Ancient Coins of Corinthia Swass Sticker

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Ancient coins of Corinthia

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[E. Curtius, Hermes, x. 215 sqq.; B. M. C., Corinth, &c., 1889; C. Oman, Coins of Corinth in
Corolla Num., pp. 208 sqq.]




Corinth. This ancient and illustrious city on the isthmus between Peloponnesus and the
mainland of Hellas occupied the meeting-point of the great routes of commerce between the
East and the West.
Like Chalcis in Euboea, Corinth derived her standard for weighing the precious metals from Asia
Minor, the unit of weight being the light Babylonic stater of circ. 130 grs.
The system of division by 3 and 6 which prevails in the Corinthian coinage sufficiently attests its
Asiatic origin.
The style and peculiar flat fabric of most of the early Corinthian silver coins distinguish them
from those of all the other states of European Greece.
At what precise time this wealthy commercial city began to send forth her well-known Pegasos
staters it is not easy to determine, but we shall not be far from the truth in placing the
commencement of the Corinthian coinage as early as the age of Cypselus, B.C. 657-625.
As Aegina in those days commanded the commerce of the eastern side of the isthmus, so
Corinth, by means of her port Lechaeum, on the gulf which bore her name, monopolized that of
the western seas, and im- parted the use of the Corinthian standard of weight to her Colonies,
Ambracia, Anactorium, Leucas, &c., on the shores of Epirus and Acarnania, and to the Achaean
cities of Magna Graecia on the other side of the Ionian sea.
The connexion between the Corinthian standard with its system of divi- sion by 3 and 6 and the
Achaean quasi-federal currency of S. Italy can be most satisfactorily proved not only by the
weights of the coins of Croton, Sybaris, Metapontum, &c., but by their flat fabric, incuse reverse
type, and by the fact that they are sometimes restruck on Corinthian coins of the archaic class.
The types of the Corinthian coins refer to the myth of Bellerophon and Pegasos, and to the
worship of Athena , for she it was who assisted Bellerophon to subdue the wondrous
winged horse. Pegasos on his part was regarded as the author of fountains of fresh water, which
with a stroke of his hoof he caused to gush forth from the rocks; cf. the fountain of the Muses,
Hippokrene, which Pegasos produced in this way; hence Pegasos is also the horse of the Muses.
On the Acrocorinthus he was said to have alighted, and to have drunk from the fountain of
Peirene, where Bellerophon sought in vain to take and tame him, until at last, while the hero lay
asleep beside the altar of Athena, the goddess came to him in a vision and gave him a golden
bridle, which on awakening he found beside him, and with this he easily subdued the winged
steed. Another version of the tale makes Athena herself tame Pegasos, and it is she who hands
him over to Bellerophon.

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Ancient coins of Corinthia

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The worship of Athena at Corinth, it may be here remarked, was also connected with the cultus
of Poseidon and with the sea (cf. Preller. Gr. Myth., i. 172).
The chief goddess of Corinth was, however, Aphrodite, and it is her head which on the drachms
takes the place of that of Athena.
The Pegasos staters of Corinth, familiarly called (Poll. ix. 6, 76), were the principal
medium of exchange along all the coasts of the Corinthian Gulf, and even beyond the seas in
Italy and Sicily, where the largest hoards of them have been brought to light. In its divisional
system the Corinthian coinage possessed a practical advantage over both the Attic and the
Aeginetic, which enabled it to pass current in the territories of its great rivals. Thus the
Corinthian stater of about 130 grs. would pass as a didrachm side by side with the tetradrachms
of Athens, while the Corinthian drachm (1/3 stater) of about 44 grs. was practically equivalent to
an Aeginetic hemidrachm. The region in which the Corinthian money circulated was therefore at
no time confined to the narrow isthmus and limited territory of the town of Corinth.
The following are, as nearly as may be, the periods into which the coins of Corinth seem to fall.
Time of Cypselus, B.C. 657-625.
Q Pegasos with curled wing.
Incuse square divided into eight
[B. M. C., Cor., Pl. I. 1.]
trian- gular compartments, of
which four are in relief, as on
the earliest coins of Aegina,
&c., which these coins resemble also in fabric [cf. B. M.
C., Att., Pl. XXIII].
AR Stater.
Time of Periander, B.C. 625-585, and later to circ. B.C. 500.

FIG. 220.
Q Pegasos with curled wing (Fig. Incuse as above, gradually
developing into the so-called
croix gamm or swastika
pattern [cf. N. C., 1890, Pl. I.
8, and B. M. C., Cor., Pl. I.
AR Stater and Drachm.
Q Half Pegasos.
AR Drachm
Q Pegasos.
AR Obol.

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Head of Pegasos.

AR Obol.

The fabric of these coins is flatter than that of any other money of Greece proper. The Achaean
mints of Southern Italy (Sybaris, &c.) seem to have been the only ones influenced by this early
Corinthian method of striking coins. About the end of the sixth century the flat fabric is
abandoned, the coins become smaller in module and more compact, and the head of Athena in
an incuse square replaces the croix gamm.
Circ. B.C. 500-430.
Archaic Style.
Q Pegasos with curled wing.
Incuse square, within which
head of Athena Chalinitis
helmeted; pure archaic style.
AR Stater and Drachm.
Incuse square. Head of
Aphrodite(?) of archaic style;
hair turned up be- hind.
AR Drachm.
Q Half Pegasos with curled wing. Id. or head of Athena.
AR Drachm.
Q Head of bridled Pegasos.
Incuse square, containing large
AR Diobol.
Q Pegasos with curled wings;
Incuse square, within which
symbol, trident.
Gorgon head and .
AR Trihemiobol.
Q Head of Pegasos.
Incuse square containing large
AR Hemiobol.
For illustrations of the above coins see B. M. C., Cor., Pl. II. 1-18.
Circ. B.C. 430-400.
Transitional Style.
Q Pegasos with curled wing.
Incuse square. Head of Athena
of tran- sitional style (eye in
profile), some- times with
symbol (usually a trident)
AR Stater.
Q Bellerophon, naked and
Incuse square, in which
bare-headed, riding on
Chimaera to r.
Pegasos. [1]
AR Trihemidrachm.
Q Pegasos with curled wing.
Incuse square, within which
head of Aphrodite l., hair
AR Drachm.

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Pegasos with curled wing;

symbol, vine-branch.

Incuse square. Pegasos

prancing, to front, Inscr. .
AR Diobol.

For the above see B. M. C., Cor., Pl. II. 19-26, and C. Oman, in Corolla Num., pl. XI.
Circ. B.C. 400-338.
Fine Style.

FIG. 221.
Q Pegasos, usually flying, with
Head of Athena, of fine style, in
pointed wing (Fig. 221), but
Co- rinthian helmet over large
occasionally standing or
neck-flap. In the field a
walking, with curled wing, or
magistrates symbol, which
attached by a cord to a ring
was changed perhaps annufixed in the wall above him;
ally; sometimes also there are
on some few specimens he is
one or more dolphins in the
represented as drink- ing.
field, which cannot be
regarded as magistrates
AR Stater.
Q Pegasos with pointed wings.
Head of Aphrodite variously
repre- sented; often with
adjunct symbol.
AR Drachm.
Q Half Pegasos with curled wing. Head of Aphrodite; her hair
variously dressed.
AR Drachm.
Q Pegasos with curled wing.
Pegasos with curled wings,
prancing or trotting;
sometimes with dolphin or
inscr. .
AR Diobol.
Q Pegasos with pointed wings.
Gorgon-head with mouth closed.
AR Trihemiobol.
Q Pegasos with curled or with
Cross of Swastika form.
pointed wings.
AR Obol.
Q Id.
AR Obol.
Q Head of Pegasos.
AR Hemiobol.
For illustrations see B. M. C., Cor., Pls. III-V.
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The trihemidrachms on which Bellerophon wears a petasos and chlamys belong to a later period, circ. B.C. 338. They
usually have the letters in the field. [B. M. C., Cor., Pl. XII. 28.]

Some of the smaller denominations mentioned above might, with almost equal probability, be
attributed to the period before B.C. 400, but they were not superseded by bronze coins until
after the middle of the fourth century.
Fourth and Third Centuries to circ. B.C. 243.
Next in order, though in part contemporary with the series above described, there follows a large
class of staters, drachms, &c., with magistrates letters or monograms in the field of the reverse,
in addition to the adjunct symbol. These series, like the others, always have the letter Q on the
Although it is very difficult to speak with assurance as to the chrono- logical sequence of these
lettered coins, the following dates may be perhaps accepted as approximately correct. The list
includes only such specimens as I have myself seen (cf. A. Blanchet, in Rev. Num., 1907).
Before B.C.
Circ. B.C.


Circ. B.C.


Symbols: Shell (on obv. Pegasos of archaic style, with curled wing).



Forepart of bull; torch; rose; bow; poppy-head; star. (Pega- sos on obv.,
often walking.)
Nike holding thymiaterion.
Naked figure holding fillet; tripod. (Pegasos on obv., sometimes walking.)
Rose and dolphin.
Double-bodied owl; chimaera; bell (?).
No symbol. (Pegasos on obv. with curled wing, attached to ring by
Dolphins around.




Dolphin (cf. Imhoof, Gr. M., p. 24).

Shield, on which trident; bee; oak-wreath; astragalos; harpa; sword;
helmet with broad flap; stork.
Wheel; apple; bearded mask; three crescents; cuirass; trophy.
Figure holding torch and cornu- copiae.
Dionysos standing; krater; ivy- wreath; vine-wreath; head of Helios;
wolf; cuirass.
Nike and dolphin; astragalos; kausia; trophy; thyrsos and tympanum
crossed; trophy and ivy-leaf.
Corn-wreath; three crescents in circle; kantharos; Ares(?); prow;
oenocho; cocks head; bucra- nium; term; Macedonian helmet.
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Circ. B.C.

Circ. B.C.

Circ. B.C.



Symbols: Thyrsos; dove in wreath.

Nike with fillet; cock on club; star; bow in case; owl.
Crested Macedonian helmet.
Boar; ivy-leaf; plough; aegis; Palladium; chimaera; helmet; cornucopiae;
eagle; Triton ? (Helmet of Athena, on this series always laureate.)
Cow and calf; wreath; Zeus seated; Athena, holding Nike, or with spear;
Artemis, huntress; Arte- mis with torch; term with cornu- copiae;
amphorathe last on trihemidrachms of the Bellero- phon type.
Grapes; term.
Naval standard.
Term; eagle; helmet, &c.

Circ. B.C. 350-243.
Q Pegasos with pointed wing.
Trident with various symbols
and letters in the field.
Head of Athena, wearing crested Trident, often with
Corin- thian helmet.
letter in the field.
Head of Athena as above.
Pegasos with pointed wing.
Head of Poseidon with hair
or , and various letters.
falling in heavy locks, and
Bellero- phon mounted on
bound with wreath of marine
Pegasos and strik- ing
plant, as on the coins of
downwards with his spear.
Antigonus Gonatas, or Doson.
Head of bearded Herakles,
Q and various letters. Forepart
wearing wreath.
of Pegasos flying r.
Young male head l. laur.;
Q Pegasos with pointed wing to
behind, ap- lustre.
l. [Hunter Cat., Pl. XXXVI. 19]
Corinth, although occupied by a Macedonian garrison from B.C. 338-243, when it was delivered
by Aratus, does not seem to have been deprived of the right of coinage, for its Pegasos staters
continued to be struck, though much less plentifully than of old, until it became a member of the
Achaean League. But in B.C. 223 Corinth was surrendered by the League to Antigonus Doson,
and between this time and 196, when it was again set free by the Romans and reunited to the
League, it does not appear to have been allowed to strike money, unless indeed the bronze pieces
with the heads of Poseidon and Herakles are to be assigned to this period.
For illustrations of many of the above-mentioned coins see B. M. C., Cor., Pls. VI-XIV.

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Corinth a Roman Colony.
[B. M. C., Cor., xxxiii-xlvi and Plates XV-XXIII.]
From its destruction by Mummius in B.C. 146, Corinth remained a heap of ruins for the space of
one hundred years. In B.C. 44 Caesar sent a colony there (Colonia Las Iulia Corinthus), and the
city became once more a flourishing place, as, from the natural advantages of its position, it
could hardly have failed to become. Henceforth it struck bronze coins with Latin legends, LAVS
IVLI CORINT, CORINT, or COR, which, down to the death of Galba, usually bear the names of
Of these annual Duoviri there are at least twenty-three pairs or single names which occur on
coins in the ablative case, accompanied by the title IIVIR, sometimes with the addition of
ITER[um] or QVIN[quen- nalibus]. The title QVIN. appears to have been added only in the
years in which the Census was taken, on which occasions the Duoviri were entitled Duoviri
censoria potestate quinquennales.
For a list of the Corinthian Duoviri see Earle Fox in Journ. Int. d'arch. num., 1899, 89 f., and for
the arrangement of the names upon the coins see Froehner in Rev. Num., 1907, pp. 164 ff.
Vespasian, A. D. 69, withdrew the privileges which Nero had granted to the Greeks and
reconstituted Achaea as a Senatorial province. Henceforth until the reign of Domitian (A. D. 81)
no coins were struck at Corinth. But in his reign a new series of coins begins, one of which
expressly states the fact that it was issued PERM[issu] IMP[eratoris] (Imhoof and Gardner,
Num. Comm. on Paus., Pl. B. XXI).
From the reign of Domitian to that of Gordian III the legends are COL. IVL. FLAV. AVG. COR.,
COL. IVL. COR., or C. L. I. COR, while the magistrates names are discontinued.
Among the types deserving of special mention on the coins of Corinth as a Roman colony are the
following:Bellerophon holding or subduing Pegasos. Bellerophon standing beside Pegasos
while he drinks from a stream at the foot of the Acrocorinthus. Bellerophon mounted on Pegasos
contending with the Chimaera. Pegasos leaping from the point of the rock of the Acrocorinthus.
Other frequent types refer to the myth of Melikertes or Palaemon, in whose honour the games
called Isthmia were celebrated at the Isthmus. Such are the boy Melikertes lying on the back of a
dolphin under a pine-tree (Paus. ii. 1.3); the body of Melikertes lying on a dolphin, which is
placed on an altar beneath a tree with Isthmos as a naked youth holding a rudder, or Poseidon
with his trident standing by; Palaemon standing or riding on the back of the dolphin; circular
temple of Palaemon, sometimes with sacrificial bull in front; Ino holding her child Melikertes in
her arms, before her, some- times Isthmos seated on a rock, with a dolphin representing the sea;
Ino throwing herself from the rock Moluris with Melikertes in her arms, in front, dolphin, or
sea-god stretching out his arms to receive the child. The following types are also worthy of
Isthmos personified as a naked youth, either seated or standing, and holding one or two rudders,
in allusion to the two ports of Corinth, inscr. in one instance ISTHMVS. The two ports
Lechaeum and Cenchreae as nymphs holding rudders, legend sometimes LECH, CENCH, or as
re- cumbent male figures with the Acrocorinthus between them. The port
of Cenchreae with statue of Poseidon in the centre, on either side of the harbour are the temple
of Aphrodite and the sanctuaries of Asklepios and Isis, while below are three galleys (Paus. ii. 2.
3). Statues of Poseidon in various attitudes. Temple of Poseidon with Tritons on the roof (Paus.
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ii. 1. 7). Poseidon in chariot drawn by hippo- camps. Isis Pharia. Artemis huntress. Artemis
Ephesia. Among the numerous copies of statues on the coins of Corinth one of the most
interesting is that of the Aphrodite of the Acrocorinthus, standing naked to waist, and holding
the shield of Ares, on the polished surface of which she is gazing at her reflection as in a mirror.
This type illustrates the epithet applied by Pausanias (ii. 5. 1) to the statue. The Acrocorinthus with temple of Aphrodite on the top, and buildings and a tree at the foot. Head of
Aphrodite or of the famous Hetaira Las, rev. Tomb of Las, consisting of the capital of a column
surmounted by a lioness standing over a prostrate ram, as described by Pausanias (ii. 2. 4),
, . Statue of Athena
Chalinitis holding bridle, spear, and shield (Paus. ii. 4. 1), or bridling Pegasos. The sacred
Fountain Peirene personified as a nymph seated on a rock and holding a vase, or seated at the
foot of the Acrocorinthus, on the summit of which is the temple of Aphro- dite, while in front is
Pegasos drinking the water of the spring. Agonistic types, wrestlers, runners, &c. Stadium with
meta in the centre between two horsemen racing at full speed. ISTHMIA in a wreath, &c. Dionysos standing or seated. Hermes with ram, standing or seated, or carrying infant Dionysos.
Tyche standing or seated. Zeus standing. Athena standing. Herakles standing. Helios in
quadriga. Kybele seated. Asklepios and Hygieia. Hygieia seated feeding serpent. Kronos with
sickle. Hephaestos with tongs. Ares. Triptolemos in serpent-car. The Propylaea surmounted by
quadrigas. The Genius of the Colony holding cornucopiae and patera, inscr. GEN. COL. COR.
The Temple of the Gens Julia, inscribed on the front CAESAR, AVGVSTVS, or GENT. IVLI.
Head of Roma, inscr. ROMAE ET IMPERIO. Head of the Senate, inscr. SENAT. P. Q. R. The
later coins of Nero record his visit to Greece, ADVE[ntus] AVC., ADLO[cutio] AVC., &c.
For numerous other types, which we have not space to mention, see Imhoof and Gardner,
Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias, in the Journ. Hell. Stud., 1885; and Earle Fox, in
Journ. Int. d'arch. num., 1899, 89 f., and 1903, 5 f., B. M. C., Cor., xlvi, and Z. f. N., xxiv. p. 56.
Marks of Value. Some of the Corinthian bronze coins of Imperial times bear marks of value, e.g.
those of the Duoviri, Inst.... and L. Cas...., of which the larger specimens are countermarked A (=
As) and the smaller S (= Semis), although these latter were issued as quadrantes, as they bear
the letter Q in the field (B. M. C., Cor., p. xl). A still smaller coin (E. Fox, op. cit., 1899, 99) is
countermarked with three globules (= Quadrans). The letters SE on certain other coins (B. M. C.,
xl) may also stand for Semis.
Tenea, originally a village about six miles south of Corinth, issued bronze coins as a member of
the Achaean League. It rose in importance after the destruction of Corinth, and in Imperial
times struck a few coins with heads of S. Severus and Domna. Inscr. ; Types, Tyche;
Dionysos standing (B. M. C., Pelop., 57; Z. f. N., 1874, 319).

[B. M. C., Cor., pp. xlviii-lxviii and Plates XXIV-XXXIX.]

Under this general heading it is convenient to classify all those copies of the Corinthian Pegasos
staters which are without the letter Q. They were issued by various towns in Acarnania, Corcyra,
Epirus, Illyricum, Sicily, and Bruttium.
(a) In Acarnania:
Alyzia (B.C. 350-250), with , , , .


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Anactorium (B.C. 500-250), F,

, , , , , ,
, also and in reference to the Actian games in
connexion with the temple of Apollo on the Actian promontory in the territory of
Anac- torium (B. M. C., Cor., lix). Abbreviated names of magistrates, perhaps officials
of the Acarnanian League, with their symbols, occur on coins subsequent to B.C. 350.



Argos-Amphilochicum (B.C. 350-270), , , , , and .

Later with , , , . ,



Astacus (circ. B.C. 350), with and symbol, Crayfish, .


Coronta (?) (circ. B.C. 350-250), with .


Echinus (?) (circ. B.C. 300-250), with and symbol, Fish-hook.



Leucas (circ. B.C. 500-250), , , , , and .




Metropolis (circ. B.C. 300-250), and .



Stratus (circ. B.C. 350-250), and symbol, head of Ache- los. [Z. f. N., xv. Pl.
LII. 6.]


Thyrrheium (circ. B.C. 350-250), , , , .

Acarnanian Federal with
, struck in Leucas (circ. B.C. 300-250), and later (circ. B.C.
250-167) (at Thyrrheium ?) on a standard reduced to 1 06 grs., the weight of a double
(b) In Corcyra: (circ. B.C. 338-250), ,

, and , or


(c) In Epirus:
Ambracia (circ. B.C. 480 and 432-350), , A, , , , ,
, , and - .



Epirote federal (after B.C. 295),

() and (probably for Ambracia), and after B.C.
238 hemidrachms on the standard of the half Victoriatus, 26 grs. with .

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(d) In Illyricum:
Apollonia (circ. B.C. 350), .

Epidamnus-Dyrrhachium, with
B.C. 350-229).


(circ. B.C. 450), or , , , (circ.


(e) In Sicily:
Eryx with ( circ. B.C. 344 ?).
Leontini, . (Time of Dion, circ. 356-353.)

Syracuse, (circ. 356-353) and (circ. B.C. 344, 317-306, and

306-289 or later), or triskeles, with or without inscr.



(f) In Bruttium:
Locri Epizephyrii (circ. B.C. 350-268).


Mesma (circ. B.C. 350-300), and


, , , .



Rhegium (circ. B.C. 350-300),


Terina (circ. B.C. 325),

Of the above cities which adopted the Corinthian stater, Anactorium, Leucas, and perhaps
Ambracia appear to be the only ones which did so before the close of the fifth century, for of
these towns alone, in addition to Corinth, are staters extant of the transitional and early fine
Epidamnus, Argos-Amphilochicum, and Alyzia followed their example at a somewhat later
period, but it was not until after the middle of the fourth century that the Corinthian stater came
into general use in the western parts of Greece, in Bruttium, and in Sicily. From this time until
the middle of the third century the Pegasos staters continued to be issued in large quantities,
chiefly, it is to be inferred, for the purposes of trade with Italy and Sicily, where the largest finds
of this class of coin have been brought to light.
The Pegasos coinage, common though it undoubtedly was to many cities, is not to be
confounded with a federal coinage properly so called, such as that of the Achaean League, as
there is no reason to suppose that it was adopted in pursuance of reciprocal treaties between
Corinth on the one part, and the towns participating in the coinage on the other. The various
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cities would seem rather to have selected the Corinthian types independently of one another,
and for their own individual con- venience and profit, much in the same way as many Asiatic
cities, long after the death of Alexander, copied the Macedonian tetradrachm, which his
conquests had raised to the rank of an international coin, familiar in all the markets of the Greek
In the outset no doubt the Corinthian coinage may have been imposed either by choice or by
necessity upon Anactorium and Leucas by the mother city, Corinth; but from these mints the
system appears to have spread naturally enough throughout the Achelos district among towns
which, as members of the Acarnanian League, were quite beyond the influence of the city of the
two seas'.
Thus, as Imhoof-Blumer (Acarnania, p. 12) has pointed out, the Pegasos staters within the
limits of Acarnania became a quasi-federal Acarnanian coinage, while outside those limits they
would circulate freely side by side with the staters of Corinth herself, Ambracia, Syracuse, &c., as
a generally recognized international currency.

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