Proposal KL Inggris
Proposal KL Inggris
Proposal KL Inggris
PT Total E&P
Field Training Proposal
A. Background .......... 2
B. Purpose.. 3
C. Topics Description ... 3
D. Implementation 4
E. Internship Report. 5
F. Closing... 5
G. Attachments . 6
A. Background
The chemical engineering profession is a close-knit group with a common
background in chemical processes, systems analysis, and systems economics. Chemical
engineering training occurs through course and laboratory work addressing mathematical,
scientific, and engineering fundamentals. With a strong background in mathematics,
chemistry, and physics, chemical engineering students study transport phenomena (the
description of momentum, heat, and mass transfer in chemical processes); chemical
kinetics and reaction engineering; process control and design; and optimization of
chemical processes. These subjects are common throughout the traditional chemical
industry, applying as well to other industries such as electronics manufacture and
biological and biochemical engineering. Chemical engineers find industrial employment
in areas of electronics, petroleum, consulting, chemical, automotive, forest products,
biotechnology, and energy. Chemical engineers also find careers in academia and
government and military service.
The college students should have an ability in theory and practical knowledge which
support the process of study that is very important for preparing in working field after
graduated. The theory comprehension is obtained from the lecture on campus. The
application knowledge is given by practical activity at laboratory. Nevertheless, it is very
important for students to have an experience in working with the real environment such
as field training at Total Company. It will give a wide knowledge and open the insight of
working environment.
Chemical Engineering of Politeknik STMI Jakarta requires the students to take field
The goal of doing internship is to make the students understand the work life and
learn how to do the real job in as many areas of operations as possible. By doing
internship, students will become familiar with industry, business practice and corporate
social responsibility service. Students will understand the basic organization structure
and be exposed to as many administrative areas, such as technical, finance and personnel
as possible. Yet, of course the surrounding area where we have to contribute will be
decided by the company.
B. Purpose
Field Training as comprehensive study activity is expected to get some advantageous
are :
1. Giving more insight and knowledge to the students for preparing the capability
before working in the real environment.
C. Topics Description
Some important related subjects that we have been completed during 6 semester that
support our internship are:
1. Mass and Energy Balance
2. Unit Operation
3. Unit Process
4. Kinetics of Reaction
5. Production, and Planning Control
6. Engineering Economic
7. Utility
8. Engineering Environmental
9. Technology of Polymer
10. Heat Exchanger Network
11. Total Preventive Maintenance
Process Production.
Quality Control
However, if the above topics are not available this year, the company may offer
another topics which is still relevant to our background (Chemical Engineering)
D. Implementation
According to the politeknik requirement, the internship will take 1 month or in
accordance with the company policy.
If the implementation is not available at that time, the company may offer another
time at the discretion of the company.
E. Internship Report
The internship report will be made using the standard of politeknik. The order of
making the report is as follows:
1. Title
2. Table of Content
3. Preface
4. Introduction
5. Company Profile
6. Activities / Project Involved / Experiences
7. Personal Result / Evaluation / Points Learned
8. Conclusion / Recommendations / Suggestions
9. Appendices / References / Attachments
F. Closing
In education, balancing between theory and practical is an absolute thing. We are
educating not only to be a graduate for our self, but also can be a great use for the society,
because we believe sciences and technologies were found to be amendable. Therefore, we
are as students of the Chmical Engineering of Politeknik STMI Jakarta, really have a big
hope to do the internship in PT TOTAL E&P Indonesie. So that, we can master the
subjects that we have taken better. We also will do our best to do the internship in the
Field Training
PT Chevron Pacific
G. Attachments
1. Letter of Introduction to Field Training = 2 sheets
2. Academic Transcript
= 4 sheets
3. Curiculum Vitae
= 6 sheets
Yours Faithfully,
Agung Hermawan
Address :
Politeknik STMI Jakarta
Jalan Letjen Soeprapto