Article Review Assignment 2
Article Review Assignment 2
Article Review Assignment 2
Cheryl Cheong
5. Moderator hypothesis: the relationship between PSS and POS depends on the
supervisors perceived informal organizational status.
Mediator hypothesis: the effect of PSS on voluntary employee turnover operates
through POS
12. The external validity of the inferences from this study is very low. There was
no random sampling of participants. In the study 1, the sample was chosen by
picking a specific Belgium university, then choosing the alumni that graduated
between 1997 and 1998. The survey was then mailed to all the alumni and the
final sample would simply consist of those that replied. There was a low
response rate of 54%. Study 1 was trying to achieve diversity in the sample but
they should have used stratified random sampling instead. The inference that
PSS is positively related to temporal change in POS cannot be generalized to the
rest of the population.
In study 2, the sample consisted of 313 retail sales employees who worked for a
chain of large discount electronics and appliance stores in northeastern U.S. The
survey was distributed to all the employees and the final sample consisted of
those that responded, of which there was a response rate of 98%. Again, there is
no nonrandom sampling. While there is a high response rate, this could have
been because the surveys were administered during the employees regular
working hours and physically collected by researchers. The inference that PSS
and POS is positively related to the supervisors perceived organizational status
has low external validity.
In study 3, the sample consisted of retail sales employees who worked for the
same organization investigated in study 2. An additional 226 employees who
received the same PSS and POS scales given in study 2 but did not receive the
scale items in study 2 were used to assess the supervisors organizational status.
There is some semblance of a control group but the entire sample was mixed
and used to calculate the correlations. The response rate of study is 98%.
Turnover data was obtained from organizational records 6 months after the
survey administration. It is hard to conclude high external validity study 3s
inference that POS is a mediator of the PSS-employee turnover relationship due
to the lack of random sampling.
Rhoades, L., & Eisenberger, R. (2002). Perceived organizational support: A
review of the literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4), 698-714. doi: