EFR Instructor KR

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The document outlines the content and structure of Emergency First Response courses which cover primary care (CPR) and secondary care (first aid).

The courses cover lectures, skill demonstrations, and skill practice and are divided into primary care which focuses on CPR and secondary care which covers first aid skills.

Patient care for a responsive heart attack patient includes helping them take any prescribed medications, helping them into a comfortable position, and assessing their condition.


Self-study Instructor
Knowledge Reviews




Program Standards
After reading the Emergency First Response
Primary and Secondary Care Instructor Guide
Section One and the introductions to
Sections Two, Three and Four, answer the following questions (circle or write in your
1. True or False. Emergency First Response
Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care
(First Aid) courses are medically based, following the same priorities of care used by professional emergency care providers.
2. The Emergency First Response Primary Care
(CPR) course focuses on emergency care for
_____________ situations and teaches emergency responders to monitor a patient using
the _________________ of primary care.
a. nonlife threatening/ABCDS
b. critical/ABCs
c. most life threatening/ABCDS
d. nonbreathing/BLS
3. True or False. The Emergency First Response
Secondary Care (First Aid) course covers secondary patient assessment assuming that
Emergency Medical Services personnel are
immediately available.

4. Key features of the Emergency First Response

program learning philosophy include: (Choose
all that apply.)
a. Establishing retention through repetition
and practice.
b. Providing a low-stress educational environment.
c. Creating an encouraging atmosphere that
focuses on positive reinforcement.
d. Increasing knowledge retention through content simplification and independent study.
5. Goals for both the Emergency First Response
Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care
(First Aid) courses include: (Choose all that
a. Provide a learning environment that reduces
participant anxiety, guilt and fear of imperfect performance.
b. Increase the percentage of CPR and first
aid-trained laypersons who use their skills
without hesitation to assist those in need.
c. Combine CPR and first aid into one simple
Emergency Responder protocol that promotes long-term memory retention.
d. Minimize skill development and practice
time, while maximizing lectures.
e. Teach an internationally consistent course
flexible enough to accommodate regional
CPR and first aid protocols and
cultural differences.


6. After successfully completing the Emergency

First Response Primary Care (CPR) course,
participants should be able to: (Choose all
that apply.)
a. Perform a scene assessment and use barriers appropriately.
b. Perform a patient responsiveness check
and alert Emergency Medical Service at
the appropriate time within the primary
care sequence.
c. Determine when CPR is appropriate and
perform one rescuer, adult CPR.
d. Splint suspected skeletal injuries.
e. Explain the importance and timeliness of
defibrillation within the CPR protocol.
7. True or False. After successfully completing
the Emergency First Response Secondary
Care (First Aid) course, participants should
be able to perform initial and ongoing assessments of an injured or ill person when
Emergency Medical Service personnel will
be delayed.


8. The Emergency First Response Primary

Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid)
courses are divided into what three segments?
a. Instructor lectures, skill demonstration
and skill practice
b. Knowledge development, skill development and scenario practice
c. Independent study, video review and skill
d. Learning objectives, performance requirements and skill evaluation
9. True or False. Because teaching situations
differ, your instructional approach can be
very flexible and may include one (or a combination) of these approaches Independent
Study, Video Guided and Instructor Led.

10. Having participants study independently with

the Emergency First Response Participant
Manual and Video results in: (Choose all that
a. Participants who are better prepared for
skill development.
b. Less need to establish base concepts in the
classroom, allowing more time for skill
development and scenario practice
c. More time to focus on regional CPR and
first aid differences.
d. Better use of instructor and participant
11. True or False. Emergency First Response
program standards may need modification
based on regional guidelines, laws or requirements.
12. Who may enroll in an Emergency First
Response Primary Care (CPR) course?
a. Anyone, of any age, with an interest.
b. Adults (18 years of age or older).
c. Only people who have proof of previous
CPR training.
d. Anyone eight years of age or older.
13. True or False. People who enroll in an
Emergency First Response Secondary Care
(First Aid) course having taken CPR training
through another organization need an orientation to these three primary care course subjects Serious Bleeding Management, Shock
Management and Spinal Injury Management.
14. The participant-to-Emergency First
Response Instructor ratio is:
a. 4:1
b. 8:1
c. 12:1
d. 16:1
15. True or False. The participant-to-Emergency
First Response Instructor ratio increases to a
maximum of 20:1 when using two qualified

16. A qualified assistant is defined as:

a. A current Emergency First Response
b. A current CPR/first aid instructor with
another regionally recognized organization.
c. A trained medical professional such as a
paramedic, EMT, nurse practitioner, etc.
d. All of the above.
17. The maximum participant-to-mannequin ratio
a. 4:1
b. 8:1
c. 12:1
d. 16:1
18. True or False. Its recommended that CPR
mannequins used for Emergency First
Response Primary Care (CPR) courses are
capable of simulating an airway obstruction if
the airway is not positioned properly.
19. Which of the following items must Emergency
First Response Instructors have when teaching
the Emergency First Response Secondary Care
(First Aid) course? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Roller and triangle bandages
b. Emergency First Response Primary and
Secondary Care Instructor Guide
c. Splints
d. Gloves and barriers
20. True or False. Emergency First Response
Instructors must submit a Course Completion
Authorization to Emergency First Response
for each participant successfully completing the
21. To keep completion cards current, Emergency
Responders need to refresh their skills every:
a. 6 months
b. 12 months
c. 24 months
d. 36 months

22. An Emergency First Response Refresher for

the Primary Care (CPR) course should
include: (choose all that apply)
a. Skill Development portion of the Primary
Care (CPR) course.
b. Instructor Led Knowledge Development
c. Review of any new developments or
changes to primary care techniques
d. All of the above.
23. True or False. Participants must complete
and turn in the Knowledge Review from
their Emergency First Response Participant
Manuals and take the written exam to successfully complete the Emergency First
Response Primary Care (CPR) course.
24. During skill development and scenario practice, the ideal practice group is made up of
________ participants playing the roles of
_______________ .
a. 2/Emergency Responder and patient.
b. 3/Emergency Responder, patient and
c. 3/Emergency Responder, bystander and
d. 4/Emergency Responder, patient, guide
and qualified assistant


25. When using the Video Guided

Approach for skill development, place
the following steps in the proper
sequence (place a 1 next to the first step,
2 next to the second, etc.)
___ Divide participants into practice
groups and have them practice
skill by referring to their
Emergency First Response
Participant Manuals.
___ Introduce the skill cover performance requirements, value and
briefly go over key points.
___ Demonstrate the skill by reviewing
the critical steps.
___ Debrief the skill providing positive
reinforcement and suggestions for
___ Show appropriate skill portion of
the video.
26. True or False. Scenario practice allows
each participant to demonstrate the
ability to evaluate the scene, recall critical steps and take appropriate action.




Care for Children
After reading the Emergency First Response Care 5. True or False. Anyone interested in learning
emergency care specific to children and
for Children Instructor Guide, answer the followinfants may take this course because there are
ing questions:
no certification or licensure prerequisites and
1. True or False. The Emergency First Response
no minimum age limit.
Care for Children course only covers primary
6. The participant-to-Care for Children
care procedures for aiding children ages 1
Instructor ratio is:
through 8.
a. 4:1
b. 8:1
c. 12:1
d. 16:1
2. True or False. Emergency First Response
7. Which of the following are you required to
Care for Children course is based on emerhave as a Care for Children Instructor when
gency considerations and protocols from the
teaching the course? (Choose all that apply.)
consensus view of the Basic Life Support
a. Emergency First Response Care for
(BLS) Working Group and the Pediatric
Children Instructor Guide
Working Group of the International Liaison
b. Emergency First Response Care for
Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR).
Children Participant Manual
3. The Care for Children course: (Choose all that
c CPR Infant Mannequin
d. CPR Mannequin child or adult
a. assumes that an Emergency Medical
e. Ventilation barrier
Service (EMS) is available to support
f. Blankets or towels
Emergency Responder care.
g. Bag marked biohazard for disposal of
b. follows the same priorities of care used by
professional emergency care providers.
h. Triangle bandages
c. requires participants to have previous CPR
8. True or False. You may integrate the Care for
or first aid training
Children course content with the Emergency
d. follows consistent international guidelines,
First Response Primary Care (CPR) and/or
yet is flexible enough to accommodate
Secondary Care (First Aid) courses.
regional CPR and first aid protocols and
cultural differences.
9. To keep a Care for Children completion cards
4. The Care for Children course includes
__________ primary and secondary care skills
and _______ recommended skill.
a. 8 / 3
b. 14 / 1
c. 13 / 2
d. 12 / 3

current, an Emergency Responder needs to

refresh skills every:
a. 6 months
b. 12 months
c. 24 months
d. 36 months


10. Which of the following are knowledge

development topics from the Care for
Children course? (Choose all that apply.)
a. Definitions and Explanations
b. Medical Emergencies and Children
c. Helping Others in Need
d. Leading a Healthy Lifestyle
e. The Emotional Aspects of Caring for
f. Preventing Common Injuries or Illness
11. True or False. The Care for Children course
takes the approach that barrier use is a matter of personal choice when assisting a child,
however, it's a good idea to protect yourself
and the child against disease transmission
especially when helping a child unknown to
12. True or False. Participants must complete
and turn in the Care for Children
Knowledge Review from their Emergency
First Response Care for Children
Participant Manuals and take the written
exam to successfully complete course.


13. True or False. Because procedures for handling choking in children vary internationally, you should teach participants the protocols appropriate for your area based on the
three variations (Americas, Asia Pacific and
Europe) provided in the Care for Children
Instructor Guide and Participant Manual.

14. The rate for rescue breathing with a child is

one breath every _____ seconds and the
infant rescue breathing rate is one breath
every _____ seconds.
a. 5 / 3
b. 5 / 5
c. 3 / 3
d. 3 / 1
15. True or False. During CPR, chest compressions for a child or infant should be at a rate
of 100 compressions per minute, so that it
takes about three seconds to deliver each set
of compressions.
16. The ratio of chest compressions to rescue
breaths during one rescuer, child or infant
CPR is:
a. 15:2
b. 3:1
c. 5:1
d. 5:2



Human Body Systems
After reading the section on Human Body
6. Without oxygen, the brain begins to die withSystems in the Emergency First Response
in a few __________.
Instructor Guide, answer the following questions
a. Seconds
(circle or write in your response):
b. Minutes
c. Hours
1. What three systems of the human body are
d. None of the above
most involved in life-threatening emergencies? (Choose one.)
a. Circulatory, musculatory, respiratory
b. Circulatory, respiratory, nervous
c. Circulatory, skeletal, nervous
d. Circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic

7. True or false. The circulatory system transports both blood and lymph.

8. A healthy, average size adults body has about

_____________ of blood.
a. 3 litres/quarts
2. What is the general purpose of the respiratory
b. 6 litres/quarts
system? (Check all that apply.)
c. 10 litres/quarts
a. To supply the body with oxygen
d. 12 litres/quarts
b. To remove oxygen from the body
9. The purpose of blood is to: (Check all that
c. To supply the body with carbon dioxide
d. To remove carbon dioxide from the body
a. Transport oxygen and nutrients to cells
3. The pharynx divides into two passageways,
b. Carry carbon dioxide and other waste
the ___________ and the ___________.
products away from cells
a. epiglottis/esophagus
c. Help the body defend against disease
b. esophagus/trachea
d. Help regulate body temperature
c. trachea/epiglottis
10. Which blood component is the largest?
d. trachea/bronchi
a. Red blood cells
4. The air we breathe contains about ________
b. White blood cells
c. Plasma
a. 21 percent
d. Platelets
b. 30 percent
11. True or false. Ventricular fibrillation is the
c. 50 percent
term used for normal heart rhythm.
d. 72 percent
5. True or false. Rescue breaths do not contain
enough oxygen to support a nonbreathing


12. Contraction of the heart propels blood

through the arteries with considerable force.
That force is called:
a. Pulse
b. Ventricular fibrillation
c. Artery stretching
d. Blood pressure
13. When an artery is cut, bleeding
_____________ and is _______________ in
a. Flows steadily/dark red
b. Clots easily/bright red
c. Spurts rhythmically/bright red
d. Oozes slowly/dark red

18. What types of information are transmitted to

and from the brain? (Check all that apply.)
a. Sensory information
b. Motor functions
c. Involuntary functions
d. Levels of consciousness
19. How is the central nervous system protected
from injury? (Check all that apply.)
a. Tissue layers surrounding the spinal cord
b. The skull and vertebrae
c. Blood vessels
d. Cerebrospinal fluid
20. True or False. The digestive and urinary systems provide the body with essential nutrients
and remove waste product.

14. Two arteries used as pressure points to reduce

serious bleeding are the ______________ and
21. What purpose(s) does the skeletal system
the ____________________.
have? (Check all that apply.)
a. Brachial in the arm/femoral in the leg
a. Support and protect internal organs
b. Carotid in the neck/brachial in the arm
b. Store minerals
c. Carotid in the neck/radial in the wrist
c. Produce red blood cells and certain types of
d. Brachial in the arm/radial in the wrist
white blood cells
15. Which areas of the body contain lymph
d. Eliminate waste products
nodes? (Check all that apply.)
22. Injuries to bones include (check all that
a. Neck
b. Armpits
a. Sprains
c. Groin
b. Dislocations
d. Spleen
c. Fractures
KR-10 16. True or false. The primary purposes of the
d. Breaks or cracks
lymphatic system are to return fluids that have
23. Pushing bodily substances, such as food and
collected in tissues, to the bloodstream; and to
blood, through the body is one of the primary
filter foreign particles, microorganisms and
purposes of the _________________ system.
other tissue debris from the body.
a. Digestive
17. The two main organs of the central nervous
b. Musculatory
system are:
c. Nervous
a. Heart and brain
d. Lymphatic
b. Brain and spinal cord
24. True or false. Muscles need a rich supply of
c. Heart and spinal cord
carbon dioxide and nutrients delivered by the
d. Spleen and brain
blood to accomplish their specific jobs within
the body.



Medical Emergencies
After reading the section on Medical
Emergencies in the Emergency First Response
Instructor Guide, answer the following questions
(circle or write in your response):
1. You should suspect a fracture if, after a fall or
a blow, the following signs or symptoms are
present: (Check all that apply.)
a. A limb appears to be in an unnatural position
b. A limb is unusable
c. There is rapid swelling or bruising
d. There is extreme pain at a specific point
2. True or false. Dislocations occur when a great
deal of pressure is placed on a joint.
3. Minor cuts, scrapes and bruises are non lifethreatening wounds which include which of
the following? (Check all that apply.)
a. Lacerations
b. Scratches
c. Deep cuts
d. Bumps
4. Signs of wound infection include: (Check all
that apply.)
a. Redness
b. Tenderness
c. Presence of yellowish/greenish fluid at the
wound site
d. Drowsiness

5. To administer first aid for bruises, apply

___________________ compresses, and
___________________________, if possible.
a. cold/elevate above the heart
b. cold/splint the joints above and below the
c. hot/elevate about the heart
d. hot/splint the joints above and below the
6. When transporting a dislodged tooth to the
a. Keep it submerged in alcohol
b. Keep it frozen
c. Keep it submerged in saline solution, milk
or water
d. Allow it to dry out
7. Strains and sprains are _______________
muscles, tendons and ligaments: (Check all
that apply.:
a. Injured
b. Fractured
c. Stretched
d. Torn
8. True or false. Its best to avoid using an area of
the body that has been strained or sprained.
9. Patient care for a chemical splash in the eye
includes flushing the eye with water for
__________________; or until EMS arrives.
a. 1 minute
b. 5 minutes
c. 10 minutes
d. 15 minutes


10. Contact with electricity can cause life threat- 16. Patient care for a responsive heart attack
ening injuries such as: (Check all that apply.)
patient includes: (Check all that apply.)
a. Choking
a. Illness assessment
b. Cardiopulmonary arrest
b. Help patient take any prescribed medicac. Deep burns
tion for chest pain
d. Internal tissue damage
c. Help patient into a comfortable position
d. Administer CPR
11. Never put ______________ on a burn.
(Check all that apply.)
a. Ice
b. A moist, sterile bandage
c. Butter
d. Ointment

17. True or false. Strokes occur when the heart

fibrillates, forcing too much blood into the

(Check all that apply.)

a. Patients have cool and clammy skin
b. Is life-threatening
c. Is a temperature-related injury
d. Is when the body temperature rises dangerously high

20. When caring for a patient having a seizure:

(Check all that apply.)
a. Attempt to cushion patients head
b. Restrain the patient
c. Move objects out of the way
d. Protect the patient

18. Diabetic problems, such as insulin shock,

insulin reaction or hypoglycemia, result from
12. True or false. A severely hypothermic patient
will likely be conscious and alert, yet shivera. High blood pressure
ing and displaying slightly impaired coordib. High blood sugar
c. Low blood proteins
d. Low blood sugar
13. ____________________ affects surface skin;
_______________ affects entire tissue layers, 19. Patient Care for diabetic emergencies
including muscles, tendons, blood vessels
includes: (Check all that apply.)
and nerves.
a. Giving the conscious/responsive patient a
a. Superficial frostbite/Deep frostbite
small snack, sugar, juice, soda or candy
b. Frostnip/Superficial frostbite
b. Helping the patient take a prescribed medc. Deep frostbite/Superficial frostbite
ication for diabetes (such as insulin)
d. Frostnip/Deep frostbite
c. Illness assessment, if the patient is responsive
14. Heat stroke
d. Looking for a medical alert tag


15. True or false. Heart attack patients may deny

that chest discomfort is serious enough for
emergency medical care.

21. Mild allergic reactions are usually not life

threatening and usually controlled by
a. Antihistamines
b. Epinephrine
c. Antibiotics
d. Ibuprofen
22. True or false. Poisoning can occur through
ingestion, inhalation or absorption through
the skin.
23. In the event of suspected poisoning, contact a
local Poison Control Center and
_________________: (Check all that apply.)
a. If available, explain what, when and how
much poison was ingested
b. If available, read the label on substance for
poisoning instructions
c. Offer the patient food
d. Save vomitus and the poison container for
EMS personnel
24. Reaction to venomous bites and stings
depends on the location of the bite or sting
and how much venom was injected. The
patients reaction to the venom will also
depend on the patients ________________.
a. Size
b. Current health
c. Body chemistry
d. Age


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