EFR Instructor KR
EFR Instructor KR
EFR Instructor KR
Self-study Instructor
Knowledge Reviews
Program Standards
After reading the Emergency First Response
Primary and Secondary Care Instructor Guide
Section One and the introductions to
Sections Two, Three and Four, answer the following questions (circle or write in your
1. True or False. Emergency First Response
Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care
(First Aid) courses are medically based, following the same priorities of care used by professional emergency care providers.
2. The Emergency First Response Primary Care
(CPR) course focuses on emergency care for
_____________ situations and teaches emergency responders to monitor a patient using
the _________________ of primary care.
a. nonlife threatening/ABCDS
b. critical/ABCs
c. most life threatening/ABCDS
d. nonbreathing/BLS
3. True or False. The Emergency First Response
Secondary Care (First Aid) course covers secondary patient assessment assuming that
Emergency Medical Services personnel are
immediately available.
Care for Children
After reading the Emergency First Response Care 5. True or False. Anyone interested in learning
emergency care specific to children and
for Children Instructor Guide, answer the followinfants may take this course because there are
ing questions:
no certification or licensure prerequisites and
1. True or False. The Emergency First Response
no minimum age limit.
Care for Children course only covers primary
6. The participant-to-Care for Children
care procedures for aiding children ages 1
Instructor ratio is:
through 8.
a. 4:1
b. 8:1
c. 12:1
d. 16:1
2. True or False. Emergency First Response
7. Which of the following are you required to
Care for Children course is based on emerhave as a Care for Children Instructor when
gency considerations and protocols from the
teaching the course? (Choose all that apply.)
consensus view of the Basic Life Support
a. Emergency First Response Care for
(BLS) Working Group and the Pediatric
Children Instructor Guide
Working Group of the International Liaison
b. Emergency First Response Care for
Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).
Children Participant Manual
3. The Care for Children course: (Choose all that
c CPR Infant Mannequin
d. CPR Mannequin child or adult
a. assumes that an Emergency Medical
e. Ventilation barrier
Service (EMS) is available to support
f. Blankets or towels
Emergency Responder care.
g. Bag marked biohazard for disposal of
b. follows the same priorities of care used by
professional emergency care providers.
h. Triangle bandages
c. requires participants to have previous CPR
8. True or False. You may integrate the Care for
or first aid training
Children course content with the Emergency
d. follows consistent international guidelines,
First Response Primary Care (CPR) and/or
yet is flexible enough to accommodate
Secondary Care (First Aid) courses.
regional CPR and first aid protocols and
cultural differences.
9. To keep a Care for Children completion cards
4. The Care for Children course includes
__________ primary and secondary care skills
and _______ recommended skill.
a. 8 / 3
b. 14 / 1
c. 13 / 2
d. 12 / 3
13. True or False. Because procedures for handling choking in children vary internationally, you should teach participants the protocols appropriate for your area based on the
three variations (Americas, Asia Pacific and
Europe) provided in the Care for Children
Instructor Guide and Participant Manual.
Human Body Systems
After reading the section on Human Body
6. Without oxygen, the brain begins to die withSystems in the Emergency First Response
in a few __________.
Instructor Guide, answer the following questions
a. Seconds
(circle or write in your response):
b. Minutes
c. Hours
1. What three systems of the human body are
d. None of the above
most involved in life-threatening emergencies? (Choose one.)
a. Circulatory, musculatory, respiratory
b. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous
c. Circulatory, skeletal, nervous
d. Circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic
7. True or false. The circulatory system transports both blood and lymph.
Medical Emergencies
After reading the section on Medical
Emergencies in the Emergency First Response
Instructor Guide, answer the following questions
(circle or write in your response):
1. You should suspect a fracture if, after a fall or
a blow, the following signs or symptoms are
present: (Check all that apply.)
a. A limb appears to be in an unnatural position
b. A limb is unusable
c. There is rapid swelling or bruising
d. There is extreme pain at a specific point
2. True or false. Dislocations occur when a great
deal of pressure is placed on a joint.
3. Minor cuts, scrapes and bruises are non lifethreatening wounds which include which of
the following? (Check all that apply.)
a. Lacerations
b. Scratches
c. Deep cuts
d. Bumps
4. Signs of wound infection include: (Check all
that apply.)
a. Redness
b. Tenderness
c. Presence of yellowish/greenish fluid at the
wound site
d. Drowsiness
10. Contact with electricity can cause life threat- 16. Patient care for a responsive heart attack
ening injuries such as: (Check all that apply.)
patient includes: (Check all that apply.)
a. Choking
a. Illness assessment
b. Cardiopulmonary arrest
b. Help patient take any prescribed medicac. Deep burns
tion for chest pain
d. Internal tissue damage
c. Help patient into a comfortable position
d. Administer CPR
11. Never put ______________ on a burn.
(Check all that apply.)
a. Ice
b. A moist, sterile bandage
c. Butter
d. Ointment