep voice was soft and understanding when he replied. I really
thought he was the one for you, too.
Why did he need all that stuff, Yancy? Why couldnt he accept us like we were? That was the
question that went through Chester s mind over and over again, one he had no answer for. Why did
he need me to call him master and lead me around on a leash in order to feel sexually satisfied? Why
couldnt he be happy with a blow job?
Not everyone is wired the same way, Chester. You know that. People need different things to
feel satisfied. It doesnt make it bad or wrong, just different.

Except that I dont want that. I tried, Yancy. Chester could feel his eyes filling with the signs of
his griefand his frustration. I went to those stupid little weekend parties his friends threw and I
called him master and let him spank me andand I just couldnt stand it. It got to the point where I
hated having sex.
Hey, hey. A sob burst past Chester s lips when Yancys large arms encircled him, holding him
tight. Its over now, Chester. You never have to do anything like that again.
I just want someone to hold me and love me. Chester pressed his face into Yancys massive
chest as tears trickled out of his eyes. I dont want a butt plug stuck up my ass.
Chester s lips spread and he sniffled back his tears when he heard a small chuckle rumble
through Yancys chest. He leaned back, wiping at his eyes. I guess I sound pretty whiney, huh?
No, you sound like a man that knows what he wants, or doesnt want in this case.
Even with Yancys words, Chester still felt like a weenie. He pushed away from Yancy and
walked over to the sink to splash some water on his face. He stood there for a moment with his hands
braced on the edge of the sink.
I know you and Seamus and John get into a few things. Ive heard you. He swung around when
he heard Yancy groan, quickly holding up his hand to stop the blushing man from speaking. Its fine,
Yancy. Like you said, its not wrong, just different. Some people have a need to have something extra
in their sex lives and some dont. One is not better or worse than the other.
Chester drew in a breath, holding his hand against his chest. But Im one of those people that
doesnt need or want those extra things to be sexually satisfied, and Im terrified that Im going to
spend the rest of my life alone because of it.
No. Yancy shook his head. Youll find someone that wants the same things as you, Chester.
You have to believe that.
Chester wished he could tell Yancy he did, but he didnt. He had stopped believing that right
about the time he realized the handsome fire chief would never give him the time of day. Jack
Helmond was Chester s ultimate dream man. Unfortunately, he was a dream man that wanted nothing
to do with him.
He didnt even want to be a friend.
Chester drew in another cleansing breath. He thought his world had ended when he split up with
Oscar. He had been wrong. He was wrong about this, too. He had to be. Life would go on, and
somewhere down the road he would find someone that wanted a simpler life with Chester at his side.
And if not, hed get a dog.
Chester turned when the oven timer went off. He chuckled when Yancy started bouncing next to
him. He never would have expected the larger-than-life man to be so bouncy, but then he was excited
about food so maybe that explained it.
He grabbed some oven mitts and pulled the cheesecake out, setting it on the cooling rack. He
tossed the mitts down and reached over to turn the oven off. Hands off, Yancy.
When he turned, Yancy was staring at him with wide eyes.
Chester snickered. If you mess with it before it cools, it will turn into a pile of blackberry goo.
Yancys lower lip slid out. I like blackberry goo.
Chester patted the larger man on the shoulder as he walked past him. Youll like blackberry
cheesecake better.
Fiinne! Yancy groaned.
Come on. We can stop by the apartment and get those baked goods dropped off to Brennan
while it cools. If its set by the time we get back, Ill sneak you a small slice. Yancys happy grin was

all the reply he needed. Chester grabbed his coat and headed outside to his car.
Whatever made you decide to buy two smaller apartments and have them retrofitted into one
huge apartment? Yancy asked once they were on the road.
I liked the location for one. That old brick building is just a block off the town square and the
park. I can walk down there any time I want. Plus, the farmer s market is there every weekend and I
love shopping for fresh produce.
Yeah, but you could have bought a house in the country and driven in.
Chester shrugged. I cant explain it, Yancy. I took one look at the for sale sign in the bottom
floor window of that building and fell in love with the place.
The place needed work, all three floors, but Chester had fallen in love with it on first sight and
his fascination with the older building increased every time he saw it. Theres a bookstore on the
ground level. The old guy that rents the space was getting ready to box everything up and move out. I
told him he could stay for the same rent he was paying, provided he let me do a few upgrades to the
electrical system and the plumbing. It pretty much needs an overhaul.
You dont think with the new e-readers that hell go out of business?
No, but if times get tough Ill just lower the rent. I still think theres a call for paperbacks. I love
my e- reader, but sometimes there is just something about curling up with a good book that you cant
find with a piece of modern technology. Besides, whats going to happen when the apocalypse hits and
theres no electricity? What are people going to read then?
The apocalypse. Yancy gave him the strangest look. Right.
Chester chuckled.
You never cease to amaze me, Chester Bailey.
Its simple, Yancy. I need the top two floors and the courtyard in the back. I have no use for the
storefront or the other apartments in the building. That old man is just trying to get by doing what he
loves, which is only what the rest of us are trying to do. Im not going to kick him out just to raise the
rent for someone else. Id rather have someone in there that needs the space.
No plans the open a baked goods store then?
Hell no! Chester replied. Do you know what time bakers get up in the morning?
About the same time as ranchers, I imagine.
Way too early for this pretty boy. The idea of getting up that early gave him hives. I need my
beauty sleep.
So what are you going to do then?
Chester shrugged. I still have some money stashed. Ill figure something out. He had used a
good portion of the money he had received from Oscar when they divorced as a down payment on the
building he bought, financing a little more than the asking price so he could have the place retrofitted
to his needs. He could pay the bills for now, but hed have to figure something out eventually. No
matter how much he wished otherwise, money did not grow on trees.
For now, Im going to make baked goods for Kapheri and Brennan and maybe have a booth at
the Farmer s Market on the weekends.
Well, you certainly have the kitchen for it.
I know. Chester was so excited to get moved in to his new apartment so he could start cooking
in the custom gourmet kitchen he had designed and paid to have put in. I cant wait.
His new life was just a couple of weeks away.
I went with an open-floor concept.
Yancys eyebrows drew together in a perplexed frown. Cool?

Did you see those windows on the front of the building? They will let in so much light. And the
brick, while old, is in pretty good shape. The contractor is replacing the hardwood floors, the
electrical, the plumbing, and adding stairs to the loft bedroom as well as a master bath on the top
Oh. Yancy chuckled. Is that all?
No, actually its not. Chester grinned when Yancy rolled his eyes. Theres a guest bedroom
and an office. And the lot in the back of the building that has just been sitting there empty is being
made into a courtyard garden.
Well, it sounds to me like youre getting what you want.
I am. Chester sighed. I just wished I had someone to share it with.
The excitement he felt over the changes he was making to his new place waned next to the
loneliness he felt that he didnt have someone to share his new home with. No matter how wonderful
the place would be, it didnt make up for going to bed alone every night.
It will happen, Chester. Yancys gentle squeeze was meant to be reassuring and Chester knew
it, but it was easy to be upbeat when you shared your bed with two lovers. Theres someone out there
for all of us.
Yeah. He wished he could believe that there was someone out there for him. He doubted it
more and more every day. Maybe. He was starting to think his someone didnt exist.

Chapter Six
Jack grabbed his clipboard and climbed out of his command vehicle. As the highest ranking fire
personnel in Cade Creek, he got the fun job of inspecting new or retrofitted structures to make sure
they met fire codes. It wasnt a horrible job, but it could be tedious at times.
He glanced at the address on his clipboard then checked the one hanging over the large door
leading into the building. When he went to push the door open, he found it locked. He searched for
and found a buzzer. He pushed it and waited.
Yes? answered a voice a moment later.
Fire inspector.
He heard a buzzer and then the sound of the lock clicking off. He started to think he would need
to talk to the owner of the place about just buzzing anyone in until he saw the small pinhole
surveillance camera located just above the buzzer. If he hadnt known what it wasbecause they had
something like it at the fire stationhe never would have known what he was looking at.
It made him feel a little better.
Jack climbed up the stairs to the second floor, making note of the new stairs and hand railing.
They were up to code as was the large fire resistant door at the top of the stairs. A quick glance down
the hallway showed that the other doors on that floor had the same high quality fire resistant door. It
made him feel a little more optimistic about this inspection.
Jack knocked and then waited.
Hey, Mark, Jack said when the door opened and he recognized the man standing there. He had
inspected several places that Mark Bozeman worked on, and the guy always played it above board. He
didnt cut corners or try and get away with anything he shouldnt have. Jack had never had to
reinspect any structure Mark worked on.
Hey, Jack. Mark stepped back. Come on in.
What can you tell me about the place? he asked as he started looking around, making notes.
The new owner had the entire electrical system plus the plumbing and sprinkler system
replaced. I already had the inspector out for that and we passed. Mark held out the paperwork for it.
Heres your copy of the report.
Thanks. Jack checked them out and then slid them to the back of the pile of papers on the
clipboard. This will make things a little easier.
We turned the apartments in the front of the building on the second and third floors into one
residence, Mark started as they walked through the place. The owner added a gourmet kitchen,
office, bathroom, and guest bedroom to the second floor.
Oh, is that all?
Mark chuckled. He knew what he wanted.
Okay. What else?
The third floor is the master bedroom, master bath, a walk-in closet. The biggest change
Mark shook his headbelieve it or not, is the balcony on the second floor.
Jacks eyebrows rose. A balcony? Here? They were one block off the heart of Cade Creek.
Granted, a lot of the buildings in the area had second- and third-floor residential units, but none that
he knew of had balconies. This I have got to see.
Its actually quite spectacular, Mark said. If I had a hankering to live in the heart of Cade
Creek, Id want a setup like this.
Howd you work the balcony in?

The floor was already there, but we had to reinforce it and then add in some support beams for
the bricks that went in for the outside wall and double doors. Luckily, the owner wanted us to reuse as
much of the old brick as possible so it would match what was already here.
Nice. Jack was all for recycling materials. Still, his jaw dropped when he got his first good
look at the floor-to-ceiling double doors and the new wall that Mark had put in, not to mention the
balcony beyond. Damn.
Marks amused chuckle filled the large room. I know, right?
This place is insane.
Its nice, thats for sure. Marks chuckle grew as he shook his head. Come on. Ill show you
the rest of the place. Im hoping to surprise the owner with the keys later today. I got the retrofit done
two weeks early.
Oh, Im sure hell love that.
Yeah, hes been staying with one of the Blaecleah boys while this place got redone. I imagine
hes itching to move in.
Jacks eyebrows lifted. Hes friends with the Blaecleahs? Mark nodded, and the air in Jacks
lungs stuttered. I dont suppose the owner s name is Chester Bailey, is it?
Yeah, howd you know?
Weve met. Jack swallowed hard. I didnt realize Chester and his husband had decided to stay
in Cade Creek. Chester had mentioned something about it, but up until this point, Jack hadnt given it
a thought. Maybe he should have.
Marks graying eyebrows drew together. I dont think Chester is married.
Ive met his husband. Those words tasted bitter in his mouth, and besides being attracted to
Chester, Jack couldnt figure out why.
Well, if you say so. Mark scratched the side of his head as if confused. But Chester s name is
the only one on all the paperwork, so if hes married, Ive never heard of the guy.
Jack didnt know what to think of that bit of information. Technically, both names dont have to
be on the place.
I guess.
Jack really didnt want to discuss Chester s marital state. It made him depressed every time he
thought about it. How about you show me the rest of what you did and we see about getting this place
Oh sure. Mark started pointing out the other things that had been updated or replaced, or even
put where something hadnt been beforelike the bathroomsas they walked throughout the second
and third floors.
Jack made notes, making sure everything was up to fire code. He was impressed. Mark had gone
above the minimum required and retrofitted the place to the highest standards. The entire place passed
with flying colors. Jack wished his house would pass so easily.
Okay, he said once they were back in the main room. Jack was pretty sure it was going to be
the living room as it was the front of the building with tall windows and a ceiling that went all the way
up to the third floor. He made a couple of quick notes then signed the bottom of the form, handing it
to Mark. Youre good to go.
Thanks, Jack.
Jack whistled as he glanced up to the high ceiling and then around the rest of the large room.
Man, this sure is going to be a great place.
Im glad you like it.

Jacks eyes snapped to the doorway when he heard an unmistakable voice. Chester.
Chief Helmond. Chester nodded politely, which made Jack want to grind his teeth.
Jack knew something had changed between him and Chester, but damned if he could figure out
what it was. The man had been so friendly in the beginning. He had only grown distant after his
husband arrived.
Maybe that was the problem?
Jack glanced at Yancy, wondering if the man knew his friend might be the victim of spousal
abuse. It was the only conclusion he could come up with. Chester was friendly and outgoing when
they had first met. Now, he seemed almost afraid of his own shadow. Jack was starting to think he
needed to look deeper into how things were between Chester and his mysterious husband.
Its a great place. Jack sent Chester a friendly smile as he gestured to the paperwork in Marks
hand. I just signed off on your fire inspection.
Chester s gaze went to Mark. Is that a good thing?
Mark grinned as he held out a set of keys. It means you get to move in any time you want. The
work is done and the place passed all the inspections with flying colors. Its all ready to go.
Chester s beautiful smoky eyes widened. I can move in?
Jack chuckled when Chester shouted and started dancing around. The man was so excited that
Jack couldnt help but be happy for him. I take it hes eager to move?
Yancy laughed. I think hes tired of sleeping on my couch.
Jack raised an eyebrow. Hes sleeping on your couch?
Yancy shrugged.
Jack glanced at Chester again, watching the man dance into the gourmet kitchen just off the main
room. How does his husband feel about that?
Yancys brows drew together in an angry frown. What does Oscar have to do with this?
Jack stiffened at the question. He didnt know Chester that well, and he didnt know Oscar at all.
He wasnt sure what was appropriate to ask Yancy, and what wasnt, but he was very concerned over
the situation between Chester and his husband. Something was off but he couldnt put his finger on it.
Jack lowered his voice, glancing at Yancy. How well do you know Chester s husband?
Why do you have such a hard-on for Chester s husband?
Id like to know that as well, Chester said as he walked up, the excitement of moving into his
apartment no longer on his face. Every time we run into each other, you ask about him. Whats up
with that?
I saw how he was with you at the hospital and Iwell Jack shot Yancy a look, hoping the
man might pick up on what he was trying to say without him really having to say it. From the frown
on Yancys face, it didnt look like that was happening. Look, I
There was just no easy way to say this.
You know what? Chester grabbed the clipboard out of Jacks hand and wrote on the top piece
of paper before handing it back. Since you seem to be so interested in Oscar, heres his address. You
go be his husband. I gave up that position months ago.
Jacks jaw hung down to his chest as he watched Chester storm up the stairs to the loft bedroom.
He winced when he heard a door slam.
Way to go, moron.
Jacks gaze swung to Yancy. What?

Its taken me almost two weeks to get Chester out of the funk you just pushed him back into.
Anger was alive and well in Yancys eyes as he glared at Jack. Thanks a lot.
Why are you angry at me? Jack asked, growing more confused by the moment. Shouldnt
you be angry at Chester s husband?
Chester doesnt have a husband!
Jacks jaw dropped. What?
Yancy rolled his eyes. How much plainer can I say it? Chester. Doesnt. Have. A. Husband.
Then who was that man at the hospital?
Oh, that was Chester s husband, his ex-husband. They were divorced for over six months
before Chester even arrived in Cade Creek. Unfortunately, Chester never told me they got divorced or
I never would have called Oscar when Chester was in his accident. I had no idea they werent together
anymore. Chester wanted to wait until he arrived here before telling me.
There was only one thing that echoed through Jacks brain. Chester s not married?
Yancy chuckled. No.
Fuck buddy? He had to be sure.
Geez, no!
That was good enough for Jack. He slapped his clipboard against Yancys chest as he passed the
man, heading for the stairs. He had one more question, but only one man could answer it for him.
Jack raced up the stairs two at a time. He was once again awed by the beauty of the home Chester
had created for himself but not enough to stop and look at it at the moment. He had more important
things to deal with right now.
When he reached the door to the master bathroom, Jack didnt bother knocking. That might
mean Chester could deny him access. He just turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Chester
was sitting on the toilet seat, tears sliding down his beautiful porcelain face. When Jack stepped
inside, closing the door behind him, his head snapped up.
Jack. Chester s greeting was a husky whisper.
Jack grabbed Chester, pulling the man up and tight against his body. Youre not married?
Freaking perfect. Jack slammed his lips down over Chester s, catching the mans sharp inhale
in his mouth. Their lips came together, and Jack felt like he was coming home. The second kiss was
hard, wet, and demanding. It sang through his bloodstream, invigorating him, conquering him. It was
a kiss for his tired soul to melt into.
I want you, he said as he raised his head a fraction. No games, Chester. No pretending. No
hiding behind closed doors. I want you to be mine.
Jack didnt realize how much that was true until he spoke the words. Chester had been getting to
him since the first moment they met. Jack had barely been able to think of anything else. Now that he
knew Chester was free and single, he had every intention of pressing his suit.
What do you say, Chester? Want to give this old fire chief a chance?
Hesitation wavered in Chester s eyes. How do you feel about sex toys and spankings and stuff
like that?
Not really my thing but Id try them for you.
Leading me around on a leash?

Not in this lifetime, Jack growled. His heart started to sink. Look, Chester, I want you. I
havent been able to think of anything except you since I saw your face peeking up at me from inside
your crushed car. But if thats something you need in your life, Im not sure this will work. I just want
to hold you and love on you and
Yes! Chester s smile was wide and huge, his smoky-gray eyes filled with delight. Yes, yes,
That was good enough for Jack.

Chapter Seven
Chester s eyes almost popped out of his head when Jack grinned and lifted him up by his butt.
Jack swung him around and set him on the bathroom counter. The mans powerful well-muscled body
moved with an easy grace as if he was comfortable in his skin.
Dont take this the wrong way, Jack said as he dug something out of his pocket and held them
out. A condom and a single use tube of lube. I havent left home without these in my pocket since I
figured out I was gay. It does not mean I sleep around. I just like to be prepared.
Chester chuckled as he took the two items. I like a man whos prepared.
Jack grinned and reached for the hem of his shirt. When Jack pulled his shirt off and tossed it
onto the counter, Chester could only sit there and stare. He nearly swallowed his tongue when Jack
shimmed out of his jeans. Had there ever been a more perfect specimen of man? Jack really did look
spectacular. Chester could probably get off just from looking at him.
Need you naked, baby.
Jack chuckled as his hands went to Chester s shirt. He lifted his arms when Jack nudged him, and
stepped out of his pants when directed. When Jacks hands slid down Chester s arms and then circled
around to pull them up over his head, Chester s head fell back, a long groan of need falling from his
Chester jerked when he felt a set of warm, callused hands land on his ass before they moved
around to his hips. A tingling began in the pit of his stomach. Jack was touching him, stroking his skin
like it was fine silk. He bit his lip to stifle his outcry of delight. The way that Jack touched him sent an
involuntary shudder through him.
His heart was beating so fast in his chest his lungs could barely keep up. His muscles were
stretched so tight from straining that Chester was afraid they were going to snap like an overused
rubber band.
Turn around, baby.
Chester turned eagerly. He leaned forward, resting on the counter, and settled his head on his
arms. He stuck his butt into the air, spreading his legs until he could feel his cock and balls hanging in
the air between his legs.
The position was a little unsettling.
Jacks hands explored the hollows of Chester s back and moved down around his hips before
slipping up over his ass cheeks. It was like Jack was on a mission to drive Chester out of his mind. It
was working, too. The mere brush of Jacks fingers against his skin sent a warming shiver through
Chester. The anticipation of where Jack was going to touch him next was almost unbearable.
Chester stiffened when he felt slick fingers move between his ass cheeks. Hed been stretched
before, but this almost felt like the first time. Maybe it was because it would be the first time with Jack
that made the difference, maybe not. Chester just knew that his ass muscles clenched and unclenched,
almost begging to be breached.
The first touch of Jacks finger pressing against his tight ring of muscles almost sent Chester
over the edge. Only by curling his fingers into the palms of his hands was he able to stave off his
Bearing down on Jacks thick finger, he tried to steel himself for more. The second finger
slipped in more easily than the first, but Chester still hissed when Jack started moving both fingers in
and out of his tight opening. There was always a slight burn to being stretched, and he knew that. He

just hadnt expected to feel such overwhelming pleasure.

Jacks wiggled his finger in Chester s ass, stretching his opening to force in another digit.
Chester almost couldnt breathe through the pleasure that raced through his body as Jack pushed
another finger in and grazed right over Chester s sweet spot.
Jack! Chester wailed, unable to keep his cries to himself. He almost couldnt breathe through
the pleasure that raced through his body. He groaned when Jacks fingers stroked through his hair. He
loved to have his hair played with.
Are you ready for me, Chester?
Chester felt his blood surge at Jacks question. He was more than ready for the handsome
fireman. Yes. Please.
Chester heard a tearing sound and then a moment later something hard pressed against his ass. It
was big, thick, and hard. Chester gripped the counter, positive he was being split in two. He could hear
Jacks heavy panting behind him. He might have been making his own heavy pants, but since they
quickly turned into groans of pleasure, he couldnt be sure.
Okay, baby, Jack whispered into Chester s ear as he pulled him back up from leaning over the
counter. You let me do all of the work, okay?
Chester nodded, having no idea what Jack was talking about until the man began to move,
making a small thrusting motion with his hips. He felt the pressure of Jacks hands on his hips
increase as he was pulled back.
Thats it, baby! Jacks hot breath blew out over the nape of Chester s neck as the man
chuckled. God, Chester, I knew you would be perfect.
Jacks hips thrust forward once again, and Chester felt the mans long, thick cock fill his ass. A
hot ache began to grow in Chester s throat as Jack moved. Jack hands went to Chester s chest, his
abdomen, his nipples. He even stroked them down Chester s arms. There didnt seem to be an inch of
flesh that Jack didnt touch.
Chester felt his ass muscles clench around Jacks cock, sending shocks of pleasure through his
body. His body welcomed Jack inside of him with a searing heat and a slick tightness that he never
Jack started moving faster, thrusting forward with a single-minded purpose. Chester moaned as
the thick shaft that seemed to fill him so perfectly brushed across his sweet spot with every thrust. He
could hear Jack grunt and moan, calling out his name.
Chester s heart hammered in his chest as he strove toward something elusive, something just out
of reach. He groaned, growing frustrated. The pleasure he was feeling was explosive. It needed just
one flicker of a flame to ignite.
Chester s climax crashed over him from one moment to the next. He threw back his head,
yelling as cum shot from his cock to splatter over his stomach and the counter. Chester abandoned
himself to the whirl of sensation as passion pounded the blood through his heart, chest, and head. He
was in the midst of shattering into a million glittering stars.
As he slumped down, he distantly heard a muffled roar behind him. Chester felt the man slam up
into his ass, and then warm liquid heat filled him. He smirked, knowing that Jack had reached his own
climax. Jacks head came down to rest between his shoulder blades. Chester could feel rivers of sweat
pouring off of him. His stomach was sticky with cum.
And yet, he couldnt ever remember being happier.

Chester smiled when he felt Jacks lips brush against his shoulder.
Thank you, baby.
Youre more than welcome. As happy as he was, Chester felt a little uncertain when Jacks
cock slipped out of his ass. He pushed himself up, glancing around for something to clean himself up
with. He really didnt want to put his pants back on until he cleaned up a bit.
Looking for this?
Chester flushed when he saw the wet wipes Jack held out to him. Yeah, thanks.
Jack winked. Like I said, always prepared.
Chester s blush deepened when Jack turned his back, giving him a private moment to clean
himself up. There were some things that were just embarrassing to do when he didnt know Jack all
that well. Hopefully, with time, they would grow more comfortable around each other.
If they were going to have more time. Chester wasnt so sure.
He quickly pulled his clothes back on, feeling more like himself once he was fully dressed.
What now, Jack? Chester was still worried about the hot-and-cold treatment he had gotten from the
man since the moment they met.
Jack turned, his eyebrows raised. Id like to take you to lunch.
Chester crossed his arms, then rubbed his hands up and down his arms when he got a sudden
chill. Why did you ignore me, Jack? he asked because the question just would not go away. It
floated in his mind like a time bomb waiting to explode. He probably should have asked before they
had sex. One moment you seemed interested in me and the next moment you couldnt get away from
me fast enough. Can I expect the same sort of treatment now that weve had sex?
I thought you were married, Chester.
I told you I wasnt, Chester insisted.
Yes, and then your husband showed up at the hospital. Jacks lips became a fixed line as the
man sighed and leaned back against the wall. I refuse to be someones rebound or to break up a
I am not married, Chester said as succinctly as he could manage with the amount of anger
boiling through him. I was with Oscar for nearly seven years, married to him for five of those years.
I left him a year ago. Our divorce was final over six months ago. Is that clear enough for you? I am
not married.
Chester blinked at the sudden change in conversation. Why what?
Why did you get divorced? Jack asked. Oscar seemed pretty convinced that the two of you
were still together when I saw him at the hospital.
Oscar is insane, Chester snapped. Thats why we got divorced.
He abused you?
Chester s shoulders sagged. That almost would have been simple. Admitting his husband liked
to lead him around on a leash was so damn complicated. No, not exactly. Oscar just got involved in
some stuff that I wanted no part in. He wouldnt take no for an answer. Even now, he still thinks we
belong together, that hes my master.
Jacks eyebrows shot up. Hes into BDSM?
Are you?
No. Chester shook his head emphatically. I dont see the need for that type of stuff. Im not
saying its wrong. Its just not for me. Truth be told, I dont understand whats wrong with cuddling in

bed with a lover on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I dont understand why someone needs to have their
butt beat in order to be satisfied.
An irresistibly devastating grin crossed Jacks lips as he pushed away from the wall and walked
over to stand in front of Chester. He brushed Chester s bangs back from his forehead. Im free
Sunday afternoon after church.
Yeah? Chester s breath stuttered at the sensuous flame he could see come to life in Jacks
green eyes. I could make us some ham and cheese croissants, maybe a fruit tart. We could get some
coffee from Kapheris Koffee Korner and have breakfast in bed.
Youd better make it brunch. Jacks grin promised all sorts of lustful stuff. Youre going to
need to sleep in after Im done with you. Youll be too tired for breakfast.
Hot damn!
Sounds perfect.
Jacks hands stroked down Chester s arms before moving around to cup his ass through his
jeans. We can just lounge around in bed all day, just the two of us. Im sure well figure out
something to keep us occupied.
Chester shuddered with renewed need. Yes.
Then its a date.
Yeah. Chester wasnt stupid enough to turn down a day spent in bed with Jack.
Jack winked as he took Chester s hand and led him out of the bathroom. Chester groaned when
they reached the bottom of the stairs and found Yancy sitting on the island counter, swinging his legs.
Mark stood beside him, both men grinning as they sipped some coffee.
About damn time, Yancy said. I thought I was going to have to start a fire just to get the two
of you together.
We just needed a little time to work things out between us, Jack said.
And have you? Yancy asked.
Chester smiled as he glanced up at Jack. We have.
Good. Yancy hopped off the counter and started for the door. My cheesecake is waiting.
Jacks eyebrows lifted. Cheesecake?
Ill make one for Sunday.
Hey, Yancy said as he spun around, pointing. How come he gets an entire cheesecake to
Chester felt almost giddy as he leaned into Jacks side. He asked nicely.
He didnt ask, Yancy insisted.
Chester s face flushed all over again. Oh yes, he did.

Chapter Eight
Jack was nervous, anxious. He was excited. His date with Chester was due to start in thirty
minutes. He was supposed to go to Chester s place where they would have dinner and then spend the
evening together, and maybe the night. He wanted to make a good impression on his new love
interest. Keeping Chester happy was his top priority, especially considering this was their first real
Jack wanted everything to be perfect.
After their little interlude in the bathroom at Chester s apartment two weeks ago, they hadnt
been able to get together until today due to a heavier than usual work schedule and Chester s move
into his new place. Nightly phone calls that lasted late into the night had sufficed, but it would never
take the place of being with Chester in person. The image of holding the sexy man in his arms had
been burned into his memory for all time.
Jack glanced at the bouquet of wildflowers sitting on the seat next to him. Purchasing them had
seemed like a good idea at the time. Everyone liked to be romanced, and Chester deserved no less. He
wanted Chester to feel important, special.
Now, he wondered if he was making a mistake buying them. Chester was a guy. Not a lot of guys
bought flowers for other guys. Maybe he should have brought a six pack of beer and a pizza instead
of flowers and a bottle of red wine.
God, he was goober. He was thirty-eight years old and he felt like he was getting ready to go out
on his first date with his high school crush. If the guys at the fire house could see him now, theyd
laugh themselves silly.
Jack pulled into a parking spot down the street from Chester s new apartment and turned off the
engine. He could see the lights on through the tall second-floor windows. His lips curved into a small
smile when he saw Chester s shadow pass in front of the window. He glanced at his watch. He still had
another twenty minutes before he was supposed to arrive. He was a tad bit early.
Jack pulled out his cell phone and dialed Chester s number.
Chester answered a moment later. Hey, handsome.
What are you wearing? he asked in a deep gravelly voice.
Chester s laughter eased Jacks nerves. A smile.
Damn, Jack groaned as his cock hardened just that fast. Id like to see that.
Maybe Ill let you.
Jack groaned again, palming his hard cock through jeans. It wasnt enough, not when Chester
laughed again, only this time, the sound was low and sultry. Jack quickly glanced around. The street
was vacant, not a soul in sight. He sat near the end of the street, his truck shadowed by the building he
was parked in front of.
It was enough.
Jack reached into the glove box and pulled out a few wet wipes he kept in there. He set them on
the seat next to him and then unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out. He wrapped his fingers
around his aching length and started slowly pumping his hand up and down. Talk to me, baby.
What would you like me to say? Chester asked in a silky voice that dug into Jacks senses and
sent his arousal skyrocketing. He didnt know anyone else that could set him off as fast as Chester
Anything. Jack pumped faster, tightening his fist around his shaft. He began stroking his
length from root to tip. He ran his thumb over the moist head, smearing the pre-cum around and

squeezing lightly. Jack bit his lip as he moved his hand to the rhythm his hips were setting.
I could tell you how excited I am to see you tonight.
Oh, so am I, baby. I cant wait. His balls were starting to pull up tight to his body. A web of
arousal spun around him as he squeezed his shaft, his thumb caressing over the leaking head. He
growled when he felt the tingle shooting up his spine. He grabbed the wet wipes he had pulled from
the glove box and held them over his cock.
Chester s voice dipped even lower when he spoke again. Im not wearing any underwear.
Fuck! Jack shouted as hot ropes of seed shot out of his cock, hitting him on his chest and
under his chin. He smacked the dashboard as his dick jerked wildly in his hand and pumped ropes of
cum into the wet wipes.
Did you just jerk off?
Jack chuckled. Maybe.
Where in the hell are you?
Look out your window. A moment later, the curtain moved and Chester s face appeared in the
window. Down the street on your left.
When Chester glanced his way, Jack raised a hand and waved.
What are you doing out there? Chester asked.
Waiting until our date. He glanced down at his watch. I have another ten minutes.
You also have a police car coming up behind you.
Damn it! Jack heard Chester laughing hysterically when he dropped his cell phone and started
shoving his spent dick back into his pants, zipping them up. He just got himself smoothed down and
everything cleaned up when a light shined into the window of his truck and he heard a knock on the
Jack groaned when he turned and saw Deputy Nick Hale standing there with a flashlight in his
hand. He rolled the window down, praying the deputy hadnt seen his lapse in judgment. Is there a
problem, Nick?
No, just checking to make sure you were okay.
Im fine. He rolled his eyes when Nick scanned the interior of the truck. I have a date in ten
minutes. Im waiting.
Uh-uh. Nick grinned. And the flowers?
For my date.
I see. Well. Nick chuckled with a great deal of amusement. You have a good night then, chief.
God, grant him restraint.
You, too, Deputy Hale. Jack waited until Nick walked away before rolling up his window and
then picking his phone back up. He could still hear Chester laughing. It wasnt that funny, Chester.
Yes, it was.
Jacks lips twitched as he glanced at the second-floor window. He could still see Chester
standing there watching him. Ill see you in a minute. There was no sense waiting those extra ten
minutes. Chester knew he was there.
Jack hung up his phone and slid it back into his pocket. He grabbed the flowers and wine and
then slid from his truck, locking the door behind him before starting across the street. There was a
bounce in his step and excitement beating in his heart as he climbed the stairs to Chester s apartment.
He hadnt gotten a chance to see the place since Chester moved in, and he couldnt wait to see what the
man had done with all that open space.

Chester was waiting for him at the top of the stairs, an alluring smile on his face. Hey,
Hey. Jack wrapped one arm around Chester s waist and drew him closer. He leaned down and
pressed their lips together. The touch of Chester s lips against his was a delicious sensation that had
his cock trying to harden yet again. Jack suspected that would be a normal state for him in the future.
Where are my flowers? Chester asked with a twinkle in his eyes when they separated.
Jack grinned and held out the bouquet of wildflowers he had bought. Chester brought them up to
his nose and sniffed. There was a faint blush on his cheeks as he peeked up at Jack.
No one has ever bought me flowers before.
I brought wine, too. Jack leaned forward and brushed his lips across Chester s. He wasnt in
the least bit prepared for Chester to come on like a locomotive. Before Jack could do more than
gently kiss Chester, he found himself pushed back against the wall. The flowers and wine were set on
a side table near the door.
I wont break, Jack, Chester growled right before his lips slammed over Jacks. In the blink of
an eye, Jack was transformed from a man trying to go easy and take things slow to a man ready to
claim his lover.
Heart thudding so hard he could feel every vibration, Jack fisted his hand in Chester s sandyblond hair and took the kiss deeper, brushing lips together before forcing his tongue inside to explore
and conquer.
Chester moaned and pressed closer.
Jack slid his hand down Chester s back until he encountered the soft curve of his ass. He gently
stroked his hand over the rounded globe, increasing the strength of his touch when Chester groaned
and started to squirm.
You like that, dont you, baby? Jack stated as he leaned back to watch Chester s face. He
wanted to see every reaction. Chester didnt disappoint. He was glorious.
Chester s face was close. Jack could feel hot breath against his face as Chester panted. He sucked
in his bottom lip and groaned when Jack slid a hand down the inside of his pants and cupped his bare
ass cheek. When Jack found the crack of his ass and pressed a finger between them, Chester s eyes
fluttered closed, small whimpers falling from his plush lips.
Oh, yeah, Jack murmured as he watched Chester s face flush with pleasure, you like that.
Chester moved against Jack like cool silk against his skin. The man was made for sex. He was
made to be touched, caressed, to have his body worshipped. Jack could already foresee hours upon
hours spent just loving on Chester.
Jack reached down and unbuttoned Chester s pants then started pushing on the legs. Chester
seemed to suddenly understand and wiggled his hips.
Sweet Jesus. Jack gulped when Chester s cock popped up and slapped against his stomach.
Do you go commando all of the time?
Yeah, sort of. Chester chewed on his lips for a brief moment. Underwear makes me feel like
Im suffocating.
Hey, dont change that on my account, Jack quickly replied, not wanting Chester to get the
wrong idea. He dropped Chester s pants on the floor and reached for the cock standing up so proudly
from his groin. I love the idea that I have such easy access.
Chester s long, needy groan echoed through the room, his hips shooting up, driving his cock
through Jacks fingers. Jack watched the pleasure play across Chester s face as he stroked his hand up
and down Chester s long length.

Oh, I am going to have such fun with you, baby. Those hours Jack imagined they would spend
in bed playing just turned into months, maybe years. Chester was the very image of everything Jack
had ever fantasized about. He was perfection in the flesh.
Jack slowly pulled Chester s shirt up over his head, wanting to torture himself just a bit by
revealing every inch of flesh little by little. He wasnt disappointed. Chester was a little thin, but he
had good definition. Jack had the strong urge to lick his satiny skin.
Arms up, baby.
Jack had trouble not swallowing his tongue when Chester stretched his arms up over his head.
He had one leg slightly bent, and his torso arched up into the air as he moved.
Sweet Jesus, Jack whispered as he hungrily ate up every sensual movement, every breath of
air that pushed Chester s chest up and down. Hell, the pulse beating rapidly at the base of his throat
was sexy.
Everything about Chester was sexy.
When Jack reached for his jeans and slowly lowered his zipper, he could feel Chester s eyes
moving over every inch of his skin as it was revealed. Each glance felt like a touch, a soft caress. Jack
took great delight in the way Chester looked at him, in the tongue that darted out of his mouth to lick
his lower lip.
If a man needed to have had his ego inflated, the look on Chester s face as Jack lowered his
pants and his hard cock was revealed would have done it. He heard the audible gulp Chester let loose.
It was so loud, he almost felt it.
Jack stared at Chester as he grabbed his cock and gave it a long stroke with his hand. The heat in
Chester s gaze, the way his eyes started to glaze over, the pre-cum that leaked from his cockall of it
was engineered to drive Jack insane.
He just knew it.
Jack stepped up close to Chester, slowly stroking his smooth, satiny skin as he moved his hands
up, inch by incredible inch. When Jack reached the twin brown-hued nipples, he let his thumb and
forefinger play with one taut bud.
Oh! Please! Jack! Chester s hands gripped frantically at Jacks shoulders, his heartfelt pleas
music to Jacks ears.
But Jack had no intention of rushing this. He intended for the waves of pleasure to nip at Chester
before eating him alive. Jack chuckled as he replaced his fingers with his mouth, sucking the nipple
hard and tight. Releasing the suction, he leaned up to steal a kiss while Chester s chest heaved up and
Did you like that? he asked against Chester s lips, not waiting for an answer before moving
down to repeat the teasing caress on Chester s other nipple.
Chester s high, needy cry shattered the air.
Suddenly, his erection was cradled in the apex of Chester s thighs, the head of his cock pushed
snugly against Chester s balls. One small move and Jack could feel Chester s puckered hole pulsing
against him. All Jack had to do was push Chester s legs up to his chest and thrust deep inside of his
tight ass. He could have Chester. Claim him. Brand him. He could make Chester his own with one
thrust of his hips.
Sharp claws tore at the threads of his control. Gritting his teeth, Jack tried to move back, to slow
things down before he ruthlessly claimed Chester, restraint be damned. Slender legs wrapped around
his hips, holding him tight. Jack groaned. He was so close to the edgeexcept Chester wasnt ready
yet, and Jack refused to take him without some preparation.

Using the leverage he had, Jack grabbed the tube of lube and condom he always carried. He
quickly tore the tip of the single-use lube package off with his teeth. It took just a moment to pour
some lotion out onto his fingers.
It took a moment more to spread that lotion between Chester s ass cheeks, pushing some into his
tight ring of muscles until they loosened enough that Jack knew he wouldnt hurt him. He ripped the
condom open and rolled it down his aching cock.
Jack wrapped his arms around Chester s hips and lifted him, pressing him back against the wall.
As gently as he could, Jack pushed the head of his cock against Chester s tight entrance. He began to
rock against Chester, pushing in a little more each time.
Jack! It was a scream the echoed right down into Jacks soul. Chester s hands clutched wildly
at Jacks shoulders as he tried to ride out the pleasure Jack could see on his face.
Ive got you, baby, Jack murmured. Go ahead and fall. Ill catch you.
Jack kissed Chester s eyebrows, his eyelids, the tip of his pert little nose, his high cheekbones,
and finally his plush lips. His touch was soft, slow, undemanding. Until Chester s breathing was easier
and those smoky gray eyes were no longer glazed with overwhelming desire. He wanted Chester
aroused. He didnt want Chester out of his head.
At least not yet.
Jack started moving again, slower this time, pushing inside Chester s body. It was hard not to
thrust all of the way in. Chester s ass squeezed and massaged Jacks cock like they were two pieces of
the same whole.
Chester s eyes fluttered shut and reopened as if by force of will, his soft, silky skin shimmering
with a layer of perspiration. Rich and heady, Chester s musky male scent was a sensual invitation to
partake in heaven.
Jacks control grew more fragile with each thrust. He wanted this man with a hunger hed never
before felt. He wanted to ravage Chester, adore him, mark him, claim him for all of the world to see.
Chester was too dazed by pleasure to protest the kisses Jack dropped on his lips or the soft
caresses he bestowed with one of his hands. Jack kept everything easy, getting Chester used to being
loved with a gentle hand.
It threatened to drive him insane.
Please, Jack.
Jacks heart thudded in his chest at Chester s soft plea. He could no more deny Chester than he
could have stopped breathing. He leaned down far enough that his chest rubbed against Chester s
chest, far enough that they could tangle their tongues in a heated mating of mouths.
Pressing hard against Chester, Jack started grinding in slow circles, moving in and out in minute
amounts. Chester cried out mere moments after Jack started moving. His neck muscles stood out in
sharp relief as a hot wetness filled the space between them, making Chester s ass pulse around Jacks
Jack felt the pleasure ripple through Chester, and it was enough to have him fighting his own
release. Barely capable of rational thought, he grabbed Chester s hips and then slammed back into the
tight grip around his cock. He snapped his hips in rapid succession as he felt the pressure in his balls
Jack roared as his seed shot out, filling the condom. It just kept spurting forth. A river of
pleasure was being ripped from Jacks body. He kept hammering into Chester as he felt his control
slip away from him, something stronger and more powerful enveloping him, keeping him on the
edge. He grabbed Chester s legs, throwing them onto his shoulders. Jack wanted closer, needed to be

closer, deeper.
Jack pounded harder, faster. He cupped the back of Chester s head. His breathing was hitched as
emotions ran wildly through him. His movements became frenzied, animalistic as he tried to bury his
cock all the way to the hilt and then further.
He groaned as another earth-shattering orgasm suddenly ripped through him, tearing at his very
soul. He thrust a few more times as he found his pleasure, and felt his balls emptying every last drop.
Jack pulled Chester close to his chest and simply breathed through the echoes of his climax,
each involuntary quiver of Chester s body jolting him. Chester was hotter than the fires of Hades, but
damn, he was perfect.
* * * *
I like the flowers. Chester turned with his bouquet after they dressed and wandered farther into
the apartment. Jack blew out a relieved breath as he followed Chester into the gourmet kitchen. He
watched Chester fill a tall wine carafe with water and then carefully place the flowers in it. He set it
down on a small sideboard near the staircase leading upstairs before turning to Jack. Thank you.
Jacks lips curved up at the happiness he saw in Chester s face. Youre more than welcome,
Chester. Now that the flower issue had been laid to restwith the knowledge that Chester liked
flowersJack started looking around the apartment.
His jaw dropped. Chester, this place is amazing.
Yeah? Chester sounded so nervous as he glanced around. I wanted something casual but
elegant at the same time.
You got your wish. The gourmet kitchen had been decorated in bright colors of red and green
and blue, giving it a cheery look when set against the white custom cupboards and chrome appliances.
A large rack hung from the ceiling over the center island, pots and pans hanging down from it.
Bottles of colored liquid and spices were bunched together near the cutting board in the middle
of the center island, with bar stools on the far side, inviting someone to sit down and chat with
whoever was cooking.
The living room area was a true masterpiece in Jacks estimation. A large sectional sofa sat
between the island stools and the windows, facing the tall windows. The large overstuffed tan couch
begged to be lounged on, to have lovers cuddle on the soft cushions. Wooden coffee tables and a
television stand intertwined with the wooden shelves that ran the length of the wall under the windows.
Off to one side of the room near the half bath and entrance to the apartment was a small alcove.
A light wooden table with six chairs sat under a low-hanging light, a candle centerpiece placed in the
middle of the table.
What drew Jacks attention the most, and had the first time he saw the place, were the floor-toceiling doors that led to the balcony just off the living room. They reminded him of the tall doors he
saw when he visited the French Quarter in New Orleans. He had a desire to throw them open and let
the night air inside, except that it was still in the middle of winter. But maybe this summer
The place had a real lived-in look, Chester s personality in everything Jack saw, from the
colorful pictures that hung on the wall to the books on the bookshelf. The place was comfortable
enough to relax and cuddle with his lover yet elegant enough to throw a dinner party.
I love it, Chester. You did a wonderful job with the place.
Yeah? Chester still sounded nervous.
Baby. Jack turned so he could cup Chester s face between his hands. This place is fantastic.
An interior designer couldnt have done a better job.
I just wanted it to be comfortable.

Let me ask you something.

Do you like it?
Chester glanced slowly around the open-concept room, looking first one way and then the other
before nodding as he met Jacks eyes. Yes.
Then thats all that matters.
Jack had an insane urge to track Chester s ex down and beat the crap out of him. He had made
Chester question himself at every turn. Chester, this is your place. You get to decorate it the way you
want to.
Chester s eyes dropped to the center of Jacks chest. He got this anxious twitch in one of his
eyes. I was kind of hoping maybe at some point youd consider making it your place, too.
Jack nearly swallowed his tongue. It took him a moment to gather his chaotic thoughts. Um, I
dont you think its a little early in our relationship to be thinking about living together?
Not according to Yancy.
I have a dog.
You mentioned that when we talked on the phone. Chester grabbed Jacks hand and pulled him
toward the front door. He unlocked it and headed down the hallway to the window at the end of the
hallway where the fire escape was located. He pointed out the window.
Jack frowned as he stared at Chester and then out the window. You fenced in the backyard?
Well, it wasnt a yard when I started. It was just a dirt lot. And it still needs some work, but its
totally fenced in so Arson cant get out and big enough that he would have room to run and play. I was
even thinking of putting a patio out there for barbeques and stuff.
Seems to me that youve pretty much thought of everything. And Jack wasnt sure how he felt
about that other than the fact that Chester had been thinking about the two of them together, planning
for it. Is six weeks long enough to know someone before making that kind of decision, Chester?
Jack felt cold when Chester dropped his hand and took a step back. How long do you need to
know someone before you know if youre ready to commit to them? Chester asked. How long is
long enough?

Chapter Nine
Chester clenched his fists before dropping his hands to his side. He refused to let Jack see how
much his rejection hurt. He was moving too fast for the man. He could slow things down and not talk
about living together until they had known each other longer. It wasnt like Jack was saying he didnt
want to be together. Just that he needed more time. Chester could handle that.
Dinner should be ready to come out of the oven here in a few minutes. Chester nodded his
head back down the hallway. Why dont we go back to my apartment and get a glass of that wine you
Chester, we need to talk about this.
No, we dont. I rushed things. I understand that, and I apologize for putting you in a bad spot. I
never meant for that to happen. And he wouldnt mention moving in again until Jack did. He
certainly wouldnt tell the handsome fireman that he was in love with him. Chester didnt think he
could take that rejection.
Chester clenched his jaw when Jack grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. He so didnt want
to hash this over. He was on the verge of tears as it was. He didnt need Jack to see him turn into a
Im not saying this wont happen at some point, Chester. Its just too soon for me.
I know, Chester whispered. Im sorry. I wont bring it up again.
Chester frowned. Dont what?
Dont shut me out. Jack sounded desperate, his tone throaty. Please.
Chester drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He had to remember that he jumped the gun
here. Jack wasnt trying to reject him. He was just asking for some more time for them to get to know
each other. It wasnt as complicated as he was trying to make it.
Im sorry. I Chester s words were cut off by the ringing of Jacks phone. He wanted to toss
the damn thing out the window when Jack pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.
Im sorry, Chester. I have to take this. Its the station.
Chester nodded his understanding. Jack was the fire chief. If it was the fire station, then it was
probably an emergency. He watched Jack answer the phone, talking for a moment. With each nod of
Jacks head, Chester s heart sank a little more. He knew the entire evening had been blown to hell
when Jack hung up and just stared at him.
You have to go, dont you?
I do, but this conversation isnt over with, Chester. Well pick it up when I get back.
Or not.
Ill be here.
Chester felt at a loss of what to do when Jack planted a quick kiss on his lips and then took off
down the hallway, disappearing down the stairs. Moving on autopilot, he headed back to his
apartment, reaching it just as the oven timer went off.
Chester grabbed some pot holders and walked over to pull the four-cheese Alfredo lasagna he
had made out of the oven, setting it on the counter. He didnt know how long he sat there and stared at
the cooling lasagna before an idea struck him. He wrapped the dish in tin foil then placed it in one of
his delivery warming bags. He tossed in the salad, French bread, and the blackberry cheesecake he

had promised Jack.

Chester pulled on his jacket and then grabbed his keys as he headed out the front door with the
bag, locking the door behind him. He could have taken his car, but the fire station was just a few
blocks away. It just seemed easier despite the chill in the air to walk over.
By the time he arrived in front of the fire house ten minutes later, Chester was wishing he had
taken his car after all. He was freezing his balls off. He walked inside, looking around for someone,
anyone. The place was vacant.
Except for the bark.
Chester smiled when Arson came barreling toward him. He set his bag down and squatted,
holding his hand out in an unthreatening manner. You must be Arson, he said in a soothing voice.
Im Chester. Ive heard a lot about you.
The Dalmatian sniffed at him. He must have smelled Jack on him because a moment later, he
was all tongue, licking Chester s hand before moving in for the killlicking the face. Chester
laughed as he pet the overexuberant dog.
What a good boy you are. Chester pet the dog for a few more moments then stood, grabbing
his bag before he continued on inside the building. Where is everyone, Arson? Did they all take off
and leave you here all by yourself?
Chester couldnt find anyone, so he walked back into the communal kitchen. He quickly
unpacked everything except the lasagna, which he left in the warming bag. Not knowing how long
everyone would be gone, he wrote down directions on reheating it along with a notation that the
cheesecake, French bread, and salad were in the fridge and then taped the note to the bag.
With it as cold as it was outside, he hoped Jack and his crew of firefighters werent going to be
long. It had to be especially hard working with cold water in this weather. Chester shivered, knowing
without a doubt that he didnt have what it took to be a fireman. He much preferred his baking.
He gave Arson another pet and then made his way back into the cold, shutting the door behind
him so the dog didnt escape. Chester made sure his heavy jacket was zipped up as far as it would go
then started down the sidewalk toward his apartment. He wished he had thought to bring gloves or a
scarf, but he had been in too much of a hurry to get to the fire house. He was paying for that lapse in
judgment now. He was freezing.
Chester was a bit surprised at how cold it got in Cade Creek in the winter time, but at least it
explained the snow. Back in the city, the cold meant rain and maybe ice. Not snow. He couldnt wait to
see what the rest of the seasons were going to be like.
He hadnt spent enough time in Cade Creek to fully enjoy the changing seasons. He had visited
here and there but never for more than a couple of days. Oscar didnt like the small country town,
preferring the large city, so they didnt come often.
Now that he was on his own, Chester was really starting to see how much Oscar had controlled
his life. He hadnt made any decisions without considering how Oscar would feel about them and then
he had made them in Oscar s favor.
Living in the city was a perfect example. He hated the city. Oscar loved it, so they lived in the
city. As friendly as he was when Yancy visited, Oscar really didnt like the man. That had been the one
thing Chester had argued about. He refused to give up his friendship with Yancy, although the time
they spent together had dwindled over the last few years.
Chester sighed. He knew he was responsible for the situation with Oscar. He had allowed the
man to take over his life, even if he didnt know that was what was happening at the time. Any
misgivings he had at the time, he had pushed away, refusing to acknowledge them.

That was what he was, pigheaded.
Or needy.
Either description would work. He had been too stubborn to admit he was having problems in
his relationship. And he had been too needy to walk away when he should have. He didnt like being
alone. Maybe that was his issue with Jack. He didnt want to be alone. He didnt even like living alone.
He needed a dog.
Maybe he needed to talk to Jack and convince him to breed Arson so he could have one of the
pups. Or he could simply visit the local dog pound, assuming Cade Creek had a dog pound.
Chuckling to himself, Chester pulled out his phone and dialed Yancy. The local deputy should have all
the answers Chester needed.
He smiled when he heard Yancy answer, opening his mouth to reply, but all that came out was a
high-pitched scream as he was grabbed from behind. Chester s cell phone fell to the ground when he
was slammed into the nearest parked car.
Found you, Oscar snarled. His face was nearly beet red with rage. His hands gripped Chester
so hard, Chester knew he was going to have bruises. Do you have any idea how hard it was to find
you? Oscar snapped as he yanked Chester forward and then slammed him into the car again. I hate
this fucking place and you made me stay here. Im going to have to punish you for that, my pet.
OsOscar, wha Chester cried out when he was slammed into the car again. He back ached
from being pressed into the cold hard metal.
Did I give you permission to speak? Oscar s voice was heavy with disapproval as he wrapped
his fingers around Chester s throat, squeezing.
Chester tried to swallow his fear as he shook his head. He could feel his heart beating a million
miles per second and thought he might actually pass out from lack of oxygen to his lungs.
Ive had enough of your disobedience, Chester, Oscar snapped, his face mere inches from
Chester s. Its time for you to come home and take your proper place as my pet.
Chester s eyes widened at the implication of Oscar s words. He didnt want to go home with his
former lover. Oscar had grown incredibly scary since they had been apart. There was a hint of
something dark and unstable in Oscar s eyes that chilled Chester to the bone.
When Oscar pulled out the leather collar he had tried to put around Chester s throat at the
hospital, Chester started to struggle. He hadnt wanted the collar around his neck the last time Oscar
had tried to put it there, and he didnt want it now. Somehow, it just felt like he would lose his freedom
if he allowed that slim strip of leather to be placed around his throat.
Oscar would own him.
Chester s head smacked the hard metal door frame when Oscar spun him around and shoved
him into the car. Pain exploded in his head, dazing him, giving Oscar enough time to get the leather
collar around his neck. When Oscar went to snap the latch on the collar closed, Chester jerked way,
screaming at the top of his lungs.
Agonizing pain exploded in his face when Oscar backhanded him. The force of the blow was
enough to make his head swim. His vision blurred as tears filled his eyes. Still, even knowing he
might get hit again, when Oscar went to latch the collar closed again, Chester squirmed and tried to
get away.
His scream was abruptly cut off when the pressure around his throat disappeared. Chester heard
a loud shout and then Oscar was simply no longer standing there, pressing him into the hard side of
the car.

He was on the ground, fighting off a vicious snarling Dalmatian.

Chester stared for a moment, stunned, and then swiftly searched the ground for the phone he had
dropped when Oscar jumped him. He saw it sitting in the gutter next to the back wheel. Chester
reached down and grabbed it, holding it up to his ear to see if Yancy was still there.
Doubtful, but he had to try.
Oh, thank fuck, Yancy snapped. Where in the hell are you, Chester?
Chester blew out a breath as he slowly backed away from where Oscar was still fighting Arson.
Just down the street from the fire station. Youd better hurry. Arson is going to rip Oscar apart.
Arson? Yancy asked. Arson, the fire station dog?
Youd better call him off, Chester. He could get into a lot of trouble if he damages Oscar too
Damn. Chester hadnt thought of that.
Arson, come, he shouted. Arson. Thats enough. Come here, boy.
The dog snapped his jaws at Oscar, growling loudly as he backed away from the injured man.
There was blood everywhere. Oscar had several very deep teeth marks in his arms. As soon as he was
within touching distance, Chester grabbed Arsons collar and pulled him back. Arson continued to
snarl and growl at Oscar.
There was pure venom in Oscar s eyes as he stared at the dog and then lifted his eyes to Chester.
His nostrils flared, a sure sign that he was pissed. Youre going to pay for that, pet. And so is that
damn dog!
Chester glanced up when he heard sirens in the distance. Oscar heard them, too. The man
climbed to his feet, holding his arm to his chest. Ill be back for you, Chester, and when I return,
youd better remember who your master is. Ive learned a lot about how to take care of a disobedient
Chester was still shaking his head in denial, and watching the empty sidewalk Oscar ran down,
when the sirens stopped and doors opened and closed.
Huh? Chester turned to see Yancy and his husband, the sheriff, standing next to him. Arson
was just trying to protect me, he said quickly when the two men looked down at the dog at his feet.
Hes a really sweet dog.
I know, Chester, Yancy said in the most soothing voice he had probably ever used. Right now,
though, he needs to go with John while I take you to the hospital to get checked over. You have quite a
few bruises on your throat.
Chester raised his hand and rubbed at his throat, wincing at how sore it was. Oscar tried to put a
collar on me again. Hehe choked me when I screamed.
Yancys touch was light when he reached out and rubbed his thumb over Chester s swollen lip.
Looks like he smacked you around a bit, too.
Chester winced and reached up to touch his swollen lip. When he licked at it, his tongue came
away with a drop of blood. Yeah, he hit me a couple of times.
All right, John is going to take Arson to the station and put out an APB on Oscar. Im going to
take you to the hospital and get a statement from you. That, along with the pictures the hospital will
take, should be enough to get Arson off the hook. Most everyone in Cade Creek knows Arson and
knows what a good dog he is. I dont think a judge will order him put down.

Chester gasped. They could order Arson put down?

He did attack someone, Chester.
Only because he was defending me. Oh man, this so sucked. Jack was never going to agree to
move in with him now. Chester had just gotten his dog killed.

Chapter Ten
Chief. Jacks mic crackled with the dispatcher s voice. The sheriff would like you to stop by
the station on your way home.
Jack frowned as he reached up and keyed his mic. Ten-four, Agnes. He wondered what the
sheriff wanted. His report of the fire he was working wouldnt be due for forty-eight hours. He had
plenty of time to turn the paperwork in. Besides, the fire actually seemed like an accident. No reason
to involve the police.
Still, if John had asked that he stop by the station, there had to be a good reason.
Two hours later when he was leaving the scene of the firewhich was now put out, thankfully
Jack wished John had simply called. He was tired and grungy andtired. The house fire had gutted
the living room of the house, but they had been able to put it out before anything else burned down.
Jack would never understand why people went to sleep with candles burning. It was just stupid.
Jack pulled up in front of the sheriffs station and turned his truck off. He climbed out and made
his way up the stairs to the building, opening the door and stepping inside. Before he could even ask
Agnes to inform the sheriff that he had arrived, he heard a bark and then Arson came running out of
one of the back rooms.
Jack squatted down, rubbing the bouncy dogs face and neck. He scanned Arsons fur, looking
for signs of injury. He was not happy when he spotted drops of dried blood in the fur along Arsons
What happened to you, boy?
He got himself into a little bit of trouble.
Jack glanced up to see John standing a couple of feet behind Arson. Jack stood, snapping his
finger and pointing, waiting until Arson sat next to him as directed. He might be a bouncy dog but he
was a well-trained bouncy dog.
What happened?
A young man named Chester Bailey was attacked and
Chester was attacked? Jacks heart stilled in his chest as fear ate at his soul. Where is he?
Who attacked him? How badly was he hurt? Is he alive? What
Whoa! John held up his hand. I take it you know Chester?
Yes, were dating.
Johns lips spread into a grin. So, youre the one hes been pining over.
While the thought of Chester pining over him filled Jack with joy, he was more concerned about
how his lover was doing. Where is Chester?
Yancy took him to the hospital.
Hospital! Jack gasped. He felt the blood drain from his face. He was hurt bad enough to go to
the hospital?
I dont think he was actually hurt that bad, but Yancy wanted an official report of his injuries as
well as pictures. He figured he might need them if Oscar tries to force us to put Arson down for
attacking him.
Arson attacked Chester s ex? Jack was having a hard time connecting the dots when his entire
being was concentrated on finding out what happened to Chester.
John nodded. Chester had dropped some food off at the fire station for you all. On his way
back to his place, he was attacked by Oscar. Arson came to his defense.
Tell me you have that fucker locked up, Jack snarled as he clenched his fists, wishing he could

wrap them around Oscar s throat.

Afraid not, man. He took off when he heard the sirens. Chester was on the phone with Yancy
when Oscar attacked him. He dropped the phone to the sidewalk, so we basically heard everything he
did. We just didnt know exactly where he was until Chester was able to get to his phone again.
Did you record it?
Hell, yes.
I want to hear it.
No, you dont.
Jacks nostrils flared with anger. Yes, I do. He wanted to know why Oscar kept coming after
his baby. He was getting damned tired of Oscar threatening what he had with Chester, not to mention
scaring the crap out of the man. Let me hear it, John.
Your funeral, man. John turned and walked back to his desk. He picked up his cell phone and
held it out to Jack.
Jacks jaw clenched as he listened to what had been recorded. The sounds were distant, muffled.
Chester s screams were not. Jack heard them loud and clear and the amount of rage flooding him
made his eyes water.
Im going to kill him.
Yeah. John clicked the recording off and put the phone back down on his desk. I didnt hear
Why does this guy have such a hard-on for Chester? Jack had a pretty good idea from the
things he had heard, and simply from the fact that Chester was fantastic, but this guy seemed obsessed.
Chester told me they have been divorced over six months.
They have, John agreed. From what Yancy has told me, what I have eavesdropped on, and
what Ive put together, Oscar became involved with some people he met at a club about two years
back. These guys were into some heavy shit, like sexual slave twenty-four hours a day type stuff.
Wanting to please Oscar, Chester tried to go along with it, but after a while, he just couldnt. When he
talked to Oscar, things kind of went south and they ended up getting divorced. That should have been
the end of it.
Im taking it Oscar didnt take the divorce so well?
Thats the funny part, John said. For six months, Chester never even heard from Oscar. It
wasnt until he moved here and Yancy called him after the accident that Oscar went off the deep end.
Its almost like it took Chester moving away for the man to realize he wanted to keep Chester.
He cant, Jack growled as a new surge of anger swept through him. Chester belongs to me.
Jack didnt realize how much he meant those words until he spoke them. And then he realized he
might have made a huge mistake when the look on Chester s face the last time he had seen him floated
into his mind. There had been so much sadness, but also acceptance. Jack knew he had been no
different than Oscar. He had made his needs more important than Chester s, just as Oscar had done.
Granted, he had wanted to discuss it, but his original reaction had been all about him and not Chester.
He was a jackass.
Jack was actually surprised Chester hadnt told him to take a flying leap. He deserved it. He
might not be ready to live with Chester just yet, but he couldnt dismiss what had made Chester offer.
Chester cared about him.
I need to go, Jack said, coming to a decision. Can you watch Arson just a bit longer? He
didnt want to leave the dog in the car and he didnt have time to take him back to the station.
One corner of Johns mouth quirked up. I suppose.

Thanks. Jack didnt wait for the sheriff to say more. He needed to get to Chester. He had a lot
of explaining to do and a lot or convincing. Chester deserved so much more than someone that was
undecided about what they wanted.
Jack gave Arson a quick pet on his way out the door with instructions to mind John, and then he
was running outside and climbing into his truck. He made quick work of driving straight to the
Thankfully, the nurse behind the check in counter in the emergency room was someone he knew.
Hey, cuz.
Chester Bailey, Jack said. Yancy brought him in.
Sammys robins egg-blue eyes dropped to the screen in front of him as he typed something in.
Oh yeah. Hes in room twelve.
Jack headed for the security doors between the waiting room and the treatment rooms. I need to
get back there.
Hes your future cousin-in-law.
Sammy blinked. Does he know that?
He will just as soon as you let me back there.
The doors opened.
Thanks, Sammy. Jack rushed through the doors and headed for cubicle twelve, counting off
the numbers one by one until he reached the one he wanted. He could hear low murmuring voices
coming from inside. Jack pushed the door open and stepped inside the small room.
His eyes instantly fell on Chester s pale face. Hey, baby. I hear you had an interesting evening.
Chester seemed only a little shaken until he saw Jack and then his eyes filled with tears. Jack
hurried across the room. He stepped between the mans legs and pulled Chester against him, tucking
the mans head under his chin.
Ive got you, baby. Jack rubbed long strokes up and down Chester s back. The almost silent
sobs that came from the man in his arms broke Jacks heart. Only by breathing deeply and keeping
Chester held tight to his chest was Jack able to keep it together. Everything is going to be okay,
How can you say that? Chester asked. Oscar wont leave me alone.
Well catch him, Chester, Yancy said, reminding Jack that the man was still in the room.
He nodded in greeting as he glanced at Yancy. Hear that, Chester? Yancy is going to catch him
and then Oscar will never bother you again.
Chester sniffled as he leaned back, rubbing his hand over his nose. Im going to get a dog, he
said. A big, mean, ferocious dog.
How about Arson instead? Jack had no idea what made him offer up his dog until he saw
Chester s wide eyes. He seems to have taken a liking to you, and from what I heard, he doesnt like
Oscar much. That made Arson the best dog ever, and Jack was more than willing to share.
No, but Chester frowned. I cant take your dog.
Not even if I come with him?
Chester s head snapped back. His stare was intense, searching, and then it turned to a stony mask
that showed no emotion. No, Chester said as his eyes dropped to his lap. I dont think thats a good
idea either.

Id like you to leave now.

Chester shut down. It was like his body was there but he had simply left the building. It was
infuriating. Jack wanted to grab Chester by the arms and shake him until the man saw reason, or at
least agreed to listen to him.
I think youd better go, Jack.
Jack growled as he ripped his arm out of Yancys grasp. Im not leaving until Chester listens to
me, damn it.
Look, you can talk to him tomorrow. Right now, he needs some rest and some space. Hes had
a very eventful evening, and I dont think yelling at him is going to do him any good.
Jack shoved his hand through his hair. This was not how things were supposed to go, and he was
starting to grow pretty damn angry that Chester wouldnt sit down and have a conversation with him.
Every time he tried, Chester simply pretended it wasnt happening or shut down.
Jack didnt do things that way.
Fine, whatever, he snapped as he spun and started for the door. Tell Chester when hes ready
to be an adult and discuss this to come find me.
Jack stormed out the door before Yancyor Chestercould stop him. He knew leaving when
he was angry like this probably wasnt his smartest move, but staying was even dumber. He was ready
to scream out his frustration, and Chester didnt need to hear it. Hopefully, once he had calmed down
and Chester had come back to the land of the living, they could talk.
Jack wasnt sure what he would do if Chester refused to talk to him ever again. The agitation that
boiled through his body with every step he took away from Chester was a huge clue as to how much
the man had come to mean to him in just a few weeks. Jack wasnt ready to give up on what they could
have together. He just wasnt sure how to keep it.
He needed a plan and he knew just the person to talk to.
A grin spread across Jacks lips as he headed out of the emergency triage area, waving to
Sammy. He waited for his cousin to walk over. Keeping his voice low, he asked, When do you get
off tonight?
Sammy grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows. Hopefully about ten minutes after I get off work.
Serious, Sammy.
Sammys eyes rolled. I get off work in a couple of hours. Why?
Drop by my place when you get off work. Ill have a beer waiting for you.
I need your help.
Sammys eyebrow perked up with interest. With?
Convincing Chester to take a chance on me and Arson.
Sammys lips twisted into a grimace. Sorry, cuz, just not sure thats possible.
Fiiine. Sammy winked. Have that beer waiting for me.
Thanks, Sammy. Jack slapped the counter lightly then headed for the door. He needed to stop
by the station and check on Arson before heading home. He knew procedure was to lock a dog up for
ten days after they bit someone. As Arson was at the station house so much of the time, the fire station
and the police department both had his current shot record and dog license info on file. It was going
to be lonely without Arson there.

He was going to be even lonelier without Chester.

Chapter Eleven
Chester sighed as he watched the sun slowly set out the second-floor window of his apartment.
People down on the street were moving about as if the world had continued to spin without Jack in it.
Chester didnt get that. Everything had stopped eight days ago when Jack stormed out of the hospital.
Chester knew he only had himself to blame. He had shut Jack out, just like the man had accused
him of doing. He just couldnt deal with everything at the time. He had been reeling from Jacks
rejection of his invite to live together and then Oscar s attack and Arsons rescue, and then to have
Jack storm into the hospital room growling and snarling. Chester had simply shut down.
And now he was paying the price.
Jackpossibly the most wonderful thing to ever happen to himwas gone. Chester hadnt seen
or heard from the man in days. In a desperate move in the middle of the night, Chester had called Jack
only to get his voice mail. He had left a message, but that had been four days ago and Jack hadnt
returned his call. He hadnt returned Chester s call the other three times he called either. Chester was
starting to get the message.
Jack probably still thought he hadnt grown up yet.
Maybe he hadnt.
He avoided confrontation because it never gained him anything except heartache. He hated
arguing. Oscar used to do a lot of screaming and yelling, and it didnt seem to matter what it was
about. Sometimes, Chester thought the man just liked to hear himself spout off.
Chester would be the first to admit he was a bit of a romantic, but why shouldnt he be? He
wanted to be wined and dined and made to feel special. He wanted to fall in love with a guy that loved
him back. He wanted to spend lazy Sunday afternoons lounging in bed, laughing and cuddling and
What was so wrong with that?
Why did he feel like a freak every time he wanted those things?
Oscar was more than willing to lounge around in bed on a lazy Saturday afternoon but only if
he had Chester tied up and gagged, with a butt plug in his ass. Oscar s idea of making Chester feel
special was calling him pet and slave and making him kneel at Oscar s feet as he showed him off to
all of Oscar s friends.
Chester was still trying to figure out where Jack stood with all of that. He knew he probably
should have discussed things with Jack instead of running, but running was easier than being told he
didnt measure up, which was what usually happened with Oscar.
Chester also knew it was wrong to measure Jack by what he had experienced with Oscar, but he
couldnt seem to help it. Oscar had been his one real relationship, the man that he had decided to
spend his life with until he learned what kind of life Oscar wanted.
Was he jumping the gun by wanting some sort of commitment out of Jack so early? Chester had
always felt that he shouldnt have sex with someone he wasnt prepared to spend his life with. By
allowing Jack to fuck him, he had admittedat least to himselfthat he wanted a commitment from
Jack. He knew they had a lot to learn about each other but couldnt they do that living together as
easily as if they had separate places to live?
Without some sort of commitment, even if it was just discussing living together, Chester didnt
know if they even had a relationship. Were they dating? Boyfriends? Lovers? A couple?
What exactly were they?
Could Chester depend on Jack to not be unfaithful or had they not reached that stage yet? And

just when was that stage? Two months? Three months? When did he deserve to be the only one? How
long did they have to be together before Jack looked at him and thought, This is the man I want to
spend my life with? Maybe he wouldnt. Maybe that was why Jack had walked out of the hospital
Feeling like his heart was breaking in two, Chester pushed away from the window and went into
the kitchen to bake something. Baking always made him feel better. He never had to think about
anything and the directions were written out for him in clear precise words. He knew what he was
expected to do and when.
Four hours later, Chester leaned back against his farm sink and stared at the mounds of food
covering his island counter, wondering what he was going to do with it all. He knew he could take the
pastries and desserts down to Brennan and Kapheri, but what about the rest of it?
As he stared at the breads, the three quiches, pies and fancy desserts, numerous finger foods, and
one large honey-glazed ham, Chester knew who he could drop it off with. He just didnt want to be the
one to do it, and he didnt want the men down at the fire house to know it came from him.
Chester wiped his hands on a kitchen towel and went over to the sideboard to grab his phone. He
knew of one person that could safely deliver everything for him. Hey, Yancy, could you do me a
small favor? Chester glanced at the food again, his eyes searching until they landed on an item he
knew the large man would enjoy. Theres a lemon meringue pie in it for you.
He smiled a moment later as he hung up and started packing up all the food. It was a sad fact that
Yancy Butler was ruled by his stomach. He liked to say he was ruled by Seamus, but Chester knew
otherwise. He just needed to start teaching Seamus to cook. Hed have a friend for life.
Chester laughed as another idea hit him. He walked down the hallway to his office and found the
pad of paper. He started making notes for hosting a weekly cooking class. He knew of quite a few
people that had asked for lessons, and he loved to show people how to create outstanding food and
then enjoy it afterward.
It was the perfect combinationfood and friends.
Hed start calling people tomorrow after he made a few more notes on how he wanted to
arrange the cooking class. Maybe hed even put up a notice at the coffee caf to see how many people
would be interested in something like that.
Hed start out small, maybe five people at a time. He could provide a list of what everyone
needed to bring or provide it for them. He would need to get some more pots and pans, though. His
were special. He could store the extra ones in the hallway closet. His students just needed to show up
and pay for the class, and hopefully have a good time.
Chester was so intent on making notes he jumped when the doorbell sounded. He had almost
forgotten that Yancy was coming over to pick up the food he had made. Maybe he would talk to him
first, just to see how well his idea would be received.
Chester hit the buzzer to unlock the door downstairs and allow Yancy inside and then headed
back to the kitchen to make sure everything was packed up nice and tight. He tossed in a small note on
how long to reheat the food in case they had to go out on a call. Most of the stuff Chester had made
could be eaten cold, including the ham, but some of the finger foods tasted better when they were
When someone knocked on the door, Chester just angled his head and shouted out, Come on in.
The door is unlocked.
Chester could have been knocked over with a feather when Arson came barreling into the room.
Arson barked when he saw him, running over. Chester squatted down and pet the exuberant dog,

receiving several well-placed licks on his cheeks for his trouble.

Hey, boy, what are you doing here?
Chester frowned when his fingers ran over a small envelope the size of a business card attached
to Arsons collar. He pulled the envelope free and stared down at his name written on the front in
large red letters. Chester s hands shook as he carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a note
written on cardstock paper.
A Firemans Flame.
Chester turned the card over looking for the rest of the message because that just didnt make
sense. There was nothing. He looked in the envelope again. Nothing. He set the card on the counter
then started running his hands over Arsons fur, looking for another note.
Where is it, Arson?
Arson barked and spun, taking off back down the hallway.
Chester stood, grabbed the note off the counter, and followed after the dog. Curiosity was eating
away at him. Something was going on and he wanted to know what. But he was also afraid to discover
what was going on.
He was surprised to find his front door standing wide open. He was even more surprised to see
Arson running away from the staircase and down the hallway toward the fire escape at the other side
of the building. Chester shut his door and padded down the hallway. He found himself smiling as he
drew closer and the soft sounds of music filled the air, floating through the open window.
Arson was standing on his hind legs, his front paws resting on the window frame. He barked at
something beyond Chester s field of vision. Chester s steps were hesitant as he approached the
window, afraid of what he was going to find.
Chester s jaw dropped when he looked out the open window. In the backyard area Chester had
created for himself, the residents of the building, and maybe one day, Arson, stood several firemen
dressed in full gear right down to their yellow helmets. When Chester leaned out the window to ask
them what they were doing, they pulled their helmets off and held them to their chests. And then they
started singingsomething about a heart beating and a burning eternal flame. They were singing a
Bangles song, and they werent doing a bad job of it. Chester couldnt keep from smiling as he was
serenaded by the entire Cade Creek Fire Department, or at least most of them. There seemed to be one
person missing.
And then Chester saw him.
Jack wasnt dressed as the other firefighters. He wore a black tux complete with white bowtie
and silk hankie in the pocket. His dark-brown curls were combed back from his face, and even from
where he was on the second floor, Chester could see the sparkle in Jacks deep-green eyes.
When the firemen finished the song, they all went down on a bended knee, silently holding their
helmets to their chests. Chester watched as each of them pulled out a long-stemmed red rose and
simply held it up to him.
Jack stepped to the front of the group of fireman. It wasnt until light fell on Jacks face when he
tilted it up that Chester realized white lights hung all around the backyard. They were strung along the
fence, in the trees, even wound up the fire escape.
Jack, what
A firemans flame is eternal, Chester. It burns forever, never going out. And my flame burns
only for you. Chester pressed a hand against his chest when Jack dropped to one knee, holding out a
small black box. So, if youll have me, my flame will be eternally yours.

It was the corniest damn thing Chester had ever heard in his life, and each word brought tears to
his eyes. Chester climbed through the window and made his way down the fire escape to the bottom
rung. Somehow, he wasnt surprised when he reached the bottom to find a firemans ladder waiting
for him.
Chester climbed down the ladder to the ground. He pressed his hand against his rapidly beating
heart and turned to face the men staring at him expectantly. Whatever had lodged in his throat didnt
seem to be going away, making it a little hard to breathe.
He glanced up when he heard Arson whining and saw the dog trying to climb through the
window after him. Oh, Jack, he
Hank, Jack simply said.
Copy that, chief, said one of the firefighters before slamming his helmet down on his head
and jumping up. He nodded to Chester as he ran past him and started climbing up the ladder and then
the fire escape. When he reached the top, he pushed Arson back and then climbed in the window,
disappearing from sight.
Im waiting for an answer, Chester.
Chester swallowed hard, and then swallowed again. It did him no good. He still couldnt breathe,
and now his throat felt dry. He doubted he would be able to speak in that moment if someone offered
him a million dollars.
What do you say, Chester? Want to give me a chance?
Something cold clenched in Chester s stomach. He was vividly aware that he had an audience
listening to every word he spoke, but he still couldnt keep from speaking them. I already gave you a
chance and you didnt want it.
Jack stood, walking slowly toward Chester. It was more of a male swagger, a saunter. It wasnt
until he stopped right in front of him that Chester saw the uncertainty gleaming in Jacks green eyes.
Jackstrong, masculine, self-confident, wet dream Jackwas unsure of himself.
You did give me a chance, Chester, Jack murmured as he tucked Chester s bangs back behind
his ear. I just didnt realize how much I wanted it until it wasnt there anymore.
And now? Chester was still skeptical. In his experience, believing in the things dreams were
made of usually turned them into nightmares.
Ive known you for about eight weeks, Chester. Jacks voice was low and sultry as he spoke.
And in that time, Ive learned a lot about what I want out of life. Ive also learned that there is no
formula for falling in love with someone. Some people need years before they fall in love and others
need just a few days. One corner of his mouth pulled up in a smile. I guess I just needed a couple of
extra weeks.
Chester s breath caught in his throat, stuttered. Iyou
I love you, Chester Bailey, Jack said with a hopeful glint in his eyes. And Im hoping you
love me. Im hoping you will give me another chance to be a part of your life.
As scared as he was, there was only one answer Chester could give Jack. I was hoping to get a
dog for protection. I hear theres a great one down at the fire station. Do you think he needs a good
No, but I do. Jack started laughing as he picked Chester up.
Chester screeched as he grabbed on to Jacks shoulders, holding on as he was swung around in
the air. Put me down! he shouted with a voice devoid of conviction. Youre going to make me
Jack laughed as he let Chester s body slid down his until they stood chest to chest. Do you mean

it, Chester? he asked in a lower, huskier tone.

That youre going to make me dizzy swinging me around like that? Yeah. His stomach was
still spinning. But it might not have anything to do with being spun around and everything to do with
the sparkle of emotion in Jacks eyes.
Jacks lips twitched at the corners. You know what I meant, Chester Bailey.
Chester tapped his finger against Jacks chest. And you know what I meant, Jack Helmond.
Jacks lips were feather light as they brushed across Chester s mouth. His lips were warm and
sensual on Chester s, leaving his mouth burning with fire. There was a dreamy intimacy to the kiss
that made Chester s knees weaken until he slumped against Jack.
Jack planted a series of slow, shivery kisses on Chester s mouth before lifting his head. So, can
I stay, Chester?
The dog can stay, Chester replied in a throaty voice. Youre on probation.

Chapter Twelve
Jack was nervous. It wasnt like this was the first time he spent the night with another guy, but
this was the first night he spent with Chester. It had to be perfect. As Chester said, he was on probation.
Wheres Hank taking Arson? Chester asked as the door to the apartment shut behind the other
All of Arsons stuff is down at the station. Hank said hed keep an eye on him tonight.
Oh. Chester s voice fell.
Do you want me to go get him? He would, in a heartbeat, if that was what Chester wanted.
Hed do just about anything for the man.
No, thats okay. I just kind of thought Chester shrugged.
Jacks heart sank when Chester s words trailed off. He stepped closer to Chester and cupped the
side of the mans face. Please, please, dont shut me out. Im not a mind reader, Chester. If you need
something, if you want something, even if I am doing something wrong, you have to tell me.
Chester s face was pale, but there was a glimmer of something in his eyeshope, maybethat
Jack prayed meant the man was going to step outside of his comfort zone. I thought, maybe, after
what you said that you and Arson were going to stay here.
Jack smiled as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against Chester. We are, baby. But I
wanted tonight to just be about us. Arson is a little too excited to be here, and I doubt hed let us have
any alone time.
Yeah? Chester breathed.
Yeah. God, he loved this man. Ill start packing tomorrow.
Tomorrow is good.
Jack gave a quick brush of their lips then glanced up toward the loft bedroom. Why dont you
show me the loft?
Chester frowned. Youve seen it.
True. Jack wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. But Ive never seen it naked.
But, we
Nope. Jack shook his head. That was the bathroom, and we werent totally naked.
Chester blinked for a moment before laughing. Okay, let the tour begin.
Naked tour. Jack wanted to get all the fine details out of the way. That part is important. He
nearly swallowed his tongue when Chester took his suggestion and started stripping as he went up the
When Chester got to the top, he bent over to untie his shoes and push his pants down and off his
legs. Jack dropped to the stair below him, his eyes trained on the little pink star glinting up at him
from between two perfect ass cheeks. Unable to stop himself, Jack grabbed a cheek in each hand and
separated them even more, and then leaned in and flicked his tongue out, tasting Chester s musky
scent as the flavor burst across his tongue.
Chester cried out. When he dropped to his knees, Jack followed, keeping his face buried
between Chester s ass cheeks, his tongue swirled around, pushing at Chester s tight ring of muscles.
He slid his thumbs along the edge of Chester s hole, pressing in, stretching the man even as he
continued to lick his tangy skin.
Chester s entire body shook. His soft moans were growing louder, higher. Each one drove
Jacks lust up another notch. He could feel a wild, uncontrollable sensation building deep in his gut,
desperate to get out.

Jack slipped a finger into Chester s quivering hole as his tongue dragged slowly up his lover s
wrinkled skin. Chester s snug entrance clenched and pulsed as if trying to draw him in. Jack pressed
in a little more each time he thrust his finger in, pushing in and out until he could add another finger.
JJack, Chester pleaded with a strained voice. Jack added a third finger, thrusting it in and then
pulling it free, teasing Chester as he ran his tongue around his puckered hole.
Moving his free hand down around Chester, he traced his fingers over Chester s hard cock as he
continued to drive his fingers in and out of the mans ass. Chester s deep groan was like a living,
breathing aphrodisiac for Jack.
Jack removed his fingers and then stood, yanking at his clothes as he stared at Chester s curvy
backside. Get up on the bed, he commanded as he finished undressing. Chester climbed to his feet
and hurried to the bed, crawling up to the head of the bed, poking his ass high into the air as he tucked
his arms under his chest.
Jack crawled up behind Chester and settled between his legs. He lined his cock up and pushed
past the ring of muscle, stretching Chester s ass with his thickness. Letting out a long moan, Jack
thrust forward and buried himself as deep inside Chester as he could go, gasping at the tightness
surrounding his shaft. His jaw ticked as he fought for control. He closed his eyes and his body went
rigid, tense. He paused, holding onto his control by a threada thin thread that was quickly
The heat of the tight channel was enough to make Jacks cock impossibly harder. The pleasure
was to the point that his orgasm rode the edges of the abyss. Jack drew in a ragged breath, reaching
for control, clinging to the last shred of sanity he held.
Jacks eyes opened just as quickly as they had closed. He started moving his hard length in and
out of Chester s glorious hole, slowly at first, pulling almost completely out and then pushing his
thick cock back in.
The feel of Chester s body under him sent spikes of fire through Jacks body, shooting the
flames straight to his cock. He drove harder and harder into Chester, rocking the bed with the force of
his thrusts. Chester moaned with every thrust of Jacks hips. He was overwhelmed by the heat
surrounding his hard shaft and the look of pure ecstasy on Chester s face.
Jack gently hugged his mates slender frame to him as he began to move harder, faster, and
deeper. Chester screamed Jacks name as he came hard, his cum coating Jacks hands.
Jacks cock, already impossibly hard and huge in Chester s ass, erupted with endless spurts of
seed, bathing the mans silken channel. Holding tightly to Chester, Jacks back arched up, his climax
flowing through him like a tidal wave. Jack shouted Chester s name as his body shattered into a
thousand electrifying sparks of pleasure.
Jack dropped his head forward and rested it against Chester s slick back until he could breathe
again. Chester s inner muscles continued to spasm for some time, dragging Jacks orgasm out until
he didnt think he had another drop of cum inside his body.
Once he could breathe and think again, Jack rolled them to their sides and then planted a series
of soft kisses on the side of Chester s face. Chester turned and smiled. The burning intensity in
Chester s smoky gray eyes made him gasp. No one had ever looked at him with such need, such want,
or with such tenderness. Jack felt like he could live the rest of his life in that look.
Jack leaned down and latched on to Chester s mouth. Their tongues danced together, gently
exploring, tasting, for a long kiss that topped off the sex they just had. They both drew deep drags of
air into their lungs.
Thank you, baby.

Chester s sleepy eyes blinked up at him. Still havent given you a tour.
Tomorrow, baby. Jack brushed their lips together one more time and then reached for the
blanket at the bottom of the bed. He knew he needed to get up and clean off, but he wanted to bask in
bed with his love just a little longer. Sleep, Chester. Ill be here when you wake up.
The serene smile on Chester s face as he closed his eyes and relaxed into sleep told Jack all he
needed to know. Chester was happy, and that meant Jack was happy. The rest would take care of itself.

Chapter Thirteen
Jack chuckled with amusement as he watched Chester and Hank try to maneuver his solid wood
dresser up the stairs to the second-floor apartment. He had tried to get Chester to let a couple of the
firemen do the heavy lifting, but Chester insisted on helping.
Jack really hoped Chester wasnt exhausted by the time he was all moved in. He had definite
plans for Chester this evening. Hell, he had definite plans for Chester every evening, but tonight
would be extra special. Tonight was their first night under the same roof. Jack might have been
staying over the last several nights, but it wasnt the same as not having to go home to change his
clothes or get ready for work.
Now, he fully understood why Chester had wanted them to move in together so early. Waking up
next to the man he loved every morning as more fulfilling than anything.
Shaking his head at the curses coming down the staircase, Jack grabbed another box out of the
back of his truck and started up the stairs. He had to slow when he got to the top. Hank and Chester
were still carrying the dresser down the hallway to the apartment.
There really wasnt that much to move in because Jack had put a lot of stuff in storage or simply
sold it. Chester s place was better decorated. But there were a few items here and there, not to mention
his personal stuff he wanted to keep with him.
He also only had Hank and Chester to help him move in as Vinnie, Raff, and Ari were all
working a pancake breakfast down at the church. As the chief, Jack knew he should probably be there
as well, but moving in with Chester seemed more important use of his time, and it was his only day
off this week.
Once the dresser was finally inside the apartment, Jack walked in and set his box down in the
corner. He chuckled when he turned and saw Chester stretched out over the top of the dresser, panting
like there wasnt enough air in the universe to feed his lungs.
Baby, go down and get some of the boxes, he said as he lifted Chester onto his feet. Ill help
Hank get the dresser upstairs.
Chester blinked up at him. I love you.
Jack smiled and pressed a kiss to Chester s lips before turning him toward the door and giving
him a little push. I love you, too. Now go. Jack chuckled as he watched Chester weave down the
hallway. His man was better at cooking. He should stick to it. Okay, Hank. Jack lifted one end of the
heavy wooden dresser. Lets get this thing upstairs.
It didnt take the two of them more than a few minutes to carry the solid wood dresser up the
stairs and put it into place against the wall. They carried rolls of fire hose heavier than that up flights
of stairs for practice. One wooden dresser barely made them break a sweat.
I got to tell you, chief, Hanks said as they walked back down the stairs. This place is pretty
Chester decorated it. Hell, Chester had the whole place retrofitted. Jack waved his hands
around to gesture to the nicely decorated apartment. This was all his grand plan. Im just along for
the ride.
Hank chuckled. Must be nice to have a sugar daddy.
A sugarare you insane?
Hank held up both hands in surrender. Im just saying
Youre just jealous.
Hes cute as fuck, cooks like a dream, and now I find out he has this fantastic apartment in the

middle of town? Hank snorted. Hell, yes, Im jealous.

Jack chuckled. He is cute as fuck, isnt Jack glanced at Arson when the dog started barking
his damn fool head off. Knock it off, Arson. He rolled his eyes as he turned back to Hank. As cute
as he is, Chester is more than a pretty face. He What is up with all that barking? he snapped when
Arson started up again.
Jack stormed over to the window, reaching it just as a scream from the street below reached
him. Fear froze Jack in place as he watched Chester being shoved into the back of a car. The squealing
of the wheels as they spun out and the car shot down the road a moment later pulled Jack from his
stunned stupor.
Chester! he shouted as he raced toward the door. That asshole took Chester.
Jack could hear Hank running down the stairs after him, but he had little time to listen to the
mans shouting or stop to see what he wanted. He was too busy trying to get to his truck so that he
could follow the car carrying his love away.
Jack got to the ground floor and raced to his car. He jumped into his truck and started the
engine, glancing over when the passenger door opened and Arson and Hank climbed in. He waited
half a second for Hank to get the door closed and then slammed the truck into drive and took off.
He grabbed the mic attached to his dashboard and keyed it up. Agnes, this is Chief Helmond.
Put me through to Deputy Butler.
Ten-four, chief, the dispatcher replied.
It seemed to take forever before he heard Yancys voice on the CB radio communicator. Whats
up, chief?
That asshole took Chester, Jack replied quickly. Hes headed out of town, going west on
Toad Road in a silver four-door sedan.
Well meet you out by the curves at Old Post Road, Yancy said. If he turns off, let me know.
I want him this time, Yancy. Jacks hand tightened on the mic, the other one tightening on the
steering wheel. Hes terrorized Chester for far too long. He needs to be put away.
This is kidnapping, Jack. Hell go away for a very long time.
Hed better, Jack growled. He would have preferred the man not breathing anymore, but that
wasnt an option he had. As much as he wanted revenge for the terror Oscar had put Chester though,
he wasnt a killer. That could change if Oscar hurt a hair on Chester s head. Ill meet you out by the
See you there.
Jack keyed up the mic again. Agnes, put me through to the fire house.
Ten-four, chief.
Jack restlessly tapped the mic against the steering wheel while he waited for someone at the fire
house to answer his call.
Go for fire station.
Raff, I want you to call in the cavalry. Chester has been kidnapped.
Yes. Im following the guy down Toad Road now. Hes in a silver four-door sedan. Yancy is
going to meet us out by the curves on Old Post Road. I want you to call in everyone you can think of
and have them merge on that location. I want this fucker stopped.
Copy that, chief.
Jack hung up the mic.
Anyone else you want to call? Hank asked. The National Guard, maybe?

If I thought they would come, Id call them. Hed call the frigging president if it would get
Chester back. His heart wasnt going to work again until he had Chester back in his arms. Just keep
an eye on that car.
Hes going to know were following him, Hank pointed out. Theres no way to hide this
I know that. Jack just didnt have any other choice. It was the only vehicle he had, right down
to the flashing light bar on the roof and the large emblazed sign on the door proclaiming him the fire
chief of the Cade Creek Fire Department.
As he drove down the road, Jack kept back far enough that Oscar might not be able to fully
make out his vehicle but close enough to keep the car in his sights. His red SUV was pretty
distinguishable so he didnt hold out much hope that he wouldnt be spotted. He just prayed that Oscar
didnt make the connection between him and Chester.
Chief, I have Yancy for you.
Jack grabbed the mic and keyed it up. Go for Yancy.
You still on Toad Road, chief?
Were set up just around the bend at the cutoff to Old Post Road. Put a little distance between
you and that car, chief. Once it gets around that bend it will be stopping fast. Use your truck to block it
Copy that. Jacks heart fluttered like it might actually start beating again. They had a plan. He
just hoped that the plan worked. Chester s life was hanging in the balance here. There was no telling
what Oscar would do once he realized he couldnt keep Chester for his perverted little games.
Chester belonged to Jack.
Jack thought back to the intimate times between him and Chester. They had been hot and heavy
and had taken his breath away, but never once had he felt a need to smack Chester or lead him around
on a leash or any of that stuff.
He didnt begrudge others their choices when it came to kinky stuff. It just wasnt for him, and it
didnt seem to be for Chester either, which made Oscar s demands wrong. No one should be forced to
participate in stuff they wanted no part of. That was when it became abuse, and Jack would see that
Oscar learned that if it was the last thing he did.
Chester deserved to be loved on his terms, not on a leash.
The cutoff is just around the corner, chief, Hank said. Shouldnt you back off?
Jack knew he should, but each inch of distance between him and Chester made his stomach
clench more. It was imperative that he keep his eyes on that car. He needed it more than he needed to
When the silver sedan went around the corner and disappeared from sight, Jack stepped on the
gas to catch up instead of slowing as both Yancy and Hank had suggested. He rethought that gesture
when he rounded the bend and saw the sedan sitting in the middle of the road. Jack slammed on the
brakes and jerked the wheel, sending the SUV sideways.
Fuck me, he whispered as he looked out his side window at all of the vehicles parkedjust
about everywhere. Trucks and cars and even an ambulance lined the road on either side and then
blocked it fully, barring any means of escape in that direction.
Even as he sat there and stared at the vehicles on the road in front of him, he heard engines
behind him. He turned to see several more vehicles pull up. Hell, one of the fire engines pulled
lengthwise across the road. No one was getting in by car and no one was getting out.

Jacks gaze snapped back around when he heard screaming. Chester was there, banging on the
back window with his fists. Jack grabbed for the door handle, intent on getting out of his truck and
going after his lover. The hand on his arm stopped him.
Jack swung around to glare at Hank, growling low in his throat. Let me go!
Just wait, Jack. Hank pointed beyond Jacks field of vision. Let John and Yancy handle this
part. Were firemen, not police. They know what they are doing.
Jacks heart jumped into his throat when he turned and saw John and Yancy approaching the
vehicle, their guns drawn. Everyone else that had answered the call was ducked down behind vehicles
and out of the line of fire. Chester was the one in the most danger, though. He was still locked in the
vehicle with Oscar.
Jack turned and pushed at Hank. Get out of the truck.
Get out of the truck.
Hank frowned. Why?
Because if Oscar goes nuts, I want to be there to pull Chester out of the vehicle. To do that, I
need to go around the front of the truck where he cant see me. If I climb out my door, hes going to
notice and he might hurt Chester.
Hank stared for a moment, frowning as if he was trying to decide the merits of what Jack had
said. Jack swallowed a relieved sigh when Hank turned and opened the door. Jack followed right
behind him, keeping his head down as he climbed out of the truck.
He skirted around the front edge of his truck, staying low. If he thought he could have squeezed
beneath the truck, he would have done that just so Oscar wouldnt spot him. When he reached the edge
of the hood, Jack dropped down close to the close to the ground and crawled forward, pressing
himself against the back of the sedan.
He could hear John and Yancy trying to talk Oscar out of the vehicle. The angry tone of Oscar s
voice told Jack that the situation was far more volatile than anyone had anticipated. Oscar was on the
edge of insanity. Jack had no doubt if the man felt cornered, hed do something rash, and hed take
Chester with him.
He had to free Chester.
Jack peeked over the edge of the trunk. Oscar sat in the front seat, waving something around
with his hand. Jack prayed it wasnt a gun, but he was pretty sure it was. Either that or a knife. It was
some sort of weapon.
Chester sat in the backseat. He was pressed up against the door facing the front seat. Jack
watched John and Yancy trying to calm Oscar. When Oscar started shouting again, practically leaning
out the window as he yelled at the two officers, Jack took that as a sign to move.
He scooted along the edge of the car to the door. Jack tapped once on the window, lightly, just
loud enough to get Chester s attention. He held his finger up to his lips when Chester looked at him.
Chester gulped, and then nodded, his eyes darting to the front of the car.
Jack slowly, carefully, lifted the door handle. He winced when it clicked, and prayed with
everything in him that Oscar s loud mouth would keep him from hearing the door open. The second
the back door was open wide enough, Jack reached in and grabbed Chester. He kept his eyes on Oscar
as he pulled Chester out the door and pushed him down to the ground behind him.
Once Chester was clear, Jack carefully closed the door again, just letting it rest there instead of
pushing it closed all the way. It wasnt like Oscar wouldnt notice the vacant backseat and know
Chester escaped.

Jack turned and pointed for Chester to move toward the front of his truck. At this point, he didnt
care if Oscar saw them or not. He just wanted to grab Chester and run. Still, he kept down low, placing
his large body between Chester and Oscar.
They had just made it around the front of his truck when Jack heard Oscar s roar fill the air.
Jack stood to his full height, grabbed Chester s hand, and took off running toward the fire engine just
as fast as his legs would carry him.
Oscar s outrage followed them as they reached the fire engine, ducking around the front of the
large emergency vehicle. Jack could hear John and Yancy shouting now as well, their words
meaningless as he was finally able to stop and pull Chester into his arms. He didnt even care about
the loud bangs coming from the far side of the fire engine. All that mattered was holding Chester in
his arms once again.
He might never let go.
I knew you would come for me, Chester sobbed.
Jack laughed through his tears as he pressed kisses to Chester s tearstained face. Arson

Chapter Fourteen
Chester smiled as he opened the door and let his new pupils into the apartment. Hey, Seamus,
Yancy, glad you could make it. Can I take your coats?
Seamus nodded as he pulled his jacket off. John will be along in a few minutes. He received a
call just as we arrived.
Thats okay. We can grab a glass of wine while we wait. Chester hung Seamus and Yancys
jackets up in the closet and then led the way into the kitchen. Thanks, Jack, he said when he saw his
lover pouring several goblets of white wine.
I thought we were making lasagna, Yancy said.
We are, Chester said.
Arent you supposed to serve red wine with lasagna?
Chester chuckled. Technically, you can serve whatever you want. However, Ive chosen a white
zinfandel to go with tonights dinner as we will be using a four-cheese Alfredo sauce instead of red
You can do that? Yancy asked. Use a white sauce for lasagna instead of a red sauce?
You can.
Is it still lasagna then?
Yes, Yancy. Its still lasagna. Chester felt peaceful as he leaned back against the counter and
discussed his secret passion. The thing about cooking is that you can do pretty much what you want.
Granted, there are certain rules you have to follow like not mixing certain herbs with dairy, and stuff
like that. But thats just a chemical reaction thing.
Yancys eyes glazed over. Huh?
You dont mix dark chocolate with barbeque sauce.
Yancys nose wrinkled up. Eewww.
Exactly. He knew there was a way to get through to Yancy. On the other hand, if you were
making homemade bread, youas the cookget to decide if its going to be white bread, French
bread, cheesy bread, or even garlic bread. You get to decide if its going to be in a loaf, baguette,
rolls, or whatever.
And this alfredo lasagna were making tonight?
Its a four-cheese Alfredo sauce. Ive chosen to use a mild Italian sausage cooked with red
peppers and caramelized onions instead of beef. Well also be using fresh-grated mozzarella and
parmesan cheeses instead of ricotta. Our vegetables will be scallions, red and yellow bell peppers,
and sun-dried tomatoes.
Yancy licked his lips. Whens dinner?
Seamus laughed and bumped his shoulder against Yancy. Just as soon as you cook it, ya lazy
I thought you were a vegetarian, Yancy said.
Im not a vegetarian. I just like to eat things with lots of fresh vegetables. Its better for you.
Yancy frowned as if Chester had just announced the world was ending. He rubbed his stomach.
But Im a growing boy.
And youll eat vegetables if you want to continue to be a growing boy. Chester winked as his
friend. Besides, a healthy balanced diet helps the libido and keeps the equipment in good working
Yancys eyes rounded before he reached over and grabbed an apple out of the bowl on the center

island. He stared at it for a moment like he was about to eat poison, and then bit into it.
Chester laughed as he opened the fridge and started pulling out the ingredients they would use
for their dinner. We have a few more people joining us and then well get started cooking.
When are we going to learn to make that blackberry cheesecake? Seamus asked. I thought
Yancy was having sex in the kitchen when he started eating it. I could hear him moaning all the way
out in the living room.
I never really thought of my desserts as aphrodisiacs but Chester felt his face flush. Maybe
we can put that on the menu for next time.
Do you take suggestions for the menu? Seamus asked as he took the glass of wine Jack held
out to him. There are a few things Ive been wanting to learn to cook.
Sure, Chester replied. Just shoot me an e-mail and Ill see about finding a recipe for it.
Chester smiled as he listened to the chatter. He glanced at Jack out of the corner of his eyes,
happiness filling him at the smile on the mans handsome face. This was the life he wanted. Living in
the home he decorated, teaching his cooking classes and sharing the evening with good friends, and
knowing at the end of the night hed be curling up in the arms of the man that loved him.
And it was all due to his fireman.
Chester stepped forward to wrap his arm around Jack, but the doorbell stopped him. He walked
over to the wall and pushed the intercom. He had learned never to just open the door. Hello?
Hey, its John Riley.
Come on up, John. Chester hit the buzzer and then walked down the hallway to open the door
for the sheriff. He stood back, waving when the sheriff walked in with Sammy and Hank. Hey, guys.
Come on in. Everyones in the kitchen.
Chester showed them where to hang their jackets and then led the way into the kitchen. The noise
level rose swiftly, but it was a happy kind of noise. Before Chester could walk over and stand with
Jack, John grabbed his arm.
Can I speak with you for a moment, Chester?
Chester swallowed hard. Can Jack come?
Oh. Johns eyes darted toward the kitchen. Of course.
Jack? Chester called out. Can I see you for a moment?
When Jack joined them, Chester led the way back down the hallway to his office. He stepped
inside and then closed the door behind Jack and John before turning to face the sheriff. Whats
I received a phone call when I got here
Chester nodded. Seamus told me.
It was about Oscar.
Chester shivered, feeling like his insides had turned to ice. He only warmed when Jacks arms
wrapped around him. Go on, he said after a moment.
First I want to let you know that Oscar has been transferred to the infirmary at the federal
maximum security prison upstate. Even after he recovers from being shot, he wont be let out.
Why a federal prison, John?
When the police went to his house to search it, they found an entire soundproof dungeon in his
basement outfitted with every BDSM device ever created.
Chester was going to be sick. And?

Johns lips pressed together, the sheriff swallowing as if he couldnt believe the words he was
about to speak. And two young men locked in cages. They told the police they had been drugged and
then held captive for over a month. Oscar had been practicing on them, calling them his pets.
Oh my god. Chester s legs started to shake. He was grateful when Jack led him over to a chair
and helped him sit down. He felt like he was in limbo, just waiting for someone to tell him this was all
a joke. Are they okay?
As okay as they could be under the circumstances. John breathed deeply, his face a little ashen.
They are both going to need some therapy and one of them has some physical injures so they are
keeping him in the hospital. But the important thing here is that Oscar was stopped before anyone was
killed, and since one of these men was kidnapped from across state lines, this has become a federal
What does that mean? Jack asked when Chester could only stare at the sheriff.
It means you dont have to testify, Chester. Oscar took a plea deal that will keep him behind
bars for the next twenty-five years. By the time they let him out, hell be too old to hurt anyone.
Chester wasnt so sure that was correct, but at least he didnt have to continue to look over his
shoulder for the next twenty-five years. He could breathe a little easier knowing Oscar was safely
behind bars in a federal maximum security prison.
We need to get back to cooking, Chester said as he stood.
Do you need a moment, baby? Jack asked, concern all over his handsome face.
Chester s lips lifted at the corners. No. Im good. Oscar did a lot of damage to a lot of people,
and Im not going to let him interfere any more than he already has. Hes is out of our lives for
Jack brushed Chester s bangs back from his face, tucking them behind his ear. You know I love
you, right?
I love you, too. Chester s smile grew. Now, lets get back in there before Yancy eats my
John chuckled. It could happen.
Chester was sad for the men that had suffered Oscar s bizarre idea of what a relationship meant.
He had spent some time talking with Benjamin Brody and his husband Neason, asking questions and
learning enough to know that Oscar had a perverted idea of how things were supposed to be in a D/s
relationship. It wasnt something Chester would ever want, but it no longer frightened him. He had
what he wanted in the gentle fireman walking at his side.
* * * *
Chester smiled as he rubbed his full stomach, amused by the bickering between Yancy, John, and
Seamus as they argued over who got to pick the next dish they learned to cook. He knew they meant
nothing by their squabbling, but they were three very stubborn men sharing the same air. There was
sure to be some elbow pushing.
He, on the other hand, was perfectly happy sitting back and watching the show, especially
considering the arms wrapped around him from behind. Chester s new favorite hobby was being
cuddled in the corner of the sectional sofa with Jack. There was nothing better in the world. Well,
besides having the mans dick in his ass, but that was kind of hard to do with a room full of people.
They do like to argue, dont they?
Chester glanced at Jacks cousin, Sammy, who was stretched out on the other end of the sofa.
Theyre not arguing. Theyre discussing.
Sammys eyebrows rose. Is that what they are calling it now?

Naw. Jack chuckled. Thats called foreplay.

Chester turned toward Jack as he laughed. His nose was even with the bottom of Jacks jaw.
Unable to help himself, Chester leaned closer and rubbed his nose along the edge of Jacks jaw,
inhaling the mans deep, rich masculine scent. Jack smelled like pure sex.
It was intoxicating.
You know what that does to me, baby, Jack murmured against the side of his head. Unless
you want me to drag your sexy ass upstairs and have my wicked way with you, youd better knock it
Chester s laugh was low and inviting as he tilted his head back to stare up into the green eyes he
hoped to be staring into for the next fifty or sixty years. You dont see me protesting, love.
Jacks dark-brown eyebrow arched high up over his face. His deep-green eyes moved to the
other people in the room, darting to each one before coming back to Chester s face. How fast can
you get upstairs?
Chester laughed as he jumped up and hurried up the stairs in front of Jack. Considering how
much he had wanted an open-concept apartment, having a loft bedroom was going to be a little offputting. They had a room full of people that would probably hear every moan and groan. Chester just
couldnt bring himself to care in that moment.
As soon as he hit the top step, clothes started flying. By the time he jumped onto the bed he was
naked. And god, he was horny, especially when he turned over and saw Jack crawling onto the bottom
of the mattress, just as naked as he was.
Hey, Mr. Fireman. Chester chuckled when Jack crawled up right between his legs and settled
against him. He quaked when he felt Jacks hard cock brush against his own, the steel rod hot and
silky. Chester pushed his hips up, rubbing against Jack. I got a fire for you to put out with your
Corny? Absolutely, but the laughter that sparked in Jacks eyes made Chester not care in the
least. It was mixed with a love so honest that it stole Chester s breath every time the man looked at
him. There was no doubt in Chester s mind that Jack loved him just the way he was, and that made the
sexy fireman perfect in Chester s eyes.
Who says I want to put it out? Jack asked, mischief dancing in his eyes as he gave Chester s
ass a good squeeze. Im hoping this flame burns forever.



Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two or three men in
cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.
You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on
her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from
readers. You can find her website at www.stormyglenn.com.
For all titles by Stormy Glenn, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.


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