Sum Newsletter 12 PDF

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The safe place for all to grow in friendship, body and mind within the foundations of the

Christian faith.

This is the final newsletter of the year and it would seem appropriate to reflect upon the events of
the school year. But how do you do that when so much has happened? I think it would be fair to say

that it has been an action packed year where the staff have regularly gone the extra mile to provide
the best possible learning experiences for the children.

As Headteacher I would like to put on record my thanks to the teachers and teaching assistants for

their work this year. The school has consistently been a colourful and vibrant place of learning and this
is down to them. Thanks also must go to the support staff who provide such a vital role in ensuring

that the school runs smoothly every day. And finally I must offer all of our thanks to all the support
we have had this year from you as parents (and I must say our twitter account provides strong

evidence of this if you are not following us on twitter yet please get involved!). Successful schools

always work on the basis of a strong partnership with parents and we could not ask for more. With this
as a basis I am confident that we will continue to grow and achieve more success next year.

So as we finish today we say goodbye to a number of children who are moving onto new schools:

Matthew Taylor, Lola and Tallulah Ballantyne, Heidi Smith, Jacob and Magdelena Pavel-Knox and we

wish them well in their new schools. We also say goodbye to our amazing year 6 children who have

contributed so well to the school over many years. We also say goodbye to the following families who
are leaving us for the last time as parents: the Avery family, McQuair family, Mason family, Barker

family, Williams family, Major family, Passley family, Bertram family, Eggers family and the Simioni
family. Thank you for all your support whilst your children have been at St Oswalds and remember
that you will always be a part of our school family.

Have a fantastic summer and give your children a well-deserved break. See you all again in

Visioning INSET

Although the children are finishing today staff and governors will still be working next week writing a

new vision statement for the school. Thank you to everyone who returned the consultation, the results
of these have been collated and will be fed into the discussions. We will inform you of the results of
the visioning process in September.

And I think the best way to finish off is with a couple of final pictures of our amazing Year 6 class

Dates for your diary for September

Tuesday 1 September INSET day for staff

Wednesday 2 September School reopens for children at 8:50am. See you all in the

Friday 4 September Lingotot French session for Years 1 and 2


Monday 7 September The new reception children start!

Monday 7 September Hummingbirds class visit to Jorvik Viking centre in York

Thursday 10 September Full Governing Body meeting 6:30pm

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